April 24, 2016 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church OUR MISSION STATEMENT Founded in the good news of Christ that “God so loved the world that he gave (us) his only Son” (Jn 3:16) and knowing that he (Christ) “came that we might have life — life in all fullness” (Jn 10:10) and rooted in Jesus’ command to “Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 13:34), we the members of Christ the Redeemer Parish commit ourselves: • To foster an understanding and sharing of Christ’s message • To celebrate the glory of God in liturgy which recognizes our diversity and calls us to oneness in God’s presence • To challenge the faithful to respond to Christ’s call to meet the needs of all people with compassion and charity. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:30 pm - English 7:00 pm - Spanish SUNDAY 8:00 am, 10:00 am - English 12:00 Noon, 3:00 pm - Spanish 5:30 pm - English HOLY DAYS As Announced WEEKDAYS Monday-Friday 8:00 am Saturday 9:00 am STAFF Fr. Francis Eldridge, S.A. Parochial Administrator Fr. Robert Langone, S.A. Parochial Vicar Donna M. Ata Parish Administrator Claire M. Caruso Director of Music Jay Cuasay Director of Christian Formation Hunter Lillis Director of Religious Education Amelia Silva Director of Spanish Religious Education Mauricio Carpio Secretary/Assistant to the Administrator Cristina Orellana Secretary 46833 Harry Byrd Highway, Sterling, VA 20164 Phone 703-430-0811 Fax 703-430-1590 www.ctrcc.org facebook.com/CTRSterling CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH Fifth Sunday of Easter APRIL 24, 2016 ALTAR SERVERS Any boy or girl 4th grade and up that is interested in serving, please call Gail Dowling 703-421-7499. Readings and Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, April 25 1 Peter 5:5-14 Mark 16:15-20 8:00 a.m. † Joaquin, Marialena, & Jorge Gonzalez Tuesday, April 26 Acts 14:19-28 John 14:27-31 8:00 a.m. † Florinda De Las Mercedes Cerda Ahumada Wednesday, April 27 Acts 15:1-6 John 15:1-8 Thursday, April 28 Acts 15:7-21 John 15:9-11 Friday, April 29 Acts 15:22-31 John 15:12-17 8:00 a.m. Special Int. for Joyce Shangle Saturday, April 30 Acts 16:1-10 John 15:18-21 Sunday, May 1 Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Psalm 67:2-3,5-6, 8 Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 John 14:23-29 8:00 a.m. Parishioners 10:00 a.m. † Mary Lou Stanish PRAYER REQUESTS We pray for those who are ill . . . Dick Schaub, Ethan Encarnacion, Jose Silva, TQ Lumanlan, Pablo Casarola Margarito, Quinn Smith, Carmelo Mendoza, Rick Shangle, Richard Lattanze, Eliecer Rubio, Diamond Clark, Judith Smith, Ramona Morales, Elizabeth Zurbrick, Nancy Carver, Irene Skoff, Leo Koppinger, Virginia Anderson, Jojo Inventor, Mary Nelson, Bernard Terry, Julie Ware, Carrie Mroczkowski and Rosa Lopez We pray for those who have died . . . Otoniel Ventura and Peggy Breakey PRAYERS AND SICK CALLS Contact the Parish for visits or Communion calls to shut-ins, sick, hospitalized and in cases of serious illness or death. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CTR COUNCIL Are you interested in joining the K of C “Christ the Redeemer Council #16234” here at our parish? For more information, please contact Everett Barnes [email protected]. BULLETIN DEADLINE The bulletin deadline is Thursday prior to the week (10 days before) you wish to have your announcement in the bulletin. Thank you for your cooperation. 7 CAR WASH - 21680 Thomas Jefferson Drive As you get your car washed, help the poor and needy. We receive 10% of what CTR parishioners pay. We regularly donate this income to LINK, S.O.M.E. and the Women's Shelter in Leesburg. As you pay at the carwash, tell them you are from CTR so we receive their donation. MOVING? If you are leaving the parish, please let us know by calling or dropping us a note. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples must make arrangements at least six months prior to the date of marriage. All are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Please call the office to make an appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is ordinarily celebrated within a faith community. Please call the office to register for a preparation class and to arrange for a time for the celebration. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Guadalupe Chapel. MORNING MASS WEATHER CANCELLATIONS Christ the Redeemer will follow the Federal Government weather closings and delays for weekday and Saturday morning Masses. When the Federal Government closes or has a delayed opening, morning Mass is cancelled. In order to avoid risking your personal safety, please use wise discretion when travelling in severe weather. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Interested in becoming Catholic or have an unbaptized child 8 or older? If so, please call the Parish Office and speak to Jay Cuasay, Director of Christian Formation at 703-430-0811 ext. 130. PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome you to our Parish Community and invite you to call or register in person at the Parish Office. AVAILABLE SERVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED A sign language interpreter is available on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Along with the Masses, our parish has induction loop and receiver systems for the hard of hearing. The devices are located in the Usher Room. SENIOR GROUP The CTR Senior Group meets Fridays at 11:30 a.m. in the Library for “Bring Your Lunch” meetings or at a local restaurant on the second Friday of the month. Parishioners 55+ are invited to join. For more information, call Claude Gianino at 703-858-0641. FAITH DIRECT Join the many parishioners who have already enrolled in Faith Direct for automated giving to the Parish. Faith Direct is secure and convenient, and will provide you with an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. Sign up today by contacting Faith Direct at 866-507-8757or go to www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is VA313. Thank you! CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH APRIL 24, 2016 BIENVENIDO A CRISTO REDENTOR PERSONAS A CONTACTAR EN LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL PARA SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL P. Francisco Eldridge, S.A. Administrador parroquial Cristina Orellana Secretaria Mauricio Carpio Secretario Amelia Silva Directora de Educación Religiosa REGISTRACIÓN Todos los feligreses están invitados a registrarse en la parroquia. Para registrarse pueden llamar a la oficina parroquial o visitarnos. NÚMEROS INFORMATIVOS Y HORAS DE OFICINA. 703-430-0811 Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Para escuchar la información en español cuando conteste la máquina de mensajes, por favor marque el número 2. La linea de emergencia de la parroquia debe de ser reservada para aquellos casos de enfermedades crónicas o muerte y que necesitan la presencia de un sacerdote. Para comunicarse con Amelia Silva en el Departamento de Educación Religiosa, llamar entre las horas: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. de Lunes a Viernes; marque la extensión 129 para dejar mensaje en la maquina contestadora. MISAS DOMINICALES Nuestra Parroquia de Cristo Redentor celebra tres misas Dominicales: la primera misa Dominical es celebranda todos los sábados a las 7:00 p.m. la segunda y tercera son a las 12:00 del mediodía y 3:00 p.m. del día Domingo. La misa es una celebración comunitaria; por lo tanto participan miembros de los distintos grupos y movimientos de la comunidad católica, por tal motivo tratamos de no particularizarla con gestos que son propios de cada grupo o movimiento eclesial. SACRAMENTO DE UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Por favor llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar la suministración de los Sacramentos de Confesión o Unción de Enfermos, ya sea en la casa u hospital. MISAS MEMORIALES La santa misa se puede celebrar en caso de muerte. Para arreglar una misa funeral pueden llamar a la oficina parroquial. Intenciones comunitarias tienen que llegar 15 minutos antes de la misa. SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN (CONFESIÓNES) El Sacramento de Reconciliación se celebra todos los sábados de 4:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO La pareja interesada en celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio, necesita realizar un curso de preparación; por tal motivo debe contactarse con el Sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha de su matrimonio. Todos están llamados a participar de la formación matrimonial (pre-cana o convalidación). Por favor llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Las charlas pre-bautismales se ofrecen el tercer sábado de cada mes. Si desea bautizar a su niño entre las edades de recién nacido a 7 años pueden llamar a la oficina Parroquial de lunes a viernes y contactarse con Cristina Orellana al 703-430-0811. ¿SE MOLESTA POR LA BEBIDA DE OTRA PERSONA? Si alguien allegado a usted: familiar, amigo, compañero de trabajo o vecino, tiene o ha tenido problemas con la bebida, visite un grupo de AL-ANON y Alateen encontrara respuestas, apoyo y ayuda. Respetamos su anonimato. Reuniones en las Iglesia: Cristo Redentor Jueves 8:00-9:30 p.m. Info.703-406-0791 o 703-216-8319. GRUPO DE ROSARIO Todos los viernes en la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a las 8:00 p.m. Para más información comunicarse con Ramón Dominguez 571-279-4417. PREPARACION PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA EN ESPAÑOL Para obtener información sobre la preparación en español de los tres sacramentos de iniciación (bautismo, confirmación, primera comunión) ó información sobre el sacramento de la confirmación para adultos; comunicarse con Amelia Silva, directora 703-430-0811 ext. 129. CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Offering - $17,820.19 March Faith Direct - $25,250.50 Next week’s second collection is for Renovation & Renewal. 2016 BISHOP’S LENTEN APPEAL Go forth as heralds of God’s mercy! Please pick up a pledge card today! During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, let’s join together do the Lord’s work – works that touch the lives and souls of thousands of people in our diocese. To date, we have reached 87% of our goal of $159,000.00. Parishioners have pledged over $137,900.00 to the Appeal. ASIAN & PACIFIC ISLAND CATHOLICS Join Catholics of various Asian and Pacific Island descent for a Marian Pilgrimage on Saturday, May 7 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, D.C. The pilgrimage will be from 12 to 4 p.m., beginning with Confession at 12 p.m., procession and call to prayer at 1 p.m., Rosary at 2 p.m., and concluding with Mass at 2:30 p.m. The celebrant and homilist will be Archbishop Bernardito C. Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations. For additional information, please contact Sister Myrna Tordillo at 202-541-3384 or [email protected], or Dr. Fred Semendy at 703-472-2032 or [email protected]. All are welcome to attend! FAIR TRADE SALE Fair trade items will be sold after the 8:00AM, 10:00AM and 12:00 Noon masses on Sunday May 1st in the Atonement Hall Commons Area. Your support of Fair Trade assists farmers in the developing world to support their families and improve their communities while insuring that no one is oppressed in the process. Pretty good returns for a pound of coffee! Our supplier has reduced the size of the chocolate bars, in response, we have reduced the price to $3 bar on our supply. POPE FRANCIS IS ON INSTAGRAM. ARE YOU? Pope Francis joined Instagram and broke a record collecting over one million followers in 12 hours. Join the trend and follow @arlingtonchurch for breaking #Catholic stories, uplifting shareable quotes, and graphics that will enlighten and inspire you. DIOCESAN MULTICULTURAL MASS & FAIR – JUNE 25 Join the many cultural communities throughout the Diocese of Arlington at the Annual Diocesan Multicultural Mass & Fair on June 25 at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, 3901 Cathedral Lane, Arlington. Mass will begin at 5:30 p.m. The Multicultural Fair and Reception will follow immediately after Mass, where the various cultural communities will display exciting news, events and information about their ministry. Each cultural community will provide food representative of their native country for the reception. All are welcome! For more information, please contact [email protected]. APRIL 24, 2016 SUPPORT EVENING WITH BISHOP LOVERDE FOR VICTIMS/SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE Bishop Paul Loverde cordially invites victims/survivors of sexual abuse and their spouse or support person to a support group evening on May 17 at St. Ann Catholic Church in Arlington. The evening begins at 5:45 p.m. and consists of a light meal, group discussion, followed by a prayer service. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the subject, this event is for victims/survivors and a spouse/support person only. Please RSVP by May 13 to the Office of Victim Assistance at 703841-2530. ANNUAL MEMORIAL MASS Join in prayer with the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, to honor the men and women who are serving or have served in the Armed Forces at the 22nd Annual Memorial Mass on Sunday, May 15, at 12 p.m. in the Great Upper Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The principal celebrant and homilist will be Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio. Parking is limited. Carpooling is advised. Military personnel are encouraged to wear service dress uniform; civilians are asked to wear business attire. GANG ACTIVITY PRESENTATION Concerned about gang activity in Loudoun County? The Loudoun County Sheriff Department will provide a presentation on this topic here at Christ the Redeemer on Friday May 6, at 12:00 P.M. Please come and invite any interested friends or neighbors to attend with you. Sponsored by the Christ the Redeemer Senior Group. Call Carol Catulle at 703 430-6490 for more information. (This event was previously scheduled for January 22 but had to be canceled due to the impending blizzard). HELP IMMIGRANTS LEARN ENGLISH Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington- Hogar Immigrant Services, Education Services is seeking volunteer teachers for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church, beginning in May. We offer six levels of English instruction and classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-9:30pm. You only teach once per week as a part of a teaching team. Training and materials are provided. No previous experience or second language required! Please help us demonstrate Christ's love by "welcoming the stranger" in this country. If interested, please call 571-208-1572 or email [email protected]. ENGLISH CLASSES AVAILABLE HERE AT CTR Catholic Charities-Hogar Immigrant Services offers English classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8-9:30pm. You can still register for classes on May 10th & 12th, from 8:00-9:00pm. Various class levels are available. The cost is $45 for 7 weeks of classes which includes the textbook. For more information call Hogar Immigrant Services at 571-2081572. CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RE CLASS SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK Sunday, Apr. 24: RE CLASSES MEET TODAY HIGH SCHOOL RE/YOUTH MINISTRY 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Monday, Apr. 25: RE CLASSES MEET TODAY GRADES 7-8/YOUTH MINISTRY 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Apr. 26: RE CLASSES MEET TODAY Wednesday, Apr. 27: RE CLASSES MEET TODAY KINDERGARTEN - GRADE 6 (English) 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 -7:00 p.m. He Is Risen Alleluia! HAPPY EASTER! Religious Education Staff Contact Information: 703-430-0811 http://ctrcc.org/faith-formation Jay Cuasay (Grades 7-12), ext. 130 Director of Christian Formation [email protected] Hunter Lillis (Grades K-6), ext. 114 Director of Religious Education (English) [email protected] Amelia Silva (Spanish Grades K-6), ext. 129 Director of Religious Education (Spanish) [email protected] ADULT ENRICHMENT ROSARY GROUPS - AN INVITATION In English – Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. For more information, call Diane Kilkeary 703-430-6228. In Vietnamese - Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel. For more information, call Hoa Ngo at 703-430-7461. In Spanish – Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel. For more information, call Ramon Dominguez at 571-279-4417. ADULT FAITH FORMATION FOR OUR PARISH! Outstanding Catechist, Sue Hinz, had been nudged by the Holy Spirit once again! Sue is offering Adult Faith Formation in Atonement Hall on Wednesday evenings during our K-6 Religious Education sessions: 4:30-5:30 and 6:00-7:00 p.m. We are using a concise and easy to understand book, A Well Built Faith published by Loyola Press. The book cost is $5.00 and there is no charge to attend the evening sessions. Please join us! APRIL 24, 2016 CONFIRMATION 2016 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR MEETING #4 Final Meeting Dates: TUE., MAY 10 or THU., MAY 12 Questions? Contact Jay Cuasay 703-430-0811 ext. 130 or [email protected] or visit our website at ctrcc.org/confirmation for more information. CONFIRMATION 2016 CELEBRATION DATE Saturday, October 29th at 10:00 AM More information will be sent by mail and posted on the website: ctrcc.org/confirmation. Jay Cuasay will need your child’s baptismal certificate, Confirmation and Sponsor’s Names and Robe Measurements. INITIATION RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Fifth Sunday of Easter We continue to hear how the faith in the Risen Christ continues to spread with the mission of Paul and Barnabas to the Gentiles. Indeed, the Second Reading underscores this change by proclaiming “Behold, I make all things new!” Today’s Gospel, though brief, also imparts a similar memorable, but challenging saying: “Love one another as I have loved you.” May the newly baptized and all who have renewed their baptismal vows this Easter Season remember the love that has been so graciously poured out upon us, so that we in turn might be generous with our love. If you are an unbaptized adult or have an unbaptized child over the age of 7 interested in becoming catholic through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and communion or are from a different denomination and interested in becoming Catholic, please contact Jay Cuasay, Director of Faith Formation at 703-430-0811 ext. 130 or [email protected]. FIRST EUCHARIST CELEBRATIONS PRAYERS Our English First Eucharist Celebration will be on Saturday, May 7 at 11:00 a.m. Our Spanish First Eucharist Celebration will take place the following Saturday, May 14 at 11:00 a.m. Our faith-filled students have been preparing for their Sacrament in our Religious Education programs this year. We are very excited for these wonderful children. Please pray for them, their families and our dedicated Catechists as they continue with their preparation to receive the Blessed Sacrament! Thank you for your prayers! CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH APRIL 24, 2016 We congratulate and welcome those who celebrated Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Profession of Faith David Ellingwood Full Initiation Cristina Alarcon Victoria Alarcon Kenneth Collao Karen Cristina Laínez Diaz Luis Alonso Diaz Tatiana Xiomara Diaz Edgar Ariel Hernández Gianella A. Hernández Jonathan A. Hernández Sixto M. Hernández Yanet Hernández Elvis Leiva Emelyn Leiva Hector Steven Leiva Ashley Lourdes Lopez Jaime Marroquin Chelsea G. Martinez Rachel Mauricio Meza Jalen Oakley Nashmia E. Rafi Lorenzo P. Ramírez Josué A. Ramos-Zelaya Sergio D. Ramos-Zelaya Mario Edgardo Rivas Fabricio Tobar Rodriquez Justin Ruano Keisha J. Vazquez Julian Vera Adult Confirmation Alexandra Alvarado Leticia Amado-Salome Sonia Anco-Fernandez Ana Cecibel Castro Karen S. Diaz Brenda Hernández Eric Hernández Jacqueline Huamani-Vera Brenda Lozano Angel Leonor Maria T. Mejía Nicole Mery Nelly Núñez Jacqueline Pereyra José A. 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As you get your car washed, help the poor and needy. We receive 10% of what CTR parishioners pay. We regularly donate this income to LINK, S.O.M.E. and the Women's Shelter in Leesburg. As you pay a...
Más detallesApril 5, 2015 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
8:00 a.m. Special Int. for Joyce Shangle Tuesday, April 7 Acts 2:36-41 John 20:11-18 8:00 a.m. † Mathar Nguyen Thi Tha Wednesday, April 8 Acts 3:1-10 Luke 24:13-35 8:00 a.m. † Sue Hollinger T...
Más detallesSeptember 7, 2014 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
income to LINK, S.O.M.E. and the Women's Shelter in Leesburg. As you pay at the carwash, tell them you are from CTR so we receive their donation. SENIOR GROUP The CTR Senior Group meets Fridays at ...
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