Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish of Campbell, Ohio


Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish of Campbell, Ohio
Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish
Cristo, el Buen Pastor
633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-3633 (Español)
(330)755-1367 (fax) •
The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments,
share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and
throughout the world.
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 18, 2016
The Second Vatican Council has called us to
envision the Church as the people of God. As a
community of believers we are responsible for our
brothers and sisters, their salvation, their journey of
faith, their physical well-being. Many of the
documents of Vatican II and volumes of work
since the mid-1960s give us advice, guidelines, and
encouragement to take care of one another: the
poor, the elderly, the unborn, the broken, the
Because Vatican II is part of our recent
history—indeed many of us were already born—
this may strike us as a new and revolutionary idea.
But today’s readings show us the agelessness of the
issue of social justice. Eight hundred years before
Christ was born, Amos warned the wealthy not to
cheat the poor. In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he
encourages all prayers to be for all people; and
finally, the Gospel urges the wise use of money.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. John the Baptist Church
159 Reed Ave.
Hall: (330)755-0036
St. Joseph the Provider Church
633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316
St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima
394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4141
All parish offices are located at
633 Porter Avenue. Campbell, OH 44405
330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm
[email protected]
Good Shepherd Campbell
MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details)
at St. Joseph the Provider
Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm
[with Confessions at 3:15pm]
Sunday: 9:30am - 12:00 Noon (Spanish)
Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service
Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass
at St. Lucy Church
Holy Days: (See inside)
La Esquina
This Sunday, we acknowledge Catechetical Sunday. I thank
those from the parish who commit themselves to instructing
our children in the faith. We ask God’s blessings upon you
this year!
The USCCB offers an explanation about Catechetical
“In 1935, the Vatican published On the Better Care and
Promotion of Catechetical Education, a document that asks
every country to acknowledge the importance of the
Church’s teaching ministry and to honor those who serve the
Christian community as catechists. For the first few years
after Catechetical Sunday was established, national
catechetical congresses were held in conjunction with the
celebration. Beginning in 1971, the USCCB’s Department of
Education began producing materials to help parishes
celebrate the event at the local level. When the Committee
on Catechesis, now named the Committee of Evangelization
and Catechesis, was named by the Conference as a standing
Committee, it continued to publish Catechetical Sunday
materials each year. The United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops has designated the third Sunday in
September as Catechetical Sunday.
Parents are truly the primary catechists of their children.
They prepare the soil and plant the first seeds of faith. On
Catechetical Sunday, we not only highlight the work of
catechists in parishes and schools, but we also commend
parents and guardians and encourage them to take seriously
their role of making their Catholic households a place where
faith is passed on to the next generation. This is why the rite
of blessing of catechists used on Catechetical Sunday
includes an optional blessing of parents and guardians.”
I pray that we all find ways to more effectively communicate
the faith.
God bless you,
Fr. Conoboy
Este Domingo, reconocemos Domingo Catequético. Doy
gracias a los feligreses que se comprometen a instruir a
nuestros hijos en la fe. Pedimos las bendiciones de Dios sobre
ellos este año!
USCCB ofrece una explicación sobre el Domingo Catequético:
“En 1935, el Vaticano publicó Sobre el mejor cuidado y
promoción de la educación catequética, un documento que
pide a todos los países reconocer la importancia del ministerio
de enseñanza de la Iglesia y honrar a aquellos que sirven a la
comunidad cristiana como catequistas. Durante los primeros
años después de establecerse el Domingo Catequético se
celebraron congresos catequéticos nacionales en conjunto con
la celebración. A partir de 1971, el Departamento de
Educación de la USCCB comenzó a producir materiales para
ayudar a las parroquias a celebrar el evento a nivel local.
Cuando el Comité sobre Catequesis, ahora llamado Comité de
Evangelización y Catequesis, fue nombrado por la Conferencia
como comité permanente, continuó publicando materiales para
el Domingo Catequético cada año. La Conferencia de Obispos
Católicos de los Estados Unidos ha designado el tercer
domingo de septiembre como el Domingo Catequético.
Los padres son verdaderamente los primeros catequistas de sus
hijos. Ellos preparan el suelo y siembran las primeras semillas
de la fe. El Domingo Catequético no sólo destacamos el
trabajo de los catequistas en las parroquias y escuelas, sino que
también encomendamos a los padres y tutores y los alentamos
a tomar en serio su papel de hacer de sus hogares católicos un
lugar donde la fe se transmite a la siguiente generación. Por
ello, el rito de bendición de los catequistas utilizado en el
Domingo Catequético incluye una bendición optativa de los
padres y tutores.”
Que Dios te bendiga,
Padre Conoboy
For all of us, who have young adults (those 21-39) in our lives…(Children, grandchildren, nieces/
nephews, friends, neighbors, etc.)
Now more than ever, young adults are struggling to remain in or rejoin the Church. We cannot have
conversation about evangelization without including this essential age group. What’s going on in their
lives that makes this so complicated? How can we approach them with love and care to welcome them
into the life of the Church?
Join us on Thursday, September 22 from 6-8pm at Bogey’s Riverside, as we start the conversation
as to how to lovingly engage our young adults in the life of the Church. We’ll share information, ideas,
and begin this important work of welcome.
The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass.
Saturday, September 17: Vigil for Sunday
4:00pm Lisa Valerio & Linda Applewick
(Valerio Family)
Edith Butch (Carol & Chuck Zamary)
Josephine & Albert Valerio (Daughters)
SUNDAY, September 18: 25th Ordinary Sunday
9:30am Mario & Gabriella Tataseo
(children, George, Anna Marie, Patricia)
Ciprian Ruiz (Esposa e Hijo Cipriano Ruiz)
Francisco Clas Sr. & Francisco Clas Jr.
(Ana Clas)
Antonia Pagan (husband, Frank)
Memorial Flames
at St. Joseph the Provider
Blessed Mother: Nadine Bednarik (husband, Gary
& sons, Vince & Nico)
Christ, the Good Shepherd: Janice Lalama (John,
Jane & Tom Orlo)
Divine Mercy: Mark Matvey (Family)
St. Anthony: Robby Kneuper (Liana, Bob & Anthony
Readings for the week of September 18:
Monday, September 19: St. Januarius
8:30am Communion Service
Tuesday, September 20: Sts. Andrew Tae-gon/Paul
Robby Kneuper (Liana , Bob & Anthony
Wednesday, September 21: St. Matthew
8:30am Mary Ann Danilov (Janice & Alexis BiejTych)
Thursday, September 22: Weekday
8:30am Mark Matvey (Family)
Friday, September 23: St. Pius of Pietreicina
8:30am John M. Kimock (Judge, Pat & Maleen
Saturday, September 24: Vigil for Sunday
4:00pm Nick Mistovich (M/M Fred Ramos)
Corena Tabak (son, John & Elaine Tabak)
SUNDAY, September 25: 26th Ordinary Sunday
9:30am Mary Anne Miles (husband, Sherman & son,
Ciprian Ruiz (Esposa e Hijo Cipriano Ruiz)
Please pray for the repose of the soul of
David Ramirez
May he be greeted in heaven with joy & celebration.
Our sympathy & prayers are with his family.
First Reading — The Lord never forgets the sins of
those who take advantage of the poor (Amos 8:4-7).
Psalm — Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor
(Psalm 113).
Second Reading —Pray to the Lord, who wants
everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:1-8).
Gospel — Be trustworthy in all things. Serve God, the
only master, not mammon (Luke 16:1-13 [10-13]).
Proverbs 3:27-34; Psalm 15; Luke 8:16-18
Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13; Psalm 119;
Luke 8:19-21
Wednesday: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13; Psalm 19;
Matthew 9:9-13
Thursday: Ecclesiastes 1:2-11; Psalm 90; Luke 9:7-9
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11; Psalm 144;
Luke 9:18-22
Ecclesiastes 11:9 — 12:8; Psalm 90;
Luke 9:43b-45
Amos 6:1a, 4-7; Psalm 146;
1 Timothy 6:11-16; Luke 16:19-31
Donations in Memory of
John Crnarich by
Alan & Kathleen Beaudis
Harold & Efi Yiannaki
John, Jane & Tom Orlo
Sunday, September 18: Catechetical Sunday
10:30am CCD First Class
10:30am St. John Cultural Society meeting
10:30am Holy Name Society meeting
Domingo, 18 de Septiembre:
10:30am Primera Clase de CCD
10:30am Reunión Sociedad Cultural St. John
10:30am Reunión Santo Nombre
Wednesday, September 21:
Food Pantry Palermo Center
St. John’s Food Sharing
10:00am Crochet Club
5:30pm Prayer Group
6:00pm St. Joseph Cultural Society meeting
Miércoles, 21 de Septiembre:
Banco de Comida Palermo Center
Banco de Comida St. John
10:00am Club de Crochet
5:30pm Grupo de Oración
Thursday, September 22:
Call to order Pierogi 8:30-11am 330.755.1316
Friday, September 23:
Pierogi call 7:00am 330.755.1316 Pick-up 12-2pm
Saturday, September 24:
10:00am Legion of Mary
Sunday, September 25:
CCD Classes
12 - 3:00pm Drive-thru Chicken Dinner
Open Gym grades 7-12
Drive-thru Chicken Dinner
sponsored by
Christ, the Good Shepherd
Holy Name Society
Sunday, September 25 from 12:00 - 3:00pm
St. Joseph the Provider
Take-out only
Cost $10.00
Tickets sold after Masses or any Holy Name
Society Member or call:
Dave 330.261.8838 or Chuck 330.718.2778
Pre-sale tickets only!
Thank You to everyone that made our Stuffed
Cabbage Dinner a great SUCCESS.
God Bless You!!! St. John Cultural Society
Christ, the Good Shepherd, Infant Jesus of Prague
Guild cordially invites you to attend a Mass in
honor of the Infant Jesus at St. Joseph:
Wednesday, October 12
Rosary 9:30am
Mass 10:00am
Luncheon to follow
No reservations required
Jueves, 22 de Septiembre:
Llamar ordenes Pierogi 8:30-11am 330.755.1316
Viernes, 23 de Septiembre:
Comienza la venta de Pierogi
Llame 7am 330.755.1316 Recogalos 12-2pm
Sábado, 24 Septiembre:
10:00am Legión de María
Domingo, 25 de Septiembre:
10:30am CCD
12-3:00pm Drive-thru Chicken Dinner
Open Gym grados 7-12
sponsored by Holy Apostles Parish,
SS Peter & Paul Croatian & St. Stephen
TODAY Sunday, September 18
421 Covington Street, Youngstown
$20.00 per dozen in foil pan
Orders due by: Tuesday, September 12
call: 330.270.1571 pick-up September 18
Three Tier Chinese Auction
St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church Hall
TODAY September 18
Doors open 12:00 Noon Auction begins 2:30pm
Admission $6.00 includes one tier raffle sheet
and lunch: Pasta Bowl, meatball, bread & butter.
This Auction will benefit the parish to help defray
costs for capital improvements
The 100th Anniversary of Holy Name of Jesus
Church will be celebrated on Saturday, October 1.
The Most Reverend George V. Murry S.J. Bishop
of Youngstown and Reverend Monsignor Peter M
Polando will celebrate the 4:00pm Mass at Holy
Name of Jesus Church, North Lakeview Avenue,
September 18, 2016--25th Ordinary Sunday
“No servant can serve two masters. He will hate one
and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the
other. You cannot serve God and mammon (wealth).”
LUKE 16:13
Is money a “god” that you put before God? Giving
money to support the Church and other charity is a pillar
of our Faith, just like attending Mass every Sunday and
participating in parish ministry. Giving money frees us
from being a slave to money and increases our
dependence on God and to trust that He will provide all
that we need.
"Ningún siervo puede servir a dos señores. Porque
aborrecerá a uno y amará al otro, o se apegará a uno y
despreciará al otro. No se puede servir a Dios y a las
riquezas."Lucas 16:13
¿Es el dinero un "dios" que se pone delante de Dios?
Dar dinero para apoyar a la Iglesia y otras caridades es
un pilar de nuestra Fe, así como asistir a misa todos los
domingos y participar en el ministerio parroquial. Dar
dinero nos libera de ser un esclavo del dinero y aumenta
nuestradependencia en Dios y confiar en que Él
proveerá todo lo que necesitamos.
Children: $27.00
Utilities/Main: $ 55.00
Second Collection: $310.00 Parish Food Pantries
2nd Collection for October 2nd Parish Ministries & Mission
Expense for Self-Insurance: $1,500.00 a week.
On-Line Giving is now available
Go to Web-Site
Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish
Your prayers are requested for the health and
well-being of the following parishioners:
Scott Anderson
Dorothy Baksa
Helen Ballas
Julia Beltz
Jim Bigley
Pat Bozichovich
Ted Braccolino
Danny Bullen
Lefty Butchko
Hannah Carnahan
Melissa Carnahan
Joseph & Ellen
Patti Centofanti
Pauline Ciccolelli
Ed Cook
Nilda Cruz
Veronica Domko
Gabriall Daves
Frances DelRae
Ana Diaz
Mary Dirienzo
Mary Lou Dubaj
Shirley Dunlap
Michael Esposito
Ray Fabian
Ken Fleming
Bernie Flowers
Mark Furman
William Galluppi
Bob Gatti
John Gerlick
Frances Gregor
Iraklis Grillis
Norma Gonzalez
Lucy Hames
Bobby Hames
John Hames
John Hamley
Anne Hornak
Ann Hudak
Hunter Johnson
Elizabeth Jean
Dick Kajut
Betty Kajut
Edith Kelly
Ken Kish
Mary Kominak
Angelina Koval
Kevina Koval
Nicholas Krut
Dr. James Lazor
Jennifer Lazor
Mary Leshinsky
John Lissi
Timothy Lomen
Rita Makatura
Joe Makosky
Hannah Marsh
Kay Marshall
Mary Mazzocca
Jackie & Bruce
Emillio Miconi
Leo Miranda
Joe Montella
Barbara Montella
Darren Patterson
Marge Mraz
Mike Mularchik
Helen & Ed
Jane Orlo
John Orlo
Tom Orlo
Dave Parsons
Brian Pascarella
Antionette Pennel
Walter Perez
Linda Perry
Faith Perry
Wealey & Wyatt
Fr. Steve
Andy Rauzan
Sandy Redeske
Thomas Repasky
Dolly Rich
Ann Rivalsky
Carmen Rivera
Tootsie Rivera
John Roberts
Dorene Roloff
Paul Romeo
Ann Romun
Andrea Ruscitti
Gina Sacco
Jerry Sacco
Carmen Santiago
Betty Schlosser
Barbara Schlosser
Wesley Scott Sr.
Freddie Seitz
Marina Serrano
Jon Shabella
Helen Shiller
Robert Sikora
Patti Snitzer
Darlene Stellmar
Diane Stamos
Steve Stamos
Dorothy Stellmar
Shirley Szilagy
Dave Tabor
Jim Tabor
Chip Taylor
Cindy Timko
Mary Ann
Hannah Tringhese
Priscilla Turscak
Mary Uhrain
Ed Uhrain
Diane Varady
Crissi Vallus
Suzanne Morales
Helen Wacht
Edward Wacht
Billy Walter
Dorothy Walter
Eddie Walter
Paul White, Sr.
Linda Wright
Fr. Howard
Rudy Zura
Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes.
Please look over the list of names and if anyone has died or
know longer is in need of prayers let the office know.
Open Gym
Sunday, September 25
Elementary CCD
Classes for the 2016-17 school year resume
Sunday, September 18 from 10:30am - 12:00 noon
in the Faith Formation Center.
If you have NOT yet registered your child,
please do so as soon as possible. Registration
forms are available in the church, at the parish
office, or by calling Marge O’Malley
330.755.4141. Only students new to the
program need to register.
Please remember that two years of religious
education are needed for a child to receive the
sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist,
and that on-going attendance is necessary to
receive Confirmation in grade 8.
The rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for
adult parishioners or non-parishioners wanting to
receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and/
or Confirmation, or for any adult interested in
learning more about our Catholic Faith.
Sponsors are also needed for RCIA to give
support and encouragement to those interested in
becoming Catholic.
Meetings are held from September through
Lent, with sacraments received at the Easter Vigil.
For more information, please call Marge
O’Malley 330.755.4141
Help support the things the Holy Name Society
does for our parish by joining the 300 Club.
sponsored by the Holy Name Society. Have a
great evening out and a chance to win $2,500.
The cost is only $60 and you have until
October 30 to pay it in full. This year’s dinner
is November 12, 2016. Tickets are available
after Masses on weekends or contact any HNS
Basketball - Volley Ball
Corn hole - Ping Pong
Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish
633 Porter Avenue, Campbell
All are welcome from Grades 7-12
Co-sponsored by
Christ, the Good Shepherd &
St. Angela Merici Parishes
For more information call
330.755.4141 or 330.747.6080
Fr. Popovich Cardinal Cuisine
Friday, September 30 at 7:00pm
Cardinal Mooney Cafeteria, Erie Street
15 food vendors for you to sample
Tickets $25.00 available at the school or door.
All benefits support Fr. Popovich Scholar
Fund and Cardinal Mooney Academic Assistance
For more info call 330.788.5007
Steak Fry
Hosted by: St. Vincent de Paul Society
When: October 8th
Where: St. Christine’s Parish Center
Time: 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Admission: $25.00 per person
Ticket payments are to be made by September 29
Roosevelt Park
Sept. 22 - John Grahovac
Sept. 29 - Little Rock Band
Gary & Debbie Parker
The Roman Catholic Diocese of
Youngstown is in the process of implementing
the VIRTUS Program as its primary platform
for Safe Environment training. This
internationally known and well respected
program specializes in assisting dioceses
throughout the world in creating safe
environments for children and vulnerable adults.
VIRTUS assists the diocese in efforts to
recognize and prevent child sexual abuse.
With the implementation of VIRTUS, the
Most Reverend George V. Murry, S.J., Bishop
of Youngstown, has appointed retired Detective
Sergeant Delphine Baldwin-Casey, Bictim
Assistance Coordinator and Monsignor John A.
Zuraw, as the Coordinator of the Safe
Environment Program, effective September 6,
Persons who feel that they have been a
victim of child abuse by a priest, deacon,
seminarian, religious, including those in
formation, diocesan employee or volunteer, and
persons who have reason to suspect that
someone they know has been a victim, should
call the Victim Assistance Coordinator Det.
Sergeant Delphine Baldwin-Casey at
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Wednesday, September 21
Presenters: The Most Rev. George Murry
Jim Tobin, Catholic Conference of Ohio
Associate Director, Social Concerns
Afternoon Session:
St. Michael Parish, Canfield, Social Hall
300 N. Broad Street, Canfield 1:00-4:00pm
Check-in and refreshments, 1:00 -1:30pm
Evening Session:
St. Michael Archangel, Canton
Helman Center 3430 St. Michael Blvd. Canton
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Ukrainian Festival
sponsored by
St. Anne’s Ukrainian Church
Kirk Road, Austintown
Sunday, September 25 Noon - 6:00pm
Kiev Ukrainian Dance Ensemble of Carnegie PA.
Ukrainian Music by the Zaps Orchestra
Polka Music by Jack Vasko Orchestra
Basket Auction & Raffles
Pyrohy, Kielbasi/Sauerkraut, Borscht, Holupki,
Haluski, Kolachi & other baked goods
Admission $2.00
Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide
Tuesdays, September 27, October 4, 18, & 25
7:00 to 8:30 pm
St. George Parish Hall
271 W. Chestnut Street, Lisbon
All divorced Catholics are welcome to attend
No cost. to ensure your space, or for more info
contact the Office of Pro-Life
Marriage & Family Life 330.744.8451 ext. 272
Pat 330.853.0937
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Austintown
Thursday, September 29, 7:00-9:00pm
A 12 week course/discussion group for those who are
going through or have gone through a separation or
divorce. We can only accept a limited number of
participants at this time. Contact Jim at
[email protected] to reserve your spot, or visit the
IHM website,
for more information and to register online. You may
also call 330.793.9988. There is a $35.00 fee for nonparishioners, scholarships are available. Childcare is
provided upon request.
Senior Corps RSVP
The RSVP program invites retired and senior
volunteers, ages 55+, to volunteer in their community,
helping in a variety of ways! The program is flexible,
and does not require a minimum amount of hours
(giving volunteers freedom to volunteer based on their
schedules), provides supplemental health and car
insurance to volunteers as an extra buffer while giving
their time, and for those volunteers that have the time
to volunteer, but are worried about the cost of gas-- our
program can assist with mileage reimbursement.
Call Kasey 330.480.0352 for more information.