saint pius x - St. Pius X Catholic Church


saint pius x - St. Pius X Catholic Church
2621 Highway 20, S.E. • Conyers, Georgia 30013-2424
January 11, 2015
Father Randall T. Mattox
Father Salomón Garcia
Parochial Vicar
Fred Johns, Brian Kilkelly,
Stuart Mead and
Fernando Barrueta
Weekend Masses
Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Masses: 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.*
1:30 p.m.* (Spanish), 5:00 p.m.
*Nursery available
Weekday Masses :
8:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.
6:30 p.m. Mon.
7:00 p.m. 2nd Thursday of the month
En Espanol
First Friday: Seniors’ Mass
11:30 a.m. (No 8:30 a.m. Mass)
Sacrament of Penance:
Saturday: 3:45-4:45 p.m.
or call a priest for an appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Monday: 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
First Friday: 12:00 noon Fri.
until 8:15 a.m. Sat.
Third Friday: 8:00 p.m.
Fourth Thursday: 7:00 p.m.
Church Office 770.483.3660 • Youth & Education 770.929.1017 • Fax 770.483.7006
Website: • E-mail: [email protected]
Mon, Jan 12
8:30 a.m.
Teresa Borkowski-Shahan by Marcy
6:30 p.m. Souls in Purgatory
Tues, Jan 13
8:30 a.m. Communion Service
Wed, Jan 14
8:30 a.m. Don Shepherd by Fred Boscarino
Thurs, Jan. 15
8:30 a.m. Judy Harper by Rose & John Sotolongo
Fri, Jan. 16
8:30 a.m. Lorraine Hyed by Rose Sotolongo
Sat, Jan. 117
5:00 p.m.
DeWitt Morrison by Cursillo Prayer
Sun, Jan. 18
8:30 a.m. Regina Hamlyn by Mary Ewert
11:00 a.m. Deacon Jack Jansen by Pat Jansen
1:30 p.m. St. Pius X Parishioners
5:00 p.m. Stefan Anschutz & family
Weekend of Jan 17/18
The Baptism of the Lord has historically been associated with the
celebration of Epiphany. Even today, the Eastern Christian feast of
Theophany, celebrated on January 6 as a counterpart to the
Western feast of Epiphany, focuses primarily on the Baptism of
the Lord as the revelation of God to man.
After the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) was separated out from
Epiphany, the Church in the West continued the process and
dedicated a celebration to each of the major epiphanies
(revelations) or theophanies (the revelation of God to man): the
Birth of Christ at Christmas, which revealed Christ to Israel; the
revelation of Christ to the Gentiles, in the visit of the Wise Men at
Epiphany; the Baptism of the Lord, which revealed the Trinity;
and the miracle at the wedding at Cana, which revealed Christ's
transformation of the world. (For more on the four theophanies,
see the article on Christmas.)
Thus, the Baptism of the Lord began to be celebrated on the
octave (eighth day) of Epiphany, with the miracle at Cana
celebrated on the Sunday after that. In the current liturgical
calendar, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the Sunday after
January 6, and, a week later, on the Second Sunday of Ordinary
Time, we hear the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana.
5:00 p.m. David Collins & Jill Wojcik
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Brenda Gammans & Jennette
Charles Doyle & Abigail Bois
Juan Mendez & Hector Martinez
Alexis Kosiak
Readings for the week of January 11, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29 or
Is 12; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9;
Mk 1:7-11
Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97; Mk 1:14-20
Saint Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of
the Church
Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8; Mk 1:21-28
Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105; Mk 1:29-39
Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95; Mk 1:40-45
Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78; Mk 2:1-12
Saint Anthony, Abbot
Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19; Mk 2:13-17
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40;
1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
We are inviting all who have been away to allow us
to “Welcome You Home” starting January 8th in
the Cana Rm. We will have a small sharing
group meeting from 7:30-9:00 pm. The goal is to
provide up to date information and begin a healing/
reconnection process with our loving God. Please
call the church office at 770-483-3660 or Deacon Brian
at 678-525-3452.
Newcomer’s Reception
Jan 18—9:45 a.m.
If you have recently registered with our parish, or need to do so,
we invite you to join us at our quarterly Newcomer’s Reception
in the Parish Hall. Members of the staff and various parish
ministries will be available to meet you and officially welcome
you to our parish family.
11 DE ENERO, 2015
Con la celebración del Bautismo del Señor se
cierra la temporada de Navidad.
Pregunta: ¿Jesús, siendo Dios, necesita recibir
el Espíritu Santo?, acaso no lo tuvo desde la
Respuesta: Jesús no necesita recibir el Espíritu
ya que El es uno con Padre y el Espíritu Santo
desde la eternidad. En el bautismo se manifestó
el Espíritu para beneficio nuestro, en una epifanía (manifestación) de la Trinidad.
15 de enero en el Centro Comunitario de Lakeview a las 7:00pm acompáñenos a la celebración de la Santa Misa.
Habrá tiempo para confesiones antes de la Misa.
12 y 14 de enero, regreso a clases
19 y 21 de enero - No hay clases
(MLK vacaciones)
26 y 28 de enero, clases
Reunión para padres de familia el 26 y 28 de enero en el
horario regular de clases de su hijo
14 de enero
Esta esta noche el objetivo es
introducir a los jóvenes en los
siete trabajos de misericordia corporal. La noche hará hincapié en la llamada a amarnos unos a otros y la dignidad de
toda persona humana.
Sábado 18 de enero, 2015 Misa 11:00am
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Celebrante ivitado: Obispo David Talley,
Obispo Auxiliar de la Arquidiocesis de Atlanta
Tema: “Hemos llegado hasta aqui por la Fe”
Recepción en el Salón Parroquial, después de la Misa
Por favor traiga un alimento no perecible para la
Despensa de Alimentos de Rockdale. Patroninado por el
Ministerio MLK de la Iglesia Católica San Pío X
La Escuela de San Andres te invita a compartir la Cena
Familiar el viernes 16 de enero de 5:00 a 8:00pm en el
salón parroquial. Los fondos serán utilizados para retiros
de la Escuela. Informes con Andreina al 404-516-0311
21 de enero: No hay clases.
11 de enero
Domingo de sacramento, para
estudiantes de secundaria cursando el segundo año de preparación para la Confirmación,
RCIT 1 y 2.
Esta noche no habra clase Life Teen. Por favor, recuerde a
su patrocinador y / o padre esta clase.
Liturgia de la Palabra de los Niños reiniciará el 01 de
febrero para niños de 4 a 10 años de edad. Estamos
buscando voluntarios que deseen servir durante las
misas y tengan pasión para trabajar con ninos. Si está
interesado por favor contacte la Oficina del Ministerio
Hispano 770-483-36-60 ext. 116
¡Marcha Nacional de Peregrinación por la Vida!. Del
20 al 23 de enero. Por favor mantenga en sus oraciones al
grupo de Life Teen y todos los que participan en la
Marcha Nacional en Washington DC en el 42 aniversario
de Roe vs. Wade cuando nuestros jovenes marcharán por
el Mall Nacional pasando por el Capitolio de Estados
Unidos y terminando en las gradas de la Corte Suprema
donde estarán de Pie por la Vida la cual inicia desde la
concepción y termina con la muerte natural
Stewardship of Treasure
FY July 2014 - June 2015
12/21 Offertory:
YTD Offertory:
As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully,
cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with
others, and return them with increase to the Lord.
Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The U.S.
bishops pastoral on stewardship reminds us that
Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His
priestly work and calls them “to offer up the world and
all that is in it—especially themselves—to the Lord of all.”
PCCW Goody Bag Collection
Homeless Women Veterans
For the month of January, PCCW will be collecting
items for Goody Bags for Homeless Women
Veterans. Items can be placed in the collection box in
the Administrative Hall. Items needed:
Small comb
Small brush
Hand/body lotion
Bar of soap
Soap dish
Kleenex (travel size)
Emory boards
$5 CVS Gift card
Plastic raincoat & rain hat
Small & Large plastic zip lock bags
2nd collection—Jan. 18
Refuge Pregnancy Center
Refuge Pregnancy Center offers just that, a place of
Refuge. We are here to help women and families
who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. We
offer free pregnancy tests, pregnancy support,
adoption referrals, abortion counseling, and
individual assistance. We run on your generosity.
We need you to help change lives in our community.
Your tax-free donation helps change the lives and
provide support to our women and their children. We
are a 501(c)(3). Please spread the news that we are
in this community. We are also available to speak to
groups that may be interested in what we are doing.
Family Dinner
Wednesday, January 14—5:00-7:30 p.m.
Join us at our Parish Family Dinner for good food
and fellowship in the Parish Hall.
Cost: Adults $6.00; Children (under 12) $3.50.
Menu: Beef
stroganoff over
noodles, salad,
rolls, drink,
Liturgy of the Word for
Children (LOWC) will be
restarting on February 1st
and all children ages 4-8 years
old are welcome. We are
looking for volunteers with a
passion for working with
children to join our ministry.
If interested please contact
Ann Johnson at 404-9259491 or Linda Koerner at 770
"Mary: Biblical Walk with the Blessed
A powerful 8 session Bible
study that reveals Mary's
unique role in God's
kingdom and in our lives.
Beginning Wednesday, Jan
14, 2015 at 7:15 PM in the
St. Benedict room. Contact Deacon Stuart or
Mary Mead 770-922-6362 as soon as possible to
be included in a group book order. Study kit is
$26.95 plus shipping.
Saturday Study Group
Starting January 17 for 6 weeks from
10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in room 13/15. Join
us as we study Matthew Kelly’s book
“Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic”.
Contact Mark White for more
PSR SCHEDULE-January 2015
Jan. 12th & 14th—Classes resume
Jan. 19th or 21st - No Classes
(MLK Holiday)
Jan. 26th & 28th—Classes resume
There will be a
parents meeting on
Jan. 26th and
28th at your
child’s regularly
schedule class
The Tuesday night Symbolon discussion group will be
starting up again on Jan. 13. Join Fr. Randy for the
2nd part of the series with topics on Living the Faith.
Videos can be viewed on-line. If you have not already
done so, registration is required to access the videos.
Click on the link on the website to complete this
33 Days to Morning Glory
Small Group Study
Leon Bleau said “The only one real
sadness in life is not to become a
Saint.” Join us on Sunday nights at
7:00PM for a 6 week small group
study in the Admin Hall as we explore
what has been called: “The surest
easiest shortest and most perfect
means” to becoming a Saint..” We
will be reading and walking through Father Micheal
E. Gaitley’s Book, 33 Days to Morning Glory; a 33
day preparation for consecration to Jesus through
Mary. Please contact Mark White at 770-331-3085 to
sign up and get information on how to purchase
materials for the class.
Jan. 20-23 - Prayers Requested!
National March for Life Pilgrimage!
January 14- Love One Another— Please keep Life Teen in your
The goal of this Edge Night is to
prayers as we head to Washington
introduce the youth to the semester D.C. for the 42nd anniversary of
on the seven Corporal Works of
Roe vs. Wade as they march down
Mercy. The night will emphasize the the National Mall past the United
call to love one another and the
States Capitol ending up at the
dignity of every human person.
footsteps of the Supreme Court
making a stand that life begins at
Conception and ends with Natural
January 21—No Class
Jan. 11- Sacrament Sunday! For
all High School Students in YEAR 2
Confirmation Prep, RCIT 1 and 2.
There is no Life Teen on this night.
Please remember to remind and
Young Adult Opportunities!
bring your sponsor and/or parent to College Life Bible Study will be
this class.
picking back up on January 20 at
7pm Starbucks, Conyers. Our topic
Jan. 19 - No Class—MLK Holiday for the spring semester is “What if?”
Stand for Life—Atlanta Events
Sunday, January 18
Blessing of Pro-Life Pilgrims
attending the March for Life in
Washington, DC
Haiti Committee
Dinner Theater
Jan. 31, 2015—7:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Wednesday, January 20-21
Groups leaving for Washington, DC, for the March for
Life and related events. For more details, please
contact the archdiocese.
Thursday, January 22
Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta
9:30 a.m., Rosary for Life
10:00 a.m. Mass for the Unborn
12:00 p.m. Stand for Life/Peachtree Street
12:30 p.m. Individual Evangelization for Life
1:00 p.m. Stand for Life Youth Seminar
Flowers on the Altar
Donated by Marie Noel
In loving memory of
If you would like to donate flowers for the altar to
commemorate a special event or loved one please call the
parish office.
bâÜ cÜtçxÜá &fçÅÑtà{ç gÉM
Charlotte Foy and family on the death of
her husband,
The family of
Eternal rest grant unto them.
Tickets are $40 and will be on sale after
all Masses for the weekends of Jan. 17 &
24th. They have sold out in the past so buy
your tickets early. The dinner theater is to
raise funds for the medical mission to Haiti.
cÜtç yÉÜ ÉâÜ Tvà|äx gÜÉÉÑá
Please include those listed below in your daily prayers. Let
us also remember their families and the many sacrifices
they are making.
Lt. Ian Adams
Major Brook Bedell
Kevin Bell EACN
Major David Brazeau
Spc. Joshua Brendan Brown
Matt Cates
Sgt. Thomas L. Clare
Kevin Connors
Naval Com. Anthony Corsini
Lt. Col. Randy Cumberworth
Lt. Josh Darnell
PFC Benjamin Davis
Sgt. Clay Dykes
Nicholas Dziama
Maj. Eric Flesch Sailor
Timothy Gardner
Midn Jeremiah Harding
Sgt. Kristopher Jenkins
SPC Victoria Johnson
Drew Johnston
Robert Killiam
Daniel Knarr
LCpl Bobby Lewis
Pvt. Timur Mamadzhanov
LCpl Gustavo Martinez
Kenneth McCafferty
Kyle Mills
Sgt. Adam Mircarl
S. Sgt. James Modrak
Michael Nichelson, SN
T. J Repetto
Isaac David Robedeau
Sgt. Kevin Rushing
Sgt. Michael Russell
Zachary Schroeder
CPL Conrad Schwalbe USMC
William Tucker
LCpl. Landon Vogel
LCpl Myles Vojnich
John Warner
Sgt. Scot Welsh
Robert Wojciechowski
We are updating this list for prayer groups in the parish. If you
have a family member or friend on this list, please contact Pat
Jacobs 770-364-6763.
cÄxtáx exÅxÅuxÜ |Ç cÜtçxÜ
Bud Amrine
Tim Andersen
David Anderson
Sheila Baker
Jerry Baldia
Dcn Fernando Barreuta
Mike Ceceliani
Charlie Clark
Rennae Clendenin
Nancy Cumberworth
Tony Cumberworth
Father Anthony Delisi
Bill Doane
Cal Felix
Mary Fowler
Beverly Frank
Timothy Gardner
David Giordano
James Greth
Lisa Hetzel
Christy Hicks
Maike Loechelt
James Luke
Kathy Meyers
Stephen Nachtheim
Jennifer Rhoads
Deacon Joe Rhodes
April Gentes Robert
Marilou Roberts
Christian Russell
Katie Russell
Chuck Savoca
Doug Smith
Heidi Smith
Gerald E. Sparks
John Stolter
Ray Supple
Rob Tate
Ken Timko
Mary Ann Thomas
Larry Walker
Micki Wescott
Rev. William Weston
Patti Wilson
To add a loved one for one month, please call or stop by the Parish Office. In order to be aware of the needs of our sick and to protect
their privacy, we ask that the requestor leave their own name and a contact number. We update the prayer list every month.
Church Administration
Faith Formation Office
Pastor - Rev. Randall T. Mattox
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar – Rev. Salomón Garcia
[email protected]
Pastoral Associates - Deacons Brian Kilkelly
Fred Johns, Stuart Mead, & Fernando Barrueta
Director of Music– Andrew Leung
[email protected]
Parish Office – Barb Roberts
[email protected]
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry –Jessica Garcia
[email protected]
Finance Administrator – Barbara Pepe
[email protected]
Facility Manager - Kevin Klein
[email protected]
Kitchen Director – Iris Grant
Contemporary Band – Chris Smith
Director of Religious Ed. - Linda Koerner
[email protected]
Youth Minister – Christina Davis
[email protected]
Religious Ed Coordinator – Rita Salvador
[email protected]
Requests/submissions for website or monitors:
[email protected]
Ministry Heads
Altar Servers – Brian Gowasack
Consolation Ministry-Marcy Borkowski-Glass
Cursillo/Ultreya – John Kowalczyk
Disability Ministry - Vacant
Eucharistic Adoration – B.J.Masters
Greeters – Susan Kowalczyk 770.483.5310
Lectors – Everett Washburn 770.464.4277
Liturgical Commission – Dcn. Fred Johns
Ministers to the Altar– Lee Depkin
Bulletin deadline: Items to be published in the
Bulletin are due to the Parish Office by Monday of
the week they are to be published.
Ministers to the Homebound– Bill Warner
Pastoral Council – Vacant
Order of St. Luke - Mary-Mead Mead
- Prayer Chain - Martha Hughey 770.656.5252;
[email protected]
Pro-Life Ministry – Caroline Smith
- EMBRACE - Dcn Brian Kilkelly
- Refuge Pregnancy Care - Mary Supple
- Help & Healing after Abortion www.healingafterabortion. org
RCIA – Anna Milam 770.929.8665
Secular Order of Franciscans—Joel Alessi
St. Vincent DePaul – Katy Tiller 770.483.6730
Stewardship– Gary Whidby 770.483.1860
Ushers – Charlie Doyle 404.984.1702
Women’s Council – Barbara Pepe
Women’s Jail Ministry – Linda Jesky
YOU matter. YOU are family.
Promise to protect, pledge to heal.
To report abuse by church personnel: 888-437-0764
Archdiocese of Atlanta 24 Hour Reporting Hotline.
We are here to listen and take action!
New Members: Parish Registration forms are available in the
Gathering Area. Please fill out & return to the Office. Newcomers to
the parish are welcomed quarterly by parish leaders at a reception
after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Bautizar en San Pio X:La Iglesia Romana Católica require que cada
niño que es bautizado tenga por lo menos un padrino (a) catolico (a)
activo (a) el (la) cual pueda recibir comunión. La familia debe estar
regristrada en la parroquia y proveer certificado de nacimiento del niño
(a). El (los) padrino (s) fuera del Estado de Georgia ó registrados en
otra parroquia debe (n) proveer constancia de clases y/ó permiso de
su párroco. La preparación pre-bautismal es “obligatoria” primer y
segundo domingo del mes después de Misa. Celebracion de bautismo
cuarto sabado del mes a las 10:00am
Baptism: Baptism Request Forms are located in the
Gathering Area and must be turned in before taking the pre-baptism
class. Baptisms are scheduled after completing pre-baptism
Weddings: Contact a priest or deacon six months before the
wedding to begin preparation. Parish membership is required.
Diocesan guidelines apply.
Penance: Scheduled time is Saturday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.
Seasonal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent. Other
special times are arranged by calling one of the priests.
Anointing of the sick: A priest is on call at any hour for
“EMERGENCY” sick calls. To contact a priest in an emergency,
follow the directions on our phone system.
Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes:
Pastoral staff members visit Rockdale Hospital daily.
EucharisticMinisters bring communion to the homebound. Family
members should call the Parish Office to inform us about those who
are ill.
Grief Support: Ministry of Consolation meets 1st and 3rd Mondays
of the month. Contact Marcy Borkowski-Glass for additional
Counseling: Catholic Charities Counseling Services, Atlanta offers
affordable, professional mental health counseling for children,
adolescents, parents, individuals, couples & families. For assistance
contact Sandy Crowder at 770-790-3109.
Matrimonios: Contacte a un sacerdote seis meses antes del día de la boda
para iniciar la preparación pre-matrimonial. Uno de los requisitos es ser
miembro registrado de la parroquia y seguir todas las regulaciones de la
Confesiones: Hay confesiones los sábados de 3:45 a 4:45 p.m. Tambien
tenemos servicios especiales durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Si desea
confesarse en otro momento por favor llame a uno de los sacerdotes.
Uncion de los Enfermos: Siempre hay un sacerdote listo a servirle si un
enfermo necesita una visita de emergencia. Para comunicarse con él, por
favor llame a la parroquia y siga las instrucciones del sistema telefónico.
La unción de los enfermos se ofrece a todos los parroquianos que la
necesiten. Para mayor información pregunte a uno de los sacerdotes.
Hospitales/Visitas a Enfermos/Anciantos: Diariamente tenemos
ministros visitando el hospital de Rockdale . Ministros Eucaristicos llevan
a sus casas la comunión a los enfermos. Si tiene un familiar enfermo, llame
a la oficina parroquial é infórmenos.
Consejeria: para adultos, adolescents y niños, individual, de parejas y
familias, evaluaciones para inmigracion, talleres, clases y grupos de apoyo
Maria Olearczyk, M.A. 770-6270010 [email protected]

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