Jan`s Show `N Tell Preschool
Jan`s Show `N Tell Preschool
Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool EMERGENCY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION PERMISSION FOR FIELD TRIPS (This form needs t o be notarized) lNVe being the natural or legal guardian of do hereby authorize Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool to obtain any and all medical attention or services and hospitalization. I understand that in case of an accident or injury to my child and preferred hospital to be used are as follows: Doctor: Telephone: Preferred Hospital: Telephone: It is understood and agreed that I will be responsible for any such debts incurred on behalf of my child, and I agree to hold Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool harmless from any and all liability for any such debt incurred. Signature STATE OF MISSOURI) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLAY ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this , day of Notary Public My Commission Expires: has permission to attend My Child, all of the field trips involving Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool. We will be notified at least one day in advance. Signature Teacher: Jan Covey Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 ..:. , \ MISSOURI DEPAFTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF CHILD CARE SAFETY & LiCENSURE 1 BlRTFfDATE I I i I II. CURRENT STATE OF HEALTH I HAVE EXAMINEDTHE ABOVE-NAMED CHILD AND VERIFY THATTHIS CHILD'S MEDICAL HISTORY AND CURRENT STATE CF HEAL* 4 a ARE a ARE NOT SATISFACMRY FOR PARTICIPATION IN A CHILD CARE PROGRAM. DOES THIS CHILD REQUIRE ANY SPEClALlZED CARE? YES NO IFYES, EXPLAIN IN SECTION IV. Ill. IMMUNIZATION HlSTORY OUR RECORDS INDICATE THAT THIS CHILD HAS THE FOLLOWING IMMUNIZATIONS: DATES GIVEN IMMUNIZATIONS I Dose No. 1 . Dose No. 2 Cose No. 3 ! Dose No.4 r - I 1 1 I Dose No. 5 1 Dose No, 6 I (SPECIAL DIETS, ALLERGIES, EAR INFECTIONS, CONVULSIONS, DIABETES. EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS) SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN OR REdlSTEREO NURSE UNOER THE SUPERVISION OF A PHYSlClAN DATE D b IF NURSE IS SUPERVISED BY ?HYSICIAN. INMCbTE PHYSICIAN'S W NAME OF CLINIC. GROUP PRACTICE. O M E R E I I I / ADDRESS (STREET, cm, STATE,ZP CODE) 1 MO m.ie7a 14-97) j TELEPHONE NUMBEH THIS REPORT 13 TO BE KEPT ON FILE AT THE CHILD CARE F A C : m Lx Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool 1500 Roselea Excelsior Springs, Mo . 64024 816-878-1227 Policies and Procedures In order to assure that parents clearly understand the procedures and policies of Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool, we ask all parents to read the policies enclosed with the application packet and also to check off the following items: 1. Parents are responsible for payment of fees on time. A late fee of twenty ($20.00) will be added to bills not paid on the due date. If tuition is not paid by the 10"' of the month. your child will be withdrawn from the preschool program. A new registration fee will be required in order to reinstate your child in the preschool program. 2. There is no reduction of fees for absences or vacations, etc. -3. I understand that I must walk into the building with my child each day and make certain the teacher knows helshe is there. 4 . I give my consent for my child to attend all field trips involving Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool. If 1 do not drive, my child has permission to ride in another child's car secured with a seat belt. 5 . Keep child home with the following: fever. diarrhea. vomiting in previous 24 hour period. Children too sick to participate in the full preschool program need to be kept home. 6. Parents need to inform the preschool of changes in addresses, phone number, employment. emergency information or any changes in family situations. 7 . Parent is expected to pick-up children at dismissal time or 1 1 : 15 a.m. 8 . The Preschool Director is to be notified two (2) weeks in advance before a child is to be withdrawn. Parents are required to pay for those two (2) week regardless of when child stops attending classes. 9 . If after a reasonable period of time it is found that a child is unable to adjust to the preschool. the preschool reserves the right to request withdrawal of the child. This decision is left to the discretion of the director and teachers. (We allow a minimum adjustment period of two (2) weeks.) 10. I agree to abide by these rules and regulations. Signature of ParentIGuardian Jan's Show 'N Tell Preschool 1500 Roselea Excelsior Springs, Mo . 64024 THOSE AUTHORIZED TO PICK UP CHILD CHILD'S NAME: CLASS: (Please circle class your child attends) Mon-Wed-Fri DISMISSAL The following people are authorized to pick up my child up from Show 'N Tell Preschool: Name Relationship Phone Name Cell Phone Relationship Phone Name Cell Phone Relationship Phone Name Cell Phone Relationship Phone Cell Phone The authorized people you have listed should be told your child's number that has been assigned to himlher. If at any time we are in doubt as to who is picking your child up from preschool, your child will NOT be released until we contact a parent. We want to keep your child safe so we appreciate your cooperation with dismissal. Please return this form to the teachers to place in your child's file.