Bulletin (2-9-2014) - St. Monica`s Catholic Church


Bulletin (2-9-2014) - St. Monica`s Catholic Church
2001 N. Western Ave., Edmond, OK 73012
Office: 405-359-2700 ● Fax: 405-341-0023 ● Rectory: 405-330-2699
Rev. Stephen Hamilton - Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Cory Stanley - Parochial Vicar
Youth Director
[email protected]
Lee Hunt - Deacon
[email protected]
Jerry Rakosky - Deacon
[email protected]
Katie Gordy - Pastoral Associate,
Director of Religious Education, Spiritual Counseling
[email protected]
Stacy Sample - Bulletin Editor/Office Manager
[email protected] 359-2700
Sheryl Lacy - Facility Manager
[email protected]
Carmen Snow - Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Marie Connolly - Music Director
[email protected]
Melani Roewe - Music Director
[email protected]
Kenneth & Kelly Hughes - Saturday Choir 341-6549
[email protected]
Kelli Pereira - RCIA Director
[email protected]
24 hours/7days a week
Tuesday, Thursday
By Appointment
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:20 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
8,10:30 a.m.
1 p.m. Spanish
4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
WEDDINGS Contact church office six months in
BAPTISMS Contact the Church Office at 359-2700
Noon Monday
Bobby Burger, Knights of Columbus
Taylor McGarry, Pastoral Council
St. Vincent de Paul
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 9, 2014
Next Sunday:
Is 58:7-10/1 Cor 2:1-5/Mt 5:13-16
1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13/Mk 6:53-56
1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30/Mk 7:1-13
1 Kgs 10:1-10/Mk 7:14-23
1 Kgs 11:4-13/Mk 7:24-30
1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19/Mk 7:31-37
1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34/Mk 8:1-10
Sir 15:15-20/1 Cor 2:6-10/Mt 5:17-37
or 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37
Saturday, February 8
5 p.m.
People of the Parish
Sunday, February 9
8 a.m.
† Tim Stanfill
10:30 a.m.
Austin Harkey
1 p.m.
† Ramona Colis
Tuesday, February 11
5:30 p.m.
† Paul Seiter
Wednesday, February 12
5:30 p.m.
† Richard Miller
Thursday, February 13
5:30 p.m.
† Rian Sanderson
Friday, February 14
7:30 a.m.
Saturday, February 15
5 p.m.
† Dolores Ryan
Sunday, February 16
8 a.m.
People of the Parish
10:30 a.m.
† Sharon McCawley
1 p.m.
† Ruben Martinez
February 1, 2
Sunday Offering ...............................$21,720.38
Less Charity 10%............................. $2,172.04
Parish Offering .............................$19,548.34
All St. Monica parishioners are asked to
contribute 8% of their weekly income to the parish.
Give electronically at www.stmonica-edmond.org
and select “online giving.”
Sunday, February 9
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education
9 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast - Hall/Kitchen
9:05 a.m. - Bible Study - Mother Teresa
11:45 a.m. - Deacon Lee Retirement Reception - Hall
4:30 p.m. - Jr. High Youth - Youth Rm.
5:30 p.m. - Orchestra Rehearsal - Church
7 p.m. - High School Youth - Youth Rm.
Monday, February 10
6:30 p.m. - Social Ministries - St. Patrick
Tuesday, February 11
9 a.m. - Spanish Cursillo - Mother Teresa
9:30 a.m. - Bible/Virgin Mary Study - St. Michael
4:15-5:30 p.m. - Religious Education
6 p.m. - Cub Scouts - St. Patrick/Mother Teresa
6:30 p.m. - Boy Scouts - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - Bible Timeline - St. Anthony
7 p.m. - Cub Scouts - St. Michael
Wednesday, February 12
9:45 a.m. - Acts Bible Study - St. Michael
11 a.m. - Busy Needles - St. Patrick
5:15-6:30 p.m. - Religious Education (1st-8th Grade)
6:30 p.m. - Confirmation II Dinner/Meeting-Hall
7 p.m. - Religious Education (9th-12th Grade)
7 p.m. - Adult/Bell Choir - Church
7 p.m. - Building/Grounds Board - Mother Teresa
Thursday, February 13
9:30 a.m. - Artist Way Class - St. Michael
4 p.m. - Medjugorje Prayer Group - St. Anthony
7 p.m. - Breaking Open the Word - Mother Teresa
7 p.m. - Choir (Spanish) - Church
7 p.m. - Talleres de Oracion - St. Michael
Friday, February 14
5:30 a.m. - That Man is You - Hall/Kitchen
9:30 a.m. - Mom’s Group - St. Michael
7 p.m. - Familias Para Cristo - Parish Hall
Saturday, February 15
8:30 a.m. - Cleaners - Church/Parish Center
9 a.m. - Band Practice - Youth Bldg.
Noon - Baptismal Class (Spanish) -St. Michael
1 p.m. - RICA (Spanish) - St. Anthony
2 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
February 9, 2014
A Retirement Celebration for Deacon Lee
Hunt will be held after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday,
Feb. 9, in the Parish Hall. All are invited to celebrate
Deacon Lee’s retirement and his many years of service to St. Monica Parish.
Moms Group
Blessing of Throats - Deacon Lee Hunt and
Fr. Cory Stanley bless throats in honor of
St. Blase.
Baptismal Class
A Baptismal Class will be held Wednesday, Feb. 26,
at 7 p.m. in the St. Michael Room. To have your baby
baptized, one must be an active member at St. Monica
for six months. Also those who want to be Godparents must be active Catholics and attend the class.
For more information and to register, contact the
Parish Office at 359-2700.
Youth Offering Envelopes
2014 boxed offering envelope sets for Religious
Education students, 7th-12th grade have been distributed. If your student didn’t receive a set of offering
envelopes, and would like one, please contact the office at 359-2700. Please discard 2013 envelopes, as
the assigned numbers are not the same from year-toyear.
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
for students through high school will be held on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. in the gym of St.
John the Baptist. For more information contact Bobby
Burger at 613-6057.
Bulletin Supporter of the Week
Bishop McGuinness Catholic
High School - 842-6638
Please Patronize our Sponsors. Their
generosity makes this publication
available to you
at no cost to the parish
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Join us this Friday morning, Feb. 14, from 9:30 -11
a.m. in the St. Michael Room to learn about Mardi
We will explore the "Meaning behind the Party,"
and learn about the symbolism and traditions that
surround "Fat Tuesday" and the beginning of
Lent. The nursery is available. RSVP and sign up for
nursery by emailing Dana Williams at [email protected].
2014 Woman of Achievement
St. Monica’s 2014 Woman of Achievement will be
announced next weekend. A reception will be held in
the Parish Hall in her honor Feb. 15 or 16.
Donate Blood Next Sunday
St. Monica will host a Blood Drive on Sunday, Feb.
23, from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Bloodmobile
parked in front of the Parish Center.
Each donor receives a hot/cold gel
pack, donor reward points and free
health screenings. A photo ID is required. Contact the Parish Office at
359-2700 for more information.
Liturgical Minister Contacts
Altar Boys: Rev. Stephen Hamilton - 359-2700 [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Becky Cooper - 348-2402 - [email protected]
[email protected].
Liturgical Schedules: Kelli Pereira - 359-2700 [email protected].
Lectors: Sam Knipp - 844-7985 - [email protected]
Usher/Greeters: Mike Polito - 844-0426 [email protected]
Social Ministries Committee
Meets Monday, Feb. 10
6:30 p.m.
St. Patrick Room
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"You are the salt of the earth...you are the light of
the world." Being Christian is not supposed to be boring! On the contrary, Jesus gave us the mission to
bring flavor to the world, and to brighten things up
when they seem dark and dismal. What a misunderstanding it is to think that following Christ would ever
mean abandoning "the good life" or becoming dull servants of a rigid master. No, we are meant to be like
the salt that brings a delicious meal to perfection. We
are called to be the light that enables energy and activity. An authentic Christian is filled with life in the
truest sense, filled with the One who is "the way and
the truth and the life" (Jn 14:6).
Joy and gratitude are really meant to be at the heart
of the Christian experience. Our loving Father has
given us the gift of salvation and the hope of heaven as
free gifts. Because Christ has conquered sin and
death, we can exult with Easter joy all year long! This
is the good news we proclaim. It's not news that's
meant to be whispered in a private corner. Jesus tells
us to be a like a city set on a mountain, and a lamp
radiating light from a lampstand. We have a mission to
invigorate the world with the hope, the happiness, and
the fulfillment found in Christ.
Jesus said that we are in fact salt and light. The
question is only whether we will "lose our taste." That
of course is up to us. If we let our faith in the good
news fade, we are bound to grow dull. But when we
remain rooted in Christ, we will truly be able to let
our light shine.
Silent Retreat
"Silence is God's Music." Come away for a weekend
Silent Retreat where you can develop your creativity,
work on a project, discern your path, get closer to
God or just rest. The dates are Friday, April 11,
beginning at 9 a.m. through Sunday, April 13, at Noon.
The retreat is at the Pastoral Center and is facilitated by Katie Gordy, who will give three talks on the
role of creativity in our spirituality. Men and women
are welcome. To register or to ask questions, call Katie at 405-627-6954 or email her at [email protected].
Pray the
Before all Weekend Masses
4 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Youth Schedule
Sunday, Feb. 9, 7 p.m. - Youth Night - Youth Rm.
Sunday, Feb. 16, 7 p.m. - Youth Night - Youth Rm.
Sign up for Text Messages:
send text to: 405-703-6368
with message: @smc2013
Sunday, Feb. 9, 4:30 p.m. -Youth Night - Youth Rm.
Sunday, Feb. 16, 4:30 p.m.-Youth Night - Youth Rm.
Sign up for Text Messages:
send text to: 405-703-6368
with message: @jhyg2013
Youth Director - Rev. Cory Stanley - 359-2700
[email protected]
Opportunity for someone who has nursing experience to help a parishioner from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Please contact Bill Schraad at 341-7954.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Christian sympathy is extended to: Patty Christian at the death of her brother, Paul Seiter.
Sick and Suffering: Logan McDaniel, Margaret
Shawver, Andra Legere, Linda Krist, Grant Keener,
Coleen & Matt DePasse, Ron & Cathy Karpillo, Jill
Thomas, George & Rosemary Wizda, Bobbie Filippo,
Georgia Lamirand, Jim and Janet Hatcher, Lori Ackman, Janice Hardie, Art Hardie, Victoria Brown, Alex
Boyd, Judy Townsend, Charles Neal, Marlena Chenault, Deanna Biddle, Gail Norris, Micah Calise, Mike
Kenny, Mary Durand, Donna Miner, Fayelene
O’Connell, Rita Lawrence, Keaton Barron, Brock
Hart, Dick and Peg Feuerborn, Faye Norton, Anne
Foreman, Pat Lenhart, Emilyn Killough, Jeanette Bollman, Lisa McLaughlin, Debbie Yandell, Laura O’Hara,
Doug & Marla Robinson.
St. Monica Seminarians: Kelly Edwards, Jerome
Krug, Tomas Sandoval.
Military Overseas: Steve Reny, J.R. DeLeon,
Daniel Broda, Jacob Seibold, Jeremy Easley, George
Perry Jr.
February 9, 2014
I want to give an update on the exciting developments
in the liturgical formation we offer both our girls and
our boys. The numbers tell a good story. Before the
changes I instituted with altar serving our parish records show there were a total of 62 altar servers (36
boys; 26 girls). With the new altar boy program that
began last October we had 32 boys continue serving
and receive training for our new procedures. Added
to that we have 21 new boys trained who had never
previously been altar boys. That gives us presently a
total of 53 altar boys.
Another great sign of the vitality of our parish is the
response of our girls and young ladies to training as
lectors and sacristans. At our recent training we had
a total of 33 girls present. Of that group a high
number had never before been involved in any liturgical service.
Over the history of our parish our kids and youth
have always been excited to serve in various ways. I
give much credit to you parents for this! With a total of 86 girls and boys involved, we can rejoice
that we now have more kids than ever involved in
service at the Holy Mass, which is our most important
work as a parish and as disciples. I pray and expect
that these distinct areas of service for our youth will
strengthen their identities as young Christian women
and men as they serve and socialize in their respective
groups. I pray and expect that these distinct areas of
Archdiocesan Development
Fund (ADF) Appeal
We are most grateful to the loyal donors and all
new donors who have pledged to the Archdiocesan
Development Fund Appeal. If you were not present
or not prepared to make a commitment last weekend,
we invite you to do today by doing what Jesus would
do - sharing God-given talents with people of the
Catholic Foundation Scholarships Available
The 2014-2015 Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma
Scholarship Applications are now available. The
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
service will also contribute to a more effective promotion of the priestly vocation for our young men,
and a more effective promotion of the religious life
for our young women. Pope Francis at his Angelus
address last Sunday said: “Think of a Church without
nuns! It is unthinkable: these women are the gift, that
leaven that carries the People of God forward!
(Translation mine from the Italian original).” But I ask,
where are they? We need more young women to
respond to religious and consecrated life! The
Church suffers when we do not have this indispensable feminine witness. And considering our need for
priests for the Sacraments, we must do everything we
can to promote unambiguously this service for our
young men. Finally the above numbers I have shared
do not even touch upon the number of youth who
are very active with their talent in our choirs and
youth orchestra. We are truly blessed! I look forward to still more girls and boys becoming involved in
our liturgical formation programs. And I know our
choirs are always happy to have more youth involved.
The spirit among these groups of our girls and boys is
clearly contagious!
Sincerely in Christ
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Catholic Foundation offers a $6,000 scholarship
($1,500 per year) to students attending a nonCatholic college or university and a $12,000 scholarship ($3,000 per year) to students attending a Catholic college or university. These scholarships are
awarded to qualified undergraduate Catholic students
at the college or university of their choice and are renewable for up to four years as long as academic and
enrollment guidelines are maintained.
If interested, please visit the Catholic Foundation
website at www.cfook.org. If you have any further
questions contact the Catholic Foundation at 7214115 or [email protected]. Completed applications
are due no later than Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
Communion to the Homebound
If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital,
homebound or not able to get to Mass because of circumstances beyond their control, call the church office at 359-2700 so a Homebound Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion may bring them Communion.
A Gala Fundraiser event with Dinner and Auction will
be held Saturday March 29, at the Skirvin Hilton, in
downtown Oklahoma City. Tickets are $100 each.
There are many options for corporate tables. Some of
the live auction items include a trip to a beach house
in Destin, Florida and a trip to a lake house in ShangriLa, Grand Lake.
For more information call Birth Choice at 606-8428
GALA - This exciting evening planned for March 8
will benefit Catholic Charities’ Holy Family Home and
Sanctuary Women’s Development Center. Honoree,
Jim Everest, will be recognized at the festivities to be
held at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage
Museum in Oklahoma City. Guests will dine and be
entertained, so save the date for a grand green time.
Sponsors and auction items are needed at this time,
and tickets are available by calling Christopher Cowden, Catholic Charities, 405-523-3009 or [email protected].
Parish Mission Statement
The mission of St. Monica
Catholic Church is to spread the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rooted in
Scripture and our Catholic
Tradition, and nurtured by the
Sacraments, we will strive to
instill hope in the hearts of the
hopeless, to encourage trust in
God for those who are searching
for peace, and to build a loving faith community to
help one another along life's journey.
6 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Lighthouse Catholic Media Highlighted CDs
The Hidden Power of Forgiveness: Jeff Cavins unmasks
the trap of unforgiveness that prevents so many from
living in the freedom of God's peace and halts spiritual
progress. He explains with clarity how forgiveness
frees not only the one who is forgiven, but the forgiver. The importance of this is shown in Christ's
words - "As you forgive others, so I will forgive you."
Which Came First, the Bible or the Church? Have
you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be
found in the Bible? Here is a crash course in history
proving that the Bible is a Catholic book. Matthew
Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the
Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the
fullness of God's Word down through the centuries.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES’ ANNUAL MASS Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma
City invites you to attend the Annual Mass and
Awards Presentation on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 4 p.m.
Archbishop Paul Coakley will celebrate Mass at St.
Joseph Church, 421 E. Acres St. in Norman. Catholic
Charities’ service awards for 2013 will be presented in
the church after Mass. Following the award ceremony,
all are invited for an open house at 1100 N. Porter
Ave., Ste. 100, the site of our soon-to-open Sanctuary
Women’s Development Center in Norman. Please
RSVP for the open house by Monday, Feb. 17, at
[email protected] or 405-526-2308. All
are welcome.
This Week’s Title: A Great Sign in Heaven
All men of St. Monica Parish are invited to the That
Man Is You on Fridays, at 6 a.m. Doors open for a
free light breakfast at 5:30 a.m.
This nationally acclaimed program is open to all
men, regardless of marital status, who are committed
to upholding the Catholic Church’s teachings regarding the sanctity of marriage and family.
Join us each week for men’s fellowship with all new
material. For more information contact David
Lassiter at 924-6661 or Jerry Krittenbrink at 3178635.
February 9, 2014
Horario de Ministerios 16 de febrero, 2014
Proclamadores de la Palabra: Sagrario Godinez, Ventura
Ministros de Eucaristía: Francisco Medina, Endina Medina
Monaguillos: Edgar Barcenas, Gilbert Velez, Miguel Esparza
5o domingo del tiempo ordinario
Tema: Todos somos llamados a ser hijos de la luz.
Apuntes de la Palabra
Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy
Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra
¿Qué imágenes crean en su mente las palabras Luz y Sal?
Cuando escuchan y se imaginan esas cosas, ¿usan sus ojos y
sus papilas gustativas cuando las oyen?
Paso dos: Examinar su vida
Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué pueden hacer para llevar la
luz de Jesús a la vida de sus familiares, amigos y personas
que conocen?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Cómo se sienten cuando Jesús
dice que USTEDES son la sal de la tierra y que USTEDES
son llamados a ser la luz de los demás?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Qué esfuerzos específicos han
tomado para mantener su luz? ¿Ustedes dejan que su luz se
apague? ¿Por qué?
Deseo ponerlos al día referente a los desarrollos emocionantes en la formación litúrgica que ofrecemos tanto a
nuestros niños y niñas. Los números nos dicen algo bueno.
Antes de los cambios que yo he instituido nuestros registros parroquiales muestran que teníamos 62 acólitos (36
varones; 26 niñas). Con el nuevo programa de monaguillos,
que comenzó el octubre pasado tenemos 32 varones que
continúan sirviendo y han sido entrenados con los procedimientos. Aumentando a esto tenemos 21 que son nuevos
y entrenados que nunca antes habían sido monaguillos.
Eso nos da en la actualidad un total de 53 monaguillos.
Otra gran signo de la vitalidad de nuestra parroquia es la
respuesta de nuestras niñas y jovencitas a la formación como lectores y sacristanes. En nuestra formación reciente,
tuvimos un total de 33 niñas presentes. Este es un grupo
numeroso que no habíamos tenido antes en ningún servicio litúrgico.
A través de la historia de nuestra parroquia nuestros niños,
niñas y jóvenes han estado siempre muy contentos de servir de diversas maneras. ¡Yo atribuyo esto a los padres de
familia! Con un total de 86 niñas y niños involucrados,
podemos regocijarnos de que ahora tenemos más jóvenes
que nunca habían participado en el servicio a la Santa Misa,
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
que es nuestro trabajo más importante como parroquia y
como discípulos. Rezo y espero que estas distintas áreas
de servicio para nuestros jóvenes fortalezcan sus identidades de mujeres y hombres cristianos de tan sólo servir
y socializar en sus respectivos grupos. Al igual, rezo y
espero que estas distintas áreas de servicio también contribuirán a una promoción más eficaz a la vocación sacerdotal para nuestros jóvenes varones, y una promoción
más eficaz de la vida religiosa para nuestras jóvenes. El
Papa Francisco al dirigirse durante el Ángelus el domingo
pasado dijo: ¡"Piensen en una Iglesia sin monjas! ¡Es inconcebible: estas mujeres son el regalo, ellas ejercen
una influencia latente y poderosa que lleva al pueblo
de Dios hacia adelante!”
(Traducción mía del italiano original). Pero yo pregunto,
¿dónde están? ¡Necesitamos más mujeres jóvenes que
respondan a la vida religiosa y consagrada! La Iglesia sufre
cuando no tenemos este testimonio femenino indispensable. Y teniendo en cuenta nuestra necesidad de sacerdotes para los sacramentos, debemos hacer todo lo posible
para promover claramente este servicio para nuestros
jóvenes. Finalmente las cantidades anteriores que he
compartido ni siquiera tocan el número de jóvenes que
comparten su talento en nuestros coros y orquesta juvenil. ¡Estamos verdaderamente bendecidos! Espero que
aún más niños y niñas en participen en nuestros programas de formación litúrgica. Yo sé que nuestros coros
están siempre dispuestos a tener más jóvenes participantes . ¡El espíritu de estos grupos de nuestras niñas y niños es sin duda contagioso!
Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Hamilton
Hoy iniciamos la Solicitud Anual Arquidiocesana del 2014
en nuestra parroquia y en toda la Arquidiócesis de Oklahoma City. Es una oportunidad para unirnos con todos los
católicos de la Arquidiócesis para compartir nuestras bendiciones y el amor de Dios con otros. Su donación es importante. Por favor apoye las obras de la Educación Religiosa, Ministerio Hispano, Ministerio Pastoral, Actividades
de Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos, Programas de Vida Familiar,
y muchos otros servicios proveídos por la Arquidiócesis.Como siempre, nuestra meta parroquial de ADF para
este 2014 es de 100% de participación. ¡Tantas más buenas
obras podrían ser realizadas con una participación completa! No importa lo pequeña que sea su ofrenda, cada
donación es un acto de adoración a Dios. Busquen en sus
corazones y encontraran el amor de Dios allí. Denle las
gracias dándole su propia vida así como Jesús la daría siempre compartiendo con otros.
18th Annual “In The Father’s Footsteps”
Catholic Men’s Conference
Nursery Volunteers Needed
Nursery volunteers are needed during the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass. Please remember if your child uses
the Nursery, you need to volunteer your time and
talent to help out in that ministry. To sign up, see a
volunteer in the Nursery.
Liturgical Ministers - Usher Greeters
Desperate need for Usher Greeters during Saturday
Mass at 5 p.m. Please sign up at the Stewardship
Corner in the Narthex or call the Parish Office at
All men in the Parish are invited to attend the 18th
Annual Catholic Men’s Conference on Saturday,
March 1, at the Embassy Suites Convention Center in
Norman. The theme for this conference is “Stand
Firm in the Lord.”
Guest Speakers will be Steve Ray, author; Holly
Land, tour guide and conference favorite; Jeff Cavins,
author and Bible Timeline developer; Deacon Ralph
Poto, a leading voice for the New Evangelization, and
our Archbishop Paul Coakley, Archbishop of Oklahoma City.
Brochures are available in the Narthex or visit catholicmen.net to register. Cost for registration is $55
prior to Feb. 10 and $65 after this date. The cost for
high school students is $29 and $39 for college students.
Pray for Vocations
Thinking of a vocation to the Priesthood or to the
Religious Life? Visit vocations.com for all kinds of important information, including questions to help you
discern your future. Parents encourage your children
to consider the priesthood or religious life.
Growing in Faith
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week of February 9
We are all called to be children of the light
Breaking Open the Word
Programs & Activities to help all of us grow
in our faith. Reflection on the Scripture readings from our
Sunday Mass during the week.
Suggested text for faith sharing:
Today’s Gospel Reading
Step One: Listen to the Word. What images do
the words Light and Salt create in your mind’s eye?
When you hear and imagine those things, do you use
your yes and your taste buds when you hear them?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Todos los viernes a las 7:00 pm ¡Los esperamos!
( Cuidado gratis de niños.)
8 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Question for Children: What can you do to bring the
light of Jesus into the lives of your family friends and
people you meet?
Question for Youth: How do you feel when Jesus says
that YOU are the salt of the earth and that YOU are
called to be the light for others?
Question for Adults: What specific efforts do you take
to maintain your light? Do you let your light dim?
February 9, 2014
Children’s Corner
Thank you to our new adorers who have been
added to the schedule recently.
For parishioners or non-parishioners, please look
over the following holy hours and consider spending
at least part of your week with Our Lord in our
St. Augustine Chapel.
URGENT Adoration Need for Sunday, 5 p.m.; Monday, 2 p.m.; Saturday, 7 p.m.
Second Adorers are needed from 6 a.m. to Midnight
and Midnight to 6 a.m. These hours are difficult to assign, and the present adorers have been on the schedule for quite sometime and are very dependable.
When organizing an Adoration schedule it is desirable
to have at least two adorers for each holy hour
throughout the entire week. A special thanks goes out
to all of our Adorers.
Please contact Toni Harrelson at 341-2199 or [email protected] to sign up for a holy
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lorryn McGarry
Debbie Yandell
Nick Samarripas
Taylor McGarry
Don Hoffman
Nikki Schilling
Janet Long
Diane Hoffman
Scott Schilling
Michael Melssen
Pamela Reny
David Gottschalk
Melissa Simpson
Need volunteer
Need volunteer
Jennifer Cote
Greg Greenlee
Nick Caporale
Alisa Zelnicek
Steve Yandell
Tina Moore
Sheila Nardelli
Shawn Dowers
Ken Biddle
Bob Stracke
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Melani Roewe
SUNDAY, Feb. 16
Michelle Schaefer
Altar Boys
Perpetual Adoration
SAT Feb. 15
Helen O’Connor Chris Landolt
Carma Reagan
Debbie Collins
Mary Jane Bassett
Stacy Sample
Lenny Sever
Tony Martinez
Andrea Gonterman
Mary Sever
Carolyn Womack
Heather Barry
Wayne Cooper
Sheryl Lacy
Jackie Smith
Sue McGinley
Allison Weninger
`Mary Smith
Pat Gibson
Jim Howard
D Fredrickson
Jerry Jackson
R Fredrickson
Kristin Schwarz
E Schultingkemper
Christina Dukeman
Beth Goetz
Janet Harlan
Hudson Lacy
Wil Hundl
Austin Harkey
Brian Bogumil
McCann Bell
Chet Biesiada
Jack Berland
Jacob Landolt
John Paul Krug
Sean Pedulla
Families, couples and single persons
are welcome and encouraged to
spend time before the
Blessed Sacrament
To sign up for a Holy Hour,
contact Toni Harrelson at 341-2199
or [email protected]

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