Caring for the Caregiver - Mather LifeWays In Your Neighborhood
Caring for the Caregiver - Mather LifeWays In Your Neighborhood
M A Y 2 0 14 Pick up the phone and dial up fun and interesting topics from the comfort of your home. All you need is your telephone! Your Turn: Feedback on Telephone Topics Kate Paz, Mather LifeWays Thursday, May 1, 11:30 a.m. CT Join us to give your opinion on specific Telephone Topics you liked, those you didn’t like, what you’d like to hear more about, or topics you’d like to present. Caring for the Caregiver Steven R. Steiber, PhD, Creative Care Management Tuesday, May 6, 1:00 p.m. CT Program in Spanish Los Beneficios Para La Salud de la Comida Latina Luisa Collins, MD Viernes, 2 de mayo 11:00 a.m. CT La Dra. Collins hablará sobre la comida latina y los beneficios que contribuye. Dará énfasis en la importancia de las verduras (vegetales) y frutas frescas, y en la grasa saturada. Meditation Susan Wilkens, Yoga Instructor, Dancing Cranes Monday, May 5 and 19 2:00 p.m. CT Learn simple breathing and focusing techniques you can do on your own to help reduce stress and multiply your “happiness factor”! Caring for the Caregiver Sometimes it is important to take care of ourselves first before trying to help others. Learn what you can do to be a better—and healthier—caregiver. Favorite Newspapers & Magazines Joe Cunniff, Instructor, DePaul University Friday, May 2, 1:00 p.m. CT Join the fun as Joe leads a discussion about newspapers and magazines! prescription drugs, drug interactions, and over-thecounter medications. Open Chat with a Pharmacist Walgreens Pharmacist Monday, May 5, 11:30 a.m. CT A Walgreens pharmacist will answer questions concerning Steven R. Steiber, PhD, Creative Care Management Tuesday, May 6, 1:00 p.m. CT See feature left. Why Are the Arts Like Medicine? Fabiana Glazer, Educator Wednesday, May 7 11:30 a.m. CT Hear about all the physical and emotional benefits of learning, creating, and sharing through the arts. Listen to archived calls online at! All programs are central time (CT). MOREways offers you more opportunities, resources, and experiences to stay connected to your neighborhood and the people in it. Studs Terkel & the Chicago School of Television Walter Podrazik, Media Historian/Author Wednesday, May 14, 1:00 p.m. CT Learn how Studs Terkel and a group of other Chicago innovators in early television crafted a straight-fromthe-heart approach to TV storytelling that has left a permanent legacy. Eden Energy Medicine: Radiant Circuits Rose Mattax, LCPC EEM-CLP, Founder, From the Heart Thursday, May 8, 1:00 p.m. CT Explore the Radiant Circuits, the body’s own aurora borealis. Learn how turning on the Radiant Circuits can get us in touch with transcendent, unconditional states of joy and peace. Short Lives Babs Lieberman, Lyric Opera of Chicago Friday, May 9, 1:00 p.m. CT Learn about some wonderful composers who wrote huge amounts of beautiful music but didn’t make it past the age of 40! Babs discusses and plays clips of songs written by Schubert, Mozart, Bellini, Bizet, Mendelssohn, Foster, and others. in her pocket, and how she has discovered her vocation here in helping reform health care for Chicago’s older adults. Studs Terkel & the Chicago School of Television Walter Podrazik, Media Historian/Author Wednesday, May 14 1:00 p.m. CT See feature left. Chair Yoga Born in a Trunk Tom Wilkens, Yoga Instructor, Dancing Cranes Monday, May 12 and 26 2:00 p.m. CT Yoga helps you balance your body and quiet your mind. Through a series of stretching postures and breathing techniques, yoga develops strength, flexibility, stamina, and balance—ultimately leading to a more tranquil state of mind. Jo Aleene Miranda, Presenter Thursday, May 15, 1:00 p.m. CT Hear the fabulous story of four generations of a single family in American entertainment—from medicine shows to showboats, vaudeville, burlesque, musical revues, nightclubs, and beyond. Poetry, Opinion & a Happier Lifestyle June Stepansky, Poet & Author Tuesday, May 13, 1:00 p.m. CT June will present new ideas about ways to maximize our happiness. Be prepared to share your experiences and ideas on Calamities and Possibilities, At the Ocean, and Tolerance. Starting a New Life in America Izabela Gluszak, Member Relations Manager, Oak Street Health Wednesday, May 14 11:30 a.m. CT Izabela talks about how she came to America with only $80 Visit us at Program in Spanish Robo de Indentidad Patricia Keenley, Gerente Asistente del Sucursal, de Inland Bank & Trust Viernes, 16 de mayo 11:00 a.m. CT Patricia hablará sobre el robo de indentidad. Cómo ocurre, cómo protegerse, y los pasos que debe tomar si su identidad es robada. Trivia Contest Faro Vitale, Trivia Master Friday, May 16, 1:00 p.m. CT Dial in to the fun and excitement of a TV game show, with Faro hosting a trivia contest that will test your memory and your wits. You’ll cheer, you’ll laugh, you may even win a prize! The Record Den “Jivan” Ivan Rivera, DJ/Record Collector/Music Historian Tuesday, May 20, 1:00 p.m. CT Vinyl master “Jivan” Ivan will discuss the joys and pitfalls of collecting records, and spin a few of his favorites for you. The Record Den “Jivan” Ivan Rivera, DJ/Record Collector/Music Historian Tuesday, May 20, 1:00 p.m. CT See feature above. hasta la costa, y su isla circundante. También aprenderán acerca de la rica historia del país. Storytelling Walgreens Pharmacist Wednesday, May 21, 1:00 p.m. CT Did you know that there are more than 100 different types of arthritis? And each one requires a different type of treatment. Learn more direct from a pharmacist. Will Casey, Theatre Department, Columbia College Chicago Friday, May 23, 1:00 p.m. CT Take a few minutes to enjoy a tale delivered by a master storyteller! Will Casey will delight you with a reading of one of his favorite stories, followed by a group discussion. Review of Eden Energy Medicine: Radiant Circuits What’s Hot in Washington: A View on Political Issues Rose Mattax, LCPC EEM-CLP, Founder From the Heart Thursday, May 22, 1:00 p.m. CT Join Rose for a 30-minute recap and Q&A, followed by practice with the exercises introduced in the previous class. Judy Lear, Activist, Gray Panthers Tuesday, May 27, 1:00 p.m. CT Past chair of the Gray Panthers Judy Lear brings us up to date on what the group is doing on some of the current hot issues in Washington. Arthritis: Types & Treatment Program in Spanish Explorando mis Raíces en Honduras Vanessa Hall, Director de Medios y Relaciones Gubernamentales, Oak Street Health Viernes, 23 de mayo, 11:00 a.m. CT Vanessa hablará sobre sus viajes por Honduras—desde la capital, Shopping Habits Rich Lang, Facilitator Wednesday, May 28 1:00 p.m. CT Let's talk about all the changes we’ve made in our shopping habits in recent years—from neighborhood mom-and-pop stores to big box stores. Dream Appreciation Group Rose Mattax, LCPC EEM-CLP, Founder, From the Heart Thursday, May 29, 1:00 p.m. CT Join us for an hour of personal growth using your dreams as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of yourself. Be sure to bring one of your dreams to share! Program in Spanish La Salud de Su Audición Gima Vergara, AuD, Chicago Hearing Society Viernes, 30 de mayo 11:00 a.m. CT En esta discusión vamos a cubrir medidas para proteger su audición, los efectos de la pérdida auditiva, y las opciones para el tratamiento de la pérdida auditiva. Mid-Century Modern Architecture & Design: The Transition from Prairie Style Lynette Bremer, Art Historian Friday, May 30, 1:00 p.m. CT With the post-war boom in America, mid-century architecture filled the need for mass housing and came to dominate the urban landscape. Learn about the beauties of Mid-Century Modern. Register Today! Call (888) 600.2560 or e-mail [email protected]