Our Lady of the Mountains


Our Lady of the Mountains
Our Lady
of the Mountains
May 29, 2016
29 Mayo 2016
Corpus Christi
Pastor Fr. Randy Oswald
(307) 733-2516
Associate Pastor Fr. Louis Shea
Monday, May 30
8:00 AM
Tuesday, May 31
8:00 AM
Wednesday, June 1
8:00 AM
1:30 PM
Thursday, June 2
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
Friday, June 3
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Saturday, June 4
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
Sunday, June 5
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Healing Intentions
Kimberly Kamp, Pam Ludin, Kymber
Katsey Long
Everett, John Samluk, Helen Uhler,
No Intention Annette Donohu, Kenly Spilman, Sarah Staebell & Family,
Walter Swank, Rudy Hoffman
Souls of the Departed
Pat Ourand +
Catherine Kelly Playford
John & Mamie Mortillaro
Marybeth Jones
No Intention
No Intention
No Intention
No Intention
No Intention
No Intention
Mary Naegele
No Intention
The intentions listed here will be the intentions of the
priest and will not be announced to the gathered
Spring Cleaning Thank-You!
JUNE 4-5
5:30 PM
Pat Carter, Suzie Kirvinskee
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Penny Asbell, Marilyn Bell, Judy Greig
8:00 AM
Mary Cernicek, John Doyle
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Connie Davis, Ann Wenger, Joseph Wenger
10:00 AM
Bill Sawczuk, Joyce Sawczuk
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Cris Dippel, Max Kudar, Barbara McPeak, Sarah Rock,
Avelina Zárate Gómez
¡Gracias Por Limpiar La Iglesia!
Minerva Cervantes Tzompa, Jorge Jiménez Popocatl, Lucia Carrillo
Thoroughly washed pews, vacuumed church carpet,
cleaned inside stained glass windows
Penny Asbell
Limpiaron las bancas, aspiraron la alfombra y
lavaron unas ventanas por adentro
Cleaned all entryways of the church
Limpió las entradas de la Iglesia
Claudia Sánchez Pérez y Familia
Removed cobwebs, cleaned beams and light fixtures,
cleaned pews, washed inside stained glass windows
Download myParishapp to
your Smartphone
Quitaron las telarañas, lavaron los travesaños, las
lámparas y las ventanas, y limpiaron las bancas
Check out your
RENOVATED Parish Website
Scroll Through your Parish
Jubilee Year of Mercy Activity—May 2016
Corporal Work of Mercy: Visit the Prisoner
Christ would have given his life for even the
basest of criminals. God’s mercy overflows,
and the whole point of mercy is that it is
something we don’t deserve. Even when
someone has made terrible choices and hurt
others, the fact that Christ loves them
enough to lay down his very life for them
ought to make us willing to lay down our
desire for justice and vengeance. I want to
be a pathway for His mercy to reach others.
Jesus called us to “be merciful just as your
Please think and pray about using one of
these envelopes to “visit the prisoner” in a
simple way.
Año Jubilado de la Misericordia Mayo
Obra Corporal: Visitar al Prisionero
Cristo hubiera dado su vida por aun los
peores criminales. La misericordia de Dios
se derrama, y lo maravilloso de misericordia es que es algo que no merecemos. Aun
cuando alguien haya tomado decisiones
horribles y haya lastimado a otros, el hecho
de que Cristo los ama tanto para dar su
vida por ellos debería de motivarnos a dejar nuestro deseo de la justicia y la venganza. Quiero ser un camino para que Su misericordia llegue a los demás. Jesús pedía
que “seamos misericordiosos así como Su
Padre Celestial es misericordioso.” Por favor, piensen y oren en usar uno de estos
sobres para “visitar al prisionero”.
We are asking for photos of Fr. Randy & Fr.
Louie for a slideshow presentation at their
reception on June 25. Please e-mail pictures
to [email protected] or drop them off
at the church office.
Pedimos fotos de Padres Randy & Louie
para una presentación durante su fiesta de
despedida el 25 de junio. Por favor, mande
las fotos a [email protected] o déjelas
en la oficina parroquial.
OLM Spring Cleaning
Deep cleaning of the church IS STILL under
way. If you would like to serve our community in this project, please call the office.
Limpieza de la Iglesia
TODAVÍA se perfila la limpieza de la iglesia.
Si a Usted le gustaría servir a nuestra
comunidad, por favor, llame a la oficina.
Global Leadership Summit
August 11-12,2016 : Presbyterian Church
The Summit is designed for Christians who
are committed to leading a life
of IMPACT. For more information
visit willowcreek.com/summit. To register,
please contact the Parish Office.
Cumbre Global de Liderazgo
11-12 Agosto 2016 :: Iglesia Presbiteriana
Está diseñado para Cristianos que están
comprometidos a llevar una vida de
IMPACTO POSITIVO.Para más información,
visite a willowcreek.com/summit.Para
inscribirse, por favor, contacte a la oficina.
The Diocesan Campaign at
Our Lady of the Mountains
(As of May 28, 2016)
We are now 1 1/2 months into this year’s
Giving in Christ—the time when each of us is
called to fulfill our responsibility to support
our Church by supporting our Bishop and his
work. He has been given a Mission by the
Holy Spirit and Jesus himself gave us a Mission as well: to build up the Church on
earth. As you can see, we have reached 28%
of our parish goal and 44 of our 700+ registered families have pledged so far. Please
consider pledging 1% or even ½% of your
annual income. If you have not yet pledged,
please take some time to think about this
and especially pray about it: ask God to help
you decide what your contribution should
57 of our
700 families
as of today
(8% of goal)
as of today
(34% of goal)
Average of
$525.00 per
Campaña Diocesana de
Our Lady of the Mountains
(A partir de 28 mayo 2016)
Ya llevamos un mes y medio en la Campaña Diocesana: Viviendo y Dando en Cristo—la temporada cuando cada uno de nosotros está llamado a cumplir con nuestra
responsabilidad de apoyar a nuestra Iglesia
a través de apoyar a nuestro Obispo y su
trabajo. El Espíritu Santo le ha dado una
misión y Jesús mismo nos dio una misión
también: desarrollar la Iglesia aquí en la
tierra. Como se puede ver, hemos llegado
a 28% de nuestra meta parroquial y 44 de
nuestras 700+ familias registradas han
prometido dar. Por favor, consideren prometer a dar 1% o aun ½% de su ingreso
anual. Si no han prometido donar, por favor, tomen unos momentos para pensar en
esto y rezar para que Dios les ayuden a
decidir que debería ser su contribución.