Altar Wine - St. Mary Star of the Sea


Altar Wine - St. Mary Star of the Sea
Second Sunday of Lent/Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
March 16, 2014 / 16 de Marzo 2014
St. Mary’s Office Staff
Service &
Social Ministries/Ministerios Sociales y Servicios
Blanchard, Augustine Mendoza
Altar & Rosary Society/Sociedad
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Estella Kirby
Miguel & Elizabeth Heredia 233-7705
Office Manager/Bookkeeper
Tina Robledo
Email: [email protected]
Mary Rodriguez
Email: [email protected]
Director of Faith Formation
Marilyn Saccomanno
Email: [email protected]
Associate Director of Faith Formation
Catholic Daughters/Hijas Catolica
Theresa Goodwin
Guadalupana Society
Michael Gonzales 265-6630
Knights of Columbus/Los Caballeros de Colon
Willie Garcia
Spanish Choir/Coro de Español
Leslie Ontiveros
Noemma Gonzales 709-2960
Cristo Renueva su Parroquia
Naty Garcia
Sonia Montoya
English Choir/Coro de English
Joyce Prihoda (979) 849-5679
Mary Williams (979) 482-6550
Legion of Mary/La Legion de Maria
Marilyn Saccomanno 233-1726
Carolina Luna
Rosemary Bravo 233-7495
Pete Gutiérrez
Erica Ayala
St. Vincent de Paul
Juanita Cardozo 233-5271
Governance of the Parish
Email:[email protected]
Pastoral Council/Concilió Pastoral
Chris Thompson, Arthur Moreno, Rebecca Shawver, Steve Melaragno, Jimmy Salinas, Jesús
Salazar, Willie Garcia, Betina Chavez,
Johanna Blanchard, Augustine Mendoza
Finance Committee/ Comité de Finanzas
Randy Viktorin, Kathy Shaw, Irene Ocañas, Wayne Davenport
Weekly Contribution
Collection for March 9th - $4,188.78
Ash Wednesday Collection - $1,621.78
Diocesan Social Ministries - $431.50
Black/Indian Second Collection - $1,081.97
Your faithful stewardship helps us meet our
Fiscal needs.
“You will be enriched in every way for great generosity"
The Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) helps all of us fulfill Christ’s
mission here on earth by supporting those programs and services
that cannot be accomplished by one parish alone. Please help us
reach our goal of $23,500.00 with your participation.
Paid so far is $6,747.00 with 44 families.
PRAY FOR/Ruega Por Ellos:
Joyce Prihoda, Roxanne Kruppa, John Cantu, Jesus Davila,
Angelica Silva, Mauricio Castillo, Edward Coufal, Virginia
Martinez, Mary Valdez, Santos Valdez Jr., Maria Cerda, Danielle
Callaway, Britni Dunn, Norman Landry, Rene Catarina DeLeon,
Brenda Burridge Kelly, Debbie Hardy, Lola Ditta, Lupita Caro,
Helen Grace, Antonia Madrigal, Linda Melmar, Yolanda DeLeon,
Abbie Rodriguez, Robert Gonzales, Joseph Vasquez, Eric Serna Sr.,
Elijah Galicia, Jeremiah Galicia, Alexis Gonzales, Monica
Gonzalez, San Juanita Gonzales, Jamison Lawson, Joyce Hargrove,
Ramon Zambada, Diana Cazares, George Zarate, Juan Gonzales,
Heledorio Uranga, Jay Burridge, Sergio Valenzuela, Jose Macias,
Emma Gutierrez, Levi Damian, Sam Lucas, Sheila Hinojosa, Susie
Sparkman, Loni Kershaw, Juanita Crane, Dennis King, Flora Jones.
And for all those whose names that have not been made known to us.
Sponsor of the Week
[Catholic Daughters of America]
Altar Wine
You may sponsor the Altar wine for one month at $75 in
memory of or in honor of a family member or members. If
anyone is interested in sponsoring, please call the parish office at
March – In Loving Memory of +Bill Bissonnet
Second Sunday of Lent/Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
March 16, 2014 / 16 de Marzo 2014
Scripture Readings for the Week
Lecturas de la Semana
Mass Intentions
March 17 – March 23
Daniel 9:4b-10
Luke 6:36-38
Isaiah 1:10, 16-20
Matthew 23:1-12
8:30 a.m. – +Hailey Owens
2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22
Luke 2:41-51a
6:30 p.m. –+Rev. Donald Kuder
Jeremiah 17: 5-10
Luke 16:19-31
6:15 p.m. – +For All Souls in Purgatory
Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46
Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a
8:30 a.m. - +Juan B. Mendoza
Micah 7:14-15, 18-20
Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
5:30 p.m. – +Jesus Guevara requested by Oralia Guevara and
Exodus 17:3-7
Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 John 4:5-42
9:00 a.m. - +Deceased Members of Catholic Life Insurance and
+Cecilia Kutach requested by E.J. Kutach and Family
11:00 a.m. – For the People of St. Mary
5:00 p.m. – For the Youth of St. Mary
Preparing to Celebrate the Sacraments
Preparativos para celebrar los Sacramentos
Sacrament of Confirmation
Anyone interested in celebrating the Sacrament of
Confirmation (9th grade and above) please call the Faith
Formation office, 233-2771.
Sacramento de la Confirmación
Cualquier persona interesada en la celebración del sacramento
de la Confirmación (noveno grado en adelante) por favor llame
a la oficina de Formación de Fe, 233-2771.
Baptism Preparation
The next baptism class in English is March 17th and
20th, 2014 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Baptisms will have a 4
child limit. You must register for the class. Please
come by the Parish Office to register.
Preparación Para Bautismo
La siguiente clase en español para Bautismos está
programada para los domingo, 01 y 08 de Junio, 2014
a las 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Hay límite de 4 niños para
bautismos. Necesita que registrarse para esta clase.
Vengan a la oficina para registrar su niño.
Sacrament of Marriage
A couple desiring to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage must
contact the Pastor or Deacon at least 6 months before their
desired wedding date. At least one of the couple must be an
active member of the Parish and a practicing Catholic. Please
call the parish office to reserve the date.
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Las parejas que desean celebrar el sacramento de matrimonio
necesitan comunicarse con el Pastor o Diácono por lo menos 6
meses antes de la fecha de casarse. Por lo menos uno de la
pareja debe ser miembro de la parroquia y estar viviendo la fe
católica. Favor de llamar la oficina para reservar la fecha de su
Sacrament of the Sick
Please notify the Parish Office if you or a loved one is in the
hospital or homebound and desire to receive the Sacrament.
Sacramento de los Enfermos
Por favor llame a la oficina si usted o algún ser querido está en
el hospital o confinado en casa y desea recibir el sacramento.
Rite of Christian Initiation
Anyone interested in knowing more about the Catholic Church
or interested in becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish
office. Anyone interested in sponsoring someone, please call the
office at 233-2771.
Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana
1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist
Anyone interested in celebrating Reconciliation or Eucharist for
the first time, please contact the Faith Formation office at 2332771.
Primera Reconciliación y la primera Eucaristía
Cualquier persona interesados en la celebración de la
Reconciliación o la Eucaristía por primera vez, favor de contactar
la oficina de Formación de la Fe al 233-2771.
Cualquiera que esté interesado en saber más acerca de la Iglesia
Católica o interesado en convertirse en un católica, por favor
llame a la oficina parroquial. Cualquier persona interesada en
patrocinar a alguien, por favor llame a la oficina al 233-2771.
Deadline: to publish information in the
bulletin is 3:00 p.m. Wednesday.
Second Sunday of Lent/Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
_____March 16, 2014 /16 de Marzo 2014
Saint John Chrysostom (c.345-407), priest at Antioch then
Bishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church
Homilies on Saint Matthew's Gospel, no. 56 ; PG 58, 549
San Juan Crisóstomo (c. 345-407), sacerdote en Antioquia
después obispo de Constantinopla, doctor de la Iglesia
Homilías sobre el evangelio de Mateo, n° 56; PG 58, 549
"Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has
been raised from the dead."
“No contéis a nadie la visión, hasta que el Hijo del
hombre resucite de entre los muertos”
Jesus Christ talked to his disciples a great deal about his
sufferings, Passion and death, and he foretold the afflictions
they themselves would have to endure and the violent deaths
they would one day have to undergo (Mt 16,21-26). That is
why, after telling them such hard and difficult things, he tries to
comfort them by drawing attention to the reward he will give
them when he comes in his Father's glory (v.27)... He wants to
show them beforehand, so far as they are capable of it in this
life, the great majesty in which he was to come and thus
forestall the trouble and sadness his apostles, particularly Saint
Peter, might feel before his death...
“Jesus took with him Peter, James and John.” Why only take
these three apostles? No doubt because they outstripped the
others. Saint Peter because of his ardor, his love; Saint John
because he was the disciple Jesus loved (Jn 13,23); and Saint
James because he had said along with his brother: “We can
drink your cup” (Mt 20,22) and subsequently kept his word
(Acts 12,2)...
Why did Jesus cause Moses and Elijah to appear?... He was
constantly accused of breaking the Law and blaspheming,
appropriating for himself a glory that did not belong to him, the
glory of the Father... Therefore, wanting to show that he did
not violate the Law and did not attribute to himself a glory that
did not belong to him, Jesus calls on the authority of two of the
most unimpeachable witnesses: Moses, who had given the
Law..., and Elijah, who had burned with zeal for the glory and
service of God (1Kgs 19,10)... He also wanted to teach them he
was lord over life and death by causing one man who was dead,
and another who had been carried off alive in a fiery chariot
(2Kgs 2,11), to appear. He wanted, too, to reveal the glory of
his cross to his disciples and comfort Peter and his companions
who were frightened by his Passion, reviving their courage. For
Moses and Elijah spoke with him about the glory he was to
receive in Jerusalem (Lk 9,31). That is to say, they spoke of his
Passion, his Cross, which the prophets had always called his
Jesucristo había hablado muchas cosas acerca de los
peligros, de la muerte, de su Pasión y aun de la matanza de sus
discípulos, y les había dado preceptos difíciles, cosas todas
realizables en la vida presente y que estaban como quien dice
entre las manos de ellos, mientras que los otros bienes estaban
en esperanza y expectación -como era aquello de que quienes
pierden su alma la salvarán y que El vendría en la gloria de su
Padre,… ya desde esta vida quiso hacerla manifiesta y
revelarla, a fin de que no se dolieran ni de la muerte de ellos ni
de la muerte de su Señor; en especial Pedro, que se esforzaba
en aceptarlo.
Seis días después tomó Jesús a Pedro, a Santiago y a Juan.
¿Por qué a solos ellos tomó? Porque eran más excelentes que
los otros. Pedro sobresalía porque amaba sobremanera a
Cristo; Juan porque era el muy amado; Santiago por la
respuesta que dio juntamente con su hermano cuando dijo:
Podemos beber el cáliz. Y no sólo por la dicha respuesta, sino
además por sus obras… Y ¿por qué trae ahora a Moisés y a
Elías? Muchos motivos podrían aducirse. Y el primero es que las
turbas decían que El era Elías, otros que Jeremías, otros que
alguno de los profetas. Trae, pues, consigo a los que parecían
ser los principales, para que con esto se viera la enorme
diferencia que había entre el Señor y los siervos; y así mejor se
viera que justamente Pedro había sido alabado por haberlo
confesado Hijo de Dios.
Hay otro motivo. El de que frecuentemente se le acusara
como transgresor de la Ley y que se le tuviera como blasfemo,
porque reivindicaba para sí la gloria del Padre… y que no había
traspasado la Ley ni había reivindicado para sí una gloria que
no le perteneciera, al llamarse igual al Padre. Por eso trae
consigo a los que más en esto se habían distinguido. Moisés
había dado la Ley… En cuanto a Elías, que estaba lleno de celo
por la gloria de Dios… Para que entendieran que Cristo tenía
potestad sobre la vida y la muerte e imperaba en cielos y
tierra. Por eso hace presente a uno que ya había muerto y a
otro que aún no había muerto. Para manifestar la gloria de la
cruz y consolar así a Pedro y a los otros que temían la sagrada
Pasión y levantarles el ánimo. Pues los profetas, en cuanto
llegaron ahí, no permanecieron callados, sino que trataban de
la partida de Cristo que debía cumplirse en Jerusalén, es decir,
de su Pasión y muerte de cruz, pues así la llaman siempre.
Adult Faith Formation Sessions
“Catching FIRE becoming Flame”
Come join us for Session 4 on Monday, March 24th at 6:30 p.m.
in the Parish office building. Father Albert will be speaking on
the Seven Principles of Prayer. Come and be inspired.
Parish Mission: “Journey for Hurting but Hope-filled
People” with Father Ronald Burke.
Our mission will take place March 31st, April 1st, 2nd and 3rd
from 7:00-8:30 p.m. April 2nd will be a Penance service.
Estudio Bíblico: Los relatos del la Pasión y Resurrección de
Jesús Presentadora: Lucy Garza y Mañuela Garcia. Lunes por la
Manaña – 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. el 17 de Marzo en la Libreria
Parroquial. Si está interesado en asistir a venir por la oficina de
Formación de Fe y recoger una guía de estudio ($10).
The Patricians: A monthly casual faith discussion
Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30 in the Parish conference room
March 17th-Topic: The History and Development of the Rosary.
Father Daniel will join us to enhance our discussion.
KJT will meet on Tuesday, March 18th at 6 p.m. in the Father
O’Malley room at St. Jerome’s. State Director Stanley Cernoch
of Baytown will be our guest.
KJZT will meet Thursday, March 20th at 12 noon in the B Wing
at St. Michael’s Lake Jackson.
St. Mary’s Church would like to express their
appreciation to the Garage Sale team members for the
fantastic job and hard work in making $2,000.00 from
this sale. The proceeds will go to the Parish Festival.
St. Mary’s Youth made a total of $257.58 on their
Bake Sale Fundraiser. Thanks to all who participated.
Second Sunday of Lent/Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
_____March 16, 2014 /16 de Marzo 2014
Liturgical Minister’s Schedule
This Week in Our Parish
March 17:
Spanish Bible Study: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. - Library
Patricians: 6:30 p.m. – (Con)
English Baptism Classes: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. – (HW)
Choir Practice: 7 p.m. – (C)
CRHP Committee Mtg: 7 p.m. - Hall
March 18:
8:30 a.m. – English Mass
LOM: 9:30 a.m. – (English) - Library
LOM: 9:30 a.m. – (Spanish) – HWC
LOMJR: 5 p.m. – Library
St. Vincent: 6 p.m. – (Con)
Core: 6:30 p.m. – HW
Free Home Buying Seminar: 6 p.m. – Parish hall
March 19:
5:45-6:15 p.m. – Confessions- (C)
6 p.m. – Peace Rosary
6:30 p.m. – English Mass
Faith Formation Classes: 5:30- 7 p.m.
RCIA: 7 p.m. – Church
Finance Meeting: 7 p.m. - Rectory
Spanish Choir: 7 p.m. – (C)
March 20:
Senior Day: 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon - HW
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 9:00 a.m.-6 p.m.
Benediction: 6 p.m.
English Baptism Classes: 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – (HW)
March 21:
Divine Mercy/Stations of the Cross: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. – (C)
CRHP (M): 7-9 p.m. - RE Building (#3)
Fish Fry: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Parish Hall
Stations of the Cross: 7 p.m. – Bilingual -(C)
March 22:
Confessions: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – English Mass
March 23:
9:00 a.m. – English Mass
11:00 a.m. –Spanish Mass
Adult Confirmation Session: 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. – (Con)
5:00 p.m. – English Mass
CRHP Breakfast Fundraiser after Masses
Life Teen/Edge: 6:30 p.m. – HW/Hall
Save the Date
1. Parish Work Day: Sat., March 29th at 9 a.m.
2. Parish Mission: March 31st, April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd with Father
3. Celebration of Confirmation: April 11, 2014
4. 11 Day Holy Land Pilgrimage – June 8-18, 2015 – Early
registration is highly encouraged! First Come First Serve Basis.
Call Tina @ 979-233-5271 for information.
Congratulations to our Catechumens and Candidates:
Estephany Reyes, Daisie Medina, David Delgado, Ramiro
Muraira, Julian Cavazos and Anita Damian. They are now
the “Elect” and will be celebrating the Easter Sacraments at
the Easter Vigil on April 19th. As a church community,
please keep them in your Lenten prayers as they continue on
this spiritual journey.
March 22, 5:30 p.m. – English Mass
Acolyte: Richard Moreno
Altar Servers: Marcus Garcia, Larry Lizardo
Lectors: Steve Melaragno, Jimmy Mikes
EM’s: Connie Melaragno, Jimmy Mikes, Lori Thompson
March 23, 9:00 a.m. – English Mass
Acolyte: Chris Thompson
Altar Servers: Carlos & Omar Ramos, Angelina Cabrera
Lectors: Arturo Moreno, Marilyn Saccomanno
EM’s: Carmen Olguin, Nieves Olguin, Mary Rodriguez
March 23, 11:00 a.m. – Spanish Mass
Acolyte: Chris Thompson
Altar Servers: Manuel Acuna, Allision & Anthony Martinez
Lectors: Emma Perez, Maria Oliva
EM’s: Ana Louisa Ochoa, Elena Lara, Abel Oliva
March 23, 5:00 p.m. – English Mass
Altar Servers: Pedro & Rito Carrizales, Larry Lizardo
Lectors: Martha Iracheta, Brenda Carrizales
EM’s: Margaret Garcia, Carlos Saldaña, Fortino Montoya
Altar Duty- March 16-31:
Connie Melaragno, Rita Anderson
Benevolent – March/Catholic Daughters:
Roxanna Kruppa, Becky Pena
Month of January 2014
Other Contributions
Festival Income
Total Contributions
$ 1,727.30
$ 22,466.45
Clergy & Rectory
Health Ins/Pen/WC
Liturgy Supplies/Music License Renew
Retreat/Manuals/Supplies for
1st Penance-Youth-TGIF-RCIA
Supplies Furnishing/Office Equipment
Hispanic Retreats
Office Supplies
Janitorial Supplies
Social Activities Lunch
Supplies Resource Fund
Fire & Security Alarm Maintenance
Trash Service – Waste Management
Maintenance & Repairs
Utilities-Telephone, Gas, Water & Light
Property & Liability Insurance
Support –Diocese Catherdraticum
Total Expenses
$ 27,964.90
Total Maintenance Fund
Total Collected in October for Hall A/C
Total Collected for Hall Freezer