ST. JOSEPH`S CATHOLIC CHURCH “...every corner of
ST. JOSEPH`S CATHOLIC CHURCH “...every corner of
Our Mission: To Evangelize God's People, beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist A Stewardship Parish ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1813 Oakdale Road • Modesto, CA 95355 Office (209) 551-4973 • Fax: (209)551-3213 • • May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday Holy Eucharist Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sundays: 7:30am, 9am (Traditional Latin), 10:30am 12:00 Noon 1:30pm (Español) 5:30pm 7:30pm Daily Mass: 8:00am & 5:45pm; Saturdays 8:00am Traditional Latin Mass, Fridays at Noon Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Chapel access code available in office Children’s Services: Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sunday Mass 10:30am, 1:30 pm Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday thru Thursday 5-5:30pm Fridays: 6:30pm (Holy Hour) Saturdays 8:30-9:30am & 4-5pm Homebound please call 551-4973 for a priest to visit you by appointment. Clergy: Fr. Mark Wagner, Pastor Fr. Francis Joseph, OCD, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Chandrasekar C. Paulraj, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Ernesto Madrigal (not in residence) Rev. Mr. Ken Ochinero, Deacon Rev. Mr. Ernest Ciccarelli, Deacon RCIA Inquiries: Noemi Ewalt 209-581-8477 Like us on Facebook and stay connected with your parish family stjmod From the Pastor’s Laptop “...every corner of the world!” Father Mark Wagner H a ppy Feas t of Pentecost! Today we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, which is the great “grand finale” of the entire Lenten and Easter season. The whole reason why Jesus went through all of His fastings, His passion, His death and Resurrection was so we could receive the divine gift of the Holy Spirit. Today is not just a celebration for God the Holy Spirit, it is also a celebration for us. On the day of Pentecost, the Apostles “were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” Of course, this was the beginning of the Church. Their hearts became so enlarged with divine love, those great saints were inspired to go out of those locked doors and begin to change the world. Although they were uneducated men, their preaching began to attract great crowds of people of every race and tongue. They were not afraid to travel to the far corners of the known world at that time and to suffer martyrdom, becoming great saints in such faraway places as Rome, Greece, Spain, Syria, Persia, Arabia, India, Ethiopia, and perhaps even North Africa and Scotland. A saint becomes larger because of the grace of God. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God starts small, like a mustard seed, “but once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” (Mark 4:32) By the power of the Holy Spirit the saints attracted crowds to themselves because of their love, their preaching, and their miracles. In heaven the saints grow to an even larger size because they can hear and help people who invoke them anywhere in the world. It is almost as if they are like God, who is everywhere. The Bible says that in heaven we will be “like God” (1John 3:2). Of course, Mary is the “largest” of all the saints. She was the first to receive the Holy Spirit who descended and made her the great Mother of God! Sometimes we think too small. We think that all we have to do is to take care of our small plot of land and our few “We’re all filled with the Holy Spirit.” possessions and our own family. We think that we only need to be stewards of a little bit of time, talent and treasure which is given to us. But the truth is that we are called to something greater. We are “stewards of the mysteries of God” (1Cor. 4:1). Through us God wants to touch every corner of the world! Welcome to St. Joseph’s Questions? To make an appointment with a priest or deacon or to register at St. Joseph’s, please stop in or call our parish office at 551-4973. We’re glad you’re here! Mass Intentions Parish Office Hours Sunday, May 15 (Pentecost Sunday) Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm except Wednesday: 1-6:30pm 7:30a Deceased Dwyer Children 1:30p Arturo Salazar Bonilla Jesus Malfabon Fr. Tony Chacko Alfredo Antonio 9:00a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners 3:30p Ricardo Balauag Murad Durgun Matt & Mary Basan Emil & Anna Carney 10:30a Emil Carney Sp. Int. Edgardo A. Garcia 5:30p Michael Rangel 12pm 7:30p Josefina Abellon-Teano Weekend Maintenance (209) 602-6062 How can we help? 209 551-4973 Español Altar Servers Buildings and Grounds Children / Teen Catechesis Choirs and Cantors Events and Activities Financial Services Giving to St. Joseph’s Parish Lending Library Parish Ministries Parish Registration Publications Religious Education Ext. Rosario Svetlana Tammy 110 200 207 Maria 218 Svetlana Tammy Barbara Tammy Bertha Rosario Tammy Doug 200 207 108 207 208 202 102 207 203 Room Reservations Rosario 110 Volunteering Bertha 202 Website Ramon 213 Youth Ministry Franz/ Patty READINGS Monday: Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Mk 9:30-37 Monday, May 16 8:00a Joe Mendes 8:00a Angela Hunt Norbert Avila Sp. Int. Marci Trojanoswki Sp. Int. Ivania Rizo 5:45p 8:00a Sp. Int. Isaac Nelson 5:45p Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Jn 16:12-15 Peria Bertolotti Joe Mendes Peria Bertolotti Alvaro Vieiro Noah Vieiro Thursday, May 19 Joe Mendes John Caratti Virginia Fester Josefina & Augusto Imperial 5:45p Sp. Int. Eliana Andres Friday, May 20 8:00a John & Ellen Payton 12:00p Nick J. Alves Robert Aguiar 5:45p Elizabeth Scarpinati Robert Stanley Rowland Arsons Sp. Int. Angela Ortiz Saturday, May 21 8:00a John E. Payton, Jr. 5:30p St. Joseph’s Memorial Mass Sunday, May 22 ( The Most Holy Trinity) 7:30a Juan Bonado 1:30p Roberto Madrigual Jesus Malfabon Fr. Tony Chacko Sp. Int. Lucas Trojanoswki 9:00a Albert Mendonca 5:30p Frances & Edwin Morais 7:30p Sp. Int. Sofia Trojanoswki Wednesday: Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: John E. Peyton Wednesday, May 18 8:00a 5:45p Tuesday, May 17 206/223 PARISH LEADERSHIP COMMITTEES: Pastoral Council: David Loucks Finance Council: Jim Gordin Building: Rick Dinubilo Development: Daniel Del Real Stewardship: Rick Rahe David Almazan 10:30a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners 12pm Juan Ramirez Elizabeth Scarpinati Franco Agazzi Tena Agazzi Every month during the Year of Mercy we are reflecting on Works of Mercy May: Comfort the Afflicted Actions for this month: Come to evening Mass on Wednesdays, when we pray for the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help. Check the front office or our events calendar for meeting/contact information about groups meeting at St. Joseph’s, including : AA Al Anon (Spanish and English) Alateen Encourage Courage Call “211”, a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit for a list of online resources. Sometimes the people who suffer the most are the ones who suffer in silence. Be a friend to someone and show concern for their well- being. Try to always be a comforting Light of Jesus in the world. Step in when you see someone being degraded or bullied, and put a stop to it. You can change the course of someone’s life with a simple act of Mercy. Don’t ignore people; try to be that person who listens when someone is talking to you about their concerns. Respect Life Committee It’s a simple concept. Baby bottles filled with coins. That’s the Baby Bottle Campaign. But this simple concept yields impressive results. This change adds up, and truly changes lives. Through hosting a Baby Bottle Campaign and partnering with Modesto Pregnancy Center, you allow us to continue being dedicated to protecting the unborn, and providing for those facing an unplanned pregnancy, as well as the many other services we offer. Return this weekend and next weekend Benefiting the work of: Modesto Pregnancy Center Page 3 – May 15, 2016 Parish Events and Activities Regina Caeli During the Easter season (until Pentecost, May 15), Catholics pray the following prayer instead of the Angelus (at 6am, Noon and 6pm): V. Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. R. For He whom you did merit to bear, alleluia. V. Has risen, as he said, alleluia. R. Pray for us to God, alleluia. V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia. R. For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia. Let us pray. O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. ST. JOSEPHS SENIORS LUNCHEON Wednesday, May 18 Lunch Menu: Rotisserie Chicken & All the Trimmings, including dessert! $8 each. Please make reservations at Kathy Lee Vermillion, (408) 309-2145 or Anthony Butera at (209)315-5245. All age 50+ and guests welcome! 10am to 11am Social: Wine and Finger Food. 11am to 12pm Meeting & Program. Lunch 12:00pm to 1:00pm Program: Candidates Forum for State Assembly (all five candidates!) VACATION BIBLE RETREAT Monday, May 16, 2016 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Tuesday, May 17, 2016 8:45 AM SVDP - General Meeting JP5 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training JP12 10:30 A English for Citizenship Class JP4 6:00 PM Beginning English Class JP4 6:15 PM Legion of Mary JP4 6:30 PM Rosary Makers JP5 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group Sp. JP7 7:00 PM Corpus Christi Procession Meeting JP10 Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:00 A Seniors' Lunch June 20-24 8am-12pm Applications available now in the parish office. Save trees and support your church even when you are away! Sign up for e-Giving at or use our Quick Donate with Paypal Hall 11:30 A Intermediate English Classes JP4 5:45 PM AA - Principle Study Group JP5 5:45 PM Al Anon - Path to Serenity JP10 6:00 PM Alateen - Courage To Be Me JP8 7:00 PM On the Go Adults “Mercy Wins” (Olympics theme) Hall JP4 Thursday, May 19, 2016 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training JP12 12:00 P Lunch Bible Study JP5 Friday, May 20, 2016 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Prayer Group CH 6:00 PM Al-Anon Spanish JP10 6:30 PM Adoration & Confession Chur Saturday, May 21, 2016 9:00 AM AA - Language of the Heart JP4 7pm Confirmation Mass Ch Please remember St. Joseph’s Church when planning your estate. Call 551-4973, ext. 207 for more information. Language to use: I give to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, a Corporation Sole, a California nonprofit Corporation, located in Modesto, CA _____ Dollars ($_______) This gift shall be used for the benefit of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church for ministry and operational expenses or for the following purpose:_______________. Parish Events and Activities ST. JOSEPH’S WORKSHOP (Men’s Ministry) 6am-Fr. O’Hare Hall (includes breakfast) Wednesday, May 18: The Four Marks of the Church Wednesday, May 25: The Four Last Things MODEST DRESS IN CHURCH With the hot weather here, we need to remind everyone of the importance of dressing appropriately in the house of God. Please avoid short dresses or shorts, spaghetti straps, and any other immodest attire which does not cover the shoulders, back and cleavage. We ask that men avoid wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts. Thank you for wearing your Sunday best! JUNE 30-JULY 1 CHILDREN AGES 7-14 Friday session includes choral participation at the 12:00 TLF mass Parents are encouraged to join us for the Mass. Forms and more information in the parish office PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION VACANCIES: Tuesday and Thursday: 9-10am/ Monday and Friday: 10-11am/ Friday: Midnight—1am and Sunday, 4-5am Please note that the Adoration Chapel is only for those who have been provided the access code by the parish office or who visit prior to or immediately following a Mass. For those wishing to sign up for an hour, please contact David and Monica: 209-527-4920. In the Diocese MEMORIAL DAY MASS St. Stanislaus Catholic Cemetery, 1141 Scenic Drive, Modesto will be having a Mass in our Chapel/Mausoleum at 9am Fr. Chris Varghese from Our Lady of Fatima will be celebrating the Mass in English with a “Dove Release” after Mass. MARRIED COUPLES-By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. The next Marriage Encounter Weekends are July 16-17 in Manteca and Sept. 30-Oct. 2 in Modesto. For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Angelica at Page 5 - May 15, 2016 Religious Education : Announcements How can we show others the mercy of God? We say that God is compassionate, but we ignore the poor. We say that God loves us and has mercy on us, but we hold grudges against our friends. Our actions need to authentically reflect God's mercy. Click below to explore the different ways that you can live out that mercy every day! “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’” (John 20:21-23). Sacramental Preparation Parents: The Penance Service for students who have received Sacramental Preparation for the last three weeks will be on May 21 at 1:30pm. For more resources: beliefs-and-teachings/how-weteach/new-evangelization/jubilee -of-mercy/ You can now register your children for catechism for the 2016-17 School year by downloading the Registration form from our parish website; or pick up a packet at the School of Religion or Parish office. The last day to register is July 31, 2016*; there will be no exceptions. Payments can also be made online at Youth Ministry July 29-31 Steubenville San Diego Youth Conference Limited Seats Available Please call Franz Casiano 551.4973 x 206 for more Information Thank you to our “100 For Youth” Donors! Help fund part of travel costs at Center for Lay Apostolates FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: Plaza Refreshments are served today by volunteers from our Plaza Hospitality. Profiles in Stewardship By Bertha Malfavon and Tammy Menezes Parish Stewardship — a way of life Parish Festival Planning Committee Meeting: Monday, May 16 6:30pm Vatican Conference Room of the St. JP2 Center All Welcome! Light dinner provided. _____________________________________ The 46th Annual Festival: “Mercy Rocks!!!!” New food and events! Help with the planning of this fun parish Committee. WE WILL HAVE A SPECIAL VISITOR AT THIS YEAR’S FESTIVAL! For more information call 551-4973, ext. 207 New to the Parish? Wondering where to start?? Call the Center for Lay Apostolates 551-4973, ext. 202 Wilma Cabacungan There are some stewards in this big parish family that require two people to write a profile and……. Wilma Cabacungan is one of them. Bertha: Wilma is always happy, and most happy when she is doing work for our Lord. Her view on tackling new and challenging tasks is always that “We can do it!” For this reason, she inspires those around her and quietly helps to lead them in both spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Her works are always done in a quiet and humble way; her goal is to bring God’s joy to others, which is exactly what Fr. Mark asks us to do in this Year of Mercy. Tammy: I have stopped counting the hundreds of times Wilma has either said, “Yes, I can help” or “No, but I will get someone.” Wilma lives Stewardship, which we define at St. Joseph’s as “Praying, Serving and Giving”. At last Wednesday’s kick- off night of “Foundations of the Faith” teaching series for adults, the evening was ready to begin when Wilma hurriedly approached the Hall. She apologized for looking disheveled, as she had driven straight from the airport and didn’t want to miss the evening. Wow. Take the Stewardship “journey” with Wilma. Wilma is always happy, and most happy when she is doing work for our Lord. Page 7– May 15, 2016 Boletín Parroquial en Español! DEL LAPTOP DEL PÁRROCO, Padre Mark En el día de Pentecostés ¿Cómo podemos mostrar a otros la misericordia de Dios? Decimos que Dios es compasivo, pero ignoramos a los pobres. Decimos que Dios nos ama y tiene misericordia de nosotros, pero tenemos rencor contra nuestros amigos.Nuestras acciones deben reflejar auténticamente la misericordia de Dios. Haz clic abajo para explorar las diferentes maneras en que se puede vivir la misericordia que todos los días! Más información: http:// beliefs-and-teachings/howwe-teach/newevangelization/jubilee-ofmercy/ ¡Feliz Fiesta de Pentecostés! Hoy celebramos la llegada del Espíritu Santo, lo cual es ¡la “gran final” de la temporada de Cuaresma y Pascua! La razón completa por la cual Jesús pasó por todos Sus ayunos y Su pasión, muerte, y resurrección fue para que ¡pudiéramos recibir el regalo divino del Espíritu Santo! Y es por eso que hoy no es sólo una celebración para Dios el Espíritu Santo, sino que ¡también es una celebración para nosotros! El día de Pentecostés, los Apóstoles “estaban llenos del Espíritu Santo.” Claro, esto fue el comienzo de la Iglesia. Desde entonces, sus corazones estaban tan engrandecidos con el amor divino y se hicieron santos grandes que salieron de las puertas cerradas para cambiar el mundo. A pesar de no tener mucha educación, sus predicaciones empezaron a atraer a grupos grandes de personas de todas razas y lenguas. No tenían miedo de viajar a los confines de la tierra conocida y de sufrir el martirio en lugares remotos como Roma, Grecia, España, Siria, Persia, Arabia, India, Etiopia, y, tal vez, hasta el Norte de África y Escocia. Un santo se hace más grande por la gracia de Dios. Jesús dijo que el Reino de Dios comienza pequeño como una semilla de mostaza, “una vez sembrada, crece y llega a ser la más grande de todas las hortalizas, y extiende tanto sus ramas que los pájaros del cielo se cobijan a su sombra.” (Marcos 4:32) Por el poder del Espíritu Santo, los santos atraían a montones de gente a sí mismo por su amor, sus predicaciones, y sus milagros. Y luego, cuando estaban en el cielo, los santos crecieron a un tamaño aún más grande porque podían escuchar y ayudar a la gente que los invoca desde cualquier lugar en el mundo. Es casi como si fueran como Dios quien está en todas partes. La Biblia dice que en el cielo, seremos “como Dios” (1Juan 3:2). Claro, María es la santa “más grande” de todos los santos. Fue la primera en recibir al Espíritu Santo quien descendió y ¡la hizo la gran Madre de Dios mismo! A veces, pensamos demasiado pequeño. Pensamos que todo lo que tenemos que cuidar es nuestro terrenito, nuestros pocas posesiones, y a nuestra familia. Pensamos que sólo tenemos que ser administradores por un poco de tiempo, talento, y tesoro que se nos dio. Pero la verdad es que estamos llamados a algo más grande. Somos “administradores de los misterios de Dios.” (1Cor. 4:1) A través de nosotros, ¡Dios quiere tocar cada esquina del mundo! Religión: Anuncios Usted ya puede registrar a sus niños para catecismo para el año escolar 2016-17 visitando nuestra pagina de web; donde podrá obtener el formulario de registro, o también se puede recoger en la Escuela de Religión o la oficina parroquial. El ultimo día para registrar a sus hijos es el 31 de Julio*, sin excepciones. Usted también puede hacer pagos por internet en nuestra página de internet El Servicio Penitencial para los estudiantes que han recibido Preparación Sacramental durante las ultimas tres semanas, será el 21 de mayo a la 1:30pm en la iglesia. Padre Hamilton returns for one week in May! El P. Hamilton dará una presentación en español sobre la Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal Amoris Laetitia del Papa Francisco. Este documento es dirigido a los obispos, a los presbíteros y diáconos, a las personas consagradas, a los esposos cristianos, y a todos los fieles laicos. Trata el tema del amor en la familia. Todos son invitados y animados a asistir el miércoles, 18 de mayo a las 7pm en el salón 6 del edificio Saint John Paul II. Durante el tiempo de Pascua (hasta Pentecostés, 15 de Mayo), los católicos rezamos la siguiente oración en lugar del Ángelus (a las 6am, mediodía y 6pm): V. Alégrate, Reina del cielo. Aleluya. R. Porque el que mereciste llevar en tu seno. Aleluya. V. Ha resucitado, según predijo. Aleluya. R. Ruega por nosotros a Dios. Aleluya. V. Gózate y alégrate, Virgen María. Aleluya. R. Porque ha resucitado Dios verdaderamente. Aleluya. V. Oremos: Oh Dios que por la Resurrección de tu Hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, te has dignado dar la alegría al mundo, concédenos por su Madre, la Virgen María, alcanzar el gozo de la vida eterna. Por el mismo Jesucristo Nuestro Señor. R. Amén. 30 DE JUNIO—1 DE JULIO NIÑOS DE 7-14 JUEVES: 9:00am-12:00 Dejarlos y recogerlos en el hall VIERNES: 9:00am-1:00pm Dejarlos en hall y recogerlos en la iglesia La sesión del viernes incluye participación en el coro durante la Misa de 12:00 en Latín. FECHAS DE REGISTRO: 1 de Mayo-10 de Junio COSTO: $15 por niño, incluye la camiseta y snacks Por favor llene el registro y pague en la oficina de la parroquia. Para mas información, llame a la Directora de Música Svetlana 551-4973, ext. 200. CORRESPONSABILIDAD (STEWARDSHIP) Por: Berthan Malfavon y Tammy Menezes Wilma Cabacungan Hay algunas personas en esta grande familia parroquial que se necesitan dos personas para escribir sobre ellos porque son tan lindos y.. Wilma Cabacungan es una de esas personas. Bertha: Wilma siempre es muy alegre, y más cuando está trabajando para el Señor. Su manera de ver nuevas situaciones y retos es siempre que “¡Si lo podemos hacer!” Por eso inspira a todos los que la rodean; y nos enseña con ejemplos, como ser misericordiosos. Siempre hace todo de forma reverente y humilde; su meta es siempre traer el júbilo de Dios a los demás. Esto es exactamente lo que el Padre Mark nos pide que hagamos en este Año de Misericordia. Tammy: He dejado de contar las cientos de veces que Wilma ha dicho, “Si, yo puedo ayudar” o “No puedo esta vez, pero conseguiré a alguien que pueda.” Wilma vive una vida de corresponsabilidad; definimos esa palabra en St. Joseph’s así: Orando, Sirviendo, y Dando. El miércoles pasado, en la primer noche de la charla para adultos, “Foundations of the Faith”, llego apresuradamente cuando estaba a punto de empezar. Se disculpó por no estar tan arreglada como de costumbre, dijo que había ido al aeropuerto y no tuvo tiempo de llegar a su casa, y definitivamente no quiera dejar de ir a la charla. Todo lo que pude decir fue wow. Vivamos la “jornada” de corresponsabilidad con Wilma. Wilma siempre es muy alegre, y más cuando está trabajando para el Señor. Página 9 - Mayo 15, del 2016 “The Quick & Easy Way To Get The Cash You Need From The Credit Union You Trust” 209-948-6024 • Federally insured by NCUA 18 S. CENTER ST., STOCKTON • 435 W. BENJAMIN HOLT DR., STOCKTON • 4603 N. PERSHING AVE., STOCKTON • 206 E. YOSEMITE AVE., MANTECA • 200 S. SCHOOL ST., LODI Commercial and Residential Store Front Glass Door • Hollow Metal • Garage • Roll Up • Installation & Repairs 525-8589 Jose Robles Manager/Parishioner Lic. #819185 WHY IS IT Ascend Dental Care Rubencillo Santos, DDS Carmela Santos, DDS Hablamos Español & Tagalog 2503 E. Hatch Road Modesto, CA 95351 209.537.5783 A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 900 Santa Fe Avenue Hughson CA FD Lic. #1392 209-883-4465 SMOG CHECK 2995 $ Only +$8.25 Cert. +$1.80 ET Fee SEAN F. MULLINS, D.D.S. Void if not presented at time of service. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Good on most cars and trucks. 920 Oakdale Rd. (Next to KFC) Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome 209-529-5925 OUR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 521-2566 1316 Coffee Rd., Suite B-4 Modesto Parishioner WHY IS IT? O’Brien’s Market OFICINAS DEL ABOGADO AARON O. 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