Annual Review
Annual Review
IAESTE Annual Review 2012 The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience An independent non-governmental orga organisation (NGO), with 85 Members and Co-operating Institutions in operational relations with UNESCO. The IAESTE name and logo are the registered properties of IAESTE, the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. Founded in 1948 on the initiative of James Newby (1893 – 1978) Established in 2005 as a registered, non-profit making Association. Contents 03 04 06 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 51 52 Editorial Our Organisation Report of the General Secretary Annual Conference Report IAESTE Serbia turns sixty! Reeling in the Years – 50 years of IAESTE Ireland IAESTE Brazil 30th Anniversary A two decades of IAESTE Tajikistan SID 2012 - Time to tackle today's challenges Alumni Network - News and Impressions IAESTE Connect 2012 - Destination Belfast JUMP - 17th IAESTE Training and Motivation Seminar Employers and Institutions supporting the exchange in 2011 Support Services to IAESTE IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions Published by IAESTE A.s.b.l. ©IAESTE 2012. All rights reserved. Edited by Goran Radnović, General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. Designed by Darko Torgašev, Belgrade Cover page & photos: IAESTE archive, Fotolia Distributed for circulation to all Members and Co-operating Institutions. Copies are available from IAESTE National Secretariats in Member countries, from IAESTE Co-operating Institutions or from the General Secretary, IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 35-05, Belgrade, Serbia. IAESTE Association sans but lucratif. Registered in Luxembourg welcome Dear Friends and Supporters of IAESTE, Welcome to the IAESTE Annual Review for 2012. The world changes quickly and even though we are still facing challenges of global economic crisis we can recognize a growing demand for skilled, flexible and open minded professionals. Newly graduated students, who are thinking globally and are prepared and willing to work in multi-cultural teams, are becoming an essential Goran Radnović boost for companies, which are looking to benefit from this specific General Secretary situation. To say the least, partnership with IAESTE is becoming increasingly attractive and beneficial for everyone who is getting ready for the third industrial revolution. This year we have put a lot of effort to strengthen the global brand of IAESTE, modernize exchange tools and process and streamline our operations. Implementation of the Action Plan will lead to a more professional Association, which is ready to face direct and indirect competition. A completely new and modern website that was launched in the fall already attracts an increased number of visits compared to previous years. Furthermore, due to challenges of the political crisis in the Middle East and its effects on our program in 2011, a total of 3964 students from 802 Academic Institutions in 95 countries were given the opportunity to train with 3009 Employers in various fields related to their studies. Together with Employers’ support we will continue to ensure that graduates with broad cultural and technical backgrounds are available to practice their professions at home and in other countries. This Annual Review includes the names of Academic Institutions, Organizations and Employers who have participated in the exchange during the last year. Congratulations are in order for the following IAESTE Members for reaching significant Anniversaries in 2012: Serbia, Ireland, Brazil, Tajikistan, Iran and Latvia. It is worthwhile noting that, since IAESTE was founded 65 years ago, more than one third of a million students have had the opportunity to undertake a traineeship outside of their country. During the last years we have interacted with our alumni and as a result, this year we were able to introduce a new section of the IAESTE Alumni Network, which provides access to exiting job opportunities in some of the world’s best companies. For companies looking to recruit across borders, the IAESTE Alumni Network allows access to our growing network of talented, global-minded young individuals with international experience. It can be seen as a natural progression from providing traineeships through IAESTE to employing our alumni. On behalf of the IAESTE community I wish to thank you for your continued support. Goran Radnović General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. info N O I T A S I N OUR ORGA THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS FOR TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE (IAESTE A.S.B.L.) IS AN ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL COMMITTEES REPRESENTING ACADEMIC, INDUSTRIAL AND STUDENT INTERESTS. EACH NATIONAL OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE EXCHANGE IN ITS OWN COUNTRY T he Association was founded in January 1948 at Imperial College, London, on the initiative of the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee. National Organisations of ten European countries represented at this meeting became Members and Mr. James Newby was elected General Secretary. The geographical coverage was soon to spread to most of Europe and beyond, as new countries were admitted to Membership. The Association became a registered body according to Luxembourg law at its General Conference 2005 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. It is a nonpolitical, independent, nongovernmental Organisation, in consultative partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and maintains consultative relationships with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the International Labour Office (ILO). IAESTE is also in contact with the United Nations Economic Council for Africa (ECA), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU), as well as with other educational nongovernmental Organisations. National Secretariats and Committees make up the Membership of the Association. Each year the Annual Conference brings together the representatives of these bodies to decide issues of general policy and with the IAESTE Co-operating Institutions to carry out the exchange of offers for training. Prior to the conference, each Member and Co-operating Institution collects offers from Employers willing to receive students from abroad for a temporary training and work experience period relevant to the students’ areas of study, as a complement to their University or College education. The offering Companies or Institutions are expected to pay students a wage sufficient to cover their cost of living during the actual training period. The offers of training are exchanged with other Members and Co- Our exchange is open to bona fide students attending courses at Institutions of Higher Education 4 INFO Board members Mr Goran Radnović General Secretary 2010-2014 Dr László Becker IAESTE Hungary 2010-2013 operating Institutions mainly on a reciprocal basis. Through their affiliated universities and colleges, Members and Co-operating Institutions select qualified students to meet Employers’ requirements as outlined on the training offer. Details of the selected candidates are sent to the Companies for approval. Prof. Bernard Baeyens IAESTE Colombia 2011-2014 Participation in the IAESTE exchange is open to bona fide students attending courses at Universities, Institutes of Technology and similar Institutions of Higher Education. For further information about IAESTE please visit our website International Organisation General Conference Board The General Conference possesses full power to take formal decisions for the fulfilment of the Aims and approves the budget and regulations of the Association. It is composed of one delegate from each Full Member country. It elects the Board and the General Secretary and meets every year in January. The Board implements the Association’s policy and decisions approved by the General Conference, initiates activities supporting the Association’s policy in general and provides strategic direction to the Association. The General Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Association. It is composed of the General Secretary and four elected members. General Secretary The General Secretary is elected by the Members to co-ordinate the daily administration of the Association and is a Member of the Board. National Committee National Committees represent the Member countries and are composed of persons representing Academic, Industrial and Student interests. Ms Seraina Munton IAESTE Switzerland 2012-2015 Mr Milan Vrućinić IAESTE Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012-2013 The Mission and aims of IAESTE MISSION To operate a high quality practical training exchange programme between Members in order to enhance technical and professional development and to promote international understanding and goodwill amongst students, academic institutions, employers and the wider community. IAESTE operates irrespective of race, colour, sex or creed. AIMS To provide students in Higher Education with technical experience relevant to their studies. To offer Employers well qualified and motivated trainees. To be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host communities. Representatives of the Board to the UN and its Agencies UN/DPI (New York) Mr Goran Radnović General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O. Box 35-05 11120 Belgrade Serbia UN (Geneva) UNESCO (Paris) Seraina Munton IAESTE Switzerland Weinbergstrasse 41, CH-8006 Zürich Switzerland ECOSOC (New York) Dr Pulat Pulatov IAESTE Tajikistan P.O. Box 165 Central Post Office Dushanbe 734025 Tajikistan UNIDO (Vienna) Dr László Becker IAESTE Hungary Népszínház u. 8. 1081 Budapest Hungary IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 5 report e h t f o t r Repo y r a t e r c e General S THIS REPORT IS A SUMMARY OF THE EXCHANGE ACTIVITIES BETWEEN IAESTE MEMBERS AND CO-OPERATING INSTITUTIONS DURING 2011. THE DETAILS OF THESE EXCHANGES ARE PRESENTED IN THE 2011 IAESTE ACTIVITY REPORT PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 2011. THE EXCHANGE TOOK PLACE BETWEEN 88 MEMBERS AND CO-OPERATING INSTITUTIONS FROM 85 COUNTRIES AND 10 NON-MEMBER COUNTRIES T he 2011 IAESTE Activity Report contains the detail on the bilateral exchanges, study fields of trainees sent and received by each Member and Co-operating Institution, the number of participating Employers and Institutions, training periods, age, nationality and gender of the trainees and other useful comparative information. It includes detail on the exchange with non-Member countries. The report also contains a summary of the administrative procedures, reports from Members and Co-operating Institutions on activity as well as the names of the staff handling the exchange and the addresses of the National Secretariats. Readers interested in this report may order a copy from the IAESTE National Secretariat in their own country or from the General Secretary. Exchange Development in 2011 Figure 1 shows the number of trainees sent in 2011 and compares this with previous four years. The total number of trainees exchanged in 2011 was 3964, 400 less than in 2010. However 34% of the Members and Co-operating Institutions 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Total traineess sent REPORT General Secretary managed to increase the number of traineeships to outgoing students and this was very encouraging especially in the prevailing economic and political climate. Several countries made a significant increase in the number of placements offered to incoming students, notably, Croatia, Panama, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Vietnam. Regional Exchange As shown on figure 2 Europe continues to dominate the exchange. Some 62.6% of all trainees were sent from EU and other European countries and 64.4% of all trainees were received in Europe, an increase from 2010. The number of traineeships filled by students from non–European countries accounted for 37.4% of the number of students sent, a slight decrease from 2010. However figures show that there was an increase in the number of students sent from South America. Participating Employers and Educational Institutions In 2011 there was an increase in the number of Employers who offered traineeships but an decrease in the number of participating Educational Institutions. A total of 3009 Employers received students in 2011. The number of participating Educational Institutions dropped to total of 802. IAESTE would like to acknowledge the continued support of all Employers and Educational Institutions in 2011. Multilateral Exchange 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 4745 4579 4073 4364 3964 Figure 1. Total Trainees Sent 6 Goran Radnović The open international exchange is clearly illustrated by the number of Members and Co-operating Institutions that exchange with each other. In 2011 each Member and Co-operating Institution exchanged on average with 15 other Members and Co-operating Institutions, two less than in 2010. Figure 3 shows that 58.8% of IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions exchanged with 11 or more countries in 2011. 5 Members sent students to 41 or more countries. Growth of IAESTE There is great interest in IAESTE throughout the world and on average 3 new institutions per month contact the General Secretary asking for information on how to join the Association. Many contacts are made through our public website which has a daily average of 1638 visits. Universities or Organisations committed to the In 2011 more than 1/3 of the Members and Co-operating Institutions managed to increase the number of traineeships Reciprocity of the Exchange The IAESTE exchange programme is based on a bilateral balanced exchange between Members. Most Member countries attempt to maintain a balance between outgoing and incoming students but an exact bilateral balance is rarely possible within any given year. Only long-term balance is sought. This flexibility is needed to support the proper allocation of places and the selection of the appropriate students. It is traditional within IAESTE for Members with a higher Gross National Income per capita (GNI) to receive more trainees than they send. Strict reciprocity is not implemented with new Members in the early years which allow those in developing countries and those from smaller countries to gather support within their country in order to develop the exchange. Countries with a GNI per capita more than 12,000 USD provided 62.7% of these places in 2011, a increase from 2010. Profile of the student trainee Sent 2050 1 Received 920 843 648 609 942 821 574 555 396 360 203 115 EU members Gender balance and Age: Age and gender balance of trainees varies little from year to year but differs appreciably from country to country. In 2011, 58,5% male students and 41,5% female students participated in the programme. The gender balance relates to cultural and educational traditions in the IAESTE countries. The age of trainees in 2011 ranged from 19 to 26 years with the majority (79.8%) being between 21 and 24. The average age is just 22.5 years old. Rest of Europe Asia/Australia 408 372 183 130 168 117 North America South America 149 102 Africa Figure 2. Trainees sent and received by continent Aims of the Association can apply for Co-operating Institution status and each year the Board reviews their progress at their summer meeting. Co-operating Institutions which are no longer conducting an exchange do not have their status renewed. New Co-operating Institutions take 3-5 years to become established and the benefits of this expansion, reflected in the exchange, becomes clear after this period. They are then able to apply for Associate Membership and after a minimum of another 3 years can apply to be Full Members with voting rights. Since 2011, one new Co-operating Institution have been welcomed into the Association: IAESTE at the Utrecht University. 88 Members and Co-operating Institutions in 85 countries constituted the Membership of IAESTE in January 2012. In 2011, 36 Members and Cooperating Institutions received more students than they sent abroad and this benefited the rest. In total, 393 work experience places were involved or 9.9% of the total exchange. Study fields: In 2011 66% of trainees were students of Engineering and Technology as shown on figure 4. The remaining 34% were divided between the Sciences, 16%; Architecture and Applied Arts, 9%; Agriculture, 2% and other fields of study, 7%. While Sent to 1-10 members; 41% Sent to 11-20 members; 24% Sent to more than S 50 members; 4% Sent to 41-50 members; 2% Sent to 21-30 30 members; 19% Sent to 31-40 members; 10% Figure 3. Multilateral Exchange IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 7 report placements in Agriculture remained stable there was a 2% decrease in Science, Architecture and Applied Arts. Placements in Engineering show an increase of more than 3% in 2011. In 2011 the largest of the Engineering Faculties was Mechanical Engineering 18%, followed by Computer Science 16%, Civil Engineering 12%, Electrical Engineering 11%, Chemical Engineering 8%, Electronics 4%, Environmental Engineering 4%, Industrial Engineering 3%, Telecommunications 3%, Biotechnology 3%, Food Technology There was significant increase in the number of Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering and Biotechnology placements nationalities to the sending country received places on the programme. Of these 12 were from the non-Member countries. Six IAESTE countries exchanged students directly with non-Members countries that included: Cameroon, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Science 15.8% Architecture and other Applied Arts 9.2% Engineering and Technology 66.2% Agriculture 1.9% Others 6.9% Figure 4. Training Specialities based on Trainees received 3% and Aeronautical Engineering 2%. Indeed there was significant increase in the number of Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Food Technology placements. Automotive Engineering fared much better this year but the majority of traditional Engineering placements decreased. Placements in Veterinary and Environmental Science and Hotel Management saw an increase in numbers in 2011. Sub-dividing the Engineering groups gives us the breakdown between the major participating disciplines as shown on Figure 7. Figure 8 shows major science disciplines in 2011. Nationality: The majority of students participating in the IAESTE exchange are citizens of IAESTE Member countries. Some are from non-Member countries and are studying abroad at Educational Institutions co-operating with IAESTE. In 2011, 105 students with different 8 REPORT Luxemburg, Morocco, Moldavia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestine and Somalia. Work experience positions on offer in 2011 Figure 5 indicates the training periods for 2011 with 52.8% of trainees on a 6-8 week placement with 27.9% on placements lasting between 8-12 weeks. The number of trainees to benefit from long-term placements represents 19.3% of total placements in 2011, a slight decrease from 2010 can be seen on figure 6. Most of the training takes place in the period June to September and coincides with the Northern Hemisphere vacation period. In the Southern Hemisphere, opportunities are available between October and April. 43 Members and Co-operating Institutions are now in a position to offer long term training opportunities while 31 offer training throughout the year. The majority of the work placements are exchanged during the Annual Conference in January on a bilateral basis but thanks to the development of the IAESTE IntraWeb the exchange can continue after this meeting. New and unused Offers can be put on the IntraWeb at any time by Members and Co-operating Institutions and this ensures that IAESTE can accommodate students and employer Offers as they arise. Categories of Offers: IAESTE classify placements as Research and Development (D) indicating work of a laboratory nature; Professional (P) Less than 3 months mont 27.9% 3 - 6 months 13.6% 6 - 12 months 5.4% More than 12 months 0.3% 1 - 2 months ths 52.8% Figure 5. Training Periods Short term < 3 mths Long term > 3 mths Short term < 3 mths 2011 is used for professional activities, practical design work and similar; Working environment Offers (W) indicate work in the industrial area relevant for the student’s background and category (X) covers non-specific Offers. The non-specific (X) Offers can be general office jobs, language Offers and similar. In all cases it is the responsibility of the receiving National office making the (X) category Offers to ensure that the working conditions are acceptable, beneficial to the student and in line with the standards expected of all IAESTE Offers. In 2011 a total of 5947 training places were reported to be Mechanical 18% Mechanical 21.4% 2009 79.0% 21.0% 2008 74.3% 2007 76.5% Returned Offers and cancellations This continues to be one of our major problems areas. Despite the efforts made to date to minimise losses the number of training places lost or unused remains unacceptably high. Based on the figures reported, the number Civil 12% Civil 12% Electrical Electrical 11% 12% Industrial 3% Electronics 3% Chemical Chemical 8% 8% Electronics 4% Industrial Environmental Eng. 5% 4% Environmental Eng. 3% Figure 7. Major Engineering fields available as follows: Research and Development (D) 3272, 55%, Professional (P) 2257, 38%, Working Environment (W) 331, 5.6% and Non-specific (X) 87, 1.5%. The percentage of Offers used as reported by the Members and Co-operating Institutions by category of the available Offers were (D) 67.7%, (P) 55.5%, (W) 55% and (X) 36.8%. The bulk of the Offers are in the Research and Development and Professional areas and students favour these training places that are more in line with academic requirements. In many instances such training is a required part of the curriculum. The Working Environment (W) Offers are valued for higher pay and the opportunities they provide to experience working conditions in industry in other countries. 25.7% 23.5% Figure 6. Short Term vs Long Term Computer Computer 16% 16% Biotechnology Telecommunications 3% 3% Biotechnology Telecommunications 3% 3% 19.3% 78.6% Others 10% Others 13% Aeronautical 2% Aeronautical 2% Mechatronics 2% 80.7% 2010 18% 2% Food Technology 3% Food Technology Long term > 3 mths of lost and unused training Offers in 2011 amounted to 2507, 39% of the Offers available. Employer withdrawals accounted for 16% and student withdrawals were 8.9%. In 2011 individual figures show that 19 Chemistry C 22% Members and Co-operating Institutions managed to maintain their total losses below 20% which shows that there is room for improvement and these countries are to be congratulated. IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions must continue to make every effort to minimise these losses, particularly the Offers that remain unused. Improvements here would result in the release of additional available places. This should encourage all countries to seek improvements to their existing practices and to examine their communication arrangements. Accurate and timely communications should help reduce student and employer withdrawals and accurate matching of the student skills with those required by the employer would further contribute to minimising the withdrawal of Offers by employers. The year round exchange facilitated by the IAESTE IntraWeb now provides the platform for the quick and accurate exchange of jobs between Members and Co-operating Institutions for new and unused Offers and also nominations for these places. This must contribute to the effective use of all Offers both new and unused, as they become available throughout the year. Biology/ Microbiology 17% cs Physics 14% Material Science 10% Others 8% Geology 4% Pharmacy 6% Mathematics 6% Biochemistry 6% nvironmental Environmental Science 7% Figure 8. Major Science fields IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 9 report E C N E R E F N O C L ANNUA Skopje REPORT 2012 F.Y.R. Macedonia THE 65TH IAESTE ANNUAL CONFERENCE TOOK PLACE IN SKOPJE, FYR MACEDONIA FROM 20-27 JANUARY 2012 WITH 227 PARTICIPANTS FROM 67 COUNTRIES IN ATTENDANCE 10 REPORT T he Opening Ceremony took place in the Conference Room at Hotel Continental, in Skopje on Saturday, 21 January 2012. Ms Desanka Ichitrajkova, former National Secretary of IAESTE Macedonia and former IAESTE A.s.b.l. Board Member, acted as Masters of Ceremony. She welcomed guests, thanked the Conference sponsors and supporters and introduced the Presidential Table: Prof Dr. Dimitar Trajanov, Prof Dr. Mile Stankovski, Prof Dr. Mome Spasovski, Mr Mihajlo Brova Zikov, Mr Blagoj Trajkoski and Mr Goran Radnović. After guests were welcomed Mr Goran Radnović, the General Secretary, presented the IAESTE medal to the Honorary Conference President, Mr Mihajlo Brova Zikov, first National Secretary of IAESTE Macedonia. In his speech, Mr Zikov expressed his pleasure at being the Honorary Conference President. He emphasised the achievements of IAESTE Macedonia over the past 20 years and highlighted moments of his own IAESTE experience. He wished everyone an enjoyable stay in Skopje and a successful Conference. The General Secretary thanked the Conference Organizers, Ms Desanka Ichitrajkova, Mr Blagoj Trajkovski, Mr Filip Hrisafov, Mr Mirko Danevski, Mr Darko Todorovski, Ms Katerina Djordjievska and Mr Nikica Pandilov and the entire team of volunteers from IAESTE Macedonia. He also reported on the state of the organization in 2011. While economic and political challenges continued to pose challenges for exchange, increased professionalization of the organization have already reaped rewards. The General Secretary thanked and acknowledged the Board for their work throughout the year, along with SID, IDT and Action Plan Task Force advancements. The General Secretary also congratulated following Members for reaching significant Anniversaries: Serbia, Ireland, Brazil, President of Macedonia Dr Gjorge Ivanov, Honorary Conference President Mr Mihajlo Zikov and the Board of IAESTE Tajikistan, Iran and Latvia. He also welcomed new Cooperating Institution from the Netherlands. National Secretary of IAESTE Macedonia, Mr Blagoj Trajkoski, closed the Opening Ceremony by calling the 2012 Annual Conference officially in session. After the Masters of Ceremony thanked their Sponsors and supporters, the Opening Ceremony concluded with a musical interlude provided by world renowned accordionist Mr Aleksandar Kolovski. During the five day Conference as well as the usual Plenary and Exchange Sessions, participants were also able to avail themselves of our IntraWeb training, provided by members of the Internet Development Team, a Meet and Greet Session, enabling newcomers to meet some more experienced delegates before the start of the Conference. Mini SID was organised by the SID Coordinator, Ms Lucy Everett. The Plenary Sessions were busy affairs with the key topic implementation of the Action Plan. Also one new Full Member, Latvia, was accepted by the Members bringing the total of Full Members in IAESTE to 57. A total of 6679 offers of internships were brought to the Exchange Sessions and some Members managed to exchange with over 60 countries in the five days available. Ms Edith Bretin was elected to be the IAESTE Ombudsman for the period 2012 - 2015. Mr Thomas Faltner was elected as Chairperson of the 66th Annual Conference. Mr Daniel Schwarz was reelected to the position of IDT Co-ordinator for 2012 and Mr Mario Felber was elected to the vacant position of SID Co-ordinator for 2012. As required under the IAESTE Statutes, Mr Guenter MuellerGraetschel, IAESTE Germany retired as Members of the Board, having completed his term of office. Mrs Seraina Munton, IAESTE Switzerland was elected for three years and Mr Milan Vrućinić, IAESTE Bosnia and Herzegovina was reelected for one year term. The General Conference acknowledged the excellent job done by Mr Thomas Faltner as Conference Chairperson. During the Conference IAESTE Macedonia offered delegates warm hospitality and social events. The traditional housewarming party on arrival enabled participants the chance to renew acquaintances and meet newcomers attending the Conference for the first time. The Welcome Dinner was held at Makedonska Kuća, where guests were served traditional Macedonian cuisine and were able to experience traditional Macedonian music and dancing. Following the professional dance performance, IAESTE Macedonia members joined the stage for traditional dancing. They then welcomed all attendees to join in and learn some folk dances. Attendees commemorated the 20th anniversary of IAESTE in Macedonia on Tuesday, 24 January at Hotel Alexander Palace. The event, “20 Years of IAESTE Macedonia” was attended by the conference patron, the president of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov. President Ivanov addressed attendees and congratulated IAESTE on their anniversary and reiterated the importance of international training opportunities for the nation. Honoured guests included 20 years of supportive IAESTE employers in Macedonia, some of them IAESTE alumni themselves. Honorary awards were given to the following companies for their support to IAESTE: Farmahem; Siskon; Koding, Gorska; and the faculties: Mechanical Faculty Skopje, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies and Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. Following the formal ceremonies, guests enjoyed classical piano music and a cocktail hour. Architecture students from IAESTE Macedonia led attendees on a walking tour of the city on Wednesday, 25 January. The students were able to lend their expertise when explaining the diverse historical influences on Skopje architecture and the main points of interest in the capital city. On Thursday morning, participants were invited to visit IAESTE employer Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies. The Farewell Dinner, which took place on the Thursday evening, took participants to Hotel New Star for a gala dinner and live contemporary music provided by stringed instrument musicians Air Strings. In his speech, General Secretary Mr Goran Radnović, thanked IAESTE Macedonia for its excellent organizational work and hospitality during the Annual Conference and honoured the volunteers present. He also acknowledged the good work done by the outgoing SID Co-ordinator Ms Lucy Everett. Retiring IAESTE delegates were also honoured in different speeches by delegates, and all SID work group leaders were recognized for their work throughout the year as well. The evening gave participants an opportunity to say farewell informally before the conclusion of the Conference on the Friday morning. The 66th Annual Conference of IAESTE will be held in Belfast, hosted by IAESTE United Kingdom from 18 - 25 January 2013. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 11 anniversary A I B R E S E T S IAE ! Y T X I S S N TUR SIXTY YEARS AGO, IN THE COURSE OF YUGOSLAV WESTERNIZATION IAESTE STARTED ITS ACTIVITIES. IT WAS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE FOR THE COUNTRY’S DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS FOR YUGOSLAV INTERNATIONAL IMAGE 12 ANNIVERSARY Dr Petar Pravica Dragan Vukićević President of the NC National Secretary 60 I t must be emphasized that great deals of our thanks have to go to the group of enthusiasts - the students of technical sciences and their professors. The preparatory deeds had been done throughout 1951 and the official founding assembly of the National Committee of IAESTE Yugoslavia was held in 1952 in Belgrade. Professor Dr. Dragomir Malić (University of Belgrade) was the first elected President, and Andria Dozet, a student of Electrical engineering was elected National Secretary. At the very same year during the course of the General conference in Delft (Holland), Yugoslavia was officially accepted as a member of the IAESTE. The first results Vukota Mastilović Electrical Engineer (ret) World Bank, Washington My summer practice took place in Finland in 1956 at Suomi Kappelitehdas, Helsinki. After career in Yugoslav energy sector the World Bank recruited me where I worked on many large power projects as a mission leader and principal engineer more than two decades. The experience from the IAESTE training greatly enhanced my professional carrier. I believe that the same happened to many young people who participated in the IAESTE exchange. Andria Dozet, Rolf Kratochwill, Rolf Beijer, Klaus Wyneken Ivanka Popović Vice-Rector for Science University of Belgrade In the summer of 1980, I worked as a intern in the Department of Organic Chemistry at the University of Konstanz in Germany. I had the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience in a research laboratory. Upon completing the internship, I had a much clearer idea of my career options. I believe that my training through IAESTE enriched both my personal and professional life. were more than encouraging. Some 140 Yugoslav students were sent abroad and 103 foreign students came to Yugoslavia. The number of exchanged students had soared ever since, but the rate was stabilized in the 1960’s at the average of 350 students in both ways. That was a period of very dynamic economic development in Yugoslavia, while new Universities and Faculties were founded, especially those in the field of a natural and technical sciences. At the same time Yugoslavia became a significant partner for many European, and non-European countries. Yugoslavia had the same significance for the countries of the Third World in the educational and technical assistance as the West had had for her in the 1950s. In appreciation for the great of the meeting Dr. Klaus Wyneken, had delivered a special acknowledgment to the Yugoslav efforts stated that Yugoslavia had become one of the most reliable and best organized countries participating in the IAESTE student exchange program. At the time, IAESTE was spread and actively acted in all republics. Once had started in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, soon was established in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro as well. We are glad to point out that IAESTE’s activities in Yugoslavia (Serbia) have never ceased in spite of the breakup of the Country in 1991, the wars and the sanctions. When Yugoslavia fell apart in the 1990’s, Serbia as successor continued exchange. The students still have expressed constant interest year by year. There are always more candidates for the exchange than offers for internships abroad so they precede strict candidates’ selection. In short, Yugoslavia 25th IAESTE General Conference, and later Serbia, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia contributed greatly to the development of IAESTE as a whole. In addition to other accolades, one of the most significant recognition for our achievements and merits was perhaps election of Mr Goran Radnović as General Secretary of IAESTE. Three different multinational companies The Belgrade showed the same amount of interest office of IAESTE regarding time I spent on my traineeship. provide exceptionally IAESTE turned me immediately good conditions from a student to a strong candidate for conducting competitive with more experienced activities regarding Mechanical Engineers. After choosing the coordination one of three offers speaking to my boss, Nikola Cerović he made an interesting comment: “Your and management Mechanical Engineer Ball Packaging Europe international experience was something of the international Serbia which distinguished you from hundreds organization, in addition of candidates with similar academic to being well-connected background.” with the relevant domestic and the achievements that had been international organizations and forums. obtained by the Yugoslav IAESTE Many generations of students, Committee, the International have dedicated their efforts and Association entrusted the abilities into IAESTE and contributed organization of two General to our importance as an international Conferences to Yugoslavia, the organization and our presence in the first one held in Belgrade (1960) global development of education. and the second one in Dubrovnik Commendations go for all of those in (1976). In the course of Dubrovnik Belgrade and the many cities of the Conference, former-General former Yugoslavia, who contributed to Secretary of IAESTE and the chair development of IAESTE. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 13 anniversary N I G N I L E E R THE YEARS Nick Leonard Former National Secretary E Ireland 50 years of IAEST NICHOLAS LEONARD’S PERSONAL REFLECTIONS ON SOME OF THE PEOPLE AND EVENTS FROM THOSE YEARS …. 14 ANNIVERSARY 50 T his year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of IAESTE Ireland. Fifty years since Peter O’Neill of University College Dublin’s Mechanical Engineering Department introduced IAESTE to Ireland. It is a celebration of the thousands of young people who benefited from the unique IAESTE experience. Most have faded from my memory, into the mists of time, but some remain. Recently, in a restaurant in Northern Ireland, the waitress at our table turned out to be an architectural student of Queens University Belfast, 0 “IAESTE Ireland celebrated their 50th Anniversary at the Presidents Residence on 18 September. It was a fantastic event with representatives past and present from within IAESTE, trainees, employers and universities. The recently returned trainees have ignited a new enthusiasm for the programme in Ireland and with the co-operation of companies and universities we hope to have a very active programme into the future”. just returned from a traineeship in Brazil. I had to interrupt my dinner, and she her work, such was her enthusiasm to recount her exciting Brazilian IAESTE experiences! When I drive along the quays in Cork and look at the new apartment blocks, I am reminded of Heraldo, an architectural graduate from Brazil who came here as a trainee in the ‘80s and never left. He rode the Celtic Tiger and continues to leave his unique mark on the landscape of Ireland’s second city. I think too of Frank who came from Bangkok to a two-month traineeship in Dublin and who, years later, is still contributing to Ireland’s booming software industry. Tongdee’s loss has been our gain! My own son, John, traveled to Poland at the height of the Solidarity campaign, learning little about Civil Engineering, a lot about life. When Heraldo arrived I was the new National Secretary, succeeding Jim Reid and operating the IAESTE programme from the Careers Service of University College Cork. During that time we hosted the Annual Conference and I particularly remember the visit to Coolmore stud in County Tipperary. This was prompted by the Egyptian National Secretary, the wonderful, larger than life Ezzat El-Mehairy who embraced people of all nationalities, without exception, in the IAESTE family – and who loved horses! When I retired from UCC I sought a more permanent base for IAESTE Ireland and Leargas, with the backing of the Department of Education, was the obvious choice. This move reflected what had already happened in Northern Ireland, with our IAESTE friends and colleagues running a very successful programme, based within the British Council – and doing it during difficult times in Northern Ireland, under the inspired guidance of Pauline Ferguson, Jim Reid and Pauline Ferguson - names to conjure with! Jim was Ireland’s second National Secretary. Both Pauline and Jim went on to become General Secretaries of IAESTE International. With IAESTE safely within Léargas, I was eligible to seek the newly established post of IAESTE Ombudsman. Another three years with IAESTE, with visits to Bangkok, Vienna and Cartagena. What a bonus! The Colombian post-conference tour into the Andes, including a visit to beautiful and historic Villa de Leyva, will remain forever in my memory. There were just four of us, the late Lucien Seywert from Luxembourg, his wife Adrienne and Uros Kovsca from Slovenia and we had the luxury of a car, a driver and one of Bernardo Baeyen’s students, Leonidas, as translator and guide. Thank you Bernardo for your wonderful generosity and hospitality. I am optimistic about the future. Ireland’s present economic difficulties, along with a proliferation of national and college based work experience programmes, put pressure on IAESTE. Yet Ireland has a number of buoyant industries, particularly software, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and food, which will form the basis for renewal. Most of all, I believe that the unique IAESTE experience is worth fighting for. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 15 anniversary L I Z A R B E T S IAE th ANNIVERSARY 30 30 0 Celso Luiz Garcia President of ABIPE MESSAGE FROM CELSO LUIZ GARCIA, PRESIDENT OF ABIPE, NON PROFIT INSTITUTION THAT MANAGES THE IAESTE PROGRAM IN BRAZIL 16 ANNIVERSARY W e are very proud of managing the IAESTE Program in Brazil for 30 years and I would like to take this opportunity to express our staff gratitude to all those who have being part of our story: IAESTE member countries with whom we have exchanged along the years, students, companies and academic institutions. One special thank you for our local partners – representatives of recognized universities and companies who open their doors every year to receive hundreds of IAESTE foreign students and make real their dream of working abroad for a while providing an extraordinary and unforgettable experience for all these people. Some of you who are reading this text have been with me along this path for many many years and are still helping us to build the story of international exchange in my home country. Thank you for your commitment and good will! I would like to share with you who are part of the new generation... a little bit of the story of the IAESTE program in Brazil. Just to encourage you to bet on your dreams! Thirty years ago, when I was a young man studying at the Federal University in Porto Alegre, a city placed in the south region of the country, I started the IAESTE activities in Brazil. But I have to say that before that, Prof. Ernest Geiger from FEI, had launched the program among a few students from the Engineering field. Since that time I’ve been involved with the IAESTE Program, working and During these 30 years IAESTE Brazil has sent more than 6.000 students abroad and had received a similar number of foreign students in Brazilian universities and companies supporting the IAESTE activities in the country, in order to promote the exchange of students around the world. The reason why for that is because I believe deeply that education is the most valuable inheritance we can leave towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren. An experience far away from our home countries is part of this important background that a human being can build. IAESTE is making this dream true for thousands of students for more than 65 years. During these 30 years IAESTE Brazil has sent more than 6.000 students abroad and had received a similar number of foreign students in Brazilian universities and companies. Every year we exchange opportunities with more than 40 countries. Our goal is to increase the diversity of international students who are willing to come to Brazil as we strongly believe that this diversity is essential for the improvement of our culture and our businesses in the country. A lot was done in these 30 years... but I do believe that there is a huge potential for IAESTE... and the best is still to come! 17 anniversary Dr Pulat Pulatov National Secretary F O S E D A C E D A TWO N A T S I K I J A T E IAEST T ajikistan is a small country located in Central Asia with a long history. It was part of ancient Persia and the Aryan state. The first independent Tajik state of the Samanids was founded in the 9th century with its capital in Bukhara, and from 11th century its territory became part of the Emirate of Bukhara. After the establishment of the Soviet Union, in 1924 Tajikistan became a member of the USSR. In 1991 Tajikistan gained its independence from ex USSR. Tajikistan is a mountainous country with more than 93% of the territory covered by mountains. The official language of the country is Persian (Tajik). Russian language is also widely used in the country. Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan with a population of around 1 million people. The main cities of Tajikistan - Khujand, Kulyab, Istaravshan and Penjikent have a long history of over 2,500 years. Tajikistan is a secular state, but most of its population are Muslim. Also part of the population professes Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism. Now Tajikistan borders with Kyrgyz Republic on the north, China on the east, Uzbekistan on the west and Afghanistan in the south.IAESTE is very popular and well known among students in Tajikistan. IAESTE Tajikistan is registered in the Ministry of Justice as an NGO, and it is a nonprofit making organization. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, I was the Rector of the Technological University of Tajikistan, we applied to become a Co-operating Institution 18 ANNIVERSARY of the IAESTE. IAESTE Tajikistan’s National Committee was established in 1992. In 1993, IAESTE Tajikistan became an associate member, and in 1996 full member of IAESTE. That time the IAESTE had 33 member countries. Over the years IAESTE has globally increased by 3 times, and currently about 90 countries are represented in IAESTE. Tajikistan was the second country from CIS after Russia to join IAESTE. Over the years, IAESTE has changed, from a mostly European organization to become a truly international organization. The nature of the proposed work has also changed. It became more oriented towards professional development and research, rather than manual jobs offers. There was a period of civil war in Tajikistan, from 1992 to 1997 which mainly involved the central and southern regions of the country. Despite all the risks and troubles at that period, IAESTE was operating and we used to take students to the north of the country, creating good conditions for them. Despite the difficulties of the transition period during these past years we accept more than 330 foreign students and sent 450 students for internship in 40 countries around the world and almost all of the students who have passed internships under the IAESTE’s program, found their place in this highly competitive world. They are now working for the UN, World Bank, EU, many other international organizations, embassies, as well as in various ministries, local government in Tajikistan, and they always speak fondly of the role IAESTE played in their lives. IAESTE Tajikistan is the only organization that provides opportunities to students of technical universities in the country and really helps future engineers in their professional growth. IAESTE is a great opportunity for young people to be successful in the future. Corporate partnership with IAESTE The biggest science and engineering student exchange programme in the world Access new talent & professionals Enhance your global reputation Grow your network and interact with IAESTE members Targeted promotion to engineers & scientists Worldwide visibility of your brand to 86 countries More than 340,000 former trainees all over the world Almost 4500 new IAESTE trainees every year Contact: Eleftheria Karydi IAESTE Fundraising Manager | E-mail: [email protected] report O T E M I T SID 2012 S ' Y A D O T TACKLE S E G N E L L CHA THE 27TH MEETING OF SID (STRATEGIC IAESTE DEVELOPMENT) TOOK PLACE FROM 3RD TO 6TH OF MAY IN THE RETZHOF CASTLE JUST OUTSIDE OF LEIBNITZ IN SOUTHERN AUSTRIA. A TOTAL OF 62 PARTICIPANTS FROM MORE THAN 25 COUNTRIES PARTICIPATED IN THIS INTENSIVE MEETING 20 REPORT M ore than 500 years ago the first parts of the small castle were built. During the last years it was renovated and changed to a modern seminar hotel where you can still feel the centuries of history it experienced. In this motivating atmosphere we started with the opening ceremony on Thursday night with the IAESTE Austria alumnus Dr. Fortin, who found his own company CNSystems after his graduation. After his motivating speech about the importance of improvement and development, the participants gathered for a small house-warming party in the courtyard. On Friday morning the meeting started with trainings by three excellent trainers in “Teamwork vs. Distance & Knowledge Transfer”, “Communication & Presentation skills” and “Project Management”. Those trainings were Mario Felber SID Co-ordinator welcomed by the participants who were able to extend their skills for the upcoming work in the Working Groups. In the afternoon, work in the Working Groups started. The participants choose one out of five groups which were: WG1: Improvement of Administration; WG2: Improvement of Exchange; WG3: Marketing & Fundraising; WG4: Internal Policies; WG5: Alumni; each led by experienced WG co-ordinators. I would like to use the opportunity to again thank the co-ordinators Mikkel Foltmar (due to absence represented by Lucy Everett and Michael Debono), Krister Haugen, Milan Vrucinic & Eleftheria Karydi, Laszlo Papp and Bruce Mehlman-Wicks. In 17 Project Groups, more than 45 recommendations for the development of our association were created and put forward to the Board of IAESTE A.s.b.l.. Besides that, the participants shared best-practice amongst each other, swapped stories about their work in IAESTE in their respective countries and developed new ideas that are still worked on after the meeting. Important development was done for many topics, here are some highlights: our internal knowledge database - the IntraWiki - will be ready to use soon; our website got a new structure and will go online support IAESTE in big countries were discussed; the IAN will receive more interesting articles soon; and many more. On Friday night we enjoyed a typical Austrian dinner in the centre of Leibnitz. First we cheered to each other with a very nice frizzante made from Isabella grapes, typical for Southern Austria and only grown there. During this aperitif we received an inspiring speech by another IAESTE Austria alumnus, Mr. Hess from Microsoft, about a big tree and the special lighting gave the evening an unforgettable atmosphere. We were also happy to celebrate two birthdays on Saturday evening (Board Member Dr. László Becker) and on Sunday right after midnight (Alumni Relations Manager Mr. Bruce Mehlman-Wicks). A big THANK YOU to our hosts, IAESTE Austria, and especially all the volunteers that helped to make this event unforgettable: Patryk, Lena, David, Hans, Ágata, Gerhard, Erik, Bachi, Conny, Alex, Hadi, Beni, Kathi in summer 2012; the exchange will be extended by a new scheme – the Continuous Online-Based Exchange (COBE); lots of ideas how to market our association were created, including guidelines how to use our existing and upcoming marketing materials correctly; ideas how to different working environments and the importance of flexibility and adaptability. After that, during dinner, Dr. Schlögl from the Austrian Institute of Science and Technology, gave a speech about innovation in the information society. Well fed and watered we recharged our batteries for the next working day. On Saturday we continued working in the respective WGs. After lunch we shared our ideas and recommendations with everybody during a poster session. Later in the afternoon we visited the Frauenberg, a small hill overlooking Leibnitz. On the top of the hill there is a pilgrimage church, but also the remains of an ancient Greek temple dedicated to Isis-Noreia. In the evening the International Evening took place in the courtyard of the castle. The nice spring weather, the tables for every country arranged in a circle around and of course Stefan and Teresa, who are supporting me throughout the whole year. And last but not least I would like to thank everybody who attended and worked so hard to make the SID-meeting 2012 such a productive event. I look forward to an effective collaboration throughout the year so that we can ensure that a lot of work has been done until the upcoming Annual Conference in Belfast and will have a successful SID 2013, including our meeting in Portugal. To make it possible for IAESTE to live through the changes that are happening in the global economy and society and come out bigger and better, we have to work together, focus all our energies on the same goals and improve our great association to yet unknown dimension. Come work with us for a better future! IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 21 report K R O W T E ALUMNI N - NEWS AND S N O I S S E R P IM MORE THAN 6000 PEOPLE HAVE NOW JOINED AND ARE ENJOYING THE BENEFITS OF A PRIVATE IAESTE ALUMNI NETWORK 22 REPORT T Bruce MehlmannWicks Alumni Relations Manager he last 12 months have been a particularly exciting time for the IAESTE Alumni Network (IAN). The IAN launched in January 2011 and in the last year has doubled its membership. More than 6000 people have now joined and are enjoying the benefits of a private network for IAESTE Alumni. Not only are our members finding their old friends on the network, they are also getting exclusive access to information and events around the IAESTE world. During the last year we have been listening to feedback and the number one priority for our The next Alumni Conference will take place in Belfast in January 2013 from 12 different countries, who had been trainees in 5 different decades! A fun and interesting programme was enjoyed by all. The most popular part of the programme was when the Alumni Conference joined with the Annual Conference for the world famous International Evening! Food and drink from around 80 countries was shared and many costumes and national dresses were seen on the dance floor. The next Alumni Conference will take place in Belfast in January 2013 and details will be available on the Alumni Network. With such momentum behind us, the IAESTE Alumni Network is an increasingly attractive option for sponsors or potential partners that wish to promote their work to our members. We are also always looking for ways to improve our offer to our alumni, so please do get in touch if you think we may be able to work together for mutual benefit. members was access to job information. We were therefore very pleased that in September 2012, we were able to introduce a new ‘jobs’ module to the IAN. The module provides our alumni with access to exiting job opportunities in some of the world’s best companies. So now, not only can IAESTE help you gain valuable work experience, it may also help you find the right job! For companies, the IAESTE Alumni Network, and especially the new job module, allows access to our growing network of talented, experienced, international alumni. It can be seen as a natural progression from providing traineeships through IAESTE to employing former IAESTE trainees. This kind of targeted advertising of vacant positions can help reach the right people for companies with an international perspective. Something else we’re very proud of is our Annual Alumni Conference. In January 2012 we held our first one in Skopje, FYR Macedonia and it ran alongside the first 3 days of the IAESTE Annual Conference. In attendance were 30 people In 2013 we are confident of reaching a membership of 10,000 and we are looking forward to providing more and better opportunities for IAESTE Alumni, as well as continuing to build lifelong relationships, and perhaps most importantly, friendships. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 23 report 2012 T S A F L E B N O I DESTINAT T he 2012 IAESTE CONNECT Conference took place in Belfast from 18th to the 22nd of April. Originally formed in 2011 by our friends in Scotland, the purpose of CONNECT is to focus on networking and training for Local Committees in Western & Northern Europe and Scandinavia – countries which lie outside the catchment of CEC. We are pleased to say it was a hugely successful event; strengthening the work of Local Committees; whilst at the same time showcasing the destination for the 2013 IAESTE Annual Conference. Attendees from across Europe and beyond were able to meet, exchange experiences and learn from each other over the course of 5 activity-laden days. There were representatives from a number of countries including Germany, Spain, Belgium, Turkey, Slovenia and Jordan. In total 22 different Local Committees were represented. The event served to reinforce the important role that Local Committees have to play by coming together, sharing skills, knowledge and experience and working collaboratively to strengthen IAESTE’s position in their home countries. One of the primary aims of CONNECT was to offer training for LC members by enabling participants to reflect on their practices and to find common or better ways of working. There were a variety of workshops offered, covering areas such as innovative technologies and website design to new member training and finance. The variety was intentionally 24 REPORT broad to ensure that all individual requirements were catered for. Rebecca Lutton, former President of IAESTE NI commented "IAESTE CONNECT was singularly one of the best experiences this year; never have I had so much fun in so little time with so many people. I learnt and developed many new strategies: effective and efficient time-management, organising and managing large groups of people and resourcefulness in dealing with different issues. Overall it was an excellent event which was very well organised and received. It didn't just achieve its main aim of 'connecting' people it surpassed it." The other fundamental drivers for CONNECT are networking and promotion. There were specific workshops that helped develop promotional skills; including how to make an IAESTE video and tips around improving visual materials. This was also enhanced with an inspiring speech by Alastair Fee - visiting Professor of Marketing and Innovation at Queen’s University Belfast. There were lots of networking events throughout the 5 days whether through social events, football or even by learning the IAESTE dance! In addition to the professional development offered by IAESTE Connect, there was a cultural element to the programme whereby participants were provided with opportunities to explore Belfast and the wider area. As a city with a renowned history, this was much to learn about and see. There were tours of the murals that document Belfast’s recent and troubled past; as we as the chance to experience the city’s newest and exciting asset: Titanic Belfast, a state-of-the-art museum and visitors centre centred around Belfast’s most ‘famous’ creation. Participants got to experience first-hand the glamour of the Penthouse suite at the Europa Hotel; they dressed up and dined against a backdrop of 360 degree views of Belfast’s skyline at sunset whilst enjoying the sounds of a traditional Irish band. The post conference event provided the chance to explore beyond Belfast; including a trip to Dublin in Southern Ireland and to the Giants Causeway, a UNESCO heritage site on the rugged north coast of Northern Ireland. It gave everyone a taste of what lies in store when Belfast hosts the Annual Conference in 2013. Former President of the IAESTE UK Local Committee based in Belfast, Jonny Milliken, reflected on the event: "We had a packed programme full of cultural activities, networking sessions and training events, presented by facilitators from across Europe; and all with a laugh and a smile at the same time. We believe everyone came away from the event much more enthused, dedicated and amazed by fellow IAESTE Committees and the people who work so hard to make the programme happen around the world.” report G N I N I A R T 17 IAESTE N O I T A V I T O M AND SEMINAR TH ctober 2011, O 2 0 – r e b m te p 28 Se rland Winterthur, Switze 17TH IAESTE TRAINING AND MOTIVATION SEMINAR JUMP 2011 TOOK PLACE IN THE CITY OF WINTERTHUR CLOSE TO ZÜRICH IN SWITZERLAND DURING 5 DAYS 67 PRATICIPANTS FROM 21 COUNTRIES ENJOYED THE UNFORGETTABLE IAESTE SPIRIT 26 REPORT T he Participants enjoyed five training Sessions led by experienced IAESTE members from different countries. Trainings where hold on the topics: Introduction to IAESTE, LC Management, Job Raising, Company Marketing and Administration. This year the Administration Workshop got changed into a Planspiel, where all participants experienced the whole IAESTE year with all actions and forms that are needed for the Trainee exchange within one morning. Also the Job Raising Workshop was split into two Workshops, one dealing with general Topics of the Jobraising and the second one training the company contact with the Job Raising simulator. Additional to the Workshops motivational and team building events where held to inspire the people to achieve their goals. Besides two motivational sessions with Marcus Orlovsky, who has been an inspiration for JUMP for many years, the social programme has helped to round up the whole Event. Unfortunately there where no Company Speakers this year, which usually gives a good inside view from companies and their benefits of IAESTE. Nevertheless JUMP has been financially supported from many companies and institutions and even made it to the first CO2 neutral IAESTE event ever held. The fabulous outdoor games brought some surprise guest, namely Damaskus and the JUMP couch (the JUMP couch can still be visited at the National Office of IAESTE Switzerland), to the following BBQ and foam party. Also traditional IAESTE Dance classes and of course the International Evening where not missing and the home made food was delicious. In addition, IAESTE General Secretary - Goran Radnovic has visited JUMP. His presence elevated the importance of the event and gave the rare opportunity for IAESTE beginners to listen and speak to the head of the organisation. The event was hosted by IAESTE Switzerland and coordinated by an outstanding team led by Bernhard Blattmann who brought the Swiss Local Committees together to make JUMP 2011 unforgettable. JUMP 2011 was sponsored by Engagier Dich, Burckhardt Compression, VSETH, ZHAW, EMPA, Novartis, Holcim, Sensirion and the CO2 compensation was sponsered by Southpole. JUMP 2011 was the first CO2 neutral IAESTE Event ever held. JUMP2012 will be organised by IAESTE Croatia and will take place in Orahovica. It will be the first event coordinated by the new JUMP Co-ordinator Scott Hutchison who will continue the step by step improvement done in the past years by Tomek Pawliszyn. Don’t miss it! For more information and volunteering, visit or e-mail: [email protected]. Keep on JUMPing! Bernhard Blattmann JUMP Event Co-ordinator IAESTE Switzerland IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 27 Careers International Top Engineers +)'+#-.#/#+00',+/$.,*.!& .1//#)/-.') !#.)'+5 ! ,- +%'+##./ 1**'0/ !,++#!0 #+%'+##.'+% %."10#/ +" -.,$#//',+)/ '+ !&#*'!) #)#!0.'!) '+"1/0.') *+1$!01.'+% *#!&+'!) /,$03.# #+%'+##.'+% 3'0& )#"'+% %), ) !,*-+'#/ ),,('+%0,0!()#0,*,..,3/3,.)"!&))#+%#/,'+1/,+)'+#0&.,1%& #4!)1/'2# -.#/#+00',+/ +",. 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AG Alpine Bau GmbH APUS Software GmbH Architekt Daniel Fügenschuh ZT GmbH ATC AVL List GmbH AY-KA Bau Ges.m.b.H. B&G Consulting & Commerce GmbH Baucon ZT GmbH Baxter AG Bernard Ingenieure ZT-GmbH Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft.m.b.H CEST Kompetenzzentrum für elektrochemische Oberflächentechnologie GmbH D.I. Lukas Beurle, Consultant for Civil Engineering Danieli Linz Technology ANGE IN 2011 Dipl.Ing. Josef Schelmberger, Ziviltechnikerbüro für Bauwesen Doka GmbH Driendl architects zt Ges.m.b.H. Emarsys eMarketing AG Epcos OHG EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH FACC AG Franz Kitzwögerer Generali IT-Solutions GMBH GeoVille Informationssysteme GmbH Grabner Instruments Messtechnik GmbH Graz University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz University of Technology HOERBIGER Ventilwerke GmbH & Co KG IAESTE Vienna ICC Services GmbH IFA Tulln ILF Infineon Technologies Austria AG INTALES Intier Automotive Eybl Gmbh (Ebergassing) & Co OHG Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Johannes Kepler University Linz KISKA Lallemand GmbH Lantiq A GmbH LINZ AG Luxner Engineering ZT Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH (MCL) Mondi Napiag GmbH Nano TecCenter Weiz Forschungsgesellschaft mbH NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH OFI Pamminger Maschinenbau GmbH & Co KG PetroBioClean, FireHazardContr.&Cons. GmbH PhysCon Ziviltechniker GmbH Pioneer Hi-Bred Service Plansee SE Polymer Competence Center Leoben Qualcomm Austria Research Center GmbH Rhomberg Gruppe ROC Systemtechnik GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG SBA Research GmbH Shark GmbH Business Consulting & IT Solutions Siemens AG IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 29 Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH & Co SIGNificant Signature Solutions GmbH SKF Österreich AG Software Quality Lab GmbH Test-Fuchs GmbH The Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science Transfercenter für Kunststofftechnik GmbH Treibacher Industrie AG University of Innsbruck University of Leoben University of Linz University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences University of Technology Vienna Valartis Europe AG Ventrex Automotive GmbH Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG Workflow EDV GmbH Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH Participating Institutions FH Campus Wien FH Hagenberg Fh Joanneum Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Karl-Franzens Universität Graz MC Innsbruck Montanuniversität Leoben Technische Universität Graz Technische Universität Wien Universität Innsbruck Universität Wien Universität für Bodenkultur Wien BANGLADESH Participating Employer The Delta Composite Knitting Industries Ltd BELARUS Participating Employers Belarusian State University (BSU) Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Physics Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) Automobile and Tractor Faculty Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks Scientific Center of Information and Innovative Developments EPAM Systems Company Yanka Kupala Grodno State University (Yanka Kupala GSU) Faculty of Biology and Ecology Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Physics and Engineering Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev) (BRU) Mechanical Engineering Faculty Participating Institutions Belarusian State University (BSU) Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) Belarusian State University of Informatics 30 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) Yanka Kupala Grodno State University (Yanka Kupala GSU) Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev) (BRU) BELGIUM Participating Employers AB-InBev Leuven Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries, Product Quality Management Division Agfa Graphics Architecten BOB361 architectes bvba Belgian Welding Institute Cosinus Phi Denys Flanders Mechatronics Technology Center GE Industrial Belgium Ghent University - Department of Applied Physics Ghent University - Department of Chemical Engineering Ghent University - Department of Civil Engineering Ghent University - Department of Electronics and Information Systems Ghent University - Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Ghent University - Department of Textiles Ghent University - Hydraulics Laboratory Ghent University - Multimedia Lab Ghent University - Department of Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation Ghent University - Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics Ghent University - Department of Forest and Water Management Ghent University - Faculty of Bioscience engineering ILVO Animal Sciences Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research Leuven Air Bearings LMS International NATO HQ Nuance Communications OCAS Septentrio Soresma Syral Toyota Motor Europe von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department Mechanics of Materials and Constructions Vrije Universiteit Brussel Photonics Team Vrije Universiteit Brussel, department ELEC Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department Electrochemical and Surface Engineering Participating Institutions Ghent University Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université Libre de Bruxelles BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Participating Employers Buducnost, Laktasi Cambridge centar, Banja Luka Dom zdravlja Laktasi Eko Bel Laktasi Elektro-tehnicki fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci Filoloski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci Fondacija ICBL, Banja Luka Grad Banja Luka Institut za zastitu zdravlja, Banja Luka Institut zastite, ekologija i racunarstva, Banja luka Lanaco, Banja Luka Language bar, Banja Luka Medicinski fakultet, Farmacija, Banja Luka Rektorat Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci Rudarski fakultet, Prijedor Sumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci Tehnoloski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci Telekomunikacije RS a.d. Banja Luka Tropik ribarstvo, Banja Luka Una inzenjering, Banja Luka Comp 2000, d.o.o., Sarajevo Energo invest d.d., Sarajevo Info studio d.o.o. Sarajevo A3 d.o.o., Mostar Aluminij d.d., Mostar Cicak d.o.o., Mostar Integra d.o.o., Mostar Neosoft d.o.o., Mostar Presal extrusion, Mostar Softing d.o.o., Mostar TT Kabel d.o.o., Mostar Urbis86, Mostar Participating Institutions Arhitektonsko-gradjevinski fakultet, Banja Luka Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Banja Luka Filoloski fakultet, Banja Luka Masinski fakultet, Banja Luka Medicinski fakultet, Farmacija, Banja Luka Poljoprivredni fakultet, Banja Luka Prirodno-matematicki falultet, Banja Luka Sumarski fakultet, Banja Luka Tehnoloski fakultet, Banja Luka Elektrotehnički fakultet, Mostar Gradjevinski fakultet, Mostar Masinski fakultet, Mostar Poljoprivredni fakultet, Mostar Arhitektonski fakultet, Sarajevo Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Sarajevo Farmaceutski fakultet, Sarajevo Masinski fakultet, Sarajevo BRAZIL Participating Employers 3C ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO LTDA ME ACTA - Arquitetos e Consultores Técnicos Associados Ltda Barbosa & Corbucci Arquitetos Associados Ltda BCMF Arquitetura e Engenharia Ltda Belgo Alonso Plásticos Ltda. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais – CEFET MG Centro Universitário da FEI Cia Olsen de Tratores Agro Industrial Compels Informática Ltda Destaque Empreendimentos em Informática Ltda ECOSFERA Engenharia Ambiental LTDA Engetran - Engenharia de Sistemas de Transmissão Ltda Envall e Cia Ltda Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM Escritório do Arquiteto Enius Marcus ESTEVAM E CIA LTDA Faculdade de Aracruz - FAACZ Favale e Associados Figener SA Engenheiros Associados Fundação Educacional do Municipio de Assis - FEMA IFSUL de Minas Ines Jeiss Arquitetura e Interiores Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações INATEL IX Consultoria e Representações Ltda JBA Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda João de Paula Arquitetura JP7 Serviços de Informática Ltda Junge & Belli Arquitetura Kobajagi Design e Empreendimentos Ltda Lanza Arquitetura e Construções Ltda LPA Consultoria Magalhães Veloso Arquit. E Const.LTDA/ PERSONALE Marchetti + Bonetti Arquitetos Ltda Marcia Lopes Arquitetura Master Perfurações e Desmontes Ltda Media Interactive Mendes Junior Trading e Engenharia S/A Metalurgica Mococa S.A Mirainox Ltda Opção Engenharia e Construções Ltda Oracides Adriano Engenharia Especial Ltda Ourox Engenharia Ltda Pilz do Brazil Sistemas Eletronicos de Segurança e Automação Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais - PUC MG Regina Marcia Moura Arquitetura e Design Ltda Schaan Arquitetura de Soluções UNIOESTE Universidade de São Paulo - USP Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA Universidade Federal de Grande Dourados - UFGD Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP Universidade Federal de São Carlos UFSCAR Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso UFMT Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ Participating Institutions CEFET-MG Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo Centro Universitário CESMAC Centro Universitário da FEI Centro Universitário Uni FIAM FAAM Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba Escola de Engenharia Mauá FAACZ - Faculdade de Aracruz FACENS - Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jau FSA - Universidade Fundação Santo André INATEL - Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações PUC CAMP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas PUC MG - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais PUC RS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul PUC SP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Pualo UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá UEMG - Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais UERJ -Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC UFAM - Universidade Federal do Amazonas UFBA - Federal da Bahia UFES - Federal do Espírito Santo UFGD - Universidade Federal de Grande Dourados UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais UFMS - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto UFPel - Universidade Federal de Pelotas UFPR - Univ. Federal do Paraná UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro UFRS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de São Carlos UFSJ - Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSP - Universiade Federal de São Paulo UFV - Universidade Federal de Viçosa UNB - Universidade de Brasília UNESP - Univerisade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho UNI BH - Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICEUB - Centro Universitário de Brasília UNIDERP - Universidade Anhanguera UNIFEI - Universidade Federal de Itajuba UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIP - Universidade Paulista UNIRP - Centro Universitário de Rio Preto UNIVIX - Faculdade Brasileira USP - Universidade de São Pualo CANADA Participating Employers Digital Vantage Point Inc. ABCO Film Corp Shift Recycling Safran Electronics Canada Xerox CMC Microsystems Side Effects Software Mobile Climate Control Kelsan CPP Investment Board Prema Canada Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital Participating Institutions McGill University University of Saskatchewan University of Toronto Simon Fraser University Queen’s University University of Guelph Memorial University University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Sherbrooke CHINA Participating Employers Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co.,LTD Cooperative Design Group: CDG Group SOFTRAY CO., LTD Mettler-Toledo Maymuse Environmental Protection Science&Technology Co.,Ltd. Maymuse Information Science&Technology Co.,Ltd. Changzhou Science and Education Park CJ Design Shanghai Development Park Association DC Alliance Architecture Chapman Taylor Shanghai Tianhua Architecture K.F. Stone Design International Inc.Canada Stone Architectural Design Consultants (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd Wison Engineering Ltd Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co,. Ltd JH Design And Consulting (Shanghai) Inc. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy United Global Sourcing Shanghai Products and Parts Sourced Worlwide IAESTE China Participating Institutions Shanghai University University Of Shanghai For Science And Technology East China Normal University Shagnhai Maritime University Shanghai Ocean Unveristy Ningbo University Of Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong Univeristy IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 31 HONG KONG SAR Participating Employers Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Limited The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Participating Institution The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MACAO SAR Participating Employers Centre for Engineering Research and Testing (CERT) Civil Engineering Consultants Co. Limited Institute for the Development and Quality (IDQ) The Macao Water Supply Co. Ltd (SAAM) University of Macau Participating Institution University of Macau COLOMBIA Participating Employers Actuar Tolima Centro de Productividad del Tolima (CPT) Construcciones Ingenierías S.A. CoverDesign Enertolima S.A. E.P.S. Jaime Fajardo Suarez Arquitectos Ingenieros Jardín Botánico de Ibagué León Gráficas Nomos Impresores Participating Institutions Universidad de Ibagué Universidad del Tolima Universidad de la Sabana Universidad del Quindio CIBUQ EAFIT Universidad Antonio Nariño Universidad del Sinu Universidad de la Salle Universidad Nacional de Colombia Universidad de Medellín Universidad de Magdalena Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios Escuela de Administración de Negocios EAN Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Sede Bucaramanga Technology Foundation of Canadian Leadership (La Salle College) Universidad PedagógicaNacional Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales UDCA Universidad de Boyacá Universidad del Valle Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Universidad Autónoma de Manizales CROATIA Participating Employers ABIT d.o.o. AE&E Duro Dakovic TEP d.o.o. Agricultural Institute Osijek Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb APIS d.o.o. APZ inzenjering d.d. 32 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb Arhitektura Tholos projektiranje d.o.o. Brodarski institut d.o.o. Brodarski institut d.o.o. Centar energije City Hall CROATIA AIRLINES d.d. Croatian Motorways Ltd. Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science State Institute for Nature Protection Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar Ergo-net d.o.o. Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. ESCAPE d.o.o. Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek Faculty of Chemical Engineering in Zagreb Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Split Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek Faculty of Electrical, Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture in Split Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology in Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology in Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb GP Krk d.d. Faculty of Civil Engineering in Osijek HEP Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. Osijek HEP- Transmission System Operator Ltd. Zagreb Holcim Hrvatska d.o.o. HPNJ + d.o.o. Croatian Waters Croatian Conservation Institute in Osijek Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia IDT - Inzenjering d.o.o. INA d.d. - Research and development center INFOSOL d.o.o. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split Ivanishin.kabashi.arhitekti d.o.o. Jadran-Galenski Laboratorij d.d. Koios savjetovanje d.o.o. Leko-biro d.o.o. MASSA d.o.o. Messer Croatia Plin d.o.o. MHM - Inzenjering d.o.o. Osijek NOIN d.o.o. arhitekti Odak & Siladin - Arcus d.o.o. OSIJEK-KOTEKS d.d. Pucko otvoreno uciliste Osijek Rasco d.o.o RENCON d.o.o. SIGNALPROJEKT d.o.o. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod Studio 3LHD d.o.o. Svod d.o.o. Tehnika d.d. TPA Horwath University of Natural Sciences in Zagreb University of Natural Sciences, Dept. of Molecular Biology in Zagreb University of Osijek, Department Biology University of Osijek, Department of Mathematics University of Osijek, Department of Physics University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering UPI-2M URBANE TEHNIKE d.o.o. Zeljeznicko projektno drustvo d.d. ZUBER d.o.o. Participating Institutions University of Osijek Faculty of Food Technology Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biology Department of Chemistry Department of Mathematics University of Rijeka School of medicine Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Split Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb Faculty of Science – Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Faculty of Textile Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry Faculty of Electrical Engineering And Computing Faculty of Agriculture CYPRUS Participating Employers A. Th. Loizou & Sons Ltd Cyprus Land Development Corporation Cyprus Pharmaceutical Organization Ltd Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Electricity Authority of Cyprus Forest Park Hotel Hellenic Copper Mines Ltd Joannou & Paraskevaides Ltd Municipality of Nicosia PrimeTel Plc SEM Ltd Sewerage Board of Nicosia Vassiliko Cement Works Public Company Ltd Participating Institutions American College Cyprus University of Technology Frederick University University of Cyprus University of Nicosia CZECH REPUBLIC Participating Employers Academy of Sciences CR, IRSM ALPS Electric Czech, s.r.o. Alvila Systems s.r.o. ATX-technická kancelář pro komplexní automatizaci AZ Geo, s.r.o. Conel s.r.o. Czech Technical University in Prague Deltaplan DEZA, a. s. DONALDSON CZECH REPUBLIC s.r.o. EUROVIA Services, s.r.o. FCC Prumyslove systemy, s.r.o. FPC s.r.o. General Electrics Aviation Czech Glazura s.r.o. GYP LOGISTICS, a.s. iCom Vision Holding, a.s. IKA DATA, s.r.o. Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague Institute of Geonics of the ASCR, v. v. i. Kuta - servis Lepsi firma, s.r.o. METROPROJEKT PRAHA, a.s. Novak-papir s.r.o. Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Prazske sluzby,a.s. Quanti s.r.o. Seismik s.r.o. SKODA AUTO, a.s. SWELL, spol.s r.o. Synthon, s.r.o Technical University of Liberec The Institute of Geonics of the ASCR, v. v. i. Tomas Bata University in Zlin UNIS, spol. s r.o. University of West Bohemia Ústav ekologie krajiny Ústav geoniky AV ČR Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR Veterinary Research Institute VUT - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Vysoká škola báňská ZF Stankov s.r.o. Participating Institutions Brno University of Technology Charles University Czech Technical University in Prague Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Technical University of Liberec Tomas Bata University Zlin University of West Bohemia VSB-Technical University of Ostrava DENMARK Participating Employers Aarhus Municipality, City Road Division BK Medical Cheminova A/S Chr. Hansen A/S COWI A/S Danish Road Directorate HaldorTopsøe A/S ICE A/S MAN Diesel & Turbo SE Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen Milestone Systems A/S Nordic Sugar, Innovation & Development Nordvand A/S Oticon A/S Per Aarsleff A/S SiriusPartnerApS Technical University of Denmark Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department of Chemistry Department of Food, National Food Institute Department of IPU, Industrial Product Development Department of Mechanical Engineering UNI-CLyngby Participating Institutions Engineering College Aarhus Technical University of Denmark University of Copenhagen ECUADOR Participating Employers Aceitplacer Acindec S.A Actuaria Aeromaster Airways Agroindustrial el Corazon AMN Arquitectos Andec S.A Bancology S.A Biometrika Cathedral Industries Cevallos Sanchez Arquitectos CH Farina Chamorro & Cruz Arquitectos Compuseg Constructiva Creaciones Rose Cusho Ecualiquors Eduardo Uzcategui Ende Environmental Quality Epacem ESPE Ferrero del Ecuador Finca Alexandra Geoplades Grupo KFC Imprexcom Industrias Danec Ing. Rene Correa Ingenia Idea Inmoprovanza Izyfco Jalil & Associates Arquitectos M&S Builders Maxitravel MCM Arquitectos Nestle Newvintegral Solutions Novatech Obraciv Panchonet Pasteruizadora Quito Poliexpandidos Porton Procesadora VYMSA Reital S.J Jersey Ecuador Santos CMI Surimax Sysgen S.A Tecnoescala Tecnomega Transoceánica Cia Turbomotores Uniplex Participating Institutions Escuela Politécnica del Ejercito Escuela Politécnica Nacional Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Universidad de las Américas Universidad Internacional Universidad San Francisco de Quito Universidad SEK Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial ESTONIA Participating Employers Tallinn University of Technology ABB Estonia Participating Institution Tallinn University of Technology F.Y.R. MACEDONIA Participating Employers Agency for insurance supervision Applify Assecco SEE Benning PSAM Beton – Skopje Brako – Veles Cementarnica USJE AD Dasto Ein Sof Ekonet Evropa '92 Farmahem Fersped Skopje Gejzer dooel Geo - Karta Kochani Geohidro Inzinering I Sioux Taurus InterWay Investgradba Kochani Jasiva JP Macedonian Forests JSC "Macedonian Powerplatns" JSC Water Supply - Bitola JSC Water Supply - Skopje Knauf Low Tech Architects Macedonian Computer Associates Maksat Mikrosam - Prilep Miks Net - Bitola Municipality of Karposh Municipality of Sopiste Neimar Ingeneriing Neotel IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 33 Netcetera Porsche Macedonia REK Bitola Sektor Film Siskon – Skopje Sparkasse Bank Studio 2000 Synapse dooel Telesmert Telecom Tetraktis - Kristijan Dooel TGS Tehnicki Gasovi Ting dooel - Kochani Toplifikacija AD Skopje Triangl Ultra Computing Zavar Company Participating Institutions University Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Electrotehnics and Information Technology Faculty of Pharmacy Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Economics Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University Ss. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola Technical Faculty FINLAND Participating Employers Aalto University ABB Oy Drives ÅboAkademi Consolis Technology Dynaset Oy Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science Lappeenranta University of Technology Luvata Pori Oy MiilukangasKy Napa Ltd Stora Enso Packaging Tampere University of Technology The City of Kuopio Participating Institutions Aalto University, School of Science and Technology Åbo Akademi University Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences Lahti University of Applied Sciences Lappeenranta University of Technology Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Tampere University of Applied Sciences Tampere University of Technology University of Helsinki University of Jyväskylä University of Oulu University of Tampere 34 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS University of Vaasa Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences GERMANY Participating Employers 3 B Scientific GmbH 3D-Micromac AG Across Barriers GmbH AJZ Engineering GmbH ALASTI-PLAN algorithmica technologies GmbH Analytic Company GmbH Anja Beecken Architekten AQcomputare Gesellschaft für Architekturbüro Angela Rissler ARCUS Artur Küpper GmbH & Co. KG Audi AG B Mobile and Time-Systems Gmbh B. Laufenberg GmbH BASF Group Bauknecht Hausgeräte GmbH Bayer. Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft Beak Consultants GmbH Behr GmbH Co.KG Beratende Ingenieure für Grundbau Besser Betreut GmbH BIBA-Bremer Institut für Produktion u. Logistik Biesterfeld AG BIFOA BIMAQ BioCon Valley GmbH Bitfield GmbH BJB GmbH & Co. KG BLIC GmbH Bolles + Wilson GmbH & Co. KG Brandt und Wangler Bühner & Schaible GmbH Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) Business Keeper AG CADCON Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH und Co. KG Cartagena Capital GmbH CEPRES GmbH Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG code4business Software GmbH Computational Dynamics Ltd. Conplaning GmbH CUTEC-Institut GmbH Daimler AG DB Energie GmbH DB Mobility Logistics AG deister electronic GmbH Dell GmbH DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Kinemathek Deutsche Telekom AG Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Köln Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Stuttgart Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Braunschweig Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Weßling Digital Performance GmbH Dr. Ecklebe GmbH Drees & Sommer AG Duane Phillips, Architekt EAB New Energy GmbH EADS Deutschland GmbH Ecologic Institut E-Control-Glas GmbH & Co KG Ed. Züblin AG Electro-MEDICAL Elektrobit Automotive GmbH Endress + Hauser Conducta GmbH + Co. KG Energy-Lab Technologies GmbH EnOcean GmbH Eproplan GmbH Erdbaulabor Göttingen GbmH EUCC Evonik Degussa GmbH Ewald Menke GmbH Fachhochschule Lübeck FAR Frohn & Rojas GbR Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH Fernuniversität Hagen FEV Motorentechnik GmbH FH Erfurt FH Jena FH Köln Institut of Media and Imaging Technology FH Köln International Office - IAESTE Bureau FH Merseburg FH Osnabrück FH Westküste FH Zittau FH Zwickau Fakultät Kfz-Technik FH Zwickau FB Maschinenbau und Kraftfahrzeugtechnik FH Zwickau Zentrum für neue Studienformen Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. Forschungszentrum Jülich Fraunhofer EZRT Fraunhofer FHR Fraunhofer FKIE Fraunhofer IIS Fraunhofer Institut für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren Fraunhofer Institut Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik Fraunhofer Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie Fraunhofer Institut für Fabrikbetrieb Fraunhofer Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik Fraunhofer MEVIS Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH FU Berlin Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH gebeCom GmbH Gebrüder Kunze GmbH Gerber Architekten German Aerospace Center GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH Gimahhot GmbH Glatthaar-Technology GmbH GreyLogix GmbH Grontmij GmbH Groupon GmbH GTT Gesellschaft für Technologie Transfer mbH Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH Heinle, Wischer und Partner Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Helmholtz Zentrum München Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ Henn Architekten High Tech Gerätebau GmbH Hilmer & Sattler und Albrecht Hochschule Bremen Microwave Lab Hochschule Bremen ZIMT, IIA Hochschule Harz Hochschule Niederrhein Hochschule Osnabrück Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe HS Merseburg (FH) HS Osnabrück HS Zittau/Görlitz HTW Dresden HU Berlin Huss Umwelttechnik GmbH IAM Dresden IAV GmbH IBA GmbH IBB Becker + Becker ibk Ingenieurconsult GmbH IFU GmbH IMST GmbH Infitec GmbH Ingenieurbüro für Bauwerkserhaltung Weimar GmbH Ingenieurbüro Hintze & Koldrack GmbH Ingenieurbüro Tino Sauer Ingenieurbüro Wuttke Ingenieursozietät Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katzenbach GmbH INNIUS DÖ GmbH INNOVENT e.V. Jena Insiders Technologies Institut für Automatisierung und Informatik Intel GmbH Intermetric iO Software GmbH IPH IPROPLAN Chemnitz IRIS iSyst Intelligente Systeme GmbH ITMS Marketing GmbH Jacobs Universität Bremen JAXX AG Jena Bioscience GmbH Johann-Heinrich-von-Thünen-Institut (vTI) Julius Kühn-Institut Julius Wolff Institut Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Karosseriewerke Dresden GmbH Karosseriewerke Dresden GmbH Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG Kayser-Threde GmbH KISTERS AG Klemm & Sohn GmbH & Co KG KmB Technologie Knabe Enders Dührkop Ingenieure GmbH Kraft Foods R & D Inc. Labor Urbanus Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation Landeswohlfahrtsverband Hessen Landschaftsgestaltung Straßen, Tief und Wasserbau GmbH Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Leibniz Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik PotsdamBornim e.V. Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V. Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK) Lenord, Bauer & Co. GmbH LIMO Limón GmbH Lindenfarb Textilveredlung Julius Porbst GmbH & Co. KG Lödige Undustries GmbH LUK GmbH & Co. KG machtTechnik Macondo Media Group Magdeburg Molecular Detections (MMD) GmbH & Co. KG magma architecture Ostermann & Kleinheinz Magna Car Top Systems GmbH Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. Manthey IT-Serive Maurer Söhne GmbH & Co.KG Max-Born-Institut Für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie Max-Planck-Institut Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie Mbtech Group GmbH & Co. KGaA MicroNova electronic GmbH Mollmann Beratende Ingenieure GmbH Molnar-Institut für Angewandte Chromatographie Montanes GmbH MPI für molekulare Physiologie MSC Vertriebs GmbH MT Aerospace AG MTU Aero Engines GmbH Müller BBM GmbH Nationalpark Unteres Odertal NEFF GmbH New Commercial Room GmbH ÖHMI Engineering GmbH OR Soft Jänicke GmbH OWI Oel-Wärme-Institut gGmbH Panasonic Electronic Devices Europe GmbH PD Dr. Udo Gansloßer Peter und Lochner Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Pioneer Hi-Bred Northern Europe Service Division GmbH Plauen Stahl Technologie GmbH Polyplan GmbH ProCom GmbH Prof. Dr. H.-D. Engelmann RapidSolution Software AG regineering Duft Innerhofer GbR Robert Bosch GmbH RSC Rohrbau und Sanierungs GmbH RWTH Aachen Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Sakosta CAU GmbH Schlaich Bergermann und Partner Schott in Jena Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Sensient Flavors GmbH she_architekten Siemens AG, Erlangen Siemens AG, Offenbach Siempelkamp SMA Solar Technology AG Software AG SSF-Verbindungsteile GmbH Stadt Donauwörth StarragHeckert GmbH Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover st-oneline GmbH Südwestrundfunk (SWR) Technikzentrum Lübeck GmbH Terraso GmbH tesa SE Texas Instruments The Julius Kuehn Institute Thoma Architekten Topos TU Bergakademie Freiberg TU Berlin TU Braunschweig TU Chemnitz TU Clausthal TU Cottbus TU Darmstadt TU Dortmund TU Dresden TU Hamburg-Harburg TU Ilmenau TU Kaiserslautern TU München TU München WZ Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt TU München-Freising/Weihenstephan Tyntec GmbH umwelttechnik & ingenieure GmbH Universität Bamberg Universität Bayreuth Universität Bochum Universität Bonn Universität Bremen Universität Bremen - FB04/FG10 Universität der Bundeswehr München Universität des Saarlandes Universität Duisburg/Essen Universität Erlangen Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Universität Freiburg IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 35 Universität Gießen Universität Göttingen Universität Greifswald Universität Halle Universität Hamburg Universität Hannover Universität Heidelberg Universität Hohenheim Universität Jena Universität Kassel Universität Kiel Universität Koblenz-Landau Universität Konstanz Universität Leipzig Universität Lüneburg Universität Magdeburg Universität Mainz Universität Oldenburg Universität Paderborn Universität Potsdam Universität Rostock Universität Saarland Universität Siegen Universität Stuttgart Universität Tübingen Universität Ulm Universität Würzburg Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Unternehmensgruppe Theo Müller GmbH & Co. KG Uvex Sports GmbH & Co. KG VCM Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg, Tübingen Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart Vestner Aufzüge GmbH Viamedici Software GmbH Vitronic Volkswagen AG Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG Vossloh Locomotives GmbH WALTER BETON GmbH Weinmann Wieland-Werke AG Würth Industrie Service GmbH Co. KG ZF Getriebe GmbH ZWP Ingenieur-AG Participating Institutions Fachhochschule Aachen Fachhochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen Fachhochschule Anhalt Fachhochschule Bochum Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Fachhochschule Brandenburg Fachhochschule Bremen Fachhochschule Darmstadt Fachhochschule Dortmund Fachhochschule Düsseldorf Fachhochschule Eberswalde Fachhochschule Erfurt Fachhochschule Hamburg Fachhochschule Harz Fachhochschule Hildesheim Fachhochschule Hof Fachhochschule Jena Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern Fachhochschule Karlsruhe Fachhochschule Koblenz 36 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS Fachhochschule Köln Fachhochschule Konstanz Fachhochschule Lausitz Fachhochschule Lemgo Fachhochschule Lübeck Fachhochschule Merseburg Fachhochschule Münster Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg Fachhochschule Niederrhein Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/ Wilhelmshaven Fachhochschule Osnabrück Fachhochschule Potsdam Fachhochschule Regensburg Fachhochschule Rosenheim Fachhochschule Trier Fachhochschule Weihenstephan Fachhochschule Westküste Fachhochschule Wiesbaden Fachhochschule Wildau Fachhochschule Wismar Fachhochschule Würzburg Hochschule Zittau Hochschule Zwickau Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Leipzig Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Mittweida Humboldt-Universität Berlin Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Technische Universität Berlin Technische Universität Braunschweig Technische Universität Chemnitz Technische Universität Clausthal Technische Universität Cottbus Technische Universität Darmstadt Technische Universität Dortmund Technische Universität Dresden Technische Universität Freiberg Technische Universität FreisingWeihenstephan Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Technische Universität Ilmenau Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Technische Universität München Universität Augsburg Universität Bamberg Universität Bayreuth Universität Bochum Universität Bonn Universität Bremen Universität Duisburg-Essen Universität Düsseldorf Universität Erlangen Universität Frankfurt Universität Freiburg Universität Gießen Universität Göttingen Universität Greifswald Universität Halle Universität Hannover Universität Heidelberg Universität Hohenheim Universität Jena Universität Karlsruhe Universität Kassel Universität Kiel Universität Köln Universität Konstanz Universität Leipzig Universität Lüneburg Universität Magdeburg Universität Mainz Universität Mannheim Universität Marburg Universität Münster Universität Oldenburg Universität Osnabrück Universität Paderborn Universität Passau Universität Potsdam Universität Regensburg Universität Rostock Universität Saarbrücken Universität Siegen Universität Stuttgart Universität Tübingen Universität Ulm Universität Weimar Universität Wuppertal Universität Würzburg GHANA Participating Employers Anglogold Ashanti Limited Aninwaah Medical Center Bethany Medical Services Bomso Clinic CSIR-Crop Research Institute Department of Biochemistry, KNUST Department of Chemistry, KNUST Department of Food Science & Technology, KNUST Donyma Steel Company Limited ECKA Engineering Contractors Limited Electricity Company of Ghana Fekams Company Limited Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, FORIG Fox FM Gate Management Consults Geodata Limited Ghana Grid Company Limited Ghana Nuts Limited ICT Centre, KNUST Japan Motors Trading Company Kobaku and Associates Mckenzie Health Services Medilab Diagnostics Services Metalex Group of Companies Metropolitan Insurance Company Regency Alliance Insurance SRC Engineers See Consults Sethi Brothers/Steelco Company The Consortium Toyota Ghana Company UT Bank Limited University Printing Press, KNUST Participating Institutions Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) University of Cape Coast (UCC) University of Ghana, Legon (UG) University of Mines and Technology (UMaT) GREECE Participating Employers Alumil S.A. Aluminium S.A. Association of Municipal Authorities of Thessaloniki Delphi - Distomon Min.Co “Domos” Consulting Engineers General Army Staff (Military Factories) Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) S.A. MEL - Macedonian Papermills S.A. MELCON Enginering L.P. Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries S.A. R.C. TECH Architectural Office Regional Development Agency of West Macedonia ANKO S.A. SIMTEC Software & Services Ltd Viemka S.A. Water Supply, Drainage & District Heating Municipal Company of Kozani Participating Institutions Athena - Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies Athena - Cultural & Educational Technology Institute Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory of Environmental Engineering Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundation and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Agriculture University of Athens Lab of Dairy Research Lab of Political Economy & European Integration Lab of Floriculture & Landscape Architecture Lab of Microbiology & Food Biotechnology CERTH - Centre for Research & Technology Decision Support Systems Lab, EPU Unit Democritus University of Thrace Prof. C. Arapatsakos Prof. G. Sylaios Prof. I. Nikolaou Prof. V. Tsaousidis National Technical University of Athens Distributed Knowledge & Media System Environmental & Energy Management Research Unit Laboratory of Hydraulic Turbomachines Laboratory of Hydrology & Water Resources Management Laboratory of Metal Structures Laboratory of Metallurgy Laboratory of Mining and Environmental Technology Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy HUNGARY Participating Employers 3H Építésziroda Kft. 4Hungar Agri-Tech Kft. ACIS Ltd. Amri Hungary Kft. Arcanum Development Ltd. Archimon Bt. ASA Építőipari Kft. Bachman & Bacmann Építész Iroda kft. Balázs és Vécsey Építésziroda Kft. Bálint Analítika Mérnöki Kutató és Szolgáltató Kft. Bálint és Társa Építész Iroda Kft. Betonplasztika Kft. BKSZT Budapesti Szennyvíztizstítási Kft. Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Áramlástan Tanszék Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Építőanyagok és Mérnökgeológia Tanszék Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Hidak és Szerkezetek Tanszéke Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Hidrodinamikai Rendszerek Tanszék Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Szerves Kémia Tanszék Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Vízépítési és Vízgazdálkodási Tanszék Chemitechnik-Pharma Mérnöki iroda Kft. Comfort-Netshare Kft. Designsoft Kft. DUF Déri János Kommunikációs Intézet DUF Természettudományi és Környezetvédelmi Intézet eCon Engineering Kft. Finta és Társai Építész Stúdió Kft. Főmterv Zrt. Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt. Ganz Engineering és Energetika Kft. Gefco Magyarország Kft. Hepenix Kft. Hídépítő Zrt. Hidtechnika Kft. Izotóp Intézet Kft. KFKI Részecske-és Magfizikai Kutatóintézet Közlekedésfejlesztési Koordinációs Központ Közlekedés Fővárosi Tervező Iroda Knorr-Bremse Fékrendzserek Kft. KTI Közlekedéstudományi Intézet Nonprofit Kft. Magyar Feltaláló és Kutató Szolgáltató Kft. Mávépcell Kft. MÁV Központi Felépítményvizsgáló Kft. MCXVI Architects MEEI Kft. Miskolci Egyetem Moratus Szerkezetépítő Kft. Mott MacDonald Magyarország Kft. MSC Ltd. Naturen Kft. Nokia Siemens Networks Kft. Óbudai Egyetem Anyagtudományi Tanszék Óbudai Egyetem Rajz Tanszék Pont-Terv Ltd. Prolan Irányítástechnikai Zrt. Qualimed-K Fejlesztő Iroda Kft. Robert Bosch Elektronika Kft. Robert Bosch Kft. Robert Bosch Power Tool Kft. Tauform Abroncsformagyártó Kft. ThyssenKrupp Presta Hungary Kft. Tóth T. D. Kft. TÜV Rheinland InterCet Kft. Urbanitas Kft. Vikuv Zrt. Villa International Zrt. Weener Plastic International East Műanyagfeldolgozó Kft. Participating Institutions Budapest University of Technology and Economics College of Dunaújváros Eötvös Lóránd University Óbuda University Pázmány Péter Chatolic University Szent István University University of Miskolc University of Pécs ICELAND Participating employer University of Iceland - Science Institute Participating institution University of Iceland INDIA KARUNYA UNIVERSITY Participating Employers Department of Bio Informatics, KU Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KU Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KU Department of Information Technology, KU Department of Physics, KU School of Biotechnology & Health Sciences, KU School of Computer Science and Technology, KU School of Mechanical Sciences, KU School of Media, KU School of Civil Engineering, KU Water Institute, KU M/s Synthite Industries Ltd., Kerala M/s Lunar Rubber Works, Kerala M/s Pricol Ltd., Coimbatore SACON, Anaikatty Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam Participating Institutions Amity Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Noida Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh G.H. Raisoni college of Eng., Nagpur, Maharashtra ISM, Dhanbad Indian Institute of Technology IT-BHU Karunya University Mahatma Gandhi Inst. Of Applied Science, Jaipur NIT, Patna Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Participating Employers Philips Centre for Atomic and Molecular Physics Mayflower Language Services Nimbuzz India The Landscape Company Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 37 Administration (WGSHA) Department of Aero & Auto Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Faculty of Architecture, Manipal School of Architecture and Planning Department of Biotechnology, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Chemistry, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Computer Science &Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Humanities , Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Departmentof Information &Commmunication Technology, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics, Manipal Institute of Technology Master of Computer Application, Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal Centre of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Physics, Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Commerce, Manipal University Manipal Center for Information Science Department of Printing and Media Engineering Manipal Life Sciences Centre Participating Institutions DSK International School of Design, Pune IIT Bombay IIT Delhi IIT Guwahati IIT Kanpur IIT Roorkee Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University Kalinga Institute OF Industrial Technology Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal School of Architecture and Planning National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Trichy Padmabhushan VasantdadaPatilPratishthan's College of Engineering (University of Mumbai) R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai 38 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS IRAN Participating Employers Abinegar e-communication Ltd. Advanced Research Co. Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) Basparpey Co. Darya Khak Pay Consulting (DKP) Herampey Consulting Engineering Co. Institute for International Energy Studies(IIES) Iran Frame Co. Iran Khak Consulting Engineers Iran University of Science & Technology Iran Industrial Foundation Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers (KCE) Kahek-e-MosalahSazan Co. LECA.Co MahabGhodss Consulting Engineers Company Middle East Water &Enviroment Consulting Engs Pars AbTadbir Consulting Engineering Co. (P.A.T) TarbiatModares University TMU University of Tehran Participating Institutions Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) Advanced Research Co. Institute for International Energy Studies(IIES) Iran University of Science & Technology TarbiatModares University TMU University of Tehran IRELAND Participating Employers Colgate Palmolive Ltd. Léargas L.M. Ericsson Ltd. Participating Institutions Dublin City University Dublin Institute of Technology Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Institute of Technology, Tallaght National University of Ireland, Galway National University of Ireland, Maynooth Trinity College, Dublin University College Dublin ISRAEL Participating Employers Carmel Olefins Hadas Technologies, KfarMasarik Kedmor Eng. Ltd Tnuva, Rehovot Architect Brand, Tel Aviv Architect Kolker Epstein Jerusalem Architect Mocshly Electric Company of Israel Participating Institutions Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva. Shenkar College of Engineering and Design ITALY Participating Employers SAI hydraulic motors Arc2città architecture Studio Pucci architecture Gruppo Loccioni Safetec Participating Institutions University of Modena and Reggio Emilia IUAV University University of Salento JAMAICA Participating Employers Jamaica Public Service Cement Company Scotia Bank Jamaica Environmental Engineers Beckford & Dickson Sugar Industry Board Participating Institution University of Technology JAPAN Participating Employers Canon Inc. Central Japan Railway Company Hitachi Zosen Corporation Hitachi, Ltd. Hokkaido University The Institute of Behavioral Sciences JGC Coporation KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. National Institute for Materials Science NEC Corporation Central Research Laboratories Olympus Corporation OMRON Corporation RICOH COMPANY, LTD. Sanyo Chemical Industries, LTD. Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. Tohoku University Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo University of Science TOKYU CORPORATION TTK Co., Ltd. The University of Tokyo Waseda University Participating Institutions Hokkaido University Keio University Kyoto University Kyushu University Muroran Institute of Technology Nagoya University Osaka University Ritsumeikan University Sophia University Tohoku University Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Tokyo University of Science The University of Tokyo University of Tsukuba Waseda University Yokohama National University JORDAN Participating Employers Arabic Center for Engineering Studies Bilal Hammad Architects Consolidated Consultants Dasouqi Consultant Engineers Electricity Distribution Company Freyssinet Jordan Henkel Jordan Jordan Petroleum Refinery Lafarge Concrete Jordan Manaseer Ready Mix Mawshour Architects and Consultants MK Associates Mohammad Ahmad Abu Eisheh & Brothers Contracting Company National Electric Power Company National Paints Petra Aluminum Company LTD. Petra Engineering Industries CO. Phosphate Mines Company Triumpharma Drug Delivery Innovation University of Jordan Participating Institution The University of Jordan KAZAKHSTAN Participating Employers Al Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication Beylkamit, LTD, Almaty Center of Astrophysical Research, Petropavlovsk Caspian University of Engineering and Technology, Aktau East Kazakh State Technical University, UstKamenogorsk Innovation Euro Asian University, Pavlodar Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty Kazakhstan Science Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals, Ust-Kamenogorsk North-Kazakh State University, Petropavlovsk Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar Research Institute of Transport and Communication Rudny Industrial Institute South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent Participating Institutions Al Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication Caspian University of Engineering and Technology, Aktau East Kazakh State Technical University, UstKamenogorsk Innovation Euro Asian University, Pavlodar International Information Technologies University, Almaty Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty North-Kazakh State University, Petropavlovsk Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar Ryskulov Kazakh Economical University Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent West- Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University KENYA Participating Employers Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Geomatic and Geospartial Information Engineering (GEGIS) Institute of Biotechnology (IBR) Department of Biomechanical and Environmental Engineering (BEED) Department of Horticulture Biochemistry Department Participating Institution Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) LATVIA Participating Institution Riga Technical University LEBANON Participating Employers Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE) Bureau Technique d'urbanisme et de travaux publics Dar al Handasah Consultants (Taleb & Partners) LACECO Polypod studio TEAM International Participating Institution American University of Beirut LITHUANIA Participating Employers JSC “Plunges kooperatine prekyba” Lithuania Electricity Power Plant Tronhill Participating Institutions Kaunas University of Technology Vilnius Gediminas Technical University MALTA Participating Employers Delta Malta Hotset Malta Integrated Resources Management Malta International Airport Ministry of Resources and Rural Affairs, MRRA University of Malta Participating Institution University of Malta MEXICO Participating Employers Administración Corporativa de Durango, S.A. de C.V. Arq. Salvador Resendiz Bio Pappel, S.A.B. de C.V. - plantas Centauro y Tizayuca Bogaty, S.A. de C.V. Caja Hipódromo, S. de R. L. de C.V. Caja Popular Cristo Rey, S.A. de C.V. Campbell´s de México, S.A. de C.V. Cardanes, S. A. de C.V. CIATEQ Aguascalientes CIATEQ Querétaro Colegio de Estudios Cientificos y Tecnológicos del Edo. de Durango Construcción Electricidad y Mantenimiento, S.A. de C.V. Construcciones Cardosa Nevarez Constructora de Infraestructura de Durango, S.A. de C.V. Constructora Urbatrac, S.A. de C.V. Empresa Contratista en Obras Mineras Jomargo, S.A. de C.V. FEMSA- Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. Forestal Alfa, S.A. de C.V. Fundación Clara Moreno Gamboa Construcciones de Durango, S.A. de C.V. Geo Estratos, S.A. de C.V. Grupo Minero Bacis, S.A. de C.V. Grupo Radiofrecuencia y Propagación IGP-BGD de R. L. de C.V. Importadora SUD, S. A. de C.V. Instalaciones y Servicios Urbanos, S.A. de C.V. Instituto de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Integradora de Perforaciones y Servicios, S.A. de C.V. IT San Juan Del Río ITS Cajeme ITS Cosamaloapan ITS Poza Rica ITS Tantoyuca Johnson Controls BE Manufactura México , S. de R. L. de C.V. Laboratorio de Mecánica de Suelos y Pavimientos, S.C. Macrox, S.A. de C.V. Minas de San Luis, S.A. de C. V. Minerales ElPrado, S.A. de C.V. Plata Panamericana, S.A. de C.V. Primero Empresa Minera, S.A. de C.V. Proteinas Naturales, S.A. de C.V. Rostec de México, S.A. de C.V. Siproma Dgo, A.C. Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia, S.A. de C.V. Softec Consultoria Imobiliaria Taller de Hule y Maquinaria de Durango, S.A. de C.V. Techno, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Politécnica de Durango Xyarza Arquitectura & Planificación, S.C. Participating Institutions UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Instituto Politécnico Nacional Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Sistema del Instituto Tecnológico de la Secretaria de Educación Pública ( Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahulia, Durango, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Puebla, Veracruz, Tamaulipas) Sistema del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey- Sistema Nacional IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 39 Sistema de la Universidad Iberoamericana ( Guadalajara ITESO, México D.F., León, Puebla, Tijuana, Torreón ) Sistema de la Universidad Anáuhac Campus ( Mérida- Mayab, México Norte, México Sur, Oaxaca, Tampico- IEST) Sistema de las Universidades Autónomas Estatales Universidad Cristóbal Colón Universidad de Guadalajara Universidad de Guanajuato Universidad de las Américas Sistema de la Universidad de La Salle Universidad de Monterrey Sistema de la Universidad del Valle de Atemajac Sistema de la Universidad del Valle de México Universidad Madero Sistema de la Universidad Panamericana Sistema de la Universidad Politécnica Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Universidad Regiomontana MONGOLIA Participating Employers Mongolian University of Science and Technology Power Engineering School School of Civil Engineering and Architecture School of Mathematics School of Technology in Erdenet School of Computer Science and Management School of Geology and Petroleum Engineering Department of Science, Technology and Innovation School of Industrial Design and Technology School of Material Science School of Mining Engineering E-Open School Mining Company “Erdenet” “NAB” Co Ltd Company “Nomads” Participating Institutions Mongolian University of Science and Technology National University of Mongolia Agricultural University of Mongolia Health Science University of Mongolia School of Technology in Erdenet MONTENEGRO Participating Employers A.D. 13. jul. Plantaže Institut za Biologiju mora Montenegro Promotion Agency University of Montenego C.I.S. Zetagradnja F.I.D.I.A. Participating Institutions University of Montenegro University of Donja Gorica University of Mediteran 40 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS NIGERIA OMAN UNIVERSITY OF BENIN Participating Employers Petroleum Development Oman Halliburton Worldwide Occidental of Oman Oman Refinery Company Oman Cement Company Oman Electricity Transmission Company Schlumberger Middle East Oman Telecommunications Company Parsons International & Company National Engineering Office Participating Employers Atiode Solar System University of Benin Teaching Hospital Technology Incubation Centre - Benin Benin Owena River Basin Development Authority Faith Medicals Precious Palm Royal PM Bank Union Diagnostic Participating Institutions University of Benin Federal University of Technology, Owerri Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi NORWAY Participating Employers Norwegian University of Life Science UMB Trondheim University College The Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU University in Bergen University in Oslo University in Tromsø Aker Well Service Apply Nemo AS Atmel Norway AS DNV AS DNVproNavis Dynea AS Industrikonsult AS Inspera AS IO Genetic AS Istad Nett AS Kjeller Vindteknikk AS Linus AS Metizoft AS NHST Media Group nLink Powel AS PPM AS SINTEF Marintek Smarterphone AS Statens Vegvesen Tek-T Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim (SiT) Systor Vest Technip Norway AS Teknologisk Institutt Tobii Technology Norway AS Universitetssykehuset i Nord-Norge (UNN) ViaNova Systems AS Participating Institutions Bergen University College Norwegian University of Life Science UMB Trondheim University College The Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU University in Agder University in Bergen University in Oslo University in Stavanger University in Tromsø University in Ålesund Participating Institution Sultan Qaboos University PAKISTAN Participating Employers National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE) Smart Machines And Robotics Technology (SMART) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Participating Institution National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) PANAMA Participating Employers BAUER Fundaciones Panama S.A Ing. Om Ramirez y Asociados Empresas Bern SIMESA Lucio Galvez Ingenieros, S.A. Academia Bioclimatica de Arquitectura Comercial de Motores, S.A Casa Ruiz, S. A. Servicios Eléctricos de Chiriquì, S.A LOGIC STUDIO Los Quetzales Astorvision, S.A. Technologial University of Panama Participating Institutions Universidad Tecnologica de Panamá, USMA, U LATINA PERU Participating Employers Agropecuaria Don Lucho – Agropel Ecoacuicola S.A.C Fabtech GyM S.A. - Grupo Graña y Montero S.A. Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca - Instituto de Geofísica del Perú Universidad de Piura Participating Institution Universidad de Piura PHILLIPPINES Participating Employer Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines Participating Institutions ABE – International College of Business and Accountancy, (Tacloban City) Brokenshire College Socsksargen Inc (General Santos City) Central Mindanao University (Valencia City, Bukidnon) Central Philippine University (Iloilo City) La Consolacion College Bacolod (Bacolod City) Mindanao State University - Main Campus (Marawi City) STI-College Ormoc (Ormoc City) University of San Carlos (Cebu City) University of Southern Mindanao (Kabacan, Cotabato) POLAND Participating Employers ABB Ltd. Warszawa Oddział w Łodzi ACC Biuro Architektoniczne Mikołaj Słupczyński (ACC Mikolaj Slupczynski Architecture Office) AdRem Software sp. z o.o. AGH University of Science and Technology AKG Architektura Krajobrazu Alba Thyment Sp. z.o.o. Alfa System s.c. Kuźmiński A., Kruszczyński A. Alter Polis. Gdanska Pracownia Urbanistyczna. Sp. z o.o. APA Projekt Ltd. Design Office APA Wojciechowski Sp. z o.o. Aquaform Sp. z o.o. Arch Deco Sp. z o.o. Architecture Office CAD Ltd. Archwig sp. z o.o. ARTA Ltd. Design Office ASE KLIMATYZACJA Automationstechnik BCT Baltic Container Terminal Gdynia BEST Construction Sp. z o.o. BESTA Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane sp. z o.o. BIBUS MENOS Sp. z o.o. Bio-Tech Consulting Biprostal S.A. firma inżynieryjno konsultingowa Biuro Architektoniczne ARKAT Dieter Paleta s.c. Biuro Geodezyjne Geo-Proces Bogdan Babinski Biuro Podróży Escape Monika Wróblewska Biuro Projektów Lutomski J. Biuro Studiów i Projektów Energetycznych ENERGOPROJEKT POZNAŃ S.A. (Power Eng. Design Office Co.) BT Elctronics Budem-Projekt Design Office Buro Happold Polska Sp. z o.o. Capgemini Polska sp. z o. o. Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o. Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies PAS Department of Hetero Organic Compounds Centrum Materiałów Polimerowych i Węglowych PAN Centrum Techniki Laserowej Sp. z o.o. citool sp. z o. o. Cognifide Polska Sp. z o. o. (Cognifide Poland Co.) COMARCH Capital Group COMMON Ltd.-Gas Measurement Systems Equipment Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. Computer Centre ZETO Ltd. Conbest Sp. z o. o. Firma InżynierskoHandlowa DACPOL Co.Ltd. DASTA S.C. Stanisław Łakota, Stanisław Radwan Department of Molecular Neurochemistry, Medical University of Lodz Design Office "MENOS" Design Office "PROMOST CONSULTING" DreamLab Sp. z o.o. Drukarnia KaDruk S.C Kotarski Mariusz, Kotarska Irena EC1 Lodz Miasto Kultury - New City Center Project eLeader Sp. z o.o Elektrotim S.A. ELMAT Sp. z o. o. Enter IT Evatronix IP Sp. z o. o. Fabryka Substancji Zapachowych PollenaAroma Spółka z.o.o. Firma Inżynierska Statyk Grzegorz Komraus FLEXTRONICS Logistics Frapol Sp. z o.o. Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii im. Prof. Zbigniewa Religii Future Processing Sp. z o.o. Gawel's Screw Factory Geokrak Sp. Z.o.o "Geoprojekt" Szczecin Sp. z o.o. Geosat Kraków Sp. z o.o. Geotechnical Consulting Office Sp. z o.o. Gestra Polonia Sp z o.o. Getinfo Sp. z o.o. Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Przemysłowego PROJPRZEM S.A. GONG Sp. z o.o. Grupa 68 Architekci s.j. GRUPPAY S.C. GSK Services Sp. z o. o. (GSK Services Co.) HARTBEX Przedsiebiorstwo Budowlane S.P. Z O.O. Hoppecke Baterie Polska Sp. z o.o. (Hoppecke Battery Poland Co.) Horus-Energia Sp. z o.o. Hydron Unipres Ltd. IF Research Polska Sp. z o.o. Insolutions S.C. Institute of Atomic Energy POLATOM, Radioisotope Centre InterSoft Gmbh Sp. Z o.o. INZYNIERIA Rzeszow Ltd. IVONA Software Sp. z o.o i2 Analytical Limited Sp. z. o. o. Jarkom JM Elektronik Jarosław Michalec JPEmbedded Kainos Keller Polska Sp z o.o. KLIMAWENT SA Kozłowski - Projekt Piotr Kozłowski K.R.U.K. Technika i Energia (K.R.U.K. Technology and Energy) Kulczyński Architekt Sp. z.o.o. Labour Co-operative ARMATURA Ltd. Llentabhallen Sp. z o.o. Lubelska Wytwórnia Dźwigów Osobowych LIFT SERVICE S.A. M&A Design Office MAAS S.C. Architecture Office MakoLab S.A. IT company Maksa Sp. z o. o. Mirosław Wiśniewski Architecure and Urbanistic Office Modertrans Poznań Sp. z o.o. (Modertrans Poznan Co.) MOL sp. z o.o. MOOMO Architects MTA Engineering Sp. z o.o. NABUD (NABUD - Company for Design, Expertise and Supervision in Build) NATEK Poland Sp. z o.o. NAVIC Engineering Polska Sp. z o. o. (NAVIC Engineering Poland Co.) Neoteric NutriCon Sp. z o.o. Oil and Gas Institute OKE Poland Sp. z o.o. Ontia spółka z o. o. OPGK RZESZÓW S.A. OPTIMA BG Orłowski, Szymański - Architekci Sp.j. PAISM Design Office Paks'D PERI Polska Sp. z o.o PGS Software S.A. Phenomena Michał Czaicki S.C PM BROS Agencja Reklamy s.c. POLAM-REM S.A. POL-CON Consulting Sp. z o.o. Polpharma S.A. PolSource Sp. z o.o. Pomorskie Biuro Projektów "GEL" Sp. z o.o. Porta Capena POTRONICS Ltd. Poznańskie Centrum SuperkomputerowoSieciowe (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center) Pracownia Inzynierska KLOTOIDA Mirosław Bajor, Andrzej Zygmunt Spółka Jawna PROFARB - GRUPA CHEMICZNA SP. Z O.O. Przedsiebiorstwo Budowlano-Instalacyjne "BUDOMAX" Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Montazowe "KLIMAWENTEX" Sp. z o.o. Przedsiebiorstwo Przemyslowo-Handlowe TRANSSYSTEM S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo usługowo-produkcyjnohandlowe ASPOL PSI Produkty i Systemy Informatyczne Sp. z o. o. (PSI Poland IT Products ans Systems Inc.) Qcadoo Limited Sp. z o.o. Qwerty LLC Qwerty Sp. z o.o. RCC Nova Sp. z o.o. Reckitt Benckiser Production Poland Sp. z o.o. RECORD Sp. z o.o. REINVEST Ltd. Design and Engineering Office Rücker - Polska Sp. z o.o (Rucker Poland Co.) IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 41 Sanofi Aventis Sp. z o.o. Semicon Sp. z o.o. Shenker Sp. z o. o. (Schenker Co.) Schleifer & Milczanowski Architekci s.c. SIGMA S.A. SII Sp. z o.o. Software Mind SOCHOR - Precision Engineering & Electronics Company SPARTEZ Went i Wspolnicy Spolka Jawna Spatial Management Planning Office Ecoland Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Spomlek Spółka Projektowania Architektonicznego Sadowski, Sadowska (Sadowski Architectural Design Co.) "Studio A4" Spolka Projektowa z o.o. Symantec Poland Sp. z o.o. Szaroszyk&Rycerski Architekci Sp. z o.o. S.A. Sztuka Użytkowa Ltd. Design Office Technokabel S.A. TeleMobile Electronics Sp. z o.o. TEMERTECH Sp. z.o.o. Testing Laboratory of Materials for the Aerospace Industry The Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Thomson Reuters Gdynia TIBEX Ltd. Tines S.A. Urbanistic and Design Office WMW Projekt Ltd Venture Industries Sp. z o.o. Verbicom S.A. (Verbicom Inc.) Visiona Polska Sp. z o.o. Wandachowicz- Kashyna Architekci Sp.p. (Wandachowicz- Kashyna Architects Co.) Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering Weedo S.A Wierszyłłowski & Projektanci (Wierszyllowski & Designers Architecture Office) WILKOCKI PROJEKT Design Office Zeitmann Michura Mariusz Participating Institutions Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering Gdansk University of Technology, faculty of management and economics Gdansk University of Technology, Chemical Faculty Institute of Computer Science Institute of Electronics (Silesian University of Technology) Instytut Automatyzacji Procesów Technologicznych i ZSW (Silesian University of Technology) Instytut Chemii Ogólnej i Ekolog PŁ-Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry Instytut Chemii Organicznej Politechnika Łódzka-Institute of Organic Chemistry Instytut Informatyki (Silesian University of Technology) 42 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych, Politechnika Łódzka-Institute Of Turbomachinery Instytut Podstaw Chemii Żywności-Institute of General Food Chemistry Instytut Pojazdów PŁ vehicle research institute Instytut Spawalnictwa Katedra Geomechaniki, Budownictwa Podziemnego i Zarządzania Ochroną Powierzchni Katedra Informatyki Stosowanej Z. Modelowania Syst. Stac. Computer Eng. Dept. Industrial comp. sys Katedra Informatyki Stosowanej Z.Anal. Obrazów Computer Eng.Dept-Image proces. & analysis Katedra Informatyki Stosowanej Z.Tomografii Proc. Deprt. of Computer Eng.Process tomography Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Tech.Informat. Department Of Microelectronics And Computer Science Medical University of Lodz, Department of Experimental Physiology Medical University of Lodz Department of Medical Biochemistry Medical University of Lodz, Department of Molecular Cancerogenesis Medical University of Lodz, Department of Propedeutics of Neurology with Stroke Unit Medical University of Lodz Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Department of Structural Biology Medical University of Lodz,Department of Oncology, Molecular Pathology And Neuropathology Polish Academy of Sciences Centre for Medical Biology, Lab. of Mycobacterium Genetics and Physiology Polish Academy of Sciences Centre for Medical Biology, Laboratory of Transcriptional Regulation Poznan University of Technology - Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Control and Information Engineering Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronics Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Machines and Motor Vehicles Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Material Technology Rzeszow University of Technology Civil Engineering Technology Centre Ltd. Rzeszow University of Technology, Chair of Base of Electronics Rzeszow University of Technology, Chair of Building Constructions Rzeszow University of Technology, Chair of Building Engineering Rzeszow University of Technology, Chair of Enterpreneurship, Management and Ecoinnovation Rzeszow University of Technology, Chair of Technology and Production Organisation University of Lodz, Department of Cytobiochemistry University of Lodz, Department of General Biochemistry University of Lodz, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry University of Lodz, Department of Molecular Genetics University of Lodz, Department of Nuclear Physics and Radiation Safety University of Lodz, Department of Organic & Applied Chemistry University of Lodz, Department of Physics and Applied Informatics , Chair High Energy Astrophysics University of Lodz, Department of Solid State Physics University of Lodz, Institute of Biophysics, Department of General Biophysics University of Lodz, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology Department of Immunology and Infections University of Łodz, Department of High Energy Astrophysics ZUT, Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Breeding ZUT, Faculty of Electrical Eng., Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. ZUT, Faculty of Electrical Eng., Dept. of Systems, Signals and Electronics Engineering ZUT, Faculty of Maritime Technology ZUT, Faculty of Maritime Technology II PORTUGAL Participating Employers Albatroz Engenharia, S.A. António Santos Lessa & Associados, Lda. Conexus World, Desenvolvimento e Implementação de Software, Lda. EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. Europac Kraft Viana, S.A. Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura, Urbanismo e Design (CIAUD) Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Coimbra (CEMUC) Centro de Informática e Sistemas da Universidade de Coimbra (CISUC) Centro de Investigação de Engenharia de Processos Químicos (C.I.E.P.Q.P.F) Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde (CIAS) Centro de Química Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Física e Investigação Tecnológica (CEFITEC) Centro de Investigação em Materiais (CENIMAT) Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) Rede de Química e Tecnologia - Centro de Química Fina e Biotecnologia (REQUIMTE - CQFB) Unidade de I&D em Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial (UNIDEMI) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Química e Bioquímica (CQB) Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica (INEB) Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC PORTO) Laboratório de Engenharia de Processos, Ambiente e Energia (LEPAE) Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção (LSRE) Unidade de Gestão e Engenharia Industrial (UGEI) Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal (CIISA) Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Centro Interdisciplinar de Performance Humana (CIPER) Indra Sistemas Portugal, S.A. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto (CDRsp) Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Centro de Engenharia dos Biossistemas (CEER) Unidade de Investigação Química Ambiental (UIQA) Instituto Superior Técnico Centro de Ambiente e Tecnologias Marítimas (MARETEC) Centro de Engenharia e Tecnologia Naval (CENTEC) Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura (DECivil) Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN) Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica (ISR) Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) DINÂMIA-CET, Centro de Estudos Sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica e o Território Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) Javali - Administração e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Informáticos, Lda. Microsoft - Software para Microcomputadores, Lda. M.N. Ramos Ferreira, Engenharia, S.A. Printer Portuguesa, Indústria Gráfica, Lda. Resiquímica - Resinas Químicas, S.A. SECIL - Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A. STCP - Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto, S.A. UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM) Centro de Tecnologia Mecânica e Automação (TEMA) Instituto de Engenharia Electrónica e Telemática de Aveiro (IEETA) Universidade da Beira Interior Aeronautics and Astronautics Research Center (AeroG) Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS) Participating Institutions Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) Universidade de Aveiro Universidade da Beira Interior Technology (POSTECH) Sungkunkwan University Yanbian University of Science and Technology EwhaWonmen’s University Konkuk University Chunam University Chungbuk University Wonkwang University Sookmyung Women’s University Yonsei University Hongik University Sangmyung University Chosun University Honam University MyungJI University Woolsan University Pukyung University QATAR Participating Employers 9optiune Adest Architecture Aedificia Carpati Agd Suceava Arc Studio Arhitectural Die Kunstfabik D.S.B.A. Graphic Studio Incd-Urban Proiect Kxl M Design Neobos Pioneer Romania Polarh-Design Profesional Construct Proiectare Procema Engineering Pzp Arhtectura React Now Studio Ruxpro Tecon Tofan Arkitect Topcadex Westfourth Architecture Westgrup Architecture Zip Studio Participating Employer Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO) Participating Institution Qatar University (QU) REPUBLIC OF KOREA GLOBAL ASSOCIATION OF TRAINING AND EXCHANGE (GATE) Participating Employers Samsung Electronics Korea National Research Resource Center (KNRRC) Electronics, Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT, POSTECH) Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) Korea Institute of Machine and Materials (KIMM) Korea Institute of Materials Research (KIMS) Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) Multimedia Security Lab, Korea University NEPES Corporation Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics (PIRO) Solar World Korea Ltd Chungnam National University Chungbuk National University Korea Institute of Environmental Hygiene and Safety (KIEHS) Wise Technology Korea Digital Cable Laboratories (KLABS) PAVONINE Participating Institutions Chungang University Handong University Hanyang University Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Korea University Nam Seoul University Pohang University of Science and ROMANIA Participating Institutions University Of Architecture And Urbanism "Ion Mincu" – Bucharest University Of Civil Engineering – Bucharest "Ion Ionescu De La Brad" Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Unviersity - Iasi RUSSIA Participating Employers A.Asadov Architectural Studio Architectural Studio Manipulazione Internazionale Institute of Stock Market and Management (Securities Institute) Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies) Moscow State Technical University MAMI Moscow Student Center Russian Plekhanov University of Economics IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 43 Participating Institutions Bauman Moscow State Technical University Lomonosov Moscow State University Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technology Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies) Moscow State Technical University MAMI Russian Plekhanov University of Economics Moscow State University of Printing Arts Mendeleev University of Chemistry Technology of Russia Moscow State University of Printing Arts National Research University “Higher School of Economics” Moscow Engineering – Physical Institute Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Moscow State University of Radiotechnics, Electronics, Automatics People’s Friendship University of Russia SERBIA Participating Employers AB&Co, Novi Sad Agencija za strana ulaganja i promociju izvoza Republike Srbije - SIEPA Arhitrav, Beograd Beograd-put, Beograd Biro 59, Beograd BSM NS Projekt, Novi Sad BVK, Beograd CEP, Beograd Centroprojekt AIK, Beograd DMV, Niš Ekonomski institut, Beograd Elektromreža, Beograd Elektroprivreda Srbije, Beograd Energoprojekt - Arhitektura i urbanizam, Novi Beograd Energoprojekt - EnergoData, Novi Beograd Energoprojekt - Entel, Novi Beograd Energoprojekt - Hidroinženjering, Novi Beograd EPS - Elektrodistribucija, Beograd Eparhijska radionica, Beograd Frikom, Beograd GRAFIX, Beograd Houser, Beograd IHTM, Beograd IMS, Beograd INI, Beograd INEP, Zemun Iritel, Zemun Institut “Kirilo Savić”, Beograd Institut “Mihajlo Pupin”, Beograd Institut “Nikola Tesla”, Beograd Institit za bezbednost i sigurnost na radu, Novi Sad Institut za biološke nauke “Siniša Stanković”, Beograd Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinča”, Beograd Institut za fiziku, Zemun Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetsko inženjerstvo, Beograd Institut za puteve, Beograd 44 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Institut za vodoprivredu “Jaroslav Černi”, Beograd Key to Metals, Beograd Lindner, Beograd Lola Institut, Beograd Luka Beograd, Beograd Montprojekt, Beograd Mostprojekt, Beograd Neimar Projekt, Novi Sad Projmetal, Beograd Rafinerija nafte “Beograd”, Beograd Republički geodetski zavod, Beograd RATEL, Beograd RB Kolubara, Lazarevac SANU - Institut tehničkih nauka, Beograd Srbijagas, Novi Sad Studio D'ART, Novi Sad Telekom Srbija, Beograd Termoelektrana “Nikola Tesla”, Obrenovac University of Belgrade Arhitektonski fakultet Elektrotehnički fakultet Gradjevinski fakultet Hemijski fakultet Innovation Center Matematički fakultet Mašinski fakultet Katedra za brodogradnju NANOLAB Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Šumarski fakultet Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet Katedra za biohemijsko inženjerstvo Katedra za OHT Katedra za OTN Katedra za organsku hemiju Katedra za tekstilno inženjerstvo University of Nis Elektronski fakultet Laboratorija za TV Laboratorija za MT Laboratorija za robotiku Gradjevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet Mašinski fakultet Prirodno-matematički fakultet Katedra za biologiju Katedra za fiziku Katedra za geografiju Katedra za informatiku University of Novi Sad Fakultet Tehničkih Nauka Poljoprivredni fakultet Prirodno-matematički fakultet Urbanistički zavod, Beograd Zavod za izgradnju grada, Novi Sad Zavod za urbanizam, Niš Zelenilo, Beograd Participating Institutions University of Belgrade – Univerzitet u Beogradu University of Arts, Belgrade – Univerzitet umetnosti, Beograd University of Novi Sad – Univerzitet u Novom Sadu University of Nis – Univerzitet u Nišu University of Kragujevac – Univerzitet u Kragujevcu University of Pristina – Univerzitet u Prištini University of Novi Pazar – Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru Megatrend University – Univerzitet Megatrend, Beograd Faculty of Information Technology – Fakultet Informacionih Tehnologija, Beograd Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bor – Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Boru Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak – Tehnički fakultet, Čačak SIERRA LEONE Participating Employers Bo/Kenema Power Station Eastern Polytechnic College Sierra Leone Brewery Limited Sierra Rutile Mining Company RAMSY Medical Laboratory Participating Institutions Fourah Bay College Njala University SLOVAKIA Participating Employers Asseco Solutions, a.s. AUREX, s.r.o. Faculty of Aeronautics, TU of Kosice Faculty of Arts, TU of Kosice Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, TU of Kosice Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zilina Faculty of Metallurgy, TU of Kosice Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, TU of Kosice Institute of Computer Technology, TU of Kosice Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences Matador Industries, a.s. Welding Research Institute Participating Institutions Alexander Dubcek Univezity of Trencin Faculty of Business Management, University of Economics in Bratislava Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, TU Kosice Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering SLOVENIA Participating Employers Arboretum Vočji Potok ARNOLDVUGA d.o.o. CAMPT - Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Centre for experimental mechanics DEM - Dravske Elektrarne Maribor d.o.o. ELEA iC d.o.o. FERI - Fakulteta za Elektrotehniko, Računalništvo in Informatiko Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia Gradis d.o.o. Hal Interactive d.o.o. Helios d.o.o. IB-Techno d.o.o. Institute of robotics Institute of metal construction Institute of metals and technology Jozef Stefan Institute Komunaprojekt d.d. Litostroj Power d.o.o. National institut of Chemistry National institute of Biology National institute of Chemistry Slovenia Savatech d.o.o. Studio Kalamar d.o.o. SPAIN Participating Employers Abengoa Solar New Technologies Aena Aeropuertos Españoles Y Navegación Aerea Aforcod Ajuntament De Tarragona Albert Pla I Gisbert Arquitecte Alimatic, S.L. Apia Xxi S.A. Aquamobile, S.L. Asepsa Sa (Grup Pujol) Autoridad Portuaria De Valencia Avialsa T-35, Slu Avl Ibérica, S.A. Ayesa_Aguas Y Estructuras Sa Ayuntamiento De Quart De Poblet Bancaja Bancaja Habitat Beniplast-Benitex S.A. Betelgeux, S.L. Biolan Microbiosensores S.L. Blinker España S.A.U. Cabimer_Centro Andaluz De Biología Y Medicina Regenerativa Centre Cretesos - Grup Crea Centre D´Estudis Main Centro De Investigacion Del Transporte Chemical And Environmental Engineering Department- University Of Zaragoza Cimne ( International Centre Of Numerical Methodes In Engineering) Civil Mateng, S.L. Cojali S.L. Colegio De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y Puertos De Madrid Confederación Hidrográfica Del Júcar Consell Comarcal Del Maresme Consenur S.A. Cpq Ingenieros, S.L. Cype Ingenieros S.A. Departamento De Ingenieria ElectrónicaEtsi Telecomunicaciones Madrid Departamento De Matemáticas. Universidad De Oviedo Desarrollo Software Miramon 4 Sl Dibal S.A. Diputacion Provincial Alicante Direccion De Proyectos Y Servicios Project Management S.L. Dosibiologica S.L. Dpto. Arquitectura De Computadores . Etsi Informática De Málaga Dpto. Ciencias E Ingeniería Del Terreno Y Los Materiales.- Universidad De Cantabria. Edibon International, S.A. Electronics Department, University Of Málaga Emuca, S.A. Enrique I. Artola S.L. Ensenada 3 S.L. Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria, S.L. Escuela De Ingenieros De CaminosLaboratorio De Materiales Y Construcción Escuela De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y Puertos Escuela De Ingenieros De Caminos. Departamento De Ferrocarriles. Estudios Y Montajes Eléctricos S.L. Etsi Telecomunicación Madrid- Grupo De Aplicación De Telecomunicaciones Visuales Falstacen S.L. (Robinson Club Playa Granada) Fernandez Del Castillo Arquitectos Slp Fertiberia S.A. Fibercom Sl Fundació Barcelona Media Gamesa Innovation & Technology, S.L. Geci Española Levante, S.A. Gestión Tributaria Territorial S.A. Gidoc Integral S.L. Gioseppo S.L Gmk Associats S.L. Goa Internet Services S.L. Grupo De Ingeniería Del Terreno (Git). E.T.S. Ingenieros De Minas De Oviedo Grupo De Sistemas Inteligentes- Etsi Telecomunicación Grupo San Jose Hydraulics And Energy Department Idom, Ingeniería Y Sistemas S.A. Importaco Sa Inaceps Institute Incusa (Industrias Del Curtido Sa) Indra Software Labs Industrias Jacinto Herrero S.L. Ingeciber S.A. Ingenieria Del Suelo S.A. Ingeniería Y Economía Del Transporte S.A. (Ineco S.A.) Iniciativas Casmor S.L Insagra Uno S.L. Instituto Nacional De Silicosis Instituto Nacional De Técnica Aeroespacial "Esteban Terradas" Instituto Portuario De Estudios Y Cooperación De La Comunidad Valenciana Instrumentos Testo, S.A. International Shoes Garvalín S.L. Iproma S.L. Isoclima Instalaciones S.L. Isolux Corsan Isotron S.A. J. A. Romero Polo Sa Kernpharma Sl Know-How Technologies, S.L. Laboratorio De Cementos.- E.T.S.I.Minas Oviedo Laboratorios Hipra S.A. Lda Audio Video Profesional.Sl Localret, S.A Lynx Idiomas S.L. Mancomunitat De Municipis De La Safor Medichem, S.A. Mmi Gestió D´Arquitectura I Paisatge Sl Moehs Ibérica, S.L Network Process Control Systems Nextret, S.L. Novasoft Ingeniería S.L. Perforacion E Instalaciones Ferrer, S.L. Pinturas Hempel S.A. Plastal Spain, S.A. Polymer Characterization, S.A. Postigo Obras Y Servicios S.A. Process Integral Development Eng&Tech Procter And Gamble Mataró S.L. Promociones Y Construcciones Granito 17 S.L. Puentes Y Calzadas, Grupo De Empresas, S.A. Red Eléctrica De España Sa Residencias Universitarias, S.A. Resorts Mallorca Hotels International, S.L.U Ros Roca Envirotec Sl Rover Alcisa S.A. S.E. Carburos Metálicos S.A. Sada P.A Valencia, S.A. Santo Cristo De Magallón, S.Coop Comarcal Sekisui Specialty Chemicals Europe, S.L. Semic S.A. Sener, Ingeniería Y Sistemas S.A. Servicios De Ingeniería Y Montage Alen, Sl Tag Aviation S.L. Team Industry S.A. Técnicas Reunidas S.A. Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme Texsa, S.A. Tsolar Global S.A. Universidad De Girona- Exit Research Group Vías Y Construcciones S.A. Ziv P+C Participating Institutions C.P.S. Zaragoza E.P.S. Burgos E.P.S. Elche E.P.S. Girona E.T.S. Arquitectura Barcelona E.T.S. Arquitectura Madrid E.T.S. Arquitectura Sevilla E.T.S. Arquitectura Valencia E.T.S. Arquitectura Vallés E.T.S. Enxeñaría Santiago de Compostela E.T.S. Ingeniería del Diseño Valencia E.T.S. Náutica Santander E.T.S.I .Caminos Barcelona E.T.S.I .Caminos Madrid E.T.S.I .Caminos Santander E.T.S.I .Caminos Valencia E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos Madrid E.T.S.I. Agrónomos U. Navarra E.T.S.I. Agrónomos Valencia E.T.S.I. Industriales Barcelona E.T.S.I. Industriales Bilbao E.T.S.I. Industriales Madrid E.T.S.I. Industriales Málaga E.T.S.I. Industriales Terrassa E.T.S.I. Industriales Valencia E.T.S.I. Industriales y Telecomunicación Santander E.T.S.I. Minas Oviedo E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciones Bilbao E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciones La Salle E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciones Madrid E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciones Valencia IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 45 E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciones Barcelona E.U. Politécnica Málaga E.U. Politécnica Mataró E.U.I. Geod., Cart. Y Top. Valencia E.U.I.T .Industriales Madrid E.U.I.T. Obras Públicas Madrid E.U.P. La Almunia Dª. Godina E.U.P. Lleida Elisava E.S. Disseny Barcelona F. Ciencias Alicante F. Ciencias Experimentales U .Miguel Hernández Elche F. Ciencias Málaga F. Ciencias Santander F. Ciencias U. Autónoma Madrid F. Ciencias Zaragoza F. Físicas y Químicas Barcelona F. Informática Barcelona F. Informática Valencia F. Matemáticas e Informática Universidad de Barcelona F. Veterinaria Zaragoza F.CC.EE. y EE. Santander Facultad Biología Sevilla U. Rovira i Virgili Tarragona SRI LANKA Participating Employers Aitken Spence PLC Asia Power Limited. Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau Engineering Consultants Limited Holcim Lanka Limited IFS (R&D) Lanka Limited LTL Holdings Limited MAS Holdings - Linea Intimo Virtusa (Pvt.) Limited Participating Institution University of Moratuwa SWEDEN Participating Employers Adfahrer AB Eka Chemicals AB Hot Disk AB Innventia AB Kanozi Arkitekter Karlstad University, Department of Chemical Engineering Luleå University of Technology, EISLAB Lund University, Theoretical Chemistry Mercatus Engineering AB SCANIA CV AB SKF Sverige AB Trafikverket Region Norr Volvo Car Corporation Volvo Construction Equipment ITT Water & Wastewater (from October 2011 new name: Xylem Water Solutions) Participating Institutions Chalmers University of Technology Karlstad University KTH Royal Institute of Technology Linköping University Luleå University of Technology Lund University Mid Sweden University Stockholm University Umeå University University of Gothenburg 46 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS SWITZERLAND Participating Employers ABB Schweiz AG Abc Engineering AG Acrea AG Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station aizo AG Alstom (Switzerland) Ltd. AO Research Institute Asyril SA Atelier WW Atus AG Bachema AG Baudepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt Berne University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology (BFH-TI) Biotronik AG Bruker Biospin AG Burckhardt Compression AG Burckhardt+Partner AG / SA Bystronic Laser AG Cablecom GmbH Caprez Ingenieure AG CERN Comerge AG Consultinform AG CREALOGIX E-Banking Solutions AG Dacuda AG Dätwyler Rubber Doodle AG ELESTA Relays GmbH Empa Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG EPF Lausanne, ESPLAB EPF Lausanne, Powder Technology Laboratory Erdmannpeisker GmbH ernst niklaus fausch architekten eth/sia gmbh ETH Zurich, Crop Science ETH Zurich, Group of Grassland Sciences ETH Zurich, High Voltage Laboratory ETH Zurich, IPE FKH, Fachkommission für Hochspannungsfragen Frostag Food-Centrum AG GEOCOM Informatik AG GigOptix-Helix AG Gruner AG Handschin Architekten Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie (HES-SO, HE Arc), Institut des Microtechnologies Appliquées Herzog & de Meuron Hilti AG, Technisches Zentrum Hochstrasser Glaus & Partner Consulting AG Holcim Group Support Ltd INFICON INFORMATICON InSphero AG Institute for Applied Plant Biology Kannewischer Ingenieurbüro AG Lüscher Bucher Theiler Architekten GmbH matti ragaz hitz architekten ag Medos & Codman (Johnson & Johnson Group) MEI Inc. Geneva Branch Mettler-Toledo AG Millform AG, Gbanga Nestlé Suisse S.A. Nexus Telecom AG Novartis Oerlikon-Knorr Eisenbahntechnik AG Optotune AG PackSys Global (Switzerland) Ltd. Paul Scherrer Institut PC Engines GmbH PROSE Ltd Rapp Arcoplan AG Rema Tip Top Vulc-Material AG Sanitized AG Schenkel Vermessungen AG Schindler Elevators Switzerland SICPA Security Solutions SA Sika Technology AG SMA und Partner AG Solcept AG St. Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG Suisse Technology Partners AG Supertext AG Suter + Partner AG Architekten SVOX AG Swiss Quality Testing Services Syngenta Crop Protection AG Terra Vermessungen AG TRUMPF Maschinen AG UBS AG University of Applied Sciences of Northwest. Switzerland (FHNW) University of Applied Sciences of Technology Buchs (FHO, NTB) University of Berne, ARTORG Center for Computer-Aided Surgery Vistaprint Waldabteilung 5 Bern-Gantrisch Waldhauser Haustechnik AG Zeochem AG Zulauf AG Zurich Instruments AG Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), ICP Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), IMS Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), ZSN Zweifel Pomy Chips Participating Institutions Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (FHO) University of Basel University of Fribourg University of Geneva University of Lausanne University of Liechtenstein University of Neuchâtel University of Zurich Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) SYRIA Participating Employers Damascus University Aleppo University Tishreen University Al Furat University Directorate of Forestry Damascus Municipality Banias Refinery Co. Participating Institutions Damascus University Aleppo University Tishreen University Al Baath University Al Furat University Al Wadi International University International university for science and technology TAJIKISTAN Participating Employers Central Asian Office of ACTED GSM Service Provider “Babilon-M” Ltd. Institute of Botany, Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics and Techniques named after S. Umarov, Academy of Sciences Internet Service Provider “Babilon-T” Ltd. LLC "Niku-Khujand" LLC"Sorbon" (Khujand/Motors) MMK Ltd. OSC “Lengiprostroy” OSC“Shahrofar” PC "Muminov"(Khujand) Saykhun Ltd. Tajik Scientific Research Institute for Preventive Medicine Participating Institutions Khujand Polytechnic Institute Russian -Tajik Slavonic University Tajik State National University Tajik Technical University Technological University of Tajikistan TANZANIA Participating Employers The Open University of Tanzania Institute of Educational Technology Filbert Bayi School LTD Participating Institutions The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) St John College Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Conveyer Technology Co., Ltd. CTS Electronices Corporation ( Thailand ) Ltd. Dutch mill Co., Ltd Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand GREAT AGRO CO., LTD Lifesbox Modular Co., Ltd. Magpie Blazetech Co.,Ltd. Pan Drives Co., Ltd. Samruay Engineering Ltd., Co. Thai Development Machinery Ltd. Part., Thai Siam Cement (Thung Song) Co., Ltd., TNT Media & Network Co., Ltd. Kasetsart University Khon Karn University King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Maejo University Mahasarkham University North Bangkok University Phetchaburi Rajabart University Pibulsongkram Rajabhat Uiversity Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Mai Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Na Khon Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Nakhonsithammarat Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang Roi-Et Rajabhat University Silpakorn University Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Srinakharinwirot University Sripatum International College Suranaree University of Technology Tapee College Ubon Rajathanee University Participating Institutions Asian University of Science and Technology Assumption University Chulalongkorn University Kasetsert University King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Chaokuntaharn King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Mahasarakham University Mahidol University Rajamangla University of Technology Lanna Rajamangla University of Technology Phranakon Silpakoen University Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Srinakharinwirot University Sripatum University Thammasat University THAILAND TUNISIA Participating Employers Artith Machinery Co.,Ltd. Bosco Machinery Co.,Ltd. CAT Telecom Public Company Limited Charoen Pokphand Engineering Co., Ltd Participating Employers A.S.E.C Andalousia Engineering Services Company AB Consulting ADAPTA SQUARE Adel Sebaï DIRASSET HANDASSIA Agence Med Boubaker Ali Mahjoubi Aliantas Consulting House A.C.H SARL Alpha-Audit ALPHA-CONSEIL ALTEREGO Consulting APP4MOB APPCON Technologies SUARL Arc-Architects ARCHIMED Bouaziz Med Ramy ARCHIPLAN Architecte Damergi Khaled Arké International Sarl ASSAL ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES Atelier 13 Atelier 54 Atelier d'Architecture et de Décoration 2 AD Atelier d'Art d'Architecture et d'Aménagement Atelier Fadi Hadj Kacem ATR Ayari Abderahim Baker Tilly Tunisie BEST ARCHITECTURE BIG-B BINA Consulting Black Box BLAIECH Mamdouh BULL SA TUNISIE Bureau d'Architecture : "Art.C.K" : Chabchoub Khaled Bureau d'Architecture Archi-TechInternational Bureau d'Architecture BEN HAMIDA Jalel Bureau d'Architecture Chokri Mili Bureau d'Architecture et de décoration Walid Jbel Bureau d'Architecture GM ARCHI Bureau d'Architecture Karim BEN ACHOUR Bureau d'Architecture Mehdi Khechine Bureau d'Etude "Universal Architecture" Bureau d'Etude et De Contrôle de Travaux Bureau d'Etudes Architecturales (BEA) Bureau d'Etudes Architecturales Ferjani TRABELSI Bureau d'Etudes Architecturales Turki Ilyes Bureau d'Ingeniering & d'Expertises Bureau Tunisien des Etudes Business Development Partners Cabinet Ali CHETOUI Cabinet d'Architecture BOUDOKHANE Mustapha Cabinet d'Architecture Bouzguenda Hichem Cabinet d'Architecture Chaker Zayati Cabinet d'Architecture Debbabi Moncef Cabinet d'Architecture d'Intérieur Cabinet d'Architecture Hichem BEN ABDERRAZAK Cabinet d'Architecture Kacem Azzouz Cabinet d'Architecture Mustapha BENJENNET Cabinet d'Architecture Ourimi Moncef Cabinet d'Architecture Slim BEN NESSIB Cabinet Khaled RAHALI Cabinet Ouns Baklouti CMT Plus Tunisie CONCEPT Ingénierie Conseil Audit Formation Member of Price Waterhouse Coopers Constructing and Engineering Technology "C.E.T" IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 47 48 Conviction Architecture d'intérieur Cryo Prod Azote Liquide Cynapsys De Fontaine Tunisie DIDON FILMS DIGI CONTACTS Dridi Mohamed EDITIONS ADAM El Behi Future Concept Electro Diesel Tunisie Elypsia Tunisie Entreprise El Amena Environmental Assessment and Management "E.A.M" EUREKA Ingénierie GENYX System Groupement Interprofessionnel des Agrumes et Fruits (GIAF) GTN Global Telecom Networking H2E Hydraulique Equipement Entretien HADDAD Ismaîl Hajer Kacem Ben Amor HEXABYTE HighTech Innovative Technologies & Solutions (HITS S.A.R.L) Hydrosol Fondations I.P NETS ID CLAIRE INFRAFORCES INTERNATIONAL Innovation & Consulting in Engineering Innovation architecturale Internation Development Consultants (IDC) ITQAN Consortium Kromberg & Schubert SARL Centre Technologique Les Ateliers du Belvédère LOG'XPRESS MAC S.A StockBrokerage Firm MEDIANET Mediterra Creative Design (MCD) Tertio MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING AGENCY MEHARI BEACH MENALINK MERI (Mondiale des Etudes et Réalisation Industrielle) Microsoft Tunisia Mohammed Khalili MOVE ARCHITECTS MY SERVICES NASFI Sabri NETSYSTEM SA Officine de pharmacie "Madagascar" OGER International Tunisie OMNIACOM Orascom Telecoms Tunisia Orchidee Design International PANILABO RSM Ahmed Mansour & Associés S.I.A.A Salam Engineering Services SAROST SBST SCANTECH SEQUENCE EUROMED SERBAT Smart Asset Management Société CONDAIR Plus Société de Distribution des Produits Société de promotion immobilière "Tourath" Société de promotion immobilière EL ASSALA EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS Société d'Equipement Vapeur et Climatisation (SEVAC) Société Dimtex Société d'Ingénierie du Bâtiment et des Etudes de Réhabilitation (SIBER) Société Du Réseau Ferroviaire Rapide de Tunis Société El AMBAR de Promotion Immobilière Société K.S Société La Renaissance Société Mbarek de promotion immobilière Société Tunisienne d'Imprimerie et de Cartonnage STBS Sté BATIMART Sté d'études architecturales SEA Sté NA Solid Petroservice LTD Sté Pixel Distribution STEG - Electricity Production and Transportation Headquarters STIR Supernet Solutions Sweep-net Project-German technical cooperation Synergy Space Taïeb Khiri Talan Tunisie International TASMIM - Architecture et Aménagement TENDANCES VOLTA PV WAYKOS WE DEV WEB MASTER ART Winthrop Pharma SA Tunisie Participating Institutions Ecole Nationale d’Architecture Et d’Urbanisme de Tunis ENAUT Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Gabes ENIG Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Monastir ENIM Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax ENIS Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sousse ENISO Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis ENIT Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique ENSI Ecole Polytechnique de Tunis EPT Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture de Mateur ESAM Ecole Supérieur d’Aéronautique et de Technologie de Tunis ESAT Ecole Supérieure de Commerce ESC Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs de l'Equipement Rural Medjez Elbeb ESIER Ecole Supérieure des Industries Alimentaires de Tunis ESIAT Ecole Supérieure Privée d’Ingénierie et de Technologie ESPRIT Ecole Supérieure de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information de Tunis ESSAI Ecole Supérieure Des Sciences et Techniques de Design ESSTD Faculté des Sciences de Tunis FST Institut National d’Agronomie de Tunis INAT Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et des Technologies INSAT Institut Supérieur de Gestion ISG Institut Supérieur d’Informatique ISI Ecole Supérieure de Communications Sup’Com TURKEY Participating Employers ACD Bilgi İşlem Ltd. Şti. ACDC Elektronik Sistemler San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. ACS Mühendislik Klima Sist. San. ve Tic Ltd. Şti. Adler International Learning Central Europe Adnan Kazmaoğlu Mimarlık Araştırma Merkezi AE Mimarlık Atölyesi Air Telekomünikasyon Çözümleri A.Ş. Akademi Bilgisayar Yazılım Otomasyon ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. Akcelep Pamuk Gıda Tarım Ürünleri Tekstil ve Turizm San. Tic. İth. ve İhr. Ltd. Şti. Amcol Mineral Madencilik San. ve Tic. A.Ş. American Bureau of Shipping Aniks Teknoloji Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti. Anot Elektrik-Elektronik Otomasyon San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Arbiogaz Çevre Teknolojileri İnş. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Ares Teknoloji San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Arneca Danışmanlık ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Art Makine Kesici Takımlar San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti. Atelye 70 Planlama A.Ş. Aytaç İnşaat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Başak Atalay Tasarım Ltd. Başar Bilgisayar Sistemleri ve İletişim Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Besa Plastik Suni Deri A.Ş Betula Peyzaj ve İnşaatı Ltd. Şti. Beyçelik Gestamp Kalip ve Oto Yan Sanayi Pazarlama ve Ticaret A.Ş. Bilko Bilgisayar Otomasyon vew Kontrol A.Ş. Bis Sistem Entegrasyon Bil. Hiz. Ltd. Şti. Bosch San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Budak Turizm İnşaat Ltd. Şti. Burak Alüminyum C.P Standart Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Candeniz Elektronik Ltd. Şti. Compro Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş. Conval Group Validation and Consultancy Limited Çağdaş Harita Müh. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Çağdaş Makine Çamoğlu Mimarlık Dalgakıran Kompresör Defne Bilgi İşlem Ürünleri Ltd. Şti. Demirer Kablo Tesisleri Tic. A.Ş. Demta Isı ve Endüstriyel Tesisler Ltd. Şti. Deniz Kauçuk ve Aksesuar San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Design-um DOME Doğal Mekan Mimarlık Dan. İnş. San. Ve Tic.Ltd. Şti. Duravit Yapı Ürünleri San. Tic. A.Ş. EAE Makine A.Ş. Ege Üniversitesi Ekol Dekorasyon San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Ekrem Erk Mimarlık ve İnşaat Ltd. Şti. Elektroteknik Klima San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti. Encorium Oy Ltd. Entropi Mühendislik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Era Şehircilik Mimarlık Müş. Ltd. Şti. Erciyas Çelik Boru Sanayi A.Ş. Erdemli Proje Müşavirlik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. ETC Base Yazılım ve Bilişim Teknolojileri Etkin İlaç Etsun Entegre Tarım Ürünleri Tic. A.Ş. Foreks Bilgi İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Furkim Kimya San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti. Gaia Carbon Finance Geoteknik A.Ş. Gerger Yazılım ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Hakan Kıran Mimarlik ve Yapı Hiz. Tic. A.Ş. Heinen&Hopman Mühendislik A.Ş. Hemaks Halı ve Tekstil Makine San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Herbalife International Ürünleri Tic. Ltd. Şti. Hitit Bilgisayar Hizmetleri ICT Telecommunication A.S. İdea Teknoloji Çöz. Bilg. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. İdeal Makina Endüstri Ürünleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. İlke Planlama Mimarlık İnşaat Ltd. Şti. İmam Kayalı Oğulları Otomotiv Ticaret ve Sanayi. A.Ş. İnfodif Yazılım ve Bilişim Teknolojileri İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü Koç Üniversitesi Kökçü Ekolojik Teknolojiler Arıtma Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Lamagama Game and Animation Technologies Linera Ar-Ge Ltd. Lst Yazılım Elektronik ve İletişim Teknoloji Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Mavi Consultants Mert Eyiler Mimar Atölyesi Tic Ltd. Şti. Mesa Kilit ve Yedek Parça Sanayi Ltd. Şti. Metropol Kentsel Tasarım ve Şehir Planlama Mimarlik Muh. İnş. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. MGT Filtre Klima Tesisat İnşaat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Mimko Mühendislik Minder Bilişim Ltd. Şti. Mir Arıtma ve Geliştirme A.Ş. MN Mimarlık Net Isı San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Obem Ltd. Şti Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Onur Air Taşımacılık A.Ş. Panel Elektro San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Parana Vision A.Ş. Pesa Elektrik Malzemeleri Ltd. Şti. Profen İletişim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A.Ş. Promod Ar-Ge Yazılım Risk Yazılım Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti. Royal Hali S.A.M İnşaat Müh. Taah. Bilgisayar Tic. Ltd. Şti. Sağlam Metal A.Ş Samm Teknoloji A.Ş Sesinoks Metal ve Endüstriyel Ürünler A.Ş. SGM Sismik Güçlendirme Merkezi İnşaat San. Ltd. Şti. Si-Ma Makine Elektrik Ltd. Şti. Sisoft Sağlık Bilgi Sistemleri Ltd. Şti. Sistek Bilgisayar Yazılım ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti. Şua İnşaat San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Tasarım Üssü TAV Tepe Akfen Yatırım İnşaat ve İşletme A.Ş. TBP Kimyasal Maddeler San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. TechnoBee Proje ve Teknoloji Geliştirme Yönetim Danışmanlık Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Temeltaş İnş. San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Tezgüller Makine ve Kalıp İnş. San.Tic. Ltd. Şti Toner Mimarlık Trio Plastik San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Turgut Toydemir Piramit Mimarlık Şehir Müh. Ltd. Şti. Ufuk Kimya İlaç San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Uğursal İnşaat Ltd.Şti. Untel Kabloları San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Uygur Bilgisayar San.Tic. ve Ltd. Şti. Visan Vinç Hareket Sistemleri Ltd. Şti. Xerox Büro Araçları Ticaret ve Servis A.Ş. Yalın Mekatronik Yapıser Çatı ve Cephe Kaplama Malzemeleri İnşaat San. Tic. A.Ş. Yat- Teks Tekstil Turizm Gıda İnş. Paz. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yaz Bilgi Sistemleri ve Ticaret A.Ş. Yeşil Vadi Bahçe Bakım Fidan Çiçek Paz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Yılmaz Plastik San. Ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. YK Mimarlık Dekorasyon Inş. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yön Tekstil Yan Ürünleri ve San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Participating Institutions Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ankara Üniversitesi Atatürk Üniversitesi Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Çukurova Üniversitesi Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Ege Üniversitesi Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Erciyes Üniversitesi Gaziantep Üniversitesi Hacettepe Üniversitesi İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İstanbul Üniversitesi İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Koç Üniversitesi Kocaeli Üniversitesi Marmara Üniversitesi Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sabancı Üniversitesi Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Trakya Üniversitesi Uludağ Üniversitesi Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi UKRAINE Participating Employers National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” Company “Promel” Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture Kiev Research Institute of Automation and Experimental Research Yunakov Architectural Studio Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology PrycarpatTransGas – Gas Pipeline Administration Ivano-Frankovsk Forestry Architecture and Urban Planning Administration of Ivano-Frankovsk Ivano-Frankovsk Cement Plant Ivano-Frankovsk National University of Oil and Gas Vasyl Stefanyk University Ukrnafta – Research Laboratory Participating Institutions Kiev Institute of Economics Ivano-Frankovsk State Medical Academy Zaporozhe Engineering Academy Kiev National Shevchenko University Odessa Polytechnic University Kiev Medical Academy UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Participating Employers Gulf Precast Concrete Company Adnan Saffarini Engineering Consultant X-Architects Dubai Aluminum Company Ltd.(DUBAL) Gulf Engineering & Supply L.T.D Participating Institutions University of Sharjah American University of Sharjah UNITED KINGDOM Participating Employers 6A Architects Abertay University Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute Armagh Observatory Arup Scotland Bagir UK Ltd Baker Petrolite Industrial Group British Council Buro Happold Engineers Ltd Caerphilly County Borough Council Caledonian Alloys Capita Symonds Cardiff University CDE Ireland Ltd Christopher Farr Cloth Clements Ltd Durham University Edinburgh University Engineers Without Borders Engineers Without Borders Europharma Scotland Ltd Eva Jiricna Futerra Sustainability Communications Limited GE Energy Services Gensler GenTech Propagation Ltd Glamorgan Heritage Coast Project Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow University Graham Construction Ltd. Heriot Watt University Imperial College London Inbar Spector James Fisher Defence Jonathan Saunders Larne Borough Council London Printwork Trust (LPWT) Long Tall Sally Mace Limited IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 49 MAN Diesel & Turbo UK Ltd Marks & Spencer Michael Sodeau Partnership MRC Napier University Natural Power Consultants Ltd. Newcastle University Newry and Mourne District Council Oliver Sweeney Optoswim Technologies Ltd Pentland Brands Plc Pollard, Thomas & Edwards Architects Queen Mary University of London Queen's University Belfast RFMD (UK) Ltd River Island Clothing Co. Ltd Ron Arad Architects Rota Val LTD Royal Horticultural Society Schrader Electronics Ltd Scott & Fyfe Limited SFX Technologies St. Andrews University Strathclyde University Stylus Media Group Sustainable Northern Ireland Swarovski Technip UK Ltd The Sainsbury Laboratory Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems Europe Ltd TotalMobile Translink UK Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Greenwich University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Plymouth University of Reading University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Ulster University of Wales, Swansea University of York Weston Williamson William Clements Chemicals Ltd Participating Institutions Aberdeen University Abertay University University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge Cardiff University City University of London Dundee University Durham University Edinburgh College of Art Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh University Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow University 50 EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS University of Greenwich Heriot Watt University Imperial College King's College University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Manchester Newcastle University University of Nottingham University of Oxford Plymouth University Queen Mary University London Queens University University of Reading Robert Gordon University University of Sheffield University of Southampton St. Andrews University Strathclyde University Swansea University University of Teesside University College London University of Huddersfield University of Liverpool University of the Arts London University of the West of Scotland University of Ulster University of Warwick University of York UNITED STATES Participating Employers Azure Dynamics Baylor College of Medicine Beta CAE Systems CAL Insurance Carnegie Mellon University Creative Thermal Solutions Cultural Vistas Histogenetics International Council of Clean Transportation James Madison University Menlo Innovations Murray State University North Carolina State University Novartis Oracle Pennsylvania State University Schlumberger Siemens Medical Solutions University of Michigan University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Valco Industries Virginia Tech Participating Institutions Boston University Colorado State Univesrity George Mason University Georgia Tech Iowa State University Lehigh College Massachusettes Institute of Technology McDaniel College Murray State University Northeastern University Ohio State University Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology University of California at San Francisco University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Minnesota - Twin Cities University of Oregon University of Texas at Dallas University of Washington University of Wisconsin Universtiy of Hawaii Virginia Tech UZBEKISTAN Participating Employers Tashkent State Technical University Technical Centre SIMUZ UzshaharsozlikLITI Stock Company Participating Institutions Tashkent State Technical University Technical Centre SIMUZ UzshaharsozlikLITI Stock Company VIETNAM Participating Employers Bac Ninh Vocational College of Elictromechanics Construction. Chen Sea & Spa Phu Quoc, Centara Boutique Collection Thai Nguyen University of Technology College of Foreign languages- Da Nang Univesity Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry International School – Thai Nguyen University Thai Hoa Limited Liability Company Cuong Quoc Joint-Stock Company Hanoi Urban Architecture Development Joint Stock Company TNG Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company College of Science – Thai Nguyen University Learning Resource Centre – Thai Nguyen University Centre of Research and Development International Cooperation Center Vietnam Forestry University Participating Institution Thai Nguyen University WEST BANK Participating Employers Al Osaily Company Anabtawi Group Palestine Real Estate Investment Company PALTEL ( Palestine Telecommunications Company ) The Arab Real Estate Company Universal Group Participating Institution An-Najah National University support services to IAESTE Internet Development Team (IDT) The IDT, Internet Development Team, was founded in Copenhagen in 1998 by volunteers from Daniel Schwarz IDT Co-ordinator five different countries, with the goal to deliver IT services to IAESTE. Today thirteen volunteers from ten countries are involved in IDT. The services include anything which the organisation requests, such as web and e-mail services. The web services include a private website, the IAESTE IntraWeb; and provides technical assistance for the Alumni Association. The IDT maintains the public website,, which provides information on IAESTE and links to all Member countries' home pages and contact details. The IAESTE Ombudsman The post of Ombudsman was created by a decision of the 2001 General Conference of IAESTE held in Durban. The Ombudsman is an independent person, to whom students can report complaints about unfair treatment, with the aim of arriving at a fair settlement. The Ombudsman reports to the General Conference each year about all incidents reported to him from students. He also proposes measures to prevent similar incidents in future. Mrs Edith Bretin is the IAESTE Ombudsman. For further Information on the Ombudsman please go to or contact her at either [email protected] or write to IAESTE Ombudsman 20, Rue Alphonse Daudet 13090 Aix en Provence France IAESTE Alumni Network (IAN) The new online IAESTE Alumni Network was successfully launched in January 2011 and is supported by the Alumni Relations Manager. Over 3000 people have already registered and the number continues to Bruce Mehlmanngrow each day. Wicks Alumni Relations Members are contacting old friends Manager from years gone by and sharing their experience through writing articles or uploading photos and video. They are also attending alumni events and making new contacts for further professional development. In addition, the network is proving to be a very useful tool for managing summer social programmes for current trainees. Alumni are essential to the future of IAESTE. They can support us in numerous ways, for example, acting as ambassadors or being a source for placements or financial support. Furthermore, access to a network of highly motivated and experienced scientists, engineers or architects, is a very attractive proposition for potential sponsoring companies. The IAESTE Alumni Network allows us to engage with our alumni like never before and to form mutually beneficial relationships with them. Strategic IAESTE Development (SID) SID serves IAESTE by bringing together IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions to discuss issues of best practice, administration, organisational Mario Felber advancement and the development of SID Co-ordinator the Organisation. Unlike the Annual Conference, which focuses on the exchange of traineeships, SID provides a structured forum for delegates to discuss ideas and actions to improve IAESTE as an International Organisation. Work Groups work on specific tasks requested by the General Conference, the IAESTE Board and the Membership at large provide the topics to be discussed at SID. In addition, a number of ongoing tasks such as Mentoring, Annual Conference Introductory sessions and updating of IAESTE Forms and materials are tackled by SID. The results from the Work Groups are refined over the year into recommendations that go back to the Board and then to the General Conference for official voting and implementation. IAESTE Worldwide: Members and Co-operating Institutions FULL MEMBERS 1. Argentina Comité Argentino del IAESTE (1961)* 2. Australia IAESTE Australia (1996)* 3. Austria IAESTE Austria (1949)* 4. Belgium IAESTE Belgium vzw (1948)** 5. Bosnia and Herzegovina IAESTE BiH (2000) 6. Brazil IAESTE Brazil ABIPE (1982)* 7. Canada IAESTE Canada (1953)* 8. Colombia IAESTE Colombia (1995)* 9. Croatia Hrvatska udruga za međunarodnu razmjenu studenata prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti IAESTE Croatia (1993)* 10. Cyprus IAESTE Cyprus (1980)* 11. Czech Republic IAESTE Czech Republic (1965)* 12. Denmark IAESTE Denmark, Polyteknisk Forening (1948)** 13. Ecuador IAESTE Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito (1999) 14.Egypt IAESTE Egypt – Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (1961)* 15. F.Y.R. Macedonia IAESTE (FYR) Macedonia (1994)* 16. Finland IAESTE Finland (1948)** 17. France IAESTE France (1948)** 18. Germany Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Deutsches Komitee der IAESTE (1950)* 19. Ghana IAESTE Ghana (1970)* 20. Greece IAESTE Greece (1958)* 21. Hungary IAESTE Hungary (1983)* 22. Iceland IAESTE Iceland (1951)* 23. Iran IAESTE Iran (2002) 24. Ireland IAESTE Ireland (1962)* 25. Israel Israel IAESTE Committee (1951)* 26. Japan IAESTE Japan (1964)* 27. Jordan IAESTE Jordan (1978)* 28. Kazakhstan IAESTE Kazakhstan (1995)* 29. Latvia IAESTE Latvia (2002) 30. Lebanon IAESTE Lebanon (1966)* 31. Lithuania IAESTE Lithuania (1990)* 32. Malta IAESTE Malta (1984)* 33. Mexico IAESTE Mexico/AMIPP, A.C. (1985)* 34. Mongolia IAESTE Mongolia (2001) 35. Norway IAESTE Norway (1948)** 36. Oman Sultan Qaboos University (2001) 37. Pakistan IAESTE Pakistan (1990)* 38. Poland IAESTE Poland (1959)* 39. Portugal IAESTE Portugal (1954)* 40.Romania IAESTE Romania (1998) 41. Russia IAESTE Russia (1991)* 42. Serbia - IAESTE Srbija (1952)* 43. Sierra Leone IAESTE Sierra Leone (1991) 44.Slovakia IAESTE Slovakia (1965)* 45. Slovenia IAESTE Slovenia (1993)* 46. Spain Comité Español para Intercambio de Estudiantes Técnicos IAESTE España (1951)* 47. Sweden IAESTE Sweden (1948)** 48. Switzerland IAESTE Switzerland (1948)** 49. Syria IAESTE Syria (1965)* 50. Tajikistan IAESTE Tajikistan (1992)* 51. Thailand IAESTE Thailand, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, North Bangkok (1978)* 52. Tunisia IAESTE Tunisia(1959)* 53. Turkey IAESTE Türkiye (1955)* 54. Ukraine IAESTE Ukraine (1994)* 55. United Kingdom IAESTE UK (1948)** 56. USA IAESTE United States (1950)* 57. Uzbekistan IAESTE Uzbekistan (1997)* ASSOCIATE MEMBERS 1. Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Students Union (2010) 2. Belarus IAESTE Belarus (2000) 3. China including Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR - Council for International Training and Development (2000) - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1997) - University of Macau (2004) 4. Montenegro IAESTE Montenegro (2007) 5. Panama Technological University of Panama (2004) 6. Philippines POEC (2007) 7. United Arab Emirates University of Sharjah (2000) CO-OPERATING INSTITUTIONS 1. Bangladesh Moytree (2009) 2. Estonia Tallinn University of Technology (2010) 3. Gambia Institute of Administration and Management (2009) 4. Georgia Technical University of Georgia (2011) 5. India Karunya University (2001) 6. India Manipal Institute of Technology (2006) 7. Italy International Crossroads Association (2011) 8. Jamaica JOYST Jamaica (2006) 9. Kenya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (2004) 10. Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia USM (2008) 11. Netherlands IAESTE in Utrecht (2011) 12. Nigeria Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) (2008) 13. Nigeria University of Benin (2007) 14. Peru Universidad de Piura (2001) 15. Qatar Qatar University (2011) 16. Republic of Korea Global Association of Training and Exchange (2007) 17. Sri Lanka University of Moratuwa (2000) 18. Tanzania The Open University (2007) 19. Vietnam Thai Nguyen University (2006) 20. West Bank An–Najah National University Nablus (2009) 21. Zambia Brown Waterfalls (2010) ** Founding Member of IAESTE Ad Hoc (1948) and IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005) * Founding Member of IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005) The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience A.s.b.l. P.O. Box 35-05, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia Tel: +381 11 3031677, Fax: +381 11 3031675, e-mail: [email protected]