Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church


Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
1000 North Jefferson Avenue, Goldsboro NC 27530-3141
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor
Deacon Webster James
September 11, 2016— Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday Vigil
5:00PM English
7:00PM Spanish
10:00 AM English
1:00 PM Spanish
Fin de Semana
Sábado ~ 5:00 PM En Inglés
Sábado ~ 7:00 PM En Español
Domingo ~ 10:00 AM En Inglés
Domingo ~ 1:00 PM En Español
Días de Semana
9:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Viernes
7:00 PM Jueves en Español
No 9 AM Mass on Thursday
No hay Misa los Jueves a las 9 AM
Holy Days check inside Bulletin
Días Santos revisar el interior del Boletín
First Friday Adoration begins after morning Mass
and ends with Benediction at 9:30 PM.
Todos los viernes primero de mes de 10:00 AM Adoración
al Santísimo a 9:30 PM.
New members may register by calling the parish
office (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM).
Para registrarse hablar con Elvira Ponce
o llamar a la oficina
Mission Statement
Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working
together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the
Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others.
Misión de la Parroquia
La parroquia de Santa María es una comunidad
católica y diversa que trabaja unida para vivir el
evangelio, crecer en fe por la Eucaristía y compartir
nuestros talentos en servicio a otros.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor….ext.227
Deacon Webster A. James..….ext.229
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Carole Sears……………..ext.234
Liturgy Coordinator
Mrs. Debbie Gambella,
Parish Secretary…………...…ext.210
Mrs. Diana Ponce,
Parish Secretary………..........ext.226
Mrs. Tracey Davis,
Parish Bookkeeper…..…...….ext.228
Mrs. Vicki Ellis,
Choir Director, 10:00 AM
Mr. Philip Eubanks, Organist
Mr. Mike Nault, Organist & Choir
Director, 5:00 PM
Mr. Van Tran, Sacristan
Office: 919 735-1931
FAX: 919 735-1917
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mrs. Lynn Magoon,
Mrs. Anne Marie Gambella,
Admn. Assistant…………......ext.211
Mr. Harold Jones,
Mr. Larry Jones,
Chair Harold Breindel, Vice-Chair Gene
Seward, Secretary Robert Lewis, Finance Council Chair John Heeden, Silverio Bárcenas, Ralph Benedetto, Pat
Emery, Renisha Gonzalez, Anne Hurrey,
Paula Long, Phyllis Radford
The Parish Advisory Council meets August through May. Our next meeting will
be September 27th, at 6:00 p.m. in the JPII
Conf. Room. All parishioners are invited
to attend.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Mass Intentions and Readings
for September 10 to September 18
Office (Oficina): 919 734-5033
FAX: 919 580-0730
[email protected]
Mon. 9/12
Tue. 9/13
Wed. 9/14
Thu. 9/15
Fri. 9/16
Sat. 9/17
Sun. 9/18
1 Corinthians 10:14-22; Psalms 116:12-13, 17-18; Luke 6:4349
Amy Peart Harl, dec. by Bob & Gerry Crocker
Jose J. Mercado, dec. by his daughter
Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14; Psalms 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19;
1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-32 [1-10]
Mr. & Mrs. M.B. Kostley, dec. by Joan Todaro & Family
Pro Populo
1 Corinthians 11:17-26, 33; Psalms 40:7-10, 17; Luke 7:1-10
Robert Ames, dec. by Grace Bondanella
1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31a; Psalms 100:1-5; Luke 7:11-17
Unborn by Kuczynski Family
Numbers 21:4b-9; Psalms 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Philippians 2:6-11;
John 3:13-17
For a Special Intention by Gia Nguyen
1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Psalms 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28; John
19:25-27 or Luke 7:36-50
End of Abortion by Gia Nguyen
1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Psalms 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Luke 8:1-3
Amy Peart Harl, dec. by Fr. Alex & St. Mary Parish
1 Corinthians 15:35-37, 42-49; Psalms 56:10c-14; Luke 8:4-15
Charles Jones, dec. by Fr. Alex & St. Mary Parish
Pro Populo
Amos 8:4-7; Psalms 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Timothy 2:1-8; Luke 16:113 [10-13]
Joseph (Randy) Ruggery, dec. by Tommy & Sterling Jarrett
For an end of abortion by Gia Nguyen
Penance and Reconciliation
Saturday ~ 4-4:40PM and by appointment.
Baptisms are during Mass the third weekend of each month. Preparation is required
before scheduling the time and date.
Contact the Deacon six months in advance of
the ceremony.
Sacrament of the Sick
If you wish to receive the sacrament of the
sick during a prolonged illness or before
surgery, please call the office.
If you wish to receive communion from a
Eucharistic Minister due to illness, age, or
handicap, please call the office. These visits are made after the Mass has been celebrated.
The Sanctuary Lamps for the
week of September 11 to September 17
The Church Lamp is lit in loving
memory of John Czarnecki by Vince
& Gail Bobrowski.
Chapel Lamp is available to lite in
Honor of or Memory of a person or
event. Just call the Parish Office at
919-734-5033 ext. 210 or 226.
Altar Flowers
Altar flowers in thanks giving of
Dr. Zara’s 1 year of good health
by his family.
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fall Festival Time…
It is time to start preparing for our
Annual Fall Festival which will
be held on Saturday, October 1,
2016. If you can help with the Festival we would welcome your assistance. It takes many hands to make
this event a parish success. Please,
call the Parish Office at 919-7345033 ext. 210 or ext. 226 if you
would like to assist with the Fall
Festival. Next Fall Festival meeting
is on Monday, September 19 at
6:00pm. Fall Festival is fast approaching if you would like to
sponsor one of our “Inflatables”
please call the Parish Office at 919
-734-5033 ext. 210 or ext.226.
The Bible Timeline...
The Story of Salvation by Jeff Cavins
From: August 19, 2016, to February
25, 2017. Meets Friday from 10:00
am to 11:30 am. To sign up, please
email the Leader, Rita Kierski with
your email address and she will send
you an online sign-up link.
[email protected]
This study meets in the JPII
Conference Room. This study is 26
“The Prophets; Messengers of God’s
Mercy.” Ten DVD and discussion
sessions beginning September 14,
2016, Wednesday evenings, from
7:00 PM to 8:15 PM. Cost is $25,
scholarships are available. Books
must be pre-ordered. Do you feel the
world is in turmoil? Discover how
the prophets speak to us today, shedding light on our faith and our
lives. For more information contact
Anne Hamm, 919.222.3204, [email protected], or Deacon
Webster James in the parish office.
How Well Do you Know Jesus? On
September 28, our parish will begin
the Priest, Prophet, King study program. To find out more information,
please contact by Phone at
919.648.5833 or email at: [email protected]. You
can also stop by the parish office to
sign up.
September 11, 2016
Parish Calendar
Sunday, September 11-23th Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Rosary for Life
* Respect Life Meeting
* AAMEN Meeting
* FF Middle & High School
* FF K to 5th Grade
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
Before Mass
After 10:00am Mass
After 10am Mass
11:15am to 11:45am
11:30am to 12:30pm
after 1:00pm Mass
Monday, September 12
* Ladies Guild Meeting
* Spanish Prayer Group
JPII Conf. Room
Tuesday, September 13
* SVDP Meeting
* Perpetual Novena
* Legion of Mary
* K of C Business Meeting
6th Grade Room
7:00pm to 8:30pm
5 Star Restaurant
5th Grade Room
6:00pm to 8:00pm
6:00pm to 8:00pm
7:00pm to 8:30pm
Wednesday, September 14
* 27:17 Fellowship (Men’s Group)
* School Liturgy
* SM Anchors Meeting
* Youth Board Meeting
* Prophets– Bible Study
Thursday, September 15
* Book Club
* 10:00am Choir Practice
* Spanish Bible Study
Friday, September 16
* Prayer Group
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
JPII Conf. Room 10:00am to 11:30am
Saturday, September 17
* Altar Server Training
* 5:00pm Choir Practice
10:00am to 11:00pm
Sunday, Sept 18—24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
* FF Middle & High School
* FF K to 5th Grade
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
After 10am Mass
11:15am to 11:45am
11:30am to 12:30pm
after 1:00pm Mass
Offertory Report
Our next Scrip order goes in on Tuesday, September 20th at 8:30am. If
you would like to order Scrip please,
be sure to have your order in the Parish Office on Tuesday, September 20th
by 8:15am.
August 28
Family Life Center: $1,543.51
Second Collection September 18:
Priests’ Welfare & Retirement
Special Collection September 18:
Flood Relief in Louisiana
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
In our thoughts and
Pray for the intentions of those in
nursing facilities, the homebound,
the chronically ill, and those who
are critically ill.
Please remember in a special way
the following parishioners who
have requested your prayers:
Santiago Acevedo, Dolores &
Gary Barton, Joseph Brickhouse,
Marco Castaneda, Judy Cordeiro,
Maria del Socorro Cruz, Lee &
Sarah Davis, Marjorie Dixon,
Mary Lindsey Edwards, Elaine
Evans, Sr. Maryla Farfour, IHM,
Gustavo Gonzalez, Johan Gonzalez, Agnes Harris, Mary Hayman,
Chuck & Mary Hansen, Rogisides
Jaimes, Laura Jones, Snag Kannan, Dianne Kendall, Chuck Kirk,
Bertha Kish, Lynn Kuczynski,
Gary & Emma Lampson, Erma
Lawrence, Diana Lewis, Pat
Marguglio, Billie Myers, Betty
Paquette, Lucille Pelech, Wilbert
& Mary Perry, Nellie Ryan, Angela Scalia, Kevin Ulrey, Natalie
Ulrey, Azeneth Viafara, Richard
O LORD of hosts, restore us;
Let your face shine upon us (Psalm
The Psalmist cries a lament, expressing the mourning of the Israelite people, the chosen of God, who had
regarded themselves as untouchable
and above reproach, now hurled into
misery. The lament expresses a nation's agony, dares to complain
against their divine protector, may
even own some complicity in the
misery, and finally pleads with God
for deliverance.
In the midst of lamenting, the faith
of Israel endured, as must ours. We
are as vulnerable as they were to the
violence and hatred that seem to encircle us. Our demand for a divine
explanation goes unheeded. Yet we
have learned of the self-sacrificing
heroism of many, witnessing to the
finest character of our nation and of
our Christian heritage. Dying for
one's friends is a sacred theme in our
story, epitomized in Jesus, our Savior, and extended through centuries
in the grandest and noblest acts of
men and women in all circumstances.
In 2001 we came together as one
nation under God, sharing the grief,
the disillusionment, and the promise
to rebuild. As today we lament our
honored dead and wounded, shall
we translate such agonizing emotion
into a persistent pursuit of worldwide reconciliation and peace?
--Rev. Andrew Nelson, Copyright (c)
J. S. Paluch Co.
If you would like your name included in the Prayers for the Sick
in the Bulletin please contact our
coordinators for “Prayers for the
Sick”, Gloria at 919-734-3810 or
Barbara at 919-751-0024.
Grandparents Day is Sunday,
September 11th...remember
your Grandparents with a
phone call or special prayer.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
September 11, 2016
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary
When religious people complained
that Jesus welcomed and ate with
sinners, Jesus challenged them to
change their image of God. Imagine God as a shepherd, abandoning
ninety-nine obedient sheep to seek
the stupid one who got lost. Imagine God as a distraught woman
(could religious men imagine
that?), losing something and turning the house upside down to find
it. Imagine God as an unconditionally forgiving father granting an
unworthy son an undeserved feast.
Then Jesus added a character
whom religious people might imagine, even recognize, all too well.
The elder son stayed home; obeyed
the father's will; then exploded
with rage and judgment and refused to join his brother's welcomehome feast. This Jubilee Year of
Mercy asks, which half of Jesus'
audience do I belong to? How do I
imagine God? How can I become
like the searching shepherd, the
sweeping woman, the forgiving
father? How else can I expect a
welcome to Jesus' feast of forgiveness?
--Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J.
S. Paluch Co., Inc.
SVDP Needs the Following…
Our SVDP Society is in need of the
following items for their food pantry:
noodles, macaroni and cheese, canned
chicken, canned fruit, and spaghetti
sauce (small size) . Also, we are starting to collect personal care/cleaning
Toothbrushes/toothpaste, deodorant,
lotion, soap/body wash, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaners, toilet paper, paper towels and washcloths.
Thank you for your generosity to the
Society and for your help in helping
us to care for those in need.
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 11, 2016
Diocese of Raleigh
Saint Mary School Corner
Keeping Spirit and Faith in Education
The week of September 12 at SMS:
Friday, 9/16 is a student holiday while staff members work
on their accreditation self study
Monday, 9/19 is a student holiday while staff members go to
Raleigh for Professional Development with other Diocesan
Lunch is
Come learn about healthy food
choices for your family with Dr.
Frost! September 15, 2016 at 6:30
in the 5th grade classroom.
"I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people
don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of
our ambivalence, a signal that
we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus."
-Faye Wattleton
Please, pray the
Rosary for an end to
Bring a Dish...
The St. Mary Ladies Guild will
open this season with a covered dish
supper at 6:30 pm September 12,
2016 in the school cafeteria. All
women of the parish are invited to
attend. Bring a dish to pass and an
item for our Italian basket to be assembled for the Fall Festival. Present members will be contacted by
their calling committee captain.
New members contact Joyce Kelly
919-778-2643 with any questions.
Altar Server Training…(SMS
and Home School)
Altar server training will be open
to SMS students and Home school
students. Training will start on
Wednesday Sept. 14, 21, 28 in the
church from 3:15pm to 4:00pm.
Altar Server Training….
(Public School)
Altar server training will be open
for Grades 5—High School. Training will start on Saturday, September 17 and September 24 at
10:00am to 11:00am for any questions please call Jeannie Horton at
(919) 394-3802.
St. Paul reminds us that Christ will
strengthen us and that there is
abundant grace, faith and love
available to us through Christ Jesus. All of this is available to us in
our everyday lives and in our marriages. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends
are: Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2016 in Myrtle
Beach, SC and Nov 4-6, 2016 in
Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up
is recommended. For more information visit our website at:
or contact us at [email protected]
or 704-315-2144.
Wedding Anniversary Mass
To pay tribute to the sacred vocation of marriage, Bishop Michael
Burbidge will celebrate a Wedding
Anniversary Mass on Sunday October 16 at 4:00 pm at St. Michael
the Archangel Catholic Church,
804 High House Road, Cary NC
honoring couples married 25, 50 or
more than 50 years. Family members are welcome to attend. Please
register by October 10th for this
special Mass through your Parish
office or on-line at Questions please call the Office of Marriage and Family at 919-821-9771.
Ignited by Truth…
Ignited By Truth Speaker
Church Angels needed…
We are in need of Church Angels
that would help keep our church &
chapel clean. If you could help
once a month to dust our church,
please call the parish office at
ext.210 or ext.226. Thank you in
advance for your help.
Saturday, October 22, 2016 6:309:30pm St. Mark Catholic Church,
Wilmington. Hector Molina, Proclaiming the Fullness of Truth with
Passion and Purpose. $10 online or
$15 at the door. Includes dinner! Program will also be offered
in Spanish on Sunday, October 23,
2016 3:00-5:30pm with free admission sponsored by St. Mark’s
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Goldsboro, N. C.
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 11, 2016
Iglesia Católica Romana Santa María
Padre John Alexander Gonzalez
919 734-5033 ext. 227
Bautismos—Elvira Ponce 919-252-0768
Bautismo: Asistir a la preparación, padres y padrinos y
fijar la fecha con el sacerdote.
Confesión: Sábados de 4:00pm a
Para enfermos en el hospital o en casa
comuníquese con la parroquia.
Unción de los Enfermos: Si usted quiere recibir el sacramento por enfermedad
u operación favor de comunicárnoslo.
Comunión para enfermos: Si tiene algún familiar en el
hospital o en casa que desee recibir la
comuníquese con la parroquia.
Matrimonios: Iniciar la preparación
con seis meses de anticipación.
Platicas Pre-Bautismales
Requisitos: Con la señora Evelyn
∗ Asistir a las pláticas, padres y padrinos.
∗ Traer copia del acta de nacimiento
del niño (a).
∗ Traer copia del acta de matrimonio
de los padrinos.
∗ Llenar una solicitud por niño.
∗ Estar registrados o registrarse en la
Estar bautizado.
Haber hecho la primera comunión.
Ser mayor de 15 años
Estar en noveno grado
Requisitos: Con la señora Evelyn
∗ Solicitarla 1 meses antes
∗ Donación Voluntaria
∗ Se hacen solo en la Misa del Sábado
o Domingo
XV Años
Si cumples y/o deseas celebrar tus XV
años en los primeros 6 meses del año te
invitamos a inscribirte para la preparación:
∗ Estar bautizada
Haber hecho la primera Comunión
Inscribirse con 6 meses de anticipación con María la coordinadora.
Asistir a la preparación
Llevarse un volante de información
y seguir las reglas.
El salmista grita un lamento que expresa luto por el pueblo israelita, el
elegido de Dios, el cual se cree intocable y por encima del reproche, y
que ahora está en la miseria. El
lamento es la agonía de una nación
que se atreve a quejarse en contra de
su divino protector, quien puede ser
en parte responsable de esa miseria,
pero al final clama a Dios por su
En medio de los lamentos, la fe de
Israel sufrió, como le pasa a la nuestra. Somos tan vulnerables como lo
fueron ellos a la violencia y al odio
que parece rodearnos. Nuestra exigencia por una explicación de la
divinidad caen en saco roto. Más
aún, aprendimos del sacrificio altruista y heroico de muchos, dando
testimonio de lo mejor de nuestra
nación y herencia cristiana. Morir
por los amigos de uno es el tema
sagrado de nuestra historia personificada por Jesús, nuestro Salvador, y
prolongada a través de los siglos en
las acciones nobles y extraordinarias
de hombres y mujeres en todas las
En el 2001 nos unimos como una
sola nación, compartiendo el dolor,
la desilusión y la promesa de reconstruirnos. Así como hoy lloramos y
honramos a los muertos y heridos,
¿debemos interpretar esta emoción
dolorosa en una búsqueda perseverante de paz y reconciliación en el
--Rev. Andrew Nelson, Copyright
(c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
11 de septiembre de 2016
Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
Cuando algunas personas muy
cumplidoras de los preceptos religiosos se quejaron que Jesús se juntaba y comía con pecadores, Jesús los
desafío a cambiar su imagen de Dios. La imagen de Dios como un pastor que abandona a noventa y nueve
ovejas para buscar a la más despistada que se perdió. La imagen de Dios
en una mujer preocupada (¿podrían
los hombres religiosos imaginarlo?)
que perdió algo y pone "la casa patas
arriba" para encontrarlo. La imagen
de Dios como un padre que incondicionalmente perdona a un hijo indigno y además celebra su regreso
con una fiesta. Luego Jesús añade a
otra persona con quien las personas
religiosas podrían de alguna manera
reconocer y, también todos nosotros.
El hijo mayor que estaba en casa, un
hijo obediente a la voluntad de su
padre, luego reaccionan con rabia y
juicio y, se niegan a unirse a recibir
en casa a su hermano. Sin duda que
en este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia se nos pregunta ¿con cuál audiencia te identificas? ¿Cómo tú te imaginas a Dios? ¿Cómo puedo
hacerme como el pastor y la mujer
preocupados, el padre comprensivo?
¿De que otra manera puedo esperar
una bienvenida a la fiesta del perdón
de Jesús?
--Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S.
Paluch Co., Inc.
Día de los abuelos es el
Domingo, 11 de Septiembre...recuerda a tus abuelos con
una llamada telefónica o una
oración especial.
Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
11 de Septiembre del 2016
Lecturas De La Semana
1 Corintios 5:1-8; Salmos 5:5-7, 12; San Lucas 6:6-11
1 Corintios 6:1-11; Salmos 149:1b-6a, 9b; San Lucas 6:12-19
1 Corintios 7:25-31; Salmos 45 (44):11-12, 14-17; San Lucas 6:2026
Miqueas 5:1-4a o Romanos 8:28-30; Salmos 13 (12):6; San Mateo
1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22b-27; Salmos 84 (83):3-6, 12; San Lucas
1 Corintios 10:14-22; Salmos 116 (115):12-13, 17-18;
San Lucas 6:43-49
Éxodo 32:7-11, 13-14; Salmos 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1
Timoteo 1:12-17; San Lucas 15:1-32 [1-10]
Es el Tiempo Festival de Otoño…
Es el momento de empezar a prepararse para
nuestro Festival Anual de Otoño, que se llevará
a cabo el Sábado, 1 de Octubre de 2016. Si usted
puede ayudar con el Festival le daríamos la bienvenida a su ayuda. Se necesitan muchas manos
para hacer de este evento un éxito en nuestra parroquia. Por favor, llame a la Oficina Parroquial al 919-734-5033 ext. 210 o ext. 226 si le gustaría ayudar con el
Festival de Otoño.
Necesitamos Ángeles de la
Estamos en la necesidad de los
Ángeles de la Iglesia que puedan ayudará a mantener nuestra
iglesia y capilla limpia. Si usted
podría ayudar una vez al mes a
desempolvar nuestra iglesia, por
favor llame a la oficina parroquial al ext.210 o ext.226. Gracias de antemano por su ayuda.