July 19, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church


July 19, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
Welcome to St. Therese Catholic
217 Brawley School Road, Mooresville, NC 28117-9103
An Ignatian parish staffed by priests of the Maryland
Province of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) since 1970.
Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J.
July 19, 2015 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil
5:30 pm
Sunday (Summer Mass Times)
8:30 am, 10:00 am
(Sunday Nursery at 8:30 am and
10:00 am Masses) 12:00 noon,
2:30 pm (Misa en Espanol),
5:30 pm
Daily Mass
9:00 am Monday through Friday
and First Saturdays (Day Chapel)
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm on Saturdays
or by appointment
Eucharistic Exposition and
First Friday of each month
9:45 am - 4:45 pm with
Benediction at 4:45 pm
7:00 pm Mondays (Day Chapel)
6:30 pm Tuesdays (Day Chapel)
Bulletin Deadline
4:30 pm Thursday for the next
weekend bulletin. All items
subject to approval and editing.
Submit to Lisa Cash,
[email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
& 12:30 pm - 4:30pm
704-664-3992 Fax: 704-660-6321
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.sainttherese.net
Faith Formation Office
Summer Hours
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Welcome to St. Therese Catholic Church!
Thank you for being here with us!
The parishioners of St. Therese welcome our visitors.
Please introduce yourselves to your neighbors. Your
presence is very important to us, as is your support.
Every household is invited to register. Forms are
available in the Parish Office or on our website.
According to Diocesan policy, parish registration is
required for Faith Formation, all Sacraments,
ministries, and school vouchers. MOVING? Please
notify the Parish Office!
Communion of the Sick
Please notify the Parish Office if you want
communion brought to the home, hospital or nursing
home. Hospitals do not notify the church that you are
there except at your direct request.
Anointing of the Sick
Please notify the Parish Office of
those who are homebound or in
hospitals, or nursing homes,
especially when seriously ill.
According to Diocesan policy,
registered couples must begin
marriage preparation at least SIX
MONTHS pr ior to the desir ed
wedding date. Please call the Parish
Office for an appointment.
Baptism of Infants and Children through Grade 1
At least SIX WEEKS before the
anticipated date of Baptism,
parents must contact the Parish
Office to arrange for required
baptismal preparation. Contact:
Christine Leal at 704-664-3992.
Baptism for Children Grades 3 through 7
All children in the above grades are prepared for the
first Sacraments of Initiation through the Rite of
Christian Initiation of Children. Contact: Dave
Conklin in the Faith Formation Office 704-664-7762.
Adult Sacraments of Initiation
All adults (age 17 and older) who wish to
be baptized, confirmed and/or receive
First Eucharist are prepared through the
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
This is also the process for non-Catholics
to come into full communion with the Catholic
Church. Contact: Deacon John Sims 704-662-0714.
Parish Office: 704-664-3992
Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J., ext. 102
[email protected]
Parochial Vicars/Vicarios
Rev. Dominic Totaro, S.J., ext. 225
[email protected]
Rev. Donald M. Ward, S.J., ext. 107
[email protected]
In Residence
Rev. Francis X. Reese, S.J., ext 205
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. John Sims
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Myles Decker
Rev. Mr. Robert Kratchman (retired)
Rev. Mr. Joe Santen (retired)
Parish Manager
Melinda Drury, ext. 101
[email protected]
Latino Coordinator
Leyda Carrillo, ext. 114
[email protected]
Ministry Communications Coordinator
Lisa Cash, ext. 105
[email protected]
Music Ministry
Phil Haigler, ext. 106
[email protected]
Liturgy Coordinator
Rosemary Hyman, ext. 315
[email protected]
Office Assistant/Facilities Scheduler
Christine Leal, ext. 100
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Elaine Runski, ext. 301
[email protected]
Maintenance Manager
Wesley Weaver, ext. 2014
[email protected]
Faith Formation/Formación de Fe: 704-664-7762
Carmen San Juan, ext. 109
Assistant Director
Dave Conklin, ext. 108
Office Assistant
Darlene McClure, ext. 110
Little Way Preschool: 704-664-7762
Preschool Director
Dayna Auten, ext. 318
Pastoral Council President
Bill Streiff, [email protected]
Finance Council Chair
Rick Fabrize, [email protected]
JULY 19, 2015
In Your Prayers
Jan Balmat,
Michelle Bischoff,
Barbara Cahill,
Steve Coyne,
Detchemendy, JD Gibbs, Jon
Gorman, Laura Hanby, Bea Hynsen,
Willyne Kennerly, Marika Lawrence,
Karen Lewis, Mike Lewis, Danielle
Licari, Dolores Licari, Cindy Powell,
Kevin Powers, Dr. William Rezuke,
Maureen Rossi, Helen Russo, Sylvia
Hope Sanchez, Angela Schelter, John
Schelter, Nicole Schelter, Sarah
Sedota, Linda Wojtko, Robyn Wolf,
Johnnie Ziats.
If you have any changes to the
Prayer Request list, please contact
Christine Leal at 704-664-3992,
ext. 100 or [email protected].
Please remember our homebound
in your prayers: At home: William
Cote, Patsy Freeze, Jean Garrison,
Julianne & Scott Jarvis, Patrick
Leuci, Angela Leuci, Mark Marchese,
Jeanne McDonnell, Charles Memrick,
Dean Nash, Helen Odomerick,
Claradilla Pineda, Rita Sabella, Mary
Strup, Stach Wisniewski. Autumn
Care: Betty Mar kovich Brian
Center: Cynthia Fer r er , Rosemar y
O’Dell, Gregory Ramirez, Hattie
Walker, Joan Waltman, Gail Weese.
Carillon: Betty Bunyan, Jim
Harnett, Mila Maldjain, Vartavar
Maldjain, Mitzi Moody, Patrick Naso.
Churchill: Cecilia Blouin, Connie
Caron, Corinne Cordillo, MaryJane
Farrell, Millie Garrison, Trudy Keller,
Regina Kilcarr, Joan Koch, Louise
Logono, Jean Loeshen, Ruth Martins,
Helen Mastrianni, Robert Matsey,
Johanna McCloskey, Jean Mueller,
Lillian Pingel, Evaline Seyk, Elly
Schenne, Inga Shealy, Sherry
Thompson, Jean Woodall. Crown
Colony: Rosemar y Leonetta, Linda
Turner. Genesis: Lucille Barslow,
Joan Brennan, Lorraine Cardillo,
Leona Dreiling, Barbara Jedrey, Lelia
Leon, Margaret Lovine, Francis
Mariea, Dee Murray, Terry Nagel,
Jim Strup, Patricia Vance.
Huntersville Oaks: Car ol Osmer
Statesville Place: Ir ene Nemeth.
Summit Place: Wanda Binder , Bill
Bonsignore, Attilo Ceraldi, Nickie
Ceraldi, Connie Ferraro, Lee Floyd,
Mary Kozar, Elaine Panuski, Paul
Poisson, Beverly Wisbon, Yvette
Wynn. The Pines: Florence Chandler,
Lee Kuras, Kathleen Sabalis.
If you have any changes to the
Homebound List, please contact
Rosemary Hyman at 704-664-3992,
ext. 315 or
[email protected]
Please remember our military personnel in your prayers:
READINGS FOR Sunday, July 26, 2015
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1st Reading - 2 Kings 4:42-44
Responsorial - Psalm 145
2nd Reading - Ephesians 4:1-6
Gospel - John 6:1-15
In July, the Holy Father asks us to
pray that political responsibility
may be lived at all levels as a high
form of charity and that, amid
social inequalities, Latin American
Christians may bear witness to
love for the poor and contribute to
a more fraternal society.
Madison Ahlers, Dave
Berczek, Jaryl Burjoss, Janine
Campbell (USS Pickney),
Crista Campos, Garrett
Carnes, Douglas Cestari
(Afghan), John Cevasco, Alan
S. Colvin (Iraq), Steven
Fotiadis, Kody Garrison,
Matthew Geremia, Jeffrey
Guild (Afghan), Courtney
Hanna, Gregory Hanna,
Richard Hedges, Nicholas
Hemm (Japan), Mary
Katherine Hesler, Ryan
Howard, (Afghan), Jeremy
Lacey, Matthew Laxton,
Rachel Laxton, Adam
Livingston, Andres Molestina,
Carlos Molestina, John
Nickolopakos, Stephen
Nilsson, Eduardo J. Sanchez
(Afghan), Caylin Sandke
(Afghan), Jay Sandke, Ryan
Smith (Okinowa), Daniel
Spaulding (Iraq), Erik
Tarnacki, Dominic Wagner,
Donovan Wagner, John
White, Kyle Wishlinski (USS
Louisiana), Billy Wyatt
Please let us know if
someone in your family is
deployed overseas, injured,
or returns home.
The Ignatian Corner!
(Note: I asked a parishioner to pray with the Exercises in the title. Her previous prayer was moving;
this one is likewise personal and moving. I hope you will find this prayer helpful too.
Fr. Dominic)
I am absolutely inconsolable. I have cried a river and my tears may never stop. My Lord is dead! The
man who blessed and healed and cast out demons and raised the dead is now himself dead, killed by the very
people for whom he worked these miracles, the very people to whom he was sent by his Father. What faithless,
ungrateful wretches! He was nothing if not pure love! He showed great patience in teaching us, granted
unlimited forgiveness for our sins, was completely humble and ever gentle while also manifesting his great
power and authority over everything, showing compassion toward everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
I’ve never known anyone like him before. I thought he was to be our king, our Messiah, and would be always
with us, and now he is dead and buried in a borrowed tomb. How can this be?
The night mirrors my mood, moonless and pitch black. I am completely drained of all energy; my grief
has exhausted me. I am so confused. I feel everything has closed in on me like the darkness outside; it is
absolutely oppressive. I try to remember My Lord’s teachings and his promises but my grief prevents this. I
believed in him but now he is no more. I am broken-hearted. I feel that the life of my spirit has left me, my
soul is dead, and I am an empty shell of a person. I am lost, so lost without him as if life has no purpose or
I lie on my bed, lethargic with grief, and finally fall into a deep sleep. Suddenly my room is bathed in
an unfathomable brilliant radiance, brighter even than the brightest sun. I wake and sit up in astonishment, and
I know deep within that it is my Lord. My fear vanishes. He softly speaks my name like a caress, and my soul
leaps within me and is filled to bursting with a holy flame of peace and joy I have never known before. He
shows me the wounds of crucifixion on his body, and though his body is real it seems different somehow; he
tells me that his heavenly Father has glorified it. My spirit is filled with recognition and adoration, with
profound gratefulness and great hope for my future for I KNOW MY LORD LIVES! I am downright giddy
with happiness. Without a doubt I know to my core that death is not the end but the beginning. My Lord wraps
me in his soul-melting embrace and tells me to remain in his love. I return his embrace and tell him that I
desire nothing less, for he gives life to my spirit and meaning and purpose to my soul.
Even though he leaves me I feel his presence within me, and I realize that I am no longer grief-stricken
but utterly happy, no longer weak but strong, no longer empty but filled by the spirit of conviction who gives
me the courage and the words to be his instrument in spreading his good news to anyone who will listen.
How shall I be an instrument for him? I look to my Lord’s life as an example. He was not afraid; when
his time came for public ministry, he simply went out and spoke the words his father gave him in sincerity and
truth. He has commanded me to go and do the same and has promised to be with me. What talent do I have
that will facilitate my furthering the ministry of Jesus today? In using my talent for expressing my personal
thoughts in the written word and sharing them with others, I am a voice for Jesus. In teaching a pre-Baptism
class, a faith formation class or a bible study class, I am a voice for Jesus. In being a prepared lector and
reading the holy scriptures with the hope of inspiring others, I am a voice for Jesus. In offering the body or
blood of Christ as a Eucharistic minister, I am the hands of Jesus. In visiting the sick or simply sending a
supportive note, I am the compassion of Jesus. In attending a funeral or sending a condolence note, I am the
comfort of Jesus. In reconciling with those whom I have hurt or who have hurt me, I am the forgiveness of
Jesus. In the simple act of listening to another pour out their heart to me, I am the ears of Jesus. There are so
many ways to be Jesus to others.
Jesus, my Lord, make me your instrument. Let me see people through your eyes. Let me be your voice,
your hands, your ears. Let me show your compassion, your comfort, your forgiveness and mercy. Let your
light shine through me to the glory of your name. Amen.
St. Ignatius Feast Day
Please join us for
morning Mass at
9:00AM on Friday,
July 31st to
celebrate the Feast
of St. Ignatius!
Reception to follow
in the Narthex.
“an IGNATIAN book of days”
by Jim Manney
We will begin distribution of
the books on the Feast Day
of St. Ignatius, July 31st,
after the 9:00AM Mass.
We will continue the
distribution after the
weekend Masses, August
1st/2nd and August 8th/9th.
There will be an opportunity to purchase additional books for $5.00 during the
“I ask for interior knowledge of all the great good I have received, in
order that, stirred to profound gratitude, I may become able to love and
serve the Divine Majesty in all things.”
—Spiritual Exercises #233
Summer Weekend
Mass Schedule
Our Summer Mass Schedule through
August 29/30 will be:
2:30pm (Spanish)
The Sunday Nursery will be open during
the 8:30am and 10:00am Masses!
Considering Being a
Sometimes I use a visual aid of
a large circle with the words
TUIT in the middle. We all
procrastinate when it comes to
going to a dentist or a doctor. Maybe, you are that
way when it comes to joining the Catholic Church!
“I just don’t get around to it”. In a few weeks, St.
Therese will start the process called the “Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)”. This is the
faith formation process of joining the Catholic
Church. It is for all adults whether they are baptized
a Christian or have never been baptized at all. It is
also for adults who have been baptized in the Roman
or Greek Catholic Churches but have never received
First Eucharist and Confirmation. If you have been
putting off reception into the Catholic Church, this is
the time to start. This is an invitation from the entire
faith community of St. Therese.
Please contact Deacon John at 704-662-0714 or
[email protected] for a consultation.
Are you in Need of Prayer?
Sun 7/19
8:30 AM Marie Wagoner+
William Ennis
10:00 AM Isidro Medrano+
Betty Ann Kincaid+
12:00 PM Gilbert Jofon Lo+
Beth Boifer Jofon+
5:30 PM Parishioners
Mon 7/20
9:00 AM Patrick Patwell+
Richard Patwell+
Tues 7/21
9:00 AM Billy Ennis+
Kathy Duncan (Sp Int)
Wed 7/22
9:00 AM Magnusun Anniversary
(Sp Int)
Thurs 7/23
9:00 AM Fred Russo+
Rocco Anthony Gasparre+
Fri 7/24
9:00 AM Dayna Auten (Bday)
Arthur Ekiert+
Sat 7/25
5:30 PM Dave Conklin (Bday)
Nena Magararu+
Sun 7/26
8:30 AM Parishioners
10:00 AM Vincinza Manda+
Edward St. John+
12:00 PM Diane Mathis+
Frank Santaga+
5:30 PM Dominic Carlucci+
Nancy Grimaldi+
Requested By
Peter & Joyce White
Family & Friends at NSE
Tom & Cindy Kindcaid
Requested By
Reilly Family
Reilly Family
Requested By
Mon, Dad, Sue, Ralph
Marcus & Barbara Bonicelli
Requested By
Requested By
Peggy Metty & Family
Requested By
Regina & John Staiger
Requested By
John & JoAnne Doyle
Requested By
Locasio Family
Pat & Bill Hannigan
Bettye Mathis
Caruso Family
Fabrize Family
For all who are sick, for all
who are suffering, for all
who care for the sick or in
need, please attend our
monthly prayer service in
the Day Chapel.
We will gather as a community and to pray
in the name of Jesus the Healer that the sick
may be restored, that a wounded spirit may
find joy, and that a wounded heart may be
Our next Prayer Service will be
Friday, July 24th at 6:30PM
Are you looking for what Pope Francis
really said on the care of our common
home? If so, go to the link below:
God dwells in a secret and hidden way in
all souls, in their very substance, for if God
did not, they could not exist at all.
—St. John of the Cross
Liturgical Ministers
We are pleased to announce that we have put into place a new system that will
make scheduling much easier for everyone! Using this online system you'll be
able to specify exactly what times do and do not work well for you to serve. You'll
also be able to check your schedule from anywhere and easily find a substitute
when you can't make one of your scheduled dates. More details about this new
system can be found on our website on the Home Page as well as on the Liturgical
Minister pages. If you have any questions, please contact Rosemary Hyman,
Liturgy Coordinator, at [email protected] or 704-664-3992, ext. 315.
WAKING UP TO THIS DAY - A Day of Reflection with Paula D’Arcy
Saturday, October 3, 2015
9:30am to 3pm
Cost: $35 per person
Day of Reflection: WAKING UP TO THIS DAY
During this Day of Reflection we will explore guideposts that summon us to live in the
present moment and open our eyes to the perfection of Divine love moving in our lives.
The day will include time for reflection. Please bring a journal.
For more information and to register, please visit our website at
Contact: Carmen SanJuan at [email protected] or 704-664-7762
JULY 19 - JULY 26
Sunday, July 19
1:15 PM Baptisms
4:00 PM Latino Baptism Prep Class
4:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band
Monday, July 20
9:00 AM LWP - Summer Camp
7:00 PM Pastoral Council
7:00 PM Respect Life Committee
Tuesday, July 21
9:00 AM LWP - Summer Camp
6:30 PM Marian Prayer Group
7:00 PM Ignatian Latino Prayer
Wednesday, July 22
9:00 AM LWP - Summer Camp
8:00 PM New Beginnings
Thursday, July 23
9:00 AM LWP - Summer Camp
9:30 AM Luminous Rosary
7:00 PM ESL
7:00 PM Finance Council
Friday, July 24
9:00 AM LWP - Summer Camp
6:30 PM Monthly Prayer Service
Saturday, July 25
9:00 AM Jesuit Collaborative
10:00 AM Annual Latino Picnic
Sunday, July 26
1:15 PM Latino Baptisms
4:00 PM Blessing Mother Meeting
4:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band
Room 110-PLC
Room 103 & 106
Room 15
Day Chapel
Room 103 & 106
Day Chapel
Room 16
Room 103 & 106
Family Room
Room 103 & 106
Day Chapel
Room 16
Room 15
Room 103 & 106
Day Chapel
Room 15 & 17
Lake Norman State Park
Room 15
New Church Calendar:
My Church Events
We are pleased to announce that we
are transitioning to a new calendar program
called My Church Events. All parishioners
will be able to view all events easily. You
will be able to view all events on one
calendar, or you can choose from the list
of Interest Groups to see only the events
scheduled for a particular group (ex. Faith
Formation, RCIA, Liturgy, etc).
There is a link to the events calendar on our
website and what you see online will reflect
everything that has been scheduled to
date by our Facility Scheduler, Christine
Leal. Please note - all requests for 20152016 are being processed and once a request
has been approved and entered into the new
program an email will be sent to the person
who made the request to let them know the
event has been scheduled. To check out
our new calendar, visit our website:
It's coming - our famous Rummage Sale, to be held August 1st! We need your
donations, but we also need your help. We have jobs for every age and skill
level - no experience required. You meet new people and get an advance look
at all our treasures. Work begins on July 20th, and continues each day for the
next two weeks, at 9:30 AM. We end about 2:30 PM and you can stay for the
whole time or an hour or two, whatever works best for you. Plan to bring your
lunch and join in the fun. Donations will be accepted in Room 202 of the
PLC. For mor e infor mation, please call Susan Wallace (704) 483-5066 or
Pat Miller at 704-663-0695.
DATE: Sunday, August 9, 2015
TIME: 1:00PM - 3:00PM
PLACE: Parish Life Center-MPR
We would like to invite ALL parishioners - new and current - to a free luncheon to
welcome our new parish members! Please join us for lunch after the 12 noon Mass on
Sunday, August 9th in the Parish Life Center. This is your chance to meet other families,
make new friends, and others who are part of our parish community. Come by yourself
or bring your whole family! All are welcome to come for fun and fellowship.
Please come and join us!
Coffee and Donuts- hosted by M.O.S.T.
(Men of St. Therese)
The Men of St. Therese, (M.O.S.T.), would like to
invite all parishioners to Coffee and Donuts after
the 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM Masses today. Please
join us TODAY, July 19th and on the thir d
Sunday of each month. It's a great way to build a sense of
community, so why not stop by, enjoy some coffee, juice, and donuts
and get to meet someone new. There are a lot of new families
moving in to our parish… what better way to welcome them? Keep
in mind that children are welcome, too.
We will have Coffee and Donuts in the Family Room.
-St. Therese Parish Life
We regret to announce
there will be NO Senior
Games on Saturday,
August 1st.
See you in September!
STEWARDSHIP...Sharing Time, Talent & Treasure
If we accept the challenge of
putting God first in our time
and treasure, our attitudes,
priorities and spiritual lives
will definitely change.
July 5, 2015
Who will take your place as a generous benefactor
to our parish? A memorial gift in your will could
continue your generosity after your lifetime.
Mass Attendance
5:30 Sat
Leave a Legacy
YTD Over/
Active Families 3,688 as of 7/14/15
Thank You for Your Generosity
We are still collecting donations for the Back
2 School Bash. Please bring your new
backpacks, school supplies, kids tennis shoes
in size 6 and up, etc. and drop them off in the
marked boxes in the Narthex. Thank you for
your generosity!
Food Pantry News
Community Outreach Commission would like to
thank our parishioners for all your support and help.
We collect an average of 300-500 lbs. of food weekly.
Since we began this ministry, 269 clients have
registered. 139 clients no longer participate because
their circumstances have changed. Many have
secured jobs and always part with words of thanks.
We still provide food to 130 active clients. Only a
handful come weekly but we are available to all who
need food.
We would like to thank you for participating in this
ministry that provides hope and support to so many.
Pasta Sauce
(Food can be dropped off on the black rolling
carts in the Narthex of the Church or you may
continue to drop donations off in the carts in the
hallway of the Administration building)
Please Remember:
No opened or fresh food
Check expiration dates - expired food
must be thrown away
Food Pantry is open Mondays from
10:00am to 11:30am
The pantry is closed on church Holy Days &
all Federal holidays.
2015 Eucharistic Congress
Worldwide Marriage
Sunday, July 19th
Are you like sheep without a
shepherd? Deepen your
communication, strengthen your
relationship, rekindle your romance
and renew your sacrament. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are July
31-Aug 2, 2015 in Chapel Hill, NC and Nov 6-8,
2015 in Atlantic Beach, NC . Early sign up is highly
recommended. For more information visit our website
at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at
[email protected] or 704-3152144.
Did you know that it costs
approximately $35 per person
to stage the Eucharistic
Congress? Your gifts to the
Congress help offset the cost of
this free event. Make a
donation online at
www.GoEucharist.com or send
a check to the Diocese of
Charlotte Eucharistic Congress, 1123 S. Church
Street, Charlotte, NC 28203.
SEPTEMBER 11 & 12, 2015
Message from Sister Carmelita
Next weekend, July 25-26, Pam and Gus
D’Agostino, Associates of the Sisters of Mercy, will
be selling tickets after all the Masses for Catherine’s
House annual car raffle. As in the past, they will be
raffling an automobile, a new 2015 Honda Civic LX.
Your gospel response to feed the hungry and shelter
the homeless over the past years has been a blessing
for the women and children who come through our
program. Once again, I am asking for your support.
We will be selling tickets after all the Masses on July
25-26. Tickets are $5.00 each or six for $25.00.
Thank you in advance for supporting our children
and mothers.
Sister Carmelita
Mooresville Soup Kitchen Food and
Volunteers Needed
Mooresville Soup Kitchen is in immediate need of
food and volunteers. They are having a "Christmas in
July" food drive.
If you have time to spare call Judith at 704-660-9010
or [email protected]
Autumn Care Volunteers Needed
Autumn Care of Cornelius is looking for volunteers to
lead devotions on Sundays and to visit with residents
at any time. Please contact Kaitlin Abernathy,
Director of Recreation Services at 704-997-2970 or
by email [email protected]
Little Way Preschool
Is looking for energetic people to join our team!
Little Way Preschool is looking for preschool teachers and
assistant teachers! Candidates should have an education
degree (preferably Early Childhood). Also, a minimum of 3
years preschool teaching is required; kindergarten experience
is a plus. Please send your resume to Dayna Auten at
[email protected].
FAITH FORMATION 704-664-7762
This week the Catholic Church honors two of
the founders of the Church. Wednesday we
honor St. Mary Magdalene, a leader of the
early Church and a close friend of Jesus.
Scripture tells us that Mary Magdalene was
present at the crucifixion of Jesus and that
after he had risen he appeared first to her. St.
James, an apostle, was one of Jesus' favorite
friends. His feast day is Saturday. James and
his brother John were sometimes called "sons
of thunder" because of their strong tempers.
James, known as James the Greater, was very
brave; he preached and traveled extensively,
and was one of the first Christians to die for
his faith.
Faith Formation at Saint Therese
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is offered as
a Faith Formation Option at St. Therese. It is
an approach to formation developed for
children between the ages of 3 and 12 (3yrs.
old to 6th grade). This approach allows
children to hear the gospel through the use of
sensorially rich materials which represent the
essential proclamations of the Christian
message. It is grounded in scripture and
liturgy and is framed by the Montessori
principles of education. It is divided into 3
general cycles, one for 3-6 year olds (goes
through Kindergarten), one for 6-8 year olds
(Grades 1-3), and one for 9-12 year
olds (Grades 4-6). Children prepare to
receive their Sacraments of First Holy
Communion and First Reconciliation during
their 2nd grade year, within the Good
Shepherd curriculum offered for Level
2. Children can join the program at any level.
Participation in prior levels is not a prerequisite to being a part of the program. Space
is limited and registration is taken on a first
come, first serve basis. Contact the Faith
Formation Office for class days and times for
the 2015-2016 Faith Formation Year and to
Misas en Español
Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m.
Adoración al Santísimo
Sacramento. El viernes 7
de Agosto del 2015. Todos
los primeros viernes del
mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm
tendremos adoración eucarística.
Confesiones: Todos los domingos a las 2:00 p.m.
Usted puede llamar para hacer una cita.
Clases de Bautismos:
Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases
de bautismos. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas,
la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La
próxima clase será el sábado 15 de Agosto de 2:00
pm- 4:00 pm y el domingo 16 de Agosto de 4:00 pm
– 6:00 pm. Por favor llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse en la clase.
Atención Padres: No niños en las clase.
Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran
organizar 15 años tienen que ser miembros
de la iglesia, por un periodo de 6 meses
luego llamar a la iglesia, para hacer una
cita con el coordinador del misa.
Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar
con seis meses de anticipación.
Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762
Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración
Ignaciana abren sus puertas todos los
martes de verano para transmitir el
Festival Latino de cinemas. Los días 21
de Julio y 28 de Julio. Los esperamos !
19 de Julio 2015
16avo. Del Tiempo Ordinario
En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús había pensado alejarse
de la muchedumbre para tener unos momentos de
paz y descanso. Sin embargo, cuando vio a la gente
reunida, El puso a un lado sus necesidades para satisfacer las necesidades de los demás. Algunas veces, como buenos administradores de los bienes de
Dios, somos llamados a hacer lo mismo.
Picnic Anual : La iglesia invita a
todos los parroquianos a un picnic
de verano, el sábado 25 de Julio a las
10:00– 3:00 pm. Si usted quiere compartir un día en familia venga a disfrutar de la alegría contagiosa del verano, jugando
con los niños y compartiendo unas ricas hamburguesas y perro calientes cocinadas por nuestro Sacerdote.
Dirección para llegar al parque : Tomar la 77 Norte
y bajarse en la salida 36, hacer una izquierda pasar
Super Target , seguir derecho , luego hacer una derecha en la calle PERTH. Luego de haber hecho una
derecha en la calle PERTH, maneje derecho todo el
tiempo hasta conseguir la calle llamada STATE
PARK RD, a su izquierda. Seguido manejar todo el
tiempo derecho hasta conseguir la entrada del Parque. El nombre del shelter es KINGFISHER. Los esperamos.
Consagración a Jesús a través de Maria: ¿Le gustaría consagrarse a nuestra Santísima Virgen María? Quizás esta es una pregunta
que alguien le a preguntado o un amigo o
familiar. Muchos nos preguntamos ¿Que
es la consagración? La respuesta es muy
simple, el consagrarse a nuestra madre
significa entregarle todo a ella, nuestras alegrías,
penas, trabajo, sufrimientos para que ella nos guie,
proteja y lo mas importante que interceda por nosotros ante su Hijo amado. El grupo Consagrado invita a la primera charla informativa el domingo 26 de
Julio a las 4:00pm, en el salón 15. Los esperamos !
Congreso Eucarístico 2015: El tema de
este año es “He aquí, yo hago nuevas
todas las cosas “. Haga planes para
asistir a este evento tan importante, el
11 y 12 de Septiembre del 2015, en el
Centro de Convenciones de Charlotte. Anuncios del
Congreso: Sabia usted que cuesta aproximadamente
$30 por persona para organizar el congreso? Sus donaciones al congreso ayudan a financiar el costo de
este evento gratuito. Haga una donación en línea al
www.GoEucharist.com o envié un cheque a la Diócesis de Charlotte Congreso Eucarístico, 1123 S.
Church Street Charlotte, NC 28203.
Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321
“La Esquina Ignaciana”
La semana que entramos hoy es una que es llena de los recuerdos de
santos de todas las épocas de la historia de la iglesia. Entre las varias
celebraciones se numeran apóstoles, mártires, un doctor de la iglesia, un
monje maronita libanés, hombres y mujeres. Raramente se celebra la
riqueza de nuestra tradición que es la Comunión de los Santos en tal
corto plazo que la haremos durante estos días. En el centro de la semana
la figura de una santa se destaca. Por nosotros en nuestros días ella es
posiblemente la más importante de todos los otros “amigos de Dios y
profetas” El miércoles recordamos a Santa María Magdalena.
No, ella no es la prostituta que Jesús perdonó en el evangelio de Juan.
No, no es la mujer que lavó los pies de Jesús con sus lágrimas en la casa
de Simón el Fariseo. Tampoco, es María, la mujer que ungió los pies de
Jesús con un nardo costosísimo. En el transcurso de las edades ella se ha confundido con
aquellas personajes del evangelio. Lo que sabemos de ella es que era una amiga del Señor de
la habían salido siete demonios, que acompañó al Señor durante su vida pública, a quien Jesús
resucitado apareció la mañana de su resurrección y quien fue llamada a ser “la apóstol a los
apóstoles” anunciando por primera vez la buena nueva de la presencia viva de Jesús a sus más
íntimos compañeros. Ella fue una persona importante en divulgar entre los primeros creyentes
el mensaje de esperanza que Jesús mismo había encargado a sus seguidores después de su
regreso a su Padre. Ella fue importante entonces y ella es igualmente importante ahora.
María nos muestra cómo el poder de la gratuidad del don de la fe en Jesús puede transformar a
todos los fieles. Como todos nosotros hemos escuchado muchas veces, la mujer en el tiempo
bíblico ocupaba un puesto muy despreciado y muy débil en la sociedad judía. La actitud de
Jesús y su libertad total en su selección con respeto a sus amistades, (los pobres, los cobradores
de los impuestos, las mujeres, los pecadores), simboliza muy bien aquella gratuidad. María era
amiga del Señor. Su fidelidad a Él en los tiempos de los éxitos de su vida activa, en los de sus
fracasos con los líderes del pueblo, y especialmente en el momento cuando la mayoría de sus
amigos lo abandonó, dio evidencia de su comprensión del significado de ser amiga, de ser
elegida. Aquella lealtad es la manera que ella fue llamada a dar gloria al Padre de su Amigo.
Aquella lealtad también era la fuente de las gracias enormes con las cuales ella se dotaba
desde del momento de su encuentro con Jesús cerca del sepulcro. Por eso, la iglesia primitiva
la admiraba.
Por nosotros, hoy, ella es una esperanza. Hemos recibido, como María, por nuestro bautismo,
la invitación gratuita de ser amigos de Jesús. Como ella, tenemos la oportunidad de ser fieles
en los momentos gozosos y en los momentos turbulentos que Jesús en su Cuerpo experimenta
ahora. Jesús vive y sufre, muere y resucita en su pueblo en las varias partes de nuestro mundo.
La amistad que nos ofrece es la de un fiel acompañamiento que le ofreció a María. Aceptar la
invitación la transformó a ella y el Señor promete la misma transformación a nosotros, no
importa que seamos hombre o mujeres, ricos o pobres, jóvenes o viejitos. El don se ofrece a
todos. El don es absolutamente gratuito.
En la veneración que damos a María Magdalena durante estos días, agradezcamos a Dios por
su don de la fe que posibilita que nos hagamos amigos suyos y amigos uno a otro. Y en el
mismo tiempo pidámosle a Él que como María seamos entusiasmados en compartir
generosamente aquel don precioso que gratuitamente hemos recibido de sus manos cariñosas.
P. Donald Ward,SJ