See these pages come alive! Costa Rica cuatrocientos


See these pages come alive! Costa Rica cuatrocientos
See these pages come alive!
La naturaleza: un lugar para relajarse
The active Arenal Volcano provides immense
heat to the waters nearby, which creates the
Tabacón hot springs. Costa Ricans and other
tourists come here to relax and enjoy the
health benefits of the springs’ mineral water
pools. Where can people go to relax and experience
nature in your area?
Las aguas termales de Tabacón y el Volcán Arenal
Los deportes acuáticos Costa Rica’s Pacific coast has
dozens of beaches where tourists come to sunbathe and
swim. More daring water sports, especially surfing, are
also very popular. Costa Rica hosted the 2005 World Surf
Kayak Championship. Where can people practice water sports
where you live?
Un competidor de surf kayac en Puntarenas
Las artesanías de madera The town of Sarchí
holds an annual festival for their carretas,
or wooden oxcarts. The carts were used to
transport coffee in Costa Rica in the 1800s,
before the construction of the railroad. Today’s
carretas are elaborately painted by hand, often
have musical wheels, and can be found in all
sizes, even as miniature souvenirs. What typical
handicrafts are made in the United States?
Las carretas,
artesanías típicas de Sarchí
Costa Rica
cuatrocientos siete