july 17, 2016 - St. Lucy`s Parish


july 17, 2016 - St. Lucy`s Parish
July17,2016 Bronx, New York
8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (English)
5:30 p.m. (Albanian), 7:00 p.m. (English)
8:00 a.m. (Italian),
9:00 a.m. (Spanish - Auditorium)
9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon (English),
1:15 p.m. (Spanish)
12 noon (Creole - Chapel in Center)
8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (English),
Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Friday 9:30-11:00 a.m.,
Thursday 5:30-7:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. &
First Friday of the Month 6:00-7:30 p.m. followed by Holy
Mass at 7:30 p.m.
CONFESSION: Saturdays 3:00- 4:00 p.m. & 6:30-7:00 p.m.
833 Mƒ‘› Aò›Äç›, BÙÊÄø, NY 10467 - 718-882-0710 - 718-882-8876 (¥ƒø)
Registration for the
2016-2017 year
is NOW open!
La inscripción para el
2016-2017 año
Ya está abierto!
Registration will take place every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the rectory office.
See inside bulletin for more information and details.
La inscripción se llevará a cabo todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. en la oficina de la rectoría.
Consulte el boletín en el interior para obtener más información y detalles.
have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy
Communion, and/or Confirmation. Sessions will be held on
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the school beginning the end of
September. Please come to the rectory office, open every
day, to register along with a copy of birth certificate and/or
baptismal certificate. The registration fee is $80.00.
RITO DE CLASE ADULTOS CRISTIANOS para los adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos del
bautismo, primera comunión, y/o confirmación. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo los miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. en la
escuela a partir de finales de septiembre. Por favor, venga a la oficina de la rectoría, abierto todos los días, para
registrar junto con una copia del certificado de nacimiento y/o certificado de bautismo. La cuota de inscripción es
de $80.00.
July17,2016 Monday- July 18, 2016 - Weekday - St. Camillus de
Lellis, Priest
8:00 a.m. Lucia Profita
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
Tuesday- July 19, 2016 - Weekday
8:00 a.m. Maria Pergjini
9:00 a.m. Katherine & John Lynch
Wednesday- July 20, 2016 - Weekday - St. Apollinaris,
Bishop and Martyr
8:00 a.m. Angelina & Davide Villani
9:00 a.m. Tomaso DeBellis
Thursday- July 21, 2016 - Weekday - St. Lawrence of
Brindisi, Priest & Doctor of the Church
8:00 a.m. Maria & Giuseppe Cardinale
9:00 a.m. Almas del Pulgatorio
7:00 p.m. Brunilda & Julio Febus
Friday- July 22, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalene
8:00 a.m. Stephanie Scanzillo
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
Saturday- July 23, 2016 - Weekday - St. Bridget,
8:00 a.m. Juliana Afrunti & Biagio Luizia Criscuolo
9:00 a.m. Eleonor Czachowski
5:30 p.m. Pal Nika Shala
7:00 p.m. Frank & Antonette Inzano & Ignazio Baslotta
Sunday- July 24, 2016 - Seventeenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m. Salvatore, Santa & Franco Moschetto
9:00 a.m. Rosa Lema
9:15 a.m. Giuseppe & Teresa Rettura
10:30 a.m. Vince Harangozo
12:00 p.m. Lajde Popovic
12:00 p.m. Creole Mass - Center Chapel
1:15 p.m. For all Parishioners of St. Lucy’s Parish
July 23, 2016
Marco Pepgjonaj & Nicole Escobar
July 24, 2016
Elton Mirashaj & Alisa Kurti
July 25, 2016
Rodolf Gjergji & Vitorina Pemaj
July 30, 2016
Dejvis Lekocaj &Nicolette Kajtazi
August 6, 2016
Gentjan Gjuraj & Ana Pemaj
First Reading — Abraham and Sarah show hospitality to
messengers of the LORD (Genesis 18:1-10a).
Psalm — He who does justice will live in the presence of
the Lord (Psalm 15).
Second Reading — Paul speaks of
the stewardship given to him to
complete the word of God, the
mystery hidden from ages past
(Colossians 1:24-28).
Gospel — Martha, you are anxious
and worried about many things. Mary
has chosen the better part
(Luke 10:38-42).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
A special and heartfelt “THANK YOU” to all of you
who have been responding to the Cardinal’s appeal.
As reported in a recent copy of The Catholic New
York, our parish has surpassed our 2016 Cardinal’s
Annual Stewardship Appeal goal of $51,000. Your
generosity impacts the lives of so many of our
brothers and sisters in faith and need.
Thank you and God bless you!
We welcome
Antoneta Burimi & Valentino Shkreli
Baptized on July 9, 2016
into the Roman Catholic Church
our Parish community of St. Lucy
In Memoriam 
The candle in honor of the Blessed Mother burns
this week in memory of
Mildred & Anthony Capano
The St Joseph Candle burns this week in memory of
John & Mary Jack
Requiescant in Pace
Please remember in your prayers the parishioners, friends,
relatives and benefactors who recently died especially,
Victor Diaz & Nellie Moore
May they rest in Peace, Amen.
July17,2016 Message from Father Pergjini:
Often I do share with many of you who read the bulletin an event of my past and present priestly ministry
which I do enjoy writing. This time I am not sharing any story that many of you read with interest, but I
thought to suggest and encourage you dear faithful parishioners, friends and visitors what to do when we have
a special intention or petition for ourselves or our dear ones. The first thing that come to our mind is to offer a
holy sacrifice of the mass for those who have died or for the living as we always phrase it “a special intention”
which is understood for some one or ourselves the holy mass is offered. Our staff tries their best to
accommodate every one at their request, but unfortunately here are many requests and we are almost booked
for this year. However, we encourage the faithful to support our missionary priests by passing along your
donations. They are in desperate need for mass intentions because in those remote areas where they spread the
Gospel people are very poor and are unable to offer a mass. And this is an excellent way to support our priests
abroad while honoring your intentions. Many years ago I heard a beautiful expression in Italian: “Messa pagata
in cielo e arrivata” which means in English “When a mass intention is paid in heaven has arrived.” I mention
this expression often to people who are looking for an immediate holy mass when we are booked and the next
available opportunity is too late for them. Some of them understand and are at peace and assured that their
intention is fulfilled in God eyes.
Another way to offer a special intention or petition is to offer the bread and wine for our holy masses during
the week and Sundays. Your donation will provide the bread and wine that will be consecrated at our masses
for a chosen week. This is a very beautiful way to remember those dear members of our families, friends, or
those who do not have any one to pray for them. Also, the bread and wine can be offered for some one who is
sick or for a private intention. How beautiful it is when we are attending mass and knowing that the bread and
wine during the week is offered for your special intention or petition!
Another way is to make a donation for the sanctuary lamp. As you know this lamp reminds us of the living
Presence of Lord in the tabernacle. It must always be lit when He is present. Your donation will provide
continues candlelight for a chosen week.
And finally we have the lamps of our Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph . This is another way to make a special
intention or petition. I often I see people praying before the statues where a vigil lamp is lit. They inspire and
move me seeing their faith and trust. In silence of my heart I pray that their intentions and petitions are
answered. I hope and pray that those who will have the humble patience to read these few lines will help them
to find a way how to address a petition or intention offered by our parish.
As we are in this month of July, we remember The Most Precious Blood with devotion and reverence,
participate at the holy mass and being aware of His real presence on the Altar and tabernacle, we find refuge
and peace in this short prayer:
Eternal father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
in atonement for my sins, and supplication for the holy souls in
purgatory and for the needs of holy church.” Amen!
July17,2016 Mensaje del Padre Pergjini:
A menudo yo comparto con muchos de los que leen el boletín de un evento de mi pasado y presente ministerio
sacerdotal que me gusta escribir. Esta vez no estoy compartiendo cualquier historia que muchos de ustedes
leen con interés, pero me pareció sugerir y animo, queridos fieles feligreses, amigos y visitantes lo que se
puede hacer cuando tenemos una intención especial o petición para nosotros o nuestros seres queridos. La
primera cosa que viene a la mente es el de ofrecer un santo sacrificio de la misa para los que han muerto o por
los vivos, ya que siempre la frase "una intención especial" que se entiende por alguna uno o nosotros mismos
se ofrece la santa misa. Nuestro personal hace todo lo posible para acomodar a cada uno en su petición, pero
por desgracia aquí son muchas peticiones y estamos casi reservado para este año. Sin embargo, animamos a
los fieles a apoyar a nuestros sacerdotes misioneros pasando a lo largo de sus donaciones. Ellos son una
urgente necesidad para las intenciones de porque en esas zonas remotas donde se propagan las personas del
Evangelio son muy pobres y no son capaces de ofrecer una masa. Y esta es una excelente manera de apoyar a
nuestros sacerdotes en el extranjero al tiempo que respeta sus intenciones. Hace muchos años escuché una
hermosa expresión en italiano: "Messa pagata en cielo e arrivata", que significa en Inglés "Cuando se paga una
intención de masas en ha llegado el cielo." Menciono esta expresión a menudo a las personas que están en
busca de un santo inmediata masa cuando nos reservamos y la próxima oportunidad disponible es demasiado
tarde para ellos. Algunos de ellos entienden y están en paz y aseguró que su intención es cumplida en Dios
Otra manera de ofrecer una intención o petición especial es para ofrecer el pan y el vino para nuestras santas
misas durante la semana y los domingos. Su donación proporcionará el pan y el vino que se consagró en
nuestras masas por una semana elegido. Esta es una manera muy bonita de recordar esos queridos miembros
de nuestras familias, amigos, o aquellos que no tienen a nadie a orar por ellos. Además, el pan y el vino se
pueden ofrecer para alguien que está enfermo o por una intención privado. Qué hermoso es cuando estamos
asistiendo en masa y sabiendo que el pan y el vino durante la semana se ofrece para su intención o petición
Otra forma es hacer una donación para la lámpara del santuario. Como saben esta lámpara nos recuerda la
presencia viva del Señor en el sagrario. Siempre debe estar encendido cuando está presente. Su donación
proporcionará continúa luz de las velas durante una semana elegido.
Y por último tenemos las lámparas de nuestra Madre Santísima y San José. Esta es otra manera de hacer una
intención o petición especial. A menudo veo a la gente que ruega antes de las estatuas, donde una lámpara de
vigilia está encendido Ellos me inspiran y mueven viendo la fe y la confianza. En el silencio de mi corazón
rezo para que sus intenciones y peticiones son contestadas. Espero y rezo para que aquellos que tendrán la
humilde paciencia de leer estas líneas les ayudará a encontrar la manera de cómo hacer frente a una petición o
la intención que ofrece nuestra parroquia.
Como estamos en este mes de julio, recordamos la Preciosísima Sangre, con devoción y reverencia, participar
en la santa misa y ser consciente de su presencia real en el altar y el tabernáculo, encontramos refugio y paz en
esta corta oración :
Padre Eterno, te ofrezco la Preciosísima Sangre de Jesucristo para el
perdón de mis pecados, y ruego por las almas benditas del purgatorio
y por las necesidades de la Santa Iglesia. "Amén!
July17,2016 2016 Pilgrimage Dates - Please register at Rectory Office
September 22nd: The National Centre for Padre Pio Shrine located in Barto, Pennsylvania. Leave St. Lucy’s at 8:30
a.m. and return to parish by 7 p.m. Cost per person $35.00. Lunch on one’s own. Picnic area available. Please register at
Rectory Office.
October 21st: Sight and Sound Theatre - Samson. He's the original superhero. He can defeat entire armies and slay lions.
But there's a catch to his superpower: He must follow the rules. And that's where the trouble begins. As Samson battles the
Philistines - and his own personal calling - he soon falls prey to temptation, losing his strength and sight. But has he lost
hope? Sit down lunch at Good and Plenty Restaurant prior to the play, all in beautiful Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Cost per
person $130.00. Leave St. Lucy's at 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 9:30 p.m. Tickets must be secured soon - Please
register at Rectory Office no later than August 31st.
Each of these pilgrimages will be a spiritual experience that will long be remembered.
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