11-12 de julio - 15º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En este y en los
11-12 de julio - 15º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En este y en los
11-12 de julio - 15º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En este y en los próximos siete fines de semana, escuchamos la carta de San Pablo a los efesios. En Éfeso, la actual Turquía, se encuentra la Casa de la Virgen María, donde se cree que la Santa Madre vivió sus últimos años. Lo que sigue son reflexiones sobre la Carta de San Pablo a los Efesios de un ensayo del Padre Benedictino Ivan Havener (The Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament. Liturgical Press, 1992, p. 1188): La carta “es singular en sus descripciones de la iglesia como una, santa, católica y apostólica” (énfasis en “una”) La carta hace hincapié en que judíos y cristianos son solo uno en el cuerpo de Cristo. El autor de las cartas “vio las iglesias desarrollarse en una sola institución que él llama “la Iglesia.” Se menciona al Espíritu Santo con frecuencia. El Salmo 85 es el salmo para hoy y para el próximo período del calendario litúrgico. Al rezar las palabras de ese salmo, somos desafiados a poner en ellas todo nuestro corazón y alma. ¿Estamos preparados para rogar por la bondad y salvación que Dios nos ofrece o es que queremos “llenar un formulario” para que Dios atienda nuestros pedidos según nuestra voluntad?! En la lectura del Nuevo Testamento de hoy, Pablo nos llama a regocijarnos en el misterio de nuestro propio ser. Él nos invita a contemplar lo que significa haber sido elegidos antes de la fundación del mundo, a ser santos. El mensaje del Evangelio de hoy: Jesús convoca a los Doce. Ellos no eligieron a Jesús, sino que Él los eligió a ellos y les dio una misión. De la misma manera, los que hemos sido bautizados somos llamados a continuar la misión de Jesús en el mundo. Hoy es un buen día para pensar en los dones especiales que Dios le ha dado para usar por el bien del prójimo. St. Patrick’s International Food & Favorite Recipe Sampling Dinner: St. Patrick Catholic Church is happy to announce its 3rd Annual International Food & Favorite Recipe Sampling Dinner. This event will be held on Monday, October 12, 2015 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the undercroft. Come join us for the fun, fellowship, and fantastic food. Free-will donations will be accepted, and all proceeds will go to the Church. There will also be a 50/50 raffle. Anyone who would like to cook a dinner or dessert, or volunteer to assist in the event, i.e., donation table, relief servers, or clean-up crew, please sign up. Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors and experience the homemade cuisine this event is famous for. Inviting all rising 9th – 12th graders to join the St. Francis of Assisi Youth for Life in attending this year’s Pro-Life Camp Joshua. Come to participate in a three day weekend filled with events and activities designed to equip you to become an articulate and confident pro-life leader. Camp Joshua will be held July 24-26 at the Augusta Military Academy in Ft. Defiance. Cost is $100, but the St. Francis Respect Life Ministry is offering partial scholarships for those interested. Cost is only $15 to the first 20 students to sign-up. For more details, contact Colin Kearney at 540-958-2110/[email protected], or visit www.campjoshuava.org PARATER TREK for Boys 14-17: Aug. 1-8, 2015 | Mount Rogers National Recreation Area - a week of backpacking AND a retreat with daily Mass for those young men who want to test themselves in body and soul and take up the challenge to see what it takes to walk with God. Participants will backpack approximately 50 miles on the Appalachian Trail to the top of Mt. Rogers, Virginia’s highest point, and through designated wilderness areas. The Trek will be based on the format for the National Catholic Committee on Scouting Saint George Trek. Father Ken Shuping, chaplain at JMU, will lead the Trek with a seminarian of the Diocese of Richmond. Boys should turn 14 before August 1. Scouting experience is a plus, but not required. Backpacking experience is required to undertake a 50-mile hike. As a retreat, the Trek will be more successful if the applicant is active in his Catholic faith life. Limited space; not everyone can be accepted. More Info: www.richmonddiocese.org Are you considering being an adoptive or foster parent? We know there are a lot of questions that go into the decision, and we’re here to help. Commonwealth Catholic Charities offers free, no-obligation information meetings for foster parenting and adopting. You’ll have a chance to talk with an experienced CCC social worker, learn answers to your questions, and hear more about the process. Call (540) 342-0411 to reserve your spot at the next meeting. 7/12/2015