
Bilingual Edition
A VIRTUES-BASED COMMUNITY Promoting Leadership Through Character Education A College Preparatory School
Preschool Students Learn By Doing
The Importance of Preschool
their free time. Plus, 4- and 5-year-olds have begun
asking some wonderful questions about the world
around them -- what happens to the water after the
1. What's the difference between childcare and pre- rain? Do birds play? Quality preschools help children
find answers through exploration, experimentation,
Childcare centers are generally an option for working and conversation."
parents who need their children to be taken care of
during the day. Preschool refers to an earlychildhood educational class for 3- and 4-year-olds.
A preschool with experienced, well-trained teachers
and stimulating activities offers kids tremendous
advantages. It helps children develop important
motor, cognitive, and social skills that will lead to
success in their future academic endeavors.
2. How important is preschool?
There's increasing evidence that children gain a lot
from going to preschool. At preschool, they become
exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes. And, more
important, they learn how to socialize -- get along
with other
children, share, contribute to circle
Children who attend high-quality preschool enter
kindergarten with better pre-reading skills, richer
vocabularies, and stronger basic math skills than
those who do not.
4. But what about learning his ABCs?
Every child should have some sort of group experi- "Young children can certainly learn letters and
ence before he starts kindergarten. Music and gym- numbers, but to sit kids down and 'teach' them is the
nastics classes are great, but what preschools do that wrong way to do it. They learn best through doing
less formal classes don't is teach kids how to be stu- the kinds of activities they find interesting -dents. Your child will learn how to raise her hand, storytime, talking to their teachers about stars,
take turns, and share the teacher's attention. What's playing with blocks. To help kids learn language and
more, she'll learn how to separate from Mommy, strengthen pre-reading skills, for instance, teachers
who often stays in a music or gym class. All of this might play rhyming games and let kids tell stories.
makes for an easier transition to kindergarten. Kin- Keep in mind that for small children, school is all
dergarten teachers will tell you that the students about having fun and acquiring social skills -- not
who are ready to learn are those who come into achieving academic milestones. "Kids need to be
school with good social and behavior-management imaginative and to socialize -- that's what fosters
creative, well-rounded people. It's not whether they
In fact, educators have so recognized the importance can read by age 4 or multiply by 5," says Flynn. An
of giving kids some form of quality early education ideal curriculum? Parading around in dress-up
that about 40 states now offer state-funded pre-K
clothes, building forts, and being read to.
3. What will my child learn?
In addition to strengthening socialization skills -how to compromise, be respectful of others, and
problem-solve -- preschool provides a place where
your child can gain a sense of self, explore, play with
her peers, and build confidence. Kids in preschool
discover that they are capable and can do things for
themselves -- from small tasks like pouring their own
juice and helping set snack tables to tackling bigger
issues like making decisions about how to spend
The Difference
¡Una Comunidad Feliz!
En el estudio de la Unidad 3: ¡Una comunidad feliz! Los
estudiantes identificaron profesionales y servidores de la
comunidad. Los estudiantes se disfrazaron de acuerdo a
sus oficios preferidos. Los oficios destacados fueron
doctor, enfermero, chef, bombero, policía e ingeniero.
Crearon y formaron con legos de diferentes tamaños y
colores edificaciones de la comunidad. Tuvieron la visita
de los profesionales de la salud, un paramédico y una
dentista. El grupo Coral tuvo la experiencia de visitar el
laboratorio de ciencias
Pre-escolar y
las ciencias
Como parte de la clase de Ciencias trabajamos con el tema de “El Cuerpo y Los
Sentidos”. Mediante esta actividad los estudiantes reconocieron, identificaron y
formaron las partes de la cara con pan integral y frutas. De esta forma utilizando
el sentido del gusto de forma divertida y nutritiva.
Estudiantes Aprenden
sobre la Cocina
Durante esta semana hablábamos de la profesión del
cocinero, panadero y repostero. Y el grupo Ámbar creo
su propia pizza con la ayuda de nuestra invitada la
Sra. Dana Ramos.
Tema de la Familia
Trabajamos el tema de La Familia y realizamos un trabajo
cooperativo en el que los estudiantes dibujaron su familia.
Matemáticas Kinder
Formar el número 7 con papel rasgado Ms Vivian
Kinder Math
Materia: Matemática
Objetivo: Identificar número 7
Organizar en una gráfica la cantidad peces y colorear
un espacio por pez.
Los estudiantes aprenden sobre
el cuidado de los dientes
Students learn
by doing!
Actividades para crecer
conocimiento y destrezas sociales
En el estudio de la Unidad 3: ¡Una comunidad feliz!
Los estudiantes identificaron profesionales y servidores de la
comunidad. Los estudiantes se disfrazaron de acuerdo a sus
oficios preferidos. Los oficios destacados fueron doctor,
enfermero, chef, bombero, policía e ingeniero. Crearon y
formaron con legos de diferentes tamaños y colores edificaciones
de la comunidad. Tuvieron la visita de los profesionales de la
salud un paramédico y una dentista.
The first and STILL the ONLY school in
Puerto Rico officially recognized
“National School
of Character”