St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
ST. ALOYSIUS OF GONZAGA St. Louis Church 48 West Hollis Street Nashua, N.H. 03060 Phone: 603-882-4362 * Fax: 603-886-8923 A COMMUNITY OF WORD, WORSHIP, FELLOWSHIP AND SERVICE IN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC TRADITION Rev. Marcos Gonzalez-Torres ..................... [email protected] Richard Desmarais ...................................... [email protected] Pastor Deacon Parish Council Members: Linda Paradise, Carmel Pawlowski, Jhoanny Marte, Karen Deoleo, Rolande Suchocki, Eileen McInerney, Ivette Bisono & Julio Munguia Finance Council Members: Mrs. Rolande Suchocki - Chairperson, Mr. Douglas Pratt, Mrs. Denise Barnett , Mr. Raúl Ramírez Faith Formation Team: Elia Lerma .................................................... [email protected] Mónica Quiñones ......................................... [email protected] Wendy Ramírez ............................................. [email protected] Carmen Dussault .......................................... [email protected] Office Staff: Jennifer McInerney ....................................... [email protected] Amy Buckmire ............................................... [email protected] Cemetery Office: Elizabeth Klamka.......................................... 603-886-1302 [email protected] Faith Formation Coordinator Youth Minister Bulletin & Social Media Adult Ministry Pastoral care Business Manager OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm Closed on Fridays MASS SCHEDULE: Weekdays: Monday- Friday: 8:30am (English) Wednesday: 7:00pm (Español) Weekends: Saturday: 4:00pm (English) - 6:00pm (Español) Sunday: 9:00am (Français & English) -11:00am (English) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: In the Church Saturday: 3:00pm (English & Spanish) Wednesday: 6:00pm - 6:45pm & by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays at St. Aloysius Church from 9a.m. to 7p.m. (If there is a Funeral Mass, adoration will commence after Mass.) Closed if no school Administrative Assistant NH CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 261 Lake St. Nashua, NH 03060 * 603-889-9431 St. Louis, Old St. Louis, St. Francis, St. Stanislaus CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD PANTRY: Contact: Susan Dignan * 603-882-6372 Emergency Assistance: 603-598-1641 Welcome to our Church family! We’re glad you came to join with us in our worship time today. We hope you come again! Page - 974 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, July, 10th, 2016 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time "He replied to him, 'You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.'" In today's Gospel a scholar questions Jesus about how to gain eternal life. In case anyone ever wonders whether heaven is within reach, one only needs to refer to this Gospel. Jesus provides a clear answer that gives us a clear plan of action: We are to love God with all that we are, and also to love our neighbors. Really, it's that simple. The scholar, however, complicated things to make himself look better. Instead of accepting the simplicity of Jesus' instruction, he wanted to split hairs, asking, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied with the story of the Good Samaritan-and the lesson that our neighbors are not just those we know or love. Rather, our neighbor is the person that needs our help, the person whom we would rather ignore, the person whom God puts in our path. In short, everyone is our neighbor and we are called to treat everyone with mercy. This is part of how we gain eternal life. But this flows from the first element of Jesus' answer. First and foremost, Jesus instructs us to love God "with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind." When we love God in this way, truly as the Lord of our life, then loving our neighbors becomes the easy part. When our hearts and minds are full of the love of God-who loves all people-then it will necessarily follow that we too will desire to share that love with others and not count the cost. The Good Samaritan is an excellent example of this kind of love. Without hope of repayment, he gave of his time and his money to help the poor victim. But in return, the Samaritan will surely "gain eternal life." Year of Mercy: Book Discussion As we venture together through this Jubilee Year of Mercy, why not let the Lord show you His great Love and Mercy through Pope Francis’s inspiring book, The Church of Mercy. This year’s Book Discussion will be September 8th 2016, save the date and get your book now! We will be sharing how God’s divine Mercy has shined down upon us through the words of one of the greatest spiritual teachers, Pope Francis. Books will be on sale in the rectory for $15 each. Page 2- 974 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, July 10th, 2016 Weddings Diocesan policy states that the couple should contact the parish priest at least six months prior to the wedding before making any arrangements. Please call the rectory for further information. Baptisms For catechesis and preparation information please contact the office by phone or by email at [email protected]. Mass Intentions: Monday, July 11th, 2016 8:30am - Paul Warrington by his family Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 8:30am - For all souls Wednesday, July 13th, 2016 8:30am - Louis Gagne by Paul and Pauline Gagne (30th Anniversary) 7:00pm - Por todos nuestro feligreses Thursday, July 14th, 2016 8:30am - For all souls Friday, July 15th, 2016 8:30am - For all souls David Cormier by Aunt Terry Saturday, July 16th, 2016 4:00pm - Raymond T. Bosse Lk 10:33-34 "But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn, and cared for him." Readings for the Week of July 10, 2016 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37 or Ps 19:8-11/Col 1:15-20/Lk 10:25-37 Is 1:10-17/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 10:3411:1 Is 7:1-9/Ps 48:2-8/Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Ps 94:5-10, 14-15/Mt 11:2527 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Ps 102:13-21/Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Is 38:10-12, 16/Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5/Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14/Mt 12:14-21 Gn 18:1-10a/Ps 15:2-5/Col 1:24-28/Lk 10:3842 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. 6:00pm - Gabriel A. Salas (11o Aniversario) Francisco Macias Zoila Rosales Sunday, July 17th, 2016 9:00am - Laura Poulin by Michele and Huguette Gilbert and family Emile Bouchard by his family 11:00am -Raymond Messier by his family (1st Anniversary) David Cormier by Maurice and Jackie Archambault Sanctuary Lamp: Church: Raymond Messier by the Morgan DiMare Chapel: For all our parishioners Page 3- 974 St. Louis Church The Week Ahead: Monday, July 11th, 2016 7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church) 8:30am: Mass 6:30pm- 8:30pm: Bible Study in Spanish in Milette Manor 6:30pm: Hispanic Leaders Meeting in the Rectory Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church) 8:30am: Mass 6:00pm: Spanish Choir Practice (Pan Y Vino) Wednesday, July 13th, 2016 7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church) 8:30am: Mass 9:00am– 6:20pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Church 7:00pm: Mass in Spanish 8:00pm: CERs Meeting in Milette Manor Thursday, July 14th 2016 7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church) 8:30am: Mass Friday, July 15th, 2016 **Cemetery & Rectory Offices Closed** 7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church) 8:30am: Mass 6:00pm- 7:30pm: Charismatic Group Meeting in the Church Hall 6:30pm- 8:30pm: Bible Study in Spanish in Milette Manor 7:30pm: Spanish Choir Practice (Voces del Señor) Saturday, July 16th, 2016 4:00pm- 5:00pm: Mass (English) 6:00pm: Mass (Spanish) Sunday, July 17th, 2016 9:00am- 12:00pm: Bible Study in Spanish in Milette Manor 9:00am: Mass (French/English Mass) 10:00am: CERs Retreat in Milette Manor 11:00am: Mass (English) Booster Club News Last week’s winner was Claire Monast. The winner received $43.00 and the church received $65.00. Thank you to those who participate each week. This is a great fundraiser for our parish. There are envelopes at each entrance of the church. Pick up an envelope or two and take a chance. The winner receives 40% of the amount collected and the parish receives 60%. Your Weekly Contributions July 2nd and 3rd Offertory: Loose: Total: Property Management $3,796.00 $2,408.38 $6,204.38 $14.00 Thank you for all of the ways you so generously support our parish! May you be richly blessed for all that you do. Second Collection: Parish to Parish Suppport Fund Next weekend we have the opportunity, through a Diocesan collection, to support Catholic parishes in New Hampshire who are struggling to meet their weekly expenses. We ask all our parishioners to be generous in supporting our parishes in New Hampshire. Thank you for your continuing generosity. NH Catholic Schools: Now Enrolling! Where will your child be attending school next year? Have you considered Catholic Education? There are twenty-one Diocesan Catholic Schools in the state, filled with passionate teachers and like-minded families. Give your child the gift of focus, the gift of education. Learn more by visiting your local Catholic School. Financial Aid is available. Grades Pre-K 3 to 12. Page 4- 974 St. Aloysius Parish Confirmation Coordinator Needed This is an exciting part-time opportunity to help prepare our high school youth to receive the sacrament of Confirmation Applicants must have strong knowledge of the Catholic faith, excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to lead and implement a program in a creative, inspiring way. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your resume and letter of interest to the business manager, Jennifer McInerney, by email at: [email protected]. Latino American Festival Raffle Tickets This year’s Latino- American festival will take place on August 14 from 12pm to 6pm. You may purchase tickets by visiting the rectory office from 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Thursday. This year’s prizes are: 1st prize: 48” LED Sponsor of the Week Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham Enjoy an extended stay near Merrimack and Nashua business centers at our Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham Merrimack/Nashua Area hotel! Just 8.8 miles from Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and an hour from Boston and Logan International Airport. We are also just two miles from Merrimack Premium Outlets and great bargain shopping. We are located at 246 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack, NH 03054 4809. For more information call us at 603-424-8100 or visit Latino American Festival 2016 As the day of our Latino American Festival approaches we are beginning to collect bottled water and cans of soda to stock up for the day. We would gladly accept donations of both at the rectory office during office hours (Monday- Thursday 9:00am- 4pm). -1080p Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! 2nd prize: (500GB) 3rd prize: 4th prize: $100 gift card The ticket prices are: $5.00 per ticket or 3 tickets for $10.00. Thank you for supporting this very important annual fundraising event. We hope to see everyone there! Get your tickets NOW!!! Selling Raffle Tickets A big thank you to everyone that picked up an extra envelope or two last week to help sell raffle tickets this year! When selling tickets, please be sure to keep ticket stub with the purchaser’s information and return the remaining portion of the ticket to the purchaser. Once you have had the opportunity to sell through the whole envelope please stop by the rectory to drop off ticket stubs and money at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your support! Adult Confirmation Preparation Classes If you are an adult, have already been baptized, received First Communion, and are practicing your faith but have not celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation we invite you to come to our first class on Saturday, September 17th from 2pm to 4pm in Milette Manor. For additional information and to register please contact Wendy Ramirez by phone 603-882-4362 ext. 203 or by email [email protected]. “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” -Mark 1:8. We pray that through the Sacrament of Confirmation we can grow in love and union with our Lord, our parish community, and the Church through the infusion of the Holy Spirit. Page 5- 974 Parroquia San Luis de Gonzaga 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La parábola del buen Samaritano no es más que la gran misericordia de Dios por medio de Jesús. Jesús es el buen Samaritano que con su narración nos sintetiza el amor. Los personajes del levita y del sacerdote son símbolos de personas que a pesar de estar bien preparados y tener cargos importantes en sus comunidades pasan de largo entretenidos en sus proyectos. Por su mezquindad no pueden ver a la persona herida al borde del camino. Comprender la imagen del Dios bondadoso y ver los problemas que existen en el mundo de hoy es una gracia. Y bajar hasta los problemas de las personas que necesitan ayuda es tarea de todos nosotros como bautizados. El samaritano actuó con la justicia bíblica que Dios demanda. Desde que Dios nos estaba formando de barro y mediante el soplo de su aliento divino, ya nos estaba preparando para ser buenos samaritanos. ¿De qué forma al ser bautizados nos compromete a ayudar a los demás? ¿Quiénes son mis prójimos? ¿Quiénes son mis hermanos y hermanas que claman por justicia? Ojalá que en nuestras familias y comunidades actuemos como el buen Samaritano, que es Jesús mismo, mostrando misericordia y compasión de unos para con otros. Meditando y orando con la palabra de Dios y acercándonos a los sacramentos de la reconciliación y de la Eucaristía es cómo lograremos destruir el mal que nos rodea continuamente. Sin duda alguna hace falta en el mundo muchos buenos samaritanos. ¿Eres tú uno de ellos? Recordemos que el primer mandamiento de amar a Dios va unido al del amor al prójimo. Radio Inmaculada Radio Inmaculada te ofrece entrevistas, meditaciones, el Santo Rosario y mucho más para que puedas adentrarte más en tu fé. Puedes escuchar Radio Inmaculada a través de, en tu radio 101.9 FM o por teléfono marcando el número 712-432-7206. También puedes descargar nuestro app en tu teléfono inteligente. Radio Immaculada, una radio Católica en nuestra área. Bodas Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial seis meses antes de llevarse acabo el evento. Bautismos Las charlas pre-bautismales se ofrecen cada 3er sábado del mes a la 1pm en Milette Manor. Los padres y padrinos deben asistir. Los bautizos en español son el 2do y 4to domingo del mes a las 12:30pm. La próxima charla se llevará a cabo el 16 de julio. Por favor confirme las fechas deseadas antes de hacer planes. Segunda Colecta: Apoyando a Parroquias en NH El próximo fin de semana habrá una segunda colecta en la cual podremos apoyar a parroquias de New Hampshire que tienen dificultades en cubrir los costos de cada semana. Gracias por su generosidad. Jubileo de la Misericordia: Noche de Reflexión y Discusión Mientras caminamos juntos por este Jubileo de la Misericordia, ¿porque no deja que nuestro Señor le enseñe su gran Amor y Misericordia a través de las palabras del Papa Francisco en su libro inspirador, La Iglesia de la Misericordia? Por favor acompáñenos el 7 de septiembre del 2016, a una noche de reflexión y discusión, donde podremos compartir como la Misericordia Divina se ha derramado en nuestras vidas por medio de las palabras de uno de los mejores maestros espirituales, el Papa Francisco. Si gustaría participar en esta noche de reflexión y discusión, puede comprar su copia de este libro en la oficina parroquial. Cada libro tendrá un costo de $15. Page 6- 974 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 9 de julio de 2016 Lecturas para la semana del 10 de julio de 2016 Esta misa es ofrecida: Por todos nuestros feligreses. Festival Latino Americano 2016 ¡Los Preparativos están en Marcha! Como preparación para el Festival Latino Americano vamos a comenzar a colectar botellas de agua y refrescos para ese día. Se aceptarán donaciones de ambas bebidas en la oficina parroquial durante el horario regular de oficina, Lunes-Jueves 9:00- 4:00pm. ¡Les agradecemos de antemano por su ayuda! ¡Gracias! Al Vender Boletos de la Rifa ¡Gracias a todas las personas que se ofrecieron a ayudar a vender boletos para nuestra rifa! Cuando venda éstos boletos, pedimos que por favor colecte los talones del boleto con la información del comprador y regrese la otra porción del boleto al comprador. Cuando termine de vender todos los boletos que están en su sobre, por favor deje los talones y el dinero que recaudaron en la oficina parroquial. ¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo! Boletos a la Venta Para la Rifa del Festival Latino- Americano!!! Ya están a la venta los boletos de la rifa, que se llevará a cabo en el Festival Latino-Americano. Este año, nuestro festival se será el dia 14 de agosto de 12pm a 6pm. Puedes comprar tus boletos en la oficina parrroquial. Este año los premios son los siguientes: 1er Premio: 48” LED -1080p 2do Premio: (500GB) 3er Premio: 4to Premio: $100 gift card El precio de los boletos es de $5 por un boleto o 3 boletos por $10. Gracias por su cooperación en éste importante evento. Domingo: Dt 30, 10-14/Sal 69, 14. 17. 30-31. 3334. 36-37 o Sal 19, 8-11/Col 1, 15-20/ Lc 10, 25-37 Lunes: Is 1, 10-17/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21. 23/ Mt 10, 34-11, 1 Martes: Is 7, 1-9/Sal 48, 2-8/Mt 11, 20-24 Miércoles: Is 10, 5-7. 13-16/Sal 94, 5-10. 14-15/ Mt 11, 25-27 Jueves: Is 26, 7-9. 12. 16-19/Sal 102, 13-21/ Mt 11, 28-30 Viernes: Is 38, 1-6. 21-22. 7-8/Is 38, 10-12. 16/ Mt 12, 1-8 Sábado: Miq 2, 1-5/Sal 10, 1-4. 7-8. 14/Mt 12, 14-21 Domingo siguiente: Gn 18, 1-10/Sal 15, 2-5/Col 1, 2428/Lc 10, 38-42 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Cursos de Preparación para el Sacramento de Confirmación Si usted es un adulto que ya ha sido bautizado, recibido su Primera Comunión, y practica su fe Católica pero aún no ha recibido el Sacramento de Confirmación, le hacemos una cordial invitación a nuestra primera clase de preparación el Sabado 17 de Septiembre de 4pm a 6pm en Milette Manor. Para obtener más información y registrarse por favor comuníquense con Wendy Ramirez por teléfono al 603-882-4362 ext. 203 o por correo electrónico [email protected]. “A ustedes yo los he bautizado con agua, pero él los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo” -Marcos 1:8. Oremos que a través del Sacramento de la Confirmación podamos crecer en amor y en unión con nuestro Señor, nuestra comunidad parroquial, y con la Iglesia por medio de la infusión del Espíritu Santo. Compre su boleto HOY!! Page 7- 974
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St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
ST. ALOYSIUS OF GONZAGA St. Louis Church 48 West Hollis Street Nashua, N.H. 03060 Phone: 603-882-4362 * Fax: 603-886-8923
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