503-738-6380 - Our Lady of Victory
503-738-6380 - Our Lady of Victory
O ur L ady of V ictory P.O. Box 29, 120 Oceanway Seaside, OR 97138 503-738-6161, Fax: 503-738-6182, [email protected] Office Hours: Mon.: 9 AM - noon, Tue. - Fri.: 9 AM - 4 PM Website: www.ourladyofvictoryseaside.org CURRENT SCHEDULE (Summer Schedule ) Monday Communion Service: 8 AM Tuesday — Saturday: 8 AM Saturday Vigil: 4 PM Spanish Vigil Mass: 7 PM Sunday Mass: 8 AM & 11 AM Holy Days: 7:30AM & 7 PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturdays: 3-3:30 PM SA I N T P E T E R F ISHERMAN THE 79441 Hwy 101 S. Arch Cape, OR 97102 503-436-2876 C URRENT S CHEDULE (Summer Schedule) Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday Mass: 9:30 AM First Friday & Holy Days: 9:30 AM S ACRAMENT OF P ENANCE : Wednesdays: 1—3 PM S ATURDAYS : 4:30 PM Pastor and Staff Pastor — Fr. Nicholas Nilema, ALCP/OSS Family Religious Education Coordinator / Bulletin Editor — Joseph Salazar Business Manager — Jim Nirschl Administrative Assistant — Karen Chapman Maintenance — Dave Stinnett, Tanya Salazar J u l y 2 4 , 2 0 1 6 — 1 7 th S u n d a y i n O r d i n a r y T i m e Family Religious Education ic l o th a C This Wednesday through Friday July 27, 28 & 29 August 1-5 At Our Lady of Victory 10 am — 1 pm 9am-5pm (Friday 9am-3pm) For those going into grades K-5 Clothing F urniture Household Goods Kitchen Seasonal Crafts Books Garden & Tools We are accepting items until July 26th Saturday Drop Off Hours You can now drop off your donated items for the Rummage Sale on Saturdays f rom 3-6pm, in addition to the normal office hours. Please no exercise equipment or old TVs. Please have items clean and in good condition. Join us for Faith & Fun as we enjoy Bible and Saint Stories for the Year of Mercy, Children’s Adoration, making crafts you will want to keep, games at the beach, and yummy snacks. Cost: only $10 per child TO REGISTER: Registration Forms are available on the Church vestibule table. For more information contact Joseph Salazar in the Parish Office. Catholic Family Camp Saturday & Sunday, August 20 & 21 At St. Peter the Fisherman grove and Arch Cape beach Adult Faith Formation Series Tuesdays, 9:30 am at Our Lady of Victory The God Who is Love The book of Genesis reveals that we are made in the image and likeness of God. What does this mean? For St. Augustine it affirmed that our own traits—our minds, our selfknowledge, our self-love–can tell us something about God as a Trinity. What is Christianity finally about? What is the deepest meaning of being and all reality? The Christian answer is this: God is love, a play of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Enjoy good Catholic fun and fellowship with other families. Invite your Catholic friends and family from out of town to join us. For those who live locally and prefer to sleep at home, you are free to join us for the Saturday activities. Registration forms are available on the Church vestibule table. For more information see the registration form or contact Joseph Salazar in the OLV Parish Office. Relay for Life raised $6034. Thank you to all who participated! National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week JULY 24 - JULY 30 "Celebrate and reverence God's vision of human sexuality." Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is a national educational campaign of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The dates of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood. Why Natural Family Planning? Modern methods of Natural Family Planning (NFP) are based on an awareness of a woman’s fertility. The couple learns how to interpret certain signs in a woman’s body that indicate her fertile and infertile times, and then they use that knowledge to either try to achieve or postpone a pregnancy after prayerful discernment of their family’s situation. Advantages of NFP ♥ Safe & Healthy — Because it is 100% natural, NFP is safe and has no health risks. It involves no harmful drugs or devices. ♥ Effective — Modern NFP is 99% effective in postponing pregnancy, comparable to hormonal methods and more effective than devices and barriers. ♥ Shared Responsibility — Most NFP couples report that they appreciate the shared responsibility of the practice of NFP, as both husband and wife work together to practice it. ♥ Fertility Awareness — Most couples — even those who did not want to attend an NFP class — acknowledge that if they had not attended they would EL MEJOR SECRETO DE LA IGLESIA PlaniĮcación Natural de la Familia es un método completamente estudiado, seguro, efecƟvo, y apoya a la familia para la regulación de la ferƟlidad que se puede usar para obtener o evitar un embarazo. PNF es completamente natural y no requiere drogas, instru-mentos o cirugía. Es simplemente un método de reconocer y anotar señales sencillas de ferƟlidad señaladas por el cuerpo de la mujer. Anotando a diario las señales de ferƟlidad, la mu-jer puede determinar cuando posiblemente sea férƟl o inférƟl. Si alguna pareja desea generosamente aceptar un hijo, ellos pueden saber cuando es el mejor Ɵempo de concebir. Si la pareja desea posponer el embarazo, simplemente absƟene de sexo y evita contacto genital durante la temporada de ferƟlización. ¿PARA QUIEN ES PNF? ¡Parejas casadas que quieran tener la experiencia de un matrimonio alegre de toda la vida! ¡Cualquier matrimonio puede usar PNF! La mujer no necesita tener un ciclo “regular”. La educación sobre PNF le ayuda a parejas entender la ferƟlidad de ambos, en consecuencia ayudándolos a obtener o evitar un embarazo. La clave del suceso de PNF es la cooperación y comunicación entre los esposos – un compromiso entre ambos. ¿PORQUE DEBO DE APRENDER MAS? Porque PNF... &Es basad en estudios cienơĮcos, y lleva un 99% de suceso en evitar o proponer un embarazo. &Aumenta la comunicación entre esposos, puede ser que por esta razón se ve muy pocos divorcios entre parejas que usan PNF. &Llama a la pareja comparƟr la responsabilidad; ellos planean su familia juntos. &Permite un mejor entendimiento del cuerpo de la mujer; pues trata cada ciclo de menstruación como único y le enseña a la pareja reconocer las señales diarias de ferƟlidad. &No Ɵene ningún efecto negaƟvo! &También es efecƟvo para parejas que quieren obtener have never known they had a licit and effective option for family planning. Many come to see their share fertility as a gift to be cherished rather a problem to be controlled. ♥ Morally Acceptable — Unlike contraceptive methods, NFP allows the marital embrace to remain free, total, faithful and fruitful, thus keeping it a reflection/ renewal of their marital vows. ♥ Increased Health Awareness — Because NFP teaches a woman to become aware of her normal fertility pattern, changes in this pattern can alert her to possible medical problems. ♥ Low Cost — After the initial instruction, there are essentially no continuing costs. ♥ More Satisfying Marriages — Most couples report that practicing NFP has a positive effect on their marriages. They find that periodic abstinence helps keep their relationship fresh, improves their communication, and gives them a deeper respect for each other. ♥ Environmentally Sound — NFP methods have no negative environmental impact, unlike artificial methods which produce waste in both production and packaging. NFP also does not pollute the body with artificial chemicals and hormones. Is contraception (artificial birth control) immoral? The main reason why the Church states that contraception is wrong is that using any form of contraception separates the unifying power (bonding) of sexual intercourse from the life giving power of sexual intercourse. This includes sterilization, condoms and other barrier methods, spermicides, the IUD, withdrawal, the Pill and other hormonal contraceptives. —(CCC 2366) Sexual union is meant to be the most defining expression of human love. It is to reflect a complete and total gift of self between spouses. When the two goods of marriage (love and life) are separated, the couple begins to erode the common, unique bond between them. It becomes very possible for each person to view the other as an object of their pleasure (a thing to be used). The qualities of tenderness, interdependence, and selflessness upon which a faithful, happy marriage are built begin to wear away. Thus, contraception places the common good of the spouses themselves in peril. For over nineteen centuries, all Christians understood the immorality of contraception. It was only in 1930 that the Anglican Lambeth Conference rejected this long-held teaching. These truths are based upon natural law, but are also found in Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and have been the constant teaching of the Magisterium. un embarazo! &Se puede pracƟcar durante cualquier temporada de la vida de la mujer, incluyendo circunstancias especiales: después del parto, durante lactancia materna, premenopausia.. &No es caro &Sigue el plan de Dios; parejas pueden planear su familiar con la conciencia limpia. &Aumenta el aprecio por su pareja &CulƟva más romance y más inƟmidad &Trae más conĮanza sexual propia y madurez PLANIFICACION NATURAL DE LA FAMILIA : HACIENDO UN BUEN MATRIMONIO MAGNIFICO ¿COMO APRENDO MAS? El cuerpo de la mujer provee tres maneras básicas para idenƟĮcar la temporada férƟl o inférƟl durante el ciclo de la mujer. Reconociendo las señales İsicas es lo básico para todos los métodos de PNF. La señal primaria de ferƟlidad es la descarga de moco cervical de la mujer. La mujer aprende a idenƟĮcar moco cervical normal y sano, la cual indica los días más probables que cópula resulte en un embarazo. La segunda señal es la temperatura basal de la mujer. Debido a acƟvidad hormonal, la temperatura al amanecer del cuerpo de la mujer varea durante el ciclo menstrual. La tercera señal es el cambio de forma o textura del cérvix. Finalmente, algunas otras señales pueden ser dolor abdominal mínimo o pueda que sienta presión durante ovulación. Liga de Pareja a Pareja (Couples to Couples League– CCL) La pareja toma una temperatura basal a la misma hora cada día. La mujer hace nota de Ňuido cervical en el papel higiénico después de evacuar. Observaciones internas pueden idenƟĮcar el comienzo del periodo de ferƟlización. Palpitaciones del cérvix puede conĮrmar las otras señales de ferƟlización. Ya que se aprenda el método, la pareja puede escoger que señales de ferƟlización que van a observar. Llame para hacer una cita con un instructor (vea el revés). CCL también ofrece un curso de estudio en el hogar, para ordenar llame al 513.471.2000 o 800.745.8252 o vía internet: www.ligadeparejaapareja.wordpress.com/ ͤ͑ͷΒΤΙΚΠΟ͑΄ΙΠΨ͑ΣΖΡ͑͑ OUR LADY OF VICTORY MONDAY, 7/25, 8AM: Communion Service TUESDAY, 7/26, 8 AM: +Marvin Hanson by Parish WEDNESDAY, 7/27, 8 AM: +Peter Klosterman by Peter Klosterman THURSDAY, 7/28, 8 AM: I/O Anita Schacher by Diane and Tom Vandershule FRIDAY, 7/29, 8 AM: +Jeannette Garrison by Mary McDonald SATURDAY, 7/30, 8 AM: +Jeannette Garrison by Parish SATURDAY VIGIL, 4 PM: I/O Jerry and Kim Trudell by Mary and Dan Trudell SATURDAY (Spanish), 7 PM: I/O Fr. Nick and Family by Parish SUNDAY, 7/31, 8 AM: I/O Mark Harpole and Family by Parish SUNDAY, 11 AM: +Betty Klosterman by Peter Klosterman ST. PETER THE FISHERMAN SATURDAY, 7/30, 5:30 PM: I/O Fr. Joseph Barita by parish SUNDAY, 7/31, 9:30 AM: +Tom Brady by Parish WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF PARISH EVENTS Sunday: - Coffee Hour: SPF – Parish Hall, 10 AM - Coffee & Donuts: OLV — Hall, Noon - Sunday Supper: OLV – Parish Hall, 4 PM Tuesday: - Study Group: 9:30 AM, OLV Conference Room - Neo-Catechumenate: 7 PM, OLV East Classroom Wednesday: - Arch Cape Office Hours 1-3 PM - Choir Practice: 5 PM – OLV Friday: - Adoration: 8:30AM-3PM Saturday: - Neo-Catechumenate: East Classroom, 5:30 PM - Bingo: 6:30 PM ͽ·͠΄ͷ͑ΈΠΞΖΟ͘Τ͑;ΚΟΚΤΥΣΪ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΙΒΧΖ͑ΥΨΠ͑͑ ΨΠΣΜΤΙΠΡΤ͑Β͑ΨΖΖΜ͑͝ΡΣΖΡΒΣΚΟΘ͑ΗΠΣ͑͑ ΥΙΖ͑ͲΦΘΦΤΥ͑ͨ͢ΥΙ͑ͤ͑͝ͷΒΤΙΚΠΟ͑΄ΙΠΨ͑͑ ΨΙΚΔΙ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΙΖΝΕ͑ΒΥ͑ΥΙΖ͑΄ΖΒΤΚΕΖ͑͑ ʹΠΟΧΖΟΥΚΠΟ͑ʹΖΟΥΖΣ͑͑͟ΈΠΣΜΤΙΠΡΤ͑͑ ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΚΟ͑ΥΙΖ͑ͽ·͑ΤΠΔΚΒΝ͑ΙΒΝΝ͑ΠΟ͑;ΠΟΕΒΪ͑ΒΥ͑͑͢͡ΒΞ͑ΒΟΕ͑ ΈΖΕΟΖΤΕΒΪ͑ΒΥ͑ͥ͑ΡΞ͑ΨΚΥΙ͑ΥΙΖ͑ΞΖΖΥΚΟΘ͑ΥΠ͑ΗΠΝΝΠΨ͑ΒΥ͑ ͦͫͤ͡ΡΞ͑͑͑͟ͲΝΝ͑ΒΣΖ͑ΨΖΝΔΠΞΖ͑͑͟ͷΠΣ͑ͷΒΤΙΚΠΟ͑΄ΙΠΨ͑ΣΖΤΖΣ͞ ΧΒΥΚΠΟΤ͑ΔΒΝΝ͑΅ΖΣΣΚ͑ΒΥ͑ͦͤͥͥͥͥͤͨ͑͟͡͞͡͞ Did you know that the Lower Columbia Hospice is the ONLY hospice program in Clastsop County? LCH has a team of caregivers that include doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, clergy, home health aides and volunteers. These wonderful compassionate folks provide comfort care to the terminally ill paƟents AND their families. On September 10 there will be a fundraiser to support LCH. It is "Race To The Bar" A 5K walk or a 10K run, beginning at the Peter Iredale Shipwreck at Fort Stevens State Park. Our Lady of Victory and St. Peterman the Fisherman would like to be one of the sponsors of this very important fundraiser, as Hospice is about "Life" and caring for the end of life. We have already raised $500 toward our sponsorship. We are looking for $500 more. Our church name will be on the t-shirts and all promo material. Wouldn't it be great to show that the local Catholic community supports this program. For more informaƟon contact Mary Davies at 503-738-0313. PARISH LIFE CONTACTS New Parishioners: You can pick up a registraƟon form in the vesƟbule of our churches or register at the Parish Oĸce during business hours. Sacramental PreparaƟon / Family Religious EducaƟon Infant BapƟsms, First Communion, ConĮrmaƟon - Joseph Salazar, 738-6161 Religious EducaƟon for Children, Youth and Adults - Joseph Salazar, 738-6161 RCIA - Joseph Salazar 738-6161, Chris Rose 738-3221 Weddings - Thelma Rose, Sandra Baker 738-6161 Call at least 6 months prior to wedding Parish Ministries/Contacts Benevolence - Mike Davies, 738-0313 Knights of Columbus - Richard Klaņe, 836-2081 Ministry to the Sick and Elderly - Kay La Berge, 738-8893 Prayer Chain - To request prayer for special needs Call Mary McDonald, 738-0486 St. Vincent de Paul - George Mareina, 738-5295 Sunday Supper/Meals on Wheels - CommiƩee, 738-6161 Women's Ministries - Kathy Kelly, 929-7970 Pastoral Council - Chris Rose AdministraƟve Council - Karen Belding Sacrament of AnoinƟng and Death Call the Parish Oĸce, 738-6161 AŌer oĸce hours (M-F, 9am-4pm) , 717-2952 BULLETIN ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK For more information go to www.tomsnwlandscaping.com Stewardship Oīering from last weekend. Is what I do after I say “I Believe”… We thank you hearƟly for your generosity. OçÙ Lù Ê¥ V®ãÊÙù Weekly Offertory $2301 Sã. PãÙ ã« F®Ý«ÙÃÄ Weekly Offertory $1083 2nd Collection - Maint. 2nd Collection - Maint. $171 $288 You may also donate by checking account or credit card by going to ourladyofvictoryseaside.org and click on Donate”. Please remember Our Lady of Victory/St. Peter the Fisherman in your will. Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Hughes-Ransom Mortuary & Crematory “You’re Not Alone” 503.738.6622 SINCE 1 913 hughes-ransom.com _________________ William J. MacLean SEASIDE VISION _________________ Public Accountant /RZHVW3ULFHV $XWRPDWHG3D\UROO6HUYLFH )LQHVW4XDOLW\ 7D[(VWDWH3ODQQLQJ )DVWHVW6HUYLFH &RPSXWHU,QVW&RQVXOWLQJ $VNIRU\RXU3DULVKLRQHU'LVFRXQW )LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV 503-738-5303 503-738-9543 209 Ave “A” Seaside, OR 1000 S. Holiday Dr. #A PDFN#SDFLÀHUFRP (Across from Police Station) Dr. Dennis M. Klemp, Parishioner New Patients Welcome! 503-468-0116 1006 W. Marine Dr., Astoria We’re Here for You! www.klempfamilydentistry.com SEASIDE PET CLINIC Complete Medical, Dental & Surgical Services. 503-738-8846 900 24th Ave. in Seaside www.seasidepetclinic.com 503.738.8381 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO 6HUYLFHDQG,QVWDOODWLRQ *HQHUDWRUV /DUJH/LJKWLQJ6KRZURRP (OHFWULFDO6XSSOLHV +5(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH 1200 G St. in Gearhart borlandelectric.com WINTERS PLUMBING Service and Repair Drain Cleaning Water Heaters 503-738-3583 135 N Roosevelt Dr, Ste. 103 CCB#166615 MOBERG & RUST 503-738-6380 Coastal Roofing & Repair LLC Wills, Trusts and Probate Matthew J. Brien 18 years Experience For All Your Roofing Needs ccb#198655 ________________ www.diamondheating.net _________________ __________________ 1425 N. Roosevelt, Seaside 3DLQWLQJ'U\ZDOO5RRÀQJ &XOWXUH6WRQH6LGLQJ 5HPRGHOLQJ)HQFHV'HFNV 3URSHUW\5HVWRUDWLRQ 503-717-3728 842 Broadway Seaside, OR 503-717-1667 a p a r t of the Elise a v a m e r e f a m i l y of c o m p a n i e s Suzanne Elise is known throughout the local Seaside community as a comfortable family home cherished by the residents who live here. If you are in the process of making life a little easier, our Assisted Living in Seaside is here for you! 101 Forest Drive, Seaside, OR 97138 www.suzanneelise.com 503-738-0307 Call Bonnie to schedule a tour! Seaside Denture Center ATTORNEYS AT LAW PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE WITH LASTING VALUE Suzanne assisted living community CCB#77979 ________________ at )LUH:LQG:DWHU0ROG'DPDJH seaside Avamere at Seaside is known throughout the local Seaside community as a comfortable family home cherished by the residents who live here. If you are in the process of making life a little easier, our Assisted Living in Seaside is here for you! &HOO 2IÀFH ZZZYSQFRQVWUXFWLRQFRP Over 40 Years of Experience We’ll restore the Natural Beauty of Your Smile! 503-738-7710 Wed: 9am-4pm & Fri. 9am - 4:30pm 740 Avenue “H” #2, Seaside “Our Family Protecting Your Family” Auto sHome sBusiness sLife sHealth We Service All Makes 503-440-6286 615 S. Holladay Dr. 2500 S. Roosevelt Drive Seaside, OR 97138 www.avamereatseaside.com 503-738-0900 Give us a call to schedule a tour! COAST GARAGE DOOR 503-738-8455 [email protected] 3410 HWY 101 N, Gearhart 503-717-3700 George Stacey Parishioner # OR153495 Residential/Commercial Installation & Repairs 503-738-3165 Jim Anderson, Owner Tom’s N.W. Landscaping, INC Landscape Design & Construction Maintenance & Landscape Management Decks & Patios Tom Vandershule-owner Tel: 503-738-7118 Cell: 503-738-2936 LCB# 6328 CCB#96170 730 Manzanita Ave. 3401 S. Hemlock Cannon Beach, 97110 Manzanita, 97130 503-368-5250 503-436-0945 www.freshfoodsmarketplace.com ( For Advertising Call Jack Wallrich 503-314-9334. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 033 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Jack Wallrich (503) 314-9334 www.catholicprintery.com Serving Clatsop County KLEMP FAMILY DENTISTRY ©CPI E. Blaine Cobb FOR YOUR COMPLETE ELECTRICAL NEEDS CCB#003226