Museo Interactivo de Economía
Museo Interactivo de Economía
Strategies for reaching non traditional audiences Título Monday, March 17th 2:45 – 4:00 Red Room @ Technopolis Silvia Singer / [email protected] Strategies for reaching non traditional audiences Strategies for reaching non traditional audiences Monday, March 17th 2:45 – 4:00 Red Room @ Technopolis Silvia Singer / [email protected] Our origins Banco de Mexico owned the “Antiguo Convento Hospitalario de Betlemitas” in Mexico City. In year 2001 the Board of Governors of the Central Bank decides to devote the iconic venue to society and education and establish the first Interactive Museum of Economy The Central Bank provides all the money and advice needed and apoints a group of experts in the museum and science comunication field The restoration process Mission Statement To invite visitors to discover new ways for understanding economics, finances and nature and their relationship with daily life We present an overall vision of the economic, social and natural processes, and their interrelationship. We aim to contribute to build citizenship that is prepared for a critical and active participation in society, aiming towards better individual and collective well-being. In 2001 MIDE was created as the first thematic science center about economy, finances and sustainability in the world What is MIDE MIDE is an interactive museum that presents the economic processes of the modern world through the use of daily-life examples. Interactives that allow the discovery process and promote dialogue. A place where all opinions are welcome What is MIDE MIDE encourages group participation through technological and non-technological means, among its visitors. We aim to promote discussion, reflection and critical thinking In the last 2 years we have renovated almost 50% of the museum with two new exhibit halls: Sustainable Development: The delicate balance between nature, society and economy Finance in society my personal finances, government finance and the stability of the financial system Is there such a thing as a “traditional audience”? Who determines what is a traditional audience? What we do is what determines what we get Schools are welcome Teachers are welcome Families are welcome But it also a matter of who we design for To break the paradigm Science centers are for kids! All citizens, all audiences will benefit from understanding their surrounding world. We all enjoy playing, but … it is a matter of language It is a matter of better understanding the specific interest of other age groups It is matter of making it relevant Audience composition 2013 Estudiantes Primary school secondry Middle school Undergraduate 9% 13% 37% 41% A wide variety of audiences requires a wide variety of activities Activities at the museum Workshops Interpretation program Volunteers Diplomados y cursos With our sleves rolled up Simposio Educación Económica y Financiera Financial Education programs The traditional audience at MIDE In 2013 80% ranged between 15 and 25 years old 9% where below 15 years old 11% where older than 25 years old Non traditional according to age We have an opportunity with younger audiences, mainly primary school kids. An open niche that nobody is covering We are planning on a MIDE for children And we piloted the idea with a special hall A workshop / exhibit hall The Consumer Lab Between September 2012 and December 2013 the consumer lab served an audience of 47,041 children An impact on attendance 37% 37% 24% 19% 16% 16% 14% 12% 9% 10% 2% 1% Menores de 7 0% 7 a 14 15 a 17 18 a 25 2012 2013 26 a 40 41 a 60 3% Más de 60 •“Está muy bien, nos enseña muchas cosas importantes para la vida diaria ¡Qué bueno que México tenga lugares así!”. Jorge Eduardo Ramírez, 16 años. (19.01.2014) •“La verdad es uno de los mejores museos que he visitado”. Leonardo Quiroga, 25 años. (26.01.2014) •“Muy buen museo. No te aburres, creas conciencia, y ojalá hubiera este sistema en otros museos. Felicidades”. Ana Cecilia Martínez Cuevas, 19 años. (30.01.2014) •“Muy bueno el museo. Me ha sembrado la inquietud de mejorar para conservar mi mundo”. Arely Caballero, 23 años. (02.02.2014) •“Es genial lo que hicieron, ojalá toda la sociedad pudiera darse cuenta… Lo amo”. Claudia Gisela Ledezma, 20 años (15.02.2014) •“Este museo es algo que pocas personas visitan por la idea de que la economía es algo aburrido. Por mi parte, es de los mejores museos”. Brenda Karina González, 18 años. (19.02.2014) •”Este museo es muy bueno. Al principio no quería entrar porque creí que iba a ser aburrido, pero en serio me gustó mucho por las actividades; entiendes que la economía es parte de la vida cotidiana". Jair Soto, 15 años. (22.02.2014)
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