Restart File - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Restart File - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640 September 7th, 2014 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday Masses Mon-Fri 8.30 AM-Chapel School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AM-Church Saturday 8.30 AM-Church Sunday Obligation 5.00 PM Sat., 7.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 10.00 AM 11.30 AM In Spanish Vigil/Holy Day Masses-Church 7.00 PM, 8.30 AM, 5.15 PM 7.00 PM In Spanish Adoration/Benediction-Chapel Tuesday 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM Sacraments Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know would like to receive the anointing of the sick, please notify the parish office. Baptism Following the birth of your child, please contact the parish office. Catechetical Instruction (Grades 1 – 8) Confirmation Preparation Call Religious Education Office. Matrimony Arrangements to be made by calling parish office (9) months in advance. RCIA (Adult Initiation) If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact Jane Olson at the parish office. Reconciliation Saturday: 4.00 - 4.45 PM, also by appointment. Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent. Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners. Please come to the parish office to receive welcome information. Bulletin Notices Please submit notices in writing or email [email protected] to the Parish Office by Friday noon, one week prior to publication. Pastor Rev. James R. Keenan………..……………...Ext.211 Parochial Vicar Rev. Adalberto Sanchez……………….……..Ext.212 Residence(after 4 PM & weekends)..1.815.625.4768 Deacons John Kellen……………………………………..Ext.226 Larry Zitkus……………………………………..Ext.226 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday……………………9.00 AM - 4.00 PM Parish Administration Offices 600 Avenue B Sterling IL………...….1.815.625.0640 Fax 815.625.1684 Email:…………[email protected] Website: ………………… Parish Staff…………...………….….1.815.625.0640 Marilyn McBride, Business Manager………..Ext.225 Lupe Larson, Secretary……………………....Ext.210 Jane Olson, Pastoral Associate……………..Ext.220 Janie Atilano, Hispanic Ministry…….1.815.626.5735 Sally Kellen, Shut-in Ministry……………….. Ext.226 Cemetery Andres Quintana, Cemetery Manager……...Ext.222 Religious Education Office……….1.815.625.6688 (located in St. Mary School) Gerry Williamson, Director……………….…..Ext.244 Dianne Williamson, Secretary…………….....Ext.214 St. Mary School 6 West 6th Street…………….……....1.815.625.2253 Rebecca Schmitt, Principal…………………...Ext.227 Jeannie Ramos, Bookkeeper………………...Ext.221 Robbin Clifton, Secretary……………………..Ext.223 Newman Central Catholic High School 1101 W. 23rd Street………………....1.815.625.0500 Mr. Andy Edmondson, Principal St. Vincent DePaul Society 7 West 6th Street………………….....1.815.625.0311 Office Hours: Monday-Friday…...12 Noon - 2.30 PM G Mass Intentions Mon Sept 8 8.30 AM †Betty Johnson The Johnson Family Tue Sept 9 8.30 AM †Terry Kelly Marty Kapp Wed Sept 10 8.30 AM †Jean McCue St. Mary Parishioners Thu Sept 11 8.30 AM †Gregorio Marquez Janie Atilano Fri Sept 12 8.30 AM †Deceased Members of St. Mary’s Parish Sat Sept 13 8.30 AM †Mary Little The Hannan Family Sat Sept 13 5.00 PM †James & Helen Pittman Jean Thome Sun Sept 14 7.00 AM †Steve McCormick Kathy Matznick 8.30 AM Louis & Agnes Verbout Wedding Anniversary The Verbout Family 10.00 AM †Piedad Saldivar †Teresa Bartel-Harris Jane Saldivar 11.30 AM †Brijido, Maria, Guadalupe and Antonio Celestino Ismael Celestino SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS Please consider remembering a loved one or family member by having the sanctuary candle burn for their intention In memory of In thanksgiving for In honor of Or a Special Intention a customary offering (donation) is asked of $10.00. If you have any questions please call the parish office at 1.815.625.0640 SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Candle in the church will burn the week of September 6-13 For the victims and the families of the September 11th attack Collection Report 2013-14 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG August 30-31 G WEEKLY Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Needed Weekly (Under) DEBT REDUCTION Beginning Balance Collection for week CURRENT DEBT Current Month Tithe (Kreider Services) Envelopes this week GGGGGGGGGGGGG $ 9,152.00 $ 632.50 $ 13.85 $ 9,798.35 $14,875.42 ($5,077.07) $49,590.00 $ 380.00 $49,210.00 $250.00 255 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGsGyG GGLectors Sat Sept 13 5:00 PM Sharley Bailey Mark Tschosik Sun Sept 14 7:00 AM Maureen Gainey 8:30 AM Kyle Lancaster and Bert Davis 10:00 AM Josh Francque and Jane Olson Sat Sept 13 5:00 PM Deacon Julie D. Gowers and Megan Benyo Eucharistic Ministers Sun Sept 14 7:00 AM Ann Stroup John Beien and Gloria Olds 8:30 AM Deacon Linnea and Lupe Larson 10:00 AM Sharon McKenna Terri Lawrence and Julie Jacobs Altar Servers Sat Sept 13 5:00 PM Michael Healy Quentin Larson and Paul Marruffo Sun Sept 14 8:30 AM Owen Oetting Ethan and Olivia Edmondson 10:00 AM Spencer Mauch Caleb Knutti and John Craft Society of St. Vincent de Paul Children’s High Chairs The 3rd Annual Friends of the Poor The funeral luncheon 5K Walk is on Sat., September 20th committee is requesting at Newman High School baseball children’s high chairs to use field on Ave J in Sterling. in Bales Hall. If you have a Registration is from 8:00-9:00 AM gently used high chair to and the walk is from 9:00-11:00 donate, please bring it to the Parish AM. Walker pledge forms can be Center ofice. It would be greatly picked up at St. Vincent de Paul or at appreciated. all the local Catholic Ladies of the Parish churches. Please contact Sue Harkness at You are invited to attend the 815-499-6651 with any Altar & Rosary Pot Luck Dinner and questions. induction of the officers on Tues. ,Sept. 9th in Bales Hall. Induction of the officers is at 5:45 PM and Dedication bricks order forms are available dinner follows at 6 PM. in the school office. Each granite brick costs Please bring a dish to $125.00 ; make checks payable to St. Mary pass following these school. You are allowed 4 lines for you guidelines of your last name: dedication, 20 characters per A-G Salad H-L Vegetable line. We will order your brick M-R Dessert S-Z Vegetable and install it on the front Please plan to stay for the meeting grounds. Questions call Diana and fellowship. Healy at 1-815-626-2399. St. Mary’s School St. Mary’s School Carnival St. Mary’s School 2nd Annual Carnival will be held at the Rock Falls Riverfront on Thursday, September 11th through Sun., September 14th. $20 wristbands for unlimited rides are available and $18 wristbands will be by pre-sale from Sept., 4th-11th until 3 PM at the following locations: St. Mary’s School, Rock Falls Chamber, and Grummert's Hardware (both RF and Sterling stores). The Carnival opens Thursday at 6 PM, Friday at 5 PM, and at noon on Saturday & Sunday and the wristbands hours: Thursday and Friday 6 PM– 10 PM; Saturday 1 PM-5 PM & Sunday 1 PM-5 PM. St. Vincent De Paul Society St. Vincent De Paul Society food pantry is looking for a 'gently used' upright freezer. The pantry hours are M-F from 12:30 to 2:30 PM. Please contact the pantry if you can help call 815-625-0311. St. Patrick’s Church St. Patrick Church of Dixon invites you to join a women's faith discussion group which will meet once a month beginning Sept., 9th at 9:15 AM in the Holloway Center. The first chapter of the book Courageous Love by Stacey Mitch will be discussed at that first meeting. Babysitting is available. Please contact Jen Sagel at [email protected] for further information. In addition, there will also be a men's faith sharing group that same night, Sept., 9th, beginning at 8:30 PM in the Holloway Center. A short article will be provided for discussion and no materials are needed. Questions can be directed to Joey Sagel at [email protected] Altar Server News and Info To serve at the altar of Our Lord is a privilege as well as an important ministry. Training sessions for those who are interested in becoming altar servers will be offered at three different times. The minimum age for altar servers is fourth Altar & Rosary grade, but older students are also invited to The ladies of Altar & Rosary Society participate in this ministry. Altar severs are having a should also have received their First BAKELESS BAKE SALE. Communion. The new servers will be required to attend two of the training sessions. The dates for the three altar server training sessions are as follows: Wed., Sept. 17th at 5:30 PM (before Rel Ed class begins at 6:15 PM) Thurs., Sept. 18th at 2:00 PM Sat., Sept. 20th at 9:00 AM (after the 8:30 AM mass). All sessions will be held in the church. Please take advantage of this opportunity to teach your child the principles Immaculate Virgin Of San Juan of stewardship by encouraging him/her to St. Mary’s Church will have on become an altar server. display the statue of The Immaculate Virgin of San Juan ͑ in the church on Sept. 29, 30 and Oct., 1. We invite everyone to participate in the celebration. If ͑͑͑ any one would like to offer his/her help in any way, please ΄ΡΖΔΚΒΝ͑΅ΙΒΟΜΤ͑΅Π ͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑ call Janie at 1.815.625.0640 The Cornerstone Agency-Gerard Widolff ͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑ ΦΣ͑ͲΕΧΖΣΥΚΤΖΣ͑ΠΗ͑ΥΙΖ͑ΈΖΖΜ͑͑ Ministerio Hispano Janie Atilano 1.815.626.5735 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nuevo Horario de Oficinas Nuestro horario nuevo para el Centro Parroquial comenzará el 2 de Septiembre de 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, lunes a viernes. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Ministros para el fin de semana del 14 de Septiembre Lectores: Ester Ramírez, Abel Olivas Ministro de Eucaristía: Rubén Cisneros, Linda Balderas y Ana Rosa Olivo Monaguillos: Felipe Olivo, Irvin Gaytán y Asiel Torres Acomodadores: Juan Barrientos, Juventino Trujillo, Adrián Villa y Jesús Villa Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo Las pláticas serán el 4 de Octubre de las 2:00-4:00 PM, en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor no traer niños. Únicamente para los padres y padrinos. Por favor llamar al Centro Parroquial con Janie para confirmar su asistencia a las pláticas. Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia Si usted quiere presentar a su niño o niña en el templo. Favor de contactar al Centro Parroquial 1-815-626-5735 con Janie. Matrimonios y Quinceañeras Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote. Confesiones Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45 pm, o por cita en la oficina del Sacerdote. Clases de Inglés Las clases de Inglés comienzan el 19 de Agosto en el siguiente lugar: Sterling: Iglesia de Santa María Martes-Jueves 8:30 AM-12:30 PM Revisión de la Presión Cada martes de la semana desde las 9:00-11:00 AM en el Centro Parroquial. XXIII Domingo Ordinario Eres justo, Señor, y rectos son tus mandamientos. Muéstrate bondadoso conmigo y ayúdame a cumplir tu voluntad. Si Dos De Ustedes Se Ponen De Acuerdo Para Pedir Algo... *Por ejemplo, si papá y mamá se ponen de acuerdo para rezar juntos, todas las noches, por cada uno de sus hijos: -por el mayor, que va a la universidad, pero que ya no va a Misa ni a la iglesia, y que en muchas ocasiones no saben ni a dónde va ni con quién va... -por la de 17 años, que no sabe qué hacer con sus 17 años... -por el adolescente que en uno de sus pirotécnicos enojos se fue de casa y ¡ sabe Dios qué andará haciendo!... *Por ejemplo, si la mamá y los hijos rezan todas las noches por papá, a quien todo lo relacionado con la religión lo tiene muy sin cuidado... RICA Es usted católico que aun necesita ser confirmado o recibir su Primera Comunión? RICA es el Rito de iniciación Cristiana para adultos de 18 o mayor. Para mas información llame al Centro Parroquial 1-815-626-5735 con Janie. Catecismo 2014-2015 Las clases de catecismo comienzan el miércoles 17 de Septiembre de las 6:15-7:30 PM en la escuela parroquial. Necesitan Su Apoyo.. El programa de Catecismo esta en busca de Catequistas y ayudantes para las clases del 2014-2015. Llame al 1.815.626.5735 con Janie si está interesado. La Virgen de San Juan de Los Lagos Tendremos la visita de la imagen de la Virgen de San Juan de Los Lagos en nuestra parroquia el 29, 30 de Septiembre y el 1 de Octubre. Se invita a todos a participar en la celebraciones que se vaya a tener, y si gusta servir por favor comuníquese al centro parroquial. St. Vicente De Paul (Centro de alimento para los nesitados) Se necesitan donaciones de alimento, productos como Quinceañeras papel de baño, servilletas, comida enlatada, etc. O una Les recordamos que para el 2015 ya donación monetaria. Puede pasar al Centro Parroquial tenemos abierta las fechas si su hija tendrá a dejar sus productos o su donación. una quinceañera el próximo año. Para que su Gracias por su generosidad. hija aparte su misa para sus quince años, deberá estar bautizada. Enhancing Life. Advancing Wellness. ALL MAJOR BRANDS IN STOCK Assisted Living MOORE TIRES, INC. Find out what makes us truly special! Liberty Court 2411 E. Rt. 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 ALifeHOUSE Management Services Community 124 Liberty Court • Dixon, IL 61621 815.285.2000 • 815-625-1800 Deje que Community State Bank le abra las puertas a la casa de sus sueños Para mas información comunicate con una de nuestras representantes bilingües Cuenta de cheques • Cuenta de ahorros • Certificados de depósito • IRA’s • Prestamos para automóviles • Prestamos para la compra de casa • Y mucho más Nursery & Landscaping 3602 E. Lincolnway 815-626-4422 Locally l owned own w ed and managed manage 3210 East Lincolnway, Sterling 815-625-4300 1801 1st Ave, Rock Falls 815-625-1110 en contacto contigo GAFFEY HOME NURSING & HOSPICE, INC. 3408 E. 23rd Street Sterling 815-626-3467 815-284-3467 Mon-Fri 8a.m.-4:30p.m. 2105 First Ave Rock Falls, IL 61071 Tel: 815-626-5500 Fax: 815-626-5500 Operated under license agreement with Days Inns Worldwide, Inc. Allied Waste Service of Dixon Serving the community for over 30 years Residential • Commercial • Industrial Recycling & Waste Services 625-1000 FOR AD INFO CALL Peter Harford 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL B 4C 01-0240 08-28-2014 10:53:02 Funeral Homes, Inc. With Facilities In Rock Falls • Sterling Prophetstown Milledgeville Fulton James S. Ferris, D.D.S. KELLY’S Lunch & Dinner Open Daily Elwin L. Neal Gerard Widolff • Farm • Crop • Home • Auto Insurance (815) 716-3671 Phone 1-815-625-5279 FRANK’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Service & Parts on Lawn & Garden Equipment Overnight Chain Saw Sharpening Toro & Echo Equipment Frank Thayer - Owner 30 Years Experience 4-Cycle Engine Certified Mechanic Mon-Fri 8-5-Sat 7-12 405 Ash Ave., Sterling, IL 61081 (corner of Ash Ave. & IL Rt. 2) 815-622-9999 SHELL JOHNSON OIL 218 Locust John Widolff 815-438-4402 Coventry Living Center 612 W. St. Mary’s Road Sterling 815-626-9020 (815) 625-6842 OCTOPUS BRUSHLESS CAR WASH Unity Hospice OF WESTERN ILLINOIS LLC Many Hands to Serve You Helping You Help the Ones You Love 815-561-8866 Mon - Sat: 8am to 5pm • Sun. 8am-1pm 407 E. 3rd St. Heritage Woods of Sterling An Affordable Assisted Lifestyle Community for the Older Adult 2205 Oak Grove Ave., Sterling Ph: (815) 625-7045 Where the world goes to look good. JOEL M. DOWNIE, P.C. Certified Public Accountant & Consultant HEALTHCARE AND REHAB LLC Joel M. Downie, CPA Parishioner Shell Stations In Sterling - Rock Falls 105 W. Third St., Sterling, IL 61081 625-7969 (815) 628-0600 Fax (815) 626-4240 COURTEOUS & CONSCIENTIOUS AL J. DIETERLE DECORATING 2000 Locust St., Sterling Attorney At Law Residential • Commercial • Farm ~Emphasizing a family tradition in dental care~ 2900 N. Locust St. • Sterling Call 815-625-6525 for great values on refurbished products. 15 West Wasson Road Amboy, Illinois 61310 907 West Route 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 625-8800 815.857.2550 Your Lift System Specialist Now Designing & Selling Kitchen & Bath Cabinets 329 IL Route 2 Dixon, IL 61021 815-284-3933 1514 W. 4TH STREET STERLING, IL 61081 Stairway Lifts, Elevators, Wheelchair/Scooter Lifts Licensed in the State of Illinois Se Habla Español (309) 797-4647 1808 34th Street, Moline, IL 61265 815/625-5949 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - 24 HR. SERVICE Mitchell A. McNinch Owner HEAT-CO MECHANICAL, INC. Plumbing / Heating / Cooling / Sheet Metal Commercial & Residential 815-625-0111 Tel. 815-625-0116 Fax 815-213-0044 Cell [email protected] 1705 Westwood Drive, Sterling, IL 61081 4 W. Third St. • Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 622-5000 The Pharmacy That’s All About Your HealthSM STERLING FENCE COMPANY Home of the $15.95 Oil Change Out Our Complete Inventory at Carnes Frescas cortadas al gusto Productos Mexicanos Pan fresco-Musica • Restaurant supplies 1219 W. 4th. Sterling, IL 60181 Tel: 815-626-9011 Fax: 815-626-9109 [email protected] All Types of Residential & Commercial Fencing DAN CROWNHART (815) 625-2201 Sterling, IL 61081 Dirt Work, Demolition & Hauling Dan Bocker, Owner 815-946-2600 Cell: 815-541-8264 POLO, IL BRECK LOOS Parishioner STERLING NAPA 218 W. 3rd St. Sterling, IL 61081 DIXON NAPA 713 N. Galena Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 625-3300 (815) 284-3301 FAX (815) 284-6446 WHOLESALERS OF ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEERS FAX (815) 625-3479 McCue Tax & Accounting Teresa M. McCue E.A. Owner 302 1st Ave., Suite 510, Sterling, IL 61081 Bus: 622-0308 Parish Member Contact Pete Harford to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 800-950-9952 x2468 FOR AD INFO CALL Peter Harford 1-800-950-9952 Call Peter Harford at 1-800-950-9952 x2468 or email [email protected] WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL A 4C 01-0240 08-28-2014 10:53:02
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