S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L
S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L
S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L “AN OASIS OF SILENCE, AN OASIS OF PRAYER” TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 800 Boylston Street, Suite 1001, Boston, MA 02199 617-437-7117 www.stfrancischapel.org Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM en español Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:45 AM , 1:15 PM en español 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM, 12:35 PM, 4:45 PM Saturday 9:00 AM, 12 Noon Devotions Tuesday after Mass: Memorare Thursday after Mass: St. Jude Mon-Fri after 4:45 p.m. Mass: Rosary Confessions Monday - Friday 8:30 - 11:50 AM*, 1:10 - 4:15 PM *Wed 11:15 - 11:50 Saturday 9:45 - 11:45 AM, 12:45-3:30 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday 8:30-11:45 AM, 1:00-4:30 PM Saturday 9:30—11:30 AM 12:30—3:30 PM Sunday 2:30-3:30 PM CHAPEL STAFF Fr. John Wykes, OMV ([email protected]), Fr. Dennis Brown, OMV ([email protected]) Fr. Robert Lowrey, Fr. Craig MacMahon, OMV, Fr. Greg Staab, OMV, Fr. Dave Yankauskas, OMV Sacristan: Mary Inoue Webmaster: Terry Wong Translator: Mercedes Villalba Music Ministry: Elisabeth Pifer, Kim Araiza, Rebecca Martin, Kenneth Aliaga, Glenda Landavazo Bible Study Groups “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you with all its richness.” (Col. 3:16) Italian: Mon. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. English: Wednesdays 6 -7 p.m. Spanish: Thur. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Page 2 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston MAGNIFICAT’S PILGRIMAGE OF HOPE On Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and 12, 2008, the Magnificat’s Pilgrimage of Hope will be held at the Boston Convention Center, featuring liturgical celebrations, addresses and talks by noted Catholic speakers, break-out sessions with the Magnificat editorial team and other experts, music, cultural events, and more. It will culminate on Sunday with a shared meal and Mass concelebrated by the archbishop of Bordeaux, Jean-Pierre Cardinal Richard, and Archbishop Séan Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary are playing a leading role! It will be directed by Fr. Dan Barron, OMV; Fr. Tom Carzon, OMV is a break-out session speaker; and confessions will be heard by several Oblates. This is a great opportunity for everyone at St. Francis Chapel to show support by attending! *Free Pregnancy Testing *Friendship Counseling and Support *Material Assistance *Adoption Information and Referrals *Education, Career & Housing Info *Pre-Natal Care Referrals call toll-free: 888 771-3914 www.pregnancyhelpboston.org All Services are free and confidential Also available in Spanish and Portuguese Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston This is a very popular event, so register early. NEW WEBSITE! For online details and registration, please visit: The Oblates of the Virgin Mary St. Ignatius Province (the OMV website for the U.S. Province) www.pilgrimageofhope.com Or e-mail [email protected] For a brochure or more information, please e-mail Geoff Groesbeck at [email protected] Mammography Van Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Wellness Center at St. Anthony Shrine 100 Arch Street Boston, MA 02110 Contact: Ivannia Giraldo (617) 632-1974 History, Spirituality, Mission, Apostolate, Who We Serve, Programs and Ministries, Newsletters and Publications, Special Events, Annual Fund, Links… www.oblatesofthevirginmary.org Oblates of the Virgin Mary MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MASS INTENTIONS THAT DO NOT APPEAR HERE WERE SCHEDULED AFTER THIS BULLETIN WAS FINALIZED. Sunday, June 8 8:00 AM +Mary West & Claire C. Conley (2nd anniv.) 9:15 AM Oscar Kvea 10:30 AM For world peace, according to the intentions of Pope Benedict XVI 11:45 AM +Josephine DeSesa 1:15 PM +Libia Lopez (segundo anniversario) 4:00 PM +Seth Petra 5:30 PM +Thomas A Aloise Monday, June 9 8:00 AM for all children in need of our prayers 12:05 PM Kelly Force (birthday) 12:35 PM +John & Bridget McDonough (anniv.) 4:45 PM +Cipriano & Marciana Vasquez Tuesday, June 10 8:00 AM +Patrick Carey 12:05 PM +Timothy Montanado 12:35 PM +Philip Salpietro 4:45 PM +the Lawless Family Wednesday, June 11 8:00 AM +Patrick Carey 12:05 AM +Barbara Dimasi 12:35 PM +Ruth Hufnagle 4:45 PM Rita, Bob, Richard, & Eric Thursday, June 12 8:00 AM +Annie Kelleher 12:05 AM Mary Sweeney 12:35 PM +Joseph Devine 4:45 PM Helen’s Intentions Friday, June 13 8:00 AM Valdemer Welz (intentions of) 12:05 AM +Colin & Anne Folan (anniv.) 12:35 PM +souls in Purgatory (sp. int.) 4:45 PM +Filomeno and Irenea Saturday, June 14 9:00 AM +Joseph Walsh 12:00 PM +David Ellis 4:00 PM +Nora and Timothy Riordan 5:30 PM +Bernardo Vasquez 7:00 PM +Carlos Osorno Page 3 Page 4 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston “FOLLOW ME” “As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, "Follow me." And he got up and followed him…” (Matthew 9,9-13). It is amazing to see the Lord’s way of calling his disciples to follow him and to have a share in his work of saving souls. He doesn’t simply limit himself to choosing only the draft pick favorites, as it were, for his winning team. Rather he goes so far as taking delight in making use of those, who by worldly standards may be considered to be on the disabled list, or even disqualified. It is such a consoling fact to know that in order to continue his work in the Church today, Jesus counts on ordinary people like you and me. What was that joyful memory of being called personally by Christ, to walk with him, and to work with him? The time, the place, the circumstances... What might entail the challenges of getting up and leaving behind whatever you are doing today, to follow him, and to learn from his loving way? What would your response to the Lord be today, amidst all your toil and labor, as he once again invites you to learn the meaning of the words, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' I did not come to call the righteous but sinners?" -Fr. Dave Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the Month of June GENERAL: Friendship with Christ. That all Christians may cultivate a deep and personal friendship with Christ so to communicate the strength of his love to every person they meet. MISSION: International Eucharist Congress. That the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec may lead to greater understanding that the Eucharist is the heart of the Church and the source of evangelization. Page 5 Oblates of the Virgin Mary “SIGUEME” ¿Cuál es aquella alegre memoria en la que ha sido llamado personalmente por Jesús para caminar con el y trabajar con el? La hora, el momento, las circunstancias… ¿Qué significaría hoy en día, el desafío de levantarse y dejar atrás lo que sea que usted esta haciendo hoy, para seguirlo a él y para aprender de su manera amorosa? “Jesús, al irse de allí, vio a un hombre llamado Mateo en su puesto de cobrador de impuestos, y le dijo: “Sígueme.” Mateo se levanto y lo siguió…” (Mateo 9, 9-13). Es increíble ver la manera del Señor de pedir a sus discípulos que lo sigan y tener una participación en su trabajo para salvar a las almas. El simplemente no se limita solo a seleccionar a los jugadores favoritos, como si se tratase de su equipo ganador. Aún mejor, él llega tan lejos al punto de deleitarse con hacer uso de aquellos, que para estándares mundanos, serían considerados de la lista de deshabilitados, o hasta descalificados. Es un hecho tan consolador, el saber que para continuar su trabajo hoy en la Iglesia, Jesús cuenta con personas como usted y yo. ¿Cuál sería su respuesta hoy al Señor, en medio de su trabajo duro y su labor, mientras que él una vez mas lo invita a aprender el significado de las palabras: “Me gusta la misericordia más que las ofrendas. Pues no he venido a llamar a los justos, sino a los pecadores?” -Padre David “No hay nada más hermoso, que encontrar a Cristo y comunicarlo a todos” ( Benedicto XVI) GRUPO DE ORACION BIBLICA EN LENGUA ESPAÑOL — para todos — Capilla San Francisco todos los jueves, de 6:30 a 7:30 p.m. P. David OMV Page 6 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston Oblates of the Virgin Mary—USA Fr. Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830) The Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Declared “Venerable” the first step to Sainthood. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary is an international religious community of priests and brothers serving in Italy, France, Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria, the United States and the Philippines. The Oblates are involved in retreat and parish missions, spiritual direction, parish work, the mass media, clergy formation, and the foreign missions. The US Province of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary is dedicated to St. Ignatius of Loyola, and includes communities in Massachusetts, Illinois, Colorado, California and the Philippines. ST. CLEMENT EUCHARISTIC SHRINE & ST FRANCIS CHAPEL, Boston. MA ST. JOSEPH HOUSE, Milton, MA ST. PETER CHANEL PARISH Hawaiian Gardens, CA HOLY GHOST PARISH & LANTERI CENTER FOR IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY Denver, CO ST. MARY PARISH Alton, IL The OMV motto, OMV FORMATION CENTER Cebu City, Philippines “MARIAM COGITA, MARIAM INVOCA” “THINK OF MARY, CALL ON MARY” is taken from a homily by St. Bernard on the Blessed Virgin .
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