CIBERTAREAS # 3 ESPAÑOL ORGANIZACIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN. Guía Santillana págs. 178 y 179. Libro SEP págs. 78 a 81. Contesta las siguientes preguntas. 1.- ¿Qué es un cuadro sinóptico? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2.- ¿Para qué te sirve un cuadro sinóptico? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.- ¿Qué utilizas para organizar la información?___________________________________________________ Lee cuidadosamente el siguiente texto. Francisco I. Madero publicó su libro La sucesión presidencial en 1910, en el cual propuso crear un partido político que se opusiera la reelección de Díaz. Al año siguiente fundó el Partido Nacional Antirreeleccionista y se postuló a la presidencia de la República. Como candidato, viajó por el país para dar a conocer sus ideas políticas, destacando entre ellas su empeño en convertir a México en un país democrático, gobernado por la ley y donde los distintos grupos sociales vivieran en armonía. Madero obtuvo gran apoyo durante su campaña electoral. Esto alarmó a Díaz, quien ordenó encarcelarlo bajo el cargo de sublevar a la población y de ultrajar a las autoridades. De este modo las elecciones se realizaron mientras Madero se hallaba preso. Los votos a su favor fueron anulados, de modo que Porfirio Díaz volvió a ganar la presidencia. Madero logró escapar y protestó por esta situación por medio del Plan de San Luis, el cual convocaba a la población a levantarse en armas contra el gobierno. Su llamado encontró respuesta en diversas regiones del país: en Chihuahua, con Francisco Villa y Pascual Orozco; en Puebla, con los hermanos Aquiles, Máximo y Carmen Serdán; y en Morelos, con Emiliano Zapata. Para principios de 1911 los levantamientos se extendieron exitosamente por diferentes regiones. En mayo el general Díaz renunció a la presidencia y abandonó el país. Enseguida se realizaron elecciones libres en las que resultó triunfador Francisco I. Madero. 1.- Subraya con algún color las ideas principales del texto. 2.- Identifica y señala los personajes más importantes. Completa el siguiente cuadro sinóptico tomando en cuenta la información del texto anterior. Personajes de _________________ la Revolución Mexicana _________________ Realiza una breve síntesis del texto de la Revolución Mexicana y escríbelo con letra cursiva y con buena ortografía. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ TABLAS Y GRÁFICAS. Guía Santillana págs. 180 y 181. Libro SEP págs. 80 a 83. Construye una gráfica de barras con la siguiente información. Ciudades Millones más pobladas de del mundo habitantes Sao Paulo Cd. De México Mumbai Nueva York Tokio 18.3 19.4 18.6 18.7 35.2 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Tokio Cd. De México Nueva York Mumbai Sao Paulo EL POEMA. Guía Santillana pág. 183. Libro SEP págs. 87 a 91. Lee el siguiente poema Hay una corneta Hay una corneta que flota en el cielo, muy lejos del suelo ligera y coqueta. Hay una corneta que imita a una nube: ya baja, ya sube, jamás se está quieta. Hay una corneta de vivos reflejos: parecen espejos buscando una meta. Hay una corneta, serpiente de espuma, que deja a la bruma de sueños repleta. SINALEFAS, RIMAS, ESTROFAS VERSOS. SÍMIL O METÁFORA. Guía Santillana págs. 187 y 188. Libro SEP págs. 92 a 97. En el poema anterior realiza lo siguiente: 1.- Encierra las sinalefas. 2.- Subraya la rima. 3.- ¿Cuántos versos tiene? _______________ 4.- ¿Cuántas estrofas tiene? ______________ Escribe una S si es símil o una M si es metáfora. Hay una corneta que flota en el cielo. _____ Hay una corneta serpiente de espuma _____ Hay una corneta que imita a una nube _____ Hay una corneta de vivos reflejos _____ Escribe el significado de las siguientes metáforas. 1.- Tus ojos luceros en resplandor 2.- Tus labios un rubí partido en dos 3.- Tus dientes de cristal mirando al sol. TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS Y PERSUASIVOS. Guía Santillana pág. 190 y 191. Libro SEP págs. 105 a 107. Completa lo siguiente. Los textos___________________ y persuasivos comentan,______________________, _____________________ y confrontan ideas, conocimientos, opiniones o valoraciones. Introducción Textos argumentativos _________________________ _________________________ LOS CONECTIVOS. Guía Santillana pág. 192. Libro SEP pág. 106. Completa lo siguiente escribiendo las palabras correctas. Los conectivos son palabras o frases que enlazan las partes de una oración y se clasifican de la siguiente manera: Temporales, Causales, Adversativos y Aditivos. Une una idea con otra sin cambiar su sentido (y, incluso, es más, además, encima) Señalan relaciones de causa o motivo (porque, pues, con el fin, por eso, por tanto, así, entonces, en consecuencia) Contrastan el sentido de la idea anterior (sin embargo, no obstante, con todo, empero, ahora bien) Indican relaciones de tiempo (finalmente, en primer lugar, ahora, después, durante) EL PUNTO. Guía Santillana pág.193. Libro SEP pág. 106. Contesta las siguientes preguntas. Cuándo se usan los diferentes tipos de “puntos” dentro de un texto. 1.- Punto y seguido _____________________________________________________________ 2.- Punto y aparte _____________________________________________________________ 3.- Punto final _____________________________________________________________ Coloca los puntos necesarios en el siguiente texto. Punto y seguido con rojo. Punto y aparte con azul. Punto final con café La cultura revolucionaria Durante la lucha revolucionaria participaron miles de personas, hombres, mujeres y niños, de diferentes grupos sociales La mayoría fueron indígenas, campesinos, rancheros, obreros y empleados, entre otros La revolución modificó la vida de las personas, sus valores y expresiones culturales La violencia, los continuos traslados a otras regiones, las penurias de la guerra, el hambre y la pobreza, desarraigaron a familias enteras, propiciando, en medio de la guerra y de los ejércitos federales y revolucionarios, un amplio intercambio cultural La música fue parte de la cotidianidad popular, los ejércitos pasaban largas horas vigilando y en espera de un posible ataque, pero a ratos y para entretenerse entonaban canciones o corridos, que contaban las hazañas e historias de los personajes o caudillos revolucionarios Con el tiempo, la cultura de la revolución pasó a formar parte de la cultura nacional, dando lugar a expresiones artísticas como la música, la pintura, escultura, literatura y el cine MATEMÁTICAS NÚMERO DE CIFRAS. Libro SEP págs. 81 a 84, Guía Santillana págs. 196 y 197. Escribe con letra y usando correctamente la ortografía los siguientes números. 3 2 4 8 9 5 __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3 3 6 5 2 0 4 ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 0 0 2 5 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9 0 1 6 8 7 __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Escribe el número según corresponda: Cuatrocientos ochenta y cinco mil doscientos cuatro _____________________ Ocho millones cinto cuatro mil quince ______________________ Seiscientos cuarenta y tres mil doscientos _______________________ Veintiséis mil dos _________________ NÚMEROS ROMANOS. Libro SEP págs. 81 a 84, Guía Santillana págs. 196 y 197. Relaciona los números de la columna izquierda con el número romano equivalente: 15 850 76 2469 394 MMCDLXIX XV CCCXCIV DCCCL LXVI FRACCIONES. Libro SEP págs. 85 a 89, Guía Santillana págs. 198 y 199. Encierra en un círculo la fracción equivalente a la del principio: 5/9 = 17/40 20/45 15/27 10/23 7/8= 35/40 14/24 7/21 35/32 Escribe la cantidad que representa cada fracción: 3/5 de 250 costales= _____________________ 2/3 de 90 minutos= ____________________ 2/8 de 640 litros= _______________________ 4/5 de 1 hora= ________________________ 1/5 de 10 galletas= ______________________ 3/7 de 350 discos= ____________________ Resuelve los siguientes problemas: 1.- Si un conejo da saltos de 2/4 de metro y una ardilla salta la mitad del conejo, ¿Cuántos saltos debe dar la ardilla para avanzar 3 metros? _____________________________________________________ 2.- Carolina se comió 3 de 4 dulces que tenía. Si Ana tiene 12 dulces, ¿Cuántos se debe comer para completar la misma fracción de dulces que se comió Carolina? _____________________________________________ NÚMEROS DECIMALES. Libro SEP págs. 90 a 92, Guía Santillana 200 y 201. Representa en cada recta el número escrito a la derecha: _________________________________________________ 0 1 2 0.45 3 _________________________________________________ 0 1 2 2.3 3 _________________________________________________ 0 1 2 1.90 3 Resuelve los siguientes problemas: 1.- En una competencia de levantamiento de pesas Ricardo levantó un peso total de 263.890Kg. y Saúl levantó 17.340 Kg. menos que Ricardo ¿Cuánto peso logró levantar Saúl? 2.- En su entrenamiento Oscar debe recorrer en su bicicleta un circuito de 425.35 m tres veces diarias. ¿Cuánto recorrerá al cabo de cuatro días de entrenamiento? 3.- El señor Ortiz ganó $15 475 de comisión por la venta de un terreno cuyo valor es de $ 487 630; si pagó la décima parte de su ganancia al reparar su automóvil ¿Cuánto dinero le quedó? Ordena las siguientes cantidades de menor a mayor: .020 .230 .009 .3 .014 .099 ___________________________________________________- SUMA Y RESTA DE FRACCIONES. Libro SEP págs. 93 a 95, Guía Santillana pág. 202. Resuelve los siguientes problemas: 1.- Adán se comió 1/8 del pastel que preparó su mamá y su hermano Luís se comió 3/16 del mismo pastel ¿Qué fracción del pastel se comieron Adán y su hermano Luís? 2.- Paco y Chuy dan vueltas a un circuito de 684 m para bicicletas. Al final de la rutina, Paco dio 3 ½ vueltas y Chuy 2 1/6 vueltas. ¿Qué distancia recorrieron en total los dos amigos? Resuelve las siguientes operaciones con fracciones: 3 24 + 3 6 = 7 18 - 2 18 = 5 9 + 9 27 = 5 12 - 1 6 = DIVISIÓN. Libro SEP págs. 96 y 97, Guía Santillana pág. 203. Completa la siguiente tabla. Dividendo 345 784 897 Divisor Cociente 8 9 7 Residuo 1 87 78 224 2 6 Práctica de divisiones: 89 45732 12 40759 73 97053 ALTURA DE UN TRIÁNGULO. Libro SEP págs. 98 a 100, Guía Santillana págs. 204 y 205. Traza la altura de los siguientes triángulos Completa: Todos los triángulos tienen _________ bases, _________ vértices y ________ alturas. ÁREA DEL PARALELOGRAMO. Libro SEP págs. 101 a 105, Guía Santillana págs. 206 a 209. Calcula el área de las siguientes figuras: CUÁNTAS ÁREAS TIENE UNA HECTÁREA. Libro SEP págs. 106 a 108, Guía Santillana págs. 210 y 211. Realiza las siguientes conversiones: 2 m = __________________ dm 8 dam =___________________ m 5dm =__________________mm 8m =___________________mm 5ha=___________________m 20 000m=_________________ha PORCENTAJES. Libro SEP págs. 109 a 111, Guía Santillana 212 y 213. Completa la siguiente tabla: Porcentaje de: 5% 10% 20% 25% 50% 140 260 1200 850 Resuelve los siguientes problemas: En una parcela hay 200 árboles entre chopos y pinos. El 35% de los árboles son pinos ¿Cuántos son chopos? OPERACIÓN RESULTADO Compré un juego de video que cuesta $ 840.00. Si me descontaron el 15% ¿Cuánto pagué por el juego? OPERACIÓN RESULTADO Libros de Español y Matemáticas SEP y Guía Santillana. ENGLISH Level 1 VOCABULARY I. Circle the correct word. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. builder a. soljer a. elektician a. nerse b. bilder b. soldier c. electrician b. nurse 5. 6. 7. 8. a. mechanic a. bet a. plumber a. musishan b. mecanic b. vet b. plummer c. musician II. Write the time. 1. 3:45 __________________________________________________________________________ 2. 10:20 _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 6:30 __________________________________________________________________________ 4. 2:15 __________________________________________________________________________ 5. 8:00 __________________________________________________________________________ 6. 4:50 __________________________________________________________________________ III. Write the school subjects. Music Physical Education Arts Computers Geography Languages HistoryMaths IV. Write the days of the week. 1. S_______________ 2. M_______________ 3.T_______________ 4. W_______________ 5. T_______________ 6. F________________ 7. S_______________ V. Read, choose and complete. sleeps gets up eat kick speak carry drives read write 1. I love to ____________________ books! 2. My mom _____________________ at 6:30 am. 3. The students _____________________ books in their schoolbag. 4. We _____________________ a lot in our notebook. 5. Susy goes to bed and _____________________ at 8 pm. 6. My dad ______________________ his car to work. 7. I don´t like to ____________________ English. 8. They ____________________ lunch at 12 pm. 9. You _____________________ the ball in soccer. GRAMMAR I. Read and complete (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ________________(do) gymnastics. On Mondays, she ________________ (climb) trees. On Tuesdays, she ______________ (play) soccer. On Wednesdays, she _______________ (swim) in the ocean. On Thursdays, she _________________ (ride) her horse. On Fridays, she _______________ (wash) her car. On Saturdays, she ________________ (watch) TV. II. Read and circle. 1. Emily watch/watches TV on Saturdays. 2. Dan and Kay play/plays volleyball on Sundays. 3. Tim go/goes to the beach on Wednesdays. 4. I work/ works in the morning. 5. They dance/ dances on Monday. 6. My family like/ likes roast chicken. 7. You watch/watches TV in the afternoon. 8. I go/ goes to school every day. 9. My brotherhas / have breakfast. 10.Michael, Peter and Lucy get/gets up at 7 o’clock. III. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Remember to change the verb form if necessary. arrive like live own play rain 1. Mike ________________________ hamburgers. 2. It _________________________ in May. 3. Lisa _______________________ with her family in France. start teach 4. Timmy often _____________________ late to class. 5. The lesson ______________________ at 7:00. 6. Carol and John ______________________ English in Greece. 7. Julie ______________________ baseball after school every weekend. 8. I _____________________ this horse. IV. Circle the correct word. 1. I get up / gets up at 7:00. 2. Does / Do they walk to work? 3. Where does Hilary live / lives ? 4. Alex and Mary doesn´t / don’t eat meat. 5. He don´t / doesn´t watch TV everyday. 6. What do / does you do on weekends? 7. They has / have lunch at 3:00. 8. Shyla doesn´t exercise / exercises . V. Write the sentences in order. 1. Lucas / soccer. / plays / sometimes ______________________________________________________________________________________. 2. always / They / to school. / go ______________________________________________________________________________________. 3. onions. / eats / never / He ______________________________________________________________________________________. 4. go / I / often / to the park. ______________________________________________________________________________________. 5. on vacation / goes / usually / every year. / My family ______________________________________________________________________________________. READING I. Read and answer. Vitamin D Scientists say that vitamin D is essential for humans. When children don´t get vitamin D or calcium, they can develop rickets, a softening of the bones. People of all ages need vitamin D to have a strong immune system and prevent diseases.We can make vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight and when we eat food that is rich in the vitamin. 1. What vitamin is very important for humans? __________________________________________ 2. Do children get rickets when they don´t receive vitamin D? _____________________________ 3. Does vitamin D prevent sicknesses? _________________________________________________ 4. How can we get vitamin D? ___________________________________________________ II. Read and complete the sentences. Surprise Party Sam, Molly, and Mom decide to throw a surprise birthdayparty for Dad. They are getting ready for it while he is at work.They invite Uncle Mel, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Joanna, and theircousins, Noah and Kayla. Sam calls them all on the phone andsays, “Please arrive by 4:30. Dad comes home at 5 o'clock.” 1. The surprise party is for _________________________________________. 2. Their family needs to arrive at ____________________________________. Mom puts a chocolate cake in the oven, then, makessnacks for everyone to eat. Sam is making his Dad a birthdaycard. Molly runs to the store to buy balloons and birthdaycandles. “Let´s clean the house before everyone comes,” says Mom. Molly vacuums the living room. Sam dusts all of the furniture. Mom sweeps the kitchen, then, takes her cake out of the oven. After the cake cools down, Molly puts frosting on it and decorates it. Sam blows up balloons, puts streamers on the ceiling, and hangs a sign on the wall that says, “Happy Birthday”. 3. Mom is making a ________________________ and _________________________. 4. Sam is decorating the house with ______________________, ____________________ and a ______________________. All of the guests arrive on time for the surprise party.Molly and Sam play video games with their cousins until Dadgets home.When Dad pulls in the driveway, everyone hides in theliving room. When Dad walks in the house everyone jumps upand yells, “Surprise!” “Wow!,” says Dad. “This is a real surprise! My birthday istwo months away!” Dad was surprised, and everyone in the family. They are all laughing and having a good time anyway. 5. The people ________________________ and wait for Dad to walk in the house. 6. Everyone at the party is surprised because Dad´s birthday is ____________________________. III. Read and circle T (true) or F (false). Three Bears There are eight different kinds of bears around the world. Three very different ones are polar bears, grizzly bears and Giant Pandas. Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle, near the North Pole. They stay warm in very cold temperatures because theyhave a layer of fat, called blubber, and because they are coveredin two layers of fur. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and haveshort claws to help them walk across ice and snow. Polar bearsmostly eat seals, but they will eat other arctic animals as well. You can see grizzly bears in Asia, Europe, and North America. Grizzlybears like to eat plants, mammals and fish. They can run over thirty milesper hour. Grizzly bears are very big and strong, but their cubsonly weigh one pound when they are born. The Giant Panda lives in China and has black and white fur.This bear eats up to thirty pounds of bamboo every day. The GiantPanda is an endangered animal because people destroy many of the forests wherethey live. Many people work hard to protectGiant Pandas. 1. Polar bears, grizzly bears and panda bears are very similar. 2. Polar bears are warm because they have blubber and two layers of fur. 3. Grizzly bears like to eat insects. 4. Grizzly bears are very small when they are born. 5. Panda bears eat thirteen pounds of bamboo everyday. 6. Panda bears aren´t an endangered animal. T T T T T T / / / / / / F F F F F F IV. Read and circle the correct answer. The Twins Sarah and Ruth are twins. They were born onthe same day and look alike. But Sarah and Ruth (1)is / are / am very different people. Sarah is shy and quiet but Ruth is not shy andshe (2)loves / love / loving talking to people.Sarah’s favorite school class is math, butRuth’s favorite class is reading. The twins each have a (3)pet / car / brother. Sarah has a catnamed Sally and Ruth has a pet bird namedPolly. There are also more differences in the twins.Sarah’s favorite(4)movie / color / food is pink and Ruth’sfavorite color is blue. Ruth likes to (5)drink / make / eatvegetables, but Sarah doesn’tlike many vegetables. Also, Ruth’s favoritedrink is fruit juice while Sarah’s favorite drinkis milk. The(6) boys / twins / cousins look alike, but they are different onthe inside and they are still best friends. Sarahand Ruth love each other very much. ENGLISH Level 2 GRAMMAR I.Fill in the following blanks with the correct form of the verb included in the brackets. 1. Henry ______________ (not/like) his cousin, but he __________(like) his friend Ron. 2. Nancy, Ron and Harry ____________(be) friends and they __________ (go) to the same school. 3. _________ your friends __________ (go) to the same school you do? 4. What kinds of books __________ you _____________ (like) to read? 5. Phil_____________ (like) to go to the zoo, but Fila _______________ (do/not). 6. On Saturdays I ____________(like) to watch television in the morning. 8. My sisters ______________________(not/watch) t.v. with me, but my pet tarantula _____________(watch) t.v. with me. 9. Crazy Herman ______________ (get) up at 1:00 p.m. everyday except on Saturdays and Sundays when he ______________(go) to football games. On Saturdays and Sundays he _______________________ (not/sleep) late because he ______________(love) football too much. 10. There _______________ (be) many different kinds of animals in the zoo. My favourite animals _________(be) zebras, giraffes, and turtles. My aunt ____________ (like) alligators most. My brother Billy ____________ (like) snakes and flamingos. He always _____________ (go) directly to them when we _____________(go) to the zoo. 11. Ana, ___________ you ____________ (like) going to the zoo? How about you Joana, __________you ___________(like) going to the zoo? How often do you _______ (go) to the zoo? Once a year, twice a year, sometimes, never? Who in your family ___________________(not/like) going to the zoo? II. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in parenthesis. 1. Alicia (work) ____________ as a flight attendant for American Airlines. 3. The dog (have) ____________ a long tail. 5. The doctor (assist) _____________ the patients in his office. 7. John (like) _____________ to play soccer. 9. The phone (ring) ____________ all day at the office. 2. Tom (study) _____________ English everyday. 4. The students (play) ___________ during the break. 6. My grandmother (visit) _______________ me every Saturday. 8. The baby (cry) ____________ every night. 10. You (listen) ______________ to music after school. III. Write the following sentences in interrogative and negative forms. 1. She drinks chocolate for breakfast. 2. Ana reads a book. Int. ______________________________ Neg. ______________________________ Int. ______________________________ Neg. ______________________________ 3. My friends go to the supermarket. 4. The teacher teaches Mathematics. Int. _______________________________ Neg. _____________________________ Int. ______________________________ Neg. ______________________________ 5. The students take an exam. Int. ______________________________ Neg. ______________________________ 6. The computer works well. Int. ________________________________ Neg. ______________________________ IV. Fill in the correct present tense. 1. My parents often ________ westerns. (watch) He _______________________________________________________________ 2. They ___________ hungry. (be) Shelly___________________________________________________________ 3. Mum ___________ all the dirty clothes. (wash) We______________________________________________________________ 4. Peter ____________ a brother. (have) I ____________________________________________________________ 5. Dad _____________ a new car. (buy) They___________________________________________________________ 6. The boys ___________ football. (play) Michel ___________________________________________________________ 7. In summer it ____________ hot. (be) Winters ________________________________________________________ 8. I ___________ good at school. (be) You______________________________________________________________ 9. On Friday we always _______________ our piano lesson. (have) Lenny and Dana __________________________________________________ 10. Mary ___________ her homework. (do) Jimmy__________________________________________________________ 11. Richard ___________ TV. (watch) Our parents _____________________________________________________ 12. I ____________ big cities. (like) My Aunt and Uncle _________________________________________________ V. Complete with the verb “BE” (am, are, is) in negative or affirmative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Jane and Peter _________ married. My brother _______ (-) here at the moment. The children _______ in the garden. We _________ (-)in England. It __________ Monday today. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You _________ Mexican. Mario's surname _________ Velázquez. I _________ a hairdresser. His car _______ very expensive. There __________ (-) many people in this class. VI. Correct the sentences using the negative form. 1. The cat (not climb) ____________________ a tree. He ________________ ________________. (chase, a mouse) 2. My mother (not wash) _________________the dishes. She ______________ ________________. (talk, on the phone) 3. The audience (not laugh) ____________________ at the circus. They _________________ __________________. (clap, their hands) 4. My grandpa (not listen) __________________ to the radio. He _________________ on ______________________. (sail, his boat) 5. We (not stay) ______________ home during the holidays. We __________________ to ________. (travel, the US) VII. Fill in the verbs in Present Simple. fly / cry / finish /eat / live /drink / go / speak / play / like 1. He _____________________ chips for dinner. 2. I _______________________ coffee three times a day. 3. She ____________________ to New York once a year. 4. We ____________________ Italian and English. 5. They ___________________ in Canada. 6. Tom and I _______________ to school every day. 7. My dad _____________ work at seven o’clock. 8. We _________________ tennis every weekend. 9. My friend _____________ old films. 10.The baby _______________ all the day. VIII. Circle the correct auxiliary. 1. He don't /doesn't live in Mexico. 2. She don't /doesn't work in a bank. 3. I don't /doesn't play golf once a week. 4. Ron don't /doesn't listen to the radio. 5. We don't /doesn't speak French. 6. You don't /doesn't drink coffee in the morning. 7. My cat don't /doesn't sleep at night. 8. His car don't /doesn't work. 9. Shelly don't /doesn't eat meat. 10.I don't /doesn't understand you. IX. Write the correct auxiliary for each question: Do or Does ? 1. __________ your friend like spaghetti? 2. __________ the children go to school on Fridays? 3. __________ your sister watch TV in the morning? 4. __________ the dog like to eat meat? 5. __________ Spanish or German? 6. __________ your parents work? 7. __________ the girls like football? 8. __________ I have a pet? X. Choose can or can’t according to the situation: Example: She can’t answer the phone now; she is not at home. 1. I know the answer; I __________ answer the question now. 2. This bird has a broken wing; it_________ fly. 3. This test is very difficult; I ___________ answer any question. 4. Maria can speak English but she __________ speak French. 5. You___________ sleep today because you are very nervous. 6. Juan __________ play tennis very well; he is a good tennis player. READING I. Read and answer the questions. Kids and sports Jack: Cathlyn: I really love soccer. I´m a member of our school soccer team and I play four times a week. I also quite like cricket and I play it a lot in summer. I don´t like table tennis. I think it´s boring. I don´t like sports at school very much, but I like going fishing with my dad. It´s great fun and it´s very exciting. Sometimes, in the holidays, we go to Scotland and go deep-sea fishing. Sally: Isabelle: I absolutely hate gymnastics. Our gym teacher is really horrible. What I like best is swimming because I´m very good at it. I can swim the hundred metres faster than the other kids in my class. I also quite like badminton. My favourite sport is karate. I also like tennis very much, but we don´t play it in my school, so I go to a club with my best friend. I´m not very good at swimming and I really don´t like it very much. Joe: I have one favourite sport and that´s cycling. But I don´t like the sports we do at school. We play football and basketball. I think they´re stupid games and I think they´re boring. Ronnie: I think basketball is great. I´d like to be a professional basketball player when I grow up. It´s a really exciting and interesting game. My two brothers are in a basketball team and they teach me a lot. I don´t like volleyball or skating I think they´re are boring. Write about your favourite sports and the sports you don´t like! My favourite sport is .................. . I think it´s ...................................... . I also like ....................... and ............................ . I´m good at ..................... At school I ........................................................... . I don´t like .............................. and ................................ . I think they´re ................ . I´m not good at .................................................. . ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................................................... Answer true or false 1. Sally’s gym teacher is terrible. _____ 2. Cathlyn and her dad go fishing. _____ 3. Ronnie is a professional basketball player. _____ 4. Isabelle doesn’t play tennis at school. _____ 5. Joe likes riding a bike. _____ 6. Jack plays cricket in spring. _____ 7. Ronnie thinks skating is boring. _____ 8. Sally can swim 100 m very fast. _____ 9. Jack plays soccer every day. _____ Fill in: do or play or go ........ golf ........ skiing ........ gymnastics ........ soccer ........ swimming ........ tennis ........ skating ........ basketball ........ judo ........ hiking ........ volleyball ........ karate ........ cricket ........ athletics ........ badminton ........ cycling ........ tennis ........ jogging ........ table tennis ........ sports II. Read the information again and write the correct name on the line. 1.- This person goes to the club to play tennis with her friend _______________ 2.- This person thinks basketball and football are boring _______________ 3.- This person wants to be a professional basketball player _______________ 4.- This person sometimes goes fishing to another country _______________ 5.- This person can swim faster than others _______________ 6.- This person loves loves football he plays four times a week _______________ 7.- This person is very good at swimming ______________ 8.- This person doesn’t like sports _______________ 9.- This person likes cycling very much ______________ 10.- This person doesn’t like table tennis. It’s boring ______________ III. Read the texts, then answer the questions. MY FRIEND PETER My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Milan. They speak English, Dutch, German and Italian! Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all over the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden. Hans, their son, goes to school with students from South Africa, Portugal, Spain and Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy. Imagine, French, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, Italian, Spanish and Canadian children all learning together in Italy! Choose the correct answer. 1. Where is Peter from? 2. Where is his wife from? 3. Where are they now? 4. Where is her family? 5. What are the children's names? 6. The school is: a. Germany a. New York a. Madrid a. American a. Greta And Peter a. international b. Holland b. Switzerland b. Boston b. England b. Anna and Frank b. big Answer TRUE OR FALSE 1. Jane is Canadian. _______ 2. Peter is Dutch. ________ 3. There are many children from different countries at the school. _________ 4. There are children from Australia at the school. ______ c. Spain c. Boston c. Milan c. Holland c. Susan and John c. small d. Canada d. Italy d. Sweden d. Italy d. Flora and Hans d. difficult My Favourite Sports Look at the picture and match, use different coloured pencils. 1-Swimming 2-Diving 3-Baseball 4-Cycling WRITE THE SPORTS IN THE RIGHT BOX 5-Skating 6-Running 7-Football 8-Exercise 9-Roller Skating PLAY Read the text and write true or false. 1-There are four kids playing football 2-Tthere is a girl riding a bike GO DO Answer these questions 1- How many kids are there in the swimming pool? 3-Tthe man is running with his dog 2- How many kids are playing baseball? 4- The boys are playing with one ball 3- How many kids are playing football? 5- There is a boy skating opposite the swimming pool 4- Is there a boy riding a bike? 6-Tthere is a boy sitting on the grass 7-Tthere are five boys playing baseball 8- There is a girl wearing roller skatings 5- Are there two kids skating? 6- Is there a man doing exercises? 7- Is there a man running along the path? 8- How many kids are sitting on the grass?
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