August - St. Philomene Catholic Church
August - St. Philomene Catholic Church
St. Philomene Church 2428BellStreet Sacramento,CA95825 Of$ice: (916) 481-6757 Fax: (916) 481-1603 August14,201620th SundayinOrdinaryTime OFFICE HOURS Tues – Fri - 10:00am — 5:00pm Closed 12:00pm – 1:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 7:30am & 9:00am (English), 12:00pm (Español) Tuesday – Friday: 8:00am (English) Tuesday, Wednesday and First Friday [in the Main Church if school in session] Thursdays and other Fridays [in the Chapel if school in session] CONFESSION / CONFESIONES Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm, or by appt. BAPTISMS Call the Parish Office (even before the birth of the baby) for preparation times Welcome to a New School Year, St. Philomene’ Philomene’s Students!!! WEDDINGS AND QUINCEAÑERAS At least six months notice required PARISH STAFF Father Martin Ramat, Parochial Administrator Father John Hannan, Pastor Emeritus Father Gerald Ryle, Pastor Emeritus Charles Cheever, Deacon Alfredo Anguiano, Deacon David Leatherby Jr., Deacon Ann Marie Faires, School Principal José Luis Villagrán, Bookkeeper/Secretary Ofelia Balmes, Music Coordinator Nallely Reyes-García, Volunteer Rel. Ed. Coordinator Miluska Beltrán, Volunteer Rel. Ed. Coordinator Sylvia Miller, Janitor Jordan Vela, Maintenance StPhilomeneParishMissionStatement We,theparishionersofSt.PhilomeneParish,areacommunionofbrothers andsistersunitedbyourcommunionwithJesusChristwhogathersusand empowers us with His Holy Spirit to worship God in faith through the celebration of the Sacraments, prayers, evangelization and loving communion and service. We rejoice and embrace the diversity of all our membersasagiftfromGod. MassIntentions Sat,Aug13—5:30pmChurch Sun,Aug14–7:30amChurch -9:00amChurch -12:00pmChurch Mon,Aug15–8:00amChurch Tue,Aug16-8:00amChapel Wed,Aug17-8:00amChapel Thur,Aug18–8:00amChapel Fri,Aug19–8:00amChapel TeachersofSt.Philomene EileenVelazquez(+) Sgt.MarkL.Muller MaríaLópezRosales(+) Ma.delosAngelesRamirez(+) LeobardoZamora(+) MassoftheHolySpirit StephenRooney(+) MariaClark(+) Today’sReadings FirstReading—Youbore meto beaman ofstrifeforthe wholeworld.(Jer38,4-6.8-10) Psalm—Lord,cometomyaid!(Ps40, SecondReading–Letusbearpatientlythestruggleplaced uponus.(Heb12,1-4) Gospel–Ihavecomenotogivepeace,butdiscord.(Lk12, 49-53) ReadingsoftheWeek Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab Ps45:10-12, 16 1Cor 15:20-27 Lk 1:39-56 Ez 28:1-10 (Ps)Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36b Mt 19:23-20 Ez 34:1-11 Ps 23:1-6 Mt 20:1-16 Ez 36:23-28 Ps 51:12-15, 18-19 Mt 22:1-14 Ez 37:1-14 Ps 107:2-9 Mt 22:34-40 Ez 43:1-7b Ps 85:9ab, 10-14 Mt 23:1-12 Let Us Pray for Our Priests... O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith,abrightandBirmhopeandaburninglovewhich willeverincreaseinthecourseoftheirpriestlylife. FatherMartin’sCorner REFLECTION: Division!Opposition! Disunity! Walls! Boundaries! Our Gospel today is very strong and real.Jesuscamenotforpeaceratherdivision?Isthis true? Yes, it is actually happening here and there. Between members of the families are not in agreement. Or any members of any group or institution are in disunity! Not coming up with one decision for the good of the family because each one has his own decision to be the best and the only decision. If we think this way, we will never ever come up with only one decision whether its consequenceswouldgivethemdivisionorunity.And so,Jesusremindsusofthissocialrealityandteaches ustobeawareofitseffectsandconsequences.Jesus wants us to make an effort to establish peace and preserveitinourownhouseholdandcommunity. CHALLENGE: In what way you help realize our ParishMissionStatement:“We are a communion of brothers and sisters united by our communion with JesusChristwhogathersusandempowersuswithHis Holy Spirit to worship God in faith through the celebration of the Sacraments, prayers, evangelization and loving communion and service. We rejoice and embracethediversityofallourmembersasagiftfrom God.” UPDATE: By now, you should have already received my Festival Letter and Tickets. Since there were many of you who were asking for more tickets, we decided to send you two booklets in my letter to you! Thank you again for your continued support for our Festival. IfyouwouldliketoofferaMassforaspecial intention,pleasestopbytheParishOfBice. Do you love to sing? Have you ever thought about singing in the choir? Do you play any instrument? The English Mass Choir is looking for more people Pray for the Sick of Our Parish . . . to join. If interested, please call the Parish MonroyMurilloIñ iguez,SamerKazanchi,LumaNajjar,Jerre Palacca, Ma. Guadalupe Ascencio, Ray Reveles, Lolita Office at 916.481.6757. Lintingco, Julia King, John Retana, Jeanne Bastion, Odice Williams, Roberta Martinez, Mark Keeney, Henrietta Gomez, Kim GrifBin, Sally Meyers, Joseph Bardon, Carla Moore, Nilda Medina, Shannon Peel, Barbara Wilson, Ameria Ohanisian, Patricia DeFries, Betty DeFea, Willie A Khalial, Rob Maxey, Tyler Polen, Talia Kerry, Alex Quiroz, Gloria Platina, Ray Rehberg, Patricia Becker, Elsie Gentry, BasilKazanchi,ConcepcionReyna,LauraHanagan. Ev_nts of th_ W__k ChoirpracticeismovedtoTuesdayeveningsat7:00pm Monday,Aug15-7:00pm Tuesday,Aug16-6:00pm 7:00pm Wed,Aug17-6:30am 9:00am 5:00pm Thursday,Aug18—8:30am Friday,Aug19-7:00pm Oració nyAlabanza SharingGod’sBounty-Gym EnglishChoirRehearsal-Church ChristiansinCommerce BibleSharing-O’DeaRoom Novena-Chapel RosarytoOurLady-Chapel EnsayodelCoro-Church EnglishChoirRehearsal Choir practice is moved to Tuesday evenings beginning August 9, at 7:00pm . St. Vincent de Paul Society thanks you for your continuous support! Please think of us when shopping. Canned goods, juices, snacks, peanut butter, soap, and bathroom tissue are always needed. All items can be dropped off in the red bucket in the Church. BulletinAdvertisement If you are interested to pray or congratulate your loved ones (e.g. Wedding Anniversaries, Quinceañ era, Birthdays, and Death Anniversaries) or advertise your family ministries and activities, now you can do it in our Parish Bulletin. Please visit the Parish OfBice. St. Philomene School provides a RincóndePadreMartín challenging, high-quality education with a focus on the Gospel values and the Reflexión: Divisió n! Oposició n! Desunió n! Muros! Lı́mites!Elevangeliodehoyesmuyfuerteyreal¿Vino teachingsofChrist. Jesú s no para traer la paz, sino la divisió n?¿Es esto WCEA/WASCAccredited On-goingRegistrations!BestValueinTown! cierto? Sı́, en realidad está sucediendo aquı́ y allá . Los miembrosdelasfamiliasnoseponendeacuerdo.Los St.PhilomeneCatholicSchool miembros de cualquier grupo o institució n está n en 2320ElCaminoAvenue completadesunió n!Nollegannuncaaunadecisió npor Sacramento,CA95821 el bien de la familia, porque cada uno tiene su propia decisió n como la mejor y ú nica decisió n. Si pensamos Contactusformoreinformationortoschedulea de esta manera, nunca llegaremos a una sola una schooltourcall916.489.1506 decisió n ya sea que las consecuencias sean para la We are still accepting students in our Catholic unió noladivisió n.EsporesoqueJesú snosrecuerda School, If you interested in sponsoring a student for estarealidadsocialquenosenseñ aaestarconscientes day,week,month,5monthsorwholeschoolyear,you desusefectosyconsecuencias.Jesú squierequehagacan send your contributions to the Parish so that it mos un esfuerzo por establecer la paz y preservar en willbeincludedinyourtaxdeductions. nuestropropiohogarycomunidad. RespectLifeCommitteeisinvitingyoutojointhem RETO:Dequé manerapuedoayudarallevaracabola everyThursday,August25at7pminO'DeaRoom. declaració ndenuestraMisió nParroquial:¦Somos una OurParishisholdingtheDiocesanPro-LifeGathering comunión de hermanos y hermanas unidos por la Saturday, August 20th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.comunión con Jesucristo que nos reúne y nos capacita Mass at 8:30am with Bishop. Please visit http:// consuEspírituSantoparaadoraraDiosenlafeatravés, please contact Meghan delacelebracióndelossacramentos,oraciones,evangelizaciónycomuniónamorosayservicio.Nosalegramosy Bardinat916-588-2944. acogemos la diversidad de todos nuestros miembros comoundondeDios." TriptoSilverLegacy,Reno,NVSeptember10, TriptoSilverLegacy 2016.Cost$35perperson.Paymentdueby ACTUALIZACIÓN:Porahora,ustedyadeberı́adehaber August 31, 2016. For more info, please call recibidomicartadelFestivalylosboletosdelarifa.Ya Robert Yu 916.550.1023; Eva Anchors quehubomuchosqueestabanpidiendomá sboletos,se 916.801.1594;CarmenCruz916.929.2591. decidió enviardosfolletosdeboletosenlacartaquele envié .Graciasnuevamenteporsuapoyocontinú opara STEWARDSHIPCORNER nuestroFestival. WeekendCollections July31,2016 August7,2016 ¿Tiene usted una intención para la Misa? Pase a la Oficina Parroquial. $2,750.25 $4,021.92 SecondCollection Digaloatravésdenuestroboletín… FacilitiesMaintenance$1,428.51 ¿Quiere felicitar a sus seres queridos? -por ejemplo, Thank you for your unending support, generosity aniversario de bodas, quinceañ eras, cumpleañ os, o and love for our Parish. May our God abundantly aniversario de fallecimiento) ¿quiere promocionar sus blessyouandyourfamilies! minsiteriosyactividadesfamiliares?PasealaOBicina FatherMartinRamat Parroquialpormá sinformació n.916.481.6757. Recuerde usted que la cuota de inscripción del catecismotienequeestarpagadaensutotalidadantes del1deseptiembredel2016. Clases del catecismo eningléscomienzan el mié rcoles 31 de agosto a las 6:00 pm. Y en españolel1 de septiembre alas6:00pm. Si usted tiene interés en que sus Vamos a Silver Legacy de Reno, NV. el 10 de hijos estudien en nuestra escuela septiembre,2016.Elcostoesde$35porpersona.Los cató lica,porfavordı́gamelo.Yatodos pagos deberá n hacerse antes del 31 de Agosto. Para aquellos que desean ayudar econó micamente a algú n má s informació n hable con Eva Anchors al estudiante, usted puede hacerlo mandando sus 916.801.1594;CarmenCruzal916.929.2591.ó Robert contribucionesalaparroquiayé stasserá ndeducibles Yual916.550.1023. deimpuestos. Pray for Vocations & Eat Ice Cream CaliforniaLicense FD#:1023 All in one beautiful setting Ask Philomene prearrangement discount and our Garden of Our Lady of Guadalupe 4701MarysvilleBlvd Sacramento,CA95838 916-922-5833 KSMN AM 1620 Catholic Radio EWTN Buy Any Sandwich Get One FREE — Up to $7.00 Value — YourNewNeighborhoodDentistisHere! Edwin P. Torres, 3021ElCaminoAvenue Providing complete care of the foot, ankle and lower leg Letusprayforour advertisersat FlapJacks Inthesemoments ofdistress El Camino Family Dental (BetweenWattandFulton) 3555ElCaminoAv Sacramento,CA 95821 916.482.1900 Ownedby Frank&GinoTofanelli AskaboutourGrandOpeningSpecial!(916)515-9363 Parishioner Dr.AnnalisaCo 916.244.7630 5931StanleyAve, #4, Carmichael,CA 95608 FD2059 ColinBardin,REALTOR St. Philomene Parishioner, 916.667.4306 BRE # 01501732 Waterman Real [email protected] 2417ManningSt.Sacramento,CA95815 916.534.8070 pregunteporDianaCaballero Advertiseinour weeklybulletin CalltheParishOf$ice formoreinformation 916.481.6757 Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrivedinourParish.WethankGodforyou.IfyouarenotregisteredwithSt.Philomene,please7illout thisformandplaceitintheCollectionbasketormailitintotheParishOf7ice. ThankyouandGodblessyou!RequestforRegistrationFormorChangeofAddressUpdate Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________Email:________________________________________________ St.Philomene, ourParishPatroness, prayforus.
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