St. Anne`s RC Church


St. Anne`s RC Church
St. Anne’s R.C. Church
“Our Love shines through” Est. 1895
88 Second Ave. Brentwood, New York 11717
(631) 273-8113 Fax (631) 436-7914
Parish Website: www.
Parish Email: [email protected]
The Pastoral Staff
Rev. Stanislaw Wadowski, Pastor
Rev. Eden Jean-Baptiste, Associate Pastor
Rev. Victor Evangelista Valses, Associate Pastor
Deacon Thomas R. Samson
Deacon Jay Alvarado
Deacon John E. Walters
Deacon Andres Colpa
Mrs. Marge Baum, Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Sue Lindsay, Director of Music
Mrs. Bertha Keenan, Director of Family Faith Formation
Mrs. Janet Lambert, Outreach Coordinator
Monday - Friday: 12:00 Noon and 5:30 PM (English)
Wednesday: 7:30 PM (French Creole)
Thursday: 7:30 PM (Spanish)
Saturday: 9:00 AM (English)
Saturday: 5:00 PM (English), 7:30 PM (Spanish)
Sunday: 7:30 AM (English), 9:00 AM (Spanish),
11:00 AM (English), 12:30 PM (French Creole),
5:00 pm—(English)
Will be announced as each Holyday is celebrated.
July 26th was the Feast Day of St. Anne
Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM in English & Spanish
PARISH MEMBERHIP: We welcome all new families! To register as a part of the family of
Saint Anne’s Parish, please stop by the Rectory Office to fill out a simple registration form.
You have joined a wonderful community!
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00a.m.-12:00 noon, 1:00p.m - 5:00p.m. & 7:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.
Friday & Saturday 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS.
Welcome • Bienvenidos • Bienvenue
To keep the faith alive for future generations, please consider
remembering St. Anne’s in your Will.
July 31, 2016 - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
$ 74,700.00
$ 54,181.00
No. Donors:
Percentage of Goal: 72.53%
We welcome the following children and their
families to our church through the
Sacrament of Baptism this past week:
Oswaldo A. Peralta, Noah G. Burgos,
Benjamin A. Skelly, Isabella C. Fonseca,
Catalina C. Rodriguez, Abigail N. Basto,
Mila J. Basto
Banns of Marriage
Hill Menelas & Marie Claude
Wedding , August 4, 2016
God is always ready to forgive,
Come back to Confession.
Confessions will be heard at 5:00 p.m.
before the 5:30p.m. Daily Mass
Monday through Friday.
Confessions will be heard at 8:30a.m., just before the
9:00 a.m. Spanish Mass on Sundays and at
10:30 a.m. just before the 11:00a.m. Mass
on Sunday .
This Year of Mercy is a Time to Heal,
to Help, to Forgive.
Also Every Saturday 4:00 p.m.—4:45p.m.
Just before 5:00p.m. Mass Or by appointment with a priest by calling
the Parish Business office 273-8113.
Confessions available in English, Spanish and French.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
9:00 +Charles Selva
+Elizabeth Jane Pinto
5:00 +Steve Piszar
+Daniel Walsh
7:30 (Spanish) +Fernando Francisco
+Ana Rogelia Fuentes (1st Anniv.)
+Jessica Fulca (1mes.)
En honor al Espiritu Santo
Sunday, July 31, 2016
7:30 - Holy Souls in Purgatory
St. Anne’s Parishioners Living and Deceased
9:00 - (Spanish) +Matilde de Quintanilla
+Diego Alejandro Salazar
Ana Melendez (Birth) (Liv.)
11:00- +Thomas C. Sergi (Birth. In Heaven)
Helen Minicozzi (Healing)
12:30- (Haitian) +Marie Aurelia Pierre-Louise
+Nancy Etienne
5:00 Miriam Reyes Lopez (Healing)
Souls in Purgatory
Monday, August 1, 2016
Noon - Maloyo Le Vigel (Liv.)
5:30 Tuesday, August 2, 2016
NOON – +Lynn Bush
+Adolf Muller
5:30Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Noon - Marieange Myrthil-Pierre (Birth.)
In Honor of the Holy Spirit
7:30 (Haitian) Available
Thursday, August 4,2016
Noon - Joanna Pricygodcinske (Liv.)
5:30 7:30 - (Spanish) Available
Friday, August 5, 2016
Noon Our Lady Intentions
Helen Selva (Liv.)
5:30 Souls in Purgatory
7:30 (Haitian)Nitaya Lamberts in thanksgivng
Saturday, August 6, 2016
9:00 McCormick Family (Liv.)
5:00 +John Perino
+Julia DeMattio
7:30 (Spanish) +Juan Irizarri
Sunday, August 7, 2016
7:30 - St. Anne’s Parishioners Living and Deceased
Holy Souls in Purgatory
9:00 - (Spanish) +Virginia Melendez
11:00- +Sisters at St. Joseph Living & Deceased
+Deacon Terry Rasanen
Mary Anne Conlon (Healing)
12:30- (Haitian) Harold James Lynch (Living)
5:00 Ivona Bartosik (Healing)
Irene Gore (Healing)
Please continue to keep all who are
participating in World Youth Day Poland
in your daily prayers. We pray for
enlightening of our youth and those
traveling with them and for their safe
return home.
Weekend of July 24, 2016
First Collection: $8,547.00
Second Collection: $3,103.00
Thank you to all who use their envelopes
and for those who just give from their
hearts and pockets.
Cristine Scolaro, Robert Newell Sr. Debbie Dicristofor,
Barbara O’Neil, Gary Margolis, Willie Canala, Isaiah Fontaine,
Margaret Calandra ,Connie Sassano. Carmela Inguanti,
Antoinette Inguanti, Joseph Inguanti Barbara Grabe,
George Grabe, Maurice Lalonde, Jenny Jamsy Rodriguez,
Pat Rasanen, Taylor Chanoine, Mary Ann Conlon
Steven Reyes
Thomas Shelton
Richard Laureano
William Suhr
Daniel Mejia Sr.
John Lampkin
Alexandria Talleriso
William Krausch Jr.
Matthew James Murphy
Jon Jay Uebel
Peter Daniel Rivera
Tyler Rodriguez
Angel Gonzalez
Christopher A. Cary
Americo Otero
Luis Vieta
Trinifer Garcia
Robert Gilman
Shawn G. Muller
Mariana Rodriguez
Colin McNulty
Joseph A. Rodriguez
Stacey Delano
Omer Cadet
Angel Gonzalez
Kevin Shaw
Stephen Gregory
Keith Jermyn
Ryan Gregory
Lord please continue to watch over them,
keep them safe and return them home to
a grateful nation and their families.
Baptism: For children under 5, please contact the Parish
Office (273-8113) for an appointment to speak with a Priest or
Deacon at least several weeks before the Baptism. For older
children, contact the Office of Family Faith Formation
First Holy Communion: Children usually begin Religious
Education studies in the First Grade and are prepared for
Communion in the Second Grade. Call the Family Faith
Formation Office (231-7344) to register your child the summer
before the school year begins.
Confirmation: This Sacrament is currently celebrated in
the Eighth Grade after 2 years of preparation. Please call the
Religious Education Office (231-7344) for more information.
Sacrament of the Sick: Call the Parish Office at any time
to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick either at home or in the
The Sacrament is celebrated every
Saturday from 4:00 - 4:45 PM in the Church or by appointment.
Marriage: Congratulations! Couples planning to marry
should make an appointment with a Priest or Deacon at least
eight (8) months in advance of the wedding to allow time for
adequate preparation.
Holy Orders: Is God calling you? Call a Priest or Deacon
to discern a possible vocation to the Priesthood, Diaconate or
the Religious life.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Each Thursday from
12:30 PM until 5:15 PM. First Friday from 5:30 PM until 7:00
PM. Rosary after the 12:00 daily Mass.
Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 12:00 Mass
and First Saturday from 8:15 - 9:00 AM.
St. Anne’s Outreach Ministry (Fr. Thomas Conerty
Outreach) is open every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from
9:00 a.m. until 1:00p.m. The Food Pantry operates on the
same days from 9:30 AM to 1:00p.m. only. Please call 2738113 ext. 229.
Parish Offices: 273-8113
Parish Fax: 436-7914
Office of Family Faith Formation: 231-7344
Fr. Thomas Conerty Outreach: 273-8113 ex 229
Haitian/American Apostolate: 951- 0129
Hospitality Too/Soup Kitchen: 482-8538
Our Lady of Providence Regional School: 234-6324
St. Anne’s Gardens (Senior Housing): 952-5411
Crisis Pregnancy: 243-2373 or 1-800-287-BABY
Pronto: 231-8290
Catholic Charities Immigrant Service:631-789-5235
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process by
which a teen or adult either joins the Church or completes their
Sacraments of Initiation. There is no fee. Please call the
Parish Office (273-8113) for more information.
As a community concerned with the process of educating our
young people, we turn to the family as the primary source of
passing on the faith. We attempt to form families in the faith for
this generation and the next. For more information and to register your family, call 273-8113 ext. 221
Every 3rd Friday of the Month; 9:00p.m. to the
Chapel next to Parish Business office. All are welcome.
“He abierto Mi Corazón
como una Fuente viva
de Misericordia. Que
todas las almas tomen
vida de ella. Que se
acerquen con gran
confianza a este mar de
(Diario 1520)
?Prepara al mundo para mi ultima
venida”. (Diario, 454)
“Hija mía, toma gracias que la gente
desprecia; toma cuantas puedas llevar”.
(Diario, 454)
Día Latine en el Santuario de la Divina
Misericordia en Stockbridge, Ma,
Sia: Sábado 6 de Agosto 2016
Salida: Iglesia St. Ana
Hora: 5:00 a,m,
Para mas información y compra de
Llamara a: Carmen E. 631-897-3151
Carmen N. 646-345-8591
Yolanda M. 631-336-3428
Esperanza J. 631-747-5062
Grupo de Oración San Miguel
Arcángel Invitación a todas la
Comunidad de Santa Ana
Segundo Domingo de cada
Lugar: Iglesia Santa Ana/
Hora: 2:00pm hasta la 4:00p.m.
Salón, Azul Planta baja de la
Iglesia Quedan todos
Cordialmente Invitados.
Para Mas Información:
Coordinadora: Alida Moreno
(631) 398-5213
Sub-Coordinadora: Rosa Marin
(631) 894-6649
Fr. Victor Evangelista, Coordinador
TEL: (631) 273-8113 Fax: (631) 436-7914
Santa Misas:
jueves, 7:30 PM; sábado, 7:30 PM;
domingo, 9:00AM
Confesiones: Los sábados, 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Primer y tercer sábado de cada mes a las 11:00 A.M. Clases prebautismales, segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:00A.M. Favor
de traer el acta de nacimiento del niño dos meses antes del
1. Copia de Fe o Certificado de nacimiento del niño o de la niña.
2. Certificado de inscripción de su Parroquia ( padres y padrinos).
3. Los padres deben traer estos documentos a la oficina de Santa
Ana para fijar las fechas de charla pre-bautismal (OBLIGATORIA
para padres y padrinos) y la fecha del Bautismo.
Parejas que planean su matrimonio, deben hacer una cita con
uno de los sacerdotes o diáconos ocho (8) meses antes de su
boda. De este modo tendrán suficiente tiempo para recibir las
instrucciones prematrimoniales y obtener los documentos
necesarios. Para mas información llame al 273-8113.
Exposición del Santísimo
El Primer jueves de cada mes a las 8:15 P.M.
Cursillo de Cristiandad - Gonzalo Marroquin 897-6906
Or Manuel Molina 988-0130 or Ultrella - jueves después de la
Misa de las 7:30 PM.
Renovación Carismática
Miércoles 7:30 PM. Coordinador, Martin Martínez 631-404-6084
Celeste Payano Sub-Coordinadora 631-231-6968
Grupo Juvenil Renacer viernes, 7:30 PM.
En los bajos de la Iglesia. Coordinador: Patricia Iglesias 631-7086958. Sub Coordinador: Victor Farfan 631-708-9120
Grupo Divina Misericordia
Cenáculos: 2do y 4to domingo de mes, desde las 2:00 PM. en
adelante. Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia los jueves después de
la Misa de 7:30pm: José y Carmen Núñez, 813-1490 y
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Alberto y Margarita Roman
Hermandad de Emmaus: Todos los martes a las 7 de la tarde
en la capilla del convento Coordinadores: Romilio Lorenzo 631404-5205 y Iris Emiliano: 631-813-1852. “Buscando la Vía del
Legión de María
Eva Díaz (631) 617-5547
R.I.C.A. Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos
Fr. Christopher 273-8113 lunes 7:30 - 9:00
Reunión de Coordinadores de Grupos
Esperanza Justiniano, Presidente. 747-5062
Reunión de la Comunidad y Café de Amistad
Cuarto domingo a las 10:30 AM.
Coro del Sábado y Coro del Domingo
Moisés Telenta 745-2164
Práctica: Domingos 6:00 PM
Fecha:Domingo,Agosto 7, 2016
Lugar:Sunken Meadow Park
Hora: 11:00 a.m.
(Despues de la misa de la 9:00 a.m.)
Todos Quedan Cordialmente Invitados.
Pueden traer sus Propias Comidas para
Compartir con la Comundad.
Date: Sunday, August 7, 2016
Place: Sunken Meadow Park
Time: 11:00 a.m.
(After the 9:00 a.m. Mass)
You are all Welcome to Come!!!!!!!!!
Bring some food to share with all the
Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National
Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016
Great News!
We have only ten more seats left for this trip!
In celebration of the Year of Mercy, the Diocese of
Rockville Centre offers this Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception, Washington, D.C.
Bus will depart from in Front of the Church at
5:30p.m. Sharp
12:00 p.m. The Angelus, Upper Church
12:10 p.m. Welcome and Introduction,
Information about the Shrine
12:15 p.m. Lunch, Tours, Gift Shop, Private
Prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Visit
to the Holy Door of Mercy and Individual
Confessions in the Reconciliation Chapel
3:00 p.m. Rosary in Word and Song,
Upper Church
4:15 p.m. Celebration of the Eucarist for the
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30 p.m. Departure
Bring your own Lunch and Snacks.
Cafeteria available at the shrine.
Our Outreach was very busy in June. We were able to assist 113 families. Within those
113 families were 34 seniors, 156 adults and 131 children. We had 18 new families.
Thanks to your donations we were able to give them extra food and toiletries.
The school year 2015-16 is completed and we are focusing on helping to supply our outreach children with the necessities to get a fresh start in September. The school supply list
for the Brentwood schools is quite extensive. Here are some of the items: 2-pocket folders
(laminated or plastic), 1” & 2” binders, loose leaf paper, pens, #2 Ticonderoga pencils,
pencil cases, highlighters, scissors, dry erase markers and erasers, thin washable markers,
rulers, post-its, glue sticks, ruled index cards, black & white
composition notebooks and 3 subject & 5 subject spiral notebooks. Please consider a small donation to help us give a
child those needed school supplies. These school supplies will be distributed at the end of August to the children of our
outreach clients.
The following items are needed: soup, jelly (small jars), cereal, toilet paper, tissues, paper
towels, shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brushes, disposable diapers sizes 3, 4 and 5, baby wipes, dish detergent, laundry detergent and pet food.
If you have any questions, please call me 273-8113 ext.229 Thank you for all you do for this
wonderful parish. Janet Lambert, Outreach Coordinator.
Fr. Eden Jean-Baptiste Tel: (631) 951-0129
Fax: (631) 436-7914
Office Hours: Monday 9 - 12:00 PM,
Wednesday - Thursday 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.–
1:00P.M.– 5:00 P.M.
Masses: Wednesday 7:30 P.M Sunday 12:30 P.M.
Pastoral Services
Charismatic Prayer Group, Mondays, 7:00 P.M.
Marian Devotions, Mondays, 7:00 P.M.
Prayer Vigil (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament):
First Friday of the Month
Veillez et priez, afin que
vous ne tombiez pas
dans la tentation; l'esprit
est bien disposé, mais la
chair est faible. (Mat 26 :41)
Prière avec la Confrérie St Michel
Tout les Samedis soir de 7:00hrs a
9:00hrs A la chapelle de St Joseph a
St Anne’s, Brentwood
Message From
Fr. Eden
Tout est vanité
Qu'est-ce qui fait le prix d'un
homme? Les biens qu'il amasse?
Non! tout cela n'est que du vent,
nous dit l'Ecclésiaste. Voici qu'un
homme qui demande a Jésus
d'intervenir auprès de son frère
pour un juste partage de l'héritage
paternel. Or, Jésus refuse de
trancher ce litige, car telle n'est pas
sa mission. En bien d'autres
circonstances encore, nous voyons
Jésus déplacer la question qu'on lui
pose, ou répondre par une autre
question, destinée a modifier la
perspective initiale de la personne
qui l'interroge. Ici, il prolonge sa
réponse négative par un
enseignement sur le danger des
richesses. Voila qui fait écho aux
réflexions de l'Ecclésiaste dans la
première lecture. Un homme s'est
donne beaucoup de mal pour
réussir, mais son bien reviendra a
un autre, qui n'a pas travaille. Que
restera-t-il de ses efforts? "tout est
vanité", répète l'Ecclésiaste. Jésus
dira:" Voila ce qui arrive a celui
qui amasse pour lui-même, au lieu
de s' enrichir en vue de Dieu."
Family Faith Formation Religious Education News
Registration Begins Monday, July 18th
To secure a spot, have sufficient materials and catechists,
register now.
Times: 4:00PM to 8:00PM Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays
($80 for 1 child; $100 for 2 siblings; $120 for 3 siblings)
“The family that prays
together stays together”
New Registration Information
To register the following is needed:
Birth Certificate
If received:
Baptism Certificate
First Communion Certificate
Reconciliation Certificate
Re-Registration Information: Letter s were sent in the mail to pr ior students.
Oficina de Formación de Familia en la Fe…Noticias
Fechas de Matricula Empieza el lunes, 18 de julio
Para asegurarse un puesto, tener suficiente materiales y catequistas,
inscríbanse ahora.
Horas: 4:00PM a 8:00PM lunes, martes, miércoles
($80 por 1 niño; $100 por 2 hermanos; $120 por 3 o mas hermanos)
Información para Nuevas Matriculas
Para matricularse necesita lo siguiente:
Acta de Nacimiento
Si han obtenido:
Certificado de Bautizo
Certificado de Primera Comunión
Certificado de Reconciliación
“La familia que reza unida permanece unida “
Información para Reinscripción: Car tas se han enviado por cor reo par a estudiantes ya
Fiesta de Santa Ana
Primer Lechón Anual Asado
Domingo, 14 de Agosto a las
3:00 p.m.
La fiesta se llevará a cabo en Los Caballeros
de Colon de Santa Ana justamente al lado del parqueo de la
Iglesia. Puede estacionar su auto en el parqueo de Santa Ana.
Lechón Asado/ Perros Calientes/ Hamburguesas/Pollo/
Ensaladas/ Mazorcas de Maíz /Sandia/ sodas/ Agua
Boletos están a la venta en la oficina Parroquial.
Adultos y Niños de 13 años en adelante: $10.00
Niños de 6 a 12 años $5.00. Niños menos de 5 años entrada gratis
Mega Rifa
¿Has comprado tu boleto de la “Mega Rifa”?
Contacte sus amistades y su familia para que compren
El boleto ganador en la Oficina Pastoral.
El sorteo se llevara a cabo el 14 de Agosto del 2016 en el
¡Primer Anual Lechón Asado!!!!
El costo de cada boleto es de $100.00
Primer Premio- $10,000
Cuarto Premio-$500.00
Segundo Premio-$2,000
Quinto Premio-$500.00
Tercer Premio-$1,000
Sexto Premio-$500.00
Séptimo Premio-$500.00
El vendedor del premio mayor también recibirá $500.00
( Si los 300 boletos no se venden, entonces los boletos ganadores serán

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