april 17th, 2016— fourth sunday of easter
april 17th, 2016— fourth sunday of easter
APRIL 17TH, 2016— FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER OLMC MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 16 (Easter Weekday) 5:00pm Nancy Devaney SUNDAY, APRIL 17 (Fourth Sunday of Easter) 8:00am Irene Less 9:00am Beata Maria Rosa Zangara 10:00am Vincent Mazzurco, Sr. 11:15am Giuseppe Giordano 12:30pm Conrada Isidoro 5:00pm Our Parish Family MONDAY, APRIL 18 (Easter Weekday) 8:00am Joseph Paul Immordino 12:00pm Gloria Toxtli TUESDAY, APRIL 19 (Easter Weekday) 8:00am Jose Enrique Bowen 12:00pm Pablo Velez WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 (Easter Weekday) 8:00am Karl H. Seck 12:00pm Tertullano B. Guevara, Jr. THURSDAY, APRIL 21 (Saint Anselm) 8:00pm Susan Camenzuli 12:00pm Dr. George Mascia FRIDAY, APRIL 22 (Easter Weekday) 8:00am Antonia Nacinovich Memorial 12:00pm Giuseppe & Maria Luigia DiCicco PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested. Anthony Velez Evelyn Filomena Victor Mayo Vernon Sinley Tracy O’Donnell Eleanor Geraghty Week 1: James Leung Margarita Dostall Pedro Acevedo Tu Vu Sean Dennehy Kevin Wooley Filippo Gambino Week 2: Catherine Bell Lankford Patrick Geraghty Week 3: James Leung Lilia Sabbatini Digna Marquez Aida Betancourt Tom Ciangiola Susan Wen Guadalupe Perez Manuel Betancourt Winnie Burke Raul Sanchez Marina Borges Manuel de Jesus Sanchez PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Doris Lyons Florence Beach Barney Duffy Rev. Frank Lynch (3rd Anniversary) DEDICATED OFFERINGS The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for Kyle Michael Witkowski This was requested by Frank & Min Miller Altar Bread & Wine has been offered for Kathleen & Charles Farley This was requested by their daughter-in-law Pat Altar Candles are Burning for James & Patricia Connelly This was requested by Amy Baiamonte & Susan Roscigno & Family Altar Flowers are Offered for Our Parish Family READINGS FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SATURDAY, APRIL 23 (Saint George) 8:00am Mike Cimpeanu & Segunda Nalita 5:00pm Kathleen & Charles Farley SUNDAY, APRIL 24 (Fifth Sunday of Easter) 8:00am Jack Smith 9:00am Privata 10:00am Vincenzo & Rosa Mazzurco 11:15am Viola Lucente 12:30pm Fidel Ramirez 5:00pm Our Parish Family First Reading: Acts 13:14. 43-52 The preaching of Paul and Barnabas is well received by the Jewish Community in Antioch, but their leaders are so opposed to it that Paul directs his mission instead to the pagans. Second Reading: Apocalypse 7:9. 14– 17 In his vision of heaven, John sees a huge crowd standing before the throne of God. These will have the Lamb as their shepherd who will lead them to living water. Gospel: John 21:1–19 The sheep entrusted to Jesus by the Father listen to his voice are kept safe for eternal life. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD THIS WEEK AT OLMC PARISH INSTITUTE BAPTISMS IN 2016 BAPTISM SCHEDULE—ENGLISH WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Conference 8:00pm- Institute Ceremony 2:00 pm April 20 April 24 May 11 May 15 June 22 June 26 July 20 July 24 August 24 August 28 HORARIO DE BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES DOMINGO Charla 8:00pm— Instituto Ceremonia 2:00pm 4 de Mayo 8 de Mayo 8 de Junio 12 de Junio 6 de Julio 10 de Julio 10 de Agosto 14 de Agosto 7 de Septiembre 11 de Septiembre SUNDAY 8AM MASS ANTIPHONS Entrance Antiphon Misericordia Domini plena est terra, [alleluia]; verbo Domini caeli firmati sunt, alleluia, [alleluia]. The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth, [alleluia]; by the world of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia, [alleluia]. Offertory Antiphon Deus, Deus meus ad te de luce vigilio: et in nomine tuo levabo manus meas, alleluia. O God, my God, at dawn I seek you; and in your name I will lift up my hands, alleluia. Communion Antiphon Ego sum pastor bonus, alleluia: et cognosco oves meas, et cognoscunt me meae, alleluia, alleluia. I am the Good Shepherd, says the Lord, alleluia; I know my sheep, and mine know me, alleluia, alleluia. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET Pulguero-“Flea Market” en Nuestra Sra. De Monte Carmelo Along Newtown Avenue/ A lo largo de la Avenida Newtown Saturdays/ Sabados: 8:00am-6:00pm April/ Abril May/ Mayo June/ Junio July/ Julio 23 7 & 21 11 & 25 30 August/ Agosto Sept./ Sept. Oct./ Oct. Nov. Nov. 13 & 27 24 15 5 Funds will go to the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Parish. Los fondos recaudados iran hacia la celebracion de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y para la parroqia. If you have any questions or would like to rent a space ($35.00) please call the office at 718.278.1834. Si tiene alguna pregunta o gustaria rentar un espacio ($35.00) - favor de llamar la oficina al 718.278.1834. We try to keep our schedule that is printed in the bulletin as accurate as possible. For the most up-to-date calendar please visit our website at mountcarmelastoria.org. Thank you. Sunday April 17 10:00am– 12:30pm 10:30am– 12:30pm 11:30pm– 12:30pm 2:00pm– 9:00pm 5:30pm– 7:00pm Spanish RCIA Cursillo Czech Community Zumba Pilgrimage Meeting Monday April 18 7:00am– 5:00pm 5:30pm– 9:30pm TYWLS CYO Tuesday April 19 7:00am– 5:00pm 5:00pm– 7:00pm 5:30pm– 9:30pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Project Connect CYO Matt Talbot Group 20 Marriage Encounter Wednesday April 20 7:00am– 5:00pm 4:00pm– 7:00pm 7:00pm– 10:00pm 8:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Religious Education CYO Pre-Baptismal Class Gym All Rooms Gym Guadalupe A Thursday April 21 7:00am– 5:00pm 1:00pm– 4:00pm 5:30pm– 9:00pm 6:00pm– 8:00pm 6:00pm– 7:30pm TYWLS Carmel Diamond Seniors CYO Religious Education Religious Education Gym Guadalupe A/B Gym Guadalupe A All Rooms Friday April 22 7:00am– 10:00pm 7:00pm – 10:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Jornada Youth English RCIA Gym Guadalupe A/B Lourdes A Saturday April 23 9:00am– 9:00pm 9:00am– 12:00pm 10:00am– 12:00pm 3:30pm– 7:00pm 4:00pm– 5:30pm 5:00pm– 7:00pm 6:00pm– 8:00pm CYO Gym AA Meeting Guadalupe A/B+ Fatima Saturday Lessons Lourdes A/B Adult Sewing Group Lourdes A/B SIA Fatima Clases de Apologetica Guadalupe A/B Adult Spanish RCIA Upper Room+ Fatima Fatima+ Upper Room Guadalupe A Guadalupe B Gym Lourdes A/B Gym Gym Gym Lourdes A+B Gym Lourdes B Guadalupe B+ Fatima ST. MARGARET MARY MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH (Fourth Sunday of Easter) 10:15 am Pascualina Arena THIS WEEK AT ST. MARGARET MARY SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH: 10:00 am– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory 11:30 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group – (Hall + Chapel)Santa Margarita Maria 7:30 pm– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory HORA SANTA, ADORACION Y BENEDICION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Cada primer Sabado del mes en Santa Margarita María de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Todos estan Invitados. AA MEETING (ENGLISH) Sundays -10am -11am- Closed Discussion Meeting Wednesday– 7pm– 8pm- Step Meeting (Tradition Last Wednesday of the Month) in the Rectory Room DEVOCION A LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA El grupo devocional a la Divina Misericordia se reune cada segundo Sabado del mez a las 3pm en la capilla de Santa Margarita Maria. “DREAM ACT” DEFERRED ACTION APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE & CONSULTS RE. ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment please call at 718-721-9020. APLICACIONES PARA LA ACCION DIFERIDA ESTAN DISPONIBLES Y ASISTENCIA CON ALIVIO ADMINISTRATIVO Las aplicaciones para la acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia están disponibles. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta y/o quiere hacer una cita por favor llamar al 718-721-9020. RUMMAGE SALE There will be a rummage sale on May 17, 18 & 19th, 2016. Doors open at 9:00am. VENTA EN SANTA MARGARITA MARIA Habra una venta en Santa Margarita Maria el 17, 18 y 19 de Mayo del 2016. Las puertas seran abiertas a las 9:00am. INCOME TAX PREPARATION IMPUESTOS (INCOME TAX) SE PREPARAN AQUÍ: St. Margaret Mary 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Santa Margarita María 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Federal and NY State Forms You may be eligible for earned income tax credit OBTAIN TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS Call Denise for more info: (718) 721-9020 Formulario Federal y Estatal de NY Usted hasta pueda calificar para el crédito de los impuestos de salario Obtenga su número de identificación de impuestos Llame a Denise para más información al: (718) 721-9020 ST. MARGARET MARY FOOD PANTRY NEWS In the month of March 2016 a total of 2,912 people were served. This included 1274 children, 1350 adults and 288 seniors. You may come in Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays at 11:00am. SUPPORT OUR PARISH FOOD PANTRY WITH OUR ROSARY SOCIETY: In a cooperative venture between the parish Rosary Society and our Parish Food Pantry at St Margaret Mary, we have instituted a monthly food collection on the First Sunday of the month at all Masses. Please bring only dried or canned foods (nonperishables). Please no food beyond expirations dates. Thank you for your help in carrying out the Corporal Works of Mercy in this era of need. All women of the parish are welcome to join them in their prayer, good works, and conviviality. Next Pantry is Sunday, May 1, 2016. APOYO DESPENSA DE COMIDAS Y NUESTRA SOCIEDAD DEL ROSARIO: En una iniciativa conjunta entre la Sociedad del Rosario y la Parroquia despensa de alimentos a Santa Margarita María, que se instituyo una colección mensual de alimentos en el primer domingo del mes en todas las misas. Favor de traer solamente los alimentos secos o enlatados (no perecederos). Por favor no comida expirada. Gracias por su ayuda en la realización de las Obras de Misericordia Corporales en esta época de necesidad. Todas las mujeres de la parroquia están invitados a unirse a ellos en sus oraciones, buenas obras, y la convivencia domingo projimo. Proxima vez: 1 de Mayo del 2016. 175th Anniversary Year Calendar Updated: April 10, 2016 APRIL 2016 Saturday 16 Saturday 16 Saturday 16 Sunday 17 Saturday 23 Sunday 24 Saturday 30 11am Confirmation– Bishop Octavio Cisneros 10am-1pm Deanery Pastoral Assembly Liturgical Enrichment for Lay Minister (St. Joseph) 5pm-7pm Spanish Bible Study 5pm-9pm Fil-Am Mega Dance Event – Gym 5pm-7pm Spanish Bible Study 9am-2pm Rosary Society Bake Sale 5pm-7pm Spanish Bible Study MAY 2016 Sunday 1 11:30am-2:30pm Rosary Society Communion Brunch – Riccardo’s Sunday 1 3pm St. Joseph the Worker Mass– Upper Church Sunday 1 2pm-5pm Dia de los niños Thursday 5 Ascension Thursday Saturday 7 5pm-7pm Spanish Bible Study Sunday 8 Mother’s Day Saturday 14 First Communion Saturday 14 5pm-7pm Spanish Bible Study Saturday 14 5pm Mass- Pentecost– Adult Confirmation Saturday 21 Faith Day @ Citi Field Saturday 21 5pm-7pm Spanish Bible Study Sunday 22 Trinity Sunday Thursday 26 Corpus Christi Saturday 28 5-7pm Spanish Bible Study Sunday 29 Corpus Christi Procession & Benediction– Upper Church Monday 30 Memorial Day JUNE 2016 Saturday Sunday 12 Sunday 19 11am 5pm Pilgrimage to Holy Door– Immaculate Conception-Astoria Classical Music Series– Amuse SingersUpper Church Father’s Day JULY 2016 Saturday 9 12pm-4pm Saturday 16 5pm Sunday 17 Saturday 30 10am-12pm 12pm-7pm AUGUST 2016 Mon 15 Start of OLMC Novena & Picnic – Saint Margaret Mary Mass – Bishop Chappetto – Feast Day Mass– Reception in Gym Conclusion of OLMC Novena Bible Camp - gym Summer Fair – OLMC Parking Lot Assumption of Blessed Mother SEPTEMBER 2016 Monday 5 Thursday 15 Sunday 18- Sunday 25 Friday 23 5pm-11pm OCTOBER 2016 Saturday 1 12pm-2pm Labor Day Bishop Chappetto – Our Lady of Sorrows Mass at Cemetery Canada St. Anne Pilgrimage Bingo – Gym (times include setup/strike) Monday 31 Pilgrimage to Holy Door – Mothers’ Prayer Group St. Francis Dinner/Dance – Riccardo’s Columbus Day Diocesan Pilgrimage - Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC Halloween NOVEMBER 2016 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 9- Saturday 19 Sunday 13 Sunday 20 Thursday 24 Sunday 27 All Saints Day All Souls Day Presidential Election Day Pilgrimage to Italy Czech Party Closing Holy Year of Mercy Thanksgiving 1st Sunday in Advent Tuesday 4 Saturday 8 Mon 10 Saturday 29 6pm-11pm 6am-9pm DECEMBER 2016 Saturday 3 5pm Closing Mass– Bishop DiMarzio 175th Anniversary Year This calendar is also available on mountcarmelastoria.org under the “News & Events” tab. For details on any event, call the rectory at 718.278.1834. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD COMMUNION BREAKFAST/ BRUNCH Rosary Society Anniversary Year Communion Breakfast A limited number of tickets are still available for the special anniversary edition of the annual Rosary Society Communion Breakfast. It will begin at the 10:00AM Mass on Sunday, May 1, followed by a sumptuous brunch at Riccardo's. The special guest speakers will be the wonderful Sisters of the Franciscan Renewal, a young, vibrant and zealous religious order founded by the late beloved Father Benedict Groeschel CFR in 1988. Tickets are $30.00 and can be purchased at the rectory office. ROSARY SOCIETY BAKE SALE 2016 Please join the Rosary Society in the Parish Institute on Sunday, April 24th from 9:00am until 2:00pm for a sale of assorted cakes, cookies and other goodies. Coffee will also be available for purchase and tables will be set up so you can sit and enjoy! Please remember all proceeds help fund the Rosary Society’s charitable efforts such as the Saint Margaret Mary Food Pantry. Come join us! CLASES PREMATRIMONIALES UPCOMING SECOND COLLECTIONS SEGUNDA COLECTA April 17, 2016– There will be a second collection for “Special Calamities Collection.” The funds raised in this one time special appeal will be used to support the efforts of Catholic Charities as they and their member agencies respond to immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter, medical care and the long term need to rebuild after widespread destruction in the South and Midwest regions of the United States. Please use a plain envelope for the collection and be sure to put your name, address and envelope number on the outside so we can credit your account. Your generosity, as always, is very much appreciated. 17 de Abril, 2016– Habrá una segunda colecta después de la comunión para “Colecta Especial para Calamidades.” Los fondos recaudados serán usados para apoyar a Caridades Católicas y sus agencias a responder a emergencias inmediatas como agua, comida, cuidado medico y el trabajo de largo plazo para reconstruir después de la destrucción en la regiones de el sur y el Medio Oeste en los Estados Unidos. Por favor ocupe un sobre blanco para la colecta y escribe su nombre, dirección y numero de sobre para que podamos acreditar su cuenta. Su generosidad, como siempre, es muy apreciada. April 24, 2016– There will be a second collection after communion for “Catholic Home Missions.” Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. Clases prematrimoniales comenzaran el 6 de Mayo del 2016. Las clases duran por 7 Viernes de 7pm a 9pm. Para registraciones, favor de visitor la oficina parroquial. Para mas informacion llame al 718.278.1834. 24 de Abril, 2016– Habra una seguna colecta despues de la comunion para “Misiones Catolicas Domesticas.” Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciadas. FAITH DIRECT MINISTERIO DE CONSOLACIÓN El grupo del ministerio de consolación, invita a toda la comunidad, que desee participar en el Santo Rosario, en memoria de las almas en Purgatorio. Este ministerio comenzara el 21 de Abril del 2016 y se reunirá cada jueves a las 7:00pm en la Capilla de la Iglesia ( También llamada “La Iglesia de Abajo”). A través del Santo Rosario nosotros podemos ganar indulgencias para nuestros seres queridos que el Señor ha llamado a su presencia. Con nuestras oraciones lograremos liberar esas almas que todavía están en el Purgatorio. Además, el grupo de consolación esta a la disposición de toda la comunidad para llevar el Santo Rosario a los hogares. Todos están invitados a esta devoción. Is spring cleaning on your mind? Looking for ways to simplify your week? eGiving through Faith Direct can help! Consider enrolling today by visiting faithdirect.net and using our church code: NY370. Your gifts through Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances, help you to get rid of the clutter of offertory envelopes in your home, and give you one less thing to worry about on Sunday mornings. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time and talents as well as treasure! VOCATIONS AWARENESS We are happy to welcome Mr. Chin Nguyen, a first theology seminarian at St Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers studying for the Diocese of Brooklyn He will be offering a meditation at several Masses this weekend on Good Shepherd Sunday to encourage vocations from our parish. Please offer him a warm welcome. Most importantly pray for and encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life from our parish. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD THE ANDREW J. AHEARN MEMORIAL PILGRIMAGES 61st FALL PILGRIMAGE TO THE CANADIAN SHRINES Celebrating the 175th Anniversary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Astoria September 18-25, 2016 Price- $1,750.00– Double Occupancy/$2,000.00– Single Occupancy Price Includes: Round Trip bus transportation, room board and all meals. Shrines and Churches Visited: St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal St. Kateri, Caughnawaga Our Lady of the Cape, Three Rivers Fr. Frederick’s, Three Rivers St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec St. Joaquim, Quebec Sacred Heart Shrine, Beauvior Items not included in your fare: Group Mass, Chaplain and Bus Driver Collections, as well as any collection taken up in each Shrine and church visited. SHRINE OF THE DIVINE MERCY– MASSACHUSSETTS June 18, 2016- $55.00 per person. The Shrine of the Divine Mercy offers opportunities for inspiration and devotion. Stroll through beautiful grounds offering devotional opportunities for silent prayer and contemplation. Busses will be leaving at 7am from Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Pilgrims should pack snacks/ drink for the day. A boxed lunch will be provided. The trip will proceed rain or shine. Pilgrims are reminded to dress for the weather and location. For questions, contact Alison at [email protected] or leave a message at tel. 718.965.7313. Messages are retrieved weekly. To reserve your place, please mail us a check for $55.00 made payable to Diocese of Brooklyn to: The Pilgrimage Office/ 26-15 154th Street, Flushing, NY 11358 Attn: Divine Mercy. Also include a sheet of paper with your name, Address, City State and Zip and a phone number to be contacted. Space is extremely limited and is first-come, first– served basis. PRAYERS OF THE WEEK NOTE: Please have a current USA Citizenship I.D to leave and reenter the USA: USA Passport, Passport Card, etc. For a flyer and more information, please call the Rectory Office at 718.278.1834, leave your name and number and Mr. Leonard DiVittorio, our Ahearn Memorial Pilgrimage Organizer and Director, will return your call. Seating is limited. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL– CAMPAÑA CATOLICA ANUAL We thank all those who have made a pledge to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. Pledge envelopes are still available at the church doors and in the rectory. Please remember we need many new people to pledge this year if we are going to make our goal. No pledge is too small and everyone can help our campaign succeed. Les agradecemos a todos que ya han hecho una promesa hacia nuestra Campaña Católica Anual. Sobres para hacer sus promesas todavía están disponibles cerca de las puertas de la iglesia y el la oficina parroquial. Por favor recuerden que necesitamos varia gente nueva que hagan promesas este año si vamos a alcanzar nuestra meta. Ninguna promesa es muy pequeña y todos podemos ayudar a que nuestra campaña tenga éxito. AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPPORTUNITY We have been asked to make available applications for a new affordable housing development called "Steinway Estates" located at 19-80 Steinway St. A new construction of 83 units targeting medium income families as defined by NYC-HPD, it is a project of Langsam Property Services Corp in the Bronx. (langsampropertyservices.com) A limited number of applications are available at the rectory office and deadline for submission is May 23, postmarked or online. Prayer during Eastertide Heavenly Father and God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for He is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death You raise us up with Him and renew Your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ and help us to grow as Your people toward the fullness of eternal life with You. We ask this as your faithful servants through Jesus Christ our Lord. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. How blest are they who have not seen, And yet whose faith has constant been. For they, eternal life shall win. Alleluia! Submitted by Elaine Rodriguez Share your favorite prayers: [email protected]