Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
Christ the King 624 North Rossmore Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90004 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 20, 2013 PARISH OFFICE 616 North Rossmore Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90004 323.465.7605 Fax: 323.463.4895 Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00am to 5:00pm Website: Email: [email protected] Twitter PASTORAL TEAM Pastor: Msgr. Paul Montoya, Res. Priest: Msgr. Charles Chaffman Deacon Ricardo & Elba Villacorta Deacon Felix and Alicia Rac Deacon Marco and Martina Garcia School Principal: Ruth Anderson Business Manager: Eva Clarke Director of Rel. Education: Lilia Pedroli Parish Secretary: Lourdes Ciau Maintenance: Marcos Cortes PARISH SCHOOL (Grades: K through 8th) 617 N. Arden Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90004 323.462.4753 Fax: 323.462.8475 Website: Email: [email protected] Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:45am - 3:00pm Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory. (Isaiah 62:2) Entonces las naciones verán tu justicia, y tu gloria todos los reyes. (Isaias 62:2) Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas: Saturday Vigil (English): 5:30 pm Sunday (English): 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5:30 pm Domingo (Español): 12:30 pm DAILY MASS / MISA DIARIA: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am (English) 1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 6:30 pm (English) Holy Days of Obligation / Días Santos de Obligación: 7:30 am, 8:15 am, 12:15 pm, 6:00 pm (English) 7:15 pm (Español) Sacrament of Reconciliation / Sacramento de Reconciliación: Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Also by Appointment / También por cita) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Exposición del Santísimo: Tuesday / Martes: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 7:30 am - 9:00 pm 1st Fri. Divine Mercy Devotion: 7:00 pm BAPTISMS / BAUTIZOS: Pre-Baptismal class is required for parents and Godparents. Call the Parish Office to register and for class & baptismal dates. Las clases pre-bautismales es un requisito para los papás y padrinos. Llame a la oficina para registrarse y para las fechas de bautismo. ANOINTING OF THE SICK/ UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: If you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital or housebound and is in need of a priest, please contact Parish Office. Si conoce a un feligrés que esta en el hospital o inmovilizado en su casa y necesita de un sacerdote, favor de llamar la Oficina. WEDDINGS / BODAS: Lilia Pedroli, D.R.E. Minimum of 6 months advance notice required. / Mínimo de 6 meses de anticipación requerida. QUINCEAÑERAS Lilia Pedroli, D.R.E Please call the office / Favor de llamar a la oficina. Mass Intentions In Loving Memory / En Memoria de… SAT., January 19,2013 5:30 PM Christ the King Parishioners SUN., January 20, 2013 8:30 AM Arcadia Garrovillas (Birthday Thanksgiving) 10:30 AM Eva Clarke 12:30 PM Antonio Vargas † 5:30 PM Faustino and Victoria Ciau (Anniversary) MON., January 21,2013 7:30 AM Angel Luis Navarrete (Birthday Thanksgiving) TUES, January 22, 2013 7:30 AM Fausto Ruiz † WED., January 23, 2013 7:30 AM Patricia M. Baltazar (Birthday Thanksgiving) THUR., January 24, 2013 7:30 AM Members of Woolley & Pauld families † FRI., January 25, 2013 7:30 AM Ruth Janes (Healing) Faustina Neceda, Jacinto Marayag, Sara Maria Paredes, Anastasia Herrera, Pedro & Rosa Calderon, Wooley Family members, Pauld Family members & all of the Parishioners of CTK who are now in God’s Grace. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord. Amen. Pray for the Sick Oración por los Enfermos Heavenly Father, hear us on behalf of Your sick servants: John & Max Davidson, Ruth Janes, David Baldwin, Beatriz Martinez, Antonio San Jose, Margaret Rey de Perea, Lourdes Ciau, & Parishioners of CTK who are in need of your healing hands. We implore the aid of Your pitying mercy so that, with bodily strength restored, they may give thanks to You in Your church. Amen. Candles are now being offered in the Parish Office on Rossmore Ave., Mon.-Fri. from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm for $5.00 each. Donation for a weekday Mass: Donación por Misa entre semana: $10.00 Donation for a Sat. & Sun. Mass: Donación por Misa en fin de semana: $25.00 Las Velas estan ofrecidas en la oficina de la parroquia sobre la calle Rossmore, Lunes a Viernes de 9:30 am a 4:30 pm por $5.00 cada una. Parish Calendar 2013 / Calendario de la Parroquia 2013 Date Time Event January 20 2:00 pm 2:00 pm English Baptisms Practica: Obra Pasion de Cristo January 23 7:30 pm RCIA Class January 25 7:30 pm 8: 00 pm RICA Corinthians XIII January 26 9 - 11 am 12 - 2 pm CCD Class Confirmation Class January 27 12 - 2 pm 3 - 7 pm Practica: Obra Pasion de Cristo OHOM January 30 7:30 pm RCIA Class February 1 7:30 pm 8: 00 pm RICA Corinthians XIII February 2 9 - 11 am 12 - 2 pm CCD Class Confirmation Class February 3 12 - 2 pm 3 - 7 pm Practica: Obra Pasion de Cristo OHOM Parish Financial Update January 12 & 13, 2013 Envelopes / Sobres: $4,4790.00 Plate / Colecta suelta: $1,253.50 Repair / Mantenimiento: $570.00 Total: $6,302.50 Expenses / Gastos: ($6,873.00 ) Difference / Diferencia: ($570.50) Forgot your Sunday envelope? Supplemental Envelopes are available at all the church entrances. Se le olvido su sobre? Together in Mission / Unidos en Mision 2012 January 7, 2013 CTK Parish Goal / Objetivo de CTK: $30,505.21 Amount Pledged / Cantidad Prometida: $41,203.00 Amount Paid / Cantidad Pagada: $36,675.50 Difference Goal vs. Paid: / Diferencia: objetivo vs. pagado $6,170.29 We would like to thank all of our parishioners who contributed to our 2012 Together in Mission campaign. We exceeded our goal and hope we can do so again in 2013! Gracias a todos nuestros feligreses que contribuyeron a nuestra campaña Unidos en Misión del 2012. Excedimos nuestro objetivo y esperamos volver hacerlo en el 2013! Sobres supleméntales están disponibles en las entradas de la Iglesia. Want to use your credit card for your donations? YOU CAN! Just visit our website at: click on the first link for donations. Once in the link fill out the form. Or you can call the office & we can set it up for you. Gustaría usar su tarjeta de crédito para sus donaciones? SI SE PUEDE! Visite nuestra pagina de internet al: y haga click en la primera línea de donaciones. Alguna pregunta, puede llamar a la oficina y lo haremos por usted. Filipino Community of CTK Parish Programs helped by the “PINK envelopes” Minister / Volunteer Training Ministry Scheduler Program & Maintenance Safeguard the Children Support School & Religious Education Programas Parroquiales ayudadas por los “sobres ROSADOS” Entrenamiento para voluntarios y Ministros Programa de Ministros y su Mantenimiento Protegiendo a los Niños Apoyar a la Escuela y Educación Religiosa is sponsoring a San Manuel Casino Turn-Around Fundraising Trip on Saturday, January 26, 2013 Bus pick up: 7:30 am Bus drop off: 4 pm Cost: $20 + $1 (for bus driver tip) Includes: bus fare, snack, & buffet lunch. * Proceeds will benefit the Annual Smibang Gabi For more information or to reserve a seat, please contact: Gani Romana : (323) 578-3258 Thank you for your continued support!!! A VISIBLE GOD We find it difficult to convey ideas to people unless we can actually show them something, demonstrate what we mean. God, who is invisible and truly beyond human understanding, apparently faces the same difficulty. People want to see, not just listen to an idea. So God gave us Jesus Christ, God made visible in the world. During these past weeks we have seen how Jesus was revealed as an infant to the shepherds and the magi, and then began his adult “public life” at his baptism by John. Today’s Gospel reading tells us of his “first sign,” providing wine for the wedding guests at Cana. Of course, even Jesus, God made visible, was not always easily understood in his own day, nor is he even now. So we have to ponder what we see: the poverty and simplicity of his birth, his humility and openness before John the Baptist, his kindness and compassion toward people in their ordinary problems, such as running short of wine at a wedding. Yet it is in coming to know Jesus that we come to know God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En 1502 el Fraile Nicolás de Ovando y doce franciscanos dieron inicio a la evangelización de América en la República Dominicana. Ellos fueron enviados por los reyes españoles con el mandato de convertir a los nativos “sin les hacer fuerza alguna”. Con los misioneros llegaron Alfonso y Antonio Trejo quienes traían con ellos un cuadro de la Virgen María bajo la advocación de Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia. Ellos la llevaron a Higuey, donde en 1572 se le construyó su primer santuario. Poco a poco esta pequeña imagen se convirtió en la Reina del corazón de los dominicanos. María observa dulcemente a su recién nacido quien yace sobres las pajas. Está coronada y lleva puesto un manto azul rociado de estrellas y un escapulario blanco. Lleva una aureola hecha de doce estrellas. En una esquina de la imagen san José también observa al niño por encima del hombro derecho de María. El 25 de enero del 1979 Juan Pablo II la coronó por ser la primera evangelizadora del continente Américano. Con ella los doce misioneros trajeron la Alta Gracia de Jesucristo a nuestras tierras. Did you Know? Where do kids go after school? You can help keep your children safe by knowing where they spend their time. Get to know the adults who show up at the various locations in the community where children gather and where they play together. Be wary of any adult who seems more interested in creating a relationship with a child than with other adults. Pay attention when an adult seems to single out a particular child for a relationship or for special attention. Warning signs include treats, gifts, vacations, or other special favors offered only to one specific child. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. ¿Sabia Usted? Dónde Van los Niños Después de la Escuela? Usted puede ayudar a que sus niños estén seguros conociendo dónde pasan el tiempo. Conozca a los adultos que se presentan en los distintos lugares de la comunidad donde los niños se reúnen y juegan juntos. Sea cauteloso de cualquier adulto que parece estar más interesado en cultivar una relación con un niño particular que con otros adultos. Observe bien si un adulto parece favorecer a un niño particular o si le presta una atención especial. Las señales de alarma incluyen, trato especial, regalos, vacaciones u otros favores especiales dirigidos a un niño particular. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Asistencia al (213) 637-7650. Special thanks to the: Roberto & Rose San Jose, Eric & Ludy Cruz, Elord & Lina Fajardo, Rey & Christine Dy, Edgar & Elvie Acosta, for hosting & sponsoring this Sunday’s hospitality Sponsor a Sunday! The cost is $120.00. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LOOKING GOOD The best mirror is a friend’s eyes. —Gaelic proverb EL OJO El mejor espejo es el ojo de un amigo. —Proverbio gaélico Or donate supplies like: Coffee, creamer, sugar, stirrers, napkins, be generous with your time by volunteering on a Sunday, or help us with cash donations. A little bit of help will go a long way in supporting our hospitality ministry. Please contact Mariem Rigonan (213) 793 - 1028 Together in Mission 2013 “Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:8 Archbishop Gomez is sending a letter, within the next 2 weeks, to past contributors to the Together in Mission campaign. If you receive this letter, please respond with a generous pledge to support the ministries, programs and services provided by the parishes and schools that receive these funds. On the weekend of January 26-27, we will provide additional information about this campaign that provides funds to 35 parishes and 52 schools that would find it difficult if not impossible, to operate without them. On the weekends of February 2-3 and February 9-10, we will conduct the in-pew solicitation process so that those who do not receive the mailing will have an opportunity to make their pledges. As each parish household prayerfully reflects on the amount of the pledge to be made to help these parishes and schools, please reflect on the following questions. 1. Do I really believe that I have a duty to help others who are in need? 2. Is what I give to the work of the Church enough to show how grateful I am for what God has given me? 3. Do I appreciate how important every contribution to Together in Mission is to the people in the subsidized parishes and schools? Please pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you consider the above questions and give generously, according to what God has given to you. Unidos en Misión 2013 “El amor no falla nunca.” 1 Corintios 13:8 El Arzobispo Gómez enviara en las próximas semanas una carta a quienes han contribuido anteriormente a la Campana Unidos en Misión. Si usted recibe esta carta, por favor responda con una contribución generosa en apoyo a los ministerios, programas y servicios prestados por las parroquias y escuelas que reciben estos fondos. El fin de semana del 26-27 de enero estaremos proporcionando información adicional acerca de esta campana que provee los fondos para 35 parroquias y 52 escuelas para las que seria muy difícil, sino imposible, operar sin dichos fondos. Los fines de semanas del 2-3 y 9-10 de febrero realizaremos la solicitud en la parroquia para que, quienes no recibieron la carta, tengan la oportunidad de prometer su contribución. Cuando cada familia reflexione en oración sobre la cantidad del compromiso económico que hara para ayudar a estas parroquias y escuelas, por favor pregúntense lo siguiente: 1. Creo yo realmente que tengo el deber de ayudar a los que están necesidades? 2. Sera suficiente lo que doy para la obra de la Iglesia para mostrar todo lo agradecido que estoy por lo que Dios me ha dado? 3. Estoy consciente de que tan importante es cada contribución a Unidos en Misión para la gente en las parroquias y escuelas subsidiadas? Por favor ore para que el Espíritu Santo le guie al reflexionar sobre las anteriores preguntas y de generosamente como Dios le ha dado a usted. Parish Events CHRIST THE KING SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Science Fair Art Fair Book Fair Date: Time: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Visit the classrooms. Meet the faculty. View the students’ amazing science projects and art work. Transitional Kindergarten - 8th grade (323) 462 - 4753 617 N. Arden Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004 MARTHA’S MINISTRY MINISTERIO de MARTHA We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to help maintain our beautiful church. We are starting a new ministry of volunteers who can donate a couple of hours once a week and do some light cleaning inside our church. If you are interested please contact our parish office and speak to Eva Clarke on Tuesday or Wednesday. Thank you! Invitamos a todos que gustarían ayudar a mantener nuestra Iglesia hermosa, a un nuevo ministerio de voluntarios que pueden, una vez a la semana, donar unas cuantas horas y hacer un poco de limpieza en la Iglesia. Si esta interesado/a favor de contactar a Eva Clarke el Martes o Miércoles en la oficina. Gracias! Are you currently a Lector, Usher, Sacristan, or Eucharistic Minister? OR Would you like to be one? If yes, then please join us at the meeting that will take place on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:00 pm, Parish Hall Es usted actualmente un Lector, Ujier, Sacristan, o Ministro de Eucaristia? O Quisiera ser uno? Si? Favor de acompañarnos en una junta que tomara acabo el: Martes, 29 de enero del 2013 7:00 pm, Salon Parroquial Parish Directory RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director of Religious Education & Confirmation Lilia Pedroli, 323.217.3661 (cell) Grades K-8: Saturdays from Sept. to May 9:00 am to 11:00 am Sacramental Preparation Saturdays January-April 11:00 am to 12:00 pm LITURGICAL MINISTRY Altar Servers: Scholastica Lee 323.216.0380 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mila Agpaoa 323.313.7262 Lectors: (Open) Sacristans: Marie Moore 323.463.0652 Ushers: Joe Silva 323.572.0996 Confirmation Classes: Saturdays (Sept.-May) 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Music / Choir Director: Brad Fuller [email protected] Catequesis Familiar: Sábados, 9:00 am - 11:00 am Vocations: Ian Hagan Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA / RICA): 323.632.3526 MINISTERIO DE LITURGIA Rosalind Diego, Coordinator (English) 323.463.3306 Coordinador: Dn. Ricardo Villacorta 323.225.1009 Dn. Felix Rac, Coordinador (Español) 323.732.2782 Ministros de Eucaristía: Rene Burgos 213.382.3633 SOCIAL / FRATERNAL Hospitality Ministry: Mariem Rigonan 213.793.1028 Lectores: Amanda Brisuela 323.234.7194 Director de Música: Dn. Marco Garcia 818.904.0086 Filipino Community: Gani Romana * Annual Simbang Gabi Sacristán: Martha Pazmino 213.241.1272 Ujieres: Abel Morales 323.957.2489 Obra de la Pasión: Rolando Burgos 626.457.6138 323.578.3258 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: Teddy Mangune 213.383.8540; Sons of Italy Hollywood: Linda Desiante 818.378.4201 The Serra Club: Do you want to be a priest? Msgr. Forsen 213.637.7248 Fr. Mendoza 323.758.5540 Parish Councils: Finance Council Chair Richard Rossi 818.781.3027 Safeguard the Children: Lelis Cruzata - 323.393.4144 Prayer Community / Comunidad de Oración Divine Mercy: Lelis Cruzata 323.393.4144 Martha Pazmino 213.241.1272 Formation “Faustinum” every 2nd Sat., 3 pm - 5 pm One Heart One Mind: Rosalind Diego 323.463.3306 Meet 2nd & 4th Sun., 3 pm-7 pm, Hall Corinthians XIII: Dn. Ricardo Villacorta 323.225.1009 Estudio Bíblico, Viernes, 7:30 pm, salón parroquial Couples for Christ: Patrick/Ana Chua 323.706.1846 Singles for Christ: Ann Sharon Lim 562.304.8372 OUTREACH Homebound Ministers / Ministro a los Inmovilizados: Susan Van Allen 323.462.0752 Bring the Blessed Sacrament to CTK shut-in parishioners Llevar la Eucaristía a los feligreses que no pueden Respect Life / Respeto a la Vida: Maria Elena Burgos 213.382.3633 Bereavement Ministry / Ministerio de Duelo: Dn. Marco Garcia 818.904.0086 3rd Thurs. each month, 7:30 pm 3er Jueves de cada mes, 7:30 pm QueensCare: Frank Rey de Perea 323.465.3284. Medical care for the underserved /Atención medica St. Mary’s Center: 323.662.4391 Emergency food, utility assistance, & community resources. / Alimento y asistencia de emergencia y recursos comunitarios. What’s happening at Our Lady of the Angels Regional Pastoral Council (OLAPR)??? Check out our websites: Blog Site: OLAPR Minutes: Calif. Catholic Legislative Network: