St. Stephen Protomartyr Church What makes one successful in life
St. Stephen Protomartyr Church What makes one successful in life
St. Stephen Protomartyr Church ~ 847-824-2026 Rev. Noel Reyes, Pastor Rev. Ronald Paulino, RCJ What makes one successful in life? Qué hace que uno tenga una vida exitosa? Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Dear Friends and Parishioners, Estimados amigos y feligreses, What makes one successful in life? Qué hace que uno tenga una vida exitosa? I finished college. I have a good paying job. I travelled a lot and visited plenty of places in the world. I was able to buy a house at a very young age. I have good relationships, a nice and caring wife as well as loving children and in-laws. I am a well recognized supervisor in my company. I am the delegate of our company abroad. My superiors commend me for all my hard work. I built and constructed buildings and bridges. I have good and powerful connections. My faith community commends me for all the work that I do in the name of charity. I have plenty of achievements and the world praises me for being who I am. Yes, I am very successful. Do I have a deeper fulfillment? Terminé la universidad. Tengo un trabajo que paga bien. He viajado mucho y visitado muchos lugares en el mundo. He comprado una casa estando muy jóven. Tengo buenas relaciones, una esposa bonita y amorosa, unos hijos adorables y unos buenos suegros. Soy un supervisor reconocido en mi compañía. Soy el delegado de mi empresa en el extranjero. Mis superiores me felicitan por mi trabajo duro. He construido puentes y edificios. Tengo conexiones importantes y poderosas. Mi comunidad de fe me felicita por todo el trabajo que hago en nombre de la caridad. Tengo un montón de logros y el mundo me elogia por ser quien soy. Sí, soy muy exitoso. Sin embargo, ¿Tengo un compromiso más profundo? But, are all the things that I have done and I am doing, the things that God wants me to accomplish? ¿Son todas estas cosas que he hecho y estoy haciendo, las cosas que Dios quiere que logre?. Soy totalmente exitoso cuando puedo discernir I know that I am fully successful when I come to profundamente que Dios está creando continuadiscern profoundly that God is continuously cre- mente cada día a través de mí, porque hago su ating each day through me, because I do His will. voluntad. (A thought at the end of the day). Fr Noel (Un pensamiento al final del día). P. Noel Pray for the Sick and the Homebound Masses, Intentions & Liturgies MONDAY, JUNE 27 REQUESTED BY: 8:00am †Francisca Reyes Davis & Helen Reyes-Paiso †Ed Krol Chuck & Judy Cooper †Elizabeth Ostien Chuck & Judy Cooper TUESDAY, JUNE 28 ~ St Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr 8:00am For the Sick WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 6:00pm †Christopher Galanto Garcia Odi & Net THURSDAY, JUNE 30 8:00am For Priestly & Religious Vocations FRIDAY, JULY 1 8:00am †Beatrice Krystyn Dennis Krystyn SATURDAY, JULY 2 8:00am For the Intentions of Archbishop Cupich 12:00pm Quinceañera ~ Jessica Lopez 5:00pm †John Ochocki Dennis Krystyn †Eleanor Braun Jim & Terri Dahm †Robert Pelinski, Jr Jim & Terri Dahm †June Cawley Chuck & Mary Giroux †Loretta Greco Johnson Family SUNDAY, JULY 3 8:30am Marimel Dulay, special intention Family 10:00am †Joe Palermo Family †Dick & Marion Vana Dulay Family †Bud Wenk Joy Joseph †Francisca Reyes Sharon & Daniel Brinkman †Ralph Kleczewski Steve Jozefow †Patti Brogmus Annette Roeder Lorraine Forbes Claro Dulay Laverne Reilly Marty Vece Mark Gelinas Alex Rodriguez Marie Wienert Michael Kramer Tom Niemczyk Michael Fudala Jose Camarillo Kay Kleczewski Judy Waring Frances Shute Al Koziol Phil Scherer Norma Jean Delos Reyes David Palacios Dolores Jarosz-Ortmann Marge Kopec Vicki Foy Jerome Jacoby Norman Kozlowski Terri Ring Marimel Dulay Please pray for our sister in Christ who was born to eternal life: Editha Alfonso Grant eternal rest unto her O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her, and through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. 12:00pm Quinceañera ~ Guadalupe Ortiz Baptism ~ Emilio Martinez Liturgical Ministries Schedule PRESIDER LECTOR LEADER OF SONG COMMUNION MINISTERS MINISTERS OF CARE ALTAR SERVERS B Veslino G Stauder R Ranola July 2 5:00 PM Rev John Era Sr F Rolfes R Thomas Cantor C Ahanihu S Clark C Darrey N Johnson July 3 8:30 AM Rev Ronald Paulino, RCJ C Cooper G Schetter Cantor J Kozlik G Raupp E Samp J Szczesniak July 3 10:00 AM Rev John Era M Bilodeau C Wojnar Folk Choir J Kwarcinski P Rotondo B McGahan M Scully C Mendoza P Suerth J Niemczyk B Suriano C Janzen G Figueroa K Figueroa July 3 12:00 PM Rev Isaac Lara M Moreno L de Luna Spanish Choir R Velasco B Carrasco L Bahamon R Bahamon J Ibarra Y Alfaro C Avalos G Gaglio Lee Manor N/A S Alvarado J Alvarado I Fajardo STEWARDSHIP for Fiscal Year July 2015—June 2016 6/19/16 Budgeted $7,500 $5,800 Sunday Collection Other Income Electronic Giving Extraordinary Expenses For Week $13,300 Surplus (Deficit) for Week Surplus (Deficit) for Year Actual $5,169 $2,065 $225 $2,705 $10,164 ($3,136) ($39,956) Last Year $6,313 $3,356 $2,941 Please go to our website and click on the green online giving icon. If you are a new user, then click on the link “Sign up for a new account” and follow the prompts as directed. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Center office. Weekly Parish Events/Eventos Parroquiales Semanales DATE/EVENT LOCATION Monday, June 27, 2016 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion 7:30pm Charismatic Choir Practice Chapel Church Tuesday, June 28, 2016 6:30pm Traditional & Fil-American Choir Church Music Room 7:00pm Folk Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:00pm Grupo de Oracion Vigilia Thursday, June 30, 2016 1:00pm HandMades 7:00pm Sol Azteca Friday, July 1, 2016 1:00pm Golden Hearts 3:00pm First Friday Adoration 7:00pm Hispanic Choir Saturday, July 2, 2016 Sunday, July 3, 2016 Church Parish Center Mezydlo Room Gym Church Music Room Marisol Reyna & Edgar Juarez Children’s Backpack Ministry Thank you so much for your wonderful generosity. The Father’s Day collection was a huge success and we will continue to collect throughout the summer. Ministerio "Morral para los Niños" Muchas Gracias por su maravillosa generosidad. La colecta del Día del Padre fue todo un éxito y la seguiremos llevando a cabo durante el verano. Our Golden Hearts enjoyed a performance by the Galina Studio dancers of Des Plaines. Homeschool Religious Education Program is now accepting registration forms for the 2016-2017 school year. *Returning families need to submit their registrations forms to the office by the end of June. *For new families, please call the office to register at 847-824-2026. Thank you. "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." ~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta “El ayer se ha ido. El mañana aún no llega. Sólo tenemos el día de hoy. Empecemos." - Madre Teresa de Calcuta Garden Club The garden club is looking for people to help with the gardens around church. We are also looking for plants, perennial or annual. For more information, please call Phyllis at the Parish Center. 847-824-2026 Church News & Events // Eventos y Noticias Iglesia AVISOS PARROQUIALES ANNOUNCEMENTS **FirstFridayAdorationwillbeonJuly1stfrom 3pm‐7pm. **LaAdoració ndelPrimerViernesserá el1rode juliode3pma7pm. **Our4thofJulyMasswillbeat9amontheVirgin **LaMisadel4dejulioserá alas9amenelPatio MaryCourtyard. delaVirgenMarı́a. **JoinusforouroutdoorWednesdayMassesat **Acompá ñ enosalasmisasdelosmié rcolesalas 6pm.Therewillbenocommunionserviceinthe 6pmenelpatio.Nohabrá ServicioEucarı́sticoen morning. lamañ ana. **PleasejoinustowelcomeFrNoelbackonSa‐ turday,July9that6pminthegym.Pleasebringa **Todosestá ninvitadosalamisadebienvenida delPadreNoel,eldı́a9dejulioalas6pmenel dishtoshare. gimnasio.Porfavortraerunplatilloparacompar‐ tir. Please join us this summer for our St Stephen Cafe on the Virgin Mary Courtyard When: July 10, 17 & 24 August 7, 14, 21 & 28 Acompáñenos este verano al Café de San Esteban en el Patio de la Virgen María Fechas: Julio 10, 17 & 24 Our outdoor cafe will be hosted Agosto 7/ 14, 21 & 28 by our ministries and assisted by our confirmation candidates after El café al aire libre será ofrecido the Sunday Masses. Food and drink items will be on sale and the proceeds will go towards our sound system. por todos los ministerios y asistido por los candidatos de Confirmación después de las misas del domingo. Se tendrá a la venta comida y bebidas y el dinero recaudado será para el sistema de sonido. Call today to arrange a tour ~ 847-437-4022 Family Owned and Operated Since 1883 by the Matz Family Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] MT. PROSPECT 410 E. 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RIVER RD., STE. 21 DES PLAINES, IL 60018 847-299-4811 512123 St Stephen Protomartyr Church (A) 24/7 HELP ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made (Near Target and Allstate Arena) 7 TALK $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 7060 Mannheim Rd. Rosemont, IL $ .99 1300 Jefferson St. Suite 302 Des Plaines ........... Directory of 10% OFF Excelente Dentista Colombiana 20% Descuento Primer Exámen y Radiografías Aceptamos aseguranzas PPO Emergencias y Planes de Pago PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Online National All Hair Products Satisfaction Guaranteed As 685 Graceland Ave., Des Plaines, IL Se Habla Español 847-824-3536 The Most Complete Ballet Toe Tap Jazz Tumbling Character Best Work • Best Rate We Do All Call Bob Hahn 800.566.6170 Galina Dance Studio ED THE CARPENTER Family and Sedation Dentistry “Only the most personalized service.” Advertising here 847-699-9003 helps your parish Graham Hills & your business. Check It Out Today! ED THE PLUMBER A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Join us for our outdoor Wednesday Masses at 6pm. There will be no communion service in the morning. PARISH CONTACT 1253 Everett Ave. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday - Friday Saturday Sunday & Monday 847-824-2026 847-824-3842 (fax) 8:30-12 & 1-5PM 9:00AM to 1:00PM Closed CHURCH: 1280 Prospect Ave. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: Vigil Mass Sat: Sundays: 8:00AM 5:00PM 8:30AM & 10:00AM 12:00 PM - Spanish COMMUNAL MORNING PRAYER Mon-Sat 7:45AM ROSARY: Mon-Sat after daily Mass / Sun after 10am Mass CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:00-4:30PM and by appointment. NEW MEMBERS: Please register at the Parish Center. PARISH OFFICE STAFF: Rev. Noel Reyes Rev. Ronald Paulino, RCJ Rev. John Era, C.M. Mr. Bill Warmouth Mr. Tony Towey Mr. Don Telposky Sr. Alma Rosa Huerta Toni Olague Marieth Quintero Phyllis Rotondo Noreen Johnson Ezequiel Teran Daniel Roldan Andrzej Kasprzyk Pastor Associate Pastor Resident Deacon Deacon RTD Deacon Rel. Ed. Coordinator Rel. Ed. Assistant Music Director Bookkeeper Parish Secretary Receptionist Weekend Help Maintenance