parish news - St. Pius X Catholic Community
parish news - St. Pius X Catholic Community
St. Pius X Catholic Community OCTOBER 14, 2012 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526 WELCOME TO ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1025 E. MADISON STREET ■ LOMBARD, IL 60148 [email protected] DIOCESE OF JOLIET SERVED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE RESURRECTION MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Pius X Church, a faith community in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, accept the challenge to restore all things in Christ through the use of our gifts and ministry. Guided by the Father, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit we embrace all through our commitment to worship, education, service, and stewardship. LEMA DE NUESTRA MISIÓN Nosotros las personas de la Iglesia de San Pío X, una comunidad de fe Católica de la Diócesis de Joliet, Illinois, aceptamos los desafíos de restaurar todas las cosas en Cristo, por medio de nuestros talentos y ministerios. Guiados por el Padre, nutridos por la Eucaristía, e inspirados por el Espíritu Santo; unidos y comprometidos todos nosotros por medio de nuestros dones, educación y servicio. Pastor: Father George Zieba, CR Business Manager: John Matyasik Administrative Assistant: Donna Cooper Deacons: John Chan, Ron Knecht, Larry Lissak, Tom Rachubinski Parish Secretary: Pam Matyasik Maintenance Director: Sallie McGinn Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assistant: Fr. Fernando Cuevas, CS Pastoral Care: Sr. Pauline Schutz, OSF Parish Office: 630-627-4526 Fax: 630-495-5926 School Principal: Daniel Flaherty Faith Formation: 630-627-1551 Youth Ministry - Director: Gina Wiedman School: 630-627-2353 Fax: 630-627-1810 Faith Formation - Director: Dee Sulla Music Ministry - Director: Ryan Rump Convent Hispanic Ministry - Coordinator / Secretary: Laura Mora PAGE 2 630-627-5810 IMPORTANT TO KNOW PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM; 1:00 PM—4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM—12:00 PM; 12:30—3:00 PM MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Anticipation of Sunday Misa en Español: Sábado 7 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM Mass interpreted in sign language:5 PM Sat. Holy Days: see previous Sunday Bulletin Weekdays: 8:30 AM Monday through Friday Saturday: 8:30 AM First Saturday of each month NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! You are invited to come to or call the Parish Office to register. Forms are also available on the website. MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS If you are interested in one of our many ministries or wish to volunteer time or talent, please contact the Parish Office or see our website for more details. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first and third Sundays at the 11:30 AM Mass. No Baptisms are celebrated during Lent. Parent preparation is required. The parent meeting for Baptism is generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office for more information (630-627-4526). SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office at least 6 months before your desired wedding date, to check availability. PRAYER INTENTIONS If you have a prayer intention that you would like the parish to pray for, write it in the Book of Prayer in Church. BULLETIN ARTICLES Due ten days prior to bulletin date. Attach Word file and email to [email protected]. Please put a contact name and phone number on each article indicating the date(s) you would like the article to run. Every effort will be made to see that your request is granted. As a general rule, we encourage using “bulletin space” instead of a separate insert whenever possible—–this saves the cost of printing. The following guidelines should be observed if an insert is necessary:A proposed insert must be submitted for approval prior to bulletin insertion weekend. Approved inserts must be delivered by Thursday to the Parish Office. FUNERALS Arrangements should be made at the Parish Office before publication in the newspaper. Pregnant? Confused? Need Help? Please call Woman’s Choice Services at 630-261-9221. R.E.T.U.R.N. Ministry (Post Abortion Reconciliation) 815-838-7171 SICK CALLS Homebound because of sickness or age, please call the Parish Office (630-627-4526) to arrange a visit with a Minister of Care or a priest. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish without family consent. If you are hospitalized and would like a priest or minister to visit or have your name added to the Prayers of the Faithful, your family should notify the Parish Office. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC FAITH For questions and instruction in the faith or to become a part of the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), call the Parish Office. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: or call 815-834-4004. Support Serra Vocations at the monthly Vocation Mass and dinner at St. Petronille Parish in Glen Ellyn. Please call 630-932-8098 for information. Reporting Sexual Abuse: Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit Street, Joliet 60435. Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the local County States Attorney. FREE ministry to traveling Catholics. For nationwide Mass times and locations: or October 14, 2012 PAGE 3 LITURGICAL NEWS Ministry Schedule — October 20/21 Liturgical Calendar Monday October 15-Saint Teresa of Jesus Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 -- 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 8:30 am gWilliam Dolan by Clark Family gGeri Smith by Connie Earl E/M: K. Kustra, P. Mancione, C. Sutton, D. Trapp, L. & P. Warda Saturday Lectors: J. Dowling, C. D’Acquisto 5:00 pm A/S: R. Fagan, J. & L. Matasek, K. Trapp G: I. Halicka, Sr. Pauline Tuesday October 16-Weekday Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 8:30 am gThomas A Corbino, Sr. by family Acolitos: Heydi, H. Cruz, A. Cruz, D. Morgan Saturday Ministros: R. & L. Serna, H. & A. Chuy, F. Diaz 7:00 pm Hospitalidad: F. Garcia, D. Morales, M. Lagunas, Español R. Segura Lectores: Y. Morales, D. Morales Wednesday October 17-Saint Ignatius of Antioch Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 8:30 am gRonald G. Bowes by Temborius Family Thursday October 18-Saint Luke 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 8:30 am gLaverne Boland by family gEileen Galvin by family October 19-Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 8:30 am God’s Blessings for Scarlato and Fornaro Families (Grade School participating) Sunday 7:30 am E/M: L. Bajda, C. Gawenda, M. LoCoco, C. Monckton, B. Sutton, S. Trefilek Lectors: G. Wiedman, M. Reaves A/S: K. Bjorklund, M. Guzik, L. & R. Wiedman G: T. & C. Blaszak Sunday 9:30 am E/M: S. Cerone, J. Gosmire, P. Kohler, M. Koykar, B. Kramer, D. May Lectors: K. Reznicek, J. Reznicek A/S: E. Castaneda, C. Chiaramonti, M. & P. Florey G: B. & H. Grant Friday Saturday October 20-Weekday Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-7; Lk 12:8-12 2:00 pm Wedding (Vicario/Carlson) 3:30-4:30 pm Reconciliation E/M: B. & D. Conlin, C. & K. Grafton, J. Meyer, M. Reznicek Sunday Lectors: L. Meyer, B. Whalen 11:30 am A/S: E. Crotty, K. Reznicek, A. Sanchez, J. Schneider G: J. & R. Martinet Vigil—Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm gJoseph Jablonsky by Dennis & Linda Gunia gVincent Hayes by family 7:00 pm Misa en español Sunday October 21 Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 7:30 am gRalph LoCoco by Lofland Family 9:30 am gSarah Miles by John & Lynnette Meyer St. Pius X Parish Family 11:30 am gFr. Joe Shimanek by Jan & Dave Crackel Baptisms celebrated during Mass: L. Anderson, Z. Feeley, E. Kluge St. Pius X Prayer Chapel The Prayer Chapel is open Sunday through Friday evenings, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Please come and adore Him. Use Door #8 on east side of church building. World Missions Collection ONE SUNDAY FOR THE WHOLE WORLD Next Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI calls every Catholic in the world to celebrate our vocation to be missionary. It’s World Mission Sunday! As Catholics around the world — here at home and in the Missions — gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, we are to pray for the Church’s worldwide missionary work. We pray for those awaiting the “Good News” of our Lord’s great love for us and for the missionaries who offer the poor and suffering the light of Christ. And we are to offer financial help through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. the following parishioners and friends who are ill: Jo Ann Sulla McKenna Tyszkiewicz Antoinette Pignatoro Linda Sloan Eileen Blaney PAGE 4 Kevin Blaney John Johnson George McAloon Irene Halicka George O’Connor Year of Faith: October 11, 2012—November 24, 2013 What Is the Year of Faith? Meditation Since beginning his ministry as Peter's successor, Pope Benedict XVI has often spoken of the need to rediscover the journey of faith in order to rekindle the joy and renew the enthusiasm that encountering Christ brings to life (see Benedict XVI, Door of Faith, 2). October 11 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Vatican II and the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. From that day through the solemnity of Christ the King in November 2013, Pope Benedict invites us to celebrate a "Year of Faith." This Year challenges us, disciples baptized into Christ and his Church, to move beyond routine to relationship; to "re-image" our Catholic faith not as an intellectual exercise, but as a personal encounter with Christ, an encounter that blossoms into a living friendship with Jesus and a loving relationship with our neighbor. Important as official teachings are--and this year we should rediscover these, too--the pope suggests that we begin this Year by looking at faith as a lifelong journey undertaken with a joy that inevitably attracts others. As examples of a personal faith whose authenticity and enthusiasm have an impact on others, Pope Benedict will canonize two saints with American significance on World Mission Sunday, October 21: Native American Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680), whose short life was a journey of selfless love; and Mother Marianne Cope (1838-1918), whose love for Christ led her from Germany to Hawaii, where she shared Father Damien's ministry to those afflicted with Hansen's disease. Catechism Corner “The whole concern of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends. Whether something is proposed for belief, for hope, or for action, the love of our Lord must always be made accessible, so that anyone can see that all the works of perfect Christian virtue spring from love and have no other objective than to arrive at love.” (CCC, n. 25) Mission Move the Creed that I profess each Sunday from my head to my heart, rekindling my enthusiasm for serving Christ in my neighbor each day. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Year of Faith Event: November 3 — Day of Renewal — A multi-parish event hosted by St. Joseph Parish in Downers Grove: Called to Be Saints in the Midst of the World. 8:15 am—3:30 pm. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Joseph Siegel. Guests speakers: Rev. Jerome Kish, Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, and Dr. Mary Amore. Advance registration $20/person or $35/couple. For more information, phone Joe Marten at 331-332-5682 or go to Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come Week of Oct. 14: Session 5 – Revelation 8-11: The Seventh Seal Unleashes Seven Trumpets Readings: Revelation 8-11 The strange silence that follows the moving vision of the heavenly host in Revelation 7 is shattered by the blast of angelic trumpets in Revelation 8:7. The trumpet blast signals the beginning of a chain of destructive disasters unleashed upon earth, sea and sky. As overwhelming as they appear, even these events describe a limited judgment upon the earth. Remember that the visions of John are not intended to present a linear timeline moving from chapters 1 through 22 nor do they represent three different times God judges the Earth. We will see that the same judgment is described three times, each time increasing the scope of the judgment until in Revelation 16 there is a complete and definitive judgment on sin and wickedness. In this lesson, the seven seals of Revelation 6-7 are followed by a vision of seven trumpets, each of which unleashes judgment on the Earth. Revelation 9 tells that these are a response to persistent rebellion and idolatry, their punishments measured by the refusal of the people to repent of their sins. Even the holy city, Jerusalem, will be measured and found wanting, falling under the blast of the seven trumpets. Chapters 10-11 draw our attention to the suffering servants. John is asked to swallow a scroll which reveals at the same time the sweetness of God’s Word and the bitterness of his judgments on the wicked. John’s suffering for God’s people along with the sufferings of two mysterious witnesses sent to Jerusalem, seems to produce the hoped-for fruit of the judgments: the people give glory to God and the seventh trumpet sounds, ushering the kingdom of our Lord and Christ. Finally, we are carried from the overwhelming scenes of disaster and back up to the heavenly throne room of God to witness the worship of the twenty four elders. Please be sure to check the location of your group on a weekly basis so you know where you are meeting. Also remember to arrive at least ten minutes prior to your session start time so that sessions may start on time. If you have any questions about the study, call Kelly Reznicek at 630-629-5954 or e-mail [email protected]. October 14, 2012 PAGE 5 PARISH NEWS PAGE 6 This Week’s Calendar of Events Monday-October 15 Brownies 3039 Tuesday-October 16 Boy Scouts Wednesday-October 17 Administration Meeting Troop 140 Leaders Council of Catholic Women Rosary/Prayer/Benediction Thursday-October 18 Finance Meeting Knights of Columbus Faith Formation Comm. Friday-October 19 All School Mass Brownies #43002 3:15 pm Wagner Room 7:00 pm Social Center 1:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Parish Office O’Neill Room Wagner Room Prayer Chapel 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Parish Office Wagner Room Parish Office 8:30 am 3:15 pm Church Wagner Room Look who won the Raffle Prizes! Altar Servers – Extraordinary Ministers Hospitality - Lectors November & December 2012 We need to know your restrictions, vacations, unavailable time, requested Masses, etc. No restriction means you are available. Send to [email protected] Or call Dn Larry at 630-627-4526 ext 207. Deadline: Monday, October 22, 2012 Fall Fest 2012 High Point World Resort, Kissimmee, Florida, 7 Day – 6 Night Accommodations ------------------------------------------------------------- Stacy Pollak Weber Genesis Propane Grill ------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe Pisowicz $300 Gift Certificate for Costello Jewelry Co.----------------------------------------------- Donna Cooper $250 Gift Certificate for Walter E. Smithe --------------------------------------------------- Tom Braunshausen 4 Chicago Cub Tickets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betsy Chmelik Cheveux Salon “Pamperer Plus” Package & Haircut/Style-------------------------------- Ralph E. Schackart HP Digital Camcorder---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marzullo 4 Chicago Bulls Tickets-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lisa Essary Westin Hotel Overnight Stay-------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Rigney Embassy Suites Overnight Stay ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pete Noto 4 Chicago Blackhawk Tickets ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mary Wallace Frigidaire Stainless Steel Countertop Microwave ------------------------------------------- Mary Wallace $200 Visa Gift Card ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jacqueline Adam 6 Zickets for Zanies Comedy Club------------------------------------------------------------- Ron Olbrysh $100 Anyway’s Restaurant & Pub ------------------------------------------------------------- Michelle LoCoco $50 Weber Grill Restaurant Gift Card--------------------------------------------------------- M. Oczkowski Nikon Coolpix Camera, Frame, Roller Rink Package -------------------------------------- Julianne Stoltman “Bouquet a Month for 6 Months, Shamrock Gardens -------------------------------------- Lagunas Family “Bouquet a Month for 6 Months, Shamrock Gardens -------------------------------------- Mary Noto Handmade Multi-colored Quilt – Burgundy ------------------------------------------------- Teresa Aguirre Handmade Multi-colored Quilt - Lime Green------------------------------------------------ Giovenco $100 Abt Appliance Gift Card ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jan Morgando $100 Gift Certificate “Domo 77”--------------------------------------------------------------- Jacqueline Adam Party Lite “Gone Fishin” Display House w/$25 Rose Bud Gift Card ------------------- Michelle LoCoco “Season Ticket” Sports Clips Haircuts w/6 MVP’S ---------------------------------------- Barbara Sturz “Season Ticket” Sports Clips Haircuts w/6 MVP’s ----------------------------------------- Walter Stuercke Grill, BBQ Set, BBQ Sauce plus $25 Mikes Meat Market Gift Card-------------------- Deborah Canale Tea package w/Tea Tray, Teapot, 4 Cups/Saucers, Napkins ------------------------------ Betsy Matson AB Exerciser & Lou Malnati Gift card-------------------------------------------------------- Joan Klus October 14, 2012 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 MINISTERIO HISPANO Misa en Español Sacerdote Coordinadora de Ministerio Hispano Coordinador Educación Religiosa Misión Llevar el Credo que profeso cada domingo de mi cabeza a mi corazón, renovando mi entusiasmo de servir a Cristo en mi prójimo cada día. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Sábado 7:00 pm Fernando Cuevas Laura Mora Abraham Rodríguez Bautizos 1er. Y 3er. Sábado del mes Matrimonios, Visita a los enfermos, Quinceañeras e Intenciones de misa Favor de hablar a la Rectoría para mas información Horario de Oficina Miércoles Jueves Teléfono Email 9:00 am—1:00 pm 12:30 pm—4:00 p.m. 630-627-4526 X203 [email protected] AÑO DE LA FE: ¿Qué es el Año de la Fe? Meditación Desde el tiempo que empezó su ministerio como el sucesor de Pedro, el papa Benedicto XVI ha hablado con frecuencia de la necesidad de redescubrir el camino de la fe para iluminar la alegría y renovar el entusiasmo que el encuentro con Cristo trae a la vida (ver Benedicto XVI, La puerta de la fe, 2). El 11 de octubre marca el quincuagésimo aniversario del inicio del Concilio Vaticano II y el vigésimo aniversario del Catecismo de la Iglesia católica. Desde ese día hasta la solemnidad de Cristo Rey en noviembre de 2013, el papa Benedicto nos invita a celebrar un "Año de la Fe". Este Año nos da un desafío a nosotros, a los discípulos bautizados en Cristo y su Iglesia, de mover más allá de la rutina a la relación; de "imaginar de nuevo" nuestra fe católica, no como un ejercicio intelectual sino como un encuentro personal con Cristo, un encuentro que florece en una amistad viva con Jesús y una relación amorosa con nuestro prójimo. Lo importantes que son las enseñanzas oficiales--y este año debemos redescubrir estas también--el papa sugiere que empecemos este Año pensando de la fe como un viaje de toda la vida emprendido con un gozo que inevitablemente atrae a otros. Como ejemplos de una fe personal con autenticidad y entusiasmo que impacta a otras personas, el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones, el 21 de octubre el papa Benedicto canonizará dos santos con un significado para los estadounidenses: Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680), la indígena norteamericana cuya vida fue un viaje de amor altruista; y la madre Marianne Cope (1838-1918), cuyo amor por Cristo hizo que viajara desde Alemania a Hawái, donde compartió el trabajo pastoral del padre Damián a los que padecían de la lepra. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura -- El don más preciado que podemos pedir y poseer es la sabiduría (Sabiduría 7:7-11). Salmo -- Sácianos, Señor, de tu misericordia (Salmo 90 [89]). Segunda lectura -- La palabra viva de Dios penetra hasta las profundidades más recónditas de nuestro ser (Hebreos 4:12-13). Evangelio -- Aquellos que han dejado sus posesiones a causa de Cristo y su Evangelio recibirán en herencia la vida eterna (Marcos 10:17-30 [17-27]). DONES En las lecturas de hoy, se descubre que la riqueza material por sí sola no nos impide ser discípulos. Veremos que hay otros dones más importantes que la riqueza material, pero aún así, es cómo usamos nuestros dones lo que más importa. Las Escrituras de hoy señalan el valor de los dones de la sabiduría, la confianza en Dios y dejando que nuestras acciones reflejen el amor de Dios desde nuestro interior. No es el oro lo que nos hace caer, sino más bien el deseo del oro por encima de todas las demás cosas. De las lecturas de la Sabiduría y de la Carta a los Hebreos, encontramos la fuente de los dones de Dios en nuestras vidas. La sabiduría es más valiosa que las posesiones mundanas. En Hebreos se nos reta a examinar nuestros valores y admitir honestamente lo que controla nuestras vidas. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 -- 5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32 Martes: Gál 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48; Lc 11:37-41 Miércoles: Gál 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46 Jueves: 2 Tim 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18; Lc 10:1-9 Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7 Sábado: Ef 1:15-23; Sal 8:2-7; Lc 12:8-12 Domingo: Is 53:10-11; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Heb 4:14-16; Mc 10:35-45 October 14, 2012 PAGE 9 Living Rosary St. Pius Mom and Tots Group Join us for our Annual Living Rosary Wednesday, October 24th at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Families, prayer, youth, and scout groups are all welcome to lead a prayer as a group or individually. This year we will be joined by the members of the Eastern DuPage Deanery. Refreshments will be served afterward as part of the Eastern DuPage Deanery Fall Gathering. Those leading a prayer meet at the back of church at 6:45 pm. This is important in order to be able to start promptly at 7:00 pm. All are invited to attend. If you have any questions, call Rose Martinet at 630-620-0295. Calling all moms, dads, grandparents, nannies and babysitters of little ones in the St. Pius community…the St. Pius Mom and Tots Group, sponsored by the Elizabeth Ministry, organizes monthly events for little ones and their caregivers. It’s a great way to provide socialization for your child and to network with and meet other St. Pius families. Mark your calendars for our first event on Friday, October 19 at 10 am, when we will get a tour of the Lombard Fire House! Please RSVP for the event to [email protected]. The second event will be story time at Barnes and Noble on November 27 at 10 am. Please join our group on Facebook where you will find a full schedule of events. P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) Are you looking for a great way to serve others as Christ did? St. Pius X is committed through P.A.D.S. ( to provide and serve dinner for the homeless on the Fourth Friday of each month from October through April at Grace Lutheran Church in Villa Park. Breakfast is provided the following Saturday morning. 3 to 4 Families Provide & Serve Friday Dinner 1 to 2 Families Provide & Serve Saturday Breakfast Contact Deacon Larry at 630-629-9234 +++ Great Opportunity for Confirmation or Service Hours +++ Knights of Columbus Blessed Pope John Paul II called the Knights of Columbus the largest men lay leadership group in the world, further stating that their charity is un-matched. Why are you waiting to join the Knights of Columbus? Join today and grow in your faith, help grow your church, and make the world a better place. Want to learn more? Call Albert Treado at 630-450-0057. DIOCESAN NEWS MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT EVENT FOR ALL RETROUVAILLE PARTICIPANTS: Any couple who has ever attended a Retrouvaille Weekend is invited to a special morning of marriage enrichment on Saturday, October 27, at St. Charles Borromeo Pastoral Center. Dr. Jim Healy will present Making Happiness a Habit in Marriage. The event will begin at 9:00 a.m. with check-in, refreshments, and an opening exercise. Dr. Healy’s presentation will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. and will conclude at 12:00 p.m. A potluck lunch will be offered, and couples who wish may remain in the same room after lunch to work on their talks or to journal. The cost will be $15 per couple. For more information or to register, please call Bonnie Edwalds (708-386-1779) or email her at [email protected]. Retrouvaille is a program sponsored by the Joliet Diocese which heals and renews marriage. For couples undergoing considerable marital stress, it consists of an opening weekend experience, 6 to 12 follow-up sessions, and an ongoing support group. Visit for more details about this program. TREE OF LIGHT INFANT MEMORIAL MASS: All are welcome to attend a Mass on November 4 at St. Charles Borromeo Pastoral Center in remembrance of babies who have been lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, other pregnancy losses or early childhood death. At 2:00 p.m., a special outdoor tree-lighting ceremony will be held. Family members may arrive at 1:30 p.m. to register and gather in the chapel. A reception with light refreshments will follow the Mass. Please call (815-838-5334) with the number attending and for those who are unable to attend and wish for a baby to be remembered or see NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: The Joliet Diocesan Natural Family Planning Program teaches the Billings Ovulation Method (BOMA). These two-session classes in English and Spanish are offered for a fee of $50 per couple. St. Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville: Two-session classes in English are held the first and third Wednesday of each month from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. To register or for information, contact The Center for Family Ministry (815-838-5334) or [email protected]. PAGE 10 COMMUNITY NEWS Attention Catholic Lawyers High School Open House Dates St. Francis High School, Wheaton, IL Sunday, October 14. Program begins at 11 am. Wednesday, November 14. Program begins at 6 pm. Tour the facilities. Discover what St. Francis can offer you! Talk with students! Meet the teachers, coaches, and administrators. For more information: 630-668-5800 x 1120. Visit the website: Montini, Lombard, IL Thursday, October 18. Program begins at 7 pm. Learn more about what Montini has to offer. Faculty, staff, coaches, and current students will be available to answer any questions. Parents can enjoy a presentation from the Principal, the President, and other faculty members. Students can explore clubs, organizations, sports, and take self-guided tours. Questions? Contact Chris Pestel at 630-627-6930 x180. Visit the website: Foundations of Faith: Creed Christ the King Parish, 1501 S. Main St., Lombard Two sessions remaining: October 17 and October 24 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Center. Adult faith formation series from the Cardinal Newman Institute of the Diocese of Joliet that explores the Creed. To register, call Eileen Maggiore at 630-396-6076. The St. Thomas More society of DuPage County is sponsoring the 9th annual Red Mass for lawyers and their spouses on Sunday, October 21 at noon at St. Michael Catholic Church in Wheaton. The presider will be Abbot Austin G. Murphy, OSB. A light brunch will follow the Mass. The event is free. A Red Mass has, from the 13th century, traditionally opened the annual court term in European countries, and the tradition is now strong in the United States. Judges, lawyers, politicians, and officials of all faiths attend the Red Mass along with members of the community to ask God’s help, through the Holy Spirit (symbolized by red vestments) to bless, improve, and strengthen civic order. For further information on the Red Mass, please call Eddie Wollenberg at 630-668-2415. Marmion Farms Pumpkin Daze Skip the long ride to the country and come to Abbey Farms! We have over 300 beautiful cares of country land right in your backyard. Come on out for a little ol’fashioned fun that all can enjoy for a great price! Start your fun family tradition at Abbey Farms! Benefits the monks of Marmion Abbey • Biggest Corn Maze in Kane County • Separate Kids scarecrow corn maze • Saturday night flashlight maze adventures • Hidden Dino Hay Ride • Game Zone and Picnic Grove • Supervised Jumpy Huts for kids under 12 • Petting Zoo, and lots more Weekends through October 30. Sat 11-10, Sun 12-6. More info: or 630-897-7215 x375 The St. Pius X bulletins are paid for by these advertisers; please thank them by supporting their businesses. October 14, 2012 PAGE 11 PLANZ HEATING & AIR Business Slow? Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-621-5197 ex 2704 today for a FREE ad design. HOME PLUMBING SUPPLY Over 100,000 Hard-to-Find Parts in Stock Serving the Area for Over 30 Years 225 W. St. Charles Rd., Villa Park 630-833-8146 TJ’S LAND CARE Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Installation & Maintenance Very Reasonable Service • Installation • Duct Work 24 Hr. Emergency Service David P. Planz Ph. 630-279-2995 Parishioner Discount • Landscape Design • Paver Brick Patios • Retaining Walls • Decorative Stone • Tree & Shrub Pruning Installation & Removal Ask about Parishioner Discount w/ ad • Excavating & Grading • Sod, Black Dirt & Mulch Installation • Fertilization, Aeration, Power Raking & Mowing FUNERAL HOMES FUNERAL DIRECTORS JACK BRUST FRANK BUCARO JOHN BRANDON BRUST JOSEPH LYNE Call John for Free Estimates President Member of Better Bus. Bureau 630-393-1993 [email protected] Office Staff MARY ANN TUMPANE 135 S. MAIN ST. LOMBARD 1952 000603 St Pius X Church (B) 305 S. PRINCETON AVE. VILLA PARK 629-0094 1937 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Page. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-621-5197 Tear-Off Specialists 630-629-3345 Powers Insurance Partners, LLC “Integrity & Trust” • Auto • Home • Life • Group, Individual Health • Business Succession Plan • Commercial Property & Casualty WHY PAY MORE? 491 E. Roosevelt Rd. Lombard, IL 630-932-1700 Serving the Community Since 1962 Gutters & Siding Est. 1993 Free Est. Lic. #104-008445 837 S. Westmore STEVE SABATINO, Parishioner (630) 834-0620 6 W. St. Charles Road • Villa Park Want To Own Your Business? Cell 614-975-3248 Defining Beauty Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Danielle Rose CD $17 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Thought-provoking Contemporary Music 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Single and pregnant? ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers WAYNE PARSONS, CPA Individual & Small Business Service Tax Planning • Financial Statements Certified Public Accountant Parishioner Over 25 Years Experience 630-782-5902 MARGE JANISCH Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! We care about you. Call 312-454-1717 Catholic Charities In the Eastgate Shopping Center Adam Paul Tobias Direct 773.718.8902 PAUL J. POWERS, PRESIDENT [email protected] — Parishioner — Perceptive Reflections on God’s Beauty 629-0220 Realtor Parishioner Ace Sewer & Water Water Leaks, Sewers Repaired, Cleaned & More. Pumps & Battery Backups. FLOODING? Parishioner Discount w/Ad Call Ed 630-910-1657 • 708-204-8602 Since 1983 CAMEO John Matyasik Practice Limited to Endodontic Therapy and Dental Implants Real Estate Broker ENDODONTICS (708) 456-7787 Rick A. Munaretto, DDS, Parishioner • 7234 W. North Ave., Elmwood Park • 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208, LaGrange • 3116 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn 630-586-7987 Diamond Society Senior Specialist NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER KEITH KUSTRA, PARISHIONER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Oakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 630-947-5672 [email protected] Parishioner Professional-Fair-Honest Service CHAPEL HILL GARDENS WEST FUNERAL HOME SERVING ALL CEMETERIES 100 E. North Ave., Villa Park 832-1034 17W201 Roosevelt Rd. 941-1270 Oakbrook Terrace 630-705-0035 Parishioner Owned by S.C.I. Illinois Services, Inc. 630-941-5860 DENTISTRY YOUR FUNCTIONAL SPACE UNIQUELY DESIGNED FREE Initial Consultation Richard D. Chuk, AIA Call for Immediate or Future Need Healthy Teeth & Gums For Life 32 S. VILLA AVE. VILLA PARK, IL 60181 Michael T. Colletti, DDS * $89 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL * 630-832-1760 Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays Parishioner Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30 Sundays (Seasonal) 10-4 237 S. Main St., Lombard 630.620.8304 Steuerle Funeral Home 350 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park 000603 St Pius X Church (A) (630) 832-4161 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170