the resurrection newsletter - Resurrection Catholic Community
the resurrection newsletter - Resurrection Catholic Community
The Resurrection Newsletter Youth’s holy challenge …….page 2 Don’t let your child miss out! 4 Fr. Christopher amazed by your gift page 1 Quote on Father’s gift: “As mariners are guided into port by the shining of a star, so Christians are guided to heaven by Mary.” St. Thomas Aquinas “Como los marineros se guían en Puerto por el brillo de una Estrella, por lo que los cristianos son guiados al cielo por María.” Fall Bazaar news….page 4 You can change our world …….page 5 Let’s go out to the ballgame … 6 August 16, 2015 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary 16 de Agosto 2015, Vigesimo domingo del tiempo del ordinario 9 1 5 Zo e S t . , H o u s t o n , T X 7 7 0 2 0 713-675-5333 2 0 T H S U N DAY I N O R D I NA RY T I M E When I was away from vacation, I thought about all of you on a daily basis, especially in my daily prayers. After a few weeks I was ready to come back. Part of the reason is your tremendous love and generosity. For that reason I was amazed but not surprised by what I found in my office when I came back. It was a beautiful framed message of congratulations for my 7th anniversary as a priest. It was bedecked with your photos, centered on a certificate of adoption of a star in my name! Thank you so much for your love and kindness! ************************************ Stay focused! Our second reading for this Sunday gives us some good practical advice. Paul says to the Ephesians to "watch carefully how you live." Inspired from Ephesians 5, the following list can help: 1. Use the difficult moments in your day to pray and realize that it is a moment that the Lord has permitted because of His Love and Wisdom 2. Read a little bit about your faith (Scripture, Catechism, a book written by a saint, for 10 minutes a day 3. Don't "numb out" with activities that don't really help you (getting drunk, excessive video games or tv, drugs, excessive shopping) 4. Do "live out" with activities that wake you up (prayer, caring for the needy, family time, exercise, healthy eating, a good hobby) 5. Get together with people of faith to pray, sing, and have fun (look in the bulletin for these kinds of events) 6. Before going to bed, write a short gratitude list (both for the good things and the challenging things) Pick two or three of these that you are not doing already and put them to practice. Let me know how it turns out. A UGUST 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 Cuando estaba de vacaciones, pensaba en todos ustedes sobre una base diaria, especialmente en mis oraciones diarias. Después de unas semanas estaba listo para volver. Parte de la razón es su enorme amor y generosidad. Por esa razón estaba sorprendido pero no sorprendido por lo que he encontrado en mi oficina cuando regresé. Fue un mensaje enmarcado hermoso Felicitaciones para mi séptimo aniversario como sacerdote. Fue adornada con tus fotos, centrado en un certificado de adopción de una estrella en mi nombre! Gracias por tu amor y bondad! ************************************** Mantente enfocado! Nuestra segunda lectura de este domingo nos da algunos buenos consejos prácticos. Paul dice a los Efesios a observar cuidadosamente cómo vives. Inspirado en Efesios 5, la siguiente lista puede ayudar a: 1. Utilizar los momentos difíciles en su día para orar y darse cuenta de que es un momento que el Señor ha permitido debido a su amor y sabiduría 2. Leer un poco sobre su fe (Sagradas Escrituras, Catecismo, un libro escrito por un Santo, durante 10 minutos al día 3. No adormecer a cabo con las actividades que realmente no ayudarte (emborracharse, videojuegos excesivos o tv, droga, excesivo compra) 4. Trate de viver con actividades que te despierta (oración, cuidado de los necesitados, familia tiempo, ejercicio, alimentación saludable, un buen pasatiempo) 5. Reúnete con personas de fe a orar, cantar, y que lo paseis bien (Buscar en el boletín de este tipo de eventos) 6. Antes de irse a la cama, escriba una lista corta de agradecimiento (tanto para las cosas buenas y las cosas difíciles) Escoja dos o tres de estos que ya no haces y ponerlos a la práctica. Me dejan saber cómo resulta. Fr. Christopher Plant Pastor, Resurrection Church You may view this bulletin online at Padre Christopher Plant, Párroco Comunidad Católica de la Resurrección X X D O M I N G O O R D I NA R I O 1 6 DE A GOSTO DEL 2 0 1 5 Archdiocesan Youth Conference Houston, TX July 31 - AUG 2, 15 It is such an amazing blessing to take a group of High School students every year to AYC. Thank you, Resurrection! For your support, prayers, and love. Amongst the 3,000+ present, we had a former America’s Next Top Model contestant, a newly ordained Texas Bishop, and our very own Cardinal DiNardo. It is a blessing to experience the Mystical Body of Christ (1 Cor 12) in the beauty of His Bride, the Church. We prayed together in the presence of Christ Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration, praised and worshiped with live music and in silence, but most importantly, we gathered around the altar for the sacrifice of the Mass. Throughout the weekend, the Youth were given the challenge to take a step outside of their comfort zone; to take their faith in and relationship with God to the next level and to allow Him into their everyday lives. I urge you to take the challenge that our Youth were given at AYC: How are you going to become one with the Mystical Body of Christ (1 Per 3:8-9)? How are you going to be God’s love in this world? What are you going to do to take your faith to the next level? In the words of St. Catherine of Siena, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” My brothers and sisters, how are you going to set the world on fire? - Amy Ann Davila Es una bendición increíble llevar a un grupo de jóvenes cada año a AYC. ¡Gracias, Resurrección! Por su apoyo, oraciones y amor. Entre los 3,000+ presente, tuvimos una ex-concursante de America's Next Top Model, un obispo de Texas recién ordenado y nuestro propio Cardenal DiNardo. Es una bendición para experimentar el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo (1 Cor 12) en la belleza de Su Novia, la Iglesia. Oramos juntos en la presencia de Cristo Jesús durante Adoración Eucarística, alabamos y adoramos con música en vivo y en silencio, pero lo más importante, nos reunimos al rededor del altar para el sacrificio de la Misa. A través de este fin de semana, los Jóvenes fueron dados el reto de tomar un paso fuera de su zona de comodidad; para tomar su fe y relación con Dios al siguiente nivel y permitirlo a sus vidas diarias. Yo insto a que ustedes tomen el reto que fue dado a nuestra juventud en AYC: ¿Cómo vas a ser uno con el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo(1 Ped 3:8-9)?¿Cómo vas a ser el amor de Dios en este mundo? ¿Qué vas a hacer para llevar tu fe al siguiente nivel? En las palabras de Santa Catalina de Siena, “Si somos lo que debemos ser, prenderemos fuego al mundo entero.” Mis hermanos y hermanas, ¿cómo vas a prender fuego al mundo entero? - Amy Ann Davila 2 0 T H S U N DAY I N O R D I NA RY T I M E M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES DE A UGUST 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 M ISA Saturday, August 15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Not a holy day of obligation because it’s on Saturday) 5:30pm † Pedro Diaz † Ponciano & Josefa Lim 7:30pm † Arturo Sabas Molina † Alonso Salinas Sunday, August 16: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am † Celerina C. Garza † Claude B. Ramirez Jr. 9:00 am † Eva Pedraza † Rosa Padilla 11:00am † Clara R. Esparza † Janie E. Charles 12:30 pm † Salvador Longoria Rosario Perales Tuesday, August 18: 8:30am † Adolfo Arana Espinoza † Mike Diaz Sr. Wednesday, August 19: St. John Eudes 6:30 pm † Julian Jazzo Sr. † Henry Torres Thursday, August 20: St Bernard, Doctor of the Church 8:30am † Joe M. Padilla † Gilbert Garcia † - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Gloria Hewitt, Luz Elena Gallegos, Eleuterio Cena, Elvia Marquez, Cirila Martinez, Lucio Martinez, Cleto Martinez, Monica Rodriguez, Belea Cavazos, Antonio Suarez, Blanca E. Cavazos, Esperanza Lopez, Esperanza Lozano, Stan Gibson, and Mary Ann Colunga Names will be posted for three consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante tres semanas consecutivas una vez al año. THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION ESTA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, August 17: 7:30am C.C..……….……….………………………..…..Rectory 6:00pm Rosary……………………………………….…...Church 7:00pm Choir Practice (9am Sunday)…..…………..Admin Bldg Tuesday, August 18: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 10:00am Bible Study…………………………..………...Rectory 6:00pm CCE Registration …………………………Admin Bldg 6:45pm Choir Practice……………………………………Church 8:00pm A.A……………………………………...….…...Rectory Wednesday, August 19: 9-5pm Adoration…………………………………………Church 9:30am Legion of Mary (English)…….………………....Rectory 5-6pm Confessions……………………………………….Church 6:00pm Rosario…………………………………………..Church 6:30pm Knights of Columbus……………………….……...Gym 6:30pm Mass Bilingual Healing Mass…...………...…….Church 7:00pm Prayer Group (Spanish)………………………….Church Thursday, August 20: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:00pm Fall Bazaar meeting …………………………….Rectory 6:00pm CCE Registration ………………………….Admin Bldg 7:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory 7:30pm Holy Hour ……………………………………….Church Friday, August 21: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)……………………..Rectory Saturday, August 22: 4:30-5:15 pm Confessions…………………………Church 5:30pm Vigil Mass (English) …………………..….Church 6:30pm-7:15pm Confessions……………………....Church 7:30pm Vigil Mass (Spanish)……………………...Church Sunday, August 23: 7:30am Mass (English)……………………..……...Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)………..…………..…….…Church 11:00am Mass (English) …………………….....….Church 12:30pm Mass (Spanish)……………..……………Church To reserve a facility or request a bulletin announcement, please email [email protected] or call the church office at 713-675-5333. R ECENTLY D ECEASED/ RECIEN F ALLECIDOS “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.” Please pray for the repose of the soul of Eva Reyes and for the consolation of her family. Bilingual Healing Mass Wednesday, August 19 6:30pm Mass Miércoles, 19 de agosto 6:30pm la Misa Adoration Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Every Wednesday from 9:00 am—5:00 pm Todos los miércoles de 9:00 am — 5:00 pm Thursday/Jueves 7:30 - 8:30pm X X D O M I N G O O R D I NA R I O 1 6 DE A GOSTO DEL 2 0 1 5 Fall Bazaar JOIN THE FUN! SHARE YOUR IDEAS ¡ÚNASE A LA DIVERSIÓN! COMPARTA SUS IDEAS FALL BAZAAR OPEN MEETING Everyone welcome Thursday, August 20 at 6:00 pm Rectory meeting room BAZAR DE OTONO Junta Para Todos Reunión Jueves 20 de agosto 6:00pm Todo son bienvenidos! Bilingüe Rectoría sala de reuniones BOOTH SPACE AVAILABLE FOR ARTISTS/CRAFTSPEOPLE If you would like to sell your handmade artistic creations, please contact the church office at 713-675-5333 for details about renting a booth at the Fall Bazaar. Only a few booths will be available. Cost $300 and then you keep all of your profit. Or two people share a booth for $150 each. Si quieres vender tus creaciones artísticas hechas a mano, por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la iglesia en el 713-675-5333 y para más detalles sobre el alquiler de una meza en el Bazar de Otoño. Sólo unas pocas mezas estarán disponibles. El costo es de $300 y tu te quedas con todas tus ganancias. O dos personas comparten un stand para $150 por persona. CCE Registration Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8/13, 8/18, 8/20, 8/25 & 8/27/2015 9/2, 9/3 & 9/10/2015 Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm Church Office Bldg. 2nd Floor Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. MT 18:3 CCE Registro Los Martes y los jueves, 8/13, 8/18, 8/20, 8/25 & 8/27/2015 9/2, 9/3 & 9/10/2015 Hora: 6:00 – 8:00pm Edificio de oficinas de la iglesia, 2do Piso “En verdad les digo: si no cambian y no llegan a ser como niños, nunca entrarán en el Reino de los Cielos. MT 18:3 Contact Carmen Valdez, Director of Faith Formation, for more information [email protected] 2 0 T H S U N DAY I N O R D I NA RY T I M E A UGUST 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 Resurrection Social Concerns Ministry Want to make a world of difference in people’s lives? Working together Awareness & Care for Social needs and issues Currently working on: • Future development of Denver Harbor • Job training workshop with Capital Idea • Immigration workshop • Met with HPD NE Captain on Crime Issues • Partners with The Metropolitan Organization (Citizen leadership for the common good) Future goals: * Pro-Life outreach * Gabriel Project for expectant mothers * March of the Surviving Youth—October * Education about Pro-Life issues: abortion, at risk infants, respect for the elderly, human trafficking, and euthanasia Anyone interested in helping, please contact: Carolyn Lopez – [email protected] or Susan Kirksey in the office - [email protected] 713-675-5333 Mrs. Theresa Padilla and Mr. Roy Zermeno Someone with computer skills especially needed. Prayer for spiritually adopting a baby in danger of abortion: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. Jesús, Maria, y Joseph, te quiero muchísimo. Te ruego que perdones la vida del bebe no nacido que ha sido adoptado espiritualmente y que esta en peligro de aborto. If you began praying March 25 on the feast of the Annunciation, it will be the end of the fourth month and beginning of the fifth month. Fourth and Fifth Months Rapid development. Facial expressions similar to the baby's parents can be identified at this time. Fine hair begins growing on the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. The baby learns to grip and suck his or her thumb. Half the pregnancy has now passed and this little baby is very active! Sleeping habits develop and the mother often feels her baby move and stretch, particularly when she is resting. Interestingly, babies at this stage have responded to sounds in frequencies too high and low for adults to hear. By the end of this month the baby is about 12 inches long and weighs about one pound. Babies born at this stage of development have survived. X X D O M I N G O O R D I NA R I O 1 6 DE A GOSTO DEL 2 0 1 5 www.r c c h o u s t o n . o r g 915 Zoe St, Houston, TX 77020 713-675-5333 ● Fax 713-673-3605 Parish Office Hours: Closed Saturday-Monday Tuesday - 9:30am-4:30 pm Wednesday-Friday 8:00am—4:30 pm Office of Evangelization & Catechesis: Carmen Valdez 713-675-0350 [email protected] Weekday English Mass: 8:30am on Tuesday & Thursday Weekday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm on Wednesday & Friday* *La Divina Providencia 3rd Annual Honors Luncheon and Extravaganza Recognition and Scholarship Luncheon Saturday, September 12, 2015 The Most Reverend Brendan J. Cahill, Bishop Keynote speaker 11:30 a.m. Brady’s Landing 8505 Cypress, Houston Ticket Donation $40.00 Make check payable to CDA Ct. #2092 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Mother of Love Ct. #2092 will host the Maxine Spates & Isadora Wills Scholarship Donation: Underwriting sponsorship for scholarship accepted. Information: L. Faye Marshall, Regent 281-726-2961 [email protected] Or Mary Reescano, Vice Regent 713-633-9174 - [email protected] Honorees: Fr. Christopher Plant, Knight Rudy Bautista, Knight Ronald Davalos, Rep. Harold Dutton, Knight Ernest Garcia, Charlene Gwosdz, Sonja ter-Harkel, Angelica de la Garza-Leal, Knight Paul Ledet, Maria Rodriguez, Helen Sam, Ramona T. Toliver, Knight Eugene A. Torres ALTAR FLOWER DONATIONS DONACIONES DE FLORES PARA EL ALTAR Do you have a loved one, birthday, or anniversary you would like remembered at Mass? Donating altar flowers is a lovely way to do this. Donations and intentions will be listed in the weekly bulletin. Altar flower donations are $40 for small flower arrangements and $70 for large ones. All donations are tax deductible. For more information or to make a memorial donation, please contact the church office at 713-675-5333. ¿Tienes algún ser querido, un cumpleaños o aniversario que te gustaría recordar en la Misa? La donación de flores para el altar es una manera bonita de recordarlos. Donaciones e intenciones serán listados en el boletín semanal. Donaciones de flores del altar son de $40 para arreglos pequeños y $70 las grandes. Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos. Para obtener más información, por favor comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia al 713-675-5333. In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~1st Saturday: 8:30am Bilingual Mass Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30pm (English) 7:30pm (Spanish) Sunday Mass: English: 7:30 am ● 11:00 am Spanish: 9:00 am ● 12:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A DORACION AL S ANTISIMO Every Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday Holy Hour 7:30-8:30pm CONFESSIONS Wednesday: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm -5:15 pm 6:30 pm -7:15 pm ROSARY Monday: 6:00 pm (English) Wednesday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) Misión La Divina Providencia 7913 Munn St., Houston, 77029 713-360-7173 Misa dominical en español: 9:00 am (Verano no Misa de 2pm) 6:30 pm los viernes
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