University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Bachellor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Master of Science/Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Course Syllabus 1. General Information: Alpha-numeric codification: INME5717 Course Title: Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design Number of credits: 3 Contact Period: 3 hours of lecture per week 2. Course Description: English: Analysis of bending, shear and torsional theories for arbitrary, multimaterial, and multicell wing cross-sections. Analysis and design of thin-walled single and multicell stiffened shell sections using analytical and numerical solutions. Application of work and energy principles, and numerical methods, to the design of flight vehicles. Wing design considering: fatigue, aeroelasticity, environmental loads, aerospace materials, stability of thin-walled compression members, and structural dynamics. Introduction to wing optimization. Spanish: Análisis de teorías de flexión, cortante y torsión para alas con secciones arbitrarias, de multi-material y multi-paredes. Análisis y diseño de estructuras de paredes delgadas compuestas de una o más secciones rígidas usando soluciones analíticas y numéricas. Aplicación de los principios de energía y trabajo, y métodos numéricos, para el diseño de vehículos de aviación. Diseño de alas tomando en consideración: fatiga, aeroelasticidad, cargas ambientales, estabilidad de elementos de paredes finas en compresión y dinámica estructural. Introducción a optimización de un ala. 3. Pre/Co-requisites and other requirements: PRE -REQ: INME4717, (INGE 4019 OR INGE 4012) OR PERMISO DEL DIRECTOR 4. Course Objectives: After completing this course students should be able to: (i) use stress, strain, load and deflections of statically determinate and indeterminate structures to analysis and design wings using Advanced beam theories or Energy Methods; (ii) determine shear flow in single, multi-, singlematerial, and multi-material cell wing box; (iii) design wings based on fatigue, aeroelasticity, structural dynamics, dynamic stability, and integrate environmental loads; (iv) use optimization theory to optimize a wing-box. 5. Instructional Strategies: conference discussion computation laboratory seminar with formal presentation seminar without formal presentation art workshop thesis research practice trip special problems workshop tutoring other, please specify: Design Project 6. Minimum or Required Resources Available: General Library, Mechanical Engineering Department Library 7. Course time frame and thematic outline Outline Structural analysis and design Shear flow analysis Energy Methods Fatigue Aeroelasticity Structural Dynamic Dynamic Stability Wing Design optimization Test Total hours: (equivalent to contact period) 8. Grading System Quantifiable (letters) 89.500 100 77.500 89.499 67.500 77.499 50.500 67.499 0 50.499 Contact Hours 2 5 6 5 7 5 6 3 3 45 Not Quantifiable A B C D F 9. Evaluation Strategies Quantity 3 1 Exams Final Exam Short Quizzes Oral Reports Monographies Portfolio Projects Journals Other, specify: 4 TOTAL: Percent 45% 15% 0% 0% 0% 0% 40% 0% 0% 100.00% 10. Bibliography: Allen, D. H., Introduction to Aerospace Structural Analysis, 1985, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY*. Curtis, H. D., Fundamentals of Aircraft Structural Analysis, 1997, Mc-Graw Hill, New York, NY*. Johnson, E. R., Thin-Walled Structures, 2006, Textbook at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. Keane, Andy and Nair, Prasanth, Computational Approaches for Aerospace Design: The Pursuit of Excellence, August 2005, John Wiley and Sons. Newman, D., Interactive Aerospace Engineering And Design With CD-ROM, First Edition, Mass Institute Of Tech, 2004, Mcgraw-Hill. Sun, C. T., Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, Second Edition 2006, John Wiley and Sons *These books remain as the top books for the subjects covered in the course and there are no upto-date textbooks to substitute these books. 11. According to Law 51 Students will identify themselves with the Institution and the instructor of the course for purposes of assessment (exams) accommodations. For more information please call the Student with Disabilities Office which is part of the Dean of Students office (Chemistry Building, room 019) at (787)265-3862 or (787)832-4040 extensions 3250 or 3258.