Postdoctoral Positions in Oceanography
Postdoctoral Positions in Oceanography
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION IN OCEANOGRAPHY Millennium Institute of Oceanography in the South Pacific (Chile) – Postdoctoral Program The Millennium Institute (MI) of Oceanography in the South Pacific is a new Center of Excellence devoted to fundamental oceanographic research in the South Pacific. The MI initial main research themes are: - Mesoscale Processes: the role of mesoscale activity in governing energy and matter transfer and ecosystem dynamics in open ocean ecosystems Ocean Variability: impact of large-scale perturbations on the transport and gradients in physical-chemical water properties, and on the dynamics of the South Pacific Adaptations to a Changing Ocean: adaptations of planktonic (micro)organisms to changing ocean chemistry and their impact on biogeochemical cycling The Ocean Depths: community structures and the biogeochemical characteristics of the deep and abyssal waters of the South Pacific At least two full-time postdoctoral positions are available immediately at the MI-Oceanography to undertake innovative research and to develop questions in any of these themes and in association with two or more of the MI’s Principal Investigators. The candidates will have to demonstrate experience and motivation to do research in any of them, using observational, experimental, and/or modeling approaches. Independent of the area of research of preference, the candidate will be expected to collaborate from his/her field in any of the other areas. Applications will be reviewed from April 15th, 2014 and until the positions are filled. The work of the selected postdocs will be based at any of the institutions of the PI´s. The appointment will be for a minimum of one year and with an extension of 4 years provided that applications to the national postdoctoral program are made. The annual gross salary is the equivalent to up to US$ 40,000. Requirements include: (1) Ph.D. degree completed before taking up the appointment and should have received their degree no earlier than January 2010. (2) Curriculum Vitae (3) A letter expressing the motivation of the candidate for undertaking the position in connections with the MI themes (4) Names of three scientists with whom you have previously worked or interact, including names, email addresses, and telephone numbers. Please send the information and inquiries to: Mrs. Monica Sorondo Executive Secretary IM- Oceanography of the South Pacific Dep. of Oceanography University of Concepción ( Casilla 160-C Concepción - Chile (monica.sorondo@oceanografí Our organization has a non-discrimination policy Millenium Institute of Oceanography in the South Pacific – PI’s contacts Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa ([email protected]) Dep. Oceanografía, U. de Concepción Director Dr. Rubén Escribano ([email protected]) Dep. Oceanografía, U. de Concepción Deputy Director Dr. Samuel Hormazabal Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso ([email protected]) Dr. Carmen E. Morales Dep. Oceanografía, U. de Concepción ([email protected]) Dr. Oscar Pizarro Dep. Geofísica, U. de Concepción ([email protected]) Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Dep. Oceanografía, U. de Concepción ([email protected]) Dr. Cristian Vargas Departamento de Sistemas Acuáticos Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales U. de Concepción ([email protected]) Dr. Peter von Dassow Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ( [email protected])