NS SACHS`, `i.orW th mr - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa
NS SACHS`, `i.orW th mr - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa
5 1 1 S M II I I www rf)fc pliance with it is optional with the taxpayer. It is not enough to say that these so called rules have been distributed to each taxpayer, and that the Dlain- tiff has had notice of them brought nome to mm. The statute prescribes that "No written law shall be obligatory without being first printed and made public." Section 1, Civil Code, page i, uompuea ijaws. A rule of a department of the government made in pursuance of a statute must be printed and published as a general rule obligatory on all persons and cannot be put into operation by piecemeal by giving notice of it to . i t i one individual anotner. alter No provision is made in the 69th section of the Taxation Act of 1882 for the publication of these rules, although such a provision is common. Vide, the publication required of regulations made by the Board of Health, p. 72. Compiled Laws. pro put we regard vision in tne nrst section of the Civil Code as & .sufficient declaration of the principle that all laws and, a for tiori, all regulations that have the force of law, shall bepublished. They should be framed in a manner that they speak for themselves, and pur port to be regulations made in pur suance of the statute and have the ' rforce of law. o We are unable to hold in favor of the position taken by the Govern ment in this case, that the regulations printed on the blank returns furnished to taxpayers are either framed so as to be authoritative or that they have been published so as to be obligatory. But it is urged by respondent that ine return in question does not comply with the statute (Section 33, Compiled Jjaws, page 123) that requires a statement of the "description, situation and value" of the real and personal estate, belonging, etc. The return states the number of acres of each kind of land, to wit, 2161 acres of cane land and their value at $20.00 per acre; 2167 acres of bush and waste land at $1.00 per acre. Total, 4328 acres. And on another schedule, C, the names of ten lands, under the heading "Lands and parts held in fee simple by the Hilo Sugar Company, with the gross acreage repeated as above. The cane lands in schedule A are further classified 1668 acres crop cane. Advertiser r I. Sunday, Merchant St. the Ha. Court, of feTireme Banco. In HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1891. . Tern, 1891. uly and Assessor lictob of Taxes. j., BICKERTON AND VrTT.V. , J.., ABSENT. VV . . Banco by in Court j fcy Argument. the printed blanks are returns ot r4ned so as to be authoritative Vof the Minister of Finance, in of section ou, unapier 10, fur-.VTf- cf in vans tax-paye- rs -ce 10fl32,and they have not been '.led so as to be obligatory upon ons. Uara of the plaintiff, giving acre- I itS lands, lUCir tuiiai.ici mm Lnithe names of the lands, is a )f ganuuwui flt Compliance WUU jarion Act, which requires to give the "description, situa-- d the value" of the real estate. Jjisittessrfljaris., COURT PER THE ?i in equity, 10 A- 11 a Din 5 J. JUDD, C. stion of the taxes assessed upon the enjoin for the property corporation. It al-the plaintiff, by its mana- a sworn return of its prop- &e assessor within the stat- plaintiff A to ie; that it was objected 1 . 1 pjtoe assessor to oe requirea Wjaiion of the Minister of kind that on the assessor in-itreturned valuation from 1 he 39 to $416,096.29, the costs and asked i U that the fi d for an denied, on the return did not rnm- - was which the plamt-ike- The plaintiff law. ten- - pa pays into court $3,009,29, upon the valuation in re- m prays that the tax collector the . , ' Al torneys . f at - Law, - H090LULU, H. I. ! IF ; .' Office oyer Bishop's Bank. April 2. 1891. 2730-- q J. B. CASTLE, Mercliaiit. Comiriissioii. Mercluknt Street, - t ' 265l-- y H. I. Honolulu, ' '! Counsellor-at-La- WILLIAM ATTORNEY AT LAW -- -- AITD Agent to Uka Acknowledgment. Hono- - Kaahumanu Street, lulu, M. 1. 13 69-- y - with L. A. Thurston. IRON CO., mtice. Tie Popular Millinery CASTLE J.' AMagoon, Merchant street, PLANTATION 2763 EMERSON, OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc BUILDERS' ker's omce). , Officx Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3 p. m. ; Bunaay s, v to iu a. m. Bell Telephone No. 51. Residence 5 q School street. Australia Oct. 20 Alameda Zealandia Oct. 22 Nov. 3 Nov. 17 Nov. 19 2690-3- 11 J r Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. C6 Wilcox AGENTS. .... 10 24 26 99 Aug, 27, 1891, IMPLEMENT And will leare for the abeve port with malls and passengers on or abou t that date. For freight or passage, having 8TJPERI0B ACCOMMODATIONS, Wm. Gk Irwin AGENTS. For Sydney and Auckland. Ot & 82-- OFFICE AND MILL - i Wm. 'i.or M near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. J. Shipping and - un ye una i man ?Q lQe wartf Vfthri Ml I' i Bomber of th and Commia- - -- Honolulu, July 27th, 1891. ; of the KQlea uv Tha - DR. JONES. and and M Offico aSl1DS to law . ..t"eS5a i,!aii I . ?Jativ6 and h U 33 U5ft ft ut it; me aIsthat com of the t recall and Beretania Street. & 2651 CO., Wholesale and; Retail Grocers, Hours of Consultation 1 111 FORT 8 tO 10 A. M. 2 to 6 8 to to 3p.. 8 P. M. 9 A. M. leph.o& 2831-lni- tf 80. I. WH STBEET. P. O. Box SOT 2651-- q IRWIN vi COMPANY Hiii. u. - wjuniu, (Umited.j agists or TEX OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., 493. IM Groceries, Provisions and Feed BAST J1S3 (Umlted). GENERAL MERCANTILE 07 LIST OriTCEfiBs J. O. Carter President Treasurer Geo. H.- Robertson E. F. Bishop Hon. W. F. Allen - Secretary Auditor DISEOTOESt Sen. 0. B. Bishop. 2651 8cm B. waterbocse Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKEES. HAWAIIAN L8ULNDS HONOLULU Draw Exchange en tne principal parts o tn world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. 2651-- q LUNDY, Dentists. fy"t ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set i"1 lerted on gold , silver , allum-InuOf San Francisco, Cal. and rubber bases. Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a Wm. Q. Irwin & Co.. fL!m1tAl h assumed the assets and liabUities of the constant source of irritation to the late nrm of Wm. Q. Irwin A. Cn - nH will mouth and throat, we would recommend continue the general business formerly our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All opercarnea on dv tnai nouse. ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. gST-- Hotel street, Treglcan premises. ftJZL Ji in-LT- Tj m - & Bro. HOX3BTSBS AND DEALERS COMPANY, Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav Ings Department subject to published roles and !3(4-70iJ-- 17. B LEWIS indie tanVi8JtfecUon to wod m. . HONOLULU. H. TELEPHONES H. E. Molntyre : vm.riAtVOf thsbftst Wine. Lnuors.Bierr. anJIo; 'cold beer, on draught at gw IS Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. 2724-- q HE: cents per AITS SXALXB8 :o: OT"BELL & Vice-Preside- nt XgyPrompt attention to all orders. Wolter, m .f.V H 10 th mrtn- ' " tms be granted it. plaintiff; F. M. Hatch for Peterson for respondent. ... lot h' W orti,-- i BKEWEE Wm. G. Inwni , - President and Manager regulations. Claus Spreckels, - W ALTIB M. UlFrAED, - - - - Secretary and Treasurer ANDERSON & - Auditor Theo. C. Pobtxb, Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. et 2651-- q " Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine Insura ace Agents. first-clas- CrMUTUAL 55. Island Orders Prom p tlx Attended to. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Screens, Frames, Etc, Etc. -- A SPECIALTY, Clans Spreckels Commission Merchants IMPORTERS inst received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im provements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to do good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately s mechanics, we will make a specialty of engaged several ept J-- COOKE. HARDWARE, 1356 K 3. & vinff . MILK BREAD AGENTS. CASTLE TURNED AND SAWED WORK. i, . : Saloon Bread Always on Hand. COMMISSION AGENTS. Irwin & Co., 2651-- q 1 par-ticnla- ra GK : MOTJLDiisras, - l Soda Crackers ororabont - 1 Proprietress. VBEBH 99 theOeeanlo Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco Sons Family Medicines, Proprietor. BlMs, Street. Bread and Crackers, The new and line Al steel steamship ALAMEDA PETER HIGH, Doors AUiS.BOBT.LOVS, C. . , ... K annua So. 78 . ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL Engineer and Surveyor Telephone 74. LOVE'S BAKERY- - & Co., f- k Fof.r - apply to And wUl have prompt dlspatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC COMMODATIONS, apply to S - No. 71 Hotel St. Aug. 27, 1891. On Alakea and Richards and BAKERY. FACTORY Erery Description of Plain and f anoy 31 nt Pioneer Steam F, HORN Practical Ooniectioner, Pastrv Cook and Baker. 2651 1356-- q KJ M 4JUS & SONS. 13612684-- q on or about Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, ' 1 H. W. SCHMIDT 29 Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wtll be due at Honeinla from Sydney and Anckland Merchandise. Dr. Jane premium. m MARIPOSA Blake's Steam Pomps, WestonY Centrifugals, & - 1356 2651 FURNISHING GOODS & $ 6,000,000 $ 9,000,000 - 1 Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and . - 13 27 FOR SAN FRANCISCO, supplies General LONDON. Aug. 18 Sept. i Sept. 3 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 rne new and fine Al steel steamship GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL -- FOUNDED 1808. CAM EST PIj-A.NXA.XIO- m ATLAS Australian Mail Service COOKE, & DEALERS Counsellor at Law HOUSE 35-- ! Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, : w Monowai Zealandia 104 Fort S AND INSURANCE m Another schedule B, gives the from collecting any ALFRED S. HART WELL, names of the lands leased to the Sugar Company the names. of 5rst Question invnlvorl in thin Hilo i.1 3 iUi any rule or regul" T f there company covenants to pay taxes ate Minister of Finance in the on these lands and that they are jstd validity reqairing the par- "returned among the cane lands in Office in Cartwright Building, opposite kin the return asked for by Honolulu, H. I. . Post Office, body of this return." the ' ' 2789 1379-t- f The schedules have blanks which Nth section of the taxation (Compiled Laws, p. 131) were not filled by the plaintiff for LEWERS & COOKE, plows: "The Minister of the numbers of the royal patents and awards of the Land Commission, (Snccessors to Lexers & Dickson) suau Dave power and it is of made his d estimated yield in tons of sugar per Importers and Dealers in junmber acre, and in the schedule for leased u rales and regulations for lands And all Kinds of Building MaterlaU. are columns also for rent per uu collection OI acre, term and time of expiration of Xo. 82i FORT STBEET, Honolulu. cases where nn enoh .. 2728 ml treated has respondent lease. The Rations are made by law; re-- uuwever. that, JOHN T. WATERH0USE, . ho nomaV the statement in question as no WW turn with the particulars required in contraventi statute or Importer and Dealer ln inconsistent with by law, and has undertaken to doom he plaintin because tne columns in is on he schedules requiring the numbers GENERAL 1IERO H ANDISE . the J 4th page of the of the royal patents and awards, Queen Street, Honolulu. 2723 out. We regard No. 5 Payers to be filled etc., are not filled -j ai8worn tob7 bim.a this as unwarranted. H. HACKFELD & CO., The statute requirements of des- Hmne,Cti!0ns' beSning all " were value r be assessed at its full cnntion. situation and plaintiff in (Jeneral ComilUSSion Agents the by with complied particulars i 0 vita a number of ques- - invinf? .... it did give. o the " If- the amount or tne property or Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu. 2728 were deemed lnsnm-cievaluation the If 80 6tate tho name SS1nDy,andthe by the assessor he was author amount of W. E. ROWELL, to ized add to the amount and in was valuation, this if and crease the plaintiff corpo- by the conceded not and nsed !f v?a au. uirt30r Pleasure; ration it naa we nguu ui oppoai on tne before the appeal board, Boom 5, Spreckels' Block. work to be made would taken, proofs it y uumoer 01 l;TonoJ men,J'ho .. was o appear rignt. which rrrjcom.0 7CI,V1 uy nre Holding as we do tnaf tne parti ACHI, wnat one? Ml0.nra,-MWILLXAM O. a attat . culars required by the printed creoi and mncf k ! were not authorized Attobney and counsellor at law, "iuoi uo nneaj blank returns by a valid regulation of the Minister Notary Pnblle and Beal Sitate of Finance and that tne piamun Broker. Minister of Pino company has complied with the 2728 reauired by the statute in Officx 36 Merchant Street. Js, a7 Pm of Section 69, tha nf.nfomnnt made. W6 do not BEAVER SALOON,: fftAl mllfHl nnnn to sav if a rule re quiring taxpayers to give details of; Fort Street, Opposite Wilder Co.'s, titles to real; estate ana esti fl. 3. NOLTX, PBOPBIETOB. f th6'!f9land Particulars their mates of the prospective yield) oi vtTt-ixLnnches serrea wisn vriiv. woueo, Sod Water, auger aio or sua. their growing crops would be in con- W th mr, travention ot tne statute. open From a a.m. till 10 p.m. been has corporation plaintiff The a Specialty. r 2728 increased the ! its appeal from o?& 4 the street denied ftssftfiSTYifint. The Tax Appeal Board THE ROYAL SALOON, has been dissolvedby afflux X)f time,-i2?t!6nDldba doiK 0f the ili and the plaintiff Cr. Xanana ana itrM bill. the in i3eyaresitnato.i" prayed lor that Under the Management of . Australia 152. 27P3-S- Oct. 13 Having been appointed Agents of the Oct. 22 above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Aug. 11 Aug. 25 Aug. 27 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Oct. 6 Mutual 128; Bell P. O. Box 338. Aug. 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 Capital. Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Assets, Sept. 24 Sept, 29 ARRIVE SAN FBANCISCO. HONOLULU. Zealandia Australia Mariposa Zealandia ; House, ST., NO. 42. Telephones HONOLULU. .... .... .... LEAVE STEAMEB. Shipping and Commission Merchants, Type-writ- er, near the Postoffice. 4. Monowai Mariposa 2782-3m- 1.1 Australia I M PORTERS, --. Djomed 1 ; .... 28 11 Aug. Aug. 20 Aug. 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 17 Sept. 22 Oct. (J Oct. 15 Alameda Zealandia 2651-- q MISS D. LAMB, B Australia 2781-- q WORKS July en- Assurance Company AEEIVE SAN FBANCISCO. Zealandia Australia 2728 and LEAVE AT REASONABLE PRICES And machinery of every description made to oraer. Particular attention paid to snips oucc- sumhing. Job work exeented on the shortest Stenographer OF Fancy Striped and Plaid Wash Materials Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass Hud Lead Castings, Un-groun- d. 1. EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS Nainsook; WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; and an immense assmt. of Steam Engines, 520 560 Young plant. 396 Young stools. The Austbalia and Zealandia .eaT San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. Leare Honolulu at 18 M. Tuesdays. The Through Steamers Leave San Francisco and Honolulu Thursdays. NEW AND CHOICE In the Newest Designs I HONOLULU A CST'He will attend to any business trusted to him. OFFICE-MERCHA- NT Mariposa Zealandia. AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg and Australia Notary Public. Typewriter and Office of (suejkct to chakqk.) EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES CHARLES F. PETERSON, . which supplies are kept on hand. Oceanic Steamship Co. STEAM KB. PARKE, H. LOSE, Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Compound" fjr Clarifying Cane Juice; of THE Honolnlu, H. : For Ladies and Children C. Dbtriisemtnts. TIME or TABLE TO ASSORTMENT Rogers). 1651-l- y Office 1 MB WHERE YOU WILL FIND w. CENTS. 5 Commission Agent. 104 Fort Street, office formerly occupied by Mr. C Officx No. OF N. S. SACHS', " Office Kaahumanu Street, (In HonoMii and San Francisco Mail Service M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and al YOU ABE IN SEAECH GO Office Cartwright Building, J. Shipping. HIS ' . PRICE STno Sltirjfrtlscinrnts. W. THURSTON & - j r. FREAK. FREAR, L. A. THTJESTOK. . tne-gener- c. If 11 1 111 .iTTV Except 46 y 2837 M i1 fJ XIV. NO. I, fommercial , U f q Instruction in Music. 2651-- R. PATCH WILL MI8S SU8ANNE the teaching of vocal in- POST AND KING STRBBTS. and q PAPER HANGING! strumental music after SeDt. 1st. Refers by- permission tonher natrons in Honolnln. GIVE J. L. MEYER,THE PAINTEB . .LI . . i aew uaoaa rwceiTeu uj .tcx iK&t ma ine &Mteni ouniua Aorupe ,:v. 0 and have your paper banging w . . . I Tiia v . .... L. mm v tv on. sr rr promptly and neatly, ISO ForrSt. done v n. u xree oraers on city solicited, eausiacuon rnaranteeo. rosiorace wh Ktven oi onarce. xsian iMiutuw 2748-l- y zioa-immom xaispnose no. P. O. Box 387. icuiu tiuw vwuurm4. . . iiuvuiui m 1 1 . w :'7 the government an amount which will HA WAllAN THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. be considerably less than the annual ex Augagt, 1891. .8u. :'4 Mo. Tu. Vf. Th. Ft. Sa. ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 27 25 1 30 31 ; ! 28 1 I I 29 Moon. 5wNew -- yv Aug. 12. CJv Aug. 19, rr- - Aug. 26. H First Qu'rfr. WFuli Moon. M. Lastgu'rt'r. II 1 Ang. 4. IT 1 Be Just and fear not; Let all the ends thou alm'tt at be Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1891. ;3 pense of operating the cable. This sum is to be paid annually for a term of fifteen years. They propose to furnish their own capital and to give the govern ment priority of service and to furnish the government free telegraph service night or day. In case of war the govern ment may take and operate the line, making compensation therefor. If the president, in awarding the contract for the construction and maintenance of the cable, meet with any other corporation willing to undertake that work on more favorable terms to the government, the projectors of the cable profess to be wil ling to surrender the Hawaiian franchise to that corporation. The U. S. govern ment then, is to pay a small annual subsidy to whatever company will furnish the capital and construct the cable at the least expense. In return for that pay ment it is to receive free service to the most important strategical point in the Pacific, and is in no way responsible for the financial success of the enterprise. The United States has always striven to maintain close and friendly relations with the Hawaiian government and the proposition for the cable seems merely a legitimate outcome of its long maintained Ottawa telegram says: "There was a sensational scene at policy. " In a recent letter to Senator Sher the first meeting of the committee man, Secretary Blaine calls attention to to.enquire into the charges of cor the fact that the governments of Great Britain and Germany have already con ruption made against Sir Hector sidered the matter of a Langevin, the Minister of Public cable and have even made authoritative proposals to the United States looking Works." toward concurrent action in building Owen E. Murphy, the such a cable to Samoa by way of Hono tician and alleged embezzler of lulu, but he adds that in his opinion the American cable should rather New York, was the first and chief proposed be built from San Francisco to Hawaii witness. It was upon his state 'by American effort and with the sane of our government.' Such an in ment that the charges were made tion dorsement of the Hawaiian cable propo originally. When Murphy was sition from the present secretary of state is significant. It is hardly more em subjected to a severe phatic, however, than the statement of he contradicted himself, falt- President Cleveland, that the geographi ered and at last fainted in the wit cal position of the Hawaiian group An trans-Pacifi- c ex-po- .V! ? ' i ; ' ; .i U . ' ' 3 - - : cross-examinatio- RIFLE ASSOCIA li ftttdimi SoUs. TION. BY JAS. F. MORGAN at Kalihi. This Day. . The above Association met on Saturday last at the Kalihi range for their regular monthly shoot. The series of these meetings is about half finished, and the standing to date is First Class : 1, J.H. Fisher ; a, Following is Saturday's J. G. Rothwell 200 yds 500 " J. H. Fisher 2 ...5 200 500 yds " 4 JVt lO O'clock A. 4- -41 54586 443 44545454 54184 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 200 yds 441 54444445 443 34455242 33679 C. Hustace, Jr. 3U 4 34354333 200 vd3 500"" .... 554252334 538-- 74 500 5 " 4 'I 5 li 1 t F. S. Dodge 200 vds 500 4 " .'....4 J.H. Soper 440 55344434 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 34282 3434DDD3 200 VdS 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 fiOO Dr. R. W. Anderson 200 vds. .. .3 500 " 4 54079 44440443 333 44222244 43265 Comprising: Bedroom Sets. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Bureaus, Washstands, Curtains, Rugs, Parlor Chairs, Crockery and Glassware, Kitchen Stove, Etc., Etc. suuhHHAKuJ AUG. 26, 1891, per case. (Cajvei:l.i,:e. E. O. Hall & Son; nails $3.25 per keg, white lead 75 cts. per pound. SS3""Books containing the whole of the galvanized pipe 6, 8 and 12 cts. per play in French and English can now be toot. obtained from L. J. Levey or J.J. WilH. Hackfeld & Co.; lime $2.25 per liams. Dbi., nour Cj. Ijt. extra, 3b per bbl. Plan for reserved seats is now CSBox office H. May & Co. ; sugar No. 1 raw at open of L. J. Levey. at the $Z.do . 3 cts. per lb., salmon, best red, $10 Dress Circle. Parquet and Front Row Balcony (reserved), $5; Balcony (unreserved ), $3 ; Gallery, $2. PRICES per bbl. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. ; brown 2837-tsoap, boxes 100 lbs., at $4.20. T. H. Davies & Co. ; cement $4.10 THE PACIFIC CABLE. VAPOR LAUNCHES, 16 per bbl. REGAN feet furnished on the Mrs. R. Love; medium bread 4 shortest notice.long, Jos. Tinker, sole Agt. We have received a copy of the cts. per pound. for the Hawaiian Islands. report of the Committee of Foreign Police Court. Affairs of the last House of RepreMASQUERADE Saturday, August 8. sentatives, on the bill proposing to e Naihe, malicious injury to a hive aid in the laying of a At the Armory, cable between San Francisco and of bees, was fined $10 and $1 costs. Hawaii. The report favored the Two other boys, on the same charge, Evening, Aug. 21 proposal of government aid to the were discharged. The arson case against five Chinese enterprise, by guaranteeing the Under the Direction of Mrs. Gray. payment of interest on the bonds was continued till Wednesday. Ah Yong, assault and battery with to the amount of $150,000 per an- a deadly weapon on Chee Kiau. The num for fifteen years. It will be defendant was remanded till Wed ONE DOLLAR. remembered that the bill failed to nesday, August 12, on account of the TICKETS receive the sanction of the lower inability of Uheo Kiau to appear. He was lying at the Station House house though the Senate approved Friday night on sale at Hnllisfor & w rvo VV 0 ww in a dying condition, jgan- b Tickets Mrs. Gray's uunn's, Studio, or of of it. and was only kept alive by the free members of Dancing Glasses. The measure will probably be use of stimulants. Ah Yong was in the amount of $500. brought up again before Congress, bailed Maria Ferreira, arson, second deB. Wigs, masks and costumes at its session in December. In the gree, was further remanded till this an hire at Studio. 2837-tmeantime, the survey of the route, afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bail fixed which was ordered by Congress, at $500. MILLS AND ROASTERS COFFEE will be made and its feasability deall kinds of machinery Continuing the Tour. run low at a cost uing the Regan monstrated so clearly that no Her Majesty the Queen, and party, Vapor Engine. Jos.byTinker sole Agt. doubts can remain regarding the arrived at Kualoa, where they were success of the enterprise, whenever met by Hon. A. F. Judd, and conthe government shall decide to as- ducted to the J udd ranch and entersist. The Boston Advertiser states tained during the day. On Saturday ATA MEETING OF THE Kahuku Plantation Co. held the case and main points of this the Queen visited the Sacred Valley, August 3, of 1891, Mr. C. Bolte was elected in place of Jas. B. Castle, regreat undertaking so clearly that Kaliuwaa, which has many old tra- Treasurer, ditions. Sunday, church was at- signed; and Wm. F. Allen was elected we reprint its rrticle, to show how tended at Heeia. To day they intend Auditor, in place of C. Bolte, resigned. C. Bolte the Treasurer, will attend it is considered by the press of going to Mr. W. C. Lane's residence toMr. all business connected with the Plantaat Punaluu, thence to Waialua. tion until further notice. Boston and New England: WM. W. HALL, They will cross the new bridge over I387-"There seems to be no reasonable the Waimea stream, being the first Secretary. doubt that there is need of cable com- ones to have crossed it, all others munication to the Hawaiian islands. having been refused privilege of the ! The importance of such an undertaking crossing until after the Queen has and the prospect of its advantage to the FOR THE MONTH OF United States have been frankly recog- passed over. sub-marin- Friday -N. ' 5 I STOCK-holde- rs f , , z i.V ? . ' : ; . d ;V; Ih; ' ! : : i . '.. JSii i; i:' : .a: - 1 I ' j If 3 - s s Hi 2832-2- SEP-tembe- nized by President Cleveland, President Harrison, and bv Secretarifta Tracy and Bayard. Its adoption has been urged by all the commercial associations of the Pacific coast and is favorably considered by those of the larger Eastern cities. It is certain that a cable will be constructed across the Pacific and will touch at Hawaii . It is for the U. S. government to decide whether that cable shall touch America at Vancouver or San Francisco. A recent conference regarding the building of a trans-Pacifline was held at London and another at Sydney in Australia. The proposition has been made that Canada and other British colonies should pay to the projectors of the cable an annual subsidy which would exceed the entire subsidy to be paid to the projectors of the Hawaiian cable. If the cable to Hawaii be not built by the American projectors it seems inevitable that it will be built from Vancouver with British capital and will be controlled by the - government. Whether this would be an event in which the United States can take satisfaction may well be doubted. Certainly the leading Americans of the present day are unanimously of the opinion that if such a cable is to be built, it should be built by the capital of a U. S. corporation. "The capitalists who hold the franchise of the Hawaiian cable ask from British : . - ' ; ? I: 2t TO LET i Brain workers, and all who have to .tand the severe mental strain conse-- j iuent on intellectual employment, find oiements ionic invaluable. Hol-liste- b & Co. are the Agents for the islands. NEW GOODS to the PACIFIC HARDWARE CO. r, a furnished house in Nuu-an- u Valley. Address P. O. Box 43. Furnished Cottage To Let Jas. F. Morgan, O EG 4N JLVj ENGINE R' N electrc lighting plants, elevators, printing presses, band and iik saws, and in fact are adapted wherever power is needed. Jos. sole Agent for the l inker, 1 TT z34-Hawaiian Tisianas. VAPOR 1 n FOR SALE. HALEMAN0 RANCH Waialua, Oahu, era n Comprising Leasehold Interest in the Lands of Opiula, Halemano and Wahiawa, To expire October 1, A. D. 1899. 200 Acres or More in Fee Simple 1200 HEAD OF CATTLE, More or less, ranging with Twenty Polled .ngus uuiis. 70 Head cf Horses More or less ; Comprising Two Fine Stallions, Brood Mares, Colts, Working Horses ana Males. C&'Fot terms and particulars enquire rf lluivrro T. r.nm.n Honolulu, July 28, 1891. 2827-6t- a 1386-t- f New Model Loocli Boots NEWLY OPENED AND REFUTED. UITQATION IN A STORE, OR AS AN office bov bv a Jananpsp vhn cnootc English. Address at the office of this pa- - NOTICE. FORT STREET. " 1877 2778--q Lt'd.. Everything first-cla?s.a- to order. nd Bethel Street, next to Post Office. K. IKED A,' Prop. 2835-6-1 READY TO GIVE OC-the Regan Vapor Engine. Started instantly, no waiting to get up steam. AIWiYS power For Lease or Sale. Honolulu, Aug. 1, 1891. 2831-l- w &. Co.'s No. 9 Humber Safety, Pneumatic Co.f2 No. 12 Humhftr Safaf., o.iu -- ,. Tires. . Tire,8 Sail " nre8, Model pnAnmA. Co. M . Cvcle BicvclettA. Rudee mc Ball lires, Be Ball Rudge Cylce Co. Lady's No. 2 Bicvcletta. rind,:..- " urea. Kudge Cycle Co. No. 1 Diamond Frame Bicyclette 3, - R.n Solid Coventry Cycle Co. Swift Model D Safety, Cushion Tires Coventry Cycle Co. Swift Model D Safety, Solid Tires Above Expected Daily. For Sale Chea'P. THEO. H. DATIES & 2833 2w ' HALLOS SAF H SAFES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION rr RF.SlTI'PVr'i? iasCr-- ttxt i r tt i f- A- THOSE PREMISES SITUATE on Young St. near Piikoi St., containing parlor, two bed rooms, dining room, pantry, kitchen and bath room ; servants' cottage and a yard tastefully planted with flowers, fruit trees, etc. The house is nearly new and in first-clacondition. Apply to M . ss J. ALFRED Our little notice on Ice tongs a couple of weeks ago caused a drive in that article and we've had to order more. They were so cheap that everyone wanted them. Did you get left ? We did'nt say anything; about Sardine Tongs then; we overlooked 'em, but now we tell you we have them. In these long lazy days a hammock is about the best thing to "lie off" in that we know of. You can get them from lis and be happy. The Mexican grass is cheap and durable. You'll rest as wel in one of them as you would in a $5 sort. We were so long without a good line of pocket cutlery that people began to think we did not sell it. We have the best in town now. And raz ors. One barber came in the other day and bought two doz en of a certain style "Wade & Butcher;" said it was better than anything he had ever used. To sportsmen we say, we have a very complete assortment of guns and ammunition suited to the requirements of professionals or amateurs. We've heard of people who used shells such as we sell to go out hunting and return home without having to stop at the Chinaman's and buy MAGOON, Merchant Street. The warm spell last week increased the desire of the ladies to make their own ice cream. Rapid sales of White Mountain Freezers was the result. Ice cream in ten minutes is pretty easy. The rush for Agate Ware iT! lt I V he ADVERTISER Is the Leading Daily Paper of the Iilands. COMPANY. Fire Burglar-Proo- f, Proof, Vault Doors, and Etc. T. W. HOBE0N, Agent 66 Fort St, 2824-- y ANTS MUST That is, If Yon HOLLISTBE'S THEY'RE MARKET, BUT THIS MANY POISON KINDS OF ANT AS THAT PREPAEED & OUT ROUND. BUT NONE SO EFFECTIVE HOLLISTER POIS THEM IN THE FIRST ARE Use AWFUL NUISANCE, AN CO., BY St 109 Fort PACIFIC HAEDWAEE Fort Street, flow GO ANT KNOCKS EXT' THERE U aiCHANQED. OLD SAFES CT CO, Honolulu. EEFEIGEJ1A! A'D 1 1 ICE MmrMaMM CHEST 1 After an impoiting PIANOS IN GOOD ORDER rom $4.00 to $7.00 per month. MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN NEW which we bad totw on account of m 1 I 1 J - (Opp. Spreckels' Block), , FORT STREET. ffl and your food than anytmng this market. The this WAtf du- -- mr-.r- irhn nave ( prs can testify- aline, . JVble. bier pl. w"SSei& iva The EDDY Refrigerators and Ice Chests, of ways given satisfaction. They are of . sold hundreds, are iuuuwiAia generally known and appreciatea, "Thege hand from a large invoice just received from the factory. , r nnffi, grWe keep reliable goods and ir" jl- -o nuiACi . HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO, L'D thenqKj . . ciples.wbichwincc, - large assortment ; that accounts for it. It s cleaner and less trouble than any other. d frigeratpr, we eometning, u- -, : ; , any of i : continues. People know where to get the best quality and Pianos For Kent. 1 Fire-Proo- f, game. -- w FOR LEASE! Disston's Files. Tube Scrapers. Hammers. Refrigerators and Ice Chests. A fresh invoice of Rubber Hose, etc., T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I JL will n At ho rpcmnnaihlo fnr anv nk etc., etc. contracted by my wife Louise without my wnnen oraer. A. A. tuud. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Meals at all hours. A- WANTED Wire on Spools. Tucks and Square Fiax Packing. On Sunday, Aug. gth. -- -- & 2837-4- Street, at nresent. ncrrmipd Kv J Kennedy, containing double ; ytiiura, Dearooms, aressingand ON NUUANU AVENUE ABOVE bath rooms, dining room, pantrv and School street, at low rental for three kitchen. Grounds 300xlC5 feet, we'll laid out; servants' rooms, stable and chicken months or longer. Annlv tn house in rear of main building. Vacant 283Mw W. FOSTER. R- 0noAugust 14th' - LILLIE, withTheo H. Davies A Co. VTO BOILER, NO FIRE, NO STEAM Ll and positively no danger in using Chandeliers. Piano, Banquet and Library Lamps, the Regan Vapor Engine. in oxydized silver. Wrought Black and Polished Brass, direct frcm the factory. Turkey and Ostrich Dusters. 1 10Q Humber Hnmhpr . KQI1 VO. ! 2333-6t-- tf ic 1 w . - T;. Bayliss, Thomas & Uo.'a "Eureka" Lady's Safetv I.arlv'a M r.w,l Hnmhor Ar I In 'fl Nn 0 , . lw Rain NOTICE. i i ' & Safety, Cush'i Safety, Solid T" lt d IT.'; Bayliss, Thomas After you have tried all the ' AUCTIONEER. 2S37-flour sifters you've seen and Abaction Sale of been disgusted with each, come to us and buy a " Victor, and Furniture you will regain your former pleasant humor. Have you ever heard of the 13 Aug. On Thursday, Mr. Bowser had to fit trouble VT., AX lO o'clock: A.. wire screens in his windows ? At my Salesroom, Queen street, I will sell at fublic Auction, an invoice oi No You should read it someNew Eattan Furniture time. The New York Sunday World contains occasional ac of styles and Comprising all manner counts of that gentleman Parlor Chairs, Rockers some of them very amusing. Settees, Sewing Chairs, The last described his trouble And in fact the most complete and select with screens. Bowser was not Jot of Rattan Furniture ottered for sale here. up with the times or he would have provided himself with . BALL Cos " Excelsior " Co.'s " Excelsior " Bay lisp, Thomas & cheap. Jas. F. Morgan, The Board of Health has accepted the following bids to furnish supplies for the Leper Settlement, for the time ending Jan. 1, '92: Opera House 5CT"The Furniture will be unpacked Allen & Robinson; battens, $26 Will positively aappear at thenumoer or (proyided sufficient at my Salesroom on Adjustable Screens which fit nd on exhib-tioper Ju, JN. W. T. & (i. 535 per M, seats are secured in advance), August Uth and Tuesday Wednesday, and R. W. shingles $3 per M, R. W. surmn. any window. Easy to take faced $45 per Mt R. W. battens $35 On the arrival of the S. S. Mariposa, on or about per M, door posts 17 cts. each, doors, out or put in and as cheap as U. (jr., $z.5U each, sashes 10x12 and dirt. You'll find the saving in 10x14 at $3 and $3.25 each respect AUCTIONEER. tively. cost of Buhach (which we also J. T. Waterhouse; turpentine 62 In the Great Play in 5 Acts, entitled: AT sell) will pay you for the cts. per gal., matches 65 cts. per gross, salt $1 per ton, kerosene oil "LA DAME AUX CAMELIAS," screens in no time. d 3 tered here and there. This ad. is not intended for such people. It is for people who occasionally have their potatoes that way and who don't enjoy them. We can help you out bv selling- you a Spencer fruit press. It answers capitally for mashing potatoes, and it is im possible to mash potatoes pro perly without one. They re ENGLISH B1CY(5 -- an ttwrtisemcnts. &TU) Cojll - 8ECOND CLASS. Leper Settlement Supplies. canned fish. : Household Furniture 4 n, haustible, etc. Why, man, the supply is exhausted here every day, and fish are so scarce and so dear that half the people in Hono lulu who would be glad to have a bite or two of fish on the table once or twice a week, can't get it, and are forced to fall back on beef 'and mutton as their only reliable staples. Formerly four large mullet or amaama could be had for a Now one large mullet quarter. costs a dollar, and even at that high price the supply holds out only an hour or two, and those who are late can find none. No, Honolulu is not the place to start a fish cannery, as all kinds of fish are becoming every year smaller and dearer, and we have to send to Oregon and New Zealand for our i. ' ? JV? at Public Auction, 5- -42 " .....4 W. E. Wall 200 vds 10th At my Salesroom. Queen Street, I will sell 55554235 54283 4 44444454 4 5 3 2 4 4 4 4 539 -- 81 " Frank Hustace 5C0 45445544 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 5 ....535345434 H . W. Peck 200 yds ....5 500 Ail?. v FIRST CLASS. NUUANfT STREET, creates a natural independency and JOS. TINKER, agent in these Islands for the sole ness box. mutuality of interest,4 whichjmakes close communication a logical and commercial Regan Vapor Engine. necessity. Mt would seem that an opDor The Bulletin on Saturday last tunity is now offered the United States suggests that the canning of fish to secure the building of a cable at Royal HawaiianOpera House expense to itself. The proposi for export is a latent source of slight to tion build such a cable, therefore, wealth remaining for development merits consideration." The Management have the honor to an here, and that the supply is inexnounce mac v Hair Tliic Hardware Monday, August 10. Small things this week. As a rule, people like mash! ed potatoes. Some like them mashed but with hard lumps the size of a peach stone scat- lYirnitare J. G. Roth well; 3. H. W. Peck. Second Class: 1, F.S.Dodge; 2, J. H. 2Tetu Sttccrtiscmenta. SUnjcrttsem nto. Hawaiian junction Sale of . : 2ta Sixth Regular Monthly Meeting Soper. score: ALGOST 10, 189L ttVTBR'i'iftBI AOlFib ODBIMElEOlAi, i v . ,v . . vi'a have 1 1 The Weekly Gazette and DaUy axvj lJfiADINQ r.yAr&nv vx . AND faAYE THE LARGEST ClOVU0 lata re m v DAlLl f tbcAz, CO.'S 4 UKD Mr. N. S. and genera : days ago with the royal party have rfitnrnftd. The rain Saturday nierhfc was vonr welcome even if not sufficient for all purposes. ..7s 145 4:30t 5:35t 9:49 249 10:51 3:51 5:45t ...R4:55 6:50t r.:, i8-- 8 fT-di- "" - 5:30J " .... Y r .. dew03 to-- v At 10 o'clock Mr. Inn v Morgan will oiler for sale a lot of f nr. niture, etc. The Hawaiian HardwarA is out with a new adverisement of useful tnings for sale. to-da- The first material arrivftd : .. Knna i j uu ueepemng wurK ior tne cnannel entrance to tne narbor. Mrs. E. Grav annonncen a mnn. , 278G-- q OOMMilOIAli ; JIB? lMI?I0M, AUGUBfc iO, hi win inrnTr : 5 o" B a " , 2.30 3. o 5; :.t 5.3; 6.33 10.30 5.3" 6.33 11. 4 97 6.32,11.4.1 t.w 5.37! 6.31 5.38 6.31 6!24 5.38 6.30 1.14 : 2.11 i i"?ief uuw'v; Honolulu of the Cnstom b sounded cor- Noon, Observatory Se Hlt Mean , - V.roloRlc'" IKNT PUBLISHED VEY. TrtKr I0SDAT. 1 3 2 3 c 83,0.16 84 0.00 t J: 1 U 4 2 5 7L' ;o.og 6j SrijiJ.OO 67 64 67 J. 05 64 .Ju.it; ..! 73! ; ? ft- SoiO.OO o r a KE 8-- 1- -3 E yr-T7- 0 t The steamer Clandine made tho best time this last trio fom Kahului. Maui, to Honolulu, on record seven Lours and hfteen minutes. Court decision on the tax appeal case between the Hilo Sugar Company and the Hilo dis trict assessor and collector is found on the first page. Hon. V. H. Cornwell. of Maui. came in by the Claudine. Inspector-ueneral A. r. Atkinson arrived by tne same steamer, from a trip to Spreckelsville about school matters. c w Rosa, r f Prvce, c Dan,l.f 8immons,3b ... Morris, 2b Thompson, s.s.. Holt, c. f Woods, p lb Willis, Total 3 3 4 1 5 4 4 2 2 4 0 0 2 -i. l - '44 37 1 1 8 11 1 2 0 0 12 0 27 24 6 A. E. i 0 0 142 1 1 2 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 4 '4 .L r 0 0 KAMEHAMEHAS. NAMES. v NE 1 I- A.B. Pabau,2ab&c. Davis, 3d b&D.' Crowell, cf .... Baker, c & lstb Meheula.p & f Bridges. 1 f&3 b Manuka, l&2b I E 2 NE i NE 2 'E Messrs. L. J. Levey and J J. Wil liams announce the appearance, at Harbottle. r f .. the Opera House, of Sarah Bern- Makaimoku, s s H. B.H. O. 0 0 0 4 5 1 3 4 1 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 1 4 2 2 2 0 0 2 5 0 1 1 1 3 0 2 hardt on August 2Gth. Arrange Total 38 23 14 ments have been made for a positive appearance of the great actress in Score by inniners 1 Kamehamebas AKKIVALS. All those who intend "Camille." 0002010 2 22 1 0 00 1 Hawaiis Friday, Aug. 7. going to hear her can obtain books V H Dimond, Drew, 13 days having the French and English Two Base Hits Davis, Pryce, Willis. .;cisco. translation of the whole play. Three Base Hits Prvce. Simmonds. 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 harbor. While she was slowly making her way out, fresh breezes from the seaward grew stronger and stronger slowly- but snrelv which . . . " " drove the schooner towards the coral reef where she stranded and became a wreck a few minutes afterwards. The captain and crew worked with a will to get the vessel clear of the rocks, but all their efforts were in vain. A telephone message was immediately wired to Koloa where the steamer Mikahala lay at anchor to come to the schooner's assistance; but it being dark, the Mikahala did nor respond till the next morning. When she came the Marv was then lying on her beam ends in one foot of water about fifty yards from shore. No attempt was made to get the schooner off. Nn lives were lost. The schooner Mary is owned by Messrs. Allen & Robinson. The captain and his crew are still at Kauai trying to save as much as possible of the wreck. She is about eighty tons and only partly insured. ill-fate- 26 Satfedat, August 8. c r.ui.: .uwuhai. from Ka- - Mcorezor. iruui 31ihop, Le Claire, l, S03IE GOOD STOCK. 8 By Woods 2. Meheula Bases on Balls JJavis l. Struck Out By Woods 10. Meheula L. LfttVlS J.. from Pohoiki. L'mmins. Neilsou, from Koo- -- ino Koholalele. from .Tihice Aug. 9. Chanev. from Kauai. Nicholson, from Aca- SO'DAY, 'iiule. Labetli days from Ward, 23 iaelia, from Kauai, Davies, from Maui. laiila, Campbell, jpiiae, DEPARTCKES. August 9. iSatcbday. : 0.3 LEAVING McGregor, TO-DA- Y. for Molokai, Koolan. i I'itamins, Bearle, for Makee, "nia for at for Honekone. Mt.Oontard, iUaanifor Port Stanley, for Georgina, "VVai- - Kauai. PASSENGERS. ARRIVALS. JMperstnir Mokolii. Aug 8 and 3 children, l)r Mou-7?- - fn J A GUman, Solomon sDudoit, Hon Fred 11 Haysel-- J passengers. F Bickerton. W O imith, :"ucoi,Hon A Kosa, J lohr, T Hess, 3 Chinese g T K&t n "der, Allen. Thoes, Roth, R J ft impos- tell the extent of his injury. One of the large bay mares received a very bad cut on the right hind foot, which will make the animal unfit for work. Dr. Rowat has her in charge, and it is thought she can be kept for breeding purposes. The Dimond started with thirty one head. Those that arrived are fine specimens, weighing from 1,100 to 1,400 pounds, and all young animals. RIVERSIDE. Familiar Name of One Who Was a Successful Competitor. (J S it was so swollen as to make 0 ATHLETICS AT K RperstrarClaudine, Aug9 l The Hawaiian Sugar Company received, per the W. H. Dimond, thirty head of draft horses and mares. On the voyage down one was taken ill of colic. An attendant, foolishly perhaps, took the partition board out, leaving two other horses in the same improvised stall with the sick one. The result was that it was kicked to death. A sailor, by the name of Edwin Davis, in trying to separate them, received a kick, on the shoulder, causing him a great deal of suffering. He was taken to the hospital, but his injured shoulder n'risen- - I),., turner LtL The Dimond Brings a Number of Good Horses One Killed. for sible to Macaulay, Hon W ms,CHRose,AFernan. lsSs , ii cat Ho i sundries, 24 cords Left on Bases Hawaiis 6, Kams.5. Passed Balls By Pryce 1, Baker 2. Time of Gauje 1 h. 45 m. Umpires Lockwood and . Scorer Chas. Wilder. THE NEW ENGINE. Saturda- y- First Trial Made on Splendid Results all Around. About all the members of Engine Company No. 1 were out Saturday afternoon trying their new fire en gine. It looked nice and clean, with not a scratch on the paint, and naturally the "boys" felt proud of the new protector, both from appearance and good qualities. with The engine is double-actina double cylinder and a coiled boiler. It has all the latest modern improve ments. A test was made from the hydrant in front of Bishop & Co.'s bank, re sulting very favorably. A hundred g, pound water pressure and ninety ower There is a eentle- man at Malden-on- N. Y.. named Captain A. G. Pareis, who has written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his mind concerning some things, andi mis is wnat ne says: have used your preparation "I called August Flower in my family "r. ior seven or eigm years, it is con stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation we Indigestion, have ever used or known My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, however, re Dyspepsla. the-Hudso- WUh Chinese On Nuuanu street it was attached to another hydrant, where, with a If inch nozzle, a stream of water was thrown 192 feet. The steaming qual ities of the engine, in fact the whole work of it, proved quite satisfactory for the first trial. It is a valuable acquisition to the fire department. Utiin?mbr0?8h.tafu11 on i'SjjS ved Saturday sundry r,'n.Z. i i hi Triced P&hufcD n1 br0USht 990 nn,, Oin Te t0-m- 0r TFa.W. H. DimonH lieves the difficulty. My wife frequently says to me when I am going to town, 'We are out Constipation of August Flower, borrow. Surf apUin S'an- - S tf lm tocrtiscttttnts. Pi- - REQUIRED N O,runENGINEER the Regan Vapor Egnine. TO and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. 2831 1386-2- a. m. 11 W For Sale or Lease. ed w N. S. S A.CH S Honolulu, H. I. Fort Street, 104 To Commence, Monday, August lOth POSITIVELY FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY! THE EN TIRE STOCK WILL BE OFFERED AT COST C3" ALL AT COST ! WILL BE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, GOODS ! AND OLD FOR GASH ONLY Bona Fide Sale. K7- Bona Fide Sale. Positive Sale. - THESE REDUCTIONS WE GUARANTEE FOE TWO WEEKS BXT COI ONLY ! CALL AT ONCE AND LEARN OUR PRICES. THE POPULAE MILLINEKY HOUSE. THE HONOLULU WORKS RON w MOSQUITO BITES! CO. A. Have on Hand and For Sale Positive Preventative THE FOLLOWING New 1 Improved Machinery CALLED TO BE OFFERED ON Liberal Terms! FLEAS MUST GO! 13x24in. Cummer Engine. (1) 10x20in. Cummer Engine. (1) Putnam Screw Cutting Lathe, 18in. swing, 12ft. bed; most improved (1) type. (1) Vacuum Pan, (II, 20-T- on BXTFoir I. W. Co. make), built in sections; complete with iron stage and Blake's Direct Vacuum Pump, 18x24x24in. BENSON, SMITH & Co. t SOLE AGENTS, The two Cane Slicing Machines for this Diffusion Plant are the latest n and most improved type, 2 with Cane Carrier) and have been successfully used on Sugar cane I at factory ana given me nignesi 1 . Sale by 113 and 115 1381 Fort Street. 2651 - q A. satisfaction. (1) 8ft. Cell to Multiple Effect (H. I. W. Co. make). Can be easily connected to any of the H. I. W. Co.'s Multiple Effects. (75) Wheeled Coolers, 30x30x30in. (1) Duplex Water Pump, 16xl4xl2in. Capacity, 2 million gals, it 24 hours to a height of 120 feet with a boiler Mikado Eestaurant ! No 62 Hotel Street, OPP. Oceanic Steamship Company FOR SAN FRANCISCO. hobn's bakery. The Al steamship ZEALANDIA " fitted and refurnished in 6i Japanese handiwork. pressure of 1201bs per square inch. CyEverything clean, and cooked in 7"A11 the above Machinery is new, manstyle. the from right and in perfect order was where it establishments ufacturing 2808-lmade. SGive us a trial. EHaving a very large stock of maWill leave Honolulu for the above port on REGAN VAPOR ENGINE IS terials on hand, purchased at the lowest THE for pumping, hoisting, etc. possible prices by our Manager when : recently in Europe and the United States, we are prepared to furnish any kind of Sugar Machinery on short notice A.t IS o'clock noon, and at prices to suit the times. CP-Ne- first-Clas- wly s m MARSHAL'S SALE. Tuesday, Aug. 11th -- tWEot Freight or Passage apply to n VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF issued out of the Police Court, on the 16th day of July, A. D. 1891, WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd. against Jas. I. Dowsett, Jr., defendant, in favor of J. W. McDonald, plaintiff, 2833 6t AGENTS. for the sum of 1319.87, I have levied upon and shall expose for sale at the CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, in the District ot Honolulu, Island of Oahu, at 12 o'clock m. of MONDAY, the 31st day Aug., A. D. 1891, to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of the said Jas. 1. Dowsett, Jr., defendant, in and to the following property, unless said judg ment, interest, costs and my expenses be IMPORTERS WILL PLEASE previously paid. take notice that the fine Liistot property tor sale: 1 Cream Separator, BARK AMY TURNER, 1 Gasoline Engine, IS PREPARED TO Con1 Case of Gasoline. tract for all kinds of Buildings, 1 Hay Cutter (new), Capt. Johjjsoit. Store and Office Fitting, and Gen1 Box of Battery, specialty. eral Jobbing a 1 Box of Trinkets. Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leave Send or leave orders with R. Howie at for this port on Sept. 15, 1891, if suffi(Sig.) A. MEHRTEN, J. street. Central House, Alakea near Hotel cient Deputy inducement offers. Marshal. 2747-lwg-B- elI Tel. 522. Honolulu, July 31, 1891. or EXE-cutio- f nds SEA.TJ MOTJ, NOTICE. "nnfHncr nnil Fittiner - bv the most Vapor Yacht. annroved method. Clothing- Cleaned and Kepairea on snori nouce. MF.T5T. WT T. k RWCXAI. II A representative ..of the. Adver- mrm-DTEwa of the X ins of the Shareholders m Election of Officers. tiser went out Saturday in the new irlantation uo. at iuc oo-i- XXV. m Cooke, on Saturday, August 8th. at 10:30 launch Our Queen by. invitation O'ClOCk , x A.M. Co. The Plantation Ewa Sec'y Tinker. 285-2Jos. Mr. t of the owner, Ei- AISiNUALi JMlliNU UJ? boat is run by one of the Regan ATtheTHE Hanalei Sugar Mill Company, held which moves the this day, the following officers were elected speed the ensuing year: little craft over the waves at a WANTED BY A GOOD for SITUATION Chas. Koelling President of six knots an hour. Several tests kj merman gin w u iifiixvu N. S. Williams J. the at Apply as to the quickness of stopping the derstands care of chUdren. J. O. Carter Secretary Geo. H. Robertson boat were made, and when going at Treasurer J. O. Carter Auditor; full speed, very little more than the CARTER, O. J. Sugar Mill Co. Hanalei Secretary perworks engine a stand still. The 2821-l1891. 20. July Honolulu, a If vuwu uur AitAin lectly, and aitogemer OITfT TV. ON as good a boat of her class as can a commanding Punchbowl Hill, iLJ S be had. Dia and harbor of the grand view to Head. mond j. Appiy ALFRED MAGOON, ACCOUNTS DUE OR OWING Prince Bismarck's income, acMerchant street. ALL 2823-t- f undersigned have this day been consists papers, cording to Berlin hands of J. Alfred Magoon in FOE SAXiE. . 1 1 1ns ..n 1 mm marks. cu.,i 300,000 marks accruing from his i i... CBLUtUH UUU i. UiO I'nforonf. iuic RFiO rn - - v" 10.000.- 000 deposited in banks. Altogether iiis revenues amuuuu w 225,000. . tat m A NOTICE. NOTICE. the placed who will bring suits therefor if not paid immediately. 2833-lSEE HO SING AKANA. w OF THE ANNUAL MEETING held Co., Ld, Agricultural Heeia the officers were July 25, 1891, the following y ear : ensuing the elected to act for .President : A. Aschheinr. NOTICE. 4 T il HAVING THE UNDERSIGNED a Tannery at lwilei close to the hCConstruSber materia To those who need a pleasant Tonic Slaughter house, informs the public that for any kind of debility, we can recomAuditor and .Secretary he will purchase hides and do all business A. Gartenberg. mend Clements' as the best. For sale l T ?iPeri?CaFlatterv. concerning the line of Tannery, and has compose officers ' by Holusteb & Co The on hand all kinds of Leather for sale at ST10 Port the Board of Dirtog.ARTENBERG reasonable prices. n 2805-3acconipanied by JOAQUIM DA GRELLA. L'd. Co., VAPOR ENGINE STARTS Agr'l Sec'y Heeia 2835-lREGAN Wde AT I FIKST-ULAS- S D;rtr. , .ISTNTJL MAMMOTH CLEARANCE SALE (self-feed-i- 3to m i'?l'k 18L w and I think you had better get another bottle. I am also t4) 30in. "Weston's Centrifugals. troubled with Indigestion, and when Plant for a caever I am, I take one or two tea- - (1) Complete Diffusion of 400 long tons cane per pacity spoonfuls before eating, for a day or deim. Manufactured by the Santwo, and all trouble is removed." ger hausen Co., and to arrive in Sept. Vice-Preside- nt T'polo, iiimmi At the athletic exercises held at Riverside, Cal., June 12, Chas. Dole, AT KAPIOLANI COTTAGE nephew of Justice Dole, was quite a on the seaside, at present Park, bv G. D. Freeth. Esq. successful competitor. In a running 2828-lto Waterhouse. T. Apply J. 2Uujfxttsanent0. long jump he made a record of 16 feet 3h inches, 17 feet 11 inches, and ! 17 feet 9 inches, winning the prize. SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB. " The Phoenix states that, Dole is only a boy, but is about six feet tall JOB YOU WANT A and jumps with wonderful force." mwrc "RF.OTTT.AR WEEKLY MEETING IFof Painting of any description done. In the running, hop, step and L of this Club will be held in their call on the practical Painter, .J L. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Gazette Building. Merchant bt.. MEYER only. 130 Fort St. V. U. jump, he won the prize also, with a T?rtrmcj.WVKNrNO nt 7:30. 2748-l- y a. 1384 2821-tA Box 387. record of 37 feet and 41 feet 10j tutb to cordially are invitea O ntnlutlr Tslicn mnsio snnc. pfco. inches, which is " within two inches . . .... of the longest running hop, step and will be in oraer. AT THE CITY MEAT CALL 15. oUUI l , C d see the Regan Vapor EnThe record." and jump on Recordpr. No. 20 Beretania Street, 2837-- 1 1 work. It is a little wonder. gine at race, 100 yards, was won by Chas. Dole and H. L. Edmiston. MERCHANT TAILOR, three-legge- I mm n, pounds of steam were raised, which barely tried its strength. One and DRS. BR0DIE & F00TE, two streams were thrown, both to a Residence 81 Beretanla Street. considerable distance. The boiler, Telephones Mutual 234; Bell 242. being new. foamed some, but not sufficient to interfere with its work. Office Hours 10 to 11:30 a. m., 3 to 5:30 23-Frie- h Horong i 2835-2- PAINTER from Mani th Mhp? SUg"' 122 sacka mm GHA.2STD 99 oc-nnni- JVeir, Lee Toraa ;MnalulUf Look Chan, Mrs I d "Angus t JJij INTELLIGENCE. uii H w 1 querade ball to be given at the Arm- m x iiuajr wveuiug, ii.Ug. Zl. vry, T7:,i Dice mnnincr13 rntVi Vtt -j jj faa. xtuaa auil ciiuiioBB yiayiug oi iuanuKa at The Waikiki snrf WAR nnif.A K 3 of. 4kn w nn WV KHCiiiiii nn era iua aiiu uibl tractive place Sunday, judging from A now Arrival fmm Va P!oD vuaaigavu me large numDer oi batners tnere. xiuuumiu ior once a sample of what Justice R. F. Bickerton and a decisions delivered promptly number of lawyers returned, by the and plainlywere and the gentleman may Mikahala, from Kauai, where court 11 - Tnrk Oil iim jm HiTiiiiiMii.iiin uu u a. VfllnnUn tiUU was being held. "oagutj. vxooa umpires oy ttie way are scarce. Following is the official .Rattan chairs, the finest assort ment ever seen on the islands, will be offered for sale by Jas. F. Mor- HAWAIIS. gan. bee Lis notice. NAMES. A.B. R. B.H. A SuDreme wm i mi i HawaUs Take Another The Schooner Mary Wrecked Game from the Kamehame- Near MakaweliPart of the has. Cargo Saved, The heavy batting of the Hawaiis The coasting schooner Mary, Capon Saturday won them another tain Maikui, left this port last game from the Kamehamehas. So Wednesday afternoon, August 5th, enective did the Hawaiis hit Mehe-- having on board a cargo of lumber uias delivery that Capt. Pahau and sundry merchandise for several yuangea tne battery in the fourth ports on Kauai. She arrived at innings Davis to the box and Pa- Makaweli on the following day. hau behind the bat. It was a bat- After landing freight for that place ting day for the Hawaiis and they she came to Mahinauli, a port about xiu iavis just as hard, if not harder. half a mile distant, landing freight vuau uiy aia nieneuia. there also. Palmer Woods pitched speedy but About 6 o'clock that evening, the ya not very a stAndv hnll uuu uiauo a captain ordered the anchor hoisted j ui wja BurlKe outs. (Japt. and sails set intending to eo tn Morris and Makaimoku both dis- Koloa, a port near by. Head winds tinguished themselves in poor Dlav-- - were men il prevailing wnicn renmsr. dered it very difficult to beat out . The feature of thA t iiqo a safely from such a narrow and bad "1 C - n ASHORE AT KAVAt t?, 33 nun Otf THE SlAMbNA Some of the parties who left some M.V mi Sachs, grand clearance The sale begins to day. F1 utit i I . above-mention- : ed m without even a match. W Boston Line of Packets. E. HOWIE, Contractor and Builder tf 2829-3- Election of Officers. OF C. A SPECIAL MEETING ATBrewer & Company, L'd., held this day, the following persons were elected as officers for the remainder of the current year: - Joseph O. Carter... Pres. and Manager Treasurer George H. Robertson Secretary E. Faxon Bishop E. F. BISHOP, Sec'y C. Brewer fc Company. 2804-lHonolulu. June 30, 1891. m FOR KENT! 0t further particulars apply to y-F- 1386--3 1 E. B. THOMAS, Contractor and Builder. 26511356--q C. -- ESTIMATES GIVEN ON all kinds of Brick, Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. AH kinds of Jobbing in the buildincr trade at tended to. Keeps for sale: Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, old and new Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc. Office and Yard Cor. King and Smith 8ts. Office Hours 8 to 12 a.m , 1 to 4 p.m. Telephones Bell 351; Mutual 417. Residence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117. 2832-- q Office New B. RIPLEY, Architect, Room 5, Spreckel's Block. (Mutual TeL 208). Designs Bciliingp. Modern Complete Plans and Specifications for Every Description of. Building. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of construction given when re- quired.. EST' Call and examine plans. -- 2753-3mtf DR. LUTZ . THAT NEW BUILDING AT NO. 11 TTninn afreet Shon 35 ft. wide hv 79 ft Iaiio nd 12 ft. hieh. Sui TESTIMONIALS FROM PEOPLE are using tbe table for any kind of mechanic .work Regan Vapor Engine who can seen upon be R, shop. Inquire of J. N. Wright or Jay to Jos. application Agent. eole Tinker, Greene. C. BREWER A CO. BE ABSENT UNTIL THE inst. DK. TROUSSEAU will 2833-3- t take charge of his patients. WILL W 16th viHisiia august isei. io. RIMP BISTORICAt NOTES. Baldwin largest Locomotives! ON Stock, Largest Store, Lowest Prices, NEW FURNITURE, SECOND-HAN- D AT IXt Baldwin Locomotives P. O. Box 480. Buniham, Parry, Williams & , Honolulu, H. I.. Co., --- j ! -- " . . -- 2 '. - -- i i . ll' . PTPRIOES a L 4 2 j j Iond.orL West Coast Charts WM. G. IE WIN JOHN NOT T, & CO., Solb Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 2651-- q We t Company, Irwin G. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN jSffP Iff (LIGHTED), andWv,. : W Books. : TAHITI LEMOMDE WOEKS Co. Also, ail OFFER FOR SALE : Lime and Cement, PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S MANUFACTURERS ; " . FEETILIZEES Wool Dxxst, Bone Meal, AGATE Guano. JBHsh LAMPS SEEDS MACKEEEL FIXTUEES! rubber hose, al 360. BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING and 2 lb. tins. -- IN BARRELS, The Honolulu Sard Work . fa I NOTICE. r rv jjiium m . an ii I AKTKK i ana are 1 wu.u uuv& n o mil uuii UB responsible for any CmJi been rmsims.rsss.ft; . tn" RnnnivJ tho nrfinarArt i ft" x their freight q a o Importers Bell Telephone 1 275. ; m e r-Th- zz -- i-- vi hale :r Tm UV " Honolu- - Mi infiPV all Retailers. M. W. McCHESNEY & & ... Liie, K'oQlhfli.e Xr ,.v,uviHw(i,UIWllVl, mto iuicny lor vu i iiiiTM f ir r.iTflo I prescribe it and fvi mub ' iu recommenouiR i; mu.Pijriiiitii P. Turf . - a V 1i Sold by ! i ( - t TVr ffn tf. A -- IrnnrltaL -- 13fi5 27llsj Aienta a iew oi tnose nne nana-embroider- 1356 J AMES EBONY FRAMES, tieing A PltRCE'S I " N V the assnranoe 'is S giTn thnt we are 1TDII iniiieWorlL.. , , . ir,M., iuttiuia vigarg ana t aeroots L& 100 in a Box. ! II : V r tnce has been extensively V T tnauy yeara ana Has vm xnia is aal oieaies Trass)oruupturei (the only successful olvc. Electrlo ver invested) ; has no Iron Hoops or Steel fritn ease andcomfor Bfightand I)ar. It's a per farther parcioalars a stamps for Pamphlet Itfo.i ant "SMt seod 4c. inthat Dr.Pierce's Genuine Electri. RCnPHRCn 1 1 L I i I L I i 10 L II Trusses oontain our Private Sly natnre exactly likeBeware that shown at tot of I hit of inferior imitations utYertlament. Address; anu jetrta,lner i - X ot-l- or MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY, 's v. a, w Alrt ATI . Frnm tho ... A Rattan Chairs and Tables A 1 A Itn.11 aAYA44vM COSTUMES- "- 3CaJ ' an assortment of New Goods. P.A1-l- v .t Ui BECHSTOT, ow oi mose nanay Mosquito Urns. flDCAmAnl ah.bjs --T 1 T .L. WING W0 CHAN & CO. 265' 22 Nuuanu Street. ' ; .V;.- - Wf ! " ' ) 7 o 'r u' I and BERLIN , . I rT ; I I , lw , Glovfis m 64 & 65 Merchant's i&n Franeisfio. Cal.. yrhc-r- 261 Exchange 76 and INFANT'S T?il,1 hydrauuoriTensg bkbibw;, worthing ! BellTiP&one BoomNo.8,npt-8IIT,- . 2651-- q t j . ' - , - 1367-- q Californ FEED. Have on Honoluln. ay WORKS CO. 4 Stjpbbintendent. W Hand month froffl ,:f. 3 .1 m aDu of the citj' GIVEUSAT11 Manaokb. . . ..A Warehouse, Bell Telephone Office with 121 : j J ohone348;MataaITe : ; . : WTanks, i 5651 KING - , -- .Esplanade, Honolulu, SUN Cooler,, Molasse8 Tulk. ; Sog.r Car.. NAM 8B( hir laree and weu rk wv --' "eumiaers wrought and Cast Iron W.fM Tin.- - , ana ""eis . d apa Uearing, r Bar Iron, Etc. cfl Goo VA . , P. O. Box i3 RATEfaSST nSa HAWAIIAN ISLAKDS FOB THK f J pump. T)aA KING 8TBBET. No. 9. fat superior to to r'tS3 ami ; A At "pfM a advertising can be made for it nf Rnll.r JOHN DTJEbJ. . ' - and Works. - A-- Work connected tt VIVV " WEAR; Engineers and Iron Eouiiders Office Brick, Stone and Wooden BuIIdlni Estlmatea GiTen. 2712-- q Aqincy, R. MORE, I. I . nmi Boiler Iron T.S??1SS "' L. MEYEEi 'T Jp PnTi f.ra aiypq SUOAB MILLS sod Sugir Kik artar tn moil nnroTiai -- n, & CO., they are to be employed. 8pi toaeuer, or siieeu rautt,.Mui scipment, reuy w sronnd. w xvxiUJfilVijD Fort St, "iwi ' Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. tit mirw-k- JB.W reaayfor:inspection.forR! a- - c cos for mp,ete' and ele.r.nt line Sateensr UNION IRON J&S?aS classes auu uiuuiug work. First Class wnrtmno,;xinsniitning j r in all the above branches of my busi- . .v.L.ouuaui'; xaitta. 7yq " uWCuJacioryoi LONDON - No. 130 ktndi iron aam wnm Tlsable. r0BDIN1BI I ; biiit ot wcod, I aworr u o""; ricou CALTFOBlflA. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual residence, Mutual, 236. ' m 8TEAM VK88EL8 of sll 2651-- t. Honolulu, H. 1 . t?-- PRACTICAL Pianos! . ELASTIC TBIIO 'v.- - PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. NOTT, JR., TmATSJirTmn SIXjK and SATIN 8CREEN8, - ; , , be Practical Life Ins. Co Ca of Hartford. Ins- - OF SAN FBANCI8CO, 2709-3m- q patterns of Crepe wuania. jieRani. xete--a te. uups Ann Raniun POKf FIRE AND MARINE, Per Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number of ; n:i 1 - . promptly attended to. '4k ' .:, J. Insurance Company Mclntyre Block, Fort Street. ed : - ' ! CHILDREN'S , UNION s jjine Assortment. Stna Fire i Co' Wholesale Agents. & Co., Wholesale t A Nev England Mutual ISTNkw Goods Etsby Steameb. a fine selection of New Goods, compnsinc:, one I - pricefnbe s smw,mwibibmbmij . AGENTS Prices Reasonable ! - - E ice. mads lniniublelecfthi ... OF B08TOK, Cured 5 r5Sr" f?.-?y- t ' ., nttiTmi W7 TT B;8-M00S- I LocomoM Franciaoo.. V1TVP Wew Silks, New ... fire and Marine . NattaIWah AGENTS. m - I "1 i.jaii w CASTLE & COOKE, ver Seen la Honolulu. SONS, -- K nWATC ml V ' dS invited to UWftr uwuo, Uol The attention of Feancisco. LADIES', Inglirailce I 2778-3- ! r 8m 99 FORT STREET; iTC..9 ' JUST RECEIVED PER AUSTRALIA HONOLULU SOAP WORKS CO., public are respectfully invited ""fy uc ,ixjimo aeieciion or - dox is stamped Co.," and is 0Y at his N$w Store, 55 and 57 Nuuanu St.. - iacn Boap lu Of every description, entirely new, S Iron and NEW LACES, NEW TRIMMINGS NKW pap icAt a UMiiUUKOj CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR H A? MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKEA NEW EMBROIDERIES. NEW CURTAINS, NEW PINEAPPLE street. Mutual Telephone No. 574. ' TISSUE tt&-io B0Y,S of 42 arid 56 Bars each . General Merchandise 5 - 4 KM S THE RlSi T 'f rajmlf; I TT, f2651-n- r 1 Japanese Employment Office Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs., AJTD nexttoi: , FORT 1366 CQTROTOR and Fitted up with neatness Tand & Wholesale Grocers, 26 and 28 California St., San Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods i r TrriA7 W bj E. 0. HAIL ku& S. FOSTER & Co. ' Store I NW - WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO. p raii J per ! JOTBell 373. ; HwALL KINDS OF JOBBING and Offices and Stores ots to suit, R SA GENT'S FURNISH CNG GOODS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, Pure Laundry Soap' consigned must be at the landing to receive A-r- 2749-- q ; , . 2702-- q Bale for V STREET. ' q 1356-2651-- - qq for. ; AT LOWEST MARKET RATES DIMOND constantly a Practical Architect OF ALL GRADES, IN BARRELS, am prepared to mae. all PlWs DUllUDU 1)1 OKU and Specifications, and Personally SunerintnH r,,., vri.X .U .1 " r. . T' . fh 11 L- - 1 HALF BARRELS AND KITS, OF Thonlrf.,1 T. .11 .1. iJ wuo nave entrusted .V I work to me heretofore their I f thei! Patron. OUR OWN IMPORTATION, CON- SnnLV0ni"a-Cby giving the same y i bo.t.Mllii competent High iNHU.or assistants, thereby enabling me toWEnSfS f-STANTLY ON H AND, AND Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. Falrbank Canning Oos Corned SALMON Delicious is Prepared to furnish Plans and, Specifications v&Zii and kinds of Buildings, either Brir.k. kAn Tn TlZ manner. Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes. REFINED SUGARS, 1 Eefreshing ! ! e Cocksfoot, Eye Grass and Clovers. Beef, Absolutely Pure BUILDER Silver-plate- d. LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS. WATER CLOSETS, METALS, x i And under, CTI engine elsewhere. D Cane Manure. KEROSENE VICHY, APPOLLINARIS, ETC., ETC., ETC. T7 STI MATES FURNISHED fYNT AP. IV plication to J03. Tinker for aDy feize Regan Vapor- - Engine. See cotalogue and testimonials before purchasing an A-HST- Cliandi, r ST-Mutu- IN (JBEAT VARIETY, White, Gray and BUCK & OHLANDT'8 GRASS .... t HAH J 0- - TELEPHONES: KITCHEN UTENSILS, AND GOODS WARE ALSO High Grade Chemical SARSAPARILLA, GINGER ALE Steel and Iron Ranges, Stoves and Fixtures, HOUSEKEEPING , Sale s,liP I : E- - lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda, underground conduit system. The first overhead wire electric railway was built in Kansas City, Mo., in 1885, by John C. Henry. bsed's pateht Felt Steam Pice Covering, all sizes. W Fr OF "igu lest Cleveland, O., on the lines of the East Cleveland Company, in July, 1884. This was operated by the Compounds and Koofing art-- ; 1880. The first electric road ever operated as a business enterprise was by Stephen D. Field at the Chicago Exposition in June, 1883. The first electric road operated in the streets of a city for traffic was built by Bentley & Knight at of Hi Node's wrinkles in Pfact:-- ; been successfully employed upon certain railways in coal mines. The first practical demonstration of operating cars by electricity generated by a dynamo was made at the Berlin Exposition in 1879 by Dr. Werner Siemens. The first electric road actually nut in oneration was at Menlo Park, New Jersey, by Edison, in AlneVi h..v of TWTBg? H.S. TKEGL0AN &.S0N; MERCHANT TAILORS - 0f San Bias. res: -- Califs Western ParifilT1' Coast g0QY and. . Steamer and Veranda Chairs for sale U-J Single and Double Bedroom Sets for sale Single and Double Seta Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles and L Saddles for sale jj The Baldwin Locomotive Wobks are Books, by standard authors, only 60 cents, for sale now manufacturing a style of Locomo- Extra quality Safety Matches, 75 cents a gross, for sale W All makes of second-han- d tive particularly adopted Sewing Machines for sale fcrj Meat Safes, Ice Boxes, Stoves Rugs, Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks, For Plantation Purposes, Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, Baby Cribs and Carriages, Yard Brooms Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Crockery and Glassware, Towels, Feather Pillows, Bed Lounges, Sofas, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads, 4 1868. This was the beginning of .A number of which have recently been Spring & Hair Mattresses, Wardrobes, Brown and Blue Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc. the present New York elevatea received at these Islands, and we will have pleasure in urnishing Plantation Sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICFS at the I X L Auction and Commission system by steam, which was inAgents and Managers with particulars of augurated in 1871. House, corner of Nuuanu and King Streets. same. Houses bought in their entirety. The first street cable line was JSFurnished built by A. S.Hallidie in San FranThe superiority of these Locomotives 8. W. LEDEREE, Proprietor. cisco, Gal., and put in operation in over all other makes is not only known nere dui is acknowledged throughout the August, 1873. Many years previous 7"Stoke Open. Saturday: Evenings Till 9 O'clock. UU1WU OUtlfcB. 2823-- y to this, however, cable traction had : fell 1 SEMI-GRAN- . Prompt Returns Made on Goods Sold on Commission, Penn., For Sale, ; 2. Mutual Tel, 90. Are now prepared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines, of any size and style. J Offer West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets, From the Works of HOFFSCHLAEGER ; building) (fire-pbo- of Pianos CHa d, and Commission House FOB THK CELEBRATED Philadelphia, AND THE Auction The undersigned having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands The first railroad in America was built in 1827. It was a horse-roaand was built for hauling granite 78 TTI from the quarries at Quincy, Mass.. & CO., to the Neponset river. . : E. line in the The first street-ca- r CORNER KING AND BETHEL 8T8., KONOt.TJLTJ, world, for conveying passengers through the streets of a city, was built on Fourth avenue, New York, D with mute attachment. ONE WESTERMAYER and put in operation in 1831-line was WESTERMAYER'S CABINET PIAN03 in Ebony and Old Oak; all with The second street-ca- r latest improvements andimade expressly for this climate. . opened for traffic on Sixth avenue ' in August, 1852. .1.i ': ALSO Europe in street-caline r The first Uprights and Boudoir Upright. was built m Birkenhead, Eng.,' by J. A C. FISCHER'S PIANOS Cabinet r - (. r George Francis Train, in ,1860. . ,. , , . v . . This enterprise was not received 265i q 1369-'MODEBATE.:,i6r with favor, the tracks were torn up, as were also those of another UST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST line in the suburbs of London, laid in 1862, and not until 1868 was a line in practical operation in the old country, and this was in the streets of Liverpool. The first elevated road was a Of line Suitings and: Trouserings. cable road, and was built and operated on Greenwich street, New "MA0HINEY done t REASONABLE . ppLy AT K