August 7


August 7
August 7, 2016
36 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 Phone: 732-521-0100 Fax: 732-521-8287 Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Staff
Reverend Michael Fragoso, Pastor
Monsignor John B. Szymanski, PA, VGE
Weekend Assistant
Deacon Patrick Smith
Kim Bohinski-Smith
Parish Catechetical Leader/ Pastoral Asst.
Patty Bisignano
Administrative Assistant
Parish Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm M-F
Daily Mass Schedule
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday 8:15 am
Weekday Mass
Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm
Saturday: 3:00 pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
First Sunday of the Month at the 11 am Mass
October - May
Altar Rosary Society and Miraculous Medal Novena
First Thursday of the Month: 7:00 pm
On Thursdays, Adoration will be held in the
Church from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. All are
welcome to come for any amount of time.
Adult Choir
Wednesday: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Spanish Choir
First Tuesday of the Month 8:00 pm
Music Ministry
Kevin Daly, Director of Music
Victoria Scheirer, Youth Choir
Knights of Columbus Council #6336
83 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg
First & third Monday of every month 8:00 pm
St. James Columbiettes
2nd Thursday of every month
7:00 pm
Baptism: Par ents who wish to have their child baptized
need to call the Rectory. Preparation classes are required
and are by appointment only. Baptisms will be held the first
Sunday of every month. Baptismal classes are held the
second Sunday of every month.
Sponsors and Godparents: If you ar e 18 year s of age or
older, you must register as an adult and be confirmed in the
Catholic Church. If you wish to be a Sponsor for
Confirmation or a Godparent, you must be an active
parishioner and attending Mass.
Matrimony: Couples contemplating this Sacr ament
must contact the Parish Office at least one year in advance.
All couples planning marriage must attend Pre-Cana
classes or Engaged Encounter.
Ministry of the Sick: Par ishioner s who ar e homebound
and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the
Rectory. If you would like to have your name included on
the Prayer List in the bulletin, please call the Rectory.
RCIA: Adults inquir ing about the Catholic Chur ch
with a desire to become Catholic are invited to call the
Parish Office for more information about the Rite of
Catholic Initiation of Adults which begins in September
and runs through the following Easter.
St. James Cemetery
Mott Avenue, Monroe Twp
For more information please contact the Rectory
Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen
Every Tuesday
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
St. James Parish Hall
Food Pantry Donation
First Sunday of every month
Parish Mission Statement
St. James the Less Parish is a Christian Community of the Roman Catholic tradition. Our Parish Community is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, and as the people of God
are called to further the mission of Jesus. We will do this through the Word, Liturgy,
Sacrament, Music, Ecumenism, Evangelization, Religious Education of our Children, Prayer and the Honoring of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will deepen our knowledge, skills and
understanding of our Faith. We will be Faith based. Above all, we will foster Love by example and serve the needs of others to work towards economic and social development for all
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Please keep those who are sick in your prayers:
Gaetan Ames, Bernard Armistead, Dolores Ball, Andrew Bianconano,
Arlene Calabro, Evelyn, Bruno Chmiel, John Compoli, Fred Conforti,
Connie Conover, Catherine Cryan, Gordon Demetzky, Jonathan
DiPierro, Baby Emily, Patrick Flynn, Toni Hart, Christine Harvey,
Timothy Hilarczyk, Nikolai Hopkins, Gail Houck, Julie Ico, Sophie
Jasko, Sr. Mary Kerwin, Rosemarie Kolessar, Angelina Lasala, Connie
Lasala Venezia, Baby Sebastian Lattugga, Tanya & Matthew Laudien,
Elwood Linsky, Savira Londy-Eiben, Richie Mackie, Joanne Manfre,
Patsy Mannion, Michael Marano, Phyllis Mason, Jennie Martin, Ray
McCarthy, Baby Nicholas Merritt, Edward Migliore, Massimo Migliore,
Lily Mizzi, Evelyn Monte, Susan Mulligan, Michael Nichols, John
Pariso, Lucille Poulin, Marilyn Rohrbach, Joseph Sabatino, Peggy
Schiller, William C. Sharp, Sr. Helen Sikorski; SGM, Kathleen Sinclair,
Phyllis Staskewicz, Veronica Starace, Jeanne Tobias Stearn, Tommy
Surace, Carmela Torres, Brian Walsh, John Walsh, Brian Ward, John
Ward, Grace Wetzel and Elizabeth “Betty” Zelasko.
$ 8,347.00
Religious Education Hours
During the month of August, Religious Education
appointments will be available upon request at 732521-1188.
St. James Religious Education
St. James Religious Education class assignments
were mailed out the week of July 25th. Classes
are scheduled to begin on Wednesday,
September 21st for grade levels 1st – 7th. Classes
for grade 1st – 7th will be held at Holy Trinity
Parish Center, 100 Main Street, Helmetta. 8th
grade Confirmation classes will begin on
Monday, September 19th. Confirmation classes
will be held in St. James Parish Hall from 7:00
p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Family Based Home
Schooling program will begin on Monday,
September 12th at 6:30 p.m. The home schooling
program will meet at St. James. If you have any
questions or did not receive your class
assignment, please contact Kim Bohinski Smith
at 732-521-1188.
Please note the first class on Wednesday,
September 21st will be held at St. James the
Less Church. The first class will be a welcome
Back Mass (1 parent needs to attend with their
child) followed by a brief meeting to go over
some new Religious Education policies.
Processional: We Walk by Faith #490
Preparation: Blest Are They #635
Communion: Eat This Bread #331; Behold the
Lamb #333
Recessional: Soon and Very Soon #580
A Note from the Pastor
Fr. Michael Fragoso
In the Gospel this week Jesus tells us, “Do not be afraid
any longer.”
According to the news media there are so many things
to fear. It seems that the news media thrive by repeating
bad news over and over. Like when a storm is predicted.
Many times it’s a “dud”: we get 1/4 inch of snow.
Sometimes they are right, as in last January’s snow
Speaking of “weathermen,” we may have forgotten that
between 1972 and 1974 in the US there were 5,961
bombings with 71 people killed in the wake of leftist
revolutionary violence including the “Weather
Underground” and the “Symbionese Liberation Army”
among others. So terrorism is nothing new.
The Wisdom writer tells us that our ancestors’ faith gave
them courage. Faith, St Paul tells us is “evidence” for
unseen things to come. We hope for peace and order in
our lives and the Lord sends us the gift of faith so we
can know of those things we cannot see, “that
inexhaustible treasure” God has stored for us in heaven,
“that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.” That is why
he starts off saying, “Do not be afraid any longer.”
Jesus asks us to consider where our treasure is; that is
where we will find our heart.
I was asked recently if I commented during Mass on the
terrible things that have happened around the world and
in our own country this last month. Certainly we all
know about these things and without doubt we pray for
those people that were affected, for their families, for
those caring for them, and those who protect us. We
pray for the conversion of those who committed the
violence, as we are called to do. After daily Mass, since
we experienced violence here in our Church last year,
we pray for the conversion of hearts and for the safety
and exaltation of the Holy Church (that’s us too).
I also think it is important for us to have a place of
peace here. A place where we can speak to the Lord in
silence and be open to His word and His presence. That
would not happen if I imitated cable news networks by
repeating all the latest bad news. That would only
increase anxiety.
Yes, it is scary, but our faith gives us courage and
confidence. Our treasure and our heart rest in the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. There is no need to be afraid,
even if the Church is designated a “Pokèmon gym”.
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Monday, August 8th to Sunday, August 14th
8:30 am
St. Dominic, Priest
Michael & Irene Petras r/b Al & Irene Resnick
8:30 am
Mary Searing r/b George & Alice Hansen
and Family
8:30 am
St. Lawrence, Deacon & Martyr
Richard Sutton r/b his wife
8:30 am
St. Clare, Virgin
Mary Eileen & Patricia Cryan r/b
Margie Duncan
416: Ez 12:1-12 Ps 78:56-59, 61-62 Mt 18:21-19:1
8:30 am
George Smith r/b Deacon Patrick & Family
4:00 pm
Kathy Carey r/b Judy & Eddie Aboud
8:00 am
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Richard McHale r/b his family
11:00 am
John Connors r/b his wife
3:00 pm
For the people of St James
5:00 pm
Dominick & Peter Letizia r/b sisters Bonnie
And Debbie Letizia
August 8th: MONDAY/ LUNES
413: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Ps 148:1-2, 11-14 Mt 17:22-27
414: Ez 2:8-3:4 Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
618: 2 Cor 9:6-10 Ps 112:1-2, 5-9 Jn 12:24-26
417: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63
(Ps) Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 Mt 19:3-12
418: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32 Ps 51:12-15, 18-19
Mt 19:13-15
120: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 Heb 12:1-4
Lk 12:49-53
Holy Trinity Altar Rosary Society will have their
annual Peach Festival & White Elephant Sale on
Saturday, August 20th at the Parish Center located
at 100 Main St, Helmetta from 1:00 - 5:00 pm.
Music by Hap Ortutay. Admission is $6.00 for
adults and $3.00 for children 10 years and under.
“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart
be.” Luke 12:34
Jesus encourages us to build up our treasure in
heaven. The world encourages us to build up our
treasure in real estate, investments, and material
goods. How much time are you investing in building up
a worldly treasure? How much time are you investing
in building up a heavenly treasure? To invest more
time in the things of heaven, you must let go of some
of the things of this world.
The babies and toddlers of the Center for
Great Expectations, and their moms, need your help!
Did you know CGE has expanded programs that provide
residential, outpatient & supportive housing programs to
assist more than 200 homeless young women
and children each year? Summer is a slow time for all
types of donations, and our shelves empty
quickly. Please consider helping us to replenish these
critical needs:
Diapers - Size 4
New blankets - twin regular
Baby wipes
New Sheet Sets - twin regular
Alarm Clocks - digital New Towel sets - bath, hand,
New shower curtains & liners
Gift cards of any amount allow us to provide items like
formula & fresh food on an as needed basis.
If you are interested in helping please call Noreen at
(732) 247-7003 x25 or email [email protected] to
let her know how you can help! If you prefer to shop
online, you can have your donation shipped directly to us
at 19B Dellwood Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873.
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Sacramento de la Confesión
Domingo 2:00 pm.
Intenciones para la Misa
Intenciones para la Misa , $10 cada Misa.
En el Evangelio de esta semana Jesús nos dice: "No temas."
De acuerdo con los medios de comunicación hay muchas cosas que temer. Los noticieros se desarrollan
mediante la constante repetición de malas noticias. Como cuando se predice una tormenta. Muchas veces es
un "fracaso", cae 1/4 pulgada de nieve. A veces tienen razón, como ocurrió con la tormenta de nieve de enero
No es nada nuevo. Entre 1972 y 1974 en los EE.UU. hubieron 5,961 bombas con 71 muertos como
consecuencia de la violencia revolucionaria izquierdista incluyendo el "Weather Underground" y el "Ejército de
Liberación Simbionés", entre otros.
La fe es la forma de poseer, ya desde ahora, lo que se espera y de conocer las realidades que no se ven.
El escritor de Sabiduría nos dice que la fe de nuestros antepasados les dio valor. La fe, San Pablo nos dice,
es una forma de poseer lo que esperamos. Esperamos la paz y el orden en nuestras vidas y el Señor nos
envía el don de la fe como prueba de esas cosas que no podemos ver. Es decir ese tesoro que no se
destruye ni se acaba, allá donde no llega el ladrón, ni carcome la polilla. Por eso empieza diciendo, “No
Jesús nos pide que consideremos donde está nuestro tesoro; y es allí donde encontraremos nuestro
Hace poco me preguntaron si yo comentaba durante la misa de las cosas terribles que han sucedido en todo
el mundo y en nuestro país este último mes. Ciertamente, todos hemos escuchado estas noticias y, sin duda,
oramos por aquellas personas que fueron afectadas, por sus familias, por aquellos que cuidan de ellos, y los
que nos protegen. Oramos por la conversión de los que cometieron la violencia, como estamos llamados a
hacer. Después de la misa diaria, ya que hemos experimentado la violencia aquí en nuestro templo el año
pasado, rezamos por la conversión de los corazones y para la seguridad y la exaltación de la Santa Iglesia
(que nos incluye a todos nosotros).
Creo que es importante que tengamos un lugar de paz aquí. Un lugar donde se pueda hablar con el Señor en
el silencio. Donde se pueda tener el corazón abierto a Su palabra y Su presencia. Eso no ocurriría si yo
imitase los noticieros repitiendo constantemente las malas noticias.
Sí,mete miedo. Pero nuestra fe nos da ánimo y confianza. Nuestro tesoro y nuestro corazón descansan en el
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. No hay necesidad de tener miedo, incluso si la Iglesia es un gimnasio de
Ministry Schedule
Ed Moke
4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00
Amanda Skuraton
Weekend of August 13th/14th
Altar Server
Ann Fletcher
Dan Jolly
Pat Moke
Angela Oskierko
Catherine Attara
Mark Attara
Anne Mendoker
Tyler Dunn
Jessica Skuraton
11:00 am
Frank Puccio
Peggy Hughes
Adrienne Puccio
Mark Giordano
Liam Iannacone
5:00 pm
Joann Malet
Denise Halpin
Daria Ludas
Elaine Slabinski
Grace Holmes
Food and Fellowship
Soup Kitchen
The St. James the Less Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen is opened! Meals will be made available
for the needy every Tuesday from 3:00-6:00 p.m. If you are in need please join us, or if you know of
someone in need please let them know about this ministry! Donations can be made directly to St.
James Church with Food and Fellowship in the memo. If you would like more information please
contact Deacon Patrick Smith at 732-233-6970.
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St. James Columbiettes are collecting tab
tops for the Ronald McDonald House. The
tabs are recycled and used to purchase food
items such as eggs, milk and bread for those
families that are staying at the house. The house
provides comfort for the families of terminally ill
children. You can drop the tops off in the vestibule of
the Church.
The Knights of Columbus of Jamesburg are
organizing a trip to the American Music Theater in
Lancaster, PA on December 17, 2016.
The event includes the Christmas Show, dinner
afterward at the Shady Maple Restaurant and
Price per person is $85.00
Thank you, my parish family of St.
James, for your generous and loving
welcome this summer! It was an honor, a
privilege, and a blessing to live and pray
with you all. As I go—all too soon—I
take you all in my heart and prayers, and
I look forward to seeing you again.
- Joseph Illes, Seminarian
Shoprite and Stop/Shop Vouchers will be available
for purchase before and after all Masses next
weekend. As always, they are available at the
rectory during office hours. Raised funds go towards
our Pew Restorations. If you have any questions, please
call Sandy Bohinski at 732-521-3012 or Email her
at [email protected]
Immaculate Conception Schools presents
SUNDAYS - 10 AM - 1:30 PM
23 Manalapan Road, Spotswood
For reservations call Ron Foti at 732-251-4209
Bus will depart promptly at 12:15 pm from K of C
Hall, 83 Lincoln Ave. No food or drinks are
permitted on the bus.
Girl Scout Silver Recipient is running…
Get ready to dive deep to discover God is with
us wherever we go! The adventure will start
this summer at the bottom of the sea for children
4 years of age up until 10 years of age.
St. James the Less Parish Hall
August 15th – 19th
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
There is no cost for the camp. If interested
please contact the Religious Education office at
Hope you join us for this Deep Sea Adventure!
The Rosary Altar Group would like to
remind everyone they are collecting school
AUGUST. Backpacks, pencils, glue sticks,
appreciated. Baskets will be at each doorway
as in the past. Thank you and God Bless….