Mass of the Lord`s Supper Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord


Mass of the Lord`s Supper Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord
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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
March 24, 2013
During Holy Week each year, we enter most deeply into the foundation of our Christian
faith—the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Easter Triduum begins on Holy Thursday with the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, is
continued through Good Friday with the celebration of the passion of the Lord and on Holy
Saturday, reaches its high point in the Easter vigil, and concludes with evening prayer on Easter
Sunday. The Season of Lent ends on Thursday of Holy Week. Then the Church remembers the
death and resurrection of Jesus during the Easter Triduum. These three days
are the most important time of the Church year.
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper
On Holy Thursday we remember the Last Supper and that Jesus gave himself
in the Eucharist. We recall that Jesus chose his apostles to serve and lead the
Church. Remembering that Jesus washed their feet at the Last Supper, the
priest washes the feet of members of the congregation. The evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on
Holy Thursday is a beautiful and joyful celebration. Because Holy Thursday is a feast day of the
Blessed Sacrament, there is a procession of the Eucharist after the Mass to an altar of repose set
up in the Parish Hall. Please note that there is no morning Mass this day.
Thursday, March 28th — 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Eucharistic Adoration 8:00pm-9:00pm in the Parish Hall
Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord
On Good Friday we remember the death of Jesus. According to an ancient
custom, Mass is not celebrated on this day or before the Easter Vigil on
Holy Saturday. The celebration of the Lord's passion and death takes place
in the afternoon. There are three parts to the liturgy of the day: the Liturgy of
the Word; the Veneration of the Cross; and Holy Communion with Hosts consecrated on Holy
Thursday. Please note that there is no morning Mass this day.
Friday, March 29th
12:00pm Stations of the Cross
3:00pm Passion of the Lord—English
7:00pm Passion of the Lord—Spanish
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil
On Holy Saturday the Church meditates on the suffering and death
of Jesus. Then the Church gathers to celebrate the Easter Vigil. Our
celebration of the Easter Vigil takes place at 8pm and begins with a
gathering on the Church steps around the fire.
Saturday, March 30th—8:00pm Bilingual Mass (no 3:30pm confessions this day)
Easter Sunday
Join us as we celebrate the joy of the risen Lord! The Lord is truly risen, alleluia!
Sunday, March 31st
8:30am & 10:00am English Masses
11:30am Spanish Mass
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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Mass Intentions
Saturday...……………..March 23
5:00PM………………...†Melania V. Barrera
Sunday……………..…..March 24
8:30AM……………......†Carolyn Curiel Hastings
10:00AM…...….……….Dolores Robertson, Spec. Int.
11:30AM…………….....People of St. Didacus
Monday………………...March 25
7:30AM…….……….….Matranga Family, Spec. Int.
Tuesday………..…..….March 26
6:00PM…………..….....†Patricia Weaver
Wednesday………..….March 27
8:30AM………………….Jean Miller, Spec. Int.
Thursday………...…….March 28
7:00PM………………...†Patricia Weaver
Friday…………....……..March 29
Saturday...……………..March 30
8:00PM………………...†Cora Darnell
March 24, 2013
Weekly Events at St. Didacus
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Small Faith V
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Small Faith III
Holy Week Set-up
Small Faith IV
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Eucharistic Adoration
Youth Group Leadership mtg.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Parish Office closes at noon
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Readings for the Week of March 24, 2013
Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/
Lk 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49
Monday: I
s 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11
Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25
Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/
Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8,
11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15
Is 52:13--53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/
Jn 18:1--19:42
Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/
Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/
Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15,
32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Rom 6:3-11/
Lk 24:1-12
Next Sunday:
Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or
1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or
Lk 24:13-35
† Tom Driscoll
Welcome to St. Didacus Parish!
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English
11:30am in Spanish
Daily Mass
Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am
Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am
First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am
Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt.
Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor
Parish Office 619-284-3472
We will have a memorial service
for Tom on Saturday, April 6th at
11:00am. Please keep Tom and his
family in your prayers.
THE WEEK OF March 17 2013
Collection for March 17, 2013
Restricted Funds for March 17, 2013
Total Income:
$ 75.00
Please Pray For
Maria Luz Arrellano
Angelo & Katherine Artale
Jim Barnes
Diann Bauer
Dan Bauer
Herbert Baxter
Rita Bonnell
Norm Boyer
Herminia Brignoni
Ibeth Brignoni
Lee Burnett
Ruben Campos
Marie Cavanaugh
Terry Davidson
MaryLou De Luca
Bart Diaz
Juanita Diaz
Fred Dueber
Clyde Elkins
Maria Fielding
Susan Guenzel
Rosie Kinninger
Marcella Halweg
Bernie Kober
Marilyn Kober
Maria Koter
Juanita Lopez
Maria Lopez
Dolores Mediano
Esteban Mediano
Joe Moser
Segunda Ordona
Sylvia Paiz
Dominick Palestini
Diane Porter
Dolores Robertson
Atina Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez
Alette Rodriguez
Gladys Palestini
Jeff Salazar
Patricia Seay
Christine Segura
Michael Smith
Raymond Sparks
Angel Tapia
Pedro Tapia
Therese Tucker
Carol Verdon
Catarina Zizzo
Rose Zaragoza
Adalina Zarate
And the special
intentions in our
Book of Needs
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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116
March 24, 2013
Thank you to St. Didacus students,
Kyle and Karissa Carlson, who
collected diapers for Sr. Mary and
Catholic Charities. They decided to
do this as part of their family
preparation for Lent. Kyle and
Karissa contributed their allowance
as well as collecting from other
family members.
Help Wanted
for Holy Week Set-up!
All members of the parish
are invited to help us
prepare for Holy Week.
We need your help during this busy time:
Tuesday, March 26th at 4:00pm
Saturday, March 30th at 8:00am
This special time involves a lot of
moving, removing, hanging and
hauling! If you’re able, please plan
on helping out!
Religious Education News:
There will be no Religious Education
Classes on Wednesday, March 27th or
April 3rd. Classes will resume on
Wednesday, April 10th.
Confirmation News:
There will be no Confirmation II classes on Sunday,
March 24th and Sunday, March 31st. Class will resume
on Sunday, April 7th.
† Henry Long
Thanks to our Knights of Columbus for the great Fish
Dinner last Friday! If you’d like to learn more about
becoming a Knight, contact the Parish Office.
Thank you to all the groups who
supplied soup dinners for our
community during Lent…
Members of the Altar Society,
Parish Council, St. Didacus School, Spanish
Community and Small Faith Groups.
And thank you to all those involved
in providing our Friday evening Lent
activities ….
Deacon Peter, Parish Council,
Choir, Religious Education,
Carmelite Sisters and Youth Ministry.
We are blessed to have such a
generous community!
Good Friday Collection
Next Friday has been designated
for the 2013 Collection for the
Holy Land. Your contribution
helps support Christians and
maintain shrines in the Holy
Land of our Lord’s birth, agony,
death and resurrection. Your are
encouraged to consider a
generous gift.
Thank you to everyone who
shopped last weekend at the Altar
Society’s Easter Bake & Boutique
Sale. They raised almost $2000
from the sale and that money will
be used for parish projects. Thank
you for your support!
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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
March 24, 2013
Make holy this week…
A New Kind of King
You are invited to make holy this week. Travel
with Jesus on the road to Calvary. It will take
you to a feast, where broken bits of bread, and
a simple cup of wine, proclaim the ancient
truth, God with us.
This Sunday Jesus enters
Jerusalem in a proud and
kingly manner. He receives
the pomp and glory of power.
The custom in Jesus’ day was
for royalty to ride a colt, or as
it is often translated, donkey.
This was not supposed to be a
sign of humility but of royal
status. To honor the kingly
person, people lined up on the
sides of the roadway, strewing
the tall palm fronds they had
picked, and also their own
cloaks, onto the roadway, to shield the King from the dirty road.
Then visit a quiet garden where you will hear
the invitation: “Keep watch with me and pray.”
Keep watch, heed His plea.
Then walk with Him, who took upon His
shoulders the weight of sin itself. See the wilting of his body, and the falter of his step, the
crushing load of wood, made heavier by our
wrongdoing. Walk slowly, breathe deeply, pray
gratefully. This path was trod for you.
Then pause and listen, not for the cry of pain,
or the words “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani?” or
even the sting of death—for they will come.
They will come.
But wait instead
for a light to
appear, not like
a dawn over
some distant
horizon, but
more like a
streaming forth through the crack in a rock. A
stone rolled away revealing…
NOTHING but a blood stained cloth, and the
promise kept—Love is stronger than death.
Make holy this week, make holy.
—Living with Christ
Kid’s Corner
The Church calls the last week of
Lent “Holy Week.” This is the week
with Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
Holy Saturday and the Easter
Vigil. It begins with Palm Sunday
and ends with the greatest holy
day, Easter. It is indeed a holy
week. Bring your family to Church
this week for all these holy days!
Jesus did not shy away from these mighty honors; in fact he
caused them to happen. He sent disciples to get the colt. He
chose to ride it. He entered Jerusalem as a Savior King. The
Palm branches distributed to us on Palm/Passion Sunday are a
reminder of this.
Jesus had always been very wary of this kind of treatment. He
had warned the disciples not to tell anyone about the miracles he
was doing, so that he would not become a celebrity. So, why the
exception in this case? Look at the liturgy. We have a special
opening procession in Sunday’s Mass to act out the above story.
But very soon we hear, not homage, but horrors, in Christ’s
Passion from the Gospel of Luke. Suddenly this honored, great
king is betrayed. Peter the Rock, who promised never to deny
him, does exactly that, three times. Jesus says out loud that he,
Jesus, must be “counted among the wicked” (Luke 22:37, quoting
Isaiah 53:12).
He sweats blood in the garden and then gives himself over into
the devil’s hands, saying, in effect, “This is your hour, time for
your darkness.” A mock trial follows, and the alleged king joins
simple thieves in a bloody death. Those strewn palms had been a
mistake. There was no king here after all. Or was there? All
leadership has service at its root. The reason for kingship is not
dominance, riches, honor or power. These are siren calls to entice
the leader into betrayal. Kingship and all leadership exist in order
to secure the welfare of the kingdom and especially the welfare of
those who are in it.
Jesus came to bring this kind of kingdom, one of service and
humility, not of pride and competition. The way of the cross was
the greatest fulfillment of his kingship, as opposed to cheering
and accolades.
A new kind of king.
—Fr. John Foley, S. J. is a composer and scholar at Saint Louis University
Pagina 6
Domingo de Ramos
24 de marzo 2013
Pasión de luz y oscuridad
Como en un paisaje, luz y sombra caen sobre el evangelio de hoy. Comenzamos con la brillante alegría de Jesús, quien tanto ha “deseado comer esta Pascua” con sus amigos.
Cuando da su cuerpo y su sangre, su brillo no mengua a pesar de la sombra del traidor,
cuya mano está en la misma mesa de la celebración.
Con frecuencia, los artistas pintan aquella Cena como luminosa, con aureolas sobre todos
los discípulos. Sin embargo, ellos se trenzan en un mezquino altercado sobre quién es el
mayor, inconscientes de la comida tan importante que comparten. La lealtad de Pedro es una llamarada de petate, sofocada por el anuncio de su traición, hecho por el propio Jesús. Jesús mismo se adentra en la oscuridad
del monte de los Olivos, una oscuridad ennegrecida con el beso de Judas. Incluso junto al fuego brillante, la
cobardía de Pedro es oscura, y la sirvienta reluce honestidad. Los complejos procedimientos judiciales son
sombríos, como probablemente lo son en las cortes injustas del mundo actual. La oscuridad se cuaja alrededor
de la cruz, pero Jesús es centro brillante de luz: perdonando, prometiendo el paraíso al buen ladrón, y entregando su espíritu a Dios.
Enseguida lo luminoso pasa a sus seguidores: el centurión, la gente arrepentida, José, las mujeres que preparan las especies. También sobre nuestros días caen luz y oscuridad; estaremos atentos a ambos esta Semana Santa, llevando luz a donde podamos, y sufriendo las sombras donde debamos. Seguimos a un Redentor
que conoció ambas y que está a nuestro lado en la luz y en la oscuridad.
Jueves Santo, 28 de marzo
Misa Bilingüe de la Cena del Señor
8:00PM– 9:00PM
Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo
Estaciones de la Cruz 12:00 PM
Liturgia de la Pasión:
En Ingles
3:00 PM
En Español
7:00 PM
Vigilia Pascual Sábado 30 de marzo
La misa es Bilingüe a las 8:00 PM
Domingo de Resurrección 31 marzo
la misa de español es a las 11:30 AM
Felices Pascuas de Resurrección a todas
las familias del catecismo. Los esperamos
con toda su familia a celebración de los
días mas importantes del año litúrgico, El
Triduo Pascual, en esta misma pagina encontraran los horarios por favor no dejen
de asistir con toda su familia.
Necesitamos ayuda
Invitamos a todos los miembros de la parroquia en especial a los jóvenes a que nos ayuden a la preparación de la Semana Santa: martes, 26de marzo 4:00 PM y el sábado
30 de marzo a las 8:00 AM