Pro-Life Boot Camp for High School Students
Pro-Life Boot Camp for High School Students
DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday / Domingo de Pentecostés The Most Holy Trinity / La Santísima Trinidad Acts 2:1-11 Rom 8:8-17__ Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 (63) All of us have been baptized into one and the same Spirit (2), who bears witness that we are children of God (2b). That same Spirit, the Advocate, was given as gift to the disciples (1) to teach them everything (3b) and to strengthen them to go forth in the name of the Lord (3), “to renew the face of the earth” (Ps). Prv 8:22-31 Rom 5:1-5__ Jn 16:12-15 (166) We are at peace with God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (2). This Spirit, who is Wisdom itself (1), will lead us into all truth (3). How wonderful the name of our triune God in all the earth (Ps). SATURDAY, May 14, 2016 SATURDAY, May 21, 2016 Priests are preaching this weekend /Los sacerdotes predicaran este Domingo This weekend Deacons are Preaching / Predicaran los Diáconos esta Semana 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Mother’s Day …………………………………….... Fr. OM Día de las Madres ………………………………….. Fr. GM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM MacVen & Felicidad Solana (Anniversary) ……… Fr. GM Consuelo S. Aguilar + ……………………………... Fr. OM SUNDAY, May 15, 2016 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Mother’s Day ……………………………………… Mother’s Day ………(Confirmations Fr. ET) ...… Día de las Madres ………………………………….. Día de las Madres ……(Confirmaciones Fr. ET).. Misa Ágape (Día de las Madres) …………………. Angelita Padilla †………………………………….. Día de las Madres …………………………………. May 16, Monday Jas 3:13-18 SUNDAY, May 22, 2016 Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. ET Fr. OM Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. OM Weekday Ordinary Time (7) Mk 9:14-29 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP Weekday Ordinary Time (7) Mk 9:30-37 Jas 4:1-10 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Ella Guimapang † …………………………………. John & Josephine †† ……………………..………. Familia de la DM (Acción de Gracias) ………….. Arturo Guel H. † ………………………………….. Pueblo de Dios …………………………………….. Fr. Ignacio Olvera (Thanksgiving) ………………. Familia Ventura de Dios † ………………………... Pss III (341) Mother’s Day ………………………………. Fr. GM Mother’s Day ………………………………. Fr. GM Día de las Madres ………………………….. Fr. OM May 17, Tuesday 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 ATTENDANCE: Saturday, May 7, and Sunday, May 8, 2016 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 158 276 8:00 AM….…………….225 10:00 AM…....…...……..492 12:00 PM.….......……..1,053 2:00 PM…..…………...995 4:00 PM.………………046 6:00 PM……………….188 7:30 PM……………….408 Pss III (342) María Mírales + ……………………………. Fr. OM McVen O. Solana Sr. (Birthday) ………….. Fr. OM Honorato Jaramillo (Birthday) ……………. Fr. ET May 18, Wednesday St. John I, Pope and Martyr (7) Mk 9:38-40 Jas 4:13-17 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP May 19, Thursday Jas 5:1-6 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP May 20, Friday Jas 5:9-12 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP May 21, Saturday Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 8:00 AM Chapel EN Weekday Ordinary Time (7) Mk 9:41-50 Pss III (344) Braulio Méndez (Birthday) ……………….. Louis Abalos (Birthday) ………………….. Sara Grifaldo †……. ………………………. Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. ET St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest (7) Mk 10:1-12 Pss III (345) Irene & Leo Valladares ††† ……………….. Ella Guimapang † ………………………… Armando G. Esquivel (Conversión) ..……... Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. OM St. Mathias, Apostle (7) Jn 16:23b-28 Pss III (564) Camilo Balderas (Birthday) ……………….. Fr. ET MESSAGE FROM JESUS “All those souls who will glorify My mercy and spread its worship, encouraging others to trust in My mercy, will not experience terror at the hour of death. My mercy will shield them in that final battle…” Diary 1540 Servants of the Divine Mercy TOTAL ………………………….3,841 Pss III (343) Esther Morales + …………………………… Fr. GM MacVen O. Solana Sr. (SI) ………………… Fr. ET Magdalena A. Lara † ………………………. Fr. OM Fr. OM Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. ET Fr. IO Fr. GM Fr. OM Regular Collection: Building Debt Reduction: Ladies Altar: Confirmation: $ 16,064.65 $ 1,760.00 $ 3,022.34 $ 552.00 Total of Collections : $ 21,398.99 Please make out checks in Black or Blue ink only. Favor de escribir cheques con tinta negra o azul solamente. Loan Balance: $ 662,000.38 Pro-Life Boot Camp for High School Students Youth For Life Pro-Life Boot Camp is one of the best opportunities for young people to become involved in the work of the prolife movement. This summer camp for high school students (ages 14-17) includes inspiring speakers, service projects, prayerful witness, and the Sacraments -- all with fellowship and fun thrown in! Only one session will be offered this summer -- July 22 - 26. The theme will be "Who is My Brother?" focusing on the Year of Mercy. Discount registration for the camp is now open at After June 15, prices will go up. Be sure to sign up early before we fill up (camp has sold out for 6 years straight)! Youth $250 (by June 15), Youth Late Registration $280 (June 16 - July 15) Junior Staff (ages 18-20) and chaperones (ages 21+) are also needed. Junior Staff $195, Chaperones $150 PENTECOST SUNDAY / DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES FRIDAY, May 20 -Continued7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM Cenáculo DM (Exodus, Leviticus) Renovacion— (Nazareth) Renovacion— (Capernaum) Cuidado de Ninos de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) Praise, Worship & Healing (Church) SATURDAY, May 21 SUNDAY, May 15 9:45 4:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 6:30 AM PM PM PM PM PM Sunday Concessions – Jesed Youth Ministry (Nazareth) Concesiones PREP (SFH) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Intercesores del PREP (Exodus) Formación de Portadores (Nazareth) MONDAY, May 16 5:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sport Group—Chelsea (Fields) Devotion to Saint Joseph (Church) Youth Group (9-12 grade) (Nazareth) Pilgrimage Meeting (SFH) Cenaculo de la DM (Capernaum) Confessions (Church) English Intercessory (Altar Room) Renovación—Seminario (Church) Cuidados de Niño's de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis, Exodus) Junta de Ministros de Eucaristia (Bethany) TUESDAY, May 17 9:30 11:30 5:30 5:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Cenaculo DM (Nazareth, Capernaum) Método Natural Billings (Pentateuco, Génesis) Sport Groups– U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Anthony (Church) Mistagogia Mass Biingual (Church / SFH) Community Meeting (Emmaus) Practica de Coro de Niños (Exodus) Renovación– (Nazareth) Alianza Juvenil (Bethany) Cuidados de Niños de Renovación (Pentateuch, Genesis) Renovación– Crecimientos Comunidad Jesed—lideres (Lady’s Altar Room) WEDNESDAY, May 18 10:00 4:00 5:15 6:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Ladies' Altar Meeting (SFH) Practica de Monagillos (Iglesia) Holy Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Church) Youth Group (6-8th grade)- (Exodus) Jóvenes de Renovación (Bethany) Practica de Lectores (Leviticus) Confessions (Church) Pastoreo de Renovacion (Emmaus) Asamblea de Oracion PREP (Iglesia) English Lectors Practice (Penteteuch) Comunidad Jesed con el P. Ernesto (SFH) THURSDAY, May 19 9:30 5:30 5:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM PM PM PM PM PM Cenáculo DM (Nazareth, Capernaum) Sport Groups –Chelsea, U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Jude (Church) Ministerio Jesed (Church) Practica del Coro Shalom (Capernaum) Portadores de Misericordia I (Emmaus) FRIDAY, May 20 8:30 10:00 5:30 7:30 AM AM PM PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Church and Chapel) until 3:30 PM DM Jubilee Meeting (Pentateuch) Devotion to the Sacred Heart Junta de los Gudalupanos (Emmaus) 10:00 10:00 11:30 3:30 5:00 5:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM English Lectors Practice (Pentateuch) Bible Classes (Bethany) DM Cenacle (Bethany) Confessions (Church) Ministerio Nazaret (Nazareth) Casitas de Oracion (Pentateuch, Leviticus) CFC-FFL Meeting 6-9 pm (SFH) Pro Vida (Exodus) SUNDAY, May 22 9:45 2:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 6:30 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sunday Concessions—Intercesores Pre Confirmation—(Nazareth) Confirmation—(Capernaum) Youth Ministry (Nazareth) P. Olvera Fellowship (SFH) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Intercesores del PREP (Exodus) Formación de Portadores (Nazareth) Please support our Sunday Concessions Concessions for this Sunday May 15, Concessions by the Jesed, and on Sunday May 22, Concessions by the Intercesores. Please continue supporting our Sunday Concessions and help our church. Anointing of the Sick If you or a member of your family are in the hospital, and need a priest URGENTLY, please contact the hospital’s Pastoral Care Department or the Catholic Hospital Chaplain to call a minister or priest. Otherwise call the Church office for one of our priests to visit your loved one in the hospital. Also call to schedule a Lay Eucharistic Minister to visit and give communion to your sick loved one at home on a regular basis. Please call the parish office during office hours for any emergency. Or call the parish office number after office hours to obtain our emergency numbers. Please use church after hours emergency numbers for urgent pastoral needs only. Unción de Enfermos Si por alguna razón usted o algún miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital, y necesitan ver a un sacerdote inmediatamente, le pedimos que notifique al departamento de Cuidado Pastoral o el Capellán del Hospital. También pueden hablar a la oficina de la parroquia si gusta que uno de los sacerdotes vaya a visitar a sus enfermos en el Hospital. Después de las horas de trabajo, llamen al numero de la iglesia para obtener el numero de emergencia de la parroquia por cualquier necesidad urgente. Favor de usar estos números solo para EMERGENCIAS! DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX SCAP Prayer Leaders / CDAS Líderes de la Oración PARISH RENEWAL COMMUNITIES For Next Weekend / Próximo Fin de Semana The New Hope Covenant Community is now receiving a series of community teachings On Christian Maturity. The Most Holy Trinity / La Santísima Trinidad May 21 and May 22, 2016 Mass Prayer Leaders Sat. 5:00 PM Joe and Sylvia Sandoval-Baiz Sun. 8:00 AM Stephen and Della Foster Sun. 10:00 AM Steve and Rebecca Laramay Sun. 6:30 PM Lito and Luisa Dancel Sab. 7:00 PM Casiano Juárez y Carmen Bocchiciamp Dom. 12:00PM Danny y Yanira Garcia Dom. 2:00 PM José y Flor Chavira Dom. 8:00 PM Alfredo y Dolores Trejo La Santísima Trinidad Dom. 12:00 PM Dom. 2:00 PM Dom. 7:30 PM Lectores/Comentaristas Monaguillos 1. Yanira García t. 2. Ana Loera 1. C. María Esquivel 2. 1. Francisco Morillo t. 2. Rosy García 1. C. Liliana Garcia 2. 1. Daniel Flores t. 2. Daniel Garcia 1. C. Damián Hernández 2. 1. María Jaramillo t. 2. Ana Presa 1. C. María Sánchez 2. Sun. 8:00 AM Sun. 10:00 AM Sun. 6:00 PM Liturgy of the Hours For the week beginning May 15, 2016 Pss III The following devotions are being prayed before the evening mass each day following the Holy Rosary. We invite everyone to participate. Monday-for St. Joseph at 5:30 PM Tuesdays-St. Anthony of Padua at 5:30 PM Wednesday– Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5:15PM Thursdays-St. Jude at 5:30 PM Fridays—Sacred Heart Devotion 5:30 PM Most Holy Trinity Sat. 5:00 PM EUCARISTIA DE COMUNIDAD JESED La Comunidad Jesed da inicio con su primera Eucaristía de Comunidad el Domingo, 5 de Junio, a las 4:00pm. La Eucaristía se llevará acabo cada primer Domingo del mes. Todos están cordialmente invitados a participar. Liturgia de las Horas Iniciando la Semana del 15 de Mayo, 2016 Pss III May 21 and May 22, 2016 Lectors/Commentators A todos los hermanos del PREP se les recuerda que hablen a sus dirigentes para que les proporcionen el calendario del mes de Mayo 2016. Próxima Hora Santa de Jubileo de la Misericordia es el 13 de Mayo, de 2016. Altar Ministers for Next Weekend Mass There will be a Holy Hour of Mercy with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight on Friday May 27, 2016. COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS DEL PREP 21 de Mayo de 22 de Mayo de, 2016 Misa Remember there is no longer an Agape mass in English at 4:00 pm on the First Sunday. Everyone is strongly exhorted to participate in the next Praise and Worship Assembly with healing on Friday, May 20. Ministros del Altar para el Próximo Fin de Semana Sab. 7:00 PM May 15, 2016 Altar Servers Prayers for the Sick / Oraciones Por los Enfermos 1. Teresa Tresp 1. Joseph Balilis 2. Hazel Gomez 2. Miguel Casas C. Mel Velasquez 3. Hayden Gomez 1. Ron Didier 1. Stephen Martinez 2. Roger Fulton 2. Joel Garcia C. Alice Ramirez 3. Julianna Garcia 1. Joe Pokawa 1. Julianna Gonzales 2. Luna Fajardo 2. Billy Medellin C. Venus Munoz 3. Gabriel Izukamma 1. Yamil Valero 1. Anika Hernandez Let us also pray for those who recently passed away, Especially Msgr. Duffy Gardner †. También, remos por las personas que 2. Melanie Rico 2. Buka Okafor recientemente han fallecido. C. Laurel Patino 3. Chiamaka Okafor Let us pray for all the sick in our Parish and for their families who are caring for them presently, Oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia, en especial por /especially Phelana Foster, Lupita Galindo, Dulce Silva, Martha García, Dolores Rico, Alicia Mejia, Yulianne Robles, Andrew Foster, Richard Shultz, Annabelle Jasmin, and Francisca Suarez. God bless and heal all our sick. May He strengthen them in their weakness, and may He bear with them their infirmities. Amen Fr. Ernie Prayers for the Deceased / Oraciones Por los Difuntos PENTECOST SUNDAY / DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES Business Manager Needed Accounting Degree Preferred or Accounting experience Must have knowledge of financial statements preparation and review. Must be able to prepare annual budget and various Diocesan reports. Must be able to handle the Diocesan Annual Agreed Upon Procedures. Must have knowledge of Quickbooks and Office Softwares. Human Resources knowledge a plus Letter of recommendations from previous work employer Part-time to start for just 24 hours / week ANNOUNCING THE 2016 ANNUAL DIVINE MERCY June 25 and 26, 2016 On the Parish Grounds Everyone is invited to participate PLAN NOW TO ATTEND Food—Games– Fun Raffle for a 2016 Ford ESCAPE FOOD FOR THOUGHT ‘Open yourselves with docility to the gifts of the Holy Spirit! ANUNCIAMOS EL 25 y 26 de Junio de 2016 Receive with gratitude and obeFESTIVAL ANUAL En los terrenos de la dience the charisms that the 2016 DE LA parroquia Spirit does not cease to offer! Do DIVINA MISERITodos están invitados a not forget that all charisms are CORDIA participar given for the common good, that is, for the benefit of the whole Por favor hagan planes para asistir Church!’ “ Comida-Juegos-Diversión Rifa de un 2016 Ford ESCAPE Ordination of Deacon Ignacio Olvera -St. Pope John Paul II Empowered by the Spirit, and drawing upon faith’s rich vision, a new generation of Christians is being called to help build a world in which God’s gift of life is welcomed, respected and cherished – not rejected, feared as a threat and destroyed. El seminarista de nuestra parroquia, Diacono Ignacio Olvera, ya será ordenado como sacerdote el día Attend diocesan business meetings quar- Sábado, 21 de Mayo, en la Catedral Guadalupe a terly. las 10AM. El celebrara su Primera Misa de Acción Contact the church office if you feel that you de Gracias el día Domingo, 22 de Mayo, a las 4:00pm. Todos están cordialmente invitados a su have the qualifications. Misa Bilingüe. Continuaremos con una recepción en el Salón Santa Faustina de 6-9pm. Si gustan dar -Pope Benedict XVI una donación monetaria o regalo se les agradece. Favor de traer su platillo favorito para compartir con It is a great gift that the Lord has given us by bringing us together todos. here in the Upper Room for the Deacon Ignacio Olvera, seminarian from our par- celebration of the Eucharist. Attention Youth ages 13-17 ish, will be ordained a priest on Saturday May 21, ...From here the Church goes 2016 at the Guadalupe Cathedral at 10AM. He forth, impelled by the life-giving Youth Group Meetings Continue will officiate his First Bilingual Thanksgiving Mass breath of the Spirit. Gathered in here at Divine Mercy at 4:00pm on Sunday, May prayer with the Mother of Jesus, Youth Life 22nd, everybody is welcome to attend. For this the Church lives in constant exreason, we would also like to invite everyone to join pectation of a renewed outpourSundays the Parish Staff for a potluck fellowship to con- ing of the Holy Spirit. Send forth Youth Life 4:00pm gratulate Father Ignacio Olvera, from 6-9pm in your Spirit, Lord, and renew the Youth Eucharistic Adoration Saint Faustina Hall. A money Tree will be set up face of the earth! 3rd Sunday of the Month 7:00pm for personal gift items of appreciation for him and for his personal needs. Please bring a dish to share -Pope Francis Youth Ministry Weeknights with others. “If God causes you to suffer AFLAME Monday 7pm-8:30pm: New Rosary Program much it is a sign that He has High School Grades 9-12 great designs for you and that He In the Nazareth Room It has been suggested that Divine certainly intends to make you a Mercy begin a program to pray saint. And if you wish to become Wednesday 7pm-8:30pm: the rosary in the chapel after a great saint, entreat Him yourIGNITE Middle School Grades 6-8 each regular Sunday Mass. If the self to give you much opportuRosary is a devotion that is spenity for suffering; for there is no In Saint Faustina Hall cial to you and you would like see wood better to kindle the fire of For Registration and more information, contact this program implemented. holy love than the wood of the our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Please come to the office and cross, which Christ used for His identify yourself as the person own great sacrifice of boundless Angelo Penuela at (469) 878-0907 who would like to head this up. charity.” or email at [email protected] ― Ignatius of Loyola DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC MESQUITE, TX EXHORTACIÓN APOSTÓLICA POSTSINODAL AMORIS LÆTITIA (La Alegría del Amor) Papa Francisco May 15, 2016 POST-SYNODAL APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION AMORIS LÆTITIA (Joy of Love) Pope Francis LA TERNURA DEL ABRAZO THE TENDERNESS OF AN EMBRACE 27. Cristo ha introducido como emblema de sus discípulos sobre todo la ley del amor y del don de sí a los demás (cf. Mí22,39; Jn 13,34), y lo hizo a través de un principio que un padre o una madre suelen testimoniar en su propia existencia: «Nadie tiene amor más grande que el que da la vida por sus amigos» (Jn 15,13). Fruto del amor son también la misericordia y el perdón. En esta línea, es muy emblemática la escena que muestra a una adúltera en la explanada del templo de Jerusalén, rodeada de sus acusadores, y luego sola con Jesús que no la condena y la invita a una vida más digna (cf. Jn 8,1-11). 27. Christ proposed as the distinctive sign of his disciples the law of love and the gift of self for others (cf. Mt 22:39; Jn 13:34). He did so in stating a principle that fathers and mothers tend to embody in their own lives: "No one has great-er love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends" (Jn 15:13). Love also bears fruit in mercy and forgiveness. We see this in a particular way in the scene of the woman caught in adultery; in front of the Temple, the woman is surrounded by her accusers, but later, alone with Jesus, she meets not condemnation but the admonition to lead a more worthy life (cf. Jn 8:1-11). 28. En el horizonte del amor, central en la experiencia cristiana del matrimonio y de la familia, se destaca también otra virtud, algo ignorada en estos tiempos de relaciones frenéticas y superfi-ciales: la ternura. Acudamos al dulce e intenso Salmo 131. Como se advierte también en otros textos (cf. Ex 4,22; Is 49,15; Sal 27,10), la unión 21 entre el fiel y su Señor se expresa con rasgos del amor paterno o materno. Aquí aparece la delica-da y tierna intimidad que existe entre la madre y su niño, un recién nacido que duerme en los bra2os de su madre después de haber sido ama-mantado. Se trata —como lo expresa la palabra hebrea gamul— de un niño ya destetado, que se aferra conscientemente a la madre que lo lleva en su pecho. Es entonces una intimidad consciente y no meramente biológica. Por eso el salmista can-ta: «Tengo mi interior en pa2 y en silencio, como un niño destetado en el rega2o de su madre» {Sal 131,2). De modo paralelo, podemos acudir a otra escena, donde el profeta Oseas coloca en boca de Dios como padre estas palabras conmovedoras: «Cuando Israel era joven, lo amé [...] Yo enseñe a andar a Efraín, lo akaba en bra2os [...] Con cuerdas humanas, con correas de amor lo atraía; era para ellos como el que levanta a un niño con-tra su mejilla, me inclinaba y le daba de comer» (11,1.3-4). 28. Against this backdrop of love so central to the Christian experience of marriage and the family, another virtue stands out, one often over-looked in our world of frenetic and superficial relationships. It is tenderness. Let us consider the moving words of Psalm 131. As in other biblical texts (e.g., Ex 4:22; Is 49:15; Ps27:10), the union between the Lord and his faithful ones is expressed in terms of parental love. Here we see a delicate and tender intimacy between mother and child: the image is that of a babe sleeping in his mother's arms after being nursed. As the Hebrew word gamûl suggests, the infant is now fed and clings to his mother, who takes him to her bosom. There is a closeness that is con- scious and not simply biological. Drawing on this image, the Psalmist sings: "I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a child quieted at its mother's breast" (Ps 131:2). We can also think of the touching words that the prophet Hosea puts on God's lips: "When Israel was a child, I loved him... I took them up in my arms... I led them with cords of compassion, with the bands of love, and I became to them as one who eases the yoke on their jaws, and I bent down to them and fed them" (Hos 11:1, 3-4). 29. Con esta mirada, hecha de fe y de amor, de gracia y de compromiso, de familia humana y de Trinidad divina, contemplamos la familia que la Palabra de Dios confía en las manos del varón, de la mujer y de los hijos para que conformen una comunión de personas que sea imagen de la unión entre el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. La actividad generativa y educativa es, a su ve2, un reflejo de la obra creadora del Padre. La fami-lia está llamada a compartir la oración cotidiana, la lectura de la Palabra de Dios y la comunión eu-carística para hacer crecer el amor y convertirse cada ve2 más en templo donde habita el Espíritu. 29. With a gaze of faith and love, grace and fidelity, we have contemplated the relationship between human families and the divine Trinity. The word of God tells us that the family is entrusted to a man, a woman and their children, so that they may become a communion of per-sons in the image of the union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Begetting and rais-ing children, for its part, mirrors God's creative work. The family is called to join in daily prayer, to read the word of God and to share in Eucharistic communion, and thus to grow in love and become ever more fully a temple in which the Spirit dwells. 30. Ante cada familia se presenta el icono de la familia de Na2aret, con su cotidianeidad hecha de cansancios y hasta de pesadillas, como cuando tuvo que sufrir la incomprensible violencia de Herodes, experiencia que se repite trágicamente todavía hoy en tantas familias de prófugos dese-chados e inermes. Como los magos, las familias son invitadas a contemplar al Niño y a la Madre, a postrarse y a adorarlo (cf. Mí 2,11). Como Ma-ría, son exhortadas a vivir con coraje y serenidad sus desafíos familiares, tristes y entusiasmantes, y a custodiar y meditar en el cora2Ón las maravillas de Dios (cf. Le2,19.51). En el tesoro del cora2Ón de María están también todos los acontecimien-tos de cada una de nuestras familias, que ella con-serva cuidadosamente. Por eso puede ayudarnos a interpretarlos para reconocer en la historia fa-miliar el mensaje de Dios. AMORIS LÆTITIA DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO SOBRE EL AMOR EN LA FAMILIA 30. Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Its daily life had its share of burdens and even nightmares, as when they met with Herod's implacable violence. This last was an experience that, sad to say, continues to afflict the many refugee families who in our day feel rejected and helpless. Like the Magi, our families are invited to contemplate the Child and his Mother, to bow down and worship him (cf. Mt 2:11). Like Mary, they are asked to face their family's challenges with courage and seren-ity, in good times and bad, and to keep in their heart the great things which God has done (cf. Lk 2:19, 51). The treasury of Mary's heart also contains the experiences of every family, which she cherishes. For this reason, she can help us understand the meaning of these experiences and to hear the message God wishes to commu-nicate through the life of our families. AMORIS LÆTITIA OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON LOVE IN THE FAMILY