Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. SylvesterCatholic Church JUNE 14, 2015 YEAR B Father John F. Kelly, Pastor Father Alvaro Pio González, Parochial Vicar Charles Sukup, Deacon Mass Schedule: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:30am Tue., & Thu. 6:00pm Sat. 4:00pm Sun. 9:00am, 11:00am & Spanish 5:00pm Please register at the Welcome Table in the vestibule after Mass or stop by the office. Active Membership is determined by: St. Sylvester Parish Office Phone: 850-939-3020 FAX: 850-936-5366 Website: www.stsylv.org Email: [email protected] Hours: Monday -Thursday 9:00am to 2:00pm Registration in the parish Faithful attendance at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days Support of the parish through time, talent and treasure Attention Acolytes, Lectors, and EMHC (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). The MANDORTY Diocesan Continuing Education/Training class took place last week. If you DID NOT attend one of the three different times the class was offered, your name has been removed from the schedule until you complete this very important class. The next class will be held on Sunday, August 2nd, after the 9:00 Mass. If you’d like to continue your service to the Lord in one of the ministries above, it is at the request of the Bishop’s office that this session be attended by everyone. Once you’ve completed the session your name will go back on the schedule. Thank you for your understanding and service to the Lord and our parish. NOTE: If you attended one of the classes you do not need to attend the one on August 2nd. Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office Baptism Must have Baptism Preparation Class English classes on Second Sunday of each mo. English Baptisms are on 3rd Sun. of each mo. English, text or call Erica Meyer, 850-978-2624 Email – [email protected] Spanish classes 1st and 2nd Thu. of each mo. Spanish, call Mayra Lucero, 850-797-0256 Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction First Fridays, 7:00pm Marriage Arrangements Six months in advance; please call the office Reconciliation English—Saturday 3:00-3:30pm Spanish & English--Sunday 4:30-5:00pm by appointment Nursery Available during 9:00 am & 11:00 am Masses Sacraments and Services Each week we highlight one of our bulletin sponsors. Because of these ads we are able to get our bulletins FREE. Please support these businesses. Our “sponsor of the week” is: Religious Education Classes Welcome. . . . . New Parishioners: ROCK (1st-5th) Will resume in the Fall EDGE (6th-8th) Will resume in the Fall LIFETEEN (9th-12th) Will resume in the Fall ADULT FAITH FORMATION (AFF) Various dates and times check bulletin RCIC (Children) & BC (Basic Catholicism) Will resume in the Fall RCIA (Adult) & RCIT (Teen) Will resume in the Fall Children’s Liturgy of the Word(4-6 yrs. only) Sundays during the 9:00 or 11:00am Mass. No registration is required. The teacher will call the children to the front of the sanctuary before Mass begins, and they will return during the offertory. Mass Intentions Sunday, June 14 9:00am † Ruby Davis by Martin & Barbara Riley 11:00am For the Parish 5:00pm † Maria Toval and † Sergio Toval by The Grimm & Dale Families Monday, June 15 8:30am † Roger Traynor by Ron & Edna Wright Tuesday, June 16 6:00pm † Eva Becker by Bill & Katherine Teegarden Wednesday, June 17 8:30am † Nolan, Jules & Jay LeBlanc by Jack & Debbie Chase Thursday, June 18 6:00pm Julianne Syzdek by Mom & Dad Friday, June 19 8:30am † Angel & Odilia Ibanez by Angela Zangerle Saturday, June 20 4:00pm Felipe G. Rodriguez † Howard N. Libbert by The Libbert Family Sunday, June 21 9:00am † Anthony Mento 11:00am † Dr. Robert Cifers 5:00pm For the Parish by Tish Besozzi by Dr. & Mrs. Besozzi HONESTY The most important person to be --Anonymous honest with is myself. Loving God, raise these to eternal life and hold them in the palm of your hand. Ruth Morrison Parishioner & Mother of Trisha Schafer Roy Lee Arnold Father of Jan Miller Jaxon Von Bohlen Infant Grandson of Billy & Kim Hartman For World Peace, For LIFE, Christians in Iraq and the Sick, Fred & Kathy Albertson, Zoe Allen, Roberta Anderson, Selena Barthe’, Kathy Benson, Velma Berteau, Beverly Blackwell, Dennis Boyce, Kimberly “Julie” Bratton, Frank Brehm, Lanie Brewster, Randall Butler, Bill Combs, John Comstock, Connor, Mike Cox, George & Lorraine Crepeau, The Cummings Family, Orlando Louis D’Amico, Nancy Daniel, Mario Diaz, Thomas Doherty, Barbara Donahue, Anne Drohan, Elsa Garcia, Luciano Giangiulio, Carrie Grundt, Dot Guerrera, Locklan Hamer, Paul Hanson, Jerry Hutchinson, Bob Janda, Fay Johnson, Craig Kessler, Gloria Larreamendy, Bill Little, Lanny Lucero, Debbie Martin, Eryn R. Miles, Beth Miller, Doug Miller, Pat Miller, Michael Mullikin, Fr. Phi Nguyen, Sharon O’Neil, Cleo Pollack, Dan Ramsey, Sue Riley, Paulette Rollant, Wayne Rollins, Cathy Spoffard, Ellen Stanley, Brayden Starr, Deacon Charles Sukup, Anne Theroux, Vonnie & Virginia Tolbert, Tracy Townsend, Donald Varner, Paul Vitello, Diane Watkins, Eric Watts, WWW Whitaker, Tammy Wright, and Sandy Wyatt. Please notify the Parish Office if someone is in need of prayer. Names will remain on the list for four weeks unless the office is notified. Readings for the week Mon. June15 Tue. June16 Wed. June17 Thu. June18 Fri. June19 Sat. June 20 2 Cor 6:1-10 2 Cor 8:1-9 2 Cor 9:6-11 2 Cor 11:1-11 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30 2 Cor 12:1-10 Mt 5:38-42 Mt 5:43-48 Mt 5:17-19 Mt 6:7-15 Mt 6:19-23 Mt 6:24-34 Sunday, June 21 Jb 38:1, 8-11 2 Cor 5:14-17 Mk 4:35-41 This Week the Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns in Memory of Michael Holley REFLECTION…………... Year B 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Living in God’s kingdom Readings: Ezekiel 17:22-24 (prophecy of the restoration of Israel) 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (walking by faith) Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (seed grows by itself & the mustard seed) Key Passage: Yet when [the mustard seed] is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade. QUESTIONS? Adult—What is the “good soil” that has allowed your faith to grow like the mustard seed and provide shelter for others? Child—How do you help your faith grow like the mustard seed? USHERS NEEDED at all Masses, especially the 11am Mass. We’ll train Men, Women and Teens. The more who sign up for this, the fewer Masses one has to do themselves, so please recruit, recruit and sign up!!! It’s fairly simple, we will train you. Call the Parish Office at 939-3020 or for more Information go online to www.stsylv.org click Liturgical Ministries to the left then click on Ushers. WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday 9 & 11am Sunday Masses English Baptism Class June 14 3pm Flag Day 4:30pm 5pm Reconciliation (Spanish & English) Spanish Mass Mon. June 15 8:30am 9:00am 7:30pm Daily Mass Vacation Bible School VBS Grupo Oracion Tue. June 16 9:00am 3pm 5pm 6pm Vacation Bible School VBS Grupo de 3rd Edad New Pro-Life Group Daily Mass Wed. June 17 8:30am 9:00am 7pm Daily Mass Vacation Bible School VBS Choir Practice Thu. June 18 9:00am 6pm 7pm Vacation Bible School VBS Daily Mass Choir Rehearsal Fri. June 19 8:30am 9:00am Daily Mass Vacation Bible School VBS Sat. June 20 St. Romuald 3pm 4pm Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday 9 & 11am June 21 Father’s 4:30pm 5pm Day Name __________________________Phone_____________________ _______________________________ E-Mail_________________________ Preferred Mass time______________ Sunday Masses K of C Pancake Breakfast Reconciliation (Spanish & English) Spanish Mass THE CHURCH AND THE SPIRIT Where the Church is, there is the Spirit of God; and where the Spirit of God is, there is the Church and all grace, and the Spirit is truth. --St. Irenaeus If you would like to USHER please fill this out drop it in offertory. Address________________________ Columbiettes Chapter Meet Reconciliation (English) Vigil Mass St Vincent DePaul Orientation Meeting June 27 @10:00 in Activity Building Conference Room 1. FYI: Come one come all we need YOU! CALLING ALL to HELP with vouchers for children this the HUNGRY and the POOR! summer. The food pantry also needs: Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise) With summer vacation from Cereal school here, we would like to Juice stocking up on "kid friendly" Canned chicken snacks, i.e., juices, cookies, Fruit Cups mac and cheese, etc., to fill Paper towels Items needed in June for Interfaith pantry are: Welcome home to Our Parish Fr. John, Fr. Álvaro, Deacon Charlie and St. Sylvester Church, would like to express a BIG welcome to parishioners new to our community in Dec. 2014 thru May 2015. Susan Allard Dorothy Bowles Jose & Maria Campo Nathaniel & Monica Casillas Benito Cruz Jeremy Estrada Anthony & Be y Fi on Juan & Minerva Garcia Richard & Joan Gaude e Nicole Gehlhausen Kim Gonzalez Kayla Graham Joseph & Kelly Hart Michael & Laura Hearn James & Allison Hollinger Michael & Teresa Hoover William & Annie Horton Gerald & Evalyn Kachel Josef & Sharlene Kelm Cheryl Kendrick Adam & Lucinda Kraus Andre Lama Chris & Marilee Lambertson Eric & Theresa Lee Randal & Katherine Legendre James & Jenniffer Lovell Thomas & Colleen Low Paul & Billie Lyders Michelle Marquardt Neil & Ashley Merrick Keith & Erica Morrissey Tata Paez Nicholas Petkovic Cody & Michele Pitre Veronica Rivera Nelson & Perscilla Rodriguez Chris & Chris na Sarvis Joseph & Amy Signor Kevin & Irene Smith Joe & Sonia Soto Christopher & Jan Stelly Rodrigo Ubilla & Rosario Trujillo Claire Wills Carlos Zelada For arrangements to have donations to Thrift Store picked up OR To volunteer: Call Lynn @ 934-1688. BE THE DIFFERENCE & VOLUNTEER Thank you for your generosity. Catholic Cruise to Caribbean Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Caribbean Cruise with (Priest to be Assigned by the Apostleship of the Seas of the United States of America) Sept. 13th–Sept. 20th, 2015 on Royal Caribbean’s Navigator of the Seas out of Galveston, Texas. Ports of Call: Cozumel (Mexico), Belize City (Belize), Roatan (Honduras) and back to Galveston, Texas. Prices begin at $999 for two passengers this includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785/ [email protected]. OR Come and sail away on a 14-night Catholic Alaska Cruise with Father Robert Kieltyka September 7th – September 21st , 2015 on Holland America Statendam out of Seattle, WashingtonPorts of Call: Coastal Navigation; Ketchikan, Alaska; Tracy Arm; Juneau, Alaska; Icy Strait Point, Hoonah, Chichagof Island, Alaska; Anchorage, Alaska; Homer, Alaska; Kodiak, Alaska; Hubbard Glacier, Alaska; Sitka, Alaska; Victoria, British Columbia; Seattle, WA. Prices begin at $4,371 for two passengers this includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For info or to register, contact Doug/Eileen at 860-399-1785 [email protected]. SHOES FOR KIDS PART 2 Hello St Sylvester Parish, You might remember me from a few years back; I collected new & gently used shoes. If you don’t, my nonprofit organization, Shoes for Kids, collects shoes for kids in need in the Santa Rosa Schools.The response from St Sylvester two years ago was overwhelming, just from this parish alone we collected 87 pairs of shoes! Because the response was wonderful, I have decided to do it again. I hope we can collect at least 90 pairs of shoes. Maybe 100? Do you think we can do it? I hope so! Requirements: NEW or GENTLY used SIZES that will fit kids grades k –8 TURN in starting June 7th Thanks , Miranda Young Troop 907 Our Community Yoga class will be collecting donations for The Navarre Pregnancy Help Center, also known as Life Inc, for the whole month of June. This non profit organization provides many services and resources to pregnant ladies in our area. They provide free pregnancy tests, educational resources and referrals to medical providers if necessary. The organization also works with Heartbeat International to provide “Earn While You Learn” training on pregnancy and caring for a newborn in exchange for clothing, diapers and other nursery items. Come join us! Call 850-346-3577 for more information. Congratulations #193 Kevin Johnson $100.00 winner of the Knights of Columbus 1st Sunday of the month calendar drawing that took place 6/7/2015. YOU CAN BE A WINNER TOO!! Knights of Columbus 2015 Calendars are available for a $25.00 donation. This makes you eligible for a $50.00 drawing every other Sunday, $50.00 drawing on 12 Holidays, $100.00 drawing on the first and third Sundays of each month and two $500.00 drawings, one July 4th, the other December 13th 2015. The total to be given away and you will be eligible to win is $5,400.00. All these chances to win equal 66! Still only 400 calendars sold. These make GREAT gifts! HEARTFELT COME and JOIN our NEW PRO-LIFE group!! We meet on Tuesday evenings at 5:00pm. Room 201 in the Activity Center (upstairs). Join in, see what you can do to help save and respect the gift of Life. I would rather say five words devoutly with my heart than five thousand which my soul does not relish with affection and understanding. --St. Edmund the Martyr Celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life announced by Pope Francis. Register your family to par cipate in the Elijah Cup voca on prayer program of the Serra Club. Each week a family receives a chalice and commits to pray for voca ons to the priesthood and consecrated life throughout the following week. Easy instruc ons and prayers provided. Sign-up forms are available in the back of the church or contact Betsy Bowser, 850-292-8349,email [email protected]. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY WEEKEND OF JUNE 27/28. Saint Sylvester Parish has a new website. Come check it out. WWW.STSYLV.ORG K I D S P A G E Noviembre 22-Dic 4, 2015 Padre Alvaro P González es el Director Espiritual de esta peregrinacion mariana. Puedes hacer tus reservaciones en la oficina del ministerio hispano en St Sylvester 850-939-3020 ¡Marca tu calendario! Clases de Educación Religiosa Curso Bíblico de vacaciones Vive el Reino de Dios Junio 15-19 2015 9am-12 m Edades 4-10 Costo $10 ROCK (1-5 grado) miércoles a las 6:00pm EDGE (6-8 grado) 6:00 pm-8:00 pm LIFETEEN (9-12 grado) 6:00 pm-8:00 pm RCIC y BC (Catolicismo Básico) miércoles a las 6:00pm RCIA (Adultos), RCIT (Teen) miércoles a las 6:00pm Educación Religiosa Contactar la Oficina de Domingos durante la misa de las 5:00 pm en español No se requiere inscripción. Grupo de 3ra Edad : 3er martes de cada mes 3:00 pm Pastoral de parejas: ultimo viernes de cada mes 7:00 pm Grupo de Oración: Lunes 7:00 pm Pensemos: Dice el Papa Francisco a los jóvenes la peregrinación en el Santuario de la Virgen de Loreto, Italia: “¡Canta y camina!”. No permanezcan quietos porque entonces uno se corrompe y no sirve. Si caen, deben levantarse porque “existe la misericordia de Dios” y se puede recomenzar. La peregrinación es un símbolo de la vida que nos hace pensar que la vida es caminar, es un camino” y “si una persona no camina y se queda quieta, no sirve, no hace nada. Un alma que no camina en la vida haciendo el bien, haciendo tantas cosas que se deben hacer por la sociedad, por ayudar a los otros y también quien no camina por la vida buscando a Dios y que el Espíritu Santo te mueve de dentro, es un alma que termina en la mediocridad y en la miseria espiritual”. Así que “¡Por favor, no se paren en la vida!”. Si eres miembro activo de nuestra Parroquia de St Sylvester te invitamos a que te registres tú en unión de familia. Si ya te has registrado, no olvides actualizar tus datos si has cambiando de teléfono o de dirección. GRUPO DE ORACION: Lunes a las 7:00 pm salón 204 Ven a meditar la palabra de Dios y a orar en comunidad: “NO OLVIDEN HERMANOS QUE ANTE EL SEÑOR UN DIA ES COMO MIL AÑOS Y MIL AÑOS SON COMO UN DIA” (2 Carta de Pedro 3, 8) Rosalina Juárez 850-687-3867 Alma Chávez Sacramentos y Servicios NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES 850-686-9811 Unción de los enfermos: Llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia 850-939-3020. Bautismo: Clases para la Preparación del Bautismo: primer y segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Lucero Registrarse primero con Mayra 850-797-0256 de lunes a jueves 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. Matrimonio: Con seis meses de anticipación. Favor llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia para una cita Reconciliación o Confesión: Domingos de 4:30 pm a 5:00pm JUNE 21st HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!! Bring the kids, take me out to the BALLGAME!! Whether we are at home or away, we aspire to please the Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:6-10) It is the smallest of all seeds, and becomes the largest of plants. (Mark 4:26-34)
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