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Co-operation profile details from Enterprise Europe SEIMED BRDK20160901001 - Empresa danesa busca proveedores de semillas y frutos secos ecológicos Business partnering opportunity Abstract Una empresa danesa especializada en alimentos ecológicos se ofrece como distribuidor a productores de semillas y frutos secos ecológicos. Específicamente busca almendras Marcona, nueces, anacardos, avellanas, pistachos, semillas de quinoa y chía y aceitunas verdes de mesa. Description The Danish import and retail company was established in 2014 and specialises in organic foods, targeting Danish consumers directly. The company focuses on high quality and fair prices and has a focus on environment and personal health. The company has built a customer base by selling high quality olive oil and is now looking to expand their product range with different types of organic nuts and seeds: Marcona almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, quinoa seeds, chia seeds and organic green table olives. The company is not interested in products which are not organic or “natural products” with no reputable documentation. They are offering a distribution agreement for the Danish market. Since the company focuses on the private consumer all the products must be packaged from the producer or supplier in 1 kg bags with private labels. If the company is to sell products under the producer's name, the company will demand an exclusive agreement for Denmark as the company is otherwise unwilling to invest time and money in a producer brand. Target partner expertise sought: - Type of partner sought: Non-organic food will not be considered and all food products must be supported with recognized and well-known organic labels. - Specific area of activity of the partner: Partners must be reliable suppliers of organic nuts, seeds or olives. It would be preferred if the supplier has experience of operating with international clients and can provide 1 kg packaged (preferred vacuum packed) bags deliveries. Key information: Country of origin: DENMARK Listed under: Alimentación y bebidas Profile created on: 01/09/2016 Last updated: 19/09/2016 Closing date: 19/09/2017 Si desea más información sobre este perfil por favor remítanos una expresión de interés vía web. Para ello deberá acceder al perfil de su interés y al final del mismo encontrará un recuadro sombreado en gris cuyas preguntas deberá contestar. Si le surgen dudas puede llamar a cualquiera de las organizaciones miembros de SEIMED y preguntar por el personal a cargo del proyecto. © Enterprise Europe SEIMED 2016
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shopping mall, airport or any other partner that aims to produce innovative and interactive experiences to customers. The cooperation would be in the form of services or subcontracting agreement.
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