st. mary catholic church iglesia católica de santa maría
st. mary catholic church iglesia católica de santa maría
ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SANTA MARÍA 1291 E. MADISON AVE ATHENS, TN 37303 NOVEMBER 10, 2013 Website: Email: PASTOR Rev. Randy Stice Secretary/Bookkeeper: Religious Education: Youth Ministers: Music Director: RCIA: Maintenance Engr. Parish Family Life Center Sissy Aparicio-Rascon / Rosey Fiegle Paulette Croteau Sue Granger Oneta Fioravanti Jack Cox Lou Dionne Betty Gabbard DAILY MASS: Wednesday 6pm, Friday 9am Last Wednesday: Adoration 6am—6pm Saturday: Confession 4:00—4:30 p.m. Mass 5pm Sunday: Mass 10:00 am & 1pm Spanish HOLY DAYS: 12 NOON AND 7 PM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: RCIA: SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: 745-4277 745-4277 506-7836 865-712-6819 836-2979 745-4277 746-9114 [email protected] Parish Office: 423 745-4277 Fax: 423-745-9706 Rectory: 423-745-0904 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5pm Friday 7:30 –11:30am Please submit your bulletin announcements by 12 noon Monday Those contemplating marriage should contact the pastor at least six months before the date of marriage. The Diocese requires a marriage preparation program. Weekend Engaged Encounter is required. Families registered and attending St. Mary, Athens wishing to prepare for the Baptism of an infant, are asked to call the Parish Office to sign up for a Baptismal Preparation class. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church are invited to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Please call the priest or the office if anyone in the family is sick and needs Anointing of the Sick or Holy Communion. THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—NOVEMBER 10, 2013 Parish Ministries Parish Family Life/ Children’s Liturgy Confirmation Program: Youth Ministry School Co-chair Youth Ministry Marriage Preparation: Liturgy: Co-chair Liturgy Scheduling Minister Website: Hispanic Ministry: Charitable Assistance: Social Action: Co-chair Social Action Table & Chairs: Ushers: Arts/Environment Connie Reed 368-5275 Vivian Brocato 462-2776 Rhoda Whitaker 744-3906 Sam & Vivian Brocato 462-2776 Sue Granger 506-7836 Kathy Porterfield 865-228-3416 Betty Gabbard 746-9114 Bill and Gail Buckley Erasmo and Zuni Hernandez 507-7568 Juan and Maria Sandoval 770-780-3890 920-0394 Mary Ollie Newman Thomas Fortsch, Jr. 745-3504 Connie Reed 368-5275 Scott Maentz 865-224-6779 Ester Brown 253-2750 Erasmo Hernandez 507-7568 Gladys Fortsch 745-3504 Betty Gabbard 746-9114 Jim Barrett Gloria Risko Call the office to make arrangements Mass Intentions 10am: 1pm: SUNDAY, November 10, 2013 +Lucien Dionne, Sr. from Lottie Dionne St. Mary Parish Family MONDAY, November 11, 2013 No Mass TUESDAY, November 12 2013 No Mass WEDNESDAY, November 13 2013 5—6pm Exposition and Adoration 6pm: +Aurelio Castro from Hugh & Connie Reed THURSDAY, November 14, 2013 9am: Mass at Retreat Center—Benton FRIDAY, November 15, 2013 9am: +Rhinda A Brock from Linda Nadeau SATURDAY, November 16, 2013 9am Mass at Retreat Center—Benton 5pm: +Dick McCartney from Marie McCartney Suggested Mass donation is $5.00. Call the office to schedule a Mass. Donación Mass sugerido es de $ 5.00. Llame a la oficina para hacer una misa. AUGUST– DECEMBER MASS SCHEDULE FOR BENTON RETREAT CENTER—MON, TUES, WED & FRI 11:15AM— THUR & SAT 9AM . (Open) NEW TO OUR PARISH— WE WELCOME YOU Parish Pastoral Council Melanie Fortuna -Chair: 745-0183 Mary Ollie Newman./Tommy Fortsch, Jr.—Worship/Spiritual Life Rick Kinser / Steven Tayloe—Building & Grounds Jim Rodgers/Dennis Hale - Communication Connie Reed / Vivian Brocato -Parish/Family Life James Barrett / Gloria Risko -Social Action Ester Brown / Erasmo Hernandez—Hispanic Ministry Sue Granger/ Kathy Porterfield- Youth Representative Paulette Croteau—DRE Finance Board: Lou Pascarella-Chair: 744-8180 Julia Marlow; Barb Bever; Javier Mora, Jr.; Ed Fiegle, Tom Moran Building Committee: Paul Kessler 745-6702 Ed Fiegle, Lou Dionne, Jim Rodgers, John Fortuna, Mary Guthrie, Cecilia Aparicio-Rascon NOV. 1, 2013 ALL SAINTS NOON—78 /7PM 25 NOV. 2, 2013 ALL SOULS NOON—35 NOV. 2/3, 2013 5PM 95 / 10AM 170/ 1PM 139 Remember St. Mary Church in your will. Please fill out a registration card and turn it into the office or drop it in the with the collection. Registration cards are located in slots on the left in the back of the Church, as you leave. Also let us know if you would like to receive donation envelopes and or Capital Campaign information., please call the office. NUEVO EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA-LES DAMOS LA BIENVENIDA Por favor, rellene la tarjeta de registro y convertirlo en la oficina o dejarlo caer en el de la colección. Las tarjetas de registro se encuentran en las ranuras de la izquierda en la parte posterior de la Iglesia, al salir. También, háganos saber si usted desea recibir sobres para donativos y la información que la Campaña de Capital., Por favor llame a la office Stewardship/Collections for November 1/2/3, 2013 Offertory (Envelopes/Checks) Loose Offering Children’s Collection Holy Day—All Saints All Souls Misc./Mass/Coffee/Candles/Riembrs. TOTAL BUDGET FOR WEEK SURPLUS + $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5387.25 376.60 10.00 690.00 270.00 572.05 7,305.90 5,882.00 1,423.90 NON-OPERATING FUNDS BUILDING FUND $ 20.00 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN THIS WEEK $ 2197.00 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN AS OF SUNDAY $ 531,250.00 GOOD SAMARITAN - (1/2 TO HOPE CENTER) $ 35.00 DIOCESAN DEACON FORMATION ($74.04) $ 699.04 SP COLLECTION MILITARY SERVICE $ 50.00 CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ($20.00) $ 20.00 ~Liturgical Ministries~ ~Weekend of November 16/17 ~ This Week in our Parish SUNDAY–NOVEMBER 10 5:00 pm: EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: J LISZESKI, M SILVA, SR., B GABBARD LECTORS: P TALMADGE, J BARRETT SERVERS: L SILVA, M SILVA USHERS: B McCUTCHEON, L NADEAU, O McLEMORE, E FIEGLE 10:00 am EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: A GRANGER K RODGERS, S BROCATO, M PASCRELLA, J MARLOW, V BROCATO, C REED LECTORS: L PASCARELLA, L PAUL SERVERES : G PAUL, J MARLOW USHERS: E BATES, B GLADISH, S TAYLOW, C RIEDEL 1:00 pm: MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA SAGRADA COMUNIÓN: L FERNANDEZ, A FERNANDEZ LECTORES: E MARTINEZ, J MEDINA SERVIDORES: A VARGAS, A VARGAS MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS: PRAYER CHAIN -Call Carole Webb, 744-7378 to add 11:15-12:45 CCD MONDAY—NOVEMBER 11 5:30-7:30 ENGLISH CLASS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 6:30 RCIA—PFLC 6:30 RCIC—CCD BUILD. 6:30—PARISH COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 5PM ADORATION 6:30 PM YOUTH MINISTRIES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10:30 –PRAYER GROUP– MULTI PURPOSE ROOM 6:30 PM—(VIRTUS TRAINING) - PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9AM - 3:30PM Catechetical Day Course 5 –PFLC TEAM 6 CLEANS AT 9AM someone to the prayer chain. If you would like to be prayed for or know of someone to pray for in confidence call the prayer chain. Names do not have to be listed. Sanctuary Flowers – This weekend are loving memory of —Lucien Dionne, Sr., from his loving Daughter, Paulette Please pray for the following/ Por favor oren por las siguientes: Ken Rice...Bill Kavanaugh...Judith Boyd...Arlene Faires…. Carolyn & Thomas Hicks... Mary Lou Paulli... Jerry Moates...Danielle DelCarlo...Jerry Lambert... Jeff Emitt... Nathan Simbeck...Debbie Morgan….Joyce Okray….Tom Fortsch, Sr….Ryan Thomas...Dianne Drescher....Mary Jo Bertolucci….Maxwell Rodgers….Lilly Roberti….Joyce Elliott….Lynda Delise…..Delores Ferrell….Raymond, Jennifer, Jake and Luke Shumate….. Gene and Ruth Robinson….Bob and Shirley Norris….Patrick Schwartz….Tom Moran…...Christopher Vasquez….. If you have a family member or know of any of our church members that are homebound and would like a pastorial visit or to receive Holy Communion or a bulletin delivered to them please call the office. Si usted tiene un familiar o conoce a alguno de nuestros miembros de la iglesia que están confinados en casa y me gustaría una visita pastorial o para recibir la Sagrada Comunión o un boletín que se les entregan, por favor llame a la oficina KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS –COUNCIL 8396 Business meeting: 1st Thursday every month in multipurpose room at 7 PM. For info contact Bill Risko @423-715-4310 or [email protected]. Croteau. SACTUARY FLOWERS—Sign up for flowers on the calendar that is set out. You are being asked for a $50.00 donation for a weekend arrangement. Thank you and God Bless. Sactuary FLORES-Regístrate para flores en el calendario que se expone. Se le pide una donación de $ 50.00 por un acuerdo de fin de semana. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. ———————————————————— The DRE Corner— DRE SCHOOL YEAR OFFICE HR DRE AÑO ESCOLAR HORARIO DE OFICINA TUES/Martes- WED/Miércoles-THURS/Jueves-10AM—2PM CCD 11:15—12:45/ clases de catecismo 11:15 am –12:45pm Faith also has to do with the lives of those men and women who, though not believers, desire to believe and continue to seek. To the extent that they are sincerely open to love and set out with whatever light they can find, they are already on the path leading to faith. Anyone who sets off on the path of doing good to others is already drawing near to God. November 14—6:30 PM– 9:30PM—(VIRTUS TRAINING) - PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS in the Narthex. Donation of $1.00 to offset cost of materials. No children under 18 will be allowed. Policy Change—If need to set a table up in the Narthex for your ministry you will need to call the office to be put on the schedule. There will only be one table a weekend. Reminder all pulpit announcements need to be turned into the office for approval by Wednesday. Father will do all announcements. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ November 9/10—SPECIAL COLLECTION—SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE. -The Archdiocese of Military Services is the largest archdiocese in the world and helps to ensure that all Catholic servicemen and women and families have access to the Sacraments, authentic Catholic education, and the spiritual guidance of a Catholic chaplain wherever they go. Because they receive no military or government financial assistance, they must instead rely upon the generosity of others to operate. ST. MARY ‘S ANNUAL SENIOR CITIZENS THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON—will be on Thursday, November 21st at 12noon. This is open for seniors from ages 55 and up from St. Mary Church. So that we have a good count for our cooks and bakers, please RSVP by Monday, November 18th. Please call Connie Reed at 368-5275, Vivian Brocato, 462-2776 or Ruth Robinson at 745-7455. Thank you all and God bless you. Parish and Family Life Committee ST. SENIOR ANUALES MARY 'S GRACIAS ALMUERZO-será el Jueves, 21 de noviembre a las 12 del mediodía. Esto está abierto para las personas mayores de 55 años de edad y hasta de St. Mary Church. Así que tenemos un buen número de nuestros cocineros y panaderos, confirmar su asistencia antes del lunes 18 de noviembre. Por favor llame al 368-5275 Connie Reed, Vivian Brocato, 462-2776 o al 745-7455 Ruth Robinson. Gracias a todos y que Dios los bendiga. Parroquia y Familia Comité de Vida ANGEL TREE 2013 REGISTRATION We are accepting names for the Angel Tree Outreach Program. This is for children whose families are facing financial difficulty. If you are in need or know a family in need please contact Holly Gates @ 315-256-4065 or the parish office. Registration ends Nov. 25th. ÁNGEL DEL ÁRBOL 2013 DE INSCRIPCIÓN Estamos aceptando nombres para el Programa de Extensión Angel Tree. Esto es para los niños cuyas familias se enfrentan a dificultades financieras. Si usted está en necesidad o conoce a una familia en necesidad por favor póngase en contacto con acebo Puertas @ 315-256-4065 o la oficina parroquial. Inscripción finaliza 25 de noviembre Visit THE DIOCESE OF KNOXVILLE WEBSITE WWW.DIOKNOX.ORG Second Collections for November 2013 Segunda Colectas para noviembre 2013 9/10TH—ARCHDIOCESE OF MILITARY SERVICES 16/17TH– GOOD SAMARITAN—HOPE CENTER 23/24TH—CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT —————————————————————— BISHOP’S APPEAL UPDATE 2013 APELACION DEL OBISPO ACTUALIZACIÓN 2013 Parish Goal/Meta Parroquial—$11,600.00 Total Committed/Total comprometido —$20,327 Collected to Date/Recogidos de Fech —$14,752 Remaining Balance/Saldo restante—$5, 575 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday, November 17, at the 10 am and 1 pm Masses we will celebrate the Mass for the Anointing of the Sick. Who can receive this sacrament? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived. If a sick person who received this anointing recovers his health, he can in the case of another grave illness receive this sacrament again. If during the same illness the person's condition becomes more serious, the sacrament may be repeated. It is fitting to receive the Anointing of the Sick just prior to a serious operation. The same holds for the elderly whose frailty becomes more pronounced.” This will be a special opportunity for us to pray for the sick of our parish and to celebrate the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as a community. Please plan to join us. Domingo, 17 de noviembre, a las 10 am y las 13:00 Misas se celebrará la Misa de Unción de los Enfermos. ¿Quién puede recibir este sacramento? Según el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, “La Unción de los enfermos no es un sacramento sólo para aquellos que están a punto de morir. Por eso, se considera tiempo oportuno para recibirlo cuando el fiel empieza a estar en peligro de muerte por enfermedad o vejez. Si un enfermo que recibió la unción recupera la salud, puede, en caso de nueva enfermedad grave, recibir de nuevo este sacramento. En el curso de la misma enfermedad, el sacramento puede ser reiterado si la enfermedad se agrava. Es apropiado recibir la Unción de los enfermos antes de una operación importante. Y esto mismo puede aplicarse a las personas de edad edad avanzada cuyas fuerzas se debilitan.” Esta será una oportunidad especial para que oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y para celebrar el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos en comunidad. Por favor haga planes para unirse a nosotros. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOCIAL ACTION—One again we will be collecting food for the needy Families in our area for Thanksgiving. Ushers will distribute shopping lists and foods will be collected as usual, please place food in the multi-purpose room. ACCIÓN SOCIAL Una vez más estaremos colectando comida para las familias necesitadas en nuestra área de acción de gracias. Ujieres distribuirá listas de la compra y los alimentos serán recogidos como de costumbre, por favor, coloque los alimentos en el salón de usos múltiples. Team 6 /equipo 6 — WILL CLEAN THE CHURCH ON Saturday, November 16, 2013 @ 9AM J PATUZZI P BURNETTE J O’CONNER D HAHN S&V BROCATO A HAMMON ** Pick up the keys at the office prior to cleaning** ——————————–—————-————————— SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR CHRISTMAS BIG CLEAN ON DECEMBER 7TH—MAKE THIS A FAMILY DAY LA FECHA DE NUESTRA NAVIDAD GRAN LIMPIEZA DE 7 DE DICIEMBRE, hacen de este un DÍA DE LA FAMILIA ————————————————————————_ Gimnasio de la Escuela del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Knoxville Ofrecido por: Rev. Andrés Cano, párroco asociado de la Cathedral Sacred Heart y Esteban ♥ Gloria Nolasco del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial en Georgia Donación: $10.00 por pareja (se recibirá al presentarse ese día e incluye el almuerzo). Habrá cuidado de niños: $ 5.00 por niño y $ 10.00 por 2 niños o más (incluye almuerzo). Inscríbase antes del 22 de noviembre llamando a la Oficina de la catedral con Rubianna: 865-588-0249s Marriage Enrichment in Spanish Saturday November 30, 9 am – 3 pm Sacred Heart School Gym, Knoxville Offered by: Rev. Andres Cano, associate pastor, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Esteban and Gloria Nolasco, members of World Marriage Encounter in Georgia Donation: $10 the couple. It includes lunch. There will be child care available: Cost $5 for one child, 10$ for two or more children. Please register before November 22 with Rubianna by calling the office of Sacred Heart Cathedral at 865-588-0249. __Dear Ladies of St. Mary's, On Thursday, October 24, we had an evening potluck gathering of wonderful ladies in the youth room. We know it is difficult for many of you to join us. You were thought of and prayed for. The next planned gathering is an Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 7th, starting in the a.m., at Christ Prince of Peace in Benton. Details to come. Service opportunity to get involved in before Thanksgiving: collecting items, maybe baking cookies, and mailing packages to our military family members. We will, also, send to those who have no family. Interested? Contact Sue Granger. ___On Saturday, October 26, St. Mary's hosted our annual Trunk or Treat. It is where parishioners, young and old, give an alternative for a safe, charitable Halloween; especially to our Athens community. We give great thanks to everyone who participated and supported this event!! We welcome those who missed it to come next year. Food, laughter, great costumes and beautiful fellowship was shared! ________________________________________ The next “Picture of Love” engaged couples retreat is Friday evening and all day Saturday, November 15/16, 2013, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Soddy Daisy. (10768 Dayton Pike (37379)) This marriage preparation program is Friday evening and all day Saturday. The “Picture of Love” retreat is a supplement to the couple’s marriage formation with their parish priest. The program is designed to help the couple gain a better understanding of the joys and challenges of living the sacrament of Matrimony in their day-to-day lives. Cost is $135.00 per couple. (The retreat certificate is good for a $60.00 discount on your marriage license.) The Retreat will start at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening and end at 10:00p.m. Saturday will start at 9:00 a.m. with a light breakfast and end with dinner at 6:00 pm. Mass will be included and you must attend the entire program to receive your certificate. For more information or to register, please contact Marian Christiana, Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment, at 423-892-2310 or by email at [email protected] CHILDREN’S SUNDAY LITURGY—DURING 10AM MASS. For children between the ages of 5-10 years old. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— With gratitude to God the people of the Divince Mercy Mission and Chaplin, Fr J. Hoan Dinh invite you to the Mass of Dedication for the New Church. Sunday, November 17th at 3PM 10919 Carmichael Road, Knoxville, TN. Celebrated by His Excellency The Most Revered Richard Sticka. Followed by a reception in the social hall. RSVP by 11/10/2013 to 865-591-4477 or e-mail tai [email protected] Notre Dame High School– Morning of Faith, Friends, Food and Fun! November 23, 9:30—11AM. For everyone, call 423-624-4618 or Linda Spangler at 423886-6067. Speaker is Sister Mary Agnes, O.P. who will topic will be of “The new Evangelization.” St. Joseph School—Knoxville 50th Anniversary. All former students and families invited to an Open House with Mass and dinner on November 23. Begins at 3pm with Bishop Stika celebrating Mass at 5pm followed by dinner. Cost $10 for dinner ticket RSVP to 865-689-3424. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SPAGHETTI & BINGO DINNER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9TH 6PM—? INCLUDES DINNER AND BINGO CARD $10.00 ADULT $5.00 (4-12) UNDER 3 FREE, FAMILY MAX $25.00