Unit 4: Viajeros del mundo/World Travelers


Unit 4: Viajeros del mundo/World Travelers
Unit 4: Viajeros del mundo/World Travelers
Theme 2: La moneda/Currency
Learning Targets:
Students will be able to:
*know the role of money.
*the various economic roles of various institutions.
* tell which currency is used in the United States.
* tell which currency is used in Costa Rica.
la moneda (LAH moh-NEH-dah): currency
el Dólar (EHL DOH-lahr): dollar
el Colón (EHL koh-LOHN): Colón (Costa Rican currency)
el dinero (EHL dee-NEH-roh): money
¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? (KWAHN-toh KWEH-stah(n)): How much does it cost?
¿Cuánto(s) _______tienes? (KWAHN-toh(s) _______TYEH-nehs):
How many____do you have?
comprar (kohm-PRAHR): to buy
barato/a (bah-RAH-toh/a): inexpensive
caro/a (KAH-roh/a): expensive