S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L
S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L
S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L “AN OASIS OF SILENCE, AN OASIS OF PRAYER” FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2009 800 Boylston Street, Suite 1001, Boston, MA 02199 617-437-7117 www.stfrancischapel.org Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM en español Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:45 AM , 1:15 PM en español 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM, 12:35 PM, 4:45 PM Saturday 9:00 AM, 12 Noon Devotions Tuesday after Mass: Memorare Thursday after Mass: St. Jude Mon-Fri after 4:45 p.m. Mass: Rosary Confessions Monday - Friday 8:30 - 11:50 AM*, 1:10 - 4:15 PM *Wed 11:15 - 11:50 Saturday 9:45 - 11:45 AM, 12:45-3:30 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday 8:30-11:45 AM, 1:00-4:30 PM Saturday 9:30—11:30 AM 12:30—3:30 PM Sunday 2:30-3:30 PM CHAPEL STAFF Fr. John Wykes, OMV ([email protected]), Fr. Dennis Brown, OMV ([email protected]) Fr. Robert Lowrey, OMV, Fr. Craig MacMahon, OMV, Fr. Greg Staab, OMV, Fr. Dave Yankauskas, OMV Sacristan: Mary Inoue Webmaster: Terry Wong Translator: Mercedes Villalba Music Ministry: Elisabeth Pifer, Kim Araiza, Rebecca Martin, Joanna Vasquez, Glenda Landavazo Bible Study Groups “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you with all its richness.” (Col. 3:16) Italian: Tues. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. English: Wednesdays 6 -7 p.m. Spanish: Thur. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Page 2 St. Francis Chapel Lanteri’s Corner Spiritual thoughts from Ven. Bruno Lanteri, Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Examples of Spiritual Joy The spiritual goods I am speaking of are: † Pardon for sins, the greatness of this. How great the joy of a disgraced criminal who is pardoned—what joy, what consolation! † More so, a friendship established...I might continue the example. † And more, we become adopted sons of God himself. What a great thing is this adoption! † This adoption differs from human adoption, for God communicates his very own spirit perfectly… . † - From “On Spiritual Joy” by Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri St. John’s Seminary Presents “Reading Paul” A seminar by Prof. Celia Sirois on the writings of St. Paul St. John’s Seminary is very happy to present this fourpart seminar as part of the celebration of the year of St. Paul. First Four Mondays in June (1, 8, 15, 22) 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 149 Washington St., Brighton, MA Call: 617-779-4104 for more information Website: http://www.sjs.edu/mam/ Bulletin Sponsor of the Week Without the generosity of our sponsors, we would not be able to provide you with this bulletin! Please support our sponsors. This week’s Sponsor of the Week is: Core Contracting Group. “Also a parishioner,” Core has 35 years of experience as can provide for all your contracting, renovating, and historic restoration needs. Call 978-697-6441 or see the ad on the back page of the bulletin. Prudential Center, Boston St. Francis Chapel Bookstore Item of the Week... Leonardo Defilippis offers yet another stunning performance, this time as St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish priest imprisoned at Auschwitz who culminated a life of charity by offering his life in exchange for another condemned to die. This inspiring DVD is but one of many films and videos available for purchase in our bookstore. 76 minutes/Color. www.stlukeproductions.com Sung Latin Mass Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 7:00 p.m. St. Francis Chapel May 12, 2009 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri, Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. This Mass is being celebrated to honor this special occasion. Come to the Waters A Day of Prayer and Healing from the pain of abortion Saturday, May 30, 2009 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. closing Mass This day is designed to help women hurting from past abortions experience the personal love of Christ and find hope for healing. It will offer a loving and confidential environment to: † hear stories of post abortion healing † share Scriptural stories of Christ’s healing love † spend quiet time in prayer before God † receive Sacramental Reconciliation (Confession) and the great gift of Christ in the Eucharist Sponsored by the Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston All contacts/correspondence is confidential. Cost is $10. Pre-registration is required. For more information, contact Project Rachel at (508) 651-3100 or e-mail [email protected] Oblates of the Virgin Mary MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MASS INTENTIONS THAT DO NOT APPEAR HERE WERE SCHEDULED AFTER THIS BULLETIN WAS FINALIZED. Sunday, May 10 8:00 AM +Margaret Wellings 9:15 AM +John Cocomile 10:30 AM Mothers’ Day Novena 11:45 AM +Maria Josefa Carrillo and +Isabel Alvarez 1:15 PM +Ofelia Querubín y +Leticia Osorno 4:00 PM +Celia and Philip McDevitt 5:30 PM +Elizabeth Fox Monday, May 11 8:00 AM +James Heile 12:05 PM Mothers’ Day Novena 12:35 PM +Agnes Hart 4:45 PM +Marion I. Wilger Tuesday, May 12 8:00 AM +Stanley Marchiel (in loving memory) 12:05 PM +Felix and Maria Risech 12:35 PM Mothers’ Day Novena 4:45 PM Fr. Dennis Brown, OMV Wednesday, May 13 8:00 AM +Richard Cardinal Cushing 12:05 PM Fr. Edward Broom, OMV 12:35 PM +Rui Mascarenhas 4:45 PM Mothers’ Day Novena Thursday, May 14 8:00 AM Mothers’ Day Novena 12:05 PM +James Heile 12:35 PM +Ralph E. Wellings 4:45 PM +Ralph E. Wellings Friday, May 15 8:00 AM +Ralph E. Wellings 12:05 PM Mothers’ Day Novena 12:35 PM +Marion I. Wilger 4:45 PM +Beverly Davies Saturday, May 16 9:00 AM +Margaret Wellings 12:00 PM +Filpe Almada 4:00 PM Mothers’ Day Novena 5:30 PM +Angela M. Wheatley 7:00 PM Miguel Maravi Page 3 Page 4 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston Remembering Our Mothers By the time you read this article, I will have visited my mother and father. I wish I could tell you how the visit went, but I will not be able to do so until the visit actually happens. But I am assuming that my parents will have been very happy to see me, and I them, and that we will have very much enjoyed the visit. Hopefully most of us have good memories of our mothers. For myself, I can certainly thank my mother for taking care of me when I was sick, cheering me up when I was sad, and teaching me about the truths of our faith. I must also thank her for helping me to appreciate good music. My mother attended the Julliard School of Music in New York and often played classical music in the house when we were growing up. The first LP I ever owned was not, as you might think, an album of a rock band. Instead, it was Beethoven’s Piano Concerto #3, (Claudio Arrau, pianist). I continued to enjoy orchestral works, though I developed tastes decidedly different from my mother. While she enjoyed Mozart, Chopin, and perhaps some Debussy, but not venturing farther than the late 19th Century, my own tastes began with the 19th Century and included mostly 20th Century composers, including Gershwin, Bartok, and Vaughan Williams. But, above all, I must thank my mother for the gift of life, the most precious gift of all. I am fortunate to have known parents who wanted to have children, and rejoiced when their children were born. Perhaps most of us have seen Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. In this film, Mary speaks hardly a word, but is always present to her Son, even when his suffering seems to be too much to bear. In one unforgettable scene, Mary sees Jesus falls under the weight of his Cross. As she watches her son fall, we see a flashback to a different time, when a younger Mary watches the young boy Jesus trip and fall. Dramatic crosscuts show us a younger Mary, then an older Mary, running to help the young boy Jesus, then the adult man Jesus. Just as Mary ran to help her Son when he skinned his knee, so, too, Mary runs to help her Son when he falls under the weight of the Cross. Mary – always at the side of her Son. When the newly-elected Pope John Paul II presented his coat of arms to the public, the reaction was one of surprise. More often than not, the symbols on papal coats of arms concern the pope’s homeland, or perhaps his first diocese as a bishop. But John Paul II’s coat of arms, dramatic in its simplicity, consisted of two purely religious symbols. One was the Cross, symbolizing Jesus and the sacrifice of the Cross. The other was the letter “M,” at the foot of the Cross and off to the side, symbolizing Mary, who was always at the side of her Son, even when he was nailed to the Cross. Today we celebrate Mothers’ Day. It is appropriate that we remember our own mothers, on this day set aside by our society to honor them. It is also appropriate that we honor our mother in heaven, during this month if May which is set aside to honor Mary, the Mother of God. May we thank the Lord for the great gift that is motherhood, as found in both our earthly mother and our heavenly mother. Fr. John, OMV Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the Month of May General: That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and religious vocations. Mission: That the recently founded Catholic Churches, grateful to the Lord for the gift of faith, may be ready to share in the universal mission of the Church, offering their availability to preach the Gospel throughout the world. Page 5 Oblates of the Virgin Mary Recordando Nuestras Madres Cuando leas este artículo, yo ya habré visitado a mi madre y a mi padre. Me gustaría contarte como fue la visita, pero no podré hacerlo hasta que eso ocurra. Pero asumo que mis padres estarán muy contentos de verme, y yo a ellos, y que habremos gozado mucho el encuentro. Ojalá muchos de nosotros tengamos buenos recuerdos de nuestras madres. Por mi parte, ciertamente le agradezco a mi madre por cuidarme cuando estaba enfermo, animarme cuando estaba triste, y enseñarme las verdades de nuestra fe. También debo agradecerle por ayudarme a apreciar la buena música. Mi madre concurría al Julliard School of Music en Nueva York y a menudo tocaba música clásica en casa mientras nosotros crecíamos. El primer LP que tuve no fue, como ustedes deben creer, un álbum de rock. Sino que fue el concierto de piano nº 3 de Beethoven, (Claudio Arrau, pianista). Continué disfrutando obras orquestales, aunque desarrollé gustos decididamente distintos que mi madre. Mientras ella disfrutaba Mozart, Chopin, y tal vez algo de Debussy, sin adentrarnos más allá de fines del siglo 19, mis propios gustos comenzaron con el siglo 19 e incluyeron muchos de los compositores del siglo 20, incluyendo Gershwin, Bartok y Vaughan Williams. anciana, corriendo para ayudar al niño Jesús, y luego al adulto Jesús. Justo cuando María corría a ayudar a su Hijo, él se lastima la rodilla, de la misma manera, María corre para ayudar a su Hijo cuando cae bajo el peso de la Cruz. María – siempre al lado de su hijo. Cuando el recién elegido Papa Juan Pablo II presentó su escudo de armas al público, la reacción fue de sorpresa. Usualmente, los símbolos del escudo de armas del papa conciernen a su patria, o quizás a su primera diócesis como obispo. Pero el escudo de armas de Juan Pablo II, dramático en su simplicidad, consistía en dos símbolos puramente religiosos. Uno era la cruz, simbolizando a Jesús y el sacrificio de la Cruz. El otro era la letra “M”, al pié de la cruz, simbolizando a María, quien estuvo siempre al lado de su Hijo, aún cuando fue clavado a la Cruz. Hoy celebramos el día de la Madre. Es apropiado que recordemos nuestras propias madres, en este día especialmente dedicado en su honor. Es también apropiado que honremos nuestra madre celestial, durante su mes ya que mayo es el mes dedicado a honrar a María, la Madre de Dios. Agradezcamos al Señor por el gran don de la maternidad, tanto de nuestra madre terrenal como de nuestra madre del cielo. Fr. John, OMV Pero, sobre todo, debo agradecer a mi madre el don de la vida, el más precioso regalo de todos. Tengo la fortuna de haber conocido padres que querían tener hijos, y se llenaron de júbilo cuando ellos nacieron. Tal vez muchos de nosotros hemos visto La Pasión de Cristo de Mel Gibson. En esta película, María rara vez habla, pero está siempre presente junto a su Hijo, aún cuando sus sufrimientos parecen ser más de lo soportable. En una escena inolvidable, María ve a Jesús caer bajo el peso de su Cruz. Mientras ve a su hijo caer, vemos un flash hacia atrás, cuando la joven María ve a su pequeño niño tropezar y caer. Dramáticas escenas cruzadas muestran a la joven María, luego a María ya más “No hay nada más hermoso, que encontrar a Cristo y comunicarlo a todos” ( Benedicto XVI) GRUPO DE STUDIO BIBLICO EN LENGUA ESPAÑOL — para todos — Capilla San Francisco todos los jueves, de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m. P. Gregorio OMV Page 6 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston Oblates of the Virgin Mary—USA Fr. Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830) The Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Declared “Venerable” the first step to Sainthood. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary is an international religious community of priests and brothers serving in Italy, France, Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria, the United States and the Philippines. The Oblates are involved in retreat and parish missions, spiritual direction, parish work, the mass media, clergy formation, and the foreign missions. The US Province of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary is dedicated to St. Ignatius of Loyola, and includes communities in Massachusetts, Illinois, Colorado, California and the Philippines. ST. CLEMENT EUCHARISTIC SHRINE & ST FRANCIS CHAPEL, Boston. MA ST. JOSEPH HOUSE, Milton, MA ST. PETER CHANEL PARISH Hawaiian Gardens, CA HOLY GHOST PARISH & LANTERI CENTER FOR IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY Denver, CO ST. MARY PARISH Alton, IL The OMV motto, OMV FORMATION CENTER Cebu City, Philippines “MARIAM COGITA, MARIAM INVOCA” “THINK OF MARY, CALL ON MARY” is taken from a homily by St. Bernard on the Blessed Virgin .