3rd Sunday of Advent December 13th, 2015 “...Rejoice in the Lord
3rd Sunday of Advent December 13th, 2015 “...Rejoice in the Lord
March 24, 2013/24 de Marzo 2013 “… Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice, and love one another.” 3rd Sunday of Advent December 13th, 2015 “...Rejoice in the Lord always…” Philippians 4:4 Luke 3:4 Parish Information MASSES Opening Our Hearts to Christ and to the World Abriendo Nuestros Corazones a Cristo y al Mundo Phone: 404-696-6704 Fax: 404-696-4735 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. After Hours/Emergency Line: 304-280-3588 Email: [email protected] Website: saintpaulofthecross.org St-Paul-of-the-Cross-Catholic-Church Follow@SaintPaulATL Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Jerome McKenna, C.P., Pastor Rev. Fr. Alberto Cabrera, C.P., Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Hilliard M. Lee, Jr., Deacon Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby, Deacon Rev. Mr. George Smith, Deacon Served by the Passionist Community Founded in 1954 Sunday: 7:00am (Español), 10:00am (English) 1:00pm (Español) Monday - Friday: 7:30am Wednesday: 7:30am Communion Service Saturday: 9:00am Communion Service Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm (English) Eucharistic Adoration First Friday Mass: 12:00 noon. (followed by Exposition) Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction: 8:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00pm (or contact the office for an appt.) Sacrament of Baptism First and Third Sundays (except during Lent) Preparation Class: 2nd Saturdays of each month. Contact the office for information. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least six months before setting a date. Anointing and Visitation of the Sick Contact the Pastor or the Parochial Vicar Adult Faith Enrichment Bible Study: Thursdays, 3:00pm Prayer Group: Tuesdays, 6:00pm 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 13TH, 2015 T he Pastor’s Corner My dear Parishioners, It is plainly evident now that Phase One of our development plan for our facilities is nearing completion. The bulk of the exterior work has been completed and our contractors are concentrating on the interior of the building. The work itself is moving quickly. However, several more inspections must be made during the time remaining. I personally hope that we will be able to use the building by mid-January. December 13 - 19, 2015 Sunday, 10:00 am: People of the Parish Monday, Thursday , and Friday, 7:30 am: Living and Deceased Passionist Benefactors Tuesday, Wednesday, 7:30 am, & Saturday, 9:00 am: Communion Service In the course of construction, several challenges arose due to the fact that the builders had to devise ways of remodeling a portion of the original building. Those were met, but other concerns arose, not with the new construction but with other areas; the grounds, the walkways, railings, roofing, outdoor lighting, the bell tower, the low railing in the choir loft, to name a few. These concerns came to light through two inspections of buildings and grounds, one by our insurer, Christian Brothers Services, and the other by the Catholic Construction Services of the Archdiocese. Both revealed a number of safety issues requiring immediate attention. Utilizing several of the contractors employed in our construction project, we set about the necessary work. While some pressing safety issues have been addressed, there is much, much, more to be done. None of this work is covered by our present budget and the parish has no contingency fund. I have discussed this problem with our Finance Council and with the Co-Chairs of our Capital Campaign, Cynthia Spence and Sybil Scott. I have asked Cynthia and Sybil to speak with you at Mass this weekend, and seek your help. Listen to what they have to say, pray over it, and may the Holy Spirit direct you to do what you can to help our Parish at this critical time. May God bless each and every one as we meet this challenge together. — Fr. Jerome, C.P. Stewardship Dec 6, 2015: $12,527.00 Needed: $12,000.00 (Includes Sunday and mail-in contributions) Offertory: Immaculate Conception Holy Christmas Retirement Fund for Religious Solemnity of Mary Youth Religious Education Christmas Flowers Catholic Charities Initial Offering Lector Workbook Capital Campaign Goal: Pledges Received to Date: November Hispanic Food Sales Payments Received to Date: $11,902.00 $195.00 $135.00 $132.00 $125.00 $95.00 $50.00 $45.00 35.00 $10.00 $900,000.00 $626,699.00 $750.00 $523,027.80 Capital Campaign Contributions may be made up to the end of June 2016. Retirement Fund for Religious Second Collection December 12-13, 2015 Aging religious need your help. In the United States today, there are more than 33,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. These religious worked tirelessly in Catholic schools, hospitals, and agencies, usually for little to no pay. As a result, many religious communities lack adequate savings for retirement and eldercare. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide medications, nursing care, and more. Please be generous. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, December 13, 2015 3rd Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) 11:30a Religious Education - School 11:30a KPCLA 301 Monthly Meeting - Spiritual Center 3:00p KPCLA Senior Parishioners’ Christmas Party - School Monday, December 14 2:00p Legion of Mary - Spiritual Center 7:30p-9:00p English Classes - Last class until January 4th 2016 - Última clase hasta Enero 4, 2016 Tuesday, December 15 2:00p Stewardship Meeting - Spiritual Center 6:00p English Prayer Group - Chapel - Last Meeting until January 5th, 2016 Wednesday, December 16 7:00p Adult Religious Education ONLINE 7:00p Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:30p Spanish Mass Thursday, December 17 3:00p Bible Study - Spiritual Center 7:00p Advent Communal Penance Service Friday, December 18 6:30p Hispanic Prayer Group - Church Saturday, December 19 6:00p Junior Youth Christmas Party - School Page 2 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 13TH, 2015 Our Sick, Homebound and hospitalized Christmas Concert Pageant REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS The 3rd Annual Christmas on the Hill Concert and Pageant, at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, will be Sunday, December 13th, 2015, at 5:30pm. The pageant will feature Deacon Lee narrating the part of Joseph and Jaye Watson of 11 Alive, as Mary. The Homeward Choir, The Shrine Choir and Orchestra will also preform. Mary Williams Philip Wiltz Leslie Collins Grace Hinds Daisy Barhams Mary Wiggins Jeanie Sadler Marynell Brooks Myrna Yancey William Leggett Martha Barnes William Crowder Matthew Catel Jean Ashe Alfreda Yancey Janelle Todd Bryan Medina Delores Green Pauline Pitts Merlin Todd Walter Longino Bobby Morales Joyce McBee Richard, Ryan, Jr. EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY On December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis opened the Holy Year Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and symbolically led the gathered assembly into this wonderful New Year of Mercy. Words will never be able to express the gratitude we feel to God for everyone of you and the prayers you so freely offered for our son. We were granted a big miracle with his recovery thus far. Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers as he continues his recovery. God bless you. Richard and Linda Ryan St. Paul of the Cross Parish will be taking part in this Holy Year of Mercy. Look for announcements in this Bulletin during the year. Meanwhile, there are many special Holy Year of Mercy flyers and prayer cards on the table at the rear of the church. Be sure to take your pick and learn more about the meaning of this special Holy Year. Our Holy Father has composed a beautiful pray for the Holy Year of Mercy. It may be found on the card bearing his picture on the front. Why not pray it every day? UPCOMING EVENTS The Annual Church Wide Youth Christmas Party will be on Saturday, December 19, 2015 from 5:30p- 8:30p. All children age 7 years of age - 17 years of age are invited. Parents are also welcome to accompany their children. This is a real fun time with delicious food; great entertainment and fellowship. La Fiesta Anual de Navidad Juvenil será el Sábado, 19 de Diciembre 2016 de 5: 30p- 8: 30p. Todos los niños y jovenes de 7 -17 años de edad estan invitados. Los padres también están invitados a acompañar a sus hijos. Este será un momento muy divertido con deliciosa comida; un gran entretenimiento y compañerismo. Dec. 17th: Advent Penance Service—7:00 p.m. Dec. 24th: Christmas Eve - Mass 4:30pm (English), 7:30pm (Spanish) Dec. 25th: Christmas Day-12:00 Midnight Mass (English) 10:00am Mass (English), 1:00pm (Spanish) Dec. 27th: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Dec. 28th: Parish Office closed Dec. 31st: Vigil of Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God n - Parish Office closed Jan. 1st, 2016: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Day of Prayer for World Peace Jan. 3rd: Epiphany of the Lord Our Parish Staff Update... Ms. Patricia Elguera, Administrative Assistant Ms. Alison Mason, Adult Faith Formation Ms. Veronica Hodges-Johnson, Religious Education Ms. Kristi Crawford, Youth Ministry Dr. Lawrence Weaver, Music Director Dr. Gregory Nash, Music Associate Mr. Elmer Cortez, Bookkeeper Mr. Eric Mannings, Facilities Manager Mr. Edgardo Rubio, Custodian ONGOING ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INTERACTIVE COURSE GOES ONLINE NOW. PLEASE VISIT THE WEBSITE: saintpaulofthecross.org FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO ATTEND THE ONLINE CLASSES. Page 3 TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO 13 DE DICIEMBRE, 2015 Diciembre 13, 2015 ¡Bienvenidos a San Pablo de la Cruz! Tercer Domingo de Adviento/C Este Domingo tiene como característica la ALEGRIA. Y esto, por la cercanía de la Navidad. Otro motivo es el cumplimiento de las Promesas del Senor. Todo lo anunciado se esta cumpliendo. Y esto debe llenarnos de alegría y esperanza en el Dios de la Vida. Santa Misa en Español: Domingos, 7 a.m. y 1 p.m. Todos los Miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. en la capilla. Horas de Oficina: Lunes - Jueves, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. P. Alberto Cabrera, cp.: 347.819.5968 Numero de Teléfono (Oficina): 404-696-6704 Numero de Teléfono (Emergencia): 304-280-3588 Educación Religiosa: Se ofrece a ninos desde los 4 a los 18 anos. Las clases son antes de la Misa de 11:45am - 12:30pm, de Agosto 24 a Mayo. INFORMES: Bautizos: Para toda informacion y preparacion, comuniquese con: Alma Robles 678-717-9619 o Antonia Pacheco 770-891-6765. Santo Rosario: Todos los Domingos a partir de las 12:30pm nos prepararemos para la celebracion de la Santa Misa con el rezo del Santo Rosario Presentación de los niños: Llamar a Ofelia Gonzalez al 404-956-9789 Confesiones: Durante la semana a cualquier hora en la Rectoría. Los Domingos antes de la Misa de 1:00 p.m. Matrimonios: Juan O. y Luz Pacheco: 770-823-1938 Quinceañeras: Contacte a: Antonia Pacheco 770-891-6765 o Luz Zavala 678-704-5829. En la primera lectura Sofonias denuncio como profeta, los pecados de Jerusalen y de sus habitantes: idolatría, increencia, corrupcion. Y les llamo a la conversion. Cuando dejamos espacio para Dios en nuestras vidas el pecado se aleja, y Dios renueva su amor por nosotros. Por eso , la ALEGRIA, LA FIESTA, EL GOZO debe ser nuestra característica de bautizados. San Pablo, es su carta a los Filipenses les hace un nuevo llamado a la alegría. El Senor esta cerca y nos da su paz. Por su parte San Lucas en el evangelio nos presenta el ministerio de Juan bautista. La narracion que hace nos situa en el contexto de lo que significa preparar la venida de Jesus: la propuesta es enormemente exigente y las imagenes son impactantes (“quemar la paja en una hoguera que no se apaga”). El evangelio nos pide una preparacion etica y nos formula una promesa mesianica. Ante la venida del Mesías la cuestion es ¿Que hacemos?. El evangelista presenta una seria larga de preguntas y respuestas. Ahora bien, y ¿Cual es la nuestra?. En la respuesta de Juan a la gente encontramos la Gran respuesta: el Mesías nos dara el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo… Seremos los hombres Nuevos. El Nuevo Pueblo de Dios que camina en la historia con la esperanza de llegar al Reino de Dios y gozar de el por toda la eternidad. Segunda Colecta del Fondo de Jubilación de Religiosos 12-13 de Diciembre de 2015. Los religiosos y religiosas ancianos necesitan de la ayuda de ustedes. En los Estados Unidos hay hoy día mas de 33,000 religiosas, religiosos y sacerdotes de ordenes religiosas ya ancianos. Ellos trabajaron sin descanso en escuelas, hospitales y agencias de servicio social catolicos, muchas veces con poco o ningun salario. Como resultado, muchas comunidades religiosas ahora carecen de fondos para su jubilacion y cuidado geriatrico. Su donativo hoy al Fondo para la Jubilacion de Religiosos ayuda con las recetas medicas, cuidados de enfermería y mas. Sean generosos. Esto es el motivo de la Alegría que debemos vivir de un modo especial en esta semana y en toda nuestra vida. Nos espera el encuentro con el Dios del amor misericordioso. P. Alberto, C.P. MINISTROS EL 20 DE DICIEMBRE 2015 Lectores: Maria Valverde y Veronica Vazquez Ministros de la Eucaristía: - Ignacia y Bartolo Escalante - Yulma y Armando Delgado Guías: Roberto Gonzalez, Juan Pacheco, Antonia Pacheco, Veronica Ozuna y Enrique Wences Monaguillos: Angel Ozuna - Yansi Ozuna Page 4