August 14 2016 TWENTIETH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME Cycle 2 Year C SETTING THE WORLD ON FIRE First Reading: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 “Jeremiah ought to be put to death; he is demoralizing the soldiers.” Second Reading: Hebrews 12:1-4 Jesus endured the cross despising its shame. Gospel: Luke 12:49-53 “I have come to set the earth on fire!” NEXT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS AND READERS SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 2016 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 20, 2016 Saturday 5:00 PM Patricia Connolly Readers: Ministers: Lillian Liem, Irene Werneck, Helen Kroski AUGUST 21, 2016 Sunday 9:00 AM Readers: Rita Kavanagh Ministers: Maria Kuehlewind, Beatrice Gomez ,Cathy Femia MINISTRY TO THE SICK , PRAYERS FOR THE SICK, AND THEIR CAREGIVERS Please call the rectory at 718-392-0011 to make arrangements for a sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. Thank you for cooperating and God bless you. PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH (Enfermos) Bobby Sarro, , Patricia North, Ethel Smyth, Maureen Flynn, Vivian Papa, Krystel Long, Gloria Maloney, Justin Robinson, Carmen Carampatan, James Lyons, Rita Halpin, Lorraine Crowell, Margaret Crowley, Wilton Contrera, Virginia Lawrence, Jorge Luis Cassab, Ana Urquizo, Stephanie Consiglio, Joe CarmelRenata Anna Rosa, Mary Murray, Joan O’Brian, Lydia E. Mazzone, Peter Finnegan, Jim Sullivan, Pidgie Murray, Ubaldo Paredes, Umberto Sanchez, Marilyn Harrington PRAY FOR THE DEAD (Oremos por los Muertos) Mary Vonoflorio, Richard Shoemaker Prayer for the Sick and Dying “Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend to your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen.” Saint Augustine AUGUST 21, 2016 Sunday 12:00 PM Readers : Linda Kasakyan Ministers: Bernadette Reddington, Mimi De Garcia, Peggy Walsh 2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL “When we GIVE we SHARE The LIGHT OF FAITH” ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL REPORT GOAL PLEDGED RECEIVED DONORS $44,673 $37,585 $28,782 111 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT CHURCH OFFERINGS August 07, 2016 - $4,193 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING YOUR PARISH SECOND COLLECTIONS AUGUST 21 2016 - FOOD PANTRY SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 - CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Is on Monday, August 15th 2016. This year is not a day of Obligation. Mass is at 9 AM. YEAR OF MERCY-HOLY DOORS PILGRIMAGE Join Queen of Angels for our Pilgrimage to St Joseph Co-Cathedral Holy Doors. Sunday, October 30th. Ticket: $20. Bus Departs at 1:30PM in Front of Queen of Angels Church. For tickets, visit the rectory . Space is limited! Brought to you by Life & Faith Study Group. EARLY REGISTRATION FOR FAITH FORMATION 2016-2017 Register your child for Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation Classes for 2016-2017. Fee: $60. Pick up a registration form at the Rectory Office. Please bring a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate & Baptism Certificate. Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 8 PM or visit our website for an ONLINE application@ 2017 MASS BOOK: The 2017 Mass Book will open on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 9 AM. FEAST OF THE QUEENSHIP OF MARY: Join us for our Parish Feast Day as we honor our Queen Mother, St. Mary. Sunday, August 21, after each Mass. Refreshments will be served at the Parish Center. Visit our website @ / #QueenOfAngelsFeastDay "From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three." What a sad image Jesus paints in today's Gospel. Causing family strife-fathers against sons and mothers against daughters-is not the effect we like to imagine Jesus having on people. But as he says today, "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." The fact is, and always has been, that not everyone chooses to follow Christ. This causes conflict. Perhaps it is most tragic when this tension takes place within families. When certain members of the family desire to live a full Christian life, to follow the commandments and worship God as he asks, this can be irritating at best and infuriating at worst to other family members who want nothing to do with Jesus or his church. But faith must persist in spite of domestic turmoil. Following Jesus is the ultimate good; preserving peace is secondary. In a sense, today's Gospel gives faithful Christians permission to move forward in their faith even if it doesn't make everybody happy. However, all of this needs to be understood in the light of Jesus' desire to bring peace. He often used the greeting, "Peace be with you," and clearly promised peace to his disciples. Today's Gospel should not be taken to mean that Jesus desires division. Rather, he is acknowledging the fact that division will inevitably result as people declare their differing allegiances. But thankfully, when we align ourselves with Christ, we are also uniting ourselves to the One who can restore peace even in the midst of conflict. So when we see turmoil arise, let's call upon the power of the true Prince of Peace. ST. AGNES ICE CREAM SOCIAL: Join St. Agnes for Ice Cream Sundaes on a Monday, August 15th at 2PM. Call us at 718-353-6276 And leave us a message with your name and how many people are attending. / 13-20 124th Street College Point. FAMILY, MARRIAGE, & INDIVIDUAL THERAPY, provided by New York State licensed therapists including therapists who specialize in Self Esteem issues, Stress Management and Substance and Chemical Abuse, are available to our parishioners and 147 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 41 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our website at: DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE WITH BISHOP DIMARZIO: Join this Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of Rome, Assisi, and the Holy Land in the Jubilee year of Mercy. Italy Portion September 15th to 23rd, 2016; Optional Holy Land Extension September 23rd to 29th, 2016. Pilgrimages to Rome and Israel can be booked together or separate. For a Brochure call Susan @ 800842-4842. NEW LIFE PRAYER GROUP HEALING MASS The New Life Prayer Group is holding its monthly Healing Mass on Tuesday, August 16, at 8 PM. WEEKLY MEETING The New Life Prayer group will meet every Tuesday at 8 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome! Every Wed. @ 6:30PM The Beatitude, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" (Mt 5:7), reminds us of our goal for this Jubilee of Mercy to be "merciful like the Father." If we allow our actions to be informed by the mercy of God, then they will naturally help lead us to our beatitude, life eternal with God in the Kingdom. When we incorporate the mercy of God into our lives, our actions reveal to others the love of God. We see this in the ministry of Jesus. When Jesus heals the sick and cares for those on the fringes of society, he is living out the Beatitudes. In these actions, Jesus directs people toward God and invites them to live out the mercy of God in their own lives. By approaching God with a humble heart, having compassion for the sufferings of others, actively seeking peace and what is just, and following the will of God in our lives, we shape our attitudes and habits in imitation of the face of God's mercy, Christ. Meditations on Mercy United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 14 DE JUNIO 2016 VIGÉSIMA SEMANA DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO Ciclo 2 Año C ENCENDIENDO EL MUNDO Primera Lectura: Jeremías 38:4-6, 8-10 “Jeremías debe ser asesinado; el desmoraliza a los soldados.” Segunda Lectura: Hebreos 12:1-4 Jesús soportó la cruz, sin miedo a la humillación. Evangelio: Lucas 9:51-62 “¡He venido a traer fuego sobre la tierra!” HORARIO EUCARISTICO-LECTORES Y MINISTROS DOMINGO, 21 DE AGOSTO, 2016 VIGÉSIMO PRIMER DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO 10:30 AM Maria C. Castaño Lector : Ministros : Lily Maya, Virgelina Salazar, Arturo Carrion, Reyna Collado, Ana Gomez, Adela Ciriaco CAMPAÑA CATOLICA ANUAL 2016 “Cuando Nosotros DAMOS Nosotros COMPARTIMOS LA LUZ DE LA FE” REPORTE DE LA CAMPAÑA ANUAL $44,673 META $37,585 PROMESA $28,782 RECIBIDO 111 DONANTES GRACIAS POR SU CONTINUO APOYO El Evangelio de hoy tiene un tono muy fuerte. Las palabras de Jesús desconciertan tanto en su tiempo como en el nuestro. "He venido a traer fuego a la tierra y ¡cuánto desearía que ya estuviera ardiendo!" (Lc 12, 49). Estas palabras nos pueden poner en desconcierto y se deben de explicar. Ya que de otra forma se pueden formar malentendidos. ¿Qué significa el que Jesús trae fuego y división entre nosotros? La respuesta es que todo es cuestión de fe y que ésta no es decorativa en la vida del cristiano. Va más allá, es elegir a Dios como el centro de toda actividad, sabiendo que Dios es toda misericordia, fidelidad y vida dada en su Hijo Jesús. El Papa Francisco, nos dice que. "Jesús es nuestra paz, nuestra reconciliación. Pero esta paz no es la paz de los sepulcros, no es neutralidad, Jesús no trae neutralidad, esta paz no es una componenda a cualquier precio. Seguir a Jesús comporta renunciar al mal, al egoísmo y elegir el bien, la verdad, la justicia, incluso cuando esto requiere sacrificio y renuncia a los propios intereses" (Ángelus de 18 de agosto de 2013). Al hacer la lucha de vivir estos consejos que el Papa Francisco nos brinda, debemos estar seguros de que vamos a luchar. Porque esto sí trae división aun en las relaciones más cercanas. La sociedad actual está dividida por la necesidad de paz; existe mucha violencia y ahí en esa vida de incertidumbre no se puede tener la paz de practicar y vivir la fe. ¡La fe y la violencia no se llevan! En cambio la fe y la fortaleza de espíritu van juntas. Pidamos al Señor que nos haga instrumentos fuertes de paz. OFRENDAS A LA IGLESIA DE LA SEMANA PASADA Domingo, 07 de Agosto, 2016 - $4,193 GRACIAS POR MANTENER SU PARROQUIA FIESTA DE LA REALEZA DE MARÍA: Únase a nosotros para nuestro Día de Fiesta Parroquial al honrar a nuestra Reina, Santa María, el Domingo, 21 de Agosto después de cada Misa. Refrescos será servido en el Centro Parroquial. Visita nuestro pagina de web. / #QueenOfAngelsFeastDay REGISTRO ANTICIPADO PARA LA FORMACIÓN DE FE 2016-2017: Registre a su hijo/a para el Bautismo, las Clases de Comunión, o Confirmación para 2016-2017. Tarifa: $60. Se puede Recoger un Formulario de Inscripción en la Oficina de la Rectoría. Por favor traiga una copia del Acta de Nacimiento y Certificado de Bautizo de su hijo o hija. Lunes - Viernes 9AM-8PM. Visite nuestro sitio web para una aplicación en línea @ LIBRO DE MISAS- 2017: El Libro de Misa para el año 2017 se Abrirá el martes, 13 de Septiembre 2016 a las 9 AM. ANO DE LA MISERICORDIA-PUERTAS SANTAS PEREGRINACIÓN: Unirse con la parroquia Reina de los Ángeles para nuestra Peregrinaciónón a San José Co-Catedral para ver las Puertas Santas. Domingo, 30 de Octubre. Venta de entradas: $20. El autobús sale a las 1:30PM en frente de la Iglesia. Para boletos, visite la Rectoría. ¡El espacio es limitado! Traído a usted por el grupo Vida y Fe. La bienaventuranza "Benditos los misericordiosos, porque obtendrán misericordia" (Mt 5:7) nos recuerda nuestra meta para este Jubileo de la Misericordia de ser "misericordiosos como el Padre". Si permitimos que nuestras acciones sean conformadas por la misericordia de Dios, entonces ellas naturalmente ayudarán a llevarnos a nuestra bienaventuranza, la vida eterna con Dios en el Reino. Cuando incorporamos la misericordia de Dios en nuestras vidas, nuestras acciones revelan a los demás el amor de Dios. Esto lo vemos en el ministerio de Jesús. Cuando Jesús cura a los enfermos y cuida de los marginados de la sociedad, él está viviendo las Bienaventuranzas. En estas acciones, Jesús dirige a la gente hacia Dios y la invita a vivir la misericordia de Dios en sus propias vidas. Al acercarse a Dios con el corazón humilde, tener compasión por los sufrimientos de los demás, buscar activamente la paz y lo que es justo, y seguir la voluntad de Dios en nuestras vidas, damos forma a nuestras actitudes y hábitos en imitación del rostro de la misericordia de Dios, Cristo. Meditations on Mercy United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Cycle 2—Year C DAILY READINGS– MASS INTENTIONS WEEK OF AUGUST 14, 2016 August 13 Saturday - Weekday, Saints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs; BMV Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32 / Mt 19:13-15 5:00 PM Purgatorial Society August 14 Sunday – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 / Heb 12:1-4 / Lk 12:49-53 9:00 AM People of the Parish COLLECTIVE MASS 10:30AM Guillermo & Lola Acosta (1er Año); Mercedes Beck; Gabriel Chauca; Intención Especial Para el Divino Niño; Thomas Gutiérrez 12:00 PM Mary Anne Jackson; Margaret O’Connor; Anne, Joseph, Margaret & Edward Fitzgerald; William Tomkiewicz, Gladys Briceño; Gerda Schwarz; Ryan McDonough, Teresita Caradang( Death Anniversary), Ion Stephan August 15 Monday-The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2 1 Cor 15:54b-57 / Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab / 1 Cor 15:20-27 / Lk 1:39-56 9:00 AM John Chirico Requested By: Francesca Fedele August 16 Tuesday -Weekday; Saint Stephen of Hungary Ez 28:1-10 / Mt 19:23-30 9:00 AM Peter Lyons Requested By: Patricia Lyons August 17 Wednesday–Weekday (20th Week of Ordinary Time) Ez 34:1-11 / Mt 20:1-16 9:00 AM Thomas & Mary Scanlon Requested By: Martin V. Scanlon August 18 Thursday - Weekday (20th Week of Ordinary Time) Ez 36:23-28 / Mt 22:1-14 9:00 AM Enrique Vela Requested By: Teresa DiAmbrosa August 19 Friday - Weekday, Saint John Eudes, Priest Ez 37:1-14 / Mt 22:34-40 9:00 AM Anne & Joseph Fitzgerald Requested By: Edmond Fitzgerald August 20 Saturday - Saint Bernard , Abbot and Doctor of the Church Ez 43:1-7a / Mt 23:1-12 9:00 AM 3rd order of St. Francis Requested By: Franciscan 3rd order 5:00 PM Purgatorial Society August 21 Sunday – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 66:18-21 / Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 / Lk 13:22-30 SUNDAY 9:30 AM 10:00AM 11:30AM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 6:00PM AUGUST 14 Jornaleros Meeting (MR3) PREP - Spanish Choir (L) PREP - English Choir (L) English Choir (L) Spanish Baptism (CH) Feast of Mother Teresa-Bengali Com. (CH/PA) MONDAY AUGUST 15 6:00 PM Spanish Youth Choir (CH) 7:00 PM Niñas de Maria (PA) TUESDAY AUGUST 16 8:00 PM Healing Mass - New Life Prayer Group (CH) WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17 6:30 PM Dreamers Club (L) 7:30 PM Fe y Vida - Estudios de Catecismo y Biblia (MR3) 7:30 PM Faith & Life Study Group (MR2) 9:00 PM Jornaleros Delivery (PC) THURSDAY AUGUST 18 6:30 PM AA Meeting (PC) 8:00 PM AA Meeting (PC) FRIDAY 6:30 PM 7:00 PM AUGUST 19 Familia de Nazaret (MR 1-3) PREP - Jornaleros (PC) SATURDAY AUGUST 20 5:00 AM Jornaleros Mission Delivery (PC) 7:00 PM Danza Con el Espíritu Santo (PC) Legend: (CH) Church, (PC) Parish Center, (CR1) Conference Room 1 (CR2) Conference Room 2 – (CR3) Conference Room 3, (L) Library, (PA) Parish Auditorium, (S) Stage, (MR1) Meeting Room 1, (MR2) Meeting Room 2, (MR3) Meeting Room 3, (MR4) Meeting Room 4, (PK) Parking Lot