Climate Change in the US Southwest: Mitigation and Adaptation
Climate Change in the US Southwest: Mitigation and Adaptation
II Seminario Internacional “Evidencias y Contradicciones del Cambio Climático: Mitigación e Impacto” Centro Tecnológico de Hidrología Ambiental, Universidad de Talca Climate Change in the US Southwest: Mitigation and Adaptation Juan B. Valdés1,2 Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA 2International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM), a UNESCO Level II Center IPCC: “Climate change will intensify the hydrologic cycle” changes in averages/ trends changes in variability (magnitude, severity, duration) 2 Water challenges in arid and semi-arid regions Extent of regions: One-third of earth’s land surface is semi-arid or arid. Population growth: • The most rapidly growing countries are concentrated in these arid regions; and • Population pressures and development are drying up rivers or leaving water unfit for most uses. Nonsustainability: In response, water users have tapped regional aquifers, resulting in overdraft and saltwater intrusion, causing reliance on nonsustainable water supplies. 3 US Southwest: It is Dry! 4 Parallel challenges in U.S. Southwest Extent of regions: one-quarter of U.S. is semi-arid Population growth: • The most rapidly growing states are the most waterscarce • Dams, diversions, and over-allocation of surface waters have dried up many rivers, and left others polluted Nonsustainability: vast numbers of wells tap regional aquifers, resulting in overdraft, subsidence, salinity, non-sustainability Plus drought: Large portions of southwest US have been in drought most of the last decade and 5 CLIMATE CHANGE US Southwest: Water Scarcity • Scarcity has driven and changed water law in the US Southwest • “every drop of water should be used” • Reclamation Act, 1902 USBR • Colorado River Example: water totally appropriated. – Water quality issues – Overuse of appropriation by California – Colorado Delta – Imperial Valley 6 Courtesy of John Dohrenwend Climate Variability and Change June 2002 Courtesy of John Dohrenwend There is significant variability in the main sources of water in the region. The main challenge is to separate them. April 2003 7 Lake Powell Climate Challenges in US Southwest • • • • US Southwest Colorado River Basin The State of Arizona Tucson Metropolitan Area 8 Climate Change Impact on SW Snowfall • High dependence on snowmelt in spring: Approximately 85% of the water for human use in the Rocky Mountain region comes from spring snowmelt. Snow accumulations are one of the most useful predictors of stream flow and water resource availability in the Colorado Basin. • Climate change is threatening the snow reservoir • Approach: Evaluate snowfall for the period 1968-2079 for three different latitudinal bands and seven altitudinal bands using: – 926 observations (227 for SNOTEL Stations and 699 for TD3200 stations) are collected for validation of the model simulation. – WRF( Weather Research Forecast) regional climate model was to downscale the UKMO-HadCM3 A2 for the period 1968-2079. – Statistically downscaled results from 16 GCMs to evaluate uncertainty (Wi et al, WRR 2012) 9 Movement of 0° Isothermal Elevation Latitudinal and altitudinal location of the region of zero degree mean winter (Dec-Mar) temperature for the three study periods, superimposed on the contours of the linear trend in winter (Dec-Mar) snowfall over the 19692079 period FINDING: The regions of strongest declines in snowfall roughly correspond to the region of migration of the zero degree Celsius line (Wi et al, WRR, 2012) 10 Example: Colorado River Basin Colorado river allocations: Upper basin: 7.5 MAF (9300 Hm3) Lower basin: 7.5 MAF (9300 Hm3) Mexico: 1.5 MAF (1900 Hm3) Total 16.5 MAF (20350 Hm3) (NRC, 2007) (USGS, 2004) 11 Allocation of Colorado Water Reconstruction of Colorado River at Lees Ferry, 1490-1997 Woodhouse et al., 2006 12 Impact on Colorado River Uses • Loss of riparian habitat • Groundwater depletion • Land subsidence 55 PPM Colorado River Flow Below All Major Dams and Diversions 30000 Discharge (1000 acf) 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 800 PPM Year 13 Disappearance of Riparian Habitat 1940 1975 Santa Cruz River’s Riparian Habitat 14 Colorado River Vulnerabilities 15 (US Bureau of Reclamation, 2012) Mismas Tasas de Transpiración, Temporada Más Larga Riparian and Pan ET: Decadal Averages 12 2001-2010 Riparian 2051-2060 Riparian 2091-2100 Riparian 2001-2010 Pan ET 2051-2060 Pan ET 2091-2100 Pan ET 10 ET (mm/day) 8 MPI model A1B scenario 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day of Year Serrat-Capdevila et al JH (2009) 16 The State of Arizona: The Three C’s Since the 1950’s, Southern Arizona’s economy was based on: • Copper mining • Cotton • Climate 17 Climate attracts people, who use water Southern Arizona’s climate attracted: • military bases & aerospace industry • retirees and asthmatics • resorts, spas, dude ranches As a result, the population exploded, and each person consumed an average of 200 gallons per day. Limited surface water supplies were fully utilized, and turbine wells were used to pump groundwater. 18 Arizona Water Resources History • 20th Century •Development followed existing supplies •21st Century •Supplies following existing development •Importation & Transfers, CAP,Groundwater 19 Phoenix Population Growth Phoenix Area Land Change 1975 1955 1934 1995 1912 Phoenix Urban Agriculture Source: CAP-LTER, Arizona State University 20 Managing the Extremes Phoenix Water Supply = 3 million Metropolitan Phoenix 20 1993 -2.25 year supply 15 10 2000 - 3 month supply Water Snow Depth 5 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Month May Jun Jul Aug Sep Salt-Verde Watershed Snowfall Volume 21 Análisis de Sequías: Verde Basin SPI (Indice Estandarizado de Precipitación, Kerr 1993) Period 1950-2100 3 months 12 months 24 months 22 (Serrat-Capdevila et al., AGU 2010) Análisis de Sequías: Verde Basin SPI: Standarized Precipitation Index Droughts in SPI12 -2.1 -2 -2.2 -2.1 -2.3 -2.4 -2.5 -2.6 Period 1950-99 Period 2000-49 Period 2050-99 -2.1 -2.2 -2.3 -2.4 10 20 30 40 50 -2.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 -2.7 5 10 15 20 Number of Events Droughts in SPI12 Droughts in SPI24 16 14 10 2.2 0 Number of Events 12 2.4 12 Duration 1.8 1.6 Duration 8 2 6 4 1.4 10 8 6 4 2 1.2 1 -2.4 -2.6 Droughts in SPI03 2.6 -2.3 Las sequías serán más intensas y de mayor duración en la cuenca del río Verde -2.6 0 -2.2 -2.5 Number of Events Duration -2 -2.5 -2.7 -2.8 Droughts in SPI24 -1.9 Intensity (SPI) -1.9 Intensity (SPI) Intensity (SPI) Droughts in SPI03 -2 0 10 20 30 Number of Events 40 50 0 2 0 5 10 15 Number of Events 20 25 0 0 5 10 15 Number of Events23 (Serrat-Capdevila et al., AGU 2010) 20 Mitigation and Adaptation • Mitigation actions have been difficult due to the political climate. However there are hopeful signs e.g. increased reliance on natural gas, increased efficiency regulations on automobiles and other emitters, clean air regulations for fossil power plants, etc. • Adaptation measures have been more widespread and some examples in the US Southwest and the Tucson metropolitan area will be presented here. 24 Tucson Metropolitan Area •Adaptation Measures to Dwindling Water Supplies in Tucson AMA •Impact of Conservation Measures •Challenges to Water Conservation •Tucson AMA transition to more “sustainable” water supplies 25 Responses to dwindling water supply In the 1970s, Tucson responded to its lack of surface water and declining groundwater table by: • buying & retiring cotton farms • raising price of water and instituting conservation programs • treating & delivering effluent to irrigate golf courses & parks In the 1980s, State of Arizona passed a Groundwater Management Act that: • forbid new farms and severely restricted new wells • imposed mandatory conservation on farms, cities, golf courses • encouraged use of imported Colorado River water • but left copper mines alone, because the industry appeared doomed The water problem appeared to be under control. 26 Unanticipated events challenge water managers The 1990s saw a number of surprises that increased water demand and decreased available supplies: • population in Arizona grew even faster than forecast • public grew suspicious that water conservation encouraged growth • treated Colorado River water destroyed pipes, looked & smelled bad • new technology revived the copper mining industry • purchase & retirement of farmland stopped AND demand characteristics changed 27 …confronted the reality of urban water uses …but swimming pools grew in popularity Dark blue dots represent residential lots with swimming pools in Tucson, AZ 28 Tucson AMA Adaptation Measures • • • • Aquifer Recharge/Banking Water Harvesting (local, storm collecction) Reclaimed Water Increased Efficiency and Monitoring of Water Supply • Outreach and Education 29 Reclaimed Water Reclaimed Treatment/ Recharge Facilities City of Tucson 30 Restoration of Riparian Areas • Contain Critical Habitat • Support Native & Migratory Species • Slow Flood Flows • Provide Erosion Protection • Improve Water Quality • Provide Recreational Opportunities • Count Towards ESA Compliance 31 Storm Runoff Recovery Sweetwater Wetlands Project 32 Tucson: Water Table Elevation Declines WRRC 33 Impact of Conservation Measures 34 Impact of Increased Efficiency 35 It is not only LA 36 Challenges to Water Conservation • “Hardening” of the demand giving less flexibility to deal with water scarcity • Loss of revenue for water utilities • Reluctance of population that believe water conservation will promote more development • Structural changes are more easily accepted by population compared with behavioral changes 37 Tucson: Transition to Renewable Supplies In 2013 pumping would be at 1945 level 38 Pending Challenges to Adaptation • GCMs “are not ready for prime time” • Climate change and its impact on AZ junior rights on the Colorado River • Competition between federally protected rights (Native-American, ESA) and M&I demands • Demand for ecosystem services still not fully resolved 39 Problem: competing demands on limited resources 40 Cuales son las medidas apropiadas? Debido a esta gran incertidumbre el curso de acción apropiado no debe ser inacción hasta que se consiga más información pero usar el principio cautelar (“non-regret approach”), p.e. extender los datos usando proxies, GCMs y “critical scenarios” expander sistemas de alerta y detección, construcción modular de obras hidráulicas entre otras acciones "Algunos dicen que es irrevocable, otros que es irreversible. Dada la ausencia de consenso, sugiero que no hagamos nada drástico" 41 42 Gracias por su atención Para información adicional contactar: Juan B. Valdés [email protected] The University of Arizona 43 Photo: J. Overpeck