Citation norms - Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas "Alberto Benveniste"


Citation norms - Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas "Alberto Benveniste"
Citation norms
1. Books:
AUTHOR, Title, volume, Place, Publisher, Year.
Ex: MARIA JOSÉ PIMENTA FERRO TAVARES, Os judeus em Portugal no
século XV, vol. 1, Lisboa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1982.
2. Collective works:
EDITOR (ed.), Title, Place, Publisher, Year.
Ex: RICHARD L. KAGAN E PHILIP D. MORGAN (ed.), Atlantic Diasporas:
Jews, Conversos, and Crypto­Jews in the Age of Mercantilism, 1500­
1800, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.
3. Articles in collective works:
AUTHOR, “Article title”, Book Title. Ed. Editor’s name, Place, Publisher,
Year, pages.
Ex: JONATHAN ISRAEL, “Jews and Crypto­Jews in the Atlantic World
Systems, 1500­1800”, Atlantic Diasporas: Jews, Conversos, and Crypto­
Jews in the Age of Mercantilism, 1500­1800. Ed. Richard L. Kagan e
Philip D. Morgan, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009,
pp. 3­17.
4. Articles in periodic publications
AUTHOR, “Article title”, Journal Title, Number / Volume, Year, Pages.
Ex: JUAN GIL, “La profecía de Abdías y el mundo converso”,
Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, n.os 10­11, 2011, pp. 37­60.
5. Online publications
AUTHOR, Title, Number / Year (if applicable). Available in
http://nameofsite.xx (day­month­year of access)
Ex: DIOGO RAMADA CURTO, “The Debate on Race Relations in the
Portuguese Empire and Charles R. Boxer's Position”, e­journal of
Portuguese History, vol. 11, n.º 1, 2013. Available in
l/ issue21/pdf/v11n1a01.pdf (22­01­2015)
6. Thesis
AUTHOR, Title. PhD / MA thesis, Place, University,Year.
Ex: DAVID GRANT SMITH, The Mercantile Class of Portugal and Brazil in the
Seventeenth Century: A Socio­Economic Study of the Merchants of Lisbon
and Bahia, 1620­1690. PhD thesis, Austin, University of Texas, 1975.
7. Documents
Place, Archive, Collection, document, folio / pages.
Ex: Lisboa, Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Tribunal do Santo
Ofício, Inquisição de Lisboa, processo n.º 2345, fls. 34r­35v.
[After the first reference, the archive and collection’s names could be
abbreviated. Ex: Lisboa, ANTT, TSO, Inquisição de Lisboa, proc. n.º
345, fls. 32r­33r.]
8. Observations
After the first reference, the footnote could be abbreviated as following:
AUTHOR’S SURNAME, op. cit., pages.
3 JULIO CARO BAROJA, Los judios em España Moderna y Contempoánea,
tomo I, Madrid, Istmo, 1986, pp. 134­136.
15 CARO BAROJA, op. cit., I, pp. 225­227.
If more than one book/article of the same author is referenced, the first
words of the book/article’s title should appear before “op. cit.”
If the same author is referenced in two or more consecutive footnotes on
different works, his/her name should be replaced by “Idem”.
call for papers
13 JULIO CARO BAROJA, Los judios em España Moderna y Contempoánea,
tomo I, Madrid, Istmo, 1986, pp. 134­136.
14 IDEM, Las brujas y su mundo, Madrid, Alianza, 1984, p. 45.
If the same author is referenced in two or more consecutive footnotes on
the same work, his/her name should be replaced by “Idem” and the
work’s title by “Ibidem”:
33 JULIO CARO BAROJA, Los judios em España Moderna y Contemporánea,
tomo I, Madrid, Istmo, 1986, pp. 134­136.
34 IDEM, Ibidem, pp. 225­227.