No one is Born a Priest Nadie nace Sacerdote


No one is Born a Priest Nadie nace Sacerdote
“United In One Spirit”
January 13, 2013
All Are Welcome!
If you are a visitor, we hope you will
find our bulletin to be a reflection of
our vibrant, spirit filled parish, and
that you will consider becoming
a part of our growing family.
Baptism of the Lord
No one is Born a Priest
Nadie nace Sacerdote
God's amazing love for us calls for a
great response, and so we have committed ourselves to be good stewards of
all God’s many blessings. We offer ourselves in service within this parish and
in our city and world. We invite you to
discover and use your talents to serve
God within our community!
New Member Information
You can become a member and learn
about your new church community by
attending a free Welcome Reception.
Please RSVP by visiting the welcome
desk in the Narthex, calling Cyndi at
907-7746 x303 or by completing an online form:
The next Welcome Receptions are:
Feb. 9, 2013 after 5:00PM Mass
En Español Febrero 10, 2013
despues de la misa de 12:30 PM
Our Mission Statement
The people of God, in the parish of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, in union
with our Pastor, are centered on the Eucharist and are a welcoming and diverse
community. We are committed to proclaim the Good News of God’s love by developing the spiritual growth of our parish family, encouraging active participation, personal stewardship and community.
Mass Schedule*
Next Weekend’s Featured Ministry:
Saturday Vigil*: 5:00 PM
Sunday*: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM
Sunday in Spanish: 12:30 PM
Monday** & Thursday: 12 noon
Knights of Columbus
**Mondays that fall on a holiday: 8:30 AM
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:30AM
* Christmas & Easter mass schedules are different
Saturdays 4 PM - 4:45 PM (or by appt.)
Liturgy of the Hours and Rosary
Tues., Wed., and Fri. at 8:00 AM
Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary
Thursday 7:00 PM in Chapel
From the moment of our founding in 1882, charity has been
the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. We are men of
faith and men of action. Last year alone, in addition to raising and donating more than $158 million to charitable needs
and projects, Knights volunteered more than 70 million
hours of their time to charitable causes. Visit us in the
Narthex after Mass January 19th & 20th.
The Baptism of the Lord
A Stewardship Reflection on This Sunday’s Readings
Today — the Baptism of the Lord—is also the First Sunday in Ordinary
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Time. Jesus’ Baptism Feast is placed here by the Church because it is
Mon-Thu: 9AM- 8:30PM, Fri: 9AM-5PM an important part of what has been revealed and taught to us during
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Last week we spoke of the meaning of Epiphany — a “manifestation”
First Friday of Month: 9 AM - 5:30 PM
or “revealing.” Christ’s Baptism, as described in the Gospel of Luke in today’s readings,
Followed by Benediction at 5:30 PM
represents one of the Theophanies. An Epiphany is a manifestation, but a Theophany is
the manifestation of God Himself. During this Christmas season and the week after it,
Rev. David DeJulio, Pastor
we celebrate four theophanies: 1. The birth of Christ on December 25, which revealed
[email protected]
Christ to Israel; 2. The visit of the Magi on Epiphany, which revealed Christ to the GenFr. Ed Lamp
tiles; 3. The Baptism of the Lord, which revealed the Trinity; and 4. The miracle at the
[email protected]
wedding of Cana, which revealed Christ’s transformation to the world. (Next week’s
Fr. Carl Last
Gospel is the miracle at Cana.)
[email protected]
Jesus’ Baptism is even more than a revelation to us. If He, Who had no need of this puDeacon Jose Moronta
rifying act, humbly subjected Himself to it, then we, most in need of redemption, can
[email protected]
recognize both the importance of this sacrament, as well as recognizing how we are
freed from darkness. Jesus was not Baptized because He needed it, but because we
Deacon Scott Paine
[email protected] 813-421-4103 needed it.
Baptism of the Lord marks the official end of Christmas. Most churches do not disParish Office Information The
mantle their Christmas decorations until after this Feast Day. As Catholics perhaps we,
Hours: Weekdays 9 AM - 5 PM
too, should follow that example — to let everyone know that Christmas does not end
Phone: (813)907-7746 Fax: (813)907-7556
with Christmas Day, but with the culmination of our understanding as to Who Christ is.
9724 Cross Creek Blvd. Tampa, FL 33647.
Email: [email protected]
This is Vocations Week
No one is Born a Priest
Altar Flowers
If you would like to donate
flowers for the altar for
Masses, please Contact:
Luther 907-7746 x330
[email protected]
Bulletin Submissions
“The pastoral care of vocations needs to involve the entire Christian community in every area of its life. Obviously, this pastoral work on all levels also includes exploring the
matter with families, which are often indifferent or even opposed to the idea of a
priestly vocation. Families should generously embrace the gift of life and bring up their
children to be open to doing God’s will. In a word, they must have the courage to set
before young people the radical decision to follow Christ, showing them how deeply
rewarding it is.” - Pope Benedict XVI
Nadie nace Sacerdote
“La pastoral vocacional, en realidad, tiene que implicar a toda la comunidad cristiana
Please read bulletin submission guidelines: en todos sus ámbitos.[80] Obviamente, en este trabajo pastoral capilar se incluye
bién la acción de sensibilización de las familias, a menudo indiferentes si no contrarias
Next week’s deadline: Noon on Monday incluso a la hipótesis de la vocación sacerdotal. Que se abran con generosidad al don
de la vida y eduquen a los hijos a ser disponibles ante la voluntad de Dios. En síntesis,
hace falta sobre todo tener la valentía de proponer a los jóvenes la radicalidad del
seguimiento de Cristo, mostrando su atractivo”. - Papa Benedicto XVI
January 13, 2013
Baptism of the Lord
100% Participation & One Year Pledges...
Look and See what’s new!! Please Joins Us!
Fr. David’s Travels
St. Mark’s Shovel Update
Greetings to all of you!
Well, I hope by now all of you have
survived the Christmas and New Year’s
celebrations. Now we can all can settle
down for at least for awhile until
Valentines Day and then the great season
of Lent. I did get the chance to play some
golf with my nephew Frankie, who called me one Friday afternoon and
asked if I wanted to play. After the ninth hole, the weather started to
look menacing so we decided to quit and get something to eat instead.
Although I didn't play too badly, I was more than happy to get some
chicken wings rather than hitting another golf ball! Anyway, it was nice
going out there and playing with my nephew who flew the ball by me by
almost 100 yards on every drive. It's nice being young!
Along the same lines, we will be having our annual Golf Tournament at
Hunters Green on February 10th and it seems once again to be even bigger and better every year. There will be all kinds of prizes, trips, and
chances for a hole-in-one super prize. You might even be rewarded for
"Beating the Priest" at the 7th hole. Just a warning though, he's not that
easy to beat since God is on his team! However, God does seem to be
napping some of the time so you might catch a break. Anyway, hope you
will be able to play and make sure you get your registration in since we've
been sold out in prior years!
On another note, a team from St. Mark will be attending a meeting of the
Diocesan Finance Council in a bid to start breaking ground earlier for our
new church. As you may know, the Diocese requires 50% of the total
project amount to be in cash before they will allow us to break ground.
Although we are not there at this point, our team will be presenting financials and statistics regarding parish growth when a new church is built,
along with potential housing starts in the area, interest rates, and construction costs. We are currently half way to our goal of $5 million so we
really need your help! If you have not made a pledge or a gift to our Capital Campaign, I strongly urge you to do so right away! The more leverage
we can bring to that meeting in February, the better our chances. Won't
you help to make St. Mark the shining star in our New Tampa community?
Shovel Goal
Total Amount Pledged $4,395,012
Total Cash Collected
What we need to be
Shovel Ready
The Inside of our New Church
I know God will bless your sacrifice!
Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless you and our St. Mark
family in the New Year!
Food Pantry Needs Your Help!
Our SVDP Food Pantry has been expanded in an attempt to keep
up with the need in our area. The need for donations is greater
than ever. Thank you for your continued support.
Next weekend
Canned Pasta
The next essential element in
parish life is Service.
Just look for the Little Red Wagon on the Piazza before all Masses. Thank you for your
continued support of our food pantry!
If you would like to volunteer to help distribute food at the SVDP food pantry please
go to this web page to check the schedule for Vacant dates: Then send an email to:
[email protected] with the Vacant date(s) you would like to volunteer on.
FYI...the nearest SVDP Thrift Store is at 12310 N.
Nebraska Ave in Tampa and the phone # is: (813)977-7057.
We are all called in various ways to share
in the Church’s mission of announcing the
reign of God and transforming the World
in the light of Christ. We are called to
serve one another; all members of the
community are to be enslaved to one another. As slave-servants, we are ministering to one another, to the church, to the
gospel and to the Lord. God has given
each of us a ministry. We should minister
to one another's needs. God has given us
abilities so that we will use them to serve
others. All Christians — whether women,
men, priests, deacons or elders — are
called to be ministers.
For additional info:
Attention St. Mark Altar Servers, Readers and
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
The first quarter liturgical schedule for 2013 (January 5
through March 17) is available for downloading on the
St. Mark web site
If you do not have computer access, there are hard copies on the shelf in the back sacristy. Please see Luther
Ferris if you need a copy.
EMHCs: please sign up (IN THE SIGN IN BOOK) to serve
at ASH WEDNESDAY liturgies on 2/13/2013. Also
download the EMHC Contact list from the parish web site and a copy is also included in
the sign in book to allow you to call or e-mail to get substitutes.
Thank you for your dedication and service to make our liturgies prayerful and engaging
to our St. Mark parish family.
World acclaimed, “CATHOLICISM” Series by Fr. Robert Barron COMING SOON to St. Mark.!
Using a DVD filmed in various parts of the world this program shows and tells what Catholics believe and why, drawing from scripture, the Catechism and the spiritual masters. It highlights the Church’s global culture, the incomparable beauty of its art and architecture, and the goodness of its people.
Share this excellent faith education opportunity with others and invite them to come and to learn more
about our Catholic faith: Wednesdays: January 23- March 20, 2013 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Sign up after masses on January 12-13 / E-MAIL Elsie Foley [email protected] or call 813-994-1642.
January 13, 2013
Baptism of the Lord
Fr. David to Celebrate
Mass for Spirit FM
Tune In 90.5 FM (Spirit FM) on Friday
January 25th at 11 AM as Fr. David
celebrates the Mass to be broadcast on
Spirit FM. Others from the St. Mark
liturgical team will also participate in
the mass. You can also listen to the broadcast live over the Internet at
Losing a child to abortion isn’t easy...
But if you give Him the broken pieces, God can make all things new.
H.E.A.R.T. provides recovery from pregnancy loss due to abortion. Using a recovery
study guide, we look to God and what He promises us; healing and wholeness can return.
Why Online
E-Giving is a way to financially support the Parish through automated monthly contributions
from your credit or debit card account. It is an
alternative to the weekly envelope system.
There is NO cost to participate in the program.
The benefits to you include:
Earn 'points' through your
card company!
You do not have to write a
check every week.
You can easily adjust the
amount of your contribution amount
Lets you to plan your giving in
the same way you budget each
To sign up or for more info call Joe at
907-7746 x 304 or to sign up go to:
Through a group process we will look at: realizing we need healing, acknowledging the
abortion – breaking the shame, forgiveness, accepting God’s grace, allowing yourself to
grieve, self-reconciliation, relationships and ongoing healing. H.E.A.R.T. groups are being
held in the Lutz/North Tampa area. Both women and men can attend. The next group
will begin in late January 2013.
Location is provided to registered participants only. For more information or to register
please call Michele at (813) 323-4304 or email: [email protected]
“Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality”
“Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality,” to be held February 16, 2013 at Higgins
Hall, St. Lawrence Church, Tampa. Sponsored by Healthcare Professionals for Divine
Mercy and the Florida Medical Association, attendees will hear experts discuss issues of bioethics, spirituality and dying, faith and healing, a practical approach to
those caring for cancer, and more.
Join Our 675+
Facebook Fans at:
The conference is approved by the diocese of St. Petersburg, and CME and CEU
credits can be obtained.
To register go to or call 1-800-462-7426.
Attention Catholic Singles
Interested in joining an excellent Catholic singles organization?
The Catholic Alumni Club International is looking to expand into the St. Petersburg
diocese. We provide a group dedicated to social, cultural, civic and spiritual
relationships in a Catholic setting. For more information, please check out the
following site or contact Steve at [email protected]:
NCYC Sponsors needed!
Lighthouse News
Lighthouse Jan 13- During this session
teens will gain an understanding of the
structure of the Old Testament and
the unfolding of salvation history up to
the birth of Jesus the Christ. Please remind your teen to bring their Youth
Make-up Packets: Will be available for
pick-up at Jan. 13 Lighthouse. They
must be turned in on Feb 10 in order
to receive credit.
Retreats: Bethany Gals retreat will be
held at Bethany Center- Feb 1-2.
Social Ministry: Meal Preparation for
Ronald McDonald House- Feb 9
Church Community Service: Assist
with Knights of Columbus Spaghetti
Dinner- Feb. 2.
The office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry has started our pilgrimage towards attending the National Catholic Youth Conference; a wonderful, faith filled three day
experience to be held in Indianapolis in November of 2013., and just as in the past,
we need the help of our parish family to make this happen. Therefore we ask you:
1. Travel with us in prayer as we prepare and plan for our journey.
2. Consider being a sponsor for one of our teens or young adults. Not only will you
be walking with your teen on this journey, but you will also share in the abundance
of God’s grace that will flow when they arrive home. Each teen that is sponsored will
be writing you a personal note about each day of the convention, which will be given
to you upon their return.
3. Watch us live from your home . The NFCYM will be live steaming the entire convention during the four day experience!.
“Each person will gain something. When people give God their time in gathering,
God will grace them with what they need in those moments.”
Bishop Timothy Doherty
The Sacrament of Confirmation
CCC # 1309 Preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward
a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit his actions, his gifts, and his biddings - in order to be more capable of assuming the
apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. To this end catechesis for Confirmation
should strive to awaken a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church as well as the parish community. The latter bears special responsibility
for the preparation of confirmands.
The first mandatory class will be held on Thursday : Jan 17 at 6:30 PM
Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early so we can start on time! The classes
will run until 9 PM.
Confirmation Rehearsal: Sunday, May 19 at 6:30 PM
Confirmation Mass: Sunday, May 26, at 5:30 PM
Power up Tuesday!
Power up nights are held from 6:30-9 PM for those Confirmed Teens and
Young Adults that are looking for that extra boost of energy that we call
faith. Join us on Tuesday, Jan 29 at 6:30 PM for our next session. Please
RSVP to MaryAnn if you would like to attend.
Young Adult Ministry
Hey Young Adults of St Mark! Do you ever wonder how many other young
adults want to get together to share in fellowship, and have real conversation
about faith ? Join us for our next Meet and Greet on Jan 14 at 7 PM and find
out! Please RSVP to MaryAnn in Youth & Young Adult Office.
Embrace the Cross
One of our parishioners, Bob Rayo, has created his life's work of art and reflected his love and
devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ, by designing a huge wooden cross that will be in our new
Church. It is now in the Narthex for all to see. We are all privileged to be able to purchase a
piece of veneer, to take it home, decorate in whatever way families/individuals want, (there
are some limitations such as no crayon, felt, glitter, etc) to make a statement to our faith
community and to Christ. These will be then glued onto the cross, so that ultimately it becomes a mosaic of our parish members, our eternal gifts to our Church, for all future generations of our Church to see in awe over the next 100’s of years!
For more info contact Cyndi at 907=7746 x303 or [email protected]
January 13, 2013
Baptism of the Lord
YEAR OF FAITH - 2012-2013
by Kevin Fritz
Faith is a gift from God that we have received from others who
have gone before us. If we accept this gift of faith in our lives we
make an act of faith - a personal decision to say Yes to God by giving ourselves completely to God and the way God calls us to live.
God invites us to faith but we have to open the door of our hearts
and allow God to enter. God invites us but never forces us to believe.
There is a painting of Jesus standing and knocking on the front
door of a house. The door cannot be opened from the outside but
only from the inside by the person who lives in the house. The same is true of our
hearts and lives. Jesus will stand and knock at the door but we have the choice to let
him enter into our lives. If we choose not to allow Jesus to come in, he will stand and
knock at the door of our heart for the rest of our lives. He will never give up on us but
wait patiently. However, Jesus will never force us to believe. We see this in the Gospels
as we read about the ministry of Jesus. He invited many people to follow him. Some
said yes but many said no. No one was forced to follow Jesus.
The church reminds us "that man's response to God by faith ought to be free, and that
therefore nobody is to be forced to embrace the faith against his will." (Dignitatis Humanae, #10)
Therefore, neither the Church nor any individual member of the Church can force anyone to believe out of coercion. Like Jesus, the Church invites all people to believe, to
make a personal act of faith. In fact if we forced our beliefs on others the response
would be to believe out of fear and not out of faith. This is why "(t)he act of faith is of
its very nature a free act." (Dignitatis Humanae, #10) In this way faith respects freedom
and the dignity of each human being.
While we must never force the faith on anyone else, we must share the faith with others
and invite them to discover what we have discovered. We invite others to open the
door of their heart to encounter Jesus Christ and allow their lives to be transformed by
his presence.
Catholic Information Services
Catholic Information Services offers an
opportunity to increase your knowledge
of the Catholic Faith. They offer short
booklets on a variety of topics which can
be downloaded as a PDF document
or listened to online.
Get more information at:
Loyola Press 3 Minute Retreats
Spend 3 minutes of quiet time each day
reflecting on a scripture passage using the
Loyola Press 3 minute retreats
An opportunity to take a short prayer
break during your busy day right on your
computer. Go to:
I Am There
With You
Religious freedom means that no one is forced to accept the faith but it also means that
we who believe are free to live those beliefs and to stand up for those beliefs. It means
the freedom to invite others to discover the great gift of faith and to open their hearts in
a personal act of faith. In this spirit of freedom the Church seeks "to infuse the Christian spirit into the mentality and mores, laws and structures of the communities in
which they live." (CCC, #2105) Living the faith we profess means allowing Christ to work
through us to transform the communities in which we live and work.
Kevin and his wife Darlene joined St. Mark's in 2003. He works in the Tampa area as a Quality Assurance Analyst. He studied theology at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in New York.
You are invited to commit to 30 or 60
minutes per week in the present of
Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration.
There is an online schedule where
Donate Blood On January 26th and 27th you can sign up at and
You'll have the opportunity to give the gift of life at
also a clipboard in the Blessed Sacraour St. Mark's Blood Drive. You'll also receive a mini- ment Chapel. It is inspiring to see the
physical, a terrific tee shirt and a chance to win a
response we are already seeing in
great Super Bowl Gift Basket. The basket will be filled such a short time.
with gift certificates, snacks, wine and other goodies.
Sign ups will be available after all Masses on
Jan.12/13 and Jan.19/20. Consider donating a pint of
blood as a perfect New Year's resolution.
Parish Schedule & Mass Intentions
The Baptism of the Lord
Jan 13, 2013
Readings: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7
7:30 AM RCIA Sessions (John 1 & 2)
8:30 AM Mass ( Joseph Provenzano (d) by Judy Provenzano )
10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (Mark 2 & 2)
10:30 AM Mass ( Louise Bootchek (d) by Joanne and Dan O'Dell )
12:30 PM Mass ( Francisca Canadilla (d) by Cristina Santana )
1:30 PM Spanish Welcome Reception (Mark 1 & 2)
2:00 PM Cursillo Ultreya (Music Room)
4:00 PM Religious Ed Classes (All Classrooms, Worship Area)
5:30 PM Mass ( Parishioners of St. Mark )
6:30 PM Sr. High Youth Ministry - Lighthouse (All Classrooms, Youth Room)
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
4 45 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
St. Anthony, Abbot
Jan 17, 2013
Heb. 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45
Spanish Bible Reflection (Mark 1)
Mass ( Antoine Raidi (L) by Lamice Ishak )
Children's Choir (Music Room)
Finance Council Training (Office Conference Room)
First Reconciliation Service (Worship Area)
HS Confirmation Class (John 1 & 2, Luke 1 & 2, Mark 1 & 2)
CRHP Continuation Meeting (Mary 2)
Men's CRHP Meeting (Matt 1 & 2)
Novena to the Miraculous Medal (Blessed Chapel)
Worship Commision Meeting (Office Conference Room)
Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group (Blessed Chapel)
Jan 14, 2013
Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20
Legion of Mary (Mark 1)
Mass ( Alvina Stevens (d) by Warren & Mary Dietz )
Religious Ed Classes (All Classrooms, Worship Area)
R li i
Ed Cl
Classes (All Cl
Classrooms, W
hi A
Columbiettes (Music Room)
Religious Ed Classes (All Classrooms, Worship Area)
Young Adult Meet & Greet (Youth Room)
Readings: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Mk 2:1-12
8:30 AM Mass ( Alvina Stevens (d) by Warren & Mary Dietz )
Jan 18, 2013
Sat rda
J 19,
19 2013
Readings: Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17
5:00 PM Mass ( Virginia MacQueen & Rita Ankenbrandt (d) by Kalafut Family )
8:30 AM
4:45 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Jan 15, 2013
Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28
Mass ( Antoine Raidi (L) by Lamice Ishak )
Religious Ed Classes (All Classrooms, Worship Area)
Boy Scout Meeting (Music Room)
Religious Ed Classes (All Classrooms, Worship Area)
Contemporary Music Rehearsal (Worship Area)
Readings: Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39
8:30 AM Mass ( Vocations )
9:30 AM Sacramental Records Project (Office Conference Room)
11:00 AM SMARTS Game Day (John 1 & 2)
6:30 PM Middle School Coffee House (Youth Room)
7:00 PM Women's CRHP (Matt 1 & 2)
Firstt C
i Parent
t Meeting
M ti (L
k 1 & 2)
7 00 PM Fi
7:00 PM SVDP Monthly Meeting (John 2)
7:30 PM Parish Choir (Music Room)
7:30 PM Spanish Bible Study (Mark 1)
9:30 PM Cantor Practice (Music Room)
7:30 AM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:30 PM
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jan 20, 2013
Is 62:1-5; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11
RCIA Session (Office Conference Room)
Mass ( Claire Burgess (d) by Kevin & Darlene Fritz )
Mass ( Aida Ayson (d) by Ed & Lourdes Lozano )
Mass ( Carlos Salvador (d) by Marcella Salvador )
Mass ( Giuseppe Frezza (d) by Enrico & Diana Sammassimo )
Jan 16, 2013
To View the Online Calendar:
To Make Room Scheduling Requests : [email protected]
Children’s Faith Formation Corner: Why is the Priest Wearing Green Vestments?
On Sundays, as you look around the church at Mass for the next few weeks, you will notice that the priest’s vestments are green as
well as the cloths on the altar. That is because we are now in that period of time between Advent and Lent, which is called Ordinary Time. During this period of Ordinary Time of the Church Calendar, we reflect on the childhood and adult life of Jesus. While
green is the appropriate color for Ordinary Time, other appropriate colors are worn on particular feast days. During Advent we use
the Advent wreath or calendar to help keep track of the days during that season. There are things you can do during this Ordinary
Time to make it a special time for you.
1. Do something special for the nine days before your birthday or the birthday of someone you love. A novena is nine days of
prayer. You can create your own novena by saying prayers like the Hail Mary or Our Father for nine days for a special favor, grace,
or blessing. You get to choose when you start and finish!
2. Keep a “Thank You” journal. Each day list 5 things you are thankful for. On Sundays read aloud
your list, saying, “God, I thank you for…” It will be a nice record of blessings everyday on your life!
3. Read some stories about the lives of saints. The Feast days of St. Anthony, St. Agnes, St. Francis
de Sales, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. John Bosco are just a few of the ones observed in January.
3. Act out! This means that you will make an effort to do something good, instead of just thinking
about it. Clean your room, play with a little brother or sister, give your Mom, Dad, and grandparents some of your time by helping them with chores. You could write these in your journal too!
4. Talk to your parents about how your family can make Sundays special days together.
Ordinary time won’t be ordinary if we use this time make good changes in our lives. And before
you know it, this ordinary time will be over; and Lent will be here. Then you will be seeing purple!
You can use the color chart on the right to help you identify the seasons of the Church year.
Staff Contacts - Phone: 813-907-7746
Contact Info
Faith Formation & Sacramental Preparation
Youth Ministry &
MaryAnn Weigel
High School Confirmation
John Paul Cappa
Luther Ferris
Joe Phillips
Parish Office
Lorraine Greene
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Stewardship & Development
Cyndi Letzeisen
Adoration & Exposition
Altar Servers
Arts & Environment
(Healing Hearts)
Boy Scouts
Building & Grounds
Marilyn Horne
John Paul Cappa
Nancy Larson
Karen Howell
Noel & Nellie
Joel Novatne
Bill Pettit
Katie Regan
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Eucharistic Ministers
Bob and Terri Rayo
[email protected]
Ministry Contacts
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus
K of C - 4th Degree
Laura Blank
[email protected]
Jeanne Heintzel
[email protected]
Tim Donovan
[email protected]
Bob Letzeisen
[email protected]
Christine Bonatakis
Liturgy of the Word
[email protected]
for Children
Karyn Colón
Legion of Mary
Shirley Rudder
[email protected]
Terry & Laura
Marriage Encounter
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nursing Home Visits
Tom & Ellie Crew
Office Angels
Lorraine Greene
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pastoral Council
Prison/Jail Ministry
Elsie Foley
[email protected]
Mary Strickland
[email protected]
Bob Patrick
[email protected]
Respect Life Ministry
Darcy Grahs
[email protected]
St. Vincent De Paul
Pam Smith
[email protected]
Karen & Tony
[email protected]
Small Christian Communities
Joe Grigelevich &
[email protected]
Carolyn Stuedli
Sunshine Ministry
Lorraine Greene
[email protected]
Stewardship Commission
Laniece Drackett
[email protected]
Tiny Treasures
Janeen Schuh
[email protected]
Welcome Committee
Cyndi Letzeisen
[email protected]
Joe Moceri
[email protected]
A complete list of ministries can be found online at:
Please Pray For...
Get Well Wishes:
Annette Lamp, Denize Soobit, John Dieffenbacher,
Webster Moura, Frank Civil, Spencer Madison,
Jane Giarrizzo, Marion Szurek, Maite Ortiz,
Nancy Larson, Tim Donovan, Ed Zerbe,
Clara Bartlett, Augusta Duran, Ed Zelinsky
& Aurora Moreta
Our Dearly Departed:
Mary Gorman
To request prayers please send an email to
[email protected]
Sacramental Preparation
Brochures, forms, and sponsor letters can be found online\baptism. Please call 907-7746 x310
prior to attending required pre-baptism classes.
Couples planning their marriage should call 813-907-7746
ext. 308 at least six months prior to their wedding date in
order to complete their pre-marital assessment, discernment, and marriage preparation enrichment.
For info go to:
Adults, older children, or teens who have not been baptized, or have been baptized in another Christian community, who desire to enter into full communion with the
Catholic Church, should please contact the Faith Formation office at ext. 308. More info is available at:
First Communion & Confirmation
Adults who have been baptized, but have not received
their First Communion and/or Confirmation, should call
Faith Formation at ext. 308.
Children and Teens: Students must attend two consecutive years. Preparation in the parish is necessary for
the sacraments (even for those at parochial schools).
Brochures and forms can be picked up at the Faith Formation Office, or downloaded from the web site.
Please Pray for Our Heroes
“Lord, hold our troops in your loving
hands. Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and Their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us in time
of need. I ask this in the name Of JESUS
our Lord and Savior. Amen.”
If you have a family member or friend
that is serving in the military, please
send an email with a photo to
[email protected]
Robert E. Woodards
(pictured above)
Ulio & Francisco Arocho
Tanya Buckley
Jonathan James A Cruz
Amanda Garia
Kyle Howell
Mark Kieweg
Jeff Lardizabal
Harold La Rock II
Yerandy Molina
Anthony Orcajo
Maura Stepanski
Khiry White
Robert E. Woodards
Brian Artienda
Ryan Clisset
Jorge Farchakh
Andrew Gephart
* Ryan Irwin
* Bryan Koehler
Nicholas Lardizabal
*Ayman Mageed
Brandon S. Nidasio
Christopher Parkes
Nicholas Stiegler
Alan Woodard
*No Picture
K of C Pre-Lenten Dinner: February 2nd
Pre-Lenten Pasta and Meat sauce Dinner, Sponsored by The Knights of
Columbus, cooking done under the watchful eye of Chef Nick.
Tues., Jan. 15, 2013
Pool at Peabody's on Amberly Drive at 10:00
AM. Pool is free if you buy lunch. Contact
Steve Cerrito, 997-4748
[email protected]
Wed., Jan. 16, 2013
Game Day - 12:00PM - 3:00PM
At St. Mark's - John 1 & 2. Contact: Pat Evens
- 975-1549 or [email protected]
Sun., Jan. 20, 2013
"Nine to Five" Performance at The Show Palace Dinner Theater in Hudson - Lunch Buffet
included. $43 per person. Leaving Sam's Club
10:15 AM. For ticket information contact:
Marlene Lawson - 991-4445
Tues., Jan. 22, 2013
Card Social at St. Mark's Noon -3 PM.
Snacks provided. Questions contact Maria at
994-8927 or [email protected] or Adele at
545-0286 or [email protected]
Fri., Jan. 25, 2013
"105 Years of Broadway" - Ruth Eckert Hall Leave St. Mark's by bus at Noon.
Tickets sold out.
Wed., Jan. 30, 2013
Bowling at Royal Bowling Lanes on Brinson
Road in Lutz starting at 11:00AM Contact:
Steve Cerrito 997-4748 or
[email protected]
Date: February 2, 2013
Time: 6pm to 9pm
Where: Music Room
Cost: $8.00 Adult $4.00 child under 10
All proceeds go to building Fund
Questions About Becoming Catholic?
Are you - or someone you know
interested in learning more about
the Catholic faith?
Do you attend Mass with a Catholic family member or friend and
wonder what is going on?
Do you have questions about why
2012 RCIA Group
we do the things we do?
COME - Get your questions answered and learn more about becoming Catholic.
Information and Answer Sessions continue on the first and third Tuesdays of
each month from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Office Conference Room at St. Mark.
Our next meeting is January 22nd.
You are welcome to attend whenever, and as often, as you would like.
For more information, email: [email protected]
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
Retreats for Men and Women
Need to recharge your
spiritual batteries? The
men and women of Christ
Renews His Parish would
like to invite all St. Mark
Renew Your
Parishioners 18 years and
older. The emphasis of the weekend is deepening your faith with other parishioners by spending time in prayerful open discussion, reflecVows
tion, sacramental enrichment, and great food, and best of all, it is
If you would like to
free. January dates for Women are 01/19/13 & 01/20/13 and Men's
Renew your Wedding Vows, they are are 01/26/13 & 01/27/13.
done on the Fourth
For more info visit:
Saturday of the Month at the 5pm
Fri., Feb. 1, 2013
First Friday - 8:30AM Mass
Breakfast follows (Optional) Contact Fred Hendel 782-1687 or [email protected]
Mass. Please contact Luther by calling
the church office or via email:
[email protected]
January 13, 2013
Baptism of the Lord
Giving: Stewardship of
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
Sacrificial Giving Summary
For 12/23, 12/25 & 12/30
In gratitude for the gifts we receive from God,
the people of St. Mark have made a
joyful return to the Lord for our
mission and ministries
Offertory: $25,294/$46,026/$23,408
Building Fund (2nd collection): $10,785/$637/$5,311
Children’s Rock: $524/$0.0/$165
St. Vincent de Paul: $1,559/$0.0/$1,610
APA: $2,892/$8,058/$3,235
Online (Included in Offertory): $4,507/$330/$3,966
You are helping to continue to carry out Christ’s mission and
ministry in our parish.
Thanks for Giving First Fruits and Taking a Step in Faith!!
Tampa Bay Celebration of Life Rally
January 25/26. 2013. Please join us for this free, ecumenical event designed to create awareness, provide education, and call Christians to
stand together for life. Friday features a worship concert led by Grammy Award Winning Kevin Lewis of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and
keynote speaker. Saturday’s events include a memorial service led by
Msgr. Robert Morris, Vicar General for the Diocese of St. Petersburg,
youth track, exhibitors, workshops, and a special free lunch presentation on pro-life legislation. Location: Suncoast Cathedral: 2300 62nd
Ave North, St. Petersburg FL 33702. Friday, January 25 – 6:30-9 PM.
Saturday, January 26 – 8:30 am-2PM. For more information visit or call Sabrina at 813-246-6916.
Happily Married Couples
“Our Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend was the most
joyous and stimulating time of our lives. We had the chance
to see how each of us needs to love and be loved and it has
made such a difference in our relationship ever since”. For
more information about taking a private time away, check out or call 813-270-7832.
APA Needs You!
662 families have pledged and we
are at 54% of our goal for pledges.
If you have not yet made a gift or
pledge on behalf of our parish please
prayerfully consider a contribution. You
can make a one time gift or a gift that
can be paid between now and December, 2012.
No gift is too small.
Every gift changes a life.
To make your pledge please go to:
Save Money &
Help St. Mark!
Start your online shopping from our
website and the church earns a commission of up to 6.5%! Just go type
in what you want to buy in the
search box at the bottom of our
The next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekends in this
diocese are January 25-27 and March 1-3, both at the Holiday
Inn Express in New Tampa.
Seminary Life?
Please visit website to learn more about what our Seminaries have to offer:
Bienvenido a tu Sección en Español
Misa en Español
Domingos a las 12:30pm
Horario de la Oficina Parroquial:
Lunes a Viernes: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Para información en español,
llama al (813) 907-7746 o
puedes pasar por la oficina.
Para recibir servicios religiosos es
necesario que estés inscrito en la
parroquia. El Próximo Evento de
Bienvenida es el Domingo
13 de Enero del 2013
(después de la misa en Español)
El Grupo De Oración Carismática
“La Divina Misericordia”
Jueves de 7:30pm a 9:00pm.
Reflexión Bíblica:
Miércoles: 7:30pm.
Domingo 13 de Enero 2013
El Bautismo del Señor
Se oyó una voz del cielo que decía: Tú eres mi Hijo
amado, a quien he elegido. (Lucas 3,22)
¡Qué acontecimiento más trascendente y
extraordinario! ¡Ver los cielos abiertos, el Espíritu
Santo descendiendo sobre Jesús y escuchar la voz
de Dios anunciando que estaba complacido con su
Hijo! Ante semejante demostración pública del
poder y la majestad de Dios, ¿quién podía presenciar semejante escena y no sentirse
Este era un testimonio celestial de que Jesús era el Hijo de Dios, enviado por el Padre y
ungido por el Espíritu Santo, de manera que poseía todo lo necesario para llevar a cabo
toda su misión; ninguna palabra suya resultaría vana ni vacía, ninguna promesa quedaría
incumplida; no habría enfermedad que pudiera persistir y no habría pecado que no fuera
perdonado. Jesucristo actuaba sin duda alguna con el poder y la autoridad de Dios.
Pero el Bautismo de Jesús no estaba reservado para Él solo. Los que hemos sido
bautizados en Cristo también tenemos al Padre que se regocija en nosotros y al Espíritu
que nos llena de su fuerza, e incluso a Jesús mismo, que intercede por nuestras
necesidades. La voluntad divina es que los fieles del Señor tengamos una confianza plena
en que Él nos concederá su herencia si nos mantenemos fielmente a su servicio, para lo
cual el Espíritu Santo ha venido a nuestra vida en el Sacramento del Bautismo.
La exposición del
Santísimo es el primer
Viernes de cada mes,
comenzando después de la
El Espíritu Santo es la fuerza y la sabiduría de Dios. Si en tu vida no estás experimentando
misa de 8:30am y
terminando a las 5:30pm la fuerza del Espíritu para combatir la tendencia al pecado en tu persona, ni la sabiduría
con la Bendición.
de Dios para saber cómo resolver los dilemas del diario vivir, especialmente en casa, bien
valdría la pena que le pidieras al Señor que te conceda esos dones: fortaleza y sabiduría.
De esta forma, recibirás poder para dominar tu propia inclinación al mal y saber qué es lo
El Movimiento de correcto que debes hacer en cualquier situación.
Cursillos de Cristiandad te invita a
Nuestra Ultreya
Parroquial, la cual se lleva a cabo el segundo domingo de cada mes después
de la misa en Español.
¡Recuerda que Cristo cuenta contigo!
¡Los Reyes Magos visitaron San
Jesús, nuestro Buen Pastor, bendice todas nuestras
Parroquias con numerosos sacerdotes, diáconos,
hombres y mujeres en la vida religiosa, laicos
consagrados y misioneros, de acuerdo a las necesidades
del mundo entero, el cual tu amas y deseas salvar.
Ayuda a nuestros Pastores y a todos aquellos que
viven consagrados a ti, Guía los pasos de aquellos
que han contestado generosamente a tu llamado y
quienes se preparan para recibir las
Órdenes Sagradas para profesar sus votos.
Mira con amor a los jóvenes y llámalos a seguirte.
Ayúdalos a comprender que solamente en ti Señor
es que podrán obtener la satisfacción completa.
Para finalizar, pedimos por la poderosa intercesión
de María, madre y modelo de todas las vocaciones.
Te imploramos que mantengas nuestra fé para
que el Padre nos conceda aquello que Tú
nos ordenas pedirle. Amén.
-Juan Pablo II
Veinte Mitos, Leyendas y Tradiciones de nuestra cultura religiosa
Existe un número de historias, creencias y dichos que han sido extraídos de la Biblia, principalmente del Antiguo
Ni certifico ni creo en todas ellas, pero me pareció interesante compartir estas “curiosidades” con mis amables
1. En la mezquita llamada la "Cúpula de la Roca" o "mezquita de Omar" en Jerusalén, se observa en su interior una
gran piedra en el suelo donde se asegura que Dios creó a Adán, y donde el patriarca Abraham iba a sacrificar a su
hijo Isaac.
2. Dentro del monasterio ortodoxo de Santa Catalina a los pies del monte de Moisés, se conserva el arbusto de la
famosa "Zarza Ardiente"; desde donde Yahvé le ordena al caudillo judío sacar a su pueblo de la esclavitud en Egipto.
3. En el libro de Jonás se habla de un gran pez que se tragó al profeta, pero no se especifica que fuera una ballena.
4. El mar muerto es el escenario de lo que fue la destrucción bíblica de las corrompidas ciudades de Sodoma y
Gomorra. Es el lugar más caliente de la tierra y completamente estéril; los peces que bajan del río Jordán mueren
por el alto contenido de sal en sus aguas, y tampoco vuelan las aves sobre sus cielos; las arenas de sus alrededores
se utiliza en la elaboración de cosméticos y mascarillas para la piel; además la gente que se baña en sus agua flota
y no se hunde.
5. El relato del diluvio universal era no solamente conocido por los judíos, sino también por otros pueblos antiguos
como los japoneses, egipcios, sumerios, hindúes, los indígenas del Orinoco venezolano y de Norteamérica.
6. En Caná de Galilea hay una iglesia cristiana de varias confesiones, donde se encuentra una enorme tinaja, que se
supone fue utilizada por el Mesías para realizar el milagro del agua en vino.
7. Una parte de la casa donde vivió la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret, fue traslada por los ángeles del cielo a la ciudad
de Loreto (Italia).
8. En la cueva de Macpelá, cerca de la ciudad de Hebrón (Cisjordania), se encuentra una mezquita donde está la
tumba de los patriarcas Abraham, Isaac, Jacob en compañía de sus esposas Sara, Rebeca y Lía.
9. Según el Génesis a partir de los tres hijos de Noé con sus esposas se volvió a poblar la tierra:
a. Sem: Se instaló en Asia, y dio origen a la raza amarilla.
b. Cam: Se fue a África, y dio origen a la raza negra.
c. Jafet: Se trasladó a Europa, y dio origen a la raza blanca.
10. Los nombres de los padres de la Virgen María, San Joaquín y Santa Ana; son sacados de los evangelios apócrifos.
11. Los nombres de los dos bandidos Dimas y Gestas que acompañaron a Cristo en la crucifixión, corresponden
también a la tradición y no a la Biblia.
12. El arca de Noé se encuentra sepultada bajo el hielo en lo alto del monte Ararat, en el país de Armenia.
13. En Jerusalén hay una sinagoga donde está la llamada "tumba del rey David".
14. Los años ocultos de Jesús transcurrieron normalmente en Nazaret al lado de su padres, y no con los monjes
tibetanos o en las escuelas de esoterismo y ocultismo en Egipto; como lo quieren hacer ver algunos escritores.
15. En la región de Samaria se halla dentro de una capilla de los ortodoxos griegos, el pozo de la samaritana, a la que
Jesús pidió de beber agua.
16. Tanto en Jerusalén (Israel) como en Éfeso (Turquía), hay dos iglesias que reclaman el derecho de ser la tumba de
la Virgen María, desde donde fue llevada a los cielos por los ángeles.
17. El número de la "Bestia" (666) mencionado en el libro del Apocalipsis, identifica el nombre en clave del
emperador romano Nerón César.
18. En Betania todavía se conserva el llamado "sepulcro de Lázaro", que es una gruta clavada en la roca.
19. Durante los tres primeros siglos del cristianismo el monte Calvario, fue destinado como templo de los dioses
paganos de los romanos.
20. En el Vía Crucis el encuentro del Mesías con su Madre, con la Verónica que le limpio el rostro, al igual que sus
tres caídas; corresponde a las tradiciones antiguas y no a los escritos de los evangelios.
La Despensa de San Vicente de Paúl:
solicita de nuestra generosidad para dar de comer al necesitado. Coloca tu
articulo en la carreta roja en la entrada de la Iglesia.
El Articulo que estamos solicitando para el próximo Domingo es:
“Pasta en lata”.
¡Dios te bendiga por tu generosidad!
Visita la tienda de regalos religiosos ST. MARK: tenemos regalos y artículos religiosos para toda ocasión y a precios
razonables. Abierta los fines de semana en los horarios de las misas!!!
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