Gospel Reading, Luke 9:28b-36 Liturgy Schedule Parish


Gospel Reading, Luke 9:28b-36 Liturgy Schedule Parish
Second Sunday in Lent—2-21-2016
• II Domingo de Cuaresma—02.21.2016
Liturgy Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5PM Vigil
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM,
1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen
Weekday Liturgies (English)
9AM: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
6PM: Thursday (during Lent)
Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday
Anointing Mass (English)
9AM First Saturday of the Month
Reconciliation (English and Spanish)
Thursdays during Lent 5:15-5:45PM
Saturdays 3-4:30PM or by appointment
Gospel Reading, Luke 9:28b-36
Jesus took Peter, John, and James
and went up the mountain to pray.
While he was praying his face changed in appearance
and his clothing became dazzling white.
And behold, two men were conversing with him, Moses and Elijah,
who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus
that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.
Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep,
but becoming fully awake,
they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.
As they were about to part from him, Peter said to Jesus,
“Master, it is good that we are here;
let us make three tents,
one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
But he did not know what he was saying.
While he was still speaking,
a cloud came and cast a shadow over them,
and they became frightened when they entered the cloud.
Then from the cloud came a voice that said,
“This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
After the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone.
They fell silent and did not at that time
tell anyone what they had seen.
Parish Information
141 156th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
See page 10 for a full listing of Parish
Consulte la página 10 para obtener
una lista completa de Personal de la
Parish Office Hours
Monday: 9AM-6PM
(closed between 12:30-1:30PM)
Tuesday thru Friday: 9AM-7PM
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Sunday: Closed
From the Pastor • Del Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
Queridos Feligreses:
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the
Sacrament of Reconciliation has been
much on my mind.
En este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, he tenido mucho en mi
mente el Sacramento de la Reconciliación.
As we all learned when we were first
learning about our faith, sacraments are
actions of Christ himself at work in his
Body, the Church. (Catechism of the
Catholic Church 1127) In the same vein,
the old Baltimore Catechism said that A
sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.
Christ left the Church seven sacraments, as personal,
physical encounters with the Lord. There are three ways, or
rites, prescribed for celebrating the sacrament of Penance or
Reconciliation: Form I is the rite most parishes use on Saturday
afternoons. Penitents come speak to a priest individually and
there is no communal celebration. Since Vatican II, the Church
has placed more emphasis on the communal nature of the
sacrament. Form II calls for a communal gathering of the
penitents, with a Liturgy of the Word and with several
confessors present to hear individual confessions and grant
In the recent past St. Louise has used Form I and also
Form III, a communal service in which individual confession is
not available but general absolution is granted (with certain
conditions). Form III is meant to be reserved for situations of
“grave necessity,” meaning either that the danger of death is
imminent and there is no time for individual confessions, or that
there are so many penitents and so few confessors that the
faithful would be forced to be for a long time without the grace of
the sacrament or without communion (think of a remote mission
parish that only sees a priest every couple of years).
Our parish Reconciliation services, this Lent and going
forward, will use Form II, the communal service with a number
of priests present to hear individual confessions. Sacraments
are meant to be personal encounters with the Lord, and
confessing our sins aloud to another and hearing him speak the
words of forgiveness is the fullest expression of that personal
encounter. This is not a matter of my personal choice but of the
norms of the universal Church and the guidance of the
Catechism. (Confession to a priest is an essential part of the
sacrament of Penance. Catechism 1456)
My nearly 30 years as a confessor (and nearly 50 as a penitent)
have taught me that the individual, personal, face-to-face
encounter between priest and penitent is one of the most
beautiful, grace-filled experiences of God’s love and mercy that
any of us find in this life – so if it’s been a while since you “did”
individual Reconciliation, I encourage you to come with an open
mind and heart.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Gary Zender
Todos aprendimos cuando nos enseñaban por primera vez
acerca de nuestra fe, que los sacramentos son acciones de
Cristo mismo trabajando en su Cuerpo, la Iglesia. (Catecismo
de la Iglesia Católica 1127). El antiguo Catecismo de Baltimore
decía que Un sacramento es un signo exterior instituido por
Cristo para dar gracia.
Cristo dejó a la Iglesia siete sacramentos, que son un
encuentro físico y personal con el Señor. Existen tres
formas, o ritos, prescritos para celebrar el sacramento de la
Penitencia o Reconciliación: La Forma I es el rito que se usa en
la mayoría de las parroquias los sábados en la tarde. Los
penitentes vienen a hablar con un sacerdote individualmente y
no hay celebración comunitaria. Desde el Vaticano II, la Iglesia
ha puesto más énfasis en la naturaleza comunitaria del
sacramento. La Forma II convoca a una reunión comunitaria de
penitentes, con una Liturgia de la Palabra y varios confesores
presentes para escuchar confesiones individuales y otorgar la
En el pasado reciente, Santa Luisa ha usado la Forma I y
también la Forma III, un servicio comunitario en el cual no hay
confesión individual, pero se otorga la absolución general (con
ciertas condiciones). La Forma III debe ser reservada para
situaciones de “grave necesidad,” cuando el peligro de muerte
es inminente y no hay tiempo para una confesión individual, o
cuando hay tantos penitentes y tan pocos confesores que el fiel
se vería forzado a permanecer mucho tiempo sin la gracia del
sacramento o sin la comunión (como en una parroquia en algún
lugar remoto donde el sacerdote solo va cada dos años).
En los servicios de Reconciliación de nuestra parroquia
durante esta Cuaresma, y de aquí en adelante, usaremos la
Forma II: un servicio comunitario con varios sacerdotes
presentes para escuchar las confesiones individuales. Los
Sacramentos deben ser encuentros personales con el Señor, y
confesar nuestros pecados en voz alta y escuchar que
pronuncia las palabras de perdón es la expresión más completa
de ese encuentro personal. Este no es un asunto de mi elección
personal, sino de las normas de la Iglesia universal y la guía del
Catecismo (La confesión a un sacerdote es parte esencial del
sacramento de la Penitencia. Catecismo 1456).
Mis casi 30 años como confesor (y casi 50 como penitente) me
han enseñado que un encuentro individual, personal, cara a
cara entre el sacerdote y el penitente es una de las
experiencias más hermosas y llenas de gracia, del amor y la
misericordia de Dios que cualquiera de nosotros puede
encontrar en su vida – así que si ya ha pasado tiempo desde
que ustedes “hicieron” una Reconciliación individual, los invito a
venir con el corazón y la mente abierta.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
Padre Gary Zender
WELCOME to St. Louise Parish
If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and
don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to
find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in
registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in
the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket,
or register online at www.stlouise.org.
This Week In Our Parish
Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 - 2nd Sunday in Lent
Blood Pressure Checks after 7:30AM and 9AM Masses
Lenten Scripture Study 8:45-9:35AM and
10:05-10:55AM - St. Louise Room
4PM Divorce and Beyond - Parish Center
BIENVENIDO a Santa Luisa
Si eres nuevo aquí, un regresando católica, o ha sido miembro y no
se sienten conectados, póngase en contacto con nuestra Oficina
Parroquial al 425-747-4450 para obtener más información acerca de
la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en registrarse, llenar una tarjeta
de información, que se encuentra en la recepción de bienvenida en el
vestíbulo principal de la iglesia, y colóquelo en la canasta de la
colecta, o registrarse en línea en www.stlouise.org.
7PM Young Adults - Parish Center
New Bethlehem Project (NBP) Contributions Needed
In this Extraordinary Year of Mercy,
show what it means to be merciful.
Support the work of the New Bethlehem Project (NBP), a coalition of
Eastside congregations and organizations working to alleviate homelessness. We urge you to consider
contributing generously at the
Masses held this weekend,
February 20-21, when we will be
soliciting your support for the creation of a warm, safe family day center.
The NBP day center will help us provide families experiencing homelessness with the essentials most of us take for granted: bathrooms,
showers, laundry, and computers, as well as access to social services
so they can get back on their feet. They need your help. Please help us
in this worthy cause.
Catholic Community Services (CCS)
Bill Hallerman, King County Agency Director of CCS, will be at St.
Louise on February 24, 7PM, in the Center Wing A classroom to provide
an update on CCS’s operations in the King County area. Among the
items he will discuss is CCS’s role in the New Bethlehem Project, an
upcoming shelter for homeless families on the Eastside. Also included
will be the Prepares Program, a pregnancy and parenting support program.
So, mark your calendar and plan to join us to learn more about CCS’s
extraordinary work in our community.
9:45AM Forever Young - Parish Hall
10:30AM School Reconciliation Service
3PM Thoennes Wedding - Chapel
6PM Stations of the Cross (English)
7PM CCS Presentation CW-A
No 9AM Mass
5:15-5:45PM Sacrament of Reconciliation
6PM Mass
6PM Finance Council
6:45PM Adult Confirmation - Parish Center
9:45AM Legion of Mary - Elbert Library
6:30PM Stations of the Cross (Sp.) - Church
6:30PM Renewed in Christ Prayer Group - St. Louise
7PM Emaus Prayer Group - Church
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 - 3nd Sunday in Lent
Charger Cards for sale after the 7:30AM and 9AM
Lenten Scripture Study 8:45-9:35AM and
10:05-10:55AM - St. Louise Room
4PM Divorce and Beyond - Parish Center
4-6PM K of C Spaghetti Dinner - Parish Hall
It’s a leap year
Forever Young Monthly Gathering
FEBRUARY 24, 9:45AM—Parish Hall
Topic is “Keeping Our Skin Healthy and Youthful,” presented by Dr. James Harnisch.
Please contact Jackie Rial, Social Concerns Commission, at
425-649-8643 or [email protected], if you have any questions.
Activities and Events
Wills and Estate Planning Seminar
This seminar is for everyone! Adults of all
ages, with estates of all sizes, will benefit from
the information presented.
Join us for 90 minutes and learn more about the following:
How to prepare a will
How to distribute your estate
Information on guardianship issues
Estate gifting techniques and tax-saving options
Methods of increasing your retirement income
How to leave a legacy to your parish community
A local, on-site attorney, available to answer your questions
Assurance that "putting your affairs in order" is easier than
you may think.
Presented by the Archdiocese of Seattle, Planned Giving Office.
RSVP at 425-747-4450 or [email protected].
St. Louise Children and Youth
Stewardship Committee Meeting
Do you ever wonder where the Children's Collection
goes? Come find out at the Children and Youth Stewardship
Committee (CYSC) meeting on February 28 after the 9AM
Mass in Geri Hanley’s “Faith Formation” office in the St. Louise
School and Faith Formation Center. Every weekend the
children of our parish community make donations to the
children's collection during the Masses. The CYSC meet on a
quarterly basis to thoughtfully discern and disburse these funds
to children's charities locally and around the world. This is a
service committee, and you can receive service hours for your
In October we met and decided to donate to the following
charities: World Vision, to support children who are refugees
worldwide; The Forgotten Children's Fund, to support King
County children over the holidays; and Treehouse, to support
homeless youth in Seattle. We are also supporting 4 NPH
orphans this year, two in Honduras and two in Guatemala.
For more information or to be added to our committee emails,
contact Megan O'Byrne, [email protected]. New
members welcome.
Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner
Hearts and Hammers Sign-Ups
Please join the Knights of Columbus for
a spaghetti dinner Sunday, February 28,
in the Parish Hall from 4-6PM.
Tickets will be on sale after the weekend
Forever Young
A Group for 55+ and/or Retired
Next meeting Wednesday, February 24, 9:45AM in the Parish
Hall. Topic is “Keeping Our Skin Healthy and Youthful,”
presented by Dr. James Harnisch.
Forever Young Book Club will meet on Friday, February 26,
at 9:45AM in the Mother Teresa Room. February’s book will be
“The Mayflower” by Nathaniel Philbrick.
Next Forever Young outing is: “A Visit to Point Defiance
Zoo and Lunch” on Thursday, March 10. Please call Bob
Leingang (425-643-0779) if interested in attending.
Hearts & Hammers is a one-day community
work blitz, to repair and rehabilitate homes of
the unfirm, the elderly, the disabled and
those with limited resources in our
community. It has been an annual event
here at St. Louise for the past 13 years now
and is one of the largest single community
service events we do with our Covenant partners. This year
the Hearts & Hammers Work Day is Saturday, May 14.
Everyone from age 8 to 90 can participate!
Sign-ups this year will be after each Mass the weekend of
March 12-13. Please sign up if you’d like to participate, even if
you’re not certain you can make it. We factor that into our
If you would like to volunteer and won’t be at one of those
Masses, or if you know of a home you would like to submit for
consideration, or for more information, please contact Gary
Makowski at 425-641-8303 or Jackie Rial at 425-649-8643 or
send an email to: [email protected].
Activities and Events
Catholic Perspectives On Our Nation
It seems to me that this election year is going to be perhaps
more emotional than what we have seen in the past. I have
recently come across two articles that address the issues from
a Catholic perspective, so I recommend them to you also.
The first article is from the publication First Things, Anger and
Citizenship by George Weigel, http://www.firstthings.com/webexclusives/2016/02/anger-and-citizenship. The second article
is from the publication America, The Greatness of a Nation, by
Bishop McElroy, http://americamagazine.org/issue/greatnessnation.
Yours in Christ,
St. Louise Exercise Program
Join the St. Louise Exercise Program! Have
fun while getting in shape and reducing stress!
The St. Louise Exercise Program meets mornings,
7:15-8AM Monday, Wednesday and Friday and
evenings, 6-7PM Tuesday and Thursday, in the
Lavelle Gym. We offer a well-balanced class with stretching,
toning, and sustained heart-rate exercise using STEPS and
routines. Cost is only $3.00 per class. (The fun is included at
no extra charge.) Instructor is Beth O’Rourke for the morning
and Pam Rains, ACE Certified, for evening classes. Call Kathy
Riley, 425-214-5466, to register or for more information.
Fr. Gary Zender
Faith Formation and Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Ages 20s and 30s
Tuesday, February 23, 7PM Young Adults Potluck meeting
in the Parish Center. We’re having a “Game Night” so bring
a favorite game to play. And, please bring something to share
for our dinner. We’ll also be planning our dinner for the
homeless shelter.
Tuesday, March 1, 7-8:30PM IGNITE: Ignatian Spirituality for
Young Adults, “Welcoming the Stranger: Responding to the
Refugee Crisis,” St. Joseph Parish Center (Seattle)
Small Groups: Several small groups of Eastside young adults
meet during the week to reflect on the upcoming Sunday’s
Gospel and share how this Gospel speaks to them as young
adults. If interested, contact Kathy, [email protected].
World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. The Archdiocese
will be sending a delegation of young adults (18-39) to World
Youth Day. Archbishop Sartain and two seminarians from the
Archdiocese will go along. If interested, contact
[email protected].
Visit groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/slya/info to sign up for
email updates.
Youth Selling Car Wash Tickets
St. Louise Youth Ministry is selling
packs of Brown Bear car wash tickets. Your purchase supports our
St. Louise youth programs! Tickets are
available for purchase as follows: 3 for $24; 5 for $35;
10 for $60. For more information please contact Annarose at
425-214-5465 or [email protected].
CROWD for Middle School Youth
for High School Youth
St. Louise Youth Ministry has lots of upcoming events and
activities! Please contact Annarose if you would like to become
Life Teen is on retreat this weekend, February 19-21! Join us
for this amazing and transformative experience as we explore
what it means to embrace God's mercy and forgiveness! For
more details contact Annarose, [email protected].
Follow St. Louise Youth Ministry on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter!
Facebook page: St. Louise Youth Ministry.
Instagram: stlouiseyouthministry.
Twitter: @stlyouthmin.
St. Louise School News
St. Louise Annual School Gift Campaign or “ASGC”
continues The St. Louise Annual School Gift Campaign is one
of the school’s major fundraisers and allows for competitive
teacher salaries, provides tuition assistance scholarships for
deserving students, and supplements the school’s operating
budget in the areas of greatest need. You may donate online by
going to our school website at www.stlouiseschool.org. If you
have any questions or if you did not receive materials about the
St. Louise Annual School Gift Campaign, please call the School
Office at 425-746-4220.
Liturgy, Prayer and Worship
Stations of the Cross
Wednesdays and Fridays during Lent
Throughout Lent come and pray the Stations of the Cross as a community—In English on Wednesdays at 6PM or in Spanish on
Fridays at 6:30PM. Books will be available in the back of the church
so that anytime during the day or early evening you can come and pray
the Way of the Cross on your own.
Schedule of Wednesday 6PM English Stations:
February 24—Marian-Focused Stations led by Deacon Bill and Gina Haines
March 2, March 16 and March 23— Traditional Stations of the Cross
March 9—Family Stations led by Children’s Faith Formation
Good Friday, March 25
8:45AM—11:30AM Outdoor Stations led by School (begin at flagpole anytime between
3PM— Stations led by Youth Ministry
24-Hour Prayer Vigil Begins March 4
Friday, March 4 thru Saturday, March 5
St. Louise’s Annual 24-Hour Prayer Vigil will begin with 9AM Mass on Friday and end
with benediction at 8:45AM on Saturday. All are welcome to come and pray, individually
and as a community. Below is the schedule:
A box for prayer intentions and
a sign-up sheet has been
9AM – 10AM First Friday Mass (March 4)
placed in the main vestibule.
10AM – 6PM Silent prayer
Please place your prayer inten6PM – 6:30PM Rosary (English)
tions in the box and sign up for
6:30PM – 7PM Stations of the Cross (Sp.)
an hour of vigil prayer time.
7PM – 7:30PM Rosary (Spanish)
For questions contact Esther
7:30PM – 9PM Adoration & Vocal prayer (Sp.)
Lucero-Miner at
9PM – 9AM
Silent prayer
425-747-4450, or
Benediction (March 5)
[email protected].
Mass with Anointing of the Sick
Let Us Pray
For the sick. We remember especially: Kevin Aebi, Shelly Boldizsar,
Christiane Bynum, Dagmar Cook, Howard Cook, Ken Cook, Marilyn Craver, Tom Dove,
Mary Farrel, Mari Navarre Fink, Chuck Frid, Fabio Gobbo, Frank Hale, Emily Hauquist,
Fred Healy, Michael DeHerrera, Karen Howard, Ron Janiszewski, Elena Javelona,
Mae Javelona, Olivia Ruth Jones, Dan Kraft, Kay Landau, Judy Bond Loudenback,
Anthony Lucero, Fr. Fabian MacDonald, Ginny Manning, Peyton Marquez,
Alma Marquez, Judy McBroom, Alice Moran, Evelyn Narumi, Virginia Navarre,
Loretta Osbourne, Dorothy Oswald, Margaret Owens, Dick Partington, Tony Partington,
Scott Rains, Jennifer Reed, Harriet Spanel, Annika and Steve Sutton, Michael Swistak,
Jofer Taasan, Jamie Tachiyama, Dennis Turnbull, Brian Zamora, Paul Zborovsky.
For the dead. We remember especially:
Cathy Currie, wife of Dick Currie and mother of Bobby Currie (funeral Mass was held
on Friday, February 19).
Margaret Sweeney, wife of Frank Sweeney, deceased (funeral service Monday, February 22, 10:30AM).
This Week’s
Mass Intentions
Vickie Kaeser, Deceased
Ray Petri, Deceased
Eugene C. Martin, Deceased
John Lara, Deceased
Maryann Englis, Spec. Int.
Ron Marullo, Spec. Int.
Kevin Hanley, Deceased
Martha Alger, Deceased
Judith Alejandra López Guerrero,
Mike Dondanville, Deceased
Jim Spadoni, Deceased
Fred Tuazon, Spec. Int.
Bob & Vickie Kaeser, Deceased
Jean MacDonald, Deceased
Roy Agostini, Deceased
Ryan Copeland, Deceased
Luisa Reyes, Deceased
Mary Alice McCloskey, Spec. Int.
Robert Maxwell, III, Spec. Int.
Eugene & Lillian Kirchner, Deceased
Eugene E. Seifried, Jr., Deceased
James Cam, Deceased
June Kesseler, Deceased
Alexander Charles Seifried, Deceased
James Putnam, Deceased
Next Sunday Presiders
Próximo Domingo
Fr. Morelli
7:30AM Fr. Gary
Fr. Ritter
11AM Fr. Ritter
Fr. Gary
Fr. Gary
Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad
2016 Stewardship of Treasure
Commitment Renewal
Our Financial Gifts
Number of households that have turned in a pledge card so
far: 629 (for 2015 our total was 923)
Offertory $39,225.49
Amount pledged:
$1,319,190 (for 2015 our total was $1,553,764)
Received to date: $113,421 (for 2015 our total was $1,476,852,
a 95% fulfillment)
Every year at this time, we invite everyone who participates in the liturgical/
pastoral life of St. Louise parish, everyone who is spiritually fed and renewed
by the sacraments at St. Louise, everyone who turns to St.
Louise to receive
pastoral care, and
everyone who calls St. Louise their parish to
kindly complete a Stewardship of Treasure
commitment card and renew their financial
commitment as “caretakers” of our parish.
You can complete a commitment card online at
www.stlouise.org/2016stewardshipoftreasure, or scan the QR
code with your mobile device.
If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to set up
your contributions electronically, using our secure and
convenient Online Giving page at www.stlouise.org/
onlinegiving. Please don’t hesitate to contact Barbara at 425214-5471 or Jonathan at 425-214-5473 if you need help setting
up your Online Giving account. You can also download the
Online Giving app (for iOS or Android), created by Our Sunday
Visitor, to create and manage your online giving account using
your mobile device. When registering for the first time, our St.
Louise Parish ID# is 1368 and the zip code is 98007.
Thank you for participating and renewing your commitment. Your generous sharing with the parish through the Sunday offering is deeply appreciated. Be Blessed.
Other collections and donations
Building Fund ................................. $329.00
Children’s Collection ...................... $387.37
Improvement .................................. $286.00
Social Concerns Commission .......... 377.00
St. Vincent De Paul Society ........... $770.50
Ash Wednesday .......................... $3,608.91
Home Missions ........................... $1,699.00
Visitors ............................................. $95.00
Thank you for your generosity!
Archdiocesan 2015
Annual Catholic Appeal
Thank you if you have already made your gift to the
Appeal! If not, please fill out a pledge envelope today
or go online to donate: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/
donate. Be sure to note St. Louise as your parish.
2015 Results (as of January 22)
Our Annual Catholic Appeal Goal $282,967
(Last year it was $286,109.)
Number of Households that have Pledged: 717
(This time last year we had 727.)
Amount Raised to Date
(including pledges and one-time gifts): $298,214
(This time last year we had $270,499.)
Amount Received to Date: $280,854
We have 94% fulfillment.
(This time last year we had $270,086.)
Our Mission
As members of St. Louise Catholic Church, our mission is to proclaim the good news of Christ in Word and Sacrament, to build up
the prayerful community of believers in all our diversity and to witness God's saving love by ministering to the needs of others.
Nuestra Misión
Nuestra misión como miembros de la Iglesia Católica de Sta. Luisa, es de proclamar las buenas noticias de Cristo en la Palabra y
el Sacramento, para construir la comunidad devota de creyentes en toda nuestra diversidad y para presenciar el amor de Dios
atendiendo a las necesidades de otros.
Outreach and Service
Drivers Needed—Seattle Seafarers
Every cruise ship season, through the months of May to
September, the Seattle Seafarers Center gathers volunteers
around the Seattle area to help transport cruise ship employees
from their port to downtown Seattle. By volunteering, even just
once a week, to be one of those drivers, you would be able to
interact with people from all over the world as well as provide a
much-needed service to those who desperately need a friendly
face and a way to get simple toiletries in town.
Volunteers must be over 21 and have a clean driving record.
We supply the vans and the cruise ship employees supply the
fun! For more information, please contact Ashley,
206-935-3439 or [email protected]. A driver's
instructional meeting is on April 10.
Ethnic Fest: Second Organizing
Are you interested in showcasing your ethnic heritage? Do you love to perform ethnic
dance or music? Is cooking and sharing
food from your ethnic origin a passion? If so,
we are in need of your time and talent!!! We
are recruiting parishioners to create a display booth of their ethnic heritage and provide a taste of their country’s cuisine. We
are also looking for parishioners who would
love to show off their ethnic music and/or
dance talents on stage. If you are interested
in helping, please join us for our second
planning meeting: Thursday, March 3, 2016,
7PM-9PM, Parish Hall. Please contact Dawn McIntosh at
[email protected], with any questions.
Elbert Library Survey Underway
The Elbert Library Committee will be conducting a parish-wide survey during the
month of February to explore ways to improve upon, and increase parishioner usage
of, our library. Your responses to this survey
will assist us in our work. The survey should
only take 5-10 minutes, and your responses
are completely anonymous. You may take
the survey by clicking below, online at
www.stlouise.org, or drop your completed survey off at the Elbert Library after any of the Sunday Masses except the 6PM
Mass, or after the Wednesday, 9AM Mass. Your input is very
important to us. If you have any questions about the survey,
please contact [email protected].
Washington State Senate Bill 5289
The Washington State Senate is now considering a bill you
might be interested in. The first, SB 5289, would require a 48
hour notice to be given to parents before an abortion can be
performed on a minor daughter. If you feel strongly about this
bill, please phone or email your state senator, Cyrus Habib,
360-786-7848, [email protected], if you live in the 48th
district or Steve Litzow, 360-786-7641,
[email protected], if you live in the 41 legislative district.
Let him know how you feel.
Do You Need a Ramp for Wheelchair
Access to Your Home?
Master Builders Association of King
and Snohomish Counties has an
annual project each May called
Rampathon, in which homeowners
in need of a wheelchair access ramp due to disability can have
one built to code at no charge to the homeowner. Ramp recipients are selected based on need, feasibility of ramp and location of volunteer captains. Applications are only accepted
from January 1 through February 26. For more information or
to apply for a ramp please go to their website,
www.rampathon.org, or call Kathy Riley, 425-214-5466.
Help Support St. Louise’s Food Bank
Donations for the St. Vincent de Paul food
pantry here at St. Louise are always needed.
Your donations keep our food bank stocked
and ready for those in need. You are invited to
bring nonperishable food items when you
come to church and place them in the food bin
located in the main vestibule. Other needed
items that people can't get with food stamps
and we are most in need of include dish soap, toilet paper,
deodorant, shampoo, shaving cream, razors and laundry
Operation Rice Bowl Hungering to Give Back
This week, CRS Rice Bowl
takes us to Laos, where
Hongkham is using her love of
cooking to provide for her
family—and feed an entire
school. How do we use our
passions and gifts for the betterment of those we
meet? Visit crsricebowl.org for more.
Próximos Bautizos
DOMINGO 3 DE ABRIL, Misa: 1:00PM –Fr. Gary
Sección español
Clases Matrimoniales
SÁBADO 9 DE ABRIL, 8:3AM –Diácono Abel
Domingo, 1 DE MAYO, 1PM–Fr. Gary
Próximos Clases Bautismales 2016
DOMINGOS: 2/21, 2/28, 3/6, 3/13
DOMINGOS: 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/01
Padres y Padrinos deben completar los 4
domingos para recibir su constancias. Los
que no competan sus clases no podrán
bautizar y pasaran hasta el próximo.
*** Este año las clases bautismales se darán solo 4 veces al
Si es su deseo casarse por la iglesia Católica e
invitar a Cristo en su Matrimonio, o si le gustaría
participar en estas clases implementadas para parejas, las próximas clases van a ser por 2 Domingos:
Por favor registrarse al 425-277-2820 dejar mensaje. Las
clases son con María Berenice Brambila y Manuel Brambila.
Salón Central A
de 9:45AM. a 12:30PM.
21 de Febrero del 2016
28 de Febrero del 2016
No Hay Bautizos durante la Cuaresma
Desde el Miércoles de Ceniza -Febrero 10, 2016 hasta
después de Pascua de Resurrección –Marzo 27, 2016.
Para preguntas de registro por favor comuníquese con
Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450.
Lo que Dios ha Unido
Si la Familia es la Iglesia Doméstica, es la escuela del amor,
del conocimiento de Dios, del respeto a la vida y a la dignidad
del hombre. De esta depende el futuro de la evangelización.
San Juan Pablo II
Dinámicas matrimoniales LO QUE DIOS HA UNIDO
Con Paty y Paco – De Radio SEPA
De los Matrimonios Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra
27 y 28 de Febrero de 2016
Parroquia de St. Bernadette, 1028 SW 128th St. Seattle
Cuota de recuperación: $120
Para mayor información llame, Hilda o Agustín, 425-533-7011.
Plato de Arroz - Hambre de dar Algo
Esta semana, Plato de Arroz
de CRS nos lleva a
Laos, donde Hongkham utiliza
su amor por la cocina para
mantener a su familia—y
alimentar toda una escuela. ¿Cómo utilizamos nuestras
pasiones y dones para el mejoramiento de las personas que
conocemos? Visite crsplatodearroz.org para obtener más
Estudio de las Escrituras en tiempo de
COMIENZA FEBRERO 7, para los 6 domingos de
Amigos feligreses los invitamos a unirse a una sesión semanal
del Estudio de las Escrituras en tiempo de Cuaresma durante
los seis domingos de Cuaresma a partir del 7 de Febrero,
patrocinado por el Comité de Formación de Fe de Adultos. Dos
sesiones tendrán lugar el domingo por la mañana, de 8:45-9:
35AM y 10: 05-10:55AM en el Salon Santa Luisa (antigua biblioteca de la escuela).
El estudio se centrará en las lecturas de la misa del domingo,
entre ellos "lectio divina" y el tiempo de oración en grupo. Los
materiales serán proporcionados a todos los asistentes. No es
necesario registrarse para estas sesiones.
Este es un programa piloto para conocer el interés del estudio
de las Escrituras y así poder formar programas a futuro dentro
de nuestra parroquia. Todas las preguntas deben ser dirigidas
a [email protected].
Pastoral and Administrative Staff
Fr. Gary Zender (habla español) …………………. 425-747-4450 x5463
[email protected]
Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial
Jonathan Taasan ……………………………………425-747-4450 x5473
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Fabian MacDonald ………………………………425-747-4450 x5462
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa
Rita McHale ………………………………………….425-747-4450 x5470
[email protected]
Deacons / Diáconos
Bill and Gina Haines ………………………………………...425-214-5383
[email protected]
Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital
Barbara Abbott ………………………………………425-747-4450 x5471
[email protected]
Sam Basta ……………………………………………………425-214-5382
[email protected]
Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales
Nila Agostini (habla español) ………………………425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Michael Johnson ………………………………….425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate / Asociada Pastoral
Esther Lucero-Miner (habla español) ……………..425-747-4450 x5461
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary and Esther Lucero-Miner
Asistente Administrativa para el Padre Gary y Esther Lucero-Miner
Marissa Escobedo (habla español) ………………425-747-4450 x5476
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales
Faith Formation, Initiation & Sacraments (English) /
Formación en la Fe, Iniciación y Sacramentos (Inglés)
Geri Hanley …………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5464
[email protected]
Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor /
Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento
Paul Trussell ………………………………………...425-746-4220 x5442
[email protected]
Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) /
Preparación Sacramental (español)
Sr. Amalia Camacho ………………………………..425-747-4450 x5474
[email protected]
Parish School / Escuela Parroquial
Hispanic Ministry Assistant/Asisiente Para el ministerio Hispano
Dan Fitzpatrick ………………………………………425-746-4220 x5405
Magda Delgado ……………………………………...425-747-4450 x5474
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Para Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y
Vice Principal / Subdirectora
adultos, contactar Hrma. Amalia Camacho o Magda Delgado. Para
Kathy Loftus …………………………………………425-746-4220 x5406
bautizo contactar Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected].
[email protected]
Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process /
Secretary / Secretaria
Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación
Lola Bazan …………………………………………..425-746-4220 x5400
Kathy Riley …………………………………………...425-747-4450 x5466
[email protected]
[email protected]
Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo
Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música
Jill Leland …………………………………………….425-746-4220 x5403
Lynette Basta ………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5467
[email protected]
[email protected]
Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes
Annarose O’Brien-Wilson (habla español) ………..425-747-4450 x5465
[email protected]
Pastoral Counseling
Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA …………………………………425-614-6225
[email protected]
Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/
Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ………..……..206-748-1500
Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the
Archdiocese of Seattle should contact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero
o líderes laicos en la Arquidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.
If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines.
Questions: email [email protected].
Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia www.stlouise.org, para leer las pautas
editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected].
Around the Archdiocese
Association for Catholic Childhood—
A Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to
Online Auction
Rome, Assisi and Siena
Want to have fun while you support children and families in
need? SAVE the DATE!! Association for Catholic Childhood’s
Labor of Love Online Auction is Saturday, February 20 thru
Sunday, February 28. Go to www.Laborofloveauction.org to
register to bid, donate, sponsor.
The Association for Catholic Childhood, a volunteer organization, provides funding and advocacy for Western Washington
children and families in need, regardless of race or creed.
OCTOBER 19-28, 2016
Fr. Steve Sallis, Spiritual Director, will be leading a pilgrimage
to Rome and you are invited to attend an information meeting
at Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue, Saturday, March 12
following the 5PM Mass in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall.
Sacred Heart Church, 9460 NE 14th St., Bellevue
Questions: Please contact Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 or
[email protected].
NPH Faces of Hope Fundraiser
Everyone at St. Louise Parish is cordially invited to attend the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH,
Spanish for Our Little Brothers and Sisters) Faces of Hope fundraiser on Tuesday, March 22, or
Wednesday, March 23. Kenson Kaas, NPH Haiti Director of the Fr. Wasson Angels of Light Program,
will be the keynote speaker. Come and learn how NPH cares for vulnerable children in Latin America
and the Caribbean and how you can help. These are fundraising events with a donation request.
Tuesday, March 22: Noon-1:30PM, luncheon, Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th Ave., Bellevue
Wednesday, March 23: 6- 8PM, Cocktail Reception, Palace Ballroom, 2100 5th Ave., Seattle.
If you are interested in attending and would like to join our St. Louise table, please contact Dawn McIntosh, [email protected],
or register online at www.nphusa.org/facesnw.