Let`s Get Down to Business


Let`s Get Down to Business
Let’s Get Down to Business
Running a business is hard work! During the month of October, the Mi Casita students will
become mini entrepreneurs and experience what it takes to create, own, and operate a
business. Students will also explore the purpose of money and the benefits of saving. They will
learn about the differences between “wants” and “needs.” We will practice playing different job
roles and even act as customers. Be on the look out for Mi Casita Moneda, our very own version
of money.
Living in Philadelphia, we are surrounded by businesses. While walking down the city streets,
whether you are passing by a food cart, ice cream shop, or large bank, be sure to point out the
local businesses to your children.
How can we, as entrepreneurs, create a profitable business?
¿Cómo podemos como emprendedores crear un negcio exitoso?
Practice counting numbers as a means of determining quantity
Organize and display objects by attributes and common properties
Work toward completing a task, even if challenging, and despite interruptions.
Engage in complex play sequences with two or more children.
Incorporate personal experiences and themes learned into play scenarios
Practice persistence: attempt to accomplish challenging tasks by employing familiar and
new strategies as needed.
Produce and explain the purpose for a new creation
Relate knowledge learned from one experience to a similar experience in a new setting
Use mathematical processes when quantifying, comparing, representing, and modeling
Comprar- to buy
Abrir- to open
Cerrar- to close
Vender- to sell
Hacer- to make
Diseñar- to design
Costar- to cost
Crear- to create
Gastar- to spend
Ahorrar- to save
Trabajar- to work
Necessitar- to need
Querer- to want
Ir de compras: to go shopping
Dinero- money
Cosas- things, items
Menos- less
Más- more
Efectivo- cash
Dolares- dollars
El banco- the bank
La tienda/ the store
Esperar/to wait
Moneda- money
¿Cuánto cuesta?- How much does it cost?
¿Dónde?- Where?
¿Cómo?- How?
¿Cuándo?- When?
Números- 1-30