Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity - Parish of St. Vito and Most Holy Trinity
Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity - Parish of St. Vito and Most Holy Trinity
August 30, 2015 Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church PASTOR: Monsignor James E. White PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Amiro L. Jiménez PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Jeba Lourdu WEEKEND ASSOCIATE: Father Steven Reilly, L.C. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR: Sister Eleazar, P.C — Sister Cleotilde, P.C. DEACON: Augustine DiFiore DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. John Myers • OFFICE HOURS / HORARIO DE OFICINA/ORARIO D’ UFFICIO Monday thru Friday /Lunes a Viernes/ Lunedi a Venerdi 9:30am to 6:30pm Saturdays / Sábados/ Sábato 9:30am to 4:30pm (Closed from 1pm - 2pm ) •MASSES / MISAS / MESSAS Monday - Friday/Lunes-Viernes 8am Chapel & 12pm Church Saturdays / Sábados/ Sabato 9:00am Chapel & 5:00pm Church Sundays /Domingo's/: 8:00am, 9:30am y 11:00am Church •SPANISH MASSES / MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Mondays & Thursdays/ Lunes & Jueves 7:30PM Church Sundays /Domingos: 12:30pm •ITALIAN MASS / MESSA IN ITALIANO: First Sunday of the month /Prima Domenica del Mese 9:30am •PENANCE / CONFESIONES / CONFESSIONI Saturday / Sábado / Sábato: 4:00pm to 5:00pm. •BAPTISMS / BAUTIZOS/ BATTESIMO Baptism are celebrated once a month on a Sunday after the 12:30 Mass in Spanish and 2:00pm in English. The dates for the Baptism of children and for the Pre-Baptismal instruction of parents should be arranged in the rectory ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE. In addition to English, and Spanish this Sacrament may also be in Italian. •WEDDINGS/ MATRIMONIO Pre–marital instruction is a requirement for all engaged couples. Consequently, arrangements for weddings should be made SIX MONTHS in advance. SPANISH MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. Edgar Riquelme PARISH MANAGER & DIRECTOR OF CYO: Mr. Joseph Comblo PARISH SECRETARIES: Mrs. Yenny Duran-Rivera & Ms. Angelina Gomez PARISH CENTER SECRETARY: Mrs. Anne Debacher RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANTS: Mrs. Jennie Bucolo & Mrs. Winnie Jaeger •WELCOME/ BIENVENIDO/ BENVENUTO To register in the parish, please come to the Rectory. Para registrarse en la parroquia, por favor acérquese a la Rectoría. Sponsor Certificates are ONLY given to qualified registered parishioners. *Priest approval needed. • BIBLE STUDY/ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Monday’s at 7:00pm in the Chapel • MEETINGS/ REUNIONES/ RIUNIONI Italian Club, First Friday, 7:30pm Parish Council, Third Thursday, 7:00pm •PREPARACIÓN DE BAUTIZOS: Hermanas de Pax Christi y Roció Gómez Domingos 9:30am en el Centro Parroquial •PREPARACIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS PARA JÓVENES Y ADULTOS: Domingos 11:00am en el Centro Parroquial Hermanas de Pax Christi Dolores Martínez •GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE ADULTOS: Dirigente: Ana Loaiza Miércoles de 7:30 a 10:00pm en la Iglesia. •DIVINA MISERICORDIA Dirigentes: Imelda Maldonado, 914-514-7674 Martha Maldonado, 914-777-8202 •GRUPO GUADALUPANO Dirigente: Dolores Martínez, 914-261-0035 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE RECTORY OF ST. VITO 816 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2648 Fax: 914-698-6081 E-mail: [email protected] 826 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2949 Fax: 914-698-2994 E-mail: [email protected] TWENTY - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 VIGÉSIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO 30 DE AGOSTO, 2015 VENTIDUESIMA DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO 30 DI AGOSTO, 2015 “All good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change. He willed to give us birth by the word of truth…Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls….religion is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world….Be doers of the word and not just hearers.” Everything is a gift - life, the next breath you take, the world around us. Yet, unless we are ill, have difficulty breathing, even the difficulties in the world; we often fail to acknowledge the source of all that is good. Unfortunately, we presume it. Take a minute to reflect on the word that has been planted in you. Welcome it anew. Paul tells us it has power, power to do great things. The word once planted needs to be cultivated, strengthened and allowed to grow. We create the conditions to allow that to happen. As our faith grows, action follows and is expressed in countless ways. From Old Testament times through the Acts of the Apostles widows and orphans were of paramount concern. Social outreach is not just a ‘nice thing’, it is the essence of the gospel, the fruit of the efforts of missionary disciples. What gift do I have which can be brought to someone else? Maybe the Father sent it to me to bring to someone in need. How well have I cultivated the word planted in me? “Todo lo que es bueno y perfecto es un don de lo alto y desciende del Padre de los astros luminosos, en quien no hay cambio ni sombra de declinación. El ha querido engendrarnos por su Palabra de verdad … reciban con docilidad la Palabra sembrada en ustedes, que es capaz de salvarlos ... La religiosidad consiste en ocuparse de los huérfanos y de las viudas cuando están necesitados, y en no contaminarse con el mundo … no sea como un oyente distraído, sino como un verdadero cumplidor de la Ley.’” Todo es un don: la vida, el aire que respiramos, el mundo que nos rodea. Sin embargo, a menos de que estemos enfermos, tengamos problemas pulmonares, o dificultades en el mundo, fallamos en reconocer la fuente de todo lo que es bueno. Desafortunadamente, lo tomamos por dado. Tome un minuto para refleccionar en la palabra que ha sido plantada en usted. Recíbala una vez más. San Pablo nos dice que tiene poder, poder para hacer grandes cosas. La palabra una vez plantada necesita ser cultivada, fortalecida y ayudada para que pueda crecer. Nosotros creamos las condiciones para permitir que esto suceda. Así como crece nuestra fe, la siguen nuestras acciones y se expresa en innumerables formas. Desde el tiempo del Antiguo Testamento hasta los Hechos de los Apóstoles, las viudas y huérfanos eran motivo de gran preocupación. Obras sociales no son sólo ‘algo bueno’, sino la esencia del evangelio, la fruta de los esfuerzos de los discípulos misioneros. ¿Qué don tengo que puede llevarse a alguien más? Quizás el Padre me lo envió para traérselo a alguien necesitado. ¿Cómo he cultivado la palabra plantada en mí? “Non quello che voglio io faccio, ma quello che detesto” (Rm 7,15). Spesso ci rendiamo conto di questo per la prima volta quando cominciamo a prendere più seriamente la nostra fede e a seguire più da vicino un modo di vita cristiano. Ci stupiamo della nostra tendenza a ripetere gli stessi errori e a ricadere nello stesso peccato. Cominciamo a capire il grido di san Paolo: “Sono uno sventurato! Chi mi libererà da questo corpo votato alla morte?” (Rm 7,24). “Il suo cuore è lontano da me”. Il fine della vita cristiana è l’unione con Dio e l’unità con il prossimo. Per raggiungere questo scopo, dobbiamo innanzi tutto essere liberi dalla schiavitù delle cattive intenzioni. Dobbiamo conquistarci la libertà! Quest’impresa è interamente opera della grazia del Redentore. Così Gesù promette: “Se dunque il Figlio vi farà liberi, sarete liberi davvero” (Gv 8,36). La Chiesa cattolica non ha per fine quello di dare spettacolo, ma piuttosto quello di adempiere ad un dovere semplice e divino: la conversione della nostra vita grazie ad un cambiamento di cuore, ispirato dalla grazia. La Chiesa ritiene che, facendo ciò, ha fatto tutto mentre, se non fa ciò, non vale la pena di fare nient’altro. Essa prega, predica e soffre per un vero battesimo del cuore, a fine di liberarlo perché accolga Cristo. NEWS AND EVENTS OF THE WEEK RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION 2015 - 2016 Registration for September 2015 will be continue until Friday, September 4th Monday - Friday 10am until 6pm and Saturday from 10am to 1pm at the Parish Rectory. requirements and Fees Every Child must re-registered each year. Parents must come in person. Birth & Baptism Certificate of Students Tuition Fees Sacramental Fees *$180 — 1 Student *$100 -Communion *$230 — 2 Student's *$250 — 3 Student’s *$125 - Confirmation *$270 — 4 Student’s Tuition fees are only applied to siblings not relatives. PASTORAL VISIT OF HIS HOLINESS, POPE FRANCIS Pope Francis will be in New York September 24th-26th. Please check out the website: for his schedule and other exciting information about his visit. Our parishes will be allocated a very small amount of tickets to the Mass at Madison Square Garden, we do not have any further details right now . Food For Thought LITTLE THINGS MATTER Never stop doing things for others. Sometimes, those little things occupy the Biggest part of your loved one’s Heart and Transform his/her Life. Father Jeba FINANCIAL CORNER The total collection for the weekend of August 23rd amounted to $6,360. Thank you for your generosity. SAVE THE DATE Sunday, September 20th, we will celebrate the merger of St. Vito and Most Holy Trinity as ONE FAMILY. The 11:00 AM Mass will be a celebration of our one merged family. Following the Mass there will be a reception in the school gym. Please plan to join this unity celebration. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The parish is in need of young adults to help us educate our youth in the faith . If you are interested in volunteering in exchange for COMMUNITY HOURS to help assist in the Parish Religious Education Program beginning in September, you may contact the parish office or come in person to sign up. BAPTISM INFORMATION The Sacrament of Baptism is Celebrated Once a month on Sunday One Sunday in Spanish after the 12:30pm Mass and One Sunday in English at 2:00PM. THE NEXT AVAILABLE DATES ARE: October 18th — English Baptisms October 25th — Spanish Baptisms Please come to the office rectory for requirements and registration at least one month in advance. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Third Annual Golf Outing 50/50 RAFFLE Drawing Date : Monday, September 21, 2015 Tickets will be sold at the end of each Sunday Mass. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Fuel Collection August 29th & 30th St. Joseph’s Seminary September 12th & 13th NOTICIAS Y EVENTOS DE LA SEMANA EDUCACION RELIGIOSA REGISTRACION 2014-2015 Registración para Septiembre 2015 Continuara hasta el 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE en la Rectoría de la Iglesia. Lunes a Viernes de 10am - 7pm y sábado 10am - 1 pm Requisitos & Costo de la matricula Todos los niños en el programa tienen que volver a registrarse cada año. Los padres deben venir en persona. Certificado de Nacimiento & Bautizo Matricula Cuota por sacramento *$180.00 - 1 Estudiante *$230.00 - 2 Estudiantes $100.00-Comunion *$250.00 - 3 Estudiantes $125.00 Confirmación *$270.00 - 4 Estudiantes *únicamente hermanos no primos VISITA PASTORAL DE SU EMINENCIA El Santo Padre Francisco estará visitando Nueva York Septiembre 24-26.Por favor, consulte el sitio web: para su horario y otra información interesante acerca de su visita. Nuestras parroquias se asignarán una cantidad muy pequeña de entradas para la misa en el Madison Square Garden, no tenemos más detalles en este momento. ESQUINA FINANCIERA El ingresos de la Parroquia del fin de semana del 23 de Agosto sumo un total de $6,360. Gracias por Su Generosidad! Colecta para el Combustible - Agosto 30 Seminario de St. Joseph’s - Septiembre 13 GUARDE LA FECHA El domingo 20 de Septiembre vamos a celebrar la unión de San Vito y La Santísima Trinidad como UNA sola familia. La misa de 11:00am será una celebración de la unión de nuestra familia. Después de la Misa habrá una recepción en el gimnasio de la escuela. Por favor planee asistir a esta celebración de unidad. SE NECESITA VOLUNTARIOS La parroquia está en necesidad de jóvenes adultos para ayudar a educar a nuestros jóvenes en la fe. Si usted está interesado en ser voluntario a cambio de HORAS de SERVICIO COMMUNITARIO para ayudar a establecer el inicio del Programa de Educación Religiosa Parroquial en Septiembre, puede comunicarse con la oficina parroquial o venir en persona para inscribirse. INFORMACION DE BAUTIZOS El Sacramento de Bautizo solo se celebrara una vez al mes los domingos. Los Bautizos en Español se llevan acabo después de la misa de 12:30pm y los bautizos en Ingles a las 2:00pm. LAS PROXIMAS FECHAS SON: Octubre 18 - Bautizos en Ingles Octubre 25 - Bautizos en Español Por favor acérquese a la rectoría por lo menos un mes antes para planear el bautismo. Alimento Espiritual DETTALES PEQUEÑOS SON IMPORANTES Nunca dejar de hacer algo por los demás. A veces, esos pequeños detalles ocupan La mayor parte del corazón de su ser querido y transformar su / su vida. Padre Jeba TWENTY - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 VIGÉSIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO 30 DE AGOSTO, 2015 VENTIDUESIMA DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO 30 DI AGOSTO, 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 9:00 Robert Cirillo -† 5:00 David Traub -† 29 Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Michael Aloisi -† 9:30 Vera Clementoni -† 11:00 Maria DiNota -† 12:30pm Natividad Reyes -† 30 Monday / Lunes / Lunedi 8:00 Carlos Alberto Sarmiento -† 12:00 Maureen Devine -† 7:30pm Marla Nava - Cumpleaños 31 Michael Aloisi Requested by Wednesday / Miércoles / Mercoledi 8:00 Amedeo B. DiSotto 12:00 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devine -† 2 Thursday / Jueves / Giovedi 8:00 Maria Comblo -† 12:00 Marry Poccia -† 7:30pm Juan de Dios Mardones -† 3 Friday / Viernes / Venerdi 8:00 Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity Parish 12:00 Maria Comblo -† 4 Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 9:00 Vielka Victoria Holeness -† 5:00 Anthony & Mary Marino -† 5 Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Rocco Molle -† 9:30 Carmella DiMaula -† 11:00 Ernest Insard -† 12:30pm Lina Arboleda & Kevin Loaiza - 6 Difunto Birthday Cumpleaños Sick Enfermo In Thanksgiving Acción de Gracias Wedding Anniversary Aniversario de Bodas Antoinette DePippo, Ralph Ruzzo and Family BREAD & WINE 1 Deceased BREAD & WINE The Bread & Wine of this week are in loving memory of Tuesday / Martes /Martedi 8:00 Michael Aloisi -† 12:00 Harry Debacher -† † Shortly there will be forms available for parishioners who wish to continue their ministry in the Church as Lector, Eucharistic ministers and Catechists. Upon receiving these forms, there will be a meeting and a schedule will then be arranged. The next available date for bread & wine are the following: September 13th , 27th October 4th, 11th ALTAR FLOWERS The next available date for altar flowers are the following: September 27th October 4th, 11th, 25th REST IN PEACE We extend our most deepest sympathy to the loved ones on their loss Mary Poccia PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS PREGARE PER I MALATI Sandy Albert, Louisa Germani, Marcia Maya, Olga DiOrio, Antonette Fraioli, Pat Hachey, Marianne Fischetti, JoAnn Troccoli, David Burns, Juan Alviar, Antonio Lopes & Louise Yannuzzi. To submit a name please call the rectory. Para añadir nombres por favor llame a la rectoría.