tucson groups speak out against new wave of anti


tucson groups speak out against new wave of anti
TUCSON GROUPS SPEAK OUT AGAINST NEW WAVE OF ANTI-­‐IMMIGRANT LEGISLATION Arizona communities continue to fight Arizona legislation that perpetuates criminalization, incarceration, and scapegoating of immigrants For Immediate Release: March 15, 2016 (En español en la segunda página) Contact: Amanda Garcés: Phone: 520-­‐333-­‐8864. Matthew Lowen: 520-­‐859-­‐6392 [email protected] Tucson – On Thursday, March 17, a coalition of Tucson-­‐based organizations and community members will hold a press conference to speak out in opposition to the latest round of anti-­‐immigrant and anti-­‐refugee legislation currently pending in the Arizona state legislature. The groups will be calling on the broader southern Arizona community to mobilize for a rally at the Arizona State Capitol on March 23rd to send a strong message that southern Arizonans are united against racism and intolerance. The Tucson community is all too familiar with the damage and violence that past anti-­‐immigrant legislation like SB 1070 has done—and still does—to local families and communities, as well as to the state’s reputation and economy. The latest round of anti-­‐immigrant bills currently pending in the Arizona legislature, including SB1377, SB1487, HB2223, HB2370, and HB2451 perpetuates the criminalization and mass incarceration of immigrants, denies support to refugees fleeing violence and persecution, and has sown fear in local communities. The Tucson community is demanding that Arizona lawmakers finally reject the politics of hate that has failed the state for far too long. Thursday’s gathering will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including immigrants, faith organizations, labor groups, educators, activists, and workers and families from around the city, who will call on lawmakers to oppose the latest round of anti-­‐immigrant legislation and to speak out in opposition to the rise in anti-­‐immigrant and anti-­‐refugee rhetoric in Arizona and around the country. Participating organizations include: ACLU of Southern Arizona, Alliance for Global Justice, American Friends Service Committee Arizona, Borderlinks, End Streamline Coalition, First Christian Church, Good Shepherd United Church of Christ-­‐Sahuarita, Guatemla Acupuncture and Medical Aid Project, Jewish Voice for Peace, Keep Tucson Together, Kino Border Initiative, No more Deaths, Protection Network Coalition: (Coalición de Derechos Humanos, Corazón de Tucson, Fortin de Las Flores, Mariposas Sin Fronteras, Protection Network Action Fund, Southside Worker Center, and Tierra y Libertad.), St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Shalom Mennonite Fellowship, Southern Arizona BDS, Southside Presbyterian Church, Tucson Samaritans, Tucson Surj. WHAT: Tucson groups to unite to oppose new wave of anti-­‐immigrant and anti-­‐refugee legislation WHEN: 10am, March 17, 2016 WHERE: Southside Presbyterian Church 317 W 23rd St, Tucson, AZ WHO: Tucson community, civil rights, faith, and labor organizations, workers, families and activists
Community members will be present and are available prior to March 17th for interviews. ### GRUPOS EN TUCSON HABLAN EN CONTRA DE UNA NUEVA OLA DE LEGISLACION ANTI-­‐IMIGRANTE Comunidades es Arizona continúan luchando en contra de legislaciones que perpetúan la criminalización, el encarcelamiento masivo, y que culpan a inmigrantes Para publicación inmediata
Marzo 15, 2016
Contacto: Amanda Garces: 520-­‐333-­‐8864. Matthew Lowen: 520-­‐859-­‐6392 -­‐[email protected]
Tucson – El Jueves 17 de Marzo una coalición de organizaciones y miembros comunitarios organizarán una conferencia de prensa para hablar en contra de las recientes legislaciones anti-­‐inmigrantes y anti-­‐refugiados pendientes actualmente en la legislatura del estado de Arizona. Los grupos llamarán a la comunidad mas amplia del sur de Arizona para movilizarse a una manifestación al capitolio del estado de Arizona el 23 de Marzo y así mandar un mensaje firme que las comunidades del Sur de Arizona están unidas en contra del racismo e intolerancia. La comunidad de Tucson conoce muy bien el daño y la violencia de legislaciones anti-­‐inmigrantes que la SB 1070 a hecho — y continua haciendo —a las familias y comunidades locales, como también a la reputación y la economía del estado. Estas ultimas leyes anti-­‐inmigrantes actualmente pendientes en la legislatura de Arizona, incluyen la SB1377, SB1487, HB2223, HB2370, y la HB2451 perpetúan la criminalización y encarcelación masiva de los inmigrantes, niega el apoyo a refugiados escapando de la violencia y persecución, y siembra miedo en las comunidades locales. La comunidad de Arizona esta demandando que los legisladores de Arizona finalmente rechacen las políticas de odio que por mucho tiempo han fracasado al estado. La concurrencia unirá un grupo diverso que incluye inmigrantes, organizaciones de fe, grupos sindicales, educadores, activistas, y trabajadores y sus familias de alrededor de la ciudad, quienes llamarán a legisladores a oponerse a la actual ronda de legislación anti-­‐inmigrante y hablará en oposición al aumento de la retorica anti-­‐
inmigrante y anti-­‐refugiados/as en Arizona y el resto del país. Organizaciones participantes incluyen: ACLU of Southern Arizona, Alliance for Global Justice, American Friends Service Committee Arizona, Borderlinks, End Streamline Coalition, First Christian Church, Good Shepherd United Church of Christ-­‐Sahuarita, Guatemla Acupuncture and Medical Aid Project, Jewish Voice for Peace, Keep Tucson Together, Kino Border Initiative, No more Deaths, Protection Network Coalition: (Coalición de Derechos Humanos, Corazón de Tucson, Fortin de Las Flores, Mariposas Sin Fronteras, Protection Network Action Fund, Southside Worker Center, and Tierra y Libertad.), St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Shalom Mennonite Fellowship, Southern Arizona BDS, Southside Presbyterian Church, Tucson Samaritans, Tucson Surj. QUE: Grupos de Tucson se oponen a una nueva ola de legislación anti-­‐inmigrante y anti-­‐refugiados/as CUANDO: 10am, 17 de Marzo de 2016 DONDE: Southside Presbyterian Church 317 W 23rd St, Tucson, AZ QUIEN: La comunidad de Tucson, organizaciones de derechos civiles, comunidades de fe, y sindicalistas, trabajadores y trabajadoras, familias y activistas. Community members will be present and are available prior to March 17th for interviews. ###