St. Camillus - Fata Online
St. Camillus - Fata Online
Blest with Diversity St. Camillus Challenged by the Gospel A Catholic Multicultural Parish Missioned for the Kingdom 1600 St. Camillus Drive • Silver Spring, Maryland 20903 301-434-8400 • Parish Staff 301-434-8400 Joelle Happi – Office Assistant – ext. 403 Br. Edgardo “Lalo” Jara, OFM - ext. 405 Fr. Mike Johnson, OFM Fr. Jean-Marie Kabango-Lenge, OFM ext. 407 Fr. Erick Lopez, OFM – ext. 406 Tracy McDonnell – Pastoral Associate for Liturgy & Music (240) 432-3960 Fr. Jacek Orzechowski, OFM—301-502-7621 Esmelia Palacios-Guillen – Admin. Assistant - ext. 402 Sandra Perez – Parish Secretary ext. 401 Br. Chris Posch, OFM - Servant, ext. 404 Julie Sarwatt—Sacristan Deacons Mr. Peter Barbernitz Mr. Francisco Cartagena Mr. Alfredo “Freddie” Hidalgo Faith Formation Office – 301-434-2111 William Pineda – Director of Faith Formation for Children & Youth ext. 602 Maria Rivera – Administrative Assistant ext. 601 Saint Francis International School Our parish school serves preschool (ages 3, & 4) & grades K-8 301-434-2344 Langley Park Office Mayra Mejia – Office Manager – 301-328-5105 Celebration of The Eucharist: Saturday Sunday - 4:30 6:30 - 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:30 2:30 5:00 p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. (English) (Misa en Español) (English) (English) (English, multicultural) (Misa en Español) (Messe en Francais) (English: Gospel Mass) Confessions: Saturday 3:30pm to 4:30pm & 5:30pm to 6:30pm. UPCOMING EVENTS SENIOR CAFÉ at St. Camillus PRESENTS TOPIC: CAR CARE- ASK THE MECHANIC! WHEN: Tuesday, June 7 11-12:30 WHERE: Knights Room at St. Camillus Light refreshments will be served. DO YOU KNOW! (Some of the questions being answered) * What do all the dashboard lights mean? * When do you NEED immediate help? * When can you wait? * Does nitrogen really make your tires wear better? * Dealer vs Gas Station Mechanic – will your warrantee be voided if you don’t go to dealer? How are they the same? How are they different? * Is Premium gas always better for your car? AVOID getting RIPPED OFF when you car needs repair! Knowledge is POWER….and CAR KNOWLEDGE can save you time & money! This is great time to learn about car care and get your car questions answered! Chuck Frank, one of the owners of White Oak Exxon Service Center and ASE certified (Automotive Service Excellence), will provide information we need to know about our cars and their upkeep. There will be Ask the Mechanic question time following his presentation! Confesiones: Sábado 3:30pm a 4:30pm y de 5:30pm a 6:30pm. Weekday Masses: 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. only. • Miércoles 7:30 p.m. Misa en español. Messe en Français Lundi, Mercredi et Vendredi á 19 h00’ Dans la Salle St. Anthony au 2nd niveau a l’ecole ****************************** Our Parish Office will be closed Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day. Please remember that during civic holidays and observances only the 8:30am Mass will be celebrated. The Most Holy Trinity — La Santísima Trinidad (Gen 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17) May 29, 2016 I am Brother Chris, your Servant May the Lord give you all peace. I am Franciscan Brother Chris Posch, ofm, the newest member of your St. Camillus pastoral team. I am elated to be here. I was raised in Plainview, New York, by a faithful family that gave me Catholic roots and wings. Teenage participation in Antioch Retreats (similar to Search and Cursillo) gave me apostolic zeal. Spiritual direction and campus ministry Encounter retreats at Manhattan College solidified my faith amid life’s growing pains. In my twenties I began to serve in a soup kitchen and became a member of a live-in community that opened our doors of hospitality shelters for those experiencing homelessness, AIDS, or fleeing violence in El Salvador. While on retreat, I saw the classic movie, Brother Sun, Sister Moon and fell in love with St. Francis. I contacted the friars immediately. It was clear that God was calling me into this life of prayer, ministry, and community. I entered the friars in 1988, lived nearby at Holy Name College while studying at Washington Theological Union and have served in Bolivia, El Salvador, and St. Anthony of Padua in Camden, New Jersey. I just completed 18 years of Hispanic Ministry in the Wilmington Diocese where I helped 21 parishes to establish and/or strengthen Hispanic Ministries; coordinated a mobile school of theology and leadership formation; collaborated in the solidarity partnership with the Diocese of San Marcos, Guatemala; and engaged in ministries with teens & young adults, incarcerated sisters and brothers, and seasonal migrant laborers. During the past five years, my worldview has been widening to discover cultures from Africa and Asia with the BICM (Building Intercultural Competency for Ministers) program developed by the United States Bishops Conference. Clearly, God has been preparing me for St. Camillus. I have always loved bridge-building between mainstreamers and Latinos. Now, at St. Camillus, I will have the joy of bridge-building with Africans and Asians as well. I am psyched! So far, the St. Camillus parish festival was one of my happiest days here. Many thanks to all who organized and contributed. We commenced with a multi-lingual rosary and Mass featuring beautiful music, processed bearing flags from at least 100 countries and singing “Ave Maria” in several languages, and crowned the statue of Mary. We feasted on dishes from at least 20 countries. A musical dance selection from Beauty and the Beast was performed by our own St. Francis International students. Traditional and modern dances from around the world were presented by our students and various parishioners from Irish steppe dancing to Guatemalan dances. Lauren Gomes, one of our talented eighth-graders, created a stunning fusion of traditional Bengali dance moves in traditional Bengali attire to a Justin Bieber soundtrack. Clearly, Lauren has integrated her Bengali, North American, and Catholic cultures into her identity. I look forward to chatting with her and hearing her story. Actually, I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and hearing your stories. If you want to engage in a storytelling session, let me know. Also, I am opening up this weekly reflection page to the parish. If you would like to contribute a page-long reflection or simply a few sentences or paragraphs, let me know. Thanks to all the friars, staff, and parishioners for your warm welcome. We are engaging in a smooth transition process which ensures stability and continuity. I pledge to walk closely with you in faith. Together we will build upon the great parish family traditions and foundations that you have been developing over the years with the Spirit’s guidance. O, by the way, another fascinating discovery from the Parish Festival: Father Jean Marie is a great dancer!!! Peace, Brother Chris 2 This Week in our Parish ... St. Camillus is a Tithing Parish Last week’s collection—$19,607.16 Thank you for your generosity! You don’t deserve to be abused Domestic violence can take different forms, but its purpose is always the same: Abusers want to control their domestic partners through fear. They do this by abusing them physically, sexually, psychologically, verbally and economically. Here are just 3 of the forms domestic violence can take : Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to serve 179 families last weekend. Threats and Intimidation: Threatening to harm the victim, the children, family members and pets Using physical size to intimidate Keeping weapons and threatening to use them Shouting Did you know? 66 million primary school-age children across the developing world, attend classes hungry with 23 million in Africa alone Source: Emotional Witholding: Not expressing feelings Not giving compliments Not paying attention Not respecting the victim’s feelings, rights and opinions Not taking the victim’s concerns seriously What We Need Please continue to help us help others by donating 2-5 lb. bags of rice and dry red or black beans, canned tuna, vegetable oil, canned fruit, pasta sauce, canned soup, white flour, and corn flour (masa harina). We also appreciate your donation of new or gently used recyclable shopping bags. Each week you can bring items during the offertory and place them in the bins to the left and right of the altar. If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can place it in the collection basket in an envelope marked “St. Camillus Food Pantry.” Checks can be made payable to “St. Camillus Food Pantry.” You can go online to contribute at our GoFundMe site above or you can send a donation by mail to: St. Camillus Church Food Pantry, PO Box 4706, Silver Spring, MD 20914-4706. Destruction of Property: Destroying furniture Punching walls Throwing or breaking things Abusing pets At St. Camillus Church, we have a team of trained persons ready to confidentially listen and help with next steps. Please Email [email protected] OR call the parish office at 301-434-8400. FOOD PANTRY CORNER Help Us Help Others We appreciate your continued support. St. Camillus Faith Formation 1504St.CamillusDr.,SilverSpring,MD20903 [email protected] Mon,Tue,Thu&Fri:9-5pm;Sun:9-2pm;Wed&Sat: Closed;Lunchhour:1-2pm JUNE 2016 June 04 First Communion Celebration: English Program at 10:00 AM (Children gather in Camillia 9:00 AM) June 05 Faith Formation Classes all levels: Give certificates June 05 -First Communion Celebration: French Program 2:30 PM (children gather in Camillia room 12:30 PM) "The Silent Prayer/Meditation group WILL MEET on Monday May 30th (Memorial Day) at 7:30pm. All are welcome." 3 English Baptismal Preparation Class The next English Baptismal Class will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 7:00PM in the St. Francis Room. The preparation class is mandatory for both parents and godparents. Registration is required prior to the class. Please call the parish office (301 434-8400) to register and for more information. Yoga at. St. Camillus Yoga classes are resuming on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 in the Sun Room of Victory Oaks House (in front of the Father Grace Chapel in the lower parking lot of the Church) every Tuesday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Classes are offered in packets of seven sessions at $6.50 per class for the benefit of the St. Francis Emergency Assistance Program of our parish. If you are interested in practicing this ancient discipline please register promptly by calling Luz at (301) 434-9152. Checks should be made payable to St. Camillus Church. Events in our Parish … ALL PARISH GROUPS AND MINISTRIES GET YOUR CALENDARS READY!!! As we are about to begin our new Parish calendar for July 16’ – June 17’, we ask you again to meet beforehand with your team members to prepare your activities’ calendar proposals. We ask that each parish group individually submit proposals as a Word document or on a legibly handwritten sheet. Please make sure all the following information is included to facilitate room assignments: GROUP NAME: ****** Meeting Dates: ***** Hours: ***** Room: ***** Person in charge: ***** Phone #: ***** Each calendar must be submitted in person by the ministry/group coordinator at the friary office. THE DEADLINE IS JUNE 20, 2016 To guarantee that your group has a room reserved please submit your calendar as soon as possible. Room assignments will be given on a first come, first served basis. Meals on Wheels Volunteers URGENTLY Needed The St. Camillus Meals on Wheels Program is in urgent need of volunteers to deliver prepared meals to homebound members of our community. The meals are prepared by the Washington Adventist Hospital—one hot and one cold for each person. There are four delivery routes each week day, Monday through Friday. Each route needs a driver and a deliverer. A volunteer does not need to volunteer every day or even every week. The schedule coordinator will call to inquire about availability. The time commitment is from 11:00am to approximately 1:00pm. This is a rewarding opportunity to provide meals to the homebound as well as give a brief moment of companionship to these often lonely people. To volunteer and/or for more information, please call Mary Elizabeth Anderson 301-439-4777 or Bernie Relf 301-4128076. 4 Upcoming Events in Greater Washington... The most critical period of a child’s development The most critical period of a child’s development is from conception through age two. Lack of proper nutrition during this time can cause developmental issues that last a lifetime: cognitive delays, slow physical growth and a compromised immune system, to name a few. The World Health Organization estimates one in four children experiences this type of stunting. Economists say this can cost countries up to 16 percent of their GDP in lost productivity and future health care expenses. These numbers have caught the attention of world leaders and inspired a movement to address maternal and child nutrition. A new book by a Pulitzer Prize -winning journalist tells the story of these efforts. The author is Roger Thurow, senior fellow of global food and agriculture, The Chicago Council of Global Affairs. The book title is "The First 1,000 Days: A Crucial Time For Mothers And Children -- And The World." Roger Thurow and Asma Lateef (Director, Bread for the World Institute) were on the Diane Rehm show on May 19. To read a transcript, listen to the radio broadcast, and/or learn more about the book, go to: https:// Natural Family Planning Introductory classes on the Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning will be offered Tuesday, June 7, and Tuesday June 21, 2016 at 8 PM in the Library of Our Lady of Lourdes School, 7500 Pearl Street, Bethesda, MD 20814. Parking is available in the church lot across from the school. Enter via the handicap walk to the right of the Rectory entrance. There is no fee for this class but a one time donation of $ 25.00 is welcomed. Call 301897-9323 or email [email protected] to reserve a place. 270Catholic's Theology on Tap in Rockville! 270Catholic Theology on Tap is on Thursday, June 9th, 2016 at Miller’s Alehouse in Rockville (1471 Rockville Pike). All young adults (20s and 30s) are invited for Happy Hour from 6-7 pm with a dynamic talk and Q/A to follow from 7-8pm. Speaker: Magdalena Pettey. Her Topic: “A Personal Story of Forgiveness and the Graces of Divine Mercy”. For more details about this event visit events or send an email to [email protected] Marriage Encounter Let Jesus truly be Lord of your life and your marriage. Strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend November 11-13, 2016,in Gaithersburg, MD. For more information call 301-541-7007. To apply online visit Applications may be emailed to [email protected]. African Day of Prayer– June 4 2:00PM You are all invited to the African Annual Prayer Day to commemorate the Ugandan Martyrs and all Saints of African decent on June 4th at 2:00pm at Pope John II Center. Take a flyer outside the church after Mass. Soy el hermano Chris, su servidor Que el Señor les de la paz. Soy el hermano franciscano Chris Posch, ofm, el nuevo miembro de su equipo pastoral. Estoy encantado de estar aquí. Fui criado en Plainview, New York, por una familia fiel que me dio raíces católicas. Mi participación adolescente en Retiros de Antioquía (similar a Search y Cursillo) me dio celo apostólico. La dirección espiritual y los retiros de encuentro en Manhattan College solidificaron mi fe durante mi crecimiento. Cuando tenía veinte años comencé a servir en un comedor de beneficencia y me hice miembro de una comunidad que abrió las puertas del refugio de hospitalidad a los desamparados, personas con SIDA o personas que escapaban la violencia en El Salvador. Durante un retiro, vi la clásica película Hermano Sol, Hermana Luna y me enamoré de San Francisco y me puse en contacto inmediato con los frailes. Era claro que Dios me estaba llamando a esta vida de oración, ministerio y comunidad. Entré con los frailes en 1988, viví en Holy Name College mientras estudiaba en Washington Theological Union, y he servido en Bolivia, El Salvador y en la parroquia San Antonio de Padua en Camden, New York. Acabo de terminar 18 años de Ministerio Hispano en la diócesis de Wilmington, donde ayudé a establecer y fortalecer el ministerio hispano en 21 parroquias; coordiné una escuela móvil de teología y formación de liderazgo; colaboré en la colaboración solidaria con la diócesis de San Marcos, Guatemala; y trabajé en ministerios con jóvenes y jóvenes adultos, hermanos y hermanas encarcelados y trabajadores inmigrantes de temporada. Durante los últimos cinco años, mi visión del mundo se ha ampliado para descubrir culturas de África y Asia con BICM (Construyendo Competencia Intercultural para los Ministerios), programa desarrollado por la Conferencia de Obispos de los Estados Unidos. Es evidente que Dios me ha estado preparando para San Camilo. Siempre me ha gustado la creación de puentes entre la cultural principal y los latinos. Ahora, en San Camilo, tendré la alegría de construir puentes con los africanos y también con los asiáticos. ¡Estoy emocionado! Hasta ahora, el festival de la parroquia ha sido uno de mis días más felices aquí. Muchas gracias a todos los que organizaron y contribuyeron. Comenzamos con el rosario en varios idiomas y la Misa con una música hermosa, procesión de banderas de al menos 100 países y el canto del Ave María en diferentes idiomas y la coronación de la imagen de María. Degustamos platos de al menos 20 países. Alumnos de nuestra escuela St. Francis presentaron una selección del musical la Bella y la Bestia. También hubo presentaciones de danzas modernas de todo el mundo desde danzas irlandesas a bailes de Guatemala. Lauren Gomes, una estudiante muy talentosa del octavo grado, creó una impresionante fusión de movimientos tradicionales bengalíes en vestimenta tradicional con música de Justin Bieber. Claramente, Lauren ha integrado sus culturas bengalí, norteamericana y católica en su identidad. Tengo ganas de conversar con ella y escuchar su historia. En realidad, estoy esperando conocer a todos ustedes y escuchar sus historias. Si desean tener una sesión narrativa conmigo, háganmelo saber. También estoy abriendo esta página de reflexión semanal en la parroquia. Si desean aportar una página de reflexión o simplemente un par de frases o párrafos, háganmelo saber. Gracias a todos los frailes, al personal y a los feligreses por su cálida bienvenida. Estamos entrando en un proceso de transición calmado que asegura la estabilidad y la continuidad. Me comprometo a caminar cerca a ustedes en la fe. Juntos construiremos sobre las grandes tradiciones de la familia parroquial y las bases que se han venido desarrollando en los últimos años con la guía del Espíritu. O, dicho sea de paso, otro descubrimiento fascinante del festival parroquial: el padre Jean Marie es un gran bailarín!!! Paz, Hermano Chris 5 Comunidad hispana … Usted no merece ser maltratada(o) La violencia doméstica puede tomar diferentes formas, pero su propósito siempre es el mismo: los abusadores quieren controlar a sus parejas a través del miedo. Lo hacen mediante el abuso físico, sexual, psicológico, verbal y económico. Algunas de las formas donde la violencia doméstica se manifiesta son: Coerción Hacer que la víctima se sienta culpable Enfurruñar Manipular a los niños y otros miembros de la familia Insistir en siempre estar correcto Inventar “reglas” imposibles y castigar a la víctima por desobedecerlas Amenazas y Intimidación Amenazar de herir a la víctima, a los niños, a otros miembros de la familia y a las mascotas Gritar Guardar armas y amenazar con usarlas Usando tamaño físico para intimidar Retención emocional No expresar sentimientos No dar cumplidos No prestar atención No respetar los sentimientos de la víctima, sus derechos y opiniones No teniendo la preocupación de la víctima en serio En la parroquia San Camilo tenemos un equipo de personas dispuestas a escuchar y ayudar con los pasos siguientes. Por favor, escriba un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame a la oficina parroquial al 301-434-8400. Catequesis Bautismal La próxima Catequesis Bautismal para padres y padrinos será el martes 7 de junio, 2016 a las 6:30p.m. en el salón San Camilo, la cafetería de la escuela. Necesitan inscribirse antes de participar en la clase. Por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para mas información. Pastoral de Enfermos Si hay enfermos en casa que necesitan recibir la visita de un ministro de la Eucaristía, por favor, no olvide dar la información los domingos después de Misa a uno de los integrantes de la Pastoral de Enfermos. También puede llamar a la oficina parroquial para solicitar la visita de un Ministro de la Eucaristía. Yoga en San Camilo Clases de Yoga los días martes de 6:30pm a 7:30pm en el Sun Room de Victory Oaks. Se ofrecen paquetes de 7 clases a $6.50 por clase y todo para beneficio del ministerio St. Francis Emergency Assistance de nuestra parroquia. El próximo curso inicia el martes 7 de junio, 2016. Si usted desea experimentar esta antigua disciplina, venga en este día. Use ropa cómoda y traiga una toalla grande. Para inscripción o informes llamar a Luz al 301-434-9152. 6 Formación en la Fe de San Camilo 1504 St. Camillus Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-434-2111 - [email protected] Lun, Mar, Jue y Vie: 9-5pm; Dom: 9-2 pm; Miér y Sáb: Cerrado; Hora del almuerzo: 1-2pm JUNIO 2016 04 de junio -Primera Comunión Programa de Español 1:00 PM (Los niños se reúnen en el Camillia a las 12:00 PM) 05 de junio-Catequesis /Formación en la Fe para todos los niveles. Entrega de certificados. TODOS LOS GRUPOS Y MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES ¡PREPAREN SUS CALENDARIOS! Ya estamos listos para comenzar a preparar nuestro Calendario Parroquial de Julio 2016 – Junio 2017. Una vez más les pedimos a todos los grupos parroquiales reunirse con anticipación para preparar su calendario de actividades. Pedimos que cada grupo parroquial presente su calendario de actividades en un documento Word y por favor, asegúrese que la siguiente información esté incluida para facilitar la asignación de los salones: NOMBRE DEL GRUPO: **** Días de reunión: ***** Hora: ***** Salón: ***** Persona encargada: ***** Teléfono: ***** Para garantizar que su grupo tenga un salón reservado para sus reuniones, por favor entregue su calendario lo más pronto posible. Todo calendario debe ser presentado en persona por el encargado del grupo en la oficina Parroquial FECHA LIMITE PARA ENTREGAR POR ESCRITO SU CALENDARIO ES EL 20 DE JUNIO, 2016 La oficina parroquial estará cerrada este lunes 30 de mayo, 2016 por conmemorarse un aniversario más de los caídos en guerra (Memorial Day). Parish Calendar ~ Calendario Parroquial Monday (lunes), May (mayo) 30 MEMORIAL DAY ~ OFFICE CLOSED CEBS Coro 7:00pm French Mass 7:00pm Cursillo/Escuela de Dirigentes 7:30pm Silent Prayer Group 7:30pm Grupo de Intercesion 7:30pm Tuesday (martes), May (mayo) 31 Haitian Legion of Mary 6:00pm Yoga 6:30pm 1st Communion practice 7:00pm Coro San Camilo 7:00pm Gospel Choir 7:00pm Cristo Joven intercesón 7:30pm English Charismatic Prayer 7:30pm Wednesday (miércoles), June (junio) 1 English Bible Study 9:30am Just Faith 6:30pm Ensayo 1era Comunión 7:00pm English Bible Study 7:00pm Cristo Joven 7:00pm French Choir 7:00pm French Legion of Mary (MRduM) 7:30pm CEBS Animadores 7:30pm Estudio Biblico 8:30pm Thursday (jueves), June (junio) 2 Hora Apostolica 6:30pm 1st Communion practice-French 7:00pm French Charismatic Choir 7:00pm Multicultural Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Juan XXIII 7:30pm Coro Carismático 7:30pm Friday (viernes), June (junio) 3 Coro Juan XXIII 7:00pm Grupo Carismatico 7:00pm Renouveau Charismatique 7:00pm Charismatic Youth Group 7:00pm Equipo Timon Cristo Joven 7:30pm French Intercession 7:00pm Esperanza Latina 8:00pm AA 8:00pm Saturday (sábado), June (junio) 4 English Legion of Mary 9:30am Food Pantry 10:00am French Youth Legion of Mary 11:30am Seglares 2:30pm Reflexion Biblique 3:00pm Pequeña Comunidad Xto Joven 4:00pm Ministerio Musica Xto Joven 6:00pm Lumiere Du Monde Choir 6:30pm CEB—Asamblea 7:30pm Sunday (Domingo), June (junio) 5 All Choirs All Day Legion de Maria 9:30am Children’s Liturgy 10:30am AOPG 12:00pm Coro Cristo Joven 12:00pm French Legion of Mary(MMdeM) 12:30pm Youth Group 12:30pm Utopia Franciscana 2:00pm French Legion of Mary (NDdeV) 4:30pm BACA 6:00pm Mass Intentions Room Music Anthony Camillia Meditation Grace Chapel Grace Room Victory Oaks Church Music Church Upper Chapel Intenciones de la Misa para esta Semana Sunday (domingo) May (mayo) 29 † Ed Best 7:30am 9:00am † Sam D’Costa † Marie Walburn † Colette Smith 10:30am 12:30pm † Sucely Solis † Danilo Solis 2:30pm Souls in Purgatory Monday, (lunes) May (mayo) 30 Grace Meditation Room Church Francis Upper Room Music Anthony Friary Camillia Chapel Church Clare Church & Music Francis Music Music Church & Francis Camillia Anthony Meditation Upper Room Upper Room Friary Grace Friary Grace Grace Friary Anthony Anthony Music Church & Francis Music Grace Chapel Friary Grace Anthony Clare KOC Clare Francis Grace 8:30am Antoinette Tcheho—Birthday Blessing Tuesday, (martes) May (mayo) 31 7:30am Richard Johnson—get well † Mary Anjali Rozario 8:30am Wednesday, (miércoles) June (junio) 1 7:30am † Tom Falcinelli 8:30am SCHOOL MASS 7:30pm † Pilar Guillen Thursday, (miércoles) June (junio) 2 7:30am † Jesus Guerra 8:30am † Jean Davis Friday, (Viernes) June (junio) 3 7:30am † Rigaud Labbe 8:30am † Aurora Gonzalez Saturday, (sábado) June (junio) 4 † Souls in Purgatory 8:30am 4:30pm † Tony Cuozzo 6:30pm † Maria Villatoro Scripture Readings for next Sunday June 5, 2016 – 10th Sunday Ordinary Time 1st Reading/1 Lectura: 1Kigs 17:17-24 2nd Reading/2 Lectura: Gal 1:11-19 Gospel/Evangelio: Lk/Lc 7:11-17 Pray for our sick – Oremos por nuestros enfermos Richard Johnson, Vince Montgomery, Alex Gomez, Blanca Barahona, Roberto Molina, Br. Bonaventure, Mary Lou Taylor, Rose Simmons, Silvia Trejo. Pray for our Deceased Oremos por nuestros Difuntos Francis Byrne, Patrick Marin, Samuel Bowens, Anthony Sparacino, Al Doyle, Sergio Salgado. A prayer request will remain on the prayer list for two weeks unless we are notified who should remain on the list. Please contact the parish office for information. 7 LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE LANGLEY PARK 1408 Merrimac Drive, Langley Park, MD 20783 Misión de San Camilo: Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta Provincia Franciscana del Santo Nombre Tel. (301) 328-5105 Esperanza Latina Invita a todos los Jóvenes a participar en la reunión todos los Domingos a las 12:00pm después de la Misa en la Oficina 1408 Merrimac Dr. Para mayor información llamar a: Ricardo Pérez Tel: 240 501 6620 Celebración de la Palabra JESUCRISTO HOY Es un grupo Carismático que se reúne todos los domingos a las 8:50 am en la Escuela McCormick. Para más información llamar a: Pedro Majano 240 705-3379 invites youth ages 13-17 to join us. Rosario Reyes 240 505-2638 We are an English group of Hispanic origins following the steps Despensa St. Antonio of St. Francis of Assisi. We play, 8102 Tahona Dr. share our lives, go on field trips, Silver Spring MD 20903 and serve our community. Distribución de comida For more information call Sergio Lainez Tel: 240 715 – 7910 Sábados de 10:00am 12:00pm Join us! Franciscan Youth in Langley Park JUFRA, Te invita a compartir la palabra de Dios en sus hogares, como acción de gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que nos regala. Se El grupo de Oración reúnen los martes y domingos a Carismático Servicio Social las 7:00 p.m. en distintos hogares. Martes y Jueves EL BUEN PASTOR Para mayor información llamar a 1:00pm -4:00pm Diego Ortega 240-429-1299, Te invita a su reunión todos los Zacarías Cervantes 240 304- 0887 viernes, en la oficina de la Comunidad Católica a las 7:00pm. Para más información comunicarse Grupo Guadalupano Clases de Inglés con Alex Grande al tel. 240 898de martes a viernes 9:30am a El Grupo Guadalupano se reúne 7729 11:00 am. En la noche de lunes a los viernes en diferentes hogares miércoles 7:00pm-8:45pm de 7:30 a 9:00 p.m. Para las personas que desean la visita de HORARIOS DE LAS MISAS la virgen y rezar el rosario los Domingos 10:30am en el gimnasio Clase de Computación domingos pueden comunicarse de la escuela McCormick Los sábados con Isidra Rivera al Tel: 301 728Jueves a las 7:30pm en la oficina de 10:00 am 12:00pm 4366 de la Comunidad Católica ¿Le hace falta el Bautismo, la Comunión o la Confirmación? Si usted o algún conocido no ha recibido alguno de estos sacramentos, no es demasiado tarde para hacerlo. Si usted aún no es católico pero tiene interés en saber más de la Iglesia, tenemos personas con quienes puede informarse. Leonel López 301 252-4689 Marcial Quijivix 240 602-9813 8 Clases de Catecismo Los domingos de 8:45am a 10:15am en la escuela McCormick RICA para adultos Los domingos de 8:30am a 10:15am En la oficina de la comunidad los domingos - ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Servimax Insurance Agency Agencia de Seguros 301-589-8456 Jenny Meléndez, Agente Auto Casa y Negocios MVA Placas al Instante 9411 Colesville Rd. • Silver Spring, MD Same Day Service HIGH QUALITY YOUR PLUMBER THE ONLY ONE YOU’LL EVER NEED “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” Juan Carlos Gale SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* *Certain Conditions Apply Agente $25 OFF 301-439-3400 Any Plumbing Service Auto • Casa • Vida • Pequeños Negocios WSSC #70985 1835 University Blvd E Suite 324 Hyattsville, MD 20783 $35 OFF Faucet or Toilet Replacement Call: 410-578-3600 It's for more information 301-658-7045 To Advertise (Not valid with any other offer or service fee) ELEGANT EveryOpen Day Except Nails, Hair and Skin Care Monday Wedding Programs $5 OFF $5 OFF Any Hair Service Above $35 (Saturday & Sunday Only) Personalized Full Color • Unlimited Designs Gel Manicure 301-937-2566 11442 Cherry Hill Rd., Beltsville Call 410-578-3600 DIGITAL PRINTING Fast, Reliable, Local Service TODAY! 301-960-5335 Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to printing@ 410-578-3600 SPACE AVAILABLE WWW.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.COM CASH Silver Spring Jewelry $$$ for Gold 11205 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 9421 Georgia Ave. 1525 University Blvd. E. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Hyattsville, MD 20783 (White Oak Shopping Center) (National Wholesale Shopping Center) (301) 588-0188 (301) 439-4260 (301) 439-8033 The bulletin is available online… Visit parish website to view… Sign up to receive the bulletin electronically each week CUSTOM DESIGNS Call 1-800-934-1620 / 410-578-3600 for pricing or email: [email protected] - a booklet for those “Seeking suffering health problems. Serenity” Quick-reading, inspiring, cheering..... A meaningful gift for those you care about. Send $10.00 to FATA: P.O. Box 4889 • Baltimore, MD 21211 (Checks only payable to FATA) For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2016 - ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - ABOGADO Victor Palmeiro ABOGADO CO GRNSU AT LT IS A •Overtime sin Pago •Bancarrota •Accidentes Eye Exams • Eyeglasses Contact Lenses HILLANDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL dennis j. sweeney, V.M.D., P.A. 1900 Powder mill rd. 301-384-5818 Acupuncture, Acu Massage, Herbs 11120 New Hampshire Ave. #409 Piney Branch Opticians Repairs • Replacements • Water Heaters • Electric Drain Cleaning PAIN CONTROL 301-933-2595 ZP Tax, Inc. Fast & Right / Rápido y Correcto Carlos Perozo, President P St. Vincent Pallotti High School 8736 Flower Ave., Ste “B” THE RIGHT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY PRUNING CLEARING STUMP GRINDING Lic. 782 Raymon K. Nelson, MD Cardiology/Internal Medicine Coastal Cardiology 301-779-7525 Call today for your FREE consultation 11120 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 402 301-593-6363 SPACE AVAILABLE 9744 Hedin Drive TRADITION • EXCELLENCE • COMMUNITY Silver Spring, MD (301) 300-6697 (301) 439-2044 113 St. Mary’s Place • Laurel, MD • 20707 [email protected] w w Julio C. Hernandez, Esq. Don’t Advertise Abogado Defensa Criminal Accidente de Trabajo Accidentes de Auto / DUI 7676 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 425 Runner Too much to do & too little time. Let us relieve you & take your tasks off your hands. 301-681-8986 Now Hiring/Estamos contratando Full Time, With Benefits / Tiempo Completo, Con Beneficios Construction Experience & Transportation Needed, Night Work Email or Call: Roel 301-585-5700, [email protected] MENTOR Maryland 5720 Executive Drive Baltimore, MD 21228 Craig Powell 410-455-4640 Steven B. 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Winegar & Son Weakly ADVERTISE Home Visits & Discounts for St. Camillus Parishioners (301) 441-4505 [email protected] HERITAGE PARK APARTMENTS WEEKLY 1-888-481-7170 This Space Available. Please Call Us At 1818 Metzerott Rd. Hyattsville, MD 20783 410-578-3600 Premiere Primary Care J&M Jewelry Internal Medicine 301-431-3141 proud to announce the opening 410-768-0110 Variedad en Joyas y Relojes Vendemos Y Activamos Celulares Por Su Compra el 15% off Gold & Silver SIM CARD es Gratis Le diceñamos Sus Prendas 1401 University Blvd. G-26 • “Union Mall” PRAYER CARDS Commemorate ... Celebrate . . . Remember your special days, events, people . . . Call to discuss 1-800-934-1620 Personalized • Full Color Unlimited Designs Global Promise Travel, LLC Cotonou - Direct International Shipping, LLC 301-909-0639 • 202-706-2805 4031 Silver Hill Rd. • Suitland, MD 20746 Justine Hair Braiding Professional African Braiding Shop 240-444-9700 240-264-6241 695 Washington Blvd 20707 of their new medical office located at 8714 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring MD 20910 • Specializing in the care of patients 18 years & older • Sick visits • Adult check-ups and Flu-shots; travel clinic • Physical exams • Same day appointments available • Evening hours & limited Saturday hours available • Now accepting new patients • Most major insurances accepted 301-588-2888 Dr. Adaku Onukogu, MD Real Estate Settlements—Commercial & Residential Gaithersburg, MD—(301)921-2667 Bowie, MD—(301)352-8000 Rockville, MD/White Flint—(301)816-1717 “Experience the Classic Difference” For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2016